What level ofpre qualificationn is expected?什么意思

去年出国前就办了张民生的澳元卡,本来也没指望这卡有多大用处,都是听说刷卡不用手续费,所以留着备用。但有句话说的好:人有三急。总是会因为这样那样的事情导致经济危机,随后在我的各种试验下,终于领会了这张卡的功能。我就按照各个方面来说明:1)&刷卡&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&这张卡里面有两个账户&人名币帐户+澳币帐户&&顾名思义就是一个存的人民币&一个存的澳币&只要里面有钱&都可以刷卡消费,选择credit 通道。&默认顺序是先扣澳币帐户的澳元,然后扣完之后,不足的由人名币帐户按照当日的汇率转换为澳元扣。&你只要刷卡签名走人就行。没有手续费。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2)取现&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& VISA通道&&在澳洲WESTPAC ANZ COMMONWEALTH 几家银行&直接按密码取款(走的是visa)选择saving&&也就是说它扣的是你澳元的帐户。手续费是交易金额的1%(最低是2刀,最高10刀)+各家银行的手续费2~3刀不等。但每天的限额是1000美金,也就是说按现在的汇率900左右的澳币可以取。例如:你取900刀&手续费是:9刀+2~3刀。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&银联通道&&&目前有银联通道的是7-11的便利店和NAB的ATM &&&可是7-11我一直不成功&我这里就没办法介绍了& NAB的ATM机上&会直接显示出人民币帐户中的人名币&按照当日汇率兑换为澳元的情况。比如你有6500RMB 在NAB机子上显示为1000刀。这时候也是输密码取现&选SAVING通道&&能取20和50刀倍数的纸币,手续费:15元人名币&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3)网上支付&支持人名币帐户国内的网上支付&不支持澳元帐户的境外网上支付&(也就是说你开通网上支付功能&可以在国内淘宝&拍拍上购物&充值&转账)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4)cashout &&在澳各大商铺&超市均不支持民生澳元卡cashout&因为和澳洲银行没有结算关系&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&总结:这张卡&如果在你出国前已经换好大量澳币&那就小部分随身带&大部分存澳币帐户&&&&&&&&&&&&汇率太高的情况下&可以不换澳币&就把人名币存入人名币帐户&待汇率低的时候再取现使用或者刷卡消费&只要你是个有心人&关注时时汇率&&&&&&&&&&把身份证留给爸妈&在国外用不到&紧急时刻&爸妈用你的身份证+你的卡号就能在国内给你存款&因为是存款是即时到帐的,还没有手续费。&&&&&&&&&&开通网上支付功能&&你有支付宝的话&可以让这张民生澳元卡成为支付宝提现的卡,这样你有网上交易,或是帮朋友代购东西,他们只要把钱打入你的支付宝,你再提现到你的民生卡,就行了,因为出去消费就自动转换啦。。。基本上这张卡我就这点心得,不知道能否帮助到各位,第一次写心得的帖子,肯定有很多不足,如有错误希望大家指正,帮助到后来的人。谢谢啦~~:victory:&&&&===========至于签字还是密码,是和选择的通道有关的。简单说就是如果它刷卡走了银联,那就会让你输入密码,如果走了visa/master,那就只要签字不用密码。和在哪个国家哪个商户刷卡无关的。&&&&===========我这次澳洲行刷卡用的全部是民生澳元信用卡,只要是商家说可以刷卡,就没有出现不能刷的情况,很好用。但最好是在刷卡时不要用密码,而用签字。用密码就自动转换成人民币了,不好判断刷卡金额是否与所消费的金额相同。有一次商家没有问,就直接选择让我用密码,我感到很奇怪,国外刷信用卡一般都不用密码的,但还是输入了,随后手机短信显示的是人民币消费,也不知道为什么。之后我每次刷卡都强调用签字,这样手机短信显示的就是与签单数目相同的澳元了。&&&&
hanyue112 发表于 7-6-DIAC一直只承认SKILLED。并且还需要达到SKILL LEVEL。DIAC不用发布任何新消息,就可以扣减--你说对了,但是移民局对于怎样认定skilled,是要参照职业描述的门槛的。至今为止,移民局描述的,计算机行业的职业的门槛基本还是本科及以上学历,并没有附加两年,所以矛盾在这里!描述里只有模糊地说,In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。至于是哪些情况下要求,没有说清,的确是让人非常confused.--是的&但是DIAC没说会严格按照ACS的标准来定Skill level DIAC只是参考ACS作为意见DIAC自己对skill level 目前看来是你紧密相关学位后工作经验都算 DIAC自己官网上有说明--hanyue112SKILL LEVEL不够,用VENDOR CERT补也好还是用5年补也好,是SKILL LEVEL的要求。现在ACS改了,说达到summary of criteria以后才算SKILLED,是SKILLED EMPLOYMENT的要求。这两个要求应该是AND的关系,不是OR。22.1 When is an applicant skilledSkilled on basis of educational qualificationsAn applicant is taken to be capable of undertaking work at a skilled level only after they have met the entry level requirements for that occupation.If the entry level prescribed for the applicant’s nominated occupation is a certain qualification only work undertaken after the applicant has completed that qualification will be counted as skilled employment.是有这么回事。。。但是。。。22 Employment must be skilledFor employment to be considered ‘skilled’ it must meet two requirements:1.that it was undertaken after the applicant met the entry level requirements for that occupation (that is, completed a sufficient level of study or amount of on-the-job training) and2.that it involved duties at the level of depth and complexity expected in Australia.In assessing both factors, case officers should have regard to ANZSCO.&For occupations for which ANZSCO does not provide adequate guidance, case officers should consider the requirements set by the relevant assessing authority.还有。。。22.2 Skilled after on the job trainingThe three main occupations for which on the job training can be used to obtain a suitable skills assessment are the trades, management positions and IT professionals.As these applicants do not have an identifiable date of registration or completion of their formal studies, the assessing body will normally prescribe a date as of which the applicant is assessed as meeting the Australian standard for the occupation.If this date has not been identified by the assessing authority, a case officer should have regard to ANZSCO in the first instance or where ANZSCO is silent, the guidelines used by the relevant assessing authority, to determine how long a person would need to work in that occupation before they would be considered to meet the Australian entry level requirement.所以目前很不乐观。-----谢谢&你引用的信息&我有些个人的理解&标注如下&仅供参考22 Employment must be skilledFor employment to be considered ‘skilled’ it must meet two requirements:1.that it was undertaken after the applicant met the entry level requirements for that occupation (that is, completed a sufficient level of study or amount of on-the-job training) and2.that it involved duties at the level of depth and complexity expected in Australia.In assessing both factors, case officers should have regard to ANZSCO.&For occupations for which ANZSCO does not provide adequate guidance, case officers should consider the requirements set by the relevant assessing authority.=====&这里针对ANZSCO does not provide adequate guidance:大部分的ICT Occupation Code在ANZSCO描述里提供了guidance:Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI)&举例 261313 software-engineer Skill levelThis occupation has a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification.&&&--Formal qualificationAt least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification.&--如果没有Formal qualification,&如何替代In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification&(ANZSCO Skill Level 1).&&--某些情况下,光Formal qualification还不够,Like SummitLegal 所说,这里什么是some instances某些情况下,不清楚,不过这个应该属于个别案例CO的不同处理,不是针对群体所有。&========还有。。。22.2 Skilled after on the job trainingThe three main occupations for which on the job training can be used to obtain a suitable skills assessment are the trades, management positions and IT professionals.As these applicants do not have an identifiable date of registration or completion of their formal studies, the assessing body will normally prescribe a date as of which the applicant is assessed as meeting the Australian standard for the occupation.If this date has not been identified by the assessing authority, a case officer should have regard to ANZSCO in the first instance or where ANZSCO is silent, the guidelines used by the relevant assessing authority, to determine how long a person would need to work in that occupation before they would be considered to meet the Australian entry level requirement.所以目前很不乐观。======&这里针对标题22.2 Skilled after on the job training:通过on-the-job training来获得skilled,也可以是属于前面说的'some instances'。&另外好像也是特别针对于那些通过RPL方式职业评估的应征者。&也就是下列二种情况申请人:1)RPL申请人&-&就是说申请人的学历学位可能不是ICT major或者没有Formal qualification,通过其他方式来代替的2)&&在'Some instances'范畴里的申请人&-&这部分人可能拥有Formal qualification,但是还是被要求‘relevant experience’ and/or ‘on-the-job training’,不过应该属于个案申请人,不是所有群体&======总结:目前来看&似乎这些skilled employment可能更多是针对一些非ICT major Formal qualification的申请人或者RPL申请人,要么是对非群体的特别个案under 'some instances'.这些还都是些个人理解和解读&具体还是看DIAC官方是否有7.1.2013新政措施或者明白的官方说明。==========================http://skillselect.govspace.gov.au//points-for-skilled-employment/This information explains the Skilled Employment factor within the points test and how to claim points in your Expression of Interest (EOI).When you claim points for this factor in your EOI, and you are invited to apply, you must be able to provide evidence you met the requirements of this factor at the time of invitation.& Further information on evidence that you must provide is available in .Skilled employmentYou can receive up to 20 points for employment experience in a skilled occupation, gained over the past ten years either in or outside of Australia.To claim points for skilled employment, the experience that you claim must be in your nominated occupation, or in a closely related occupation.You can claim points for both Australian skilled employment and overseas skilled employment and this may be from a combination of both Australian and overseas employment experience provided it was undertaken in the last 10 years.The maximum number of points that can be awarded for Australian or overseas employment experience or combinations of both is 20 points.&What is skilled employment?For employment to be considered skilled it must meet the following requirements:the employment must have in your nominated occupation or a closely related occupation.the employment was undertaken after you met the entry level requirements for that occupation (that is, completed a sufficient level of study or amount of on-the-job training). If the entry level prescribed for your nominated occupation is a certain qualification only work undertaken after you have completed that qualification will be counted as skilled employmentthe relevant Assessing Authority which undertook your skills assessment may also provide an opinion on your skilled employment experience.& You should check with your relevant assessing authority about documents that have to be provided to allow them to provide an opinion about your skilled employment.& You must provide the department with copies of all the documents that you provide your assessing authorities, when you are invited to apply.you must have been paid for working in this nominated occupation or a closely related occupation for at least 20 hours a week.& Working for at least 20 hours a week means 20 hours each week and not irregular periods that average out to 20 hours a week over a year.Any periods of skilled employment must have been undertaken at the required skill level. For example, a person who works 4 years as a bookkeeper while undertaking accounting studies, then qualifies as an accountant as specified by an accounting body, then works 2 years as an accountant can only claim 2 years skilled employment in the nominated occupation of Accountant.What does ‘closely related’ mean?Any periods of employment in a closely related occupation must be undertaken at the relevant skill level of the nominated occupation.& This means employment that you claim to be ‘closely related’ to your nominated occupation must be:a)&& in the same Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) Unit Group. For example, the occupations of Management Accountant and Taxation Accountant are in the same group, orb)& consistent with a plausible career advancement pathway. For example, Accountant to Chief Financial OfficerFurther information on occupation information, skill level and ANZSCO unit groups are available on the department’s website at:&To claim points in your EOI for Skilled Employment, you must:In the Employment part of your EOI, you should indicate your employment history, including dates you started and finished, employer name, position and country it was undertaken in.For each employment undertaken in the last 10 years that is related to your nominated occupation or a closely related occupation, select “Yes” to the question,&“Is this employment related to your nominated occupation?”&==========================/forum/showthread.php?t=799241&&&&&&&&&&Deeming Dates for Skilled Applications - Australian Computer Societyby Reg. Migration AgentIt has just come to our attention that starting last month the ACS has begun inserting a deeming date on its skills assessments, see &.The significance of this is that the DIAC guidelines as to when an applicant is &skilled& will probably be affected.Copying that material below:22.2 &&&& When is an applicant skilledSkilled on basis of educational qualificationsAn applicant is taken to be capable of undertaking work at a skilled level only after they have met the entry level requirements for that occupation.If the entry level prescribed for the applicant’s nominated occupation is a certain qualification only work undertaken after the applicant has completed that qualification will be counted as skilled employment.For example to be a Systems Analyst, ANZSCO states that the entry level requirement is a bachelor degree or a higher qualification or at least 5 years relevant experience. If an applicant had worked in a systems analyst role while completing their bachelor degree, only the work undertaken after the academic requirements of the bachelor degree had been met would count as skilled employment - see section 23 Working while studying.22.3 &&&& Skilled after on the job trainingThe three main occupations for which on the job training can be used to obtain a suitable skills assessment are the trades, management positions and IT professionals.As these applicants do not have an identifiable date of registration or completion of their formal studies, the assessing body will normally prescribe a date as of which the applicant is assessed as meeting the Australian standard for the occupation.If this date has not been identified by the assessing authority, a case officer should have regard to ANZSCO in the first instance or where ANZSCO is silent, the guidelines used by the relevant assessing authority, to determine how long a person would need to work in that occupation before they would be considered to meet the Australian entry level requirement.Importance of this date for visa purposesThe date an applicant met the Australian entry level requirement for their occupation, as prescribed by the assessing body or determined in accordance with the guidelines above, is the date from which an applicant can acquire skilled work experience in that occupation. Until that time, the applicant is in fact learning the job, albeit while on-the-job. They cannot therefore normally be assessed as performing the job at a skilled level.For example, ANZSCO provides that in relation to Software and Applications Programmers, the entry level requirement is either a bachelor level qualification or 5 years work experience (or relevant vendor certification may substitute for the formal qualification). If an applicant applied for a GSM visa and nominated a suitable occupation from the Unit Group Software and Applications Programmers, but had no formal qualification, the case officer would, on the basis of ANZSCO, only consider work after the applicant had been working in that occupation for 5 years to be at a skilled level. This means only work undertaken after working in that occupation for 5 years would be considered towards meeting the requirements for the award of points for the Overseas employment, Australian employment, Occupation in demand or the Partner skills factors.cheers,George Lombard__________________Migration Agent Registration Number 9601056george[at]austimmigration[dot]com[dot]au Associate Fellow Migration Institute of Australia----------Just Joinedhi,George LombardI'm wondering if I use the old ACS result, which has no deeming date, will DIAC say yes to me? It is terrible to wait for another two years..And the ACS result letter said I have 4years 11months skilled experience, can I cailm 5years to DIAC? Since I still work in the same company and do the same work. I can't submit new ACS assessment, because the &deeming date & will cut me 2 years..Thanks for your help!-----------Dear HH and others just tuning in,I have asked our professional association the Migration Institute of Australia to get some clarity from DIAC about this, but there is a significant problem that any assessing body can define the occupations it assesses in whatever way it wants, pursuant to reg.2.26B of the Migration Regulations.&&One possible application of the deeming date approach would be to only use it for RPL applications, depending on how you choose to interpret the DIAC guidelines copied above.& In the meantime people will need to reach their own conclusions or accept some risks.Cheers,George Lombard__________________Migration Agent Registration Number 9601056george[at]austimmigration[dot]com[dot]au Associate Fellow Migration Institute of Australia================
Originally Posted by kremaI think I overlooked something.&If you choose 261313 for ACS but you are more fit to 261311, do you think ACS will still credit you under that code you filed (261313) and will advise that 261311 is suited for you with positive result?-------------I believe they do this. See below post. I remember seeing in couple of other posts also.------------Hi Cartisol,&yes, I got assessed against ANZSCO 261313 (Software Engineer). I have a Software Engineering degree and currently work at the department of Sofware Engineering at our university, so the code selection was easy for me. 261312 (Developer Programmer) is pretty similar, but you might wish to take other aspects (possible state sponsorship etc.) into consideration.Have a look at this great thread:&I think that the procedure regarding ANZSCO code change varies. If ACS thinks that your education and experience would fit another codesometimes they just change it:&sometimes they tell you that you are unsuitable to get assessed for X but would you perhaps like to change to Y. I cannot find the threads/posts right now, but I remember seeing a couple...they could also just send you a negative reply. The first two options are really just based on the goodwill of the assessor/CO.&Bottom line: Make sure that you submit a strong application that fits the occupation code as closely as possible (for instance by preparing templates for the reference letters in ACS format yourself).&Hope that helps,&Monika&&&&
ACS的guideline已经更新为2013版本了注意:以下内容仅为本人的两种不同理解&他们是互相矛盾的&仅供您参考观点1:这次ACS 2013版内容除了排版有变化,最大的变化当数 EMPLOYMENT 这里,提到了一个新出来的文件&里面详细规定了ACS如何认定你算是达到了skilled level的所谓skilled employment对于这个pdf,举个例子:ACS的要求是&如果你是国内学历&你是ICT Major 你在紧密职业code相关工作2年&此时你算是达到了skilled level employment ACS会在result letter上这么写:&自此以后的工作经验时间才被认定为是到达了相应skilled level的employment时间,而且和提名职业相关。ACS result letter 原文:The following employment after XXXX 20XX&(&-前面说的累积满2年的时间点)is considered to equate to work at an appropriately skilled level and relevant to 263111 (Computer Network and Systems Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.(注:ACS的result letter格式也最近发生了变化,以前不是上面那样写的&以前同样的位置是写:Your work experience has been calculated as follows on the basis of full time employment of at least XXhrs per week)比如一个中国本科生&计算机科学与技术专业毕业&一毕业就进了软件公司做软件工程师&他工作了4年&那么ACS认为他的相关skilled level职业经验是2年活生生新鲜出炉的例子:此人得到的就是新版ACS result letter,上面写明了毕业2年以后的工作经验才算是skilled level employment.此人就此问题,问了ACS,得到的ACS官方回复如下:The date provided in your skill assessment result letter is the date you have met the ACS requirements.This is the date in which you have been deemed to reach the appropriate skilled level for your nominated occupation.After this date you may be able to claim points for your experience with the Department of Immigration – please contact them for further information.他提到了只有从你达到skilled level日期以后的工作经验时间你可以向DIAC做分数claim,但是具体请垂询DIAC当然这只是我个人的解读求高手专家&再细细解读一下&谢谢!观点2:这次ACS的2013版guideline 解读其实很简单&政策和以前2012版相比&并无变化具体看最后的Version history就知道了:最新的更新仅仅是2个变化1)更新了些微软认证内容 2)排版变化Version HistoryDate16 April 2013Document Version2.0Revision History (reason for change)Update of Microsoft Vendor Certifications and new format of wordingAuthor/ReviserBerny Martinez这意味着新版2013 guideline并没有政策性的变化&因为以往有政策变化&他会在version history里面写出来的&比如20hr employment added之类这次最主要的是排版变化&最明显的是2013版只是直接把2012的7. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 给做了个详细的pdf表格出来&注意这些都是老内容&老政策&没有新变化怪不得ACS要改版&因为他发现大家都不看2012版中得 7. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA关于传的沸沸扬扬的&砍2年的条款&根本不是什么新政策&在2012guideline早就有说明Skilled EmploymentAlso required is a minimum of two (2) years full time professional ICT skilled employment in a field closely related to the nominated occupation ANZSCO Code within the previous ten (10) years of the Skills Assessment or a minimum of 4 such years if completed earlier.之前申请的童鞋们&也没有被砍2年什么的啊&这只是ACS给大家出的一道G类雅思同义转换阅读题而已&总结DIAC签证官会是掌握生死大权的银儿&现在是&过去也是只不过现在因为ACS result letter写法的变化&签证官似乎是等于有了更多可以据你的理由&而且似乎是合乎规则的&如果签证官和你纠缠skilled文字游戏的话ACS对skilled employment有其单方面的说法:ACS的官方回复:Thank you for your email.For a Skill Assessment only experience that has been obtained after you meet the ACS Guidelines will be considered as Skilled Employment.It is still up to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship as to how they award points based on experience and you will need to direct your question to them.Regards,但是话说回来,DIAC签证官依据啥来判定你符合要求的提名职业工作年限呢?本帖之前的一切都只是ACS的单方面的说词而最关键的DIAC方面的条款或者政策才是重点,DIAC的政策那就去他们网站上查吧:What is the skills assessment requirement?&网页里提到了skill Recongnition 就是skill认知判定相关信息,你看这里:Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI)输入你关心的提名职业或者代码:for example: ICT &或者 2613 &或者 2611举例 261313 software-engineer里面有详细的DIAC对于skill level的认定Skill levelThis occupation has a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification.&At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification.&In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).If you require further information on this occupation, refer to the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.See: Unit Group 2613 - Software and Applications ProgrammersInformation on the skill level of each occupation is consistent with the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) and may differ from the requirements set by the assessing authorities for obtaining a skills assessment. Please contact the relevant assessing authority for your nominated occupation to check on their requirements.这里第一句我们就可以看到DIAC认为你有相应的ICT本科学位就算是skill level达到了,此后的工作经验都可以claim分数如果你没有ICT本科学位,那么你需要至少5年相关经验也能算达到skill level他还说了&可能与评估机构判定不同&咱管他评估机构呢 ACS说砍2,DIAC却不需要&要记住:DIAC才是老大&才是老大啊看到这里,相比你也心中有数了现在最应该需要关心的&尤其是那些可能要在7.1以后EOI的,请强烈关注DIAC的网站,除了配额之外,尤其是上面那些网址政策是否也有变化
http://www.shanghai.china.embassy.gov.au/shai/Notarials.htmlNotarial ServicesThe Australian Consulate-General will provide notarial services for clients between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm daily from Monday to Friday.&&This service is not available at other times.&Notice to ClientsPlease ensure that documents relating to notarial services you require from the Australian Consulate-General are presented in the correct form and that you provide the correct instructions for witnessing any signatures on the documents. If you are unsure of the legislative requirements relating to witnessing signatures on a particular document, you should seek independent legal advice. Please note, by witnessing a signature on a document neither the Australian Government nor the Australian Consulate-General in Shanghai guarantees the legal effectiveness of the document or the accuracy of its contents.Notarial Services include:certification of copies of official documentswitnessing of signatures on documentswitnessing the execution of affidavitstaking statutory declarationsauthentication of documentsIn an emergency, or if you are unable to visit the Consulate-General during this period, please contact the Consulate-General to make an appointment.&Witnessing and Certifying DocumentsRequirements of this service are:&Original documents. Copies will not be certified.Proof of your current name and signature, such as your passportService Fee &Fees Under the Consular Fees Act of 1955 a fee applies to these services.&Fees are payable in RMB cash, or by credit or debit card (Union Pay).& The Consulate-General does not accept cheques.&The amount may vary from time to time according to the exchange rate. Contact the Embassy or the Consulates-General for information about current fees.
-----------Refer-----------------20128.15 Decided to migrate, began preparing IELTS周围小区的朋友拿到了SA的州担保,也劝说我们一起出去,于是动了移民的念头,报名了第一次的雅思,打算试试。准备雅思主要限于平时下班后听一些VOA,51talk上买些口语课程(事后证明很有用),按照小姨的书练习了不到十篇作文。真题没做过完整的一套,也没怎么看机经。9.22 1st IELTS R6.5 L6 W6 S6考试感觉发挥的还可以,口语也比平时强点。但出来成绩以后,发现虽然都达到了6,可还是不够4X6.5的SA(南澳) 2613职业的标准,比较失落,因为这个成绩当时什么也干不了。加之当时SA的2613职业纷纷进入limited或者special condition,形式也不乐观。感到茫然和无所适从。但想着先把ACS准备了吧,赶早不赶晚。就在举旗未定时,10月15日NSW(新南威尔士)方面传来了利好消息,州担保的英语条件降到了4X6,且有若干2613职业名额。开始抓紧准备ACS。变SA为NSW。11.17 ACS submittedACS的过程比较顺利,写推荐信花了一周,过去的老板都很痛快的答应签字,现在公司有个一起合作的manager也同意签字。公司的抬头纸也分别问HR讨得。ACS当时对于职业评估的材料要求如下(一切都要求提供certified copy)1.学历学位成绩单2.工作推荐信(推荐人签字)3.护照or出生公证公证件可以作为certified copy使用,推荐信若公证处不给公证,也可找熟人律师签字。(我两个都办了,但最后提交的是公证件)20131.8 ACS passed, EOI submitted, NSW SS application sent虽然时隔一个圣诞,ACS还算给力,在正式上班之前居然给了positive的结果,当天赶紧请假回家提交EOI,把早已准备好的NSW州担保申请材料+ACS评估结果以最快速度寄出。一直折腾到晚上,但事后NSW的龟速和申请人的巨大数量证明,速度大于一切,要不惜一切争取时间。1.10 NSW SS application received材料收到以后,就是漫长的等待。期间不乏对2613职业名额到达ceiling和政策变迁的担心。3.22 NSW ACK letter此封信件表明,NSW肯定会受理你的case,但以DIAC的ceiling为前提,意即:如果不到ceiling,则EOI方面肯定会收到邀请,如果12-13财年ceiling满额,则州担保虽然亦会发出,但EOI却会pending住等待新财年的名额。5.14 NSW SS approved, EOI invited, elodged赶上了2613的末班车,这周结束以后(经过了EOI的自动捞人),2613名额达到了ceiling。当天即刻elodge交钱,然后分批上传材料。参考的是三皮的189材料列表(感谢三皮)我的:主申:1.&出生公证2.&学历公证3.&学位公证4.&成绩单公证5.&雅思彩扫6.&推荐信公证7.&职业评估结果8.&税单+自己翻译9.&清华认证10.工作证明11.社保记录+自己翻译12.工资单13.&无邢公证14.&护照首页采扫15.&护照照片JPG格式副申:1.&出生公证2.&护照首页采扫3.&护照照片JPG格式5.&结婚证公证6.&无邢公证8.&雅思彩扫宝宝:1.&出生公证3.&护照首页采扫4.&护照照片JPG格式6.1 Body check6.4 Granthttp://www.hioz.me/ibbs/thread--1.html
-------------【墨尔本公交乘车2011年信息】墨尔本的2区(郊区),而1区则是墨尔本心脏地带。如果在2区内乘2个小时,最便宜票价就是澳币2元。2元票价不能到1区去,且过了2 小时就不能用了。如只乘5分钟车,也是2元。在1区乘车要贵一些,2小时约3元。所以,乘车时要跟司机讲清楚,是乘1个区还是2个区。从2区到1区去,用 1加2,乘车过2个区要5元多(2个小时),买一天的票,价格是11元。在墨尔本乘车,如何才能便宜一些呢?如每天只乘2小时,要乘10天的话,这样的票价是50元,这比每天买票要便宜10%-20%。另外,买5天的票,或周票、月票、年票,这样也能便宜。买年票是半价,如果丢失了,在使用期内还可以补给你,年票是可以挂失的。但是,不是天天上班,买月票、年票是不合算的。在澳大利亚乘车,有些人是有优惠的,如学生半价,低收入者半价,残疾人半价。65岁可以申请老年卡,老年人比半价还要便宜。还有就是没有职业的人,可得到一张卡,只要出0.5元,不但能乘车,而且连电费、煤气费都有了。【澳洲二手车拍卖及上牌照】有哪些流程拍卖场的网站是:.au在开车前,你必须办理临时牌照,拍照有7天的,50来块钱,21天的80来块钱,交款后,就可以凭着收据去领车,将临时牌照放到车前面,就可以开车回家了。下面是整体上牌的费用:汽车拍卖的价格+拍卖行的管理费+RWC的费用+修车费(可能存在)+临时牌照费用+汽车预约检查费+汽车注册费用+保险费用如果你拍卖到的汽车是4500块的话,那么你所付出的费用大约为:5900块(保险为300块左右的第三者财产险,不包括修车费,这笔费用在0-几千之间)【澳洲户外】下列网站可以帮助您了解有关户外活动的相关信息&&&&气象局&–&天气预报和禁火www.bom.gov.au/weather&&&&皇家救生协会–&游泳和水上安全.au&&&&澳大利亚冲浪救生协会www.slsa.asn.au&&&&海滩安全&-&包括非英语语言的信息www.beachsafe.org.au&&&&离岸流安全提示-&包括非英语语言的信息.au&&&&澳大利亚癌症委员会–&防晒信息www.cancer.org.au 【船民】澳纳税人为每个船民花逾7万元&预计下财年将有逾4万名船民等待澳洲的签证审批,而澳洲的纳税人平均要为每个船民花费逾7万元。据《每日电讯报》报道,最新的数据显示,本财年有逾2.25万船民在澳等待审批,而仅为了维持羁留中心的运作,纳税人就花了15亿元。在10个月内,有近1.3万船民的难民申请还没有审理,就花了2.65亿元;其中包括1.31亿元用于资助那些持过桥签证进入社区生活,没有工作权利靠领福利金生活的寻求庇护者。本财年为这些寻求庇护者租房及购置家具就花了1800万元。sh_Seaw_eoi 07:51:37【澳洲旅游】南澳政府近日还表示正与中国的两大航空公司——中国南航和东航协商开启中国至阿德雷德的直航航线等事宜,旨在从逐渐壮大的中国游客市场中分一杯羹。【中澳经济】澳大利亚经济越来越离不开中国仅铁矿石就约占澳大利亚对华出口的三分之二。但中国对它的需求越来越少,而且全球铁矿石价格大幅走低,因此经济分析人士不排除,正是中国能够致使澳大利亚经济崩溃,一旦其经济结构出现急剧转型。而且如果中国经济“硬着陆”也会让澳大利亚经济出现严重问题。【购房】澳币继续跌中国买家将越来越多&国内投资受限&中国客狠花40亿买澳洲房据澳广报道,拥有10亿名储户和超过100万名百万富翁的新一代中国投资者更频繁地出现于悉尼房市。根据政府数据,中国买家去年在澳洲房市投入了40亿元。来自广东的华裔女子Sharon Zhang就是其中一员。她于六年前移民到澳洲,把服装进口生意赚来的收益全部都投入房市。“中国全民都热衷于储蓄,买房安家这个意识已根深蒂固地安扎在我们的心目中。所以,如果你有钱,但没有合适的房产可以购买,投资者就会开始把目光投向海外。”Zhang如是说。“我的一些朋友会在周末专程来澳洲看房。他们都很速战速决:趁着周五晚坐飞机过来,周末两天看房然后交首付,周一再飞回去上班。”“这一趋势并不令人惊讶,因为中国中产阶级正在迅速膨胀。”-------------------【育儿】在澳养育2子女24年约需81.2万澳元根据周四公布的收入和财富报告,澳洲育儿成本在过去的6年内,增长了大约50%,这一数据和2007年相比,增加了27.5万元。澳洲中等收入家庭如果生养两个孩子,到他们24岁的时候,将花费大约81.2万元,相当于为了养育1个小孩,每周就需要458元。【留学签证】一名中国留学生在获得澳大利亚大学两个学位,并且找到了相关专业的工作后,却因为不能够达到“胜任”的英语水平、雅思分数不够而无法说服移民仲裁庭给予其毕业生签证。移民上诉法庭称,这位名为Hao Shen的中国学生虽然在学业和求职上比较成功,在英语环境也度过了7年时间,但不能因此而豁免他的英语语言要求。澳大利亚移民部拒绝给他发放毕业生签证(skilled graduate visa)。有报道称,不少留学生为了满足签证要求,一次又一次地参加雅思考试。因为移民政策不允许考生们把几次考试的听说读写成绩拼凑起来。而悉尼每一次雅思考试的报名费就为330元。Shen的移民中介告诉法庭,他有在四门考试中获得6分的“才能”,但只是没有一次性地拿到全是6分以上的成绩。Shen拥有南昆士兰大学计算机技术硕士和信息技术学士两个学位。他通过了澳大利亚计算机协会的职业技能评估,也获得了和专业密切相关的工作机会。但法庭成员康纳利(Denise Connolly)说,她不能免除英语要求,Shen必须在雅思考试中全科达到6分以上水平。她说:“法庭对于Shen的学业、语言使用、工作等,不具有自我衡量他英语能力的权力。”【457】持457签证外劳或要接受“真实性”测试正在绞尽脑汁打击457签证的澳大利亚联邦政府考虑对持有457签证的外国劳工进行“真实性”测试。如果采纳了这个测试方案,其应用标准将着重于防止457签证被用于填补非技术型职位或者被用作转移家人和朋友到澳大利亚的后门。【南澳】南澳人口或现负增长&望吸纳技术移民南澳房地产委员会(SA Property Council)表示,希望州政府向来自遭受经济危机国家的技术移民提供低息房贷和迁居补贴,吸引他们到南澳定居。委员会还建议,政府应该多吸收留学生和来自遭受经济危机欧洲国家的失业技术移民,让他们成为永久居民。佩恩认为,南澳地区人口持续减少必会在长期意义上影响联邦政府的收入。他认为人们应该移民到“能找到工作的地方”,而南澳的生活方式也肯定会让移民们满意。【澳洲时政】澳洲本土第二代伊斯兰圣战团体日益壮大一群澳洲青年的话非常直率:“你现在已经不在澳大利亚了”。说这话的人不在伊拉克,不在阿富汗,也不在黎巴嫩,他们在宾士镇(Bankstown)。宾士镇是一个安全的街区,但是悉尼一些类似这里的街区正在逐步被年轻人变成“国中之国”。他们通常生在澳洲,但父母是强硬派的黎巴嫩穆斯林。这是在澳洲本土展开的圣战(Jihad)。最近联邦政府就多元文化主义展开了长达两年的咨询,发现澳洲的伊斯兰教影响力日益扩大,如伊斯兰解放党(Hizb ut-Tahrir)这样的组织和保守派长老们“正在煽动第二代穆斯林青年的极端主义思想,导致他们主动地脱离主流社会”。澳洲安全情报局(ASIO)局长艾大伟(David Irvine)曾警告说,到叙利亚参加内战的澳洲年轻人不断增加。“有数百人,而非数十人。”艾大伟说。
WA州担保通过&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5月16日申请的州担保,5月27日收到确认要求签署协议,速度还是很给力的。下面是申请州担保需要提供的一些说明,受限于个人英语写作水平,内容很不专业,但本着freeoz我为人人,人人为我的精神,把它贴出来,希望对大家有帮助。见笑了。一/过程:先填写EOI,然后在WA州政府网站申请州担保。二/内容:资金来源的说明I've been working for 10 years, and I'm a shareholder of my company, it will be realized(about AUD$xxx)&&before I go to Australia.In addition to that,I'll get a bonus of AUD$xxx at the end of 2013, before I &land A Lastly,I've saved approximately AUD$xxx in the bank account. After I will have settled &down in WA, I'll sell the apartment we live now which is rated at AUD$xxx. Therefore,normally,my &family will not increase the burden of your prestigious government.说明获取关于WA信息的渠道I've been concerning about the cost of living in WA for almost half a year via forums which are famous in &China,such as Freeoz,Tigtag,etc. I also often chat to friends who have been emigrated to WA, they can &supply me much information.预估在WA每月生活费用Accommodation(including power,gas,water rate):AUD$2000Catering costs:800Transportation(dayrider):600 per monthCommunication:100 per monthOthers:500 per month.The data above are based on two people.&选择WA的原因There is no time difference between WA and China, so I can communicate with my family members conveniently.Secondly,Perth is the captical city of WA,which has gentle winter(the average temperature is above 10 &centigrade degree), and it is the sunniest city in Australia,with blue sky and pollution-free &environment.I also noticed that Perth ranked 2012 top ten cities which are livable all over the &world,therefore,priority should be given to Perth.Lastly,compare to other capital cities,the price of real estate is relatively more acceptable, and I want &to get a foot on the property ladder as soon as possible, so that I can enjoy the sunshine and breeze in &Perth as long as possible without any anxiety.了解西澳的途径I've been concerning about WA for almost half a year via forums which are famous in China,such as &Freeoz,Tigtag,etc. I also often chat to friends who have been emigrated to WA, they can supply me much &information.谈你对你专业工作在西澳发展前景的认识I noticed that not only the career prospect of mining but also the IT in WA (particularly in Perth) is &promising.There're bases of many famous IT companies such IBM,Microsoft,to name but a few.As the &information technology in Australia is developing at a staggering rate, there will be loads of IT &projects to be implemented.As to me, I've been working in IT industry for a decade,therefore,I suppose &I've accumulated sufficient experience and I'm confident that I will be competent in working in WA。


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