thatweforget about itaboutthelastfivehours翻译

西行漫记 Red Star over China
&西行漫记 Red Star over China —— Written by Edgar Snow, Translated by 董乐山
【 作者简介 】
&&&&埃德加•斯诺( 1905 —— 1972 )美国密苏里人,著名新闻记者。 22 岁时奔赴远东。他在中国定居 12 年。在北平燕京大学(后并入北京大学)新闻系教过书,他的有些学生和朋友后来成了中国领导人。作为驻中国、缅甸、印度和印度支那的一名记者,他先后为 《芝加哥论坛报》、《纽约太阳报》、《纽约先驱论坛报》和《伦敦每日先驱报》等报社工作。 1936年,斯诺在战火纷飞中不畏艰险只身深入红都保安(今陕西志丹县),实地采访了毛泽东、朱德、周恩来、彭德怀、刘伯承等中国共产党领导人和苏区人民,突破敌人的重重封锁,向全世界澄清了关于红色中国的种种谜团,客观公正地传达了红色中国的声音。回到北平后,为英美报刊撰写了许多轰动一时的通讯报道,最后汇集成书,名为《红星照耀中国》。1937年10月,《红星照耀中国》由伦敦戈兰茨公司首次出版,轰动世界。1938年初,中译本于上海以“复社”名义出版。鉴于当时的环境,使用了比较隐晦的书名——《西行漫记》。从此,《西行漫记》和斯诺便成了中国家喻户晓的名字。1979年,著名翻译家董乐山依据1937年英国戈兰茨公司的英文初版进行了重新翻译,仍然沿用《西行漫记》作为书名,由三联书店出版。董氏译本今已成经典名篇。斯诺于1972年去世,遵照他的遗嘱,他的部分骨灰埋葬在北京大学未名湖畔,由周恩来总理亲笔题写碑文——“纪念中国人民的美国朋友埃德加? 斯诺, 1905 至 1972 年”。
【 译者简介 】
&&&&董乐山先生 1924 年 11 月 14 日出生于浙江宁波, 1999 年 1 月 16 日病故于北京,享年 74 岁。董乐山先生早年要求进步,参加了抗日学生运动,在中国共产党的领导下,在上海文化战线上为党做了许多积极的工作。董乐山先生 1946 年毕业于上海圣约翰大学,全国解放后曾长期从事新闻翻译和英语教学工作, 1957 年被错误地划为右派, 1979 年获得改正, 1981 年调到中国社会科学院美国研究所,担任研究员。董乐山先生曾任中国社会科学院研究生院美国系主任,国际笔会中国中心会员,中国作家协会会员,中国译协理事,美国文学研究会常务理事,中华美国学会常务理事,前三 S 研究会副会长等职。董乐山先生是我国一位有造诣的美国社会与文学研究专家、作家与翻译家。他学识渊博、著作丰硕。著作有《译余废墨》、《文化的休闲》、《文化的误读》、《边缘人语》等;译作有《西行漫记》、《第三帝国的兴亡》(与人合译并校订)、《苏格拉底的审判》《西方人文主义传统》、《奥威尔文集》、《古典学》、《一九八四》、《中午的黑暗》、《太阳帝国》、《探索的路上》(编译)、《我热爱中国》、《韩素音自传》(之一)、《囚鸟》、《鬼作家》、《基督的最后诱惑》(合译)、《巴黎烧了吗?》等;编著有《英汉美国社会知识辞典》等。他的随笔散文评论时世与文学,文笔犀利、观点鲜明、嫉恶如仇,深得评论界与读者的喜爱与好评。他翻译的《西行漫记》是斯诺这部关于中国革命的经典性著作中文译本中翻译得最好、流传最广的一部。他的译作文笔流畅纤巧,达到很高的水准。他是一位难得的信达雅俱佳的翻译家,所编著的《英汉美国社会知识辞典》独辟蹊径,是希图了解美国社会与文化的读者以及研究者一部不可或缺的工具书。
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 1 )—— Slow Train to “Western Peace”
Red Star Over China ( 1 )—— Slow Train to “Western Peace”
Edgar Snow ”
&&&&My immediate destination was Sianfu — which means “Western Peace.” Sianfu was the capital of Shensi province, it was two tiresome days and nights by train to the southwest of Peking, and it was the western terminus of the Lunghai railway. From there I planned to go northward and enter the soviet districts, which occupied the very heart of Ta His-pei, China's Great Northwest. Lochuan, a town about one hundred fifty miles north of Sianfu, then marked the beginning of Red territory in Shensi. Everything north of it, except strips of territory along the main highways, and some points which will be noted later, was already dyed Red. With Lochuan roughly the southern, and the Great Wall the northern, extremities of Red control in Shensi, both the eastern and western Red frontiers were formed by the Yellow River. Coming down from the fringes of Tibet, the wide, muddy stream flows northward through Kansu and Ninghsia, and above the Great Wall into the province of Suiyuan — Inner Mongolia. Then after many miles of uncertain wandering toward the east it turns southward again, to pierce the Great Wall and from the boundary between the provinces of Shensi and Shansi.
&&&&It was within this great bend of China's most treacherous river that the soviets then operated — in northern Shensi, northeastern Kansu, and southeastern Ninghsia. And by a strange sequence of histoty this region almost corresponded to the original confines of the birthplace of China. Near here the Chinese first formed and unified themselves as a people, thousands of years ago.
( From Red Star Over China P14 -15)
【 参考译文 】
西行漫记( 1 )—— 去西安的慢车
埃德加 · 斯诺
&&&&而我的第一个目的地就是西安府。这个地名有“西方平安”的意思,是陕西省的省会,要从北平向西南坐两天两夜劳累的火车,才能到达陇海路西段的这个终点站。我的计划是从那里向北走,进入位于大西北中心的苏区。在西安府以北大约 150 英里的一个市镇——洛川,当时是陕西红区的起点。洛川以北的地区,除了公路干线两旁的几个狭长地段以及下文将要提到的几个地点外,已经全部染红了。大致说来,陕西红军控制的地区南到洛川,北到长城;东西两边都以黄河为界。那条宽阔的浊流从西藏边缘往北流经甘肃和宁夏,在长城北面进入内蒙古的绥远省,然后曲曲折折地向东流行许多英里,又折而向南,穿过长城而构成陕西、山西两省的分界线。
—— 选自我国著名翻译家董乐山的译本 《西行漫记》 .外语教学与研究出版社,2005
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 2 )—— Soviet Strong Man
Red Star Over China ( 2 )—— Soviet Strong Man
Edgar Snow
&&&&Mao's food was the same as everybody's, but being a Hunanese he had the southerner' ai-la , or “love of pepper.” He even had pepper cooked into his bread. Except for this passion, he scarcely seemed to notice what he ate. One night at dinner I heard him expand on a theory of pepper-loving peoples being revolutionaries. He first submitted his own province, Hunan, famous for the revolutionaries it has produced. Then he listed Spain, Mexico, Russia, and France to support his contention, but laughingly had to admit defeat when somebody mentioned the well-known Italian love of red pepper and garlic, in refutation of his theory. One of the most amusing songs of the “bandits,” incidentally, was a ditty called “The Hot Red Pepper.” It told of the disgust of the pepper with his pointless vegetable existence, waiting to be eaten, and how he ridiculed the contentment of cabbages, spinach, and beans with their invertebrate careers. He ends up by leading a vegetable insurrection. “The Hot Red Pepper” was a great favorite with Chairman Mao.
&&&&I found him surprisingly well informed on current world politics. Even on the Long March, it seems, the Reds received news broadcasts by radio, and in the Northwest they published their own newspaper. Mao was exceptionally well read in world history and had a realistic conception of European social and political conditions. He was very interested in the Labour Party of England, and questioned me intensely about its present policies, soon exhausting all my information. It seemed to me that he found it difficult fully to understand why, in a country where workers were enfranchised, there was still no workers' government. I was afraid my answers did not satisfy him. He expressed profound contempt for Ramsay MacDonald, whom he designated as a han-chien — an archtraitor of the British people.
&&&&Mao was an ardent student of philosophy. Once when I was having nightly interviews with him on Communist history, a visitor brought him several new books on philosophy, and Mao asked me to postpone our engagements. He consumed those books in three or four night of intensive reading, during which he seemed oblivious to everything else. He had not confined his reading to Marxist philosophers, but also knew something of the ancient Greeks, of Spinoza, Kant, Goethe, Hegel, Rousseau, and others.
( From Red Star Over China P112-115 )
【 参考译文 】
西行漫记( 2 )—— 苏维埃掌权人物
埃德加 · 斯诺
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 3 )—— The Heroes of Tatu
Red Star Over China ( 3 )—— The Heroes of Tatu
Edgar Snow
&&&&In the vanguard of the Red Army was Commander Liu Po-ch'eng, who had once been an officer in a warlord army of Szechuan. Liu knew the tribal people, and their inner feuds and discontent. Especially he knew their hatred of Chinese, and he could speak something of the Lolo tongue. Assigned the task of negotiating a friendly alliance, he entered their territory and went into conference with the chieftains. The Lolos, he said, opposed warlords Liu Hisang and Liu Wen-hui and the K so did the Reds. The Lolos wanted to preserv Red policies favored autonomy for all the national minorities of China. The Lolos hated the Chinese because they had be but there were “White” Chinese and “Red” Chinese, just as there were “White” Lolos and “Black” Lolos, and it was the White Chinese who had always slain and oppressed the Lolos. Should not the red Chinese and the and the Black Lolos unite against their common enemies, the White Chinese? The Lolos listened interestedly. Slyly they asked for arms and bullets to guard their independence and help Red Chinese fight the Whites. To their astonishment, the Reds gave them both.
&&&&And so it happened that not only a speedy but a politically useful passage was accomplished. Hundreds of Lolos enlisted with the “Red” Chinese to march to the Tatu River to fight the common enemy. Some of those Lolos were to trek clear to the Northwest. Liu Po-ch'eng drank the blood of a newly killed chicken before the high chieftain of the Lolos, who drank also, and they swore blood brotherhood in the tribal manner. By this vow the Reds declared that whosoever should violate the terms of their alliance would be even as weak and cowardly as the fowl.
【 参考译文 】
西行漫记( 3 )——大渡河英雄
埃德加 · 斯诺
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 4 )—— Impression of P'eng Teh-huai
Red Star Over China ( 4 )—— Impression of P'eng Teh-huai
Edgar Snow
&&&&Open, forthright, and undeviating in his manner and speech, quick in his movements, full of laughter and wit, P'eng was physically very active, an excellent rider, and a man of endurance. Perhaps this was partly because he was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler. I was with him one day during maneuvers of the Red Second Division when we had to climb a very steep hill. “Run to the top!” P'eng suddenly called out to his panting staff and me. He bounded off like a rabbit, and beat us all to the summit. Another time, when we were riding, he yelled out a similar challenge. In this way and others he gave the impression of great unspent energy.
&&&&P'eng retired late and arose early, unlike Mao Tes-tung, who retired late and also got up late. As far as I could learn, P'eng slept an average of only four or five hours a night. He never seemed rushed, but he was always busy. I remember the morning of the day the First Army Corps received orders to advance 200
to Haiyuan, in enemy territory: P'eng issued all the commands necessary before breakfast and came immediately afterwards he started off on the road, as if for an excursion to the countryside, walking along the main street of Yu Wang Pao with his staff, stopping to speak to the Moslem priests who had assembled to bid him good-by. The big army seemed to run itself.
&&&&Government airplanes frequently dropped leaflets over Red lines offering from $ 50,000 to $ 100,000 for P'eng, dead or alive, but he had only one sentry on duty before his headquarters, and he sauntered down the streets of the city without any bodyguard. While I was there, when thousands of handbills had been dropped offering rewards for himself, Hsu Hai-tung, and Mao Tse-tung, P'eng Teh-huai ordered that they be preserved. They were printed on only one side, and there was a paper shortage in the Red Army. The blank side of these handbills was used later for printing Red Army propaganda.
【 参考译文 】
西行漫记( 4 )——彭德怀印象
埃德加 · 斯诺
&&&&彭德怀迟睡早起,不像毛泽东那样迟睡也迟起。就我所知,彭德怀每天晚上平均只睡四五小时。他从来都是不急不忙的,但总是很忙碌。我记得那天早上一军团接到命令要前进 200 里到敌区的海原,我多么吃惊:彭德怀在早饭以前发完了一切必要的命令后,下来同我一起吃饭,饭后他就马上上路,好象是到乡下去郊游一样,带着他的参谋人员走过预旺堡的大街,停下来同出来向他道别的穆斯林阿訇说话。大军似乎是自己管理自己的。
&&&&虽然政府军飞机常常在红军前线扔传单,悬赏 5 万到 10 万元要缉拿彭德怀,不论死擒活捉,但是他的司令部门外只有一个哨兵站岗,他在街上走时也不带警卫。我在那里的时候,看到有成千上万张传单投下来要悬赏缉拿他、徐海东、毛泽东。彭德怀下令要保存这些传单。这些传单都是单面印的,当时红军缺纸,就用空白的一面来印红军的宣传品。
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 5 )—— Concerning Chu Teh
Red Star Over China ( 5 )—— Concerning Chu Teh
Edgar Snow
&&&&Chu Teh's devotion to his men was proverbial. Since assuming command of the army he had lived and dressed like the rank and file, had shared all their hardships, often going without shoes in the early days, living one whole winter on squash, another on yak meat, never complaining, rarely sick. He liked to wander through the camp, they said, sitting with the men and telling stories, or playing games with them. He played a good game of table tennis, and a “wistful” game of basketball. Any soldier in the army could bring his complaints directly to the commander-in-chief. Chu Teh took his hat off when he addressed his men. On the Long March he lent his horse to tired comrades, walking much of the way, seemingly tireless.
&&&&Popular myths about Chu Teh were said to credit him with miraculous powers: the ability to see 100 li on all sides, the power to fly, and the mastery of Taoist magic, such as creating dust clouds before an enemy, or stirring a wind against them. Superstitious folk believed him invulnerable, for had not thousands of bullets and shells failed to destroy him? Others said he had the power of resurrection, for had not the Kuomintang repeatedly declared him dead, often giving minute details of the manner in which he expired? Millions knew the name Chu Teh in China, and to each it was a menace or a bright star of hope, according to his status in life, but to all it was a name imprinted on the pages of a decade of history.
【 参考译文 】
西行漫记( 5 )——关于朱德
埃德加 · 斯诺
&&&&军中流传的关于朱德的各种神话为他增添了不可思议的力量:能够向四面八方看 100 里,能上天飞翔,精通道教法术,比如在敌人面前制造尘云,或者激起一阵狂风来对付他们。迷信的人相信他刀枪不入,不是有成千上万发子弹和炮弹都没有打倒他吗?也有人说他有死而复生的能力,国民党不是一再宣布他已经死亡,常常还有板有眼地描述他断气的样子吗 ? 在中国,数以百万计的人都知道朱德这个名字,有的把他看成是一种威胁,有的把他看成是一颗明亮的希望之星,这要看每个人在生活中的地位,但是对所有人来说这都是一个在十年史册上不可磨灭的名字。
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 7 )——What were the Chinese Communists like?
Red Star Over China ( 7 )
What were the Chinese Communists like?
What were the Chinese Communists like? In that way did they resemble, in what way they unlike, Communists or Socialists elsewhere? The tourist asked if they wore long beards, made noises with their soup, and carried homemade bombs in their briefcases. The serious—minded wanted to know whether they were “genuine” Marxists. Did they read Capital and the works of Lenin? Had they a thoroughly Socialist economic program? Were they Stalinites or Trotskyites? Or neither? Was their movement really an organic part of the World Revolution? Were they true internationalists? “Mere tools of Moscow,” or primarily nationalists struggling for an independent China?
西行漫记( 7 )
Who were these warriors who had fought so long, so fiercely, so courageously, and-as admitted by observers of every color, and privately among Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's own followers-on the whole so invincibly? What made them fight like that? What held them up? What was the revolutionary basis of their movement? What were the hopes and dreams that had made of them the incredibly stubborn warriors-incredible compared with the history of compromise that is China-who had endured hundreds of battles, blockade, salt shortage, famine, disease, epidemic, and finally the Long March of 6,000 miles, in which they crossed twelve provinces of China, broke through thousands of Kuomintang troops, and triumphantly emerged at last into a new base in the Northwest?
这些战士斗争得那么长久,那么顽强,那么勇敢,而 且——正如各种色彩的观察家所承认的,就连蒋介石司令自己的部下私下也承认的——从整体说来是那么无敌,他们到底是什么样的人?是什么使他们那样地战斗?是什么支持着他们?他们的运动的革命基础是什么?是什么样的希望,什么样的目标,什么样的理想,使他们成为顽强到令人难以置信的战士的呢?说令人难以置信,是同中国的那部充满折中妥协的历史比较而言的,但他们却身经百战,经历过封锁、缺盐、饥饿、 疾病、瘟疫,最后还有那 6,000英里的历史性长征,穿过中国的12个省份,冲破千千万万国民党军队的阻拦,终于胜利地出现在西北的一个强大的新根据地上。
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 8 )——Chang had not lost faith in the Generalissimo
Red Star Over China ( 8 )
Chang had not lost faith in the Generalissimo
Chang adopted a new routine—up at six, hard exercise, daily drill and study, simple food and Spartan habits, and direct personal contact with the subalterns as well as officers of his troops, which still numbered about 140,000 men. A new Tungpei Army began to emerge. Skeptics gradually became convinced that the Young Marshal had again become a man worth watching, and took seriously the vow he had made on his return: that his whole life would be devoted to the task of recovering Manchuria, and erasing the humiliation of his people.
西行漫记( 8 )
张学良实行新的生活习惯 —— 6 时起床,锻炼身体,每日练武读书,吃的是粗茶淡饭,过的是简朴生活。当时东北军还有 14 万人,他除了同部下直接接触。东北军开始出现了新面貌。怀疑派逐渐相信,少帅又成了一个值得注意的人,因此认真对待他在回国时立下的警言:他要把毕生精力用于收复满洲,为人民雪耻。
Meanwhile, Chang had not lost faith in the Generalissimo. In their entire relationship Chang had never wavered in his loyalty to the older man, whose regime he had three times saved from collapse, and in whose judgment and sincerity he placed full confidence. He evidently believed Chiang Kai-shek when he said he was preparing to recover Manchuria, and would yield no more territory without resistance. In 1935 Japan's militarists continued their aggression: the puppet regime of east Hopei was set up, part of Chahar was annexed, and demands were made for the separation of North China from the south, to which Nanking partly acquiesced. Ominous discontent rumbled among the Young Marshal's officers and men, especially after his troops were shifted to the Northwest to continue to wage an unpopular civil war against the Red Army, while Japanese attrition continued almost unopposed.
与此同时,张学良对总司令还没有失去信心。在他们的全部交往的关系中,张学良对那个长者始终忠心耿耿,从未动摇,他曾经 3 次拯救那个长者的政权免于崩溃,而且充分信任那个长者的识见和诚意。他显然相信蒋介石所说的要收复满洲,决不再未经抵抗就让出一寸领土的话。但是, 1935 年日本军国主义者继续进行侵略,成立了冀东傀儡政权,并吞了一部分察哈尔,提出了华北脱离南方的要求,对此,南京已经默认了一部分。少帅麾下的官兵甚为不满,特别是在调到西北继续对红军打不受欢迎的内战,而对日本却不开一枪以后,更是普遍啧有怨言。
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 9 )——I spent the night on a clay k'ang
Red Star Over China ( 9 )
I spent the night on a clay k'ang
I spent the night on a clay k'ang, in a filthy hut at Lochuan, with pigs and donkeys quartered in the next room, and rats in my own, and I'm sure we all slept very little. Next morning, a few miles beyond that city, the loess terraces rose higher and more imposing, and the country was weirdly transformed.
西行漫记( 9 )
The wonderful loess lands, which cover much of Kansu, Shensi, Ninghsia, and Shansi provinces, account for the marvelous fertility of these regions (when there is rainfall), for the loess furnishes an inexhaustible porous topsoil tens of feet deep. Geologists think the loess is organic matter blown down in centuries past from Mongolia and from the west by the great winds that rise in Central Asia. Scenically the result is an infinite variety of queer, embattled shapes—hills like great castles, like rows of mammoth, nicely rounded scones, like ranges torn by some giant hand, leaving behind the imprint of angry fingers. Fantastic, incredible, and sometimes frightening shapes, a world configurated by a mad god—and sometimes a world also of strange surrealist beauty.
这一令人惊叹的黄土地带,广及甘肃、陕西、宁夏、山西四省的大部分地区,雨量充分的时候异常肥沃,因为这种黄土提供了无穷无尽的、有几十英尺深的多孔表土层。地质学家认为,这种黄土是有机物质,是许多世纪以来被中亚细亚的大风从蒙古、从西方吹过来的。这在景色上造成了变化无穷的奇特、森严的形象 —— 有的山丘像巨大的城堡,有的像成队的猛犸,有的像滚圆的馒头,有的像被巨手撕裂的岗峦,上面还留有粗暴的指痕。那些奇形怪状、不可思议有时甚至吓人的形象,好象是个封神捏就的世界 ——有时却又是个超现实主义的奇美的世界。
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 10 )——I spent my first night in Red territory
Red Star Over China ( 10 )
I spent my first night in Red territory
“Down with the landlords who eat our flesh!”
“Down with the militarists who drink our blood!”
“Down with the traitors who sell China to Japan!”
“Welcome the United Front with all anti-Japanese armies!”
“Long live the Chinese Revolution!”
“Lone live the Chinese Red Army!”
It was under these somewhat disturbing exhortations, emblazoned in bold black characters, that I spent my first night in Red territory.
西行漫记( 10 )
But it was not in An Tsai and not under the protection of any Red soldiers. For, as I had feared, we did not reach An Tsai that day, but by sunset had arrived only at a little village that nestled in the curve of a river, with hills brooding darkly on every side. Several layers of slate-roofed houses rose up from the lip of the stream, and it was on their mud-brick walls that the slogans were chalked. Fifty or sixty peasants and staring children poured out to greet my caravan of one donkey.
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 11 )—— Chou Enlai in Yientsin
Red Star Over China ( 11 )
Chou Enlai in Yientsin
At the age of fourteen Chou emtered Nankai Middle School, in Tientsin. The monarchy had been overthrown and Chou now fully “came under the influence of the Kuomintang” or Nationalist Party founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Japan had provided hospitality to Sun Yat-sen during his against the monarchy. Sun still found refuge there as he prepared to overthrow corrupt warlords who had seized the republic. Chou himself went to Japan in 1917, the year he graduated from Nankai Middle School. While learning Japanese, Chou was an “auditor student” at Waseda University of Kyoto. He also became widely acquainted with revolution-minded Chinese students in Japan during his eighteen months there, and kept in touch, through letters and reading, with events in Peking.
西行漫记( 11 )
1913 年 15 岁时,周恩来进入天津南开中学。这时清王朝被推翻,周充分“受到了孙逸仙博士创建的国民党的影响”。孙逸仙煽动反清期间,日本表现出了友善之意。孙在准备推翻窃取了共和国的腐败军阀时,仍以日本为避风港。周于 1971 年的南开中学毕业后便东渡日本。他一边学习日语,一边在东京早稻田和京都大学做“旁听生”。在日本学习的 18 个月期间,他还广泛结识了倡导革命思想的留日中国学生,通过书信和读书与他们保持联系,并时刻了解北京的时局。
In 1919 the former director of Nankai Middle School, Chang Po-ling, became chancellor of the newly organized Nankai University of Tientsin. Chou left Japan to enroll there at Chang's invention. Meanwhile his relatives—“a spendthrift lot,” Chou called them—had become so impoverished that they could provide no support for Chou's college plans. Chang Po-ling gave Chou a job that paid enough to meet costs of tuition, lodging, and books. “During my last two years at Nankai Middle School I had received no help from my family. I lived on a scholarship which I won as best student in my class. In Japan I had lived by borrowing from my friends. Now at Nankai University I became editor of the Hsueh-sheng Lien-ho Hui Pao (Students'Union Paper), which helped cover some expenses.” Chou managed to do that despite five months spent in jail in 1919, as a leader of Nankai's student rebellion which grew out of the May 4 th movement.
1919 年,原南开中学校长张伯苓成为新组建的天津南开大学的校长。周恩来在张的邀请下离开日本,进入南开大学。与此同时,他的亲戚 们—“一群败家子”(周恩来)—已经一贫如洗,无力供他读大学。张伯苓给周安排了一份工作,薪水注意支付学费、住宿费和书本费。“我在南开中学的最后两年,没有得到过家里的帮助。我依靠作为全班最优秀的学生所赢得的奖学金生活。在日本期间我靠向朋友借钱过活。这时在南开大学我成了《学生联合会报》的编辑,这帮助机解决了一些开支〉。” 1919年,五四运动爆发。
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 12 )—— Ho Lung established a soviet district with one knife
Red Star Over China ( 12 )
Ho Lung established a soviet district with one knife
“It is said of Ho Lung that he established a soviet district in Hunan with one knife. This was early in 1928. Ho Lung was in hiding in a village, plotting with members of the Ke Lao Hui, when some Kuomintang tax collectors arrived. Leading a few villagers, he attacked the tax collectors and killed them with his own knife, and then disarmed the tax collectors' guard. From this adventure he got enough revolvers and rifles to arm his first peasants' army.”
西行漫记( 12 )
“传说贺龙用一把菜刀在湖南建立了一个苏区。 那是早在 1928 年。贺龙躲在一个村子里,同哥老会的兄弟们策划起义,这时有几个国民党收税的来了。他就率领村里的几个人袭击收税的,用他自己的一把刀宰了他们,解除了他们的卫队的武装。从这一事件中,他缴获了足够的手枪和步枪来武装他的第一支农民军。”
Ho Lung's fame in the Elder Brother Society extended over all China. The Reds said he could go unarmed into any village of the country, announce himself to the Elder Brother Society, and form an army. The society's special ritual and language were quite difficult to master, but Ho Lung had the highest “degress” and was said to have more than once enlisted an entire Ke Lao Hui branch in the Red Army. His eloquence as a speaker was well known in the Kuomintang. Li said that when he spoke he could “raise the dead to fight.”
When Ho Lung's Second Front Red Army finally withdrew from the Hunan soviet district, in 1935, its rifles were reported to number more than 40,000, and this army underwent even greater hardships in its own Long March to the mountains, and thousands more starved to death or were killed by Nanking bombs. Yet so great was Ho Lung's personal magnetism, and his influence throughout rural China, Li said, that many of his men stayed with him and died on the road rather than desert, and thousands of poor men along the route of march joined in to help fill up the dwindling ranks. In the end he reached eastern Tibet, where he finally connected with Chu The, with about 20,000 men—most of them barefoot, half-starved, and physically exhausted. After several months of recuperation, his troops were now on the march again, into Kansu, where they were expected to arrive in a few weeks.
贺龙的红二方面在 1935 年最后从湖南苏区撤出时,据说有步枪四万多支。这支红军在它自己的去西北的长征路上所经受的艰难困苦较之江西红军主力甚至更大。在雪山上死去的有成千上万,又有成千上万的饿死或被南京方面炸死。但是由于贺龙的个人感召力和他在中国农村的影响,据李说,他的许多部下宁可与他一起在路上死去,也不愿意离去,在长征路上有成千百万的穷人参加,填补缺额。最后他率众约两万人 —— 大多数赤着脚,处于半饥饿和精疲力竭状态 —— 到达西藏东部,与朱德会师。经过几个月的休整,他的部队现在又在行军路上,向甘肃进发,预期在几个星期之内就可以到达。
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 13 )—— Red Theater
Red Star Over China ( 13 )
Red Theater
People were already moving down toward the open-air stage, improvised from an old temple, when I set out with the young official who had invited me to the Red Theater. It was Saturday, two or three hours before sunset, and all Pao An seemed to be going.
西行漫记( 13 )
Cadets, muleteers, women and girl workers from the uniform and shoe factory, clerks from the cooperatives and from the soviet post office, soldiers, carpenters, villagers followed by their infants, all began streaming toward the big grassy plain beside the river, where the players were performing. It would be hard to imagine a more democratic gathering—something like old-time Chautauqua.
No tickets were sold, there was no “dress circle,” and there were no preferred seats. Goats were grazing on the tennis court not far beyond. I noticed Lo Fu, general secretary of the Politburo of the Central Committee, Lin Piao, Lin Po-chu (Lin Tsu-han), the commissioner of finance, Chairman Mao Tse-tung, and other officials and their wives scattered through the crowd, seated on the springy turf like the rest. No one paid much attention to them once the performance had begun.
Across the stage was a big pink curtain of silk, with the words “People's Anti-Japanese Dramatic Society” in Chinese characters as well as Latinzed Chinese, which the Reds were promoting to hasten mass education. The program was to last three hours. It proved to be a combination of playlets, dancing, singing, and pantomime—a kind of variety show, or vaudeville, given unity chiefly by two central themes: anti-Nipponism and the revolution. It was full of overt propaganda and the props were primitive. But it had the advantage of being emancipated from cymbal-crashing and falsetto singing, and of dealing with living material rather than with meaningless historial intrigues that are the concern of the decadent Chinese opera.
台上挂着一块红色的绸制大幕布,上面有“人民抗日剧社”几个大字,还有拉丁化的新的文字拼音,红军大力提倡拉丁化来促进群众教育。节目有 3 个小时,有短剧、舞蹈、歌唱、哑剧——可以说杂耍表演,共同的地方主要是两个中心主题:抗日和革命。节目充满了明显的宣传,一点也不精致,道具都是简单。但是有点事从锣鼓铙钹和假嗓歌唱中解放出来,采用活的题材而不像 腐朽的中国京剧那种没有意义的历史故事。
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 14 )—— A Nation Emigrates
Red Star Over China ( 14 )
A Nation Emigrates
Having successfully broken through the first line of fortifications, the Red Army set out on its epochal year-long trek to the west and to the north, a varicolored and many –storied expedition describable here only in briefest outline. The Communists told me that they were writing a collective account of the Long March, with contributions from dozens who made it, which already totaled about 300,000 words. Adventure, exploration, discovery, human courage and cowardice, ecstasy and triumph, suffering, sacrifice, and loyalty, and then through it all, like a flame, an undimmed ardor and undying hope and amazing revolutionary optimism of death—all this and more seemed in the history of and odyssey unequaled in modern times.
西行漫记( 14 )
红军成功地突破了第一道碉堡线以后,就开始走上它历时一年的划时代的征途,首先向西,然后向北。这是一尺丰富多彩、可歌可泣的远征,这里只能做极简略的介绍。共产党人现在写一部擦很难公正的集体报告,由号几十人参加长征的人执笔,已经有了 30 万字,还没有额、完成。冒险、探索、发现、勇气和胆怯、胜利和狂喜、艰难困苦、英勇牺牲、忠心耿耿,这些千千万万青年人的经历经久不衰的热情、始终如一的希望、令人惊诧的革命乐观情绪,像一把烈焰,贯穿着一切,他们不论在人力面前,或者在大自然卖弄前,上帝面前,死亡面前都绝不承认失败——所有这一切以及还有更多的东西,都体现在现代史上无与伦比的一次远征的历史中了。
The Reds themselves generally spoke of it as the “25,000-li March,” and with all its twists, turns and countermarches, from the farthest point in Fukien to the end of the road in far northwest Shensi, some sections of the marchers undoubtedly did that much or more. An accurate stage-by- stage itinerary prepared by the First Army Corps showed that its route covered a total of 18,088 li, or 6000 miles—about twice the width of the American continent—and this figure was perhaps the average march of the main forces. The journey took them across some of the world's most difficult trails, unfit for wheeled traffic, and across the high snow mountains and the great rivers of Asia. It was one long battle from beginning to end.
红军说到它时,一般都叫“二万五千里长征”,从福建所谓最远的地方开始,一直到遥远的陕西西北部道路的尽头为止,其间迂回曲折,进进退退,因此有更好的长征战士所走过的路程坑定有那么长,甚至比这更长。根据一军团按逐个阶段编 的一张精确的旅程表,长征的路线共达 18 , 088 公里,折合英里为 6 , 000 英里,大约为横穿美洲 大陆的距离的两倍,这个数字大约是主力部队的最低行军长度。不要忘记,整个旅程都是步行的,有些是世界上最难通行的小道,大多数无法通行车辆轱辘,还有亚洲最高的山峰和最大的河流。从头到尾都是一场旷日持久的战斗。
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 15 )—— The Long March
Red Star Over China ( 15 )
The Long March
In one sense this mass migration was the biggest armed propaganda tour in history. The Reds passed through provinces populated by more than
people. Between battles and skirmishes, in every town occupied, they called mass meetings, gave theatrical performances, heavily “taxed” the rich, freed many “slaves”(some of whom joined the Army), preached “liberty, equality, democracy,” confiscated the property of the “traitors” (officials, big landlords, and tax collectors) and distributed their goods among the poor. Millions of the poor had now seen the Red Army and heard it speak, and were no longer afraid of it. The Red explained the aims of agrarian revolution and their anti-Japanese policy. They armed thousands of peasants and left cadres behind to train Red partisans who kept Nanking's troops busy. Many thousands dropped out on the long and heartbreaking march, but thousands of others –farmers, apprentices, slaves, deserters from the Kuomintang ranks, workers, all the disinherited—joined in and filled the ranks.
西行漫记( 15 )
在某种意义上来说,这次大规模的转移师历史上最盛大的武装巡回宣传。红军经过的省份有 12 亿多人民。在战斗的间隙,他们每占一个城镇,就召集群众大会,举行戏剧演出,重“征”富人,解放许多“奴隶”(其中有些参加了红军),宣传“自由、平等、民主”,没收“卖国贼”(官僚、地主、税利)的财产,把他们的财物分配给穷人。现在有千百万的农民看到了红军,听到了他们讲话,不再感到害怕了。红军解释了土地改革的目的,他们的抗日政策。他们武装了千千万万的农民,留下干部训练游击队,使南京军队从此疲于奔命。在漫长的艰苦的征途上,有成千上万的人倒下了,可是另外又有成千上万的人——农民、学徒、奴隶。国民党逃兵、工人、一切赤贫如洗的人们——参加进来充实了行列。
Some day someone will write the full epic of this exciting expedition. Meanwhile, as epilogue, I offer a free translation of a classical poem about this 6,000-mile excursion written by Chairman Mao Tse-tung—a rebel who could write verse as well as lead a crusade:
中有一天有人会把这部激动人心的远征史诗全部写下来。在此以前,我得继续写我的报道,因为我们现在已经写到红军在西北的会师。我把毛泽东主席关于这 6 , 000 英里的长征的旧体诗附在这里作为尾声,他是一个既能领导远征又能写诗的叛逆:
The Red Army, never fearing the challenging Long March,
Looked lightly on the many peaks and rivers.
Wu Ling's Range rose, lowered, rippled,
And green-tiered were the rounded steps of Wu Meng.
Warm-beating the Gold Sand River's waves against the rocks,
And cold the iron-chain spans of Tatu's bridge.
A thousand joyous li of freshening snow on Min Shan,
And then, the last pass vanquished, Three Armies smiled!
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 16 )—— Life Begins at Fifty
Red Star Over China ( 16 )
Life Begins at Fifty
I called him “Old Hsu” because that was what everyone in the soviet districts called him—Lao Hsu, the Educator—for, although sixty-one was only just an average age for most high government officials elsewhere in the Orient, in Red China he seemed a sort of hoary grandfather by contrast with others. Yet he was no specimen of decrepitude. Like his sexagenarian crony, Hsieh Chu-tsai (and you could often see his pair of white-haired bandits walking along arm-in-arm like middle-school lads), he had an erect and vigorous step, bright and merry eyes, and a pair of muscular legs that had carried him across the greatest rivers and mountain ranges of China on the Long March.
西行漫记( 16 )
我叫他老徐,因为苏区人人都这样叫——教书先生老徐——因为,虽然在东方其他地方, 61 岁不过是政府最高官员的平均年龄,可是在红色中国,同别人相比,他似乎是个白发老翁。然而他并不是老朽昏聩的标本。像他的 60 老翁的同辈谢觉哉(你可以常常看到这一对白发土匪在携手同行,好像中学生一样)一样,他步履矫健,双目炯炯,他的一双健腿在长征途上曾经帮他渡过大河,爬过高山。
Hsu T'eh-li had been a highly respected professor until at the age of fifty he amazingly gave up his home, four children, and the presidency of a normal school in Changsha to stake his future with the Communists. Born in 1877 near Changsha, not far from P'eng The-huai's birthplace, he was the fourth son in a poor peasant family. By various sacrifices his parents gave him six years of schooling, at the end of which he became a schoolteacher under the Manchu regime. There he remained till he was twenty-nine, when he entered the Changsha Normal College, graduated, and become an instructor in mathematics—a discipline in which he was self-taught.
徐特立原来是一个级受敬重的教授,但是到了 50 岁那一年,他突然放弃家庭, 4 个儿女,长沙附近一个贫农家庭,与彭德怀诞生的地方相去不远。他是第四个儿子。他的姑母省吃俭用,供他上了 6 年学,完了以后在清朝当个塾师,一直到 29 岁那一年上长沙师范,毕业后留校教数学。
Mao Tse-tung was one of his students in the normal school (Hsu said he was terrible in math), and so were many youths who later became Reds. Hsu himself had a role in politics long before Mao knew a republican from a monarchist. He still bore that mark of combat from feudal politics in days of the empire, when he cut off the tip of his little fingers to demonstrate his sincerity in begging by petition that a parliament be grated the people. After the first revolution, when for a while Hunan had a provincial parliament, Old Hsu was a member of it.
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》
范例欣赏 Red Star Over China ( 17 )—— Farewell to Red China
Red Star Over China ( 17 )
Farewell to Red China
In the middle of October, 1936, after I had been with the Reds nearly four months, arrangements were finally completed for my return to the White world. It had not been easy. Chang Hsueh-liang's friendly Tungpei troops had been withdrawn from nearly every front and replaced by Nanking or other hostile forces. There was only one outlet then, through a Tungpei division which still had a front with the Reds near Lochuan, a walled city a day's motor trip north of Sian.
西行漫记( 17 )
1936 年 10 月中,我在红军中间呆了将近 4 个月以后,回白色世界的安排工作终于 i 完成了。这可是不容易。张学良的东北友军几乎已经从所有战线上撤出,由南京的军队或其他敌意部队换防。当时只有一个出口,那是由东北军一个师在洛川附近与 0 红军毗邻的一条战线,洛川在西安以北,只有一天的汽车路程。
I walked down the main street of Defended Peace for the last time, and the farther I got toward the gate, the more reluctantly I moved. People popped their heads out of offices to shout last remarks. My poker club turned out en mass to bid the maestro good-by, and some “little devils” trudged with me to the walls of Pao An. I stopped to take a picture of Old Hsu and Old Hsieh, their arms thrown around each other's shoulders. Only Mao Tse-t he was still asleep.
“Don't forget my artificial arm!” called Ts'ai.
“Don't forget my films!” urged Lu Ting-yi.
“We'll be waiting for the air fleet!” laughed Yang Shang-k'un.
“Send me in a wife!” demanded Li K'e-nung.
“And send back those four ounces of cocoa,” chided Po Ku.
“把 4 两可可送过来!”博古责怪道。
The whole Red University was seated out in the open, under a great tree, listening to a lecture by Lo Fu, when I went past. They all came over, and we shook hands, and I mumbled a few words. Then I turned and forded the stream, waved them a farewell , and rode up quickly with little caravan. I might be the last foreigner to see any of them alive, I thought. It was very depressing. I felt that I was not going home, but leaving it.
—— 选自董乐山译 《西行漫记》


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