i came to see you because i missed youthanks very muchh

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你可能喜欢[Recap: I Miss You] Episode 12 - ‘Why are you here?’ ‘Because I missed you’
Three Stars
Crying in , more crying in episode 12.
Are we surprised? Nope, not at all.
Are these tears in our eyes? ......no.....
Jung Woo pulls Joy closer as he calls out Soo Yeon’s name, asking if he shouldn’t wait for her.
Joy tries to push away, but Jung Woo has a tight grip on her.
They silently cry together, feeling sad for themselves, until Jung Woo decides it’s time to let go with Soo Yeon’s mother yelling inside his head that Joy doesn’t want to be Soo Yeon.
He tells her to go without looking at his face, and Joy obediently does.
“I’m not crying because I’m sad. It’s because the wind is blowing,” says Jung Woo, making Joy stop in her tracks.
“I tried so hard to forget it. Han Jung Woo…you were in pain too.”
Joy turns around to look back on him one last time and waves her fingers his way to wipe the bad memories away.
As if knowing what is happening, Jung Woo closes his eyes and silently cries, holding his hands together, as Joy gets into her car and drives away. She lets all the tears flow while driving.
Taking a deep breath, he enters the interrogation room to the welcome of the cleaning lady.
The Team Boss leaves and it’s just the cleaning lady and Jung Woo.
She tries to start friendly conversation, but Jung Woo’s not having it. He asks why she killed the druggie-napper.
Wiping her tears away, Joy returns home. Harry is sleeping in his bed. As she turns to leave, Harry moans and Joy realizes that Harry is sick with the cold and a high fever.
Harry reassures her that the doctor already came and he took medicine.
She asks why he didn’t call and Harry says Joy was probably at the tent bar…drinking soju.
He looks at her.
“Joy, I’m in so much pain. I want to forget all that pain and just sleep. Cast your magic spell on me.”
Joy doesn’t, because it’s not hers. “I gave it back to him.”
She apologizes to Harry and he starts to cry.
He brings her hand close to his chest. “Joy, I thought you weren’t coming. I was so scared.”
Joy calls him stupid for thinking she would leave him.
He brings himself up and hugs her waist as he starts to cry uncontrollably, holding onto her. Joy tries to get up to get something to cool his fever down, but Harry doesn’t let go.
He whispers, “You can’t go anywhere. You can’t.”
Back in the interrogation room, Jung Woo is shocked to hear that the cleaning lady has killed a total of three people.
“What do you mean kill? I just cleaned up the trash. You know that I’m good at cleaning,” says the lady. “If I wasn’t caught, I would have killed more.” She continues to say that those kinds of people will come out of prison to commit the same crime.
“What’s the problem? It’s a good thing they’re dead.”
Jung Woo closes his eyes momentarily to remember Joy saying the same thing.
The cleaning lady asks why they saved the douchebag. She then asks Jung Woo to go kill the second rapists, since she killed the druggie-napper for him. To fulfill her revenge.
Jung Woo refuses.
“You don’t get revenge like that. If you kill them, do they know that they did wrong?” asks Jung Woo. He adds that he’s going to make them all kneel down in front of the cleaning lady, begging for forgiveness in regret.
Jung Woo adds that he planned on doing that to the druggie-napper but all of his plans were ruined because of her, how the druggie-napper died without knowing his sins. Putting her into deeper guilt, Jung Woo says that the druggie-napper knew the man who faked Soo Yeon’s death.
“The reason why I waited 14 years, enduring and waiting,…you made it all disappear in one moment.”
He comments that right now, she’s nothing but a criminal and he’ll cry about Bora after the interrogation, Jung Woo demands once more how and why she killed the druggie-napper.
She takes Jung Woo step by step through the murder process. She dressed as a young woman because men like the druggie-napper go nuts when they see young women. She talks about how she dragged him to the bathroom, thinking about Bora, and then made rice because after Bora died, she couldn’t eat warm rice anymore.
“Every time I killed a bastard, I made rice.”
She inserted a small white cube (dry ice we presume) inside the druggie-napper’s mouth and taped it shut. She introduces herself as Bora’s mom and to wait for her in hell, where she’ll kill him again.
Jung Woo shows the cleaning lady a picture of the druggie-napper dead, with a red towel over his mouth. He asks why the cleaning lady put the towel on his face.
The cleaning lady’s mind goes back to that day. She remembers hearing footsteps made by high-heels in the hallway and quickly hid inside the closet. A person came into the apartment.
Suddenly, the cleaning lady has a moment of a shock, as the sound of the heels from the apartment pulls out another memory of the sound Joy’s shoes made in the police station
She remembers asking Joy if Joy killed him or not, and Joy didn’t answer.
Oh…no way.
Realizing the truth, the cleaning lady lets out a deep sigh and asks Jung Woo if he likes Joy.
Jung Woo tells her stay on the subject and the cleaning lady lets out another sigh, before saying that she put the towel on his face to kill him faster.
The cleaning tries to change the subject by asking to sleep, but Jung Woo stays on the subject.
“Why did you take the cellphone?”
Once again, the cleaning lady is confused about Joy’s missing cellphone. She quickly then covers it up saying she must have taken it when she gathered everything to throw away.
She promises she won’t kill anyone anymore.
Once again trying to bring the attention to herself, the cleaning lady says she regrets killing the rapists and promises she won’t do it again. She then asks for food.
Harry watches Joy sleep at his bedside after taking care of him all night.
His eyes are filled with sadness as he calls out Soo Yeon’s name.
“Even though you’re next to me, I’m afraid. Don’t…don’t hesitate again.”
In his secret lair, the ‘friend’ IMs Harry, asking if Harry has his hands on the secret ledgers and if they should start.
At the same time, CEO Han’s savings bank is in chaos, as everyone asks about their money.
Things don’t look good with Assistant Nam stealing all of CEO Han’s secret funds and accounts and putting them into Harry’s hands.
Fake Mom is worried about the money, when Ahreum coldly announces that Jung Woo is fine, not that anyone in that household cares.
CEO Han is under the suspicion of using a fake account for money laundering, which is true. His employers are a bit worried, but CEO Han yells for all evidence to be destroyed and the reporters to be silenced.
The young assistant informs CEO Han that Assistant Nam must have leaked the info to the press to buy time to send his family to New Zealand. CEO Han orders that someone be sent to New Zealand to track him down.
But the problem that has CEO Han even more bothered is that the investment money for Harry has disappeared, most likely stolen by Assistant Nam.
Skipping into the police station in a happy mood, Partner Joo brags that his father and his relatives are so proud of him for appearing on TV for arresting the cleaning lady.
The Team Boss shuts him down, reminding him that he’s being disciplined for how he handled the case and Jung Woo for not taking care of his computer.
Knowing his wrongs, Partner Joo grabs his heart in pain, but he talks back to the Team Boss, saying no one would have ever imagined the cleaning lady to be a serial killer.
Partner Joo walks up to Jung Woo’s desk to find the box of his stuff.
At home, Soo Yeon’s mom is packing up the rest of Jung Woo’s things, when Eun Joo asks why she’s kicking Jung Woo out.
Soo Yeon’s mom reasons that it’s their fault for keeping someone else’s son in their family for too long. If something bad happens to Jung Woo, his family will blame them for making him search for Soo Yeon. It’s only right to send Jung Woo back to his family.
“But what about me?” asks Eun Joo. “What about me? Jung Woo can’t go. He’s here instead of my dad. He promised to find my dad’s murderer.”
Soo Yeon’s mom grabs a hold of Eun Joo’s hand and promises to be really good to her. “But let’s let Jung Woo go…Let’s let him stop waiting for Soo Yeon, who will never come back.”
Soo Yeon’s mom cries that this is all for Jung Woo.
Partner Joo sticks his head into the interrogation room to see if Jung Woo wants to switch, but he has no intention of doing so until he gets to the bottom of the case. Partner Joo silently leaves the room.
As she has nothing else to confess, the cleaning lady apologizes for using Soo Yeon’s mother’s name to order the dry ice and tells Jung Woo to take better care of his computer.
Jung Woo lets out a sigh and finally tells the cleaning lady to cry now.
“I can’t cut down your sentence – that’s beyond my powers, but if Bora was just a bit stronger and continued to live by your side, who knows, I could have really become your son-in-law,” says Jung Woo.
“Don’t say things like that. What about Soo Yeon?” asks the cleaning lady.
A moment of silence passes as Jung Woo asks if they should cry together.
“You let go to Bora, and I’ll let go of Lee Soo Yeon.”
Jung Woo doesn’t answer why he’s letting go of Soo Yeon, but he apologizes for not realizing the cleaning lady’s painful past as a detective.
The cleaning lady starts to cry.
“If I just had someone like you by my side, would I not have become like this?”
That question causes Jung Woo’s tears to fall down. He rests his head on the table as the cleaning lady asks why he’s crying.
“Ajumma, let’s forget it all. For Bora, for you, let’s forget everything.”
The cleaning lady reaches out for Jung Woo’s hand.
“Do you know why I let you live?” asks the cleaning lady. “Because even after Lee Soo Yeon went through a bad thing, you waited for her and loved her and I was thankful for that. Make sure your heart doesn’t change until the end.”
Suspended from getting involved in police affairs for the time being, Partner Joo and Jung Woo go drinking in broad daylight. Partner Joo is already drunk, and asking why Jung Woo told the cleaning lady that he’s going to forget Soo Yeon.
“You can’t forget our Soo Yeon…”
Partner Joo folds his hands over his heart. Even in his drunken state, he takes the soju glass away from Jung Woo, since if he has more than two shots, Jung Woo will pass out.
Jung Woo doesn’t care today and steals it back.
Not being able to beat Partner Joo, Jung Woo gives up, but proudly announces that today, he drank three shots.
“I’m proud of you, my crazy rabbit. 100 points!”
We love them.
“Tomorrow, I’ll drink four. The day after tomorrow, I’ll drink five. As I drink, I’ll get old, right?” asks Jung Woo. “Whatever you do, it’ll get better…Practice will help me forget a person, right?”
Jung Woo admits that he never once thought about forgetting her.
He tells Partner Joo that Soo Yeon doesn’t want him to wait for her.
“When she sees me, she said it hurts,” says Jung Woo. “I like Lee Soo Yeon the best…but Soo Yeon doesn’t like me. What should I do?”
He dips his finger into the shot glass, creating ripples, and cursing the soju for making him miss Joy even more.
“She’s coming. She’s not coming. She’s coming. She’s not coming.”
Suddenly, his phone rings. It’s Harry, who asks for Jung Woo to meet.
Jung Woo admits that he’s drinking and then adds if Harry wants to join.
When he hears that Harry can’t come out, Jung Woo asks what Harry needs to talk about. It has to do with Nurse Hye Mi’s autopsy – there’s something strange. Harry invites Jung Woo to his house.
Jung Woo gets off the elevator to Harry’s house and has an awkward run-in with Joy.
He quickly walks past her, when the scent of alcohol lingers in the air and she questions it.
“I thought you weren’t good at drinking,” says Joy.
“I thought I couldn’t too, but it’s not too bad after trying,” replies Jung Woo. “There’s nothing you can’t do . You do it and get better at it little by little.”
He tells her that they should drink when he gets better and leave for Harry’s room.
Harry greets Jung Woo, then goes straight into admitting that he was pretty upset because of Jung Woo for calling Joy up about the 280 steps from the streetlamp to Soo Yeon’s house.
“That’s interesting. You remember it word for word,” remarks Jung Woo.
Borrowing Jung Woo’s hand, Harry asks to drink together, but Jung Woo declines, since it won’t be fun if Jung Woo passes out first.
Jung Woo jokes that he warmed up outside of the house, in case Harry wanted to fight, but Harry laughs, saying, “As long as you don’t bother Joy, I like you.”
Jung Woo ponders if he was bothering Joy.
They head towards to a different room when Harry looks back on his tablet PC and asks Jung Woo to get it.
He opens it see that the ‘friend’ had messaged him that their plan has started and Harry smiles.
Meanwhile, CEO Han asks where Harry is so that he can somehow save the investment deal with Harry.
Jung Woo’s in the kitchen, getting the drinks ready, when Joy comes along to help.
He acts indifferently to her, surprising Joy a bit as he asks her to find him the napkins.
She hands them to him and Jung Woo momentarily sees that Joy is carrying her mom’s shoes in a bag. A small smile breaks on his face as he looks at Joy. Joy doesn’t say anything as he sends her off.
When he doesn’t react, Joy is a bit surprised but goes her way.
It’s only when she leaves that Jung Woo says, “My honey will be happy.”
He turns to Harry, who is sitting in the patio. He smiles at Jung Woo and Jung Woo says under his breath, “Stop smiling.”
He then joins Harry in the patio.
Harry asks if Jung Woo is the son of CEO Han and says they look alike. Jung Woo
says they are related, but asks why Harry’s interested.
Craig, Harry’s lawyer, believes that Nurse Hyemi’s death has something to with CEO Han’s bank, but Harry will only give that information depending on Jung Woo’s relationship with his father.
Jung Woo immediately says that he is related to CEO Han, but has no relation with his bank.
Harry hands the paperwork over. It’s the promissory note given to Fake Mom through Assistant Nam from Nurse Hyemi, funded by Harry.
Jung Woo’s a bit shocked to recognize every name on the paper, but there’s only one name that bothers him: Harry’s, because if something happens to Harry, then Joy will suffer.
Meanwhile, at Soo Yeon’s mom restaurant, Joy comes to visit. She catches her mom dozing off when they see each other.
They sit down and Soo Yeon’s mom asks why Joy even came, without even looking at her eyes. Joy suggests drinking soju, but Soo Yeon’s mom calls her a crazy b*tch, making Joy smile, saying now she seems like her mom.
Joy shows off her new manicure, but it only hurts Soo Yeon’s mom, who asks her why she even came here.
Even though she missed Joy, Soo Yeon’s mom says it’s so sudden.
“I still missed you,” says Joy. “At first, I missed you because I was mad at you for not coming to find me. Then I missed you because I wanted to show off how successful I have gotten. Later, I missed you every time I made clothes, because you said I dressed better than Eun Joo.”
Soo Yeon’s mom bites her lips to prevent herself from crying as Joy informs her mom that she’s a designer now. But Joy doesn’t get the reaction she wants, as Soo Yeon’s mom tells her to go live that life instead of causing more pain by coming back.
Soo Yeon’s mom offers herself to be cursed at if that’s why Joy has come back, but Joy replies that her heart is not comfortable.
“It was better when I hated everything, but now I just cry. I feel like dying, Mom.”
Reaching out for Joy’s hand, Soo Yeon’s mom asks if she’ll come back, but Joy just says she’ll come visit her in secret while Harry’s still working. Soo Yeon’s mom pulls away, saying she doesn’t want that.
“Soo Yeon, even if you’re sad, I can’t help it,” cries Soo Yeon’s mom. “I...I like Jung Woo more now.”
Soo Yeon’s mom tells her daughter that if she doesn’t plan on coming back for real, then she shouldn’t come back at all. That’s the right thing to do.
Soo Yeon’s mom leaves to return to work, and Joy begins to cry.
Inside her car, Joy pulls out the shoes that she wasn’t able to return. She regrets not being able to buy her mom nice shoes.
Joy gets a phone call from Harry and Jung Woo’s attention shifts. He hears that Joy cried and he immediately starts to worry.
As the phone call ends, Jung Woo gets up to leave, when he receives the text message from Assistant Nam, who informs Jung Woo that he’s no longer in the country.
He tells Jung Woo that he was only following after CEO Han’s dirty commands and to not find Soo Yeon. “You’ll be the only one getting hurt more.”
With a grim expression, Jung Woo puts his phone away and tells Harry that he’ll be taking the paperwork. Harry offers Nurse Hyemi’s savings account at CEO Han’s bank as well and asks Jung Woo to investigate thoroughly.
Outside of the house, Jung Woo calls Partner Joo, who is shopping for cookies at a bakery. They talk about the promissory note and things point to murder instead of accidental death, but nothing is sure for now.
Jung Woo hangs up, just as CEO Han’s car rolls in front of the gate.
Jung Woo and his father meet eyes for a second, as Harry watches with a smile.
CEO Han demands that the gates be open, and as he does, he smirks, “Han Tae Jun, welcome to heaven.”
Harry sits in the living room with an ice pack on his leg. CEO Han gets down to business, saying he needs more time to get the money ready, but Harry acts fussy saying that’ll be hard to postpone anything at this point.
Then he turns to CEO Han, and asks if he can lend CEO Han the money for the time being, since CEO Han can get the sum in a week, right?
CEO Han gratefully takes the offer.
Harry asks CEO Han to get Harry his cane in the middle of the room, and CEO Han gets up and hands the cane to Harry. He smirks as he uses it to stand up.
CEO Han thanks Harry for the offer and asks if he can return the favor.
Harry asks if he can take the favor later on and CEO Han promises to remember.
Back at the police station, Partner Joo leaves a note on the snack bags from the bakery. It reads, “Wifey, I’m here. Cheer up... ^^ <3.”
He throws a second bag of snack to the other officers to distract them from Jung Woo’s snacks. He proceeds to warn them not to say the name Lee Soo Yeon or anything that sound familiar in front of Jung Woo.
“Let’s help him,” says Partner Joo. “He has decided to...” He pauses and muffles. “...forget about Lim. So. Young.” He cheers for Jung Woo’s new beginning.
Meanwhile, Jung Woo visits Fake Mom’s shop, asking when he can meet with his stepmother, who is meeting with someone important. But just like Fake Mom, the employee is also a b*tch too and blows Jung Woo off. She asks Jung Woo to wait in the backroom since he’s disturbing the customers.
The important guest turns out to be Joy, who asks Fake Mom when she’ll bring down Joy’s clothes from the store’s mannequins.
Fake Mom bickers that Joy is being unfair, since Fake Mom has let go of her entire pride to scout Joy, but Joy doesn’t back down, snapping that Fake Mom’s methods were all wrong. Burn.
Fake Mom asks for some mercy, because her household has been flipped upside down when Assistant Nam flew off with the money for Harry’s investment. She brings up Jung Woo’s name, saying Jung Woo continues to burden the family even after leaving the family.
Jung Woo walks around the back room, staring at some of the dresses on the mannequins.
He fiddles with the button from his jacket.
At the same time, CEO Han receives a package from an unfamiliar name. He opens it, and inside is a card. He opens it, and it reads, “Even God cannot save you. Just wait.”
Inside the box is a bicycle ornament, just like the one that Hyun Joo, Harry’s mother, threw at CEO Han’s feet many years ago.
CEO Han is momentarily shocked, but then he smirks. “Kang Hyung Joon.”
Harry’s inside his secret lair, perfecting the displays of his little ornaments.
Back at the store, Fake Mom brings Joy to the design room. She has momentarily leave to take care of some business, and Joy walks around and explores the place.
She sees the dress that Jung Woo was staring at before and finds interest in it.
She wonders where Fake Mom got the dress.
Just then, she notices a pair of feet sticking out on a bed behind some curtains.
She walks closer and fids Jung Woo fast asleep.
She shies away at first, but then approaches him.
Joy stoops to his level and watches him sleep.
She sees the button in Jung Woo’s hand and then his jacket with the missing button.
“What’s the big deal with that?” thinks Joy about the button. “Jung Woo, you’re really weird. Everytime I see you, it hurts.”
Just then, Jung Woo flinches and Joy reaches out to prevent the button from falling just in case, but Jung Woo instead closes his fingers over the button.
Then he opens his eyes and sees Joy watching over him.
“Soo Yeon...”
Startled, Joy gets up to leave, but Jung Woo pulls her back. “Why are you here?”
His question triggers to when he asked that same question during the kidnapping a long time ago and how she answered, “To save you.”
This time, Joy thinks, “Because I missed you.”
Just then, Fake Mom returns to the room and Joy turns to leave. When Jung Woo gets up, Joy pulls the curtains to a close, hiding Jung Woo.
After receiving the eerie present, CEO Han personally drives himself somewhere.
He enters a very grim place with a sign on the wall that says no entry, whatsoever.
CEO Han unlocked a lock on a door and enters a dark room.
Someone is making an ornament.
The person wearing a patient’s outfit, turns around.
It’s Hyun Joo.
Her hair is disheveled and her eyes are glazed over, but when she sees CEO Han, Hyun Joo smiles innocently.
looks into his display case and pulls out the necklace piece that his mother gave him.
He smiles, reading the inscription.
“To Joon, the one I love most in this world. From Mom.”
We had a suspicion that CEO Han didn’t kill her nine episodes back, but to actually SEE Hyun Joo still alive sent chills down our spine. Wow.
CEO Han must have known Harry/Hyung Joon would get his revenge at one point, which is why he kept Harry’s mom alive to use as a weakness.
So she’s just been locked up for 14 something years? We would go crazy too if we were confined in a dark room with nothing but straws to create ornaments out of, but it’s sad to see Hyun Joo lose that fierce spark that she had in the beginning episodes.
Wow. How does this change things for Harry’s revenge? Will he continue to attack CEO Han and kill his mother a second time, or will he give up everything to have his mother back?
He did say that even if his mother was back, he wouldn’t forgive her, but this is when he truly believes his mother is dead, so there’s still a huge chance that he’ll change completely when he finds out that his mother is alive after 14 years!
We thought it was a nice way to have the cleaning lady and Jung Woo to find closure with Bora and Soo Yeon.
That exchange that they had in the interrogation room seems to be what they both needed - the decision to let the people they love most in the world go. It definitely won’t happen instantly, but taking the first step is always the hardest.
Of course, we know Jung Woo won’t be letting go of Soo Yeon, no matter how hard he tries.
We really admire Partner Joo and think he’s the best side character ever.
He manages to even out the sadness with his strange, luxurious and witty behavior and we will forever side with a nice bromance if a drama ever throws one at us.
And Joy..so she DID have a hand in murdering the druggie-napper.
Well, the druggie-napper was bound to die after swallowing the dry ice, but it seems that Joy is the one who put the red towel over the druggie-napper’s mouth. And if our memory is correct, the druggie-napper was revealed to have been poisoned as well.
So was Joy planning on killing the druggie-napper, but the cleaning lady got to it first? And it seems that the cleaning lady is willing to project Joy for the sake of Jung Woo, so we might not even find out what really went on at the murder scene, until Joy opens her mouth.
From the way things are going with Joy, she probably won’t for the time being, since she’s being quite selfish with the way she wants to be Soo Yeon when she wants to be and in secret.
We think it’s not fair that she gets to control the situation, when there are so many other people involved, who were hurt just as much as she was.
Joy can’t just decide to be Soo Yeon and then be Joy. She has to be either/or and not just stand in the middle of things. She wants to be Soo Yeon for the sake of being with her mom, but not considering her mom’s feelings.
Yes, it’s terrible and heartbreaking to hear her own mom declare that she likes Jung Woo more, but it’s clear to everyone, except for Joy, that it will be an extra difficult situation for Soo Yeon’s mom to have Soo Yeon in life for a little bit, only to have her snatched away a second time.
At the end of the day, we only have one thought in mind: this drama is so twisted....
We don’t know if it’s in a good or bad way, but the way it toys around with human emotions is just nuts.
At times, it’s just completely stressful and literally pains our hearts, but we can’t stop watching because there’s something about it that pulls us close every time. Maybe it’s the mystery unraveling itself or the hope to see Joy admit to Jung Woo that she is Soo Yeon.
We don’t know what it is, but we keep coming back to it. Are we the only ones feeling this way?
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