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你可能喜欢高一英语知识点:哈三中学年度下学期高一学年第二模块 英语听力_新东方网_第2页
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  W: So do I. the heat never works.
  Text 5
  M: My problem is that I don’t have enough money. I want to get a job but I’m not allowed to.
  W: I see. Do your parents know how you feel, Andy?
  M: I’m afraid not.
  W: Well, I don’t think it possible to solve this problem if you keep it a secret.
  Text 6
  M: I really enjoy watching the NBA games on TV.
  W: Who’s your favorite player?
  M: I don’t really have one but I support Houston.
  W: Do they have a good team?
  M: I think they do. They have a good manager and a great coach.
  W: I can’t keep up with the game. The players play so quickly that I can hardly see what they are doing.
  M: I have the same problem. The players are really very skillful. I wish I could play that well. Now I play for an amateur team. We’re doing pretty well this season. We’ve won most of our games, but we’re not top of the league table. We’ve got four more games this season. I hope we can win all of them.
  Text 7
  W: Hey, Mike. How have you been?
  M: Actually, I’ve been really stressed lately. I wish I knew how to relax.
  W: I’ve been using a very simple technique. Want to hear about it?
  M: Sure.
  W: Well, as soon as you get home from work, go into the bedroom, close the door, and sit down in a comfortable chair.
  M: That’s it. You just sit down?
  W: Yeah, but you have to close your eyes, and it should be really quiet. After about 15 minutes or so, you’ll feel a lot better.
  M: Hmm. That sounds like a good idea. I’m going to try that tonight.
  Text 8
  W: Your dog is so much fun. He’s so playful. I wish our cat enjoyed being around people as much as your dog does.
  M: Cats are more independent than dogs. How old is your cat now?
  W: She’s eight years old. Your dog’s six, isn’t he?
  M: Yes. We take him out to the park every morning and evening. I think he’d happy to stay there all day! Do you know where your cat goes?
  W: She spends less time outdoors than she used to. We have no idea where she goes. Occasionally, she brings back a dead mouse.
  M: Have you ever thought about having another pet?
  W: The kids want a rabbit. I don’t think it would be a good idea to get a mouse or a fish! That might be too attractive to the cat!
  Text 9
  M: Excuse me, madam. Can you tell me how to get to Sun College? I’m walking.
  W: Well, I think the simplest way is for you to go up to Main Street over there. Turn left on Main Street and keep going for about 20 minutes. When you get to Water Square, turn right. Keep on, past the Mass Hospital, to the end of the road, and then take a left turn. You’ll be on Rain Avenue. Walk two blocks until you see the Farmers’ Bank. Cross the street and almost immediately take a left turn again. The entrance to Sun College is down a few yards on your right. Can you remember all that?(www.k+s+)
  M: I guess I got a little lost in the middle.
  W: Well, perhaps the best thing is for you to find your way up to Mass Hospital and ask again.
  M: OK. Thanks a lot.
  W: My pleasure.
  Text 10
  M: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We are very happy to have Mr. Brown and his party form Australia with us tonight. Let’s give our warm welcome! Mr. Brown has long been our friend. As one of the largest dealers of garments in Australia, Mr. Brown has been one of our faithful business partners ever since we entered into business relations in 1998. This time Mr. Brown and his party are coming to England to explore new opportunities for business cooperation. We believe that there are many areas in which we can cooperate. Now I propose a toast to the successful visit of our friends.


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