阅读理解:smoking is a habit thatisallright closely的翻译

>>>阅读理解 1The goal here is to limit carbon dioxide and other..
&&&& &&&&&1The goal here is to limit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which are closely associated to the big problem of global-warming. &&&& Strategy 1: Bring your own cup to Starbucks&&&& You’ll get a 10 cent discount, and it’s one less paper cup to end up in a landfill. While& you’re &there, pick up some free bags of spent coffee grounds to use as ‘‘green’’ fertilizer in your garden. &&&& The payoff:&&& &&2&&&&&&&& Strategy2: Turn off your computer&&&& When in standby mode, your PC is still using energy.&&&&3&&&&&&& &&&& The payoff: Turning off a monitor for 40 hours a week may only save $ 5 a month, but it reduces CO2 by 750 pounds&&&& Strategy 3: Reuse plastic bags&&&& Instead of throwing away 100 billion plastic bags a year, try and get a second, third, or tenth use out of them. Better yet, next time you shop, try a reusable bag. &&&& The payoff:&&&&&4&&&& The amount of oil it would take to make just 14 plastic bags would run your car for one mile. &&&& Strategy4: Use recycled paper in the bathroom&&&& Most of the toilet paper we use is made from trees found in forests previously untouched by humans. &&&& The payoff: If every household replaced one roll of toilet paper with a recycled one, 424000 trees would still be standing. Look for eco paper towels too. &&&& Strategy5: Buy energy-efficient appliances(电器)Replace the old fridge with an Energy Star appliance and you’ll use 15 percent less energy.&&&&&5&&&&&&&& The payoff: If we all used one Energy Star appliance at home, it would be like planting 1. 7 million acres of new trees.
A. You can be proud of yourselves, even if you can only make one or two of these green changes.B. Adding green to your garden is beautiful and earth-pleasing.C. It might be a little expensive to buy, but you’ll save money on your electricity bills and help the environment.D. In fact, 75 percent of electricity used in your home comes from electronics that are turned off.E. You’re reducing pollution.F. The store won’t create more waste when they throw away a cup.G. Just one tree will help make cleaner air and save the environment from 5000 pounds of hot carbon dioxide each year.
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解 1The goal here is to limit carbon dioxide and other..”主要考查你对&&健康环保类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
健康环保类文章常是介绍科学知识、生活常识和环境保护方面的短文。体裁有记叙文、 说明文、议论文和各种应用文。 健康环保类文章阅读技巧:
&&&&&&&健康环保类文章常是介绍科学知识、生活常识和环境保护方面的短文。阅读此类短文要以现象或事物为中心进行思考,理解现象产生的原因、条件和客观规律等。同时要抓住事物的特征、用途和相互关系等。科普环保类文章一般为说明文,从结构上看大致可分为三个部分:&&&&&& 第一部分一般是文章的首段,主要用来提出文章的主题,即文章想要阐述、说明的主要内容;&&&&&& 第二部分是文章的主体,可由若干个段落组成,对文章的主题进行展开说明;&&&&&& 第三部分是结尾段,对文章的主题进行归纳总结。这类文章多用一般现在时,而且一般多使用客观性词语表述。有时为了强调客观性,也常使用被动语态。&&&&&& 从近几年的考试题来看,科普环保类的文章越来越与人们的实际生活相接近。由于此类文章缺乏故事情节,很多同学对此类文章感到费解。但一般的科普类文章都是就事论事,需要逻辑推理和想象的时候较少,因此此类阅读题也没有同学们想象中的那么难,只要多加训练,就能较好地答题。【阅读策略】 1、概要(Summarizing):&&&&&&阅完材料后,将所阅材料浓缩,摘要,做出所阅材料的书面或口头梗概。 2、组织(Organization):&&&&& 阅读后根据阅读内容,识别观点、人物、事件之间的关系以及文章的结构关系。如:时间关系、比较或对比关系、相关关系及因果关系等。
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阅读理解:smoking is a habit thatis closely的翻译
这句话感觉没完吧?“抽烟是一种紧密地... ...的习惯”。
出门在外也不愁&&& Long, long ago the Mouse King had a beautiful daughter. When she was old enough to be married, he called together the oldest and cleverest mice to talk about it.
&&& “My daughter,” He said, “is far too beautiful to marry just anybody. I have decided to marry her to the greatest thing in the world. Now, who shall it be?”
&&& “The sun,” the first mouse said at once, “is the greatest thing tin the world. It shines over the whole world.”
&&& “Why, then, I shall marry her to the sun,” said the Mouse King.
&&& “But,” said the second, “a cloud can cover the sun.”
&&& “Then, she must be married to the cloud.”
&&& “But,” said the third, “the rain breaks through the clouds and puts an end to them.”
&&& “That is true. I must marry her to the rain.”
&&& “But,” cried the fourth, “no matter how hard the rain falls, it cannot wash away the trees.”
&&& “Then she must be the tree’s wife.”
&&& “But,” shouted the fifth, “a strong wind can blow down the trees.”
&&& “Very true. Then the wind must be her husband.”
&&& “But,” remembered the sixth, “no matter how hard the wind blows, it cannot blow away the earth.”
&&& “Then I must marry him to the earth.”
&&& “But,” called out the seventh, “the earth is covered by the wooden floors of men’s houses.”
&&& “Then she shall marry the wooden floor at once.”
&&& “But,” the last said slowly, “no matter how strong the wooden floor is, a mouse can bite his way through it.”
&&& “It is clear that a mouse is the greatest thing in the world,” the happy Mouse King said, with a smile on his face.
&&& And that was why the Mouse king’s daughter married a mouse at last.
1. How many mice are mentioned in the passage?
&&& A. Eight&&&&&&&&&& B. Nine&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Ten&&&&&&&&& D. Three
2. Which mouse had a beautiful daughter?
&&& A. The old one&&& B. The cleverest one&& C. The first one&& D. The Mouse King
3. Who thought the wind should be the daughter’s husband?
&&&&A. The second mouse& B. The fourth mouse&& C. The fifth mouse&& D.&Both A and C
4. What was the result?
&&&&A. There was no result.& B. All those would be the daughter’s husbands.
&&&&C. The daughter would be married to a mouse.&& D. The daughter would live alone.
5. Why was the result so?
&&&&A. Because all the mice agreed.&&& B. Because all the mice wanted to have a rest.
&&&&C. Because the Mouse King thought a mouse was the greatest thing in the world.
&&& D. Because the daughter was glad.
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