做新的坐过山车英语 的英语是什么

[guò shān chē] roller coaster
[r?ul?(r)] n.滚筒,辊子 [k?ust?(r)] n.近海贸易货船
单词过山车的英汉对照例句不能承认自己害怕。要敢于坐过山车,敢于参与拳斗,敢于做自己必须要做的事情。求人帮忙就会被指责为女里女气。Never admit fear.ride the roller coaster and join the fistfight do what you have to do.asking for help is for sissies.大山:西埃德蒙顿商场是北美最大的购物中心,在这里,你可以购物、就餐、滑冰、看电影,还可以玩过山车呢。Dashan: the west edmonton mall is the largest shopping centre in north america.you can shop eat ice skate see a movie and ride on a roller coaster here.翻滚过山车,云霄飞车:一种上有敞篷的小型车厢且快速行驶的有急转弯的大坡度高架轨道,尤指游乐园中的乘坐装置。A steep sharply curving elevated railway with small open passenger cars that is operated at high speeds as a ride especially in an amusement park.过山车玩一次50美分。Big dipper rides cost50cents each.海洋公园的旅游点很多,计有吊车、多个世界级的展览馆,包括海洋馆、海涛馆、鲨鱼馆、雀鸟天堂和蝴蝶屋;还有可容纳3500名观众欣赏海洋哺乳动物表演的海洋剧场,以及紧张刺激的过山车。The park's attractions include a cable car system various world-class features such as the atoll reef wave cove shark aquarium bird paradise the butterfly house and the3500-seat ocean theatre for marine mammal shows and an exciting array of thrill rides.和室内过山车、旋转木马等主题公园多年来的主要游戏相比,“太空使命”确实是一个巨大的飞跃。Mission: space really is a giant leap beyond the dark-room rides and merry-go-rounds that were for years the staple of theme parks.和室内过山车、旋转木马等主题公园多年来的主要游戏相比,“太空使命”确实是一个巨大的飞跃。它应用的技术和休斯顿约翰逊航空中心用来训练美国国家宇航员的技术一模一样。Mission: space really is a giant leap beyond the dark-room rides and merry-go-rounds that were for years the staple of theme parks.the technology is the same used to train nasa astronauts at the johnson space center in houston.西埃德蒙顿商场是北美最大的购物中心,在这里,你可以购物、就餐、滑冰、看电影,还可以玩过山车呢。The west edmonton mall is the largest shopping centre in north america.you can shop eat ice skate see a movie and ride on a roller coaster here.美国首个过山车。First roller coaster in the u.s.请问过山车在哪?Where is the roller coaster?什么是翻滚过山车?What's a roller coaster?永久的过山车的下坡?Of the perpetual lana-clark roller coaster?在过山车的后面。It's behind the roller coaster.提交更多过山车的相关例句
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要快啊 ,包括约多方面越好!
 过山车(Roller coaster,或又称为云霄飞车)是一种机动游乐设施,常见于游乐园和主题乐园中。拉马库斯·阿德纳·汤普森(LaMarcus Adna Thompson)是第一个注册过山车相关专利技术的人(日),并曾制造过十数个过山车设施,因此被誉称为“重力之父”(Father of Gravity)。一个基本的过山车构造中,包含了爬升、滑落、倒转,其轨道的设计不一定是一个完整的回圈,也可以设计为车体在轨道上的运行方式为来回移动。大部分过山车的每个乘坐车厢可容纳2人、4 人或6人,这些车厢利用勾子相互连结起来,就像火车一样。  过山车虽然惊悚恐怖,但是基本上是非常安全的设施。电影《绝命终结站 3》当中宣称过山车的事故率约为2亿5000万分之1,而现实当中,真正的数字可能还更低。根据美国消费者产品安全委员会(CPSC)和六旗乐园(Six Flags)的调查显示,2001 年当中搭乘过山车的死亡率约为15亿分之1。这意味着:游客死于驾车前往游乐园途中的机率反而大些。  在钢铁制过山车中,日本长岛温泉游乐园中的过山车Steel Dragon 2000,全长2479公尺,是最长的过山车。第二名是位于英国Lightwater Valley中的The Ultimate,全长2271公尺,第三长的Millennium Force位于美国俄亥俄州Cedar Point乐园。
Roller Coasters have been the &must ride& attraction at amusement & theme parks for more than a century. With just one look, it's obvious why roller coasters are often called &scream machines&. What began as a simple car that rolled down a hill, has evolved into an engineering marvel. Roller coasters are taller, faster and wilder than ever. The tallest is the size of a modern skyscraper. The fastest travels at nearly twice the highway speed limit. So if they're so big and fast, intimidating and scary, then why do we ride roller coasters? For thrill-seekers it's a love affair with the excitement a roller coaster offers. The moment we begin the first descent our body fills with adrenaline creating a &thrill-seeker high&. For others, a roller coaster is a scary experience. Tackling ones fears despite being scared is a challenge, that is as rewarding as it is exciting. Whatever the reason, people love roller coasters and it's no surprise that they are the world's most popular amusement park ride. Ultimate Rollercoaster is about discovering the excitement of the Roller Coaster. Here you'll learn everything you want to know about roller coasters. Start with the storied history of this thrill ride. Then answer your curiosity of what is the tallest, fastest and longest roller coaster. You'll discover how they work and read reviews of a few of the world's best. And we might even inspire you to ride one or two after looking at photos of some of the coolest roller coasters on the planet
最新中过山车高清完整版在线观看,过山车视频,英语过山车英文歌 过山车是谁唱的,歌英文原名是什么啊_百度知道
英文歌 过山车是谁唱的,歌英文原名是什么啊
家听了一首歌 中央音乐台的,下面翻译是过山车
nowok://www作者Ronan Keating - Life Is A Rollercoaster


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