用被主动语态态写一篇关于quickly taking notes in class的的作文

My husband received
a letter a month ago from a young woman who had been his student
when she was in middle school. She was writing because she wanted
to thank him for having a great influence on her
In the letter she
wrote,“You were the teacher who helped me discover my talent for
math.Before you came to teach us,I had been terribly poor at
math,and had never thought that I would be interested in it.To my
surprise,you magically showed me the beauty of math.I guess that
was the turning point of my attitude towards it.Gradually my
interest in it began to grow.Thanks to your encouragement,I made
continuous progress in math,and finally made up my mind to study it
in the university.Today I am working as an accountant at Valley
Medical Center in California.You played an important part.Thank
What a wonderful
gift to a retired teacher!My husband has received many letters from
students over the years.This one was special,for it arrived at this
time in his life when he is in very poor
did what),结果怎样(what was the result)等。
(1)According to the
passage,we know...
(2)The writer
states that...
(3)The author
story/passage is about...
writer/author tells us about...
(6)The story mainly
tells us that...
(1)I agree with the
statement that...
(2)I do agree with
the author...
(3)I'm for the
writer's idea that...
(4)I quite agree
with the writer's idea.
(5)I fully support
the statement above because I am very sure...
(6)I can't agree
more with what the writer
(1)I partly agree
with what the writer said.
(2)I don't agree
with the writer's view.
(3)I'm strongly
against the writer's idea.
(4)In some way,I
agree with...but...
(5)This opinion
sounds right but is hardly practical.
(6)What the writer
said sounds reasonable.But...
(7)It is definitely
not like that.As a matter of fact...
(8)Some people
argue as if it is a general truth that...But to be frank,I cannot
agree with them.
(1)As for
(2)In my
(3)As far as I am
(4)From my point of
(5)I hold the
view/belief that...
believe that...
(7)According to my
experience,I think that...
(8)I'm convinced
(9)To be
(1)There is no
doubt that...毫无疑问……
(2)It can not be
denied that...不可否认……
(3)No one can
ignore the fact that...谁也不可忽视……
(4)From what is
mentioned above,we know...依上所述,我们知道……
(5)It goes without
saying that...
(1)I have a similar
(2)I also went
through such an experience.
(3)This story
reminds me of another story that happened to...
(4)This story
reminds me of a similar experience of...
(1)There are
several reasons that contribute to...
(2)My views are
based on the following reasons.
(1)On the one
hand...On the other hand...一方面……(然而)另一方面……
(2)For one
thing...For another...一则……再则……
(3)To begin
with/First of
more...Finally/Last but not
What impresses me
most is that...我印象最深的是……
Thanks to/Owing
to/Because of...由于/因为……
a result...因此/结果……
(1)To sum up/In
short/In conclusion/In a word/All in all...总之……
(2)Taking all the
factors into account,we can draw a conclusion
(3)From the
discussion above,it can be safely concluded
(4)To be brief,we
should be aware of the importance
(5)Therefore,it is
necessary for us to...因此,我们有必要……
(6)Only in this
way/when...can we...只有用这种方法/当……时,我们才能……
ability”和“academic ability”就可以用grades(成绩)来替换。
later agrees to take the suggestion to...”就可以用它的被动语态来表示:“He was
later persuaded to...”。
was a king who ruled a rich country.”可以用“There was a king ruling a
rich country.”来表达。
feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils.It does
not take into account the fact that children develop at different
rates.②Besides,it is rather unreal to grade students just according
to their intellectual ability.就可合并为Streaming pupils not only
neglects the different rates of students' development,but also is
unfair for them judging only by their grades.
will→they'll;we are→we're;should not→shouldn't;can
(2)句式省略。如:When he
crossed the road...=When crossing the road...。
1.According to the
passage,we know...
2.The writer states
3.The author
4.The story/passage
is about...
5.The writer/author
tells us about...
6.The story mainly
tells us that...
One morning,a
friend of mine set the breakfast table beside a huge window,which
overlooked the Tred Avon River.Suddenly she leaned forward and
cried out,“There is a goose out there!”
We saw the figure
of a large Canada goose,very still,its wings folded tight to its
sides and its feet frozen to the ice.
Then in the sky,she
saw a line of swans.They flew from the top of the sky downward and
at last landed on the ice.My friend was on her feet,with one
unbelieving hand against her mouth.As the swans surrounded the
frozen goose,she feared that the poor goose might be pecked out by
those great swan bills.
bills began to work on the ice.The long necks were lifted and
curved down(弯下),again and again.They went on for a long time.At
last,the goose was free and standing on the ice.And the swans stood
nearby watching.Then,as if the goose was crying,“I cannot fly”,four
of the swans came down around it.Their powerful bills chipped off
the ice stuck in its feathers.Slowly,the goose spread its wings as
far as they would go.Seeing the goose could freely move its
wings,the swans flew slowly into the sky.
This is a true
story.Every time I think of it,I can't help asking,“If so for
birds,why not for man?”
The passage reminds
us to help those who are in trouble and shows us helping others is
a good virtue,which one should treasure.
Getting up early
has been regarded as a good habit since ancient times.Many years
ago,people thought that if we went to bed early and got up early,we
would be energetic the whole day.So,getting up early is of great
importance to us all.
In fact,morning is
the best time of a day.In the morning,the air is the freshest and
people are usually in the best conditions.Many of us may have the
experiences that we memorize some things more quickly and
accurately in the morning than at any other time of the day.If we
do some morning exercises or only take a short walk in the
morning,we can build our bodies and become much healthier.Also we
will have enough time to make a plan and get ready for our work or
study of the day if we get up early.However,if we get up late,we'll
probably have to do everything in a great
Let us remember
getting up early is a good habit and try our best to keep it.If we
stick to getting up early every day,we will certainly benefit a lot
Better Late than
The passage tries
to tell us that getting up early in the morning is a good habit
that will benefit us a lot,including a better memory,healthier body
and better preparation for the day.
In my eyes,a good
teacher should treat his students fairly as well as make the class
lively and interesting.
From my point of
view,college life will be different from the life in high
strongly believe we should preserve this old school
experience tells me that co&operative learning is
more beneficial to me.
如:All in all,it is
the love and education from school rather than suspensions that
improve students' behavior.
①To sum up/In
short/In conclusion/In a word/All in all...总之……
②Taking all the
factors into account,we can draw a conclusion
③From the
discussion above,it can be safely concluded
Therefore,it is
suggested that you should make friends with people having different
genders,characteristics or backgrounds.
①In conclusion,it's
high time that...总之,是……的时候了。
②To conclude,it
makes sense...to... 结论是,……才是明智的。
summarize,emphasis should be placed
如:To sum
up,environmental protection is of great importance,which can make
us live more comfortably and more healthily.
①To be brief,we
should be aware of the importance
②Therefore,it is
necessary for us to...因此,我们有必要……
③Only in this
way...,can we...只有用这种方法,我们才能……
(1)I agree with the
statement that...
(2)I do agree with
the author...
(3)I'm for the
writer's idea that...
(4)I quite agree
with the writer's idea.
(5)I fully support
the statement above because I am very sure...
(6)I can't agree
more with what the writer
(1)I partly agree
with what the writer said.
(2)I don't agree
with the writer's view.
(3)I'm strongly
against the writer's idea.
(4)In some way,I
agree with...but...
(5)This opinion
sounds right but is hardly practical.
(6)What the writer
said sounds reasonable.But...
(7)It is definitely
not like that.As a matter of fact...
(8)Some people
argue as if it is a general truth that...But to be frank,I cannot
agree with them.
(1)As for
(2)In my
(3)As far as I am
(4)From my point of
(5)I hold the
view/belief that...
believe that...
(7)According to my
experience,I think that...
(1)There is no
doubt that...毫无疑问……
(2)It can not be
denied that...不可否认……
(3)No one can
ignore the fact that...谁也不可忽视……
(4)From what is
mentioned above,we know...依上所述,我们知道……
(1)I have a similar
(2)I also went
through such an experience.
(3)This story
reminds me of another story that happened to...
(4)This story
reminds me of a similar experience of...
(1)There are
several reasons that contribute to...
(2)My views are
based on the following reasons.
(1)On the one
hand...On the other hand...一方面……另一方面……
(2)For one
thing...For another...一则……再则……
(3)To begin
with/First of
more...Finally/Last but not
(3)such as
What impresses me
most is that...我印象最深的是……
Thanks to/Owing
to/Because of...由于/因为……
a result...因此/结果……
(1)Time is
(2)Time and tide
wait for no man.时不我待。
(3)Time lost cannot
be recalled.光阴一去不复返。
(4)Never put off
till tomorrow.今日事,今日毕。
(5)An hour in the
morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。
(6)It is the early
bird that catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。(捷足先登)
(7)Take time while
time is,for time will be away.机不可失,时不再来。
(1)Where there is a
will,there is a way.
(2)Hope for the
best and prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,做最坏的准备。
(3)Do nothing by
(4)To stand still
is to move back.逆水行舟,不进则退。
(5)If at first you
don't succeed,try,try,and try again.再接再厉,终会成功。
(6)He laughs best
who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。
(7)Where there is
life there is hope.有生命就有希望。(留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。)
(1)A bird in the
hand is worth two in the bush.
(2)Birds of a
feather flock together.
(3)A cat may look
at a king.人人平等。
(4)Barking dogs
seldom bite.吠犬不咬人。
(5)Love me,love my
(1)All work and no
play makes Jack a dull boy.
(2)A young idler,an
older beggar.
(3)A friend in need
is a friend indeed.
(1)Seeing is
(2)Where there is
smoke,there is fire.事出有因。
(3)Better late than
(4)No pains,no
(5)Saving is
(6)Waste not,want
(1)Business is
(2)Boys will be
(3)Do as the Romans
(1)First come,first
(2)Easy come,easy
(3)Like father,like
(1)Actions speak
louder than words.行动比言语更有说服力。(事实胜于雄辩。)
(2)Honesty is the
best policy.诚实总是上策。
(3)All roads lead
to Rome.条条大路通罗马。
(4)Health is better
than wealth.健康胜于财富。
(5)Early to bed and
early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy,and
(6)It's never too
late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹未晚矣。
(7)One is never too
old to learn.活到老,学到老。
(8)It is love that
makes the world go round.
(9)Every man is his
own worst enemy.
(10)It is no use
crying over spilt milk.
Billy,a high school
boy,is 17 years old.He has a part&time job in his
vacations which gets him up every morning at 5 o'clock.He is a
newspaper delivery boy.
It is still dark
when he gets up,but during the rest of the year it is light.Bill
must deliver the newspapers to the houses of the people on his
route in all kinds of weather.He tries to put each paper on the
porch where it will be protected from wind and rain of snow.All his
customers think he does a good job. Billy earns about $ 70 per
month,and he is earning some of the money to go to college.He
spends the rest on records and clothes.Once a month,he has to
collect money from his customers.Since many of them work during the
day,Billy has to collect the money in the evening.Sometimes,when
Billy is ill,his brother has to deliver the newspapers.Once,his
father has to help.Billy has 70 customers now,but he hopes to get
more soon.Some day,if he gets more customers,Billy might win a
prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy.He wants to win a trip
to Europe,but he will still be happy if he only wins a new
Young children are
longing to the Chinese Spring Festival because they can get “lucky
money” (money given to children as a lunar New Year gift)from their
parents and relatives.Well,the parents are not as happy as the
children because they have to send out lucky money and figure out
how to deal with their children's lucky money.
14&year old boy wrote a post on the Internet to
object that his dad took away his lucky money.He thought he was old
enough to take care of his lucky money and made a plan to buy
stationary,spend summer vacation and pay for the parties with his
His dad and mom
earn about 6,000 yuan per month together.During every Spring
Festival,they have to take out more than 4,000 yuan to give
lucky money to their relatives and friends' kids.Thus,his dad
believed that his son should contribute his lucky money to his
family.Why? He tried to teach his son to care about his family and
learn that it is difficult to make money to support a
As a result,the dad
and the son quarreled.Then the son wrote on the Internet to oppose
Mr.Whitson taught
six&grade science.On the first day of class,he gave
us a lecture about a creature called cattywampus,an animal that
died out during the Ice Age.He showed us a skull(头盖骨)as he
talked.We all took notes and later had a test.When he returned our
paper,we found that everyone in the class had failed.Mr.Whitson
explained that he had made up all those things about the
cattywampus.There had never been such an animal.The information in
our notes was incorrect.The skull he showed us was a cat's skull.He
had described its surprising night vision,the color of its fur and
a number of other facts he couldn't have known.Nobody was doubtful
but wrote down what the teacher said.Mr.Whitson said he hoped we
would learn something from this experience.Teachers and textbooks
are not never wrong.He told us not to let our minds go to sleep,and
to speak up if we ever thought he or the textbooks was
The purpose of a
high school graduation ceremony is to celebrate students who have
successfully met the academic and extracurricular requirements for
graduation.The ceremony provides a public chance in which
graduating students receive their diplomas(文凭),marking their
official graduation from high school.High school graduation
ceremonies are typically held at the end of the academic year and
are attended by teaching staff,graduates and their families and
Though the event
lasts only a few hours,a great ceremony is a memory that those who
attend can treasure for years and years.Rather than marking the end
of one stage in a student's life,graduation signifies the beginning
of the next.
Along with the
awarding of the diplomas,the commencement address(毕业演说)is an
essential part of the ceremony.The address traditionally
congratulates graduates on their achievements,encourages them on
their endeavors and imparts wisdom for the
Recently I entered
one office of our company,seeing a
co&worker(同事)head on his arms.She was really
upset.We began talking about work issues and the topic quickly
turned into her daughter,her mother,her husband and her personal
life.I just sat and gave her my full attention.This went on for
about 20 minutes.Finally,a smile came to her face and she said,“Why
is it that I can always talk to you?” What I know is that I gave
her my full attention and listened.
Listening is an
important part of helping someone.It is different from hearing.Most
people can hear but listening is a learned skill.You have to stop
thinking about yourself and put your attention on the person
talking.I believe if you really listen to one another,many
situations could be changed.It means you give another person the
chance to have him heard.To me,this is an important way to help
others and it does make a difference.
More and more
parents are sending their children on
“micro&foreign study tours”.Parents hope these
tours,typically 10 to 14 days travelling through
English&speaking countries such as America or the
UK,will help improve their children's language proficiency as well
as provide them with a greater understanding of the local customs
and culture.
But while these
tours are “micro” in terms of time,they certainly aren't micro in
price.The average tour costs 30,000
And just how useful
are they? First of all,participating children don't have much time
to “study”.They typically attend a few morning lessons then travel
to some world&famous universities or scenic spots
in the afternoon and on the weekend.Their exposure to the local
culture comes mainly during the time they stay with a local
family,usually 2 or 3 days.For the rest of the tour they are with
their Chinese classmates,almost always speaking Chinese.And on some
tours ,organizers take students,who are often too young to make
sensible decisions,on shopping trips where they're encouraged to
buy all kinds of useless “souvenirs”.No wonder when they
return,most children talk of the “fun we had”, and “places we saw”
rather than the “things we learnt”.
So some parents are
now having second thoughts about the value of these
micro&foreign study tours.How much do they really
help their children? Are they worth the money? And finally,are the
tours meant for study or just for pleasure?
I believe in the
power of the well&written thank&you
letters.My sister and I were taught at a very early age to write
thank&you letters for birthday and Christmas
gifts.We carefully copied addresses from our mom's address book
into our own pretty little books.We wrote our letters on December
26th at the latest every year.It was an important activity in our
home,and it has turned me into an eager
thank&you&letter writer as an
adult.Nearly every Monday morning I sit down with my favorite pen
and write a few thank&you letters.I write them for
parties I attend,dinners I'm fed,or just to thank a friend for
listening.Several years ago I even sent my mom a
thank&you letter to thank her for teaching me to
count my blessings on paper.
Sending letters of
thanks out into the world has made me more appreciative of the
love,support,and kindness I receive daily.I am more motivated to do
kind things for others when I feel appreciated,and I feel that I
keep kindness and generosity living by genuinely expressing my
There are two
factors which determine an individual's intelligence.The first is
sort of brain he is born with.Human brains differ considerable,some
being more capable than others.But no matter how good a brain he
has to begin with,an individual will have a low intelligence unless
he has opportunities to learn.So the second factor is what happens
to the individual—the sort of the environment in which he is
brought up.If an individual is handicapped(受阻碍)environmentally,it
is likely that his brain will stop to develop and he will never
attain the level of intelligence of which he is
The importance of
environment in determining an individual's intelligence can be
proved by the identical twins,Peter and John.When the twins were
three months old,their parents died,and they were placed in
separate foster(寄养)homes.Peter was reared by parents of low
intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational
opportunities.John,however,was educated in the home
well&to&do parents who had been to
college.This environmental difference continued until the twins
were in their late teens,when they were given tests to measure
their intelligence.John's IQ was 125,twenty&five
points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than
his brother.
Failure is
unavoidable on one's way to success and should not be afraid of.If
one wants to succeed,he should have a plan and stick to
failure is unavoidable on your journey to success.Every defeat is
only a small part of victory.You'll find that the number of times
you succeed is in direct proportion(成比例)to the number of times you
fail and keep trying.
Failure is nothing
but education,and nothing but the first step to something
better.You can't be afraid to lose.It isn't enough to just want
something.You're going to need a plan to get the things that you
The problem is
learning how to bridge the gap which exists between where you are
now and the goals that you want to reach.With a definite
step&by&step plan you cannot fail
because each step will carry you along to the next step like a
track.All you need is the plan,the road map and the courage to move
on to your destination.
Knowing where
you're going is all you need to get there.You can't get lost on a
straight road.
There have been
many types of ecological disasters caused to the Australian
ecosystem by introducing other animals.The most famous one was the
introduction of the rabbit.The rabbits in Australia are mostly from
a group of wild rabbits in south eastern Australia.These were
released in the hope of starting a business selling rabbits'
skin.This did actually happen,but there was nothing to stop the
rabbits spreading to the rest of mainland Australia.Now we have
billions.They compete with the native animals,damage the vegetation
and severely reduce the potential carrying capacity of the land for
grass&eating animals like sheep and
As well as the
disasters caused to the land ecosystem,there have been ones in the
water.The most obvious one was the deliberate introduction of
European carp(欧洲鲤鱼)to the River Murray.The carp were introduced to
eat the weeds growing in the river.Now they have taken over much of
the river's ecosystem and severely reduced the number of native
Not all destructive
introductions in Australia were of foreign species.There are
several cases of native Australian animals being taken to different
places in Australia and causing destruction.Koalas were introduced
to Kangaroo Island and increased to such an extent that they are
killing off the Manna Gum trees.
The elephant and
A disciple(信徒),who
was disturbed by the fact that his mind was in constant
unrest,asked his teacher,“Why are most people's minds restless?
What can one do to still the mind?” The teacher looked at the
disciple,smiled and told him a story:
elephant was standing and picking leaves from a tree.A small fly
came,flying and buzzing(嗡嗡叫)near his ear.The elephant waved it away
with his long ears.Then the fly came again,and the elephant waved
it away once more.
This was repeated
several times.Then the elephant asked the fly,“Why are you so
restless and noisy? Why can't you stay for a while in one place?
The fly answered,“I
am attracted to whatever I see,hear or smell.My five senses pull me
constantly in all directions and I cannot resist them.What is your
secret? How can you stay so calm and still?”
The elephant
stopped eating and said,“My five senses do not rule my
attention.Whatever I do,I get immersed in it.Now that I am eating,I
am completely absorbed in eating.In this way I can enjoy my food
and chew it better.I rule and control my attention,and not the
other way around.”
Upon hearing these
words,a smile appeared on the disciple's face,“I understand! If my
five senses are in control of my mind and attention,then my mind is
in constant unrest.If I am in charge of my five senses and
attention,then my mind becomes calm.”
A little boy
invited his mother to attend his school's first
teacher&parent meeting.When she said she would
go,he was disappointed as he had always been ashamed of his
mother's scar that covered nearly the entire right side of her
face.The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the
At the meeting,the
people were impressed by the kindness and natural beauty of his
mother in spite of the scar,but the little boy was still
embarrassed and hid himself from everyone.He did,however,overhear a
conversation between his mother and his
The teacher asked
carefully,“How did you get the scar on your face?” The mother
replied,“When my son was a baby,he was in a room that caught
fire.Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was out of
control,but I went in.As I was running toward his bed,I saw a long
piece of wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to
protect him.I was knocked senseless but fortunately,a fireman came
in and saved both of us.”She touched the burned side of her
face.“This scar will be lasting,but to this day,I have never
regretted what I did.” At this point,the little boy came out
running toward his mother with tears of regret in his
Recently I feel a
little frustrated,so I am writing to you for advice.I have a very
close friend who I have trust in.He is a very nice student who has
really given others the impression of an honest guy and many times
he was honored as an excellent student in our school,so in my
eyes,he is so great.
But last week,when
we were taking the mid&term English exam,I suddenly
found that in his hand was his cell phone,he was copying something
from it secretly! But the teacher didn't find this at all.When the
result was announced,he was praised for getting a very good
I feel shamed for
him,my best friend,and for what he had done in the exam,but the
teacher still believes that he is diligent and does well in
English.Should I tell the teacher about his cheating in the exam?
If I do so,maybe he would not understand me and would no longer
regard me as a friend,and then I may lose a close friend forever.If
I don't tell the truth to the teacher,he will cheat again in the
next exam.What should I do?
As we drove off
from Columbia,I wanted to write a letter to you to tell what is on
my mind about college.
First,college will
be the most important years in your life.It is in college that you
will truly discover what learning is about.I mean in this period
you will come to realize the materials taught isn't as important as
you gaining the ability to learn a new subject,and the ability to
analyze a new problem and you go from
teacher&taught to master inspired,after which you
must become self&learner.So do take each subject
seriously,and even if what you learn isn't critical for your
life,the skills of learning will be something you cherish
Second,follow your
passion in college.Take courses you think you will enjoy.Don't be
trapped in what others think or say.Steve Jobs is a case in
point.At college,he took interest in calligraphy,which became the
basis of the beautiful Macintosh fonts(苹果机字体)and later led to
desktop publishing,and brought wonderful tools like Microsoft Word
to our lives.So don't worry too much about what job you will
have,and if you like Japanese or Korean,go for it,even if your dad
thinks “it's not useful”.
专题六 读写任务
1.The author's
husband received a letter a month ago.
the letter the student expressed her thanks to the teacher for
encouraging her to study math.
3.The author was
touched by the letter.
1.Billy,a high
school student,takes a part&time job as a newspaper
delivering boy.In the hope of earning money to go to college and
winning a prize,he works hard and does so good a job that all of
his customers think highly of him.
2.Nowadays there is
a growing tendency that more and more high school graduates have
part&time jobs after graduation.Some work as shop
assistants or waiters.Some distribute handbills on the street and
some act as private tutors.
Students can get
great benefit from taking part&time jobs in
vacations.Several reasons can account for this.First,taking a
part&time job,to some extent,can help to solve the
financial problem for those coming from poor families.Second,such
jobs provide students with good opportunities to enrich their
social experience and broaden their horizons,which will do good to
them in their future study and life.Last,the jobs make it possible
for students to put what they have learned in class into
After graduation,I
tend to have a part&time job as a private tutor for
pupils.For one thing,I can enjoy staying with children.For
another,it feels good to help children make progress in their study
through my efforts.
boy's parents took away his lucky money because they thought he
should care about the family.However,the boy thought he could
manage the money and was not happy about this.
2.Every Spring
Festival,I receive about 1,000 yuan lucky money.My parents always
let me keep it and I will tell them how I plan to spend
it.Usually,I use the money to buy things to help with my study at
personally think it is OK for my parents to take over my lucky
money.After all,it is not the money that I earn myself.And I
believe it's not good for a kid to keep a large sum of
Well,I suggest that
the boy should have an honest talk with his parents instead of
writing a post on the Internet to complain.If he needs money to buy
something,he can simply ask his parents for it.
1.The passage is
about a lecture on a fictional creature given by Mr.Whitson,who
fails the whole class in the test for their blind obedience and
holds the view that students should question actively instead of
blindly following.
2.The story reminds
me of the first English class when I was in Senior One.When the
class began,in came Miss Liu,our English teacher.To my
surprise,though she spoke English during the whole period,I could
figure out what she meant,which increased my interest in learning
English.At the end of the class,she asked me to retell the text.In
a trembling voice,I did it in broken English,which I felt ashamed
of .However,she praised me for my courage to perform in front of
the class,adding that my pronunciation was
will never forget the English class because Miss Liu taught us that
by taking an active part in class and enjoying it,we would make
1.The high school
graduation ceremony is a cherishing memory,because it not only
marks the graduates' public graduation from the school,but also
symbolizes the beginning of their future.Besides,the graduates
receive both congratulations and encouragement.
this unforgettable moment,as a student representative speaking
here,I am full of hope and expectation for the coming days,and also
deeply touched by the past three years in this high school together
with all the teachers and classmates.
During the past
senior school days,I have achieved a lot.I can't help recalling
some good memories about my high school life.Once I put on a
dancing performance in the school Art Festival Show.Luckily,I
missed a step and slipped.I was embarrassed but my classmates
cheered for me.With their support,I continued with the rest of the
dance perfectly.In the experience,I think the friendship and the
encouragement I gained was the most precious.
Today is our
graduation ceremony,yet I would like to owe all of these joys to
the most important person in my life.It is my mother who brings me
up with all her efforts and teaches me how to distinguish right
from wrong.So today I want to express my sincere gratitude to
1.The author
listened to a co&worker talking about her life with
full attention recently,because he believes that listening is an
important way to help others and it makes a
2.Like the author,I
can't agree more that listening is a very important way to help
others.In my opinion,when people have something unhappy in
mind,they will feel more comfortable if they can talk with
others.So if we can listen to them,their feelings may become
have a friend who faces problems in life and needs to talk with
me,I will try to be a good listener for him.Because being a
friend,I think I should do my best to help him out and listening is
the best way at this time.After listening,I will comfort him,try to
find out what problems he has and give him some advice to solve
1.This passage
talks about micro&foreign study tours and their
expected benefits for children.However,given students' actual
experience on such tours,many parents are now questioning their
true value.
think such worries are unnecessary.Travelling abroad,whether for
study or pleasure,is a good way for students to broaden their
horizon and become more sophisticated.My friend David went on such
a tour,and said it was the most rewarding experience of his life.He
attended a two&week course at Oxford University and
then travelled to different parts of the UK,all of which helped him
to learn more about the history,culture and society of Britain.He
was so impressed by the academic atmosphere at Oxford University
that he now dreams of studying there in the
own dream is to travel to America,attend some lectures in my dream
school,Harvard University and travel to different parts of the USA
with local students.In this way I could have more opportunity to
talk in English and learn about its life and
1.This passage
talks about micro&foreign study tours and their
expected benefits for children.However,given students' actual
experience on such tours,many parents are now questioning their
true value.
expensive,I still think study tours are worthwhile.“A million miles
is better than a million books,”the saying goes,and my experience
on my own 2&week study tour of the UK confirmed
this.Besides the excitement of seeing places I had only read about
or seen in movies,my efforts at communicating with local people
really helped to build my confidence.Visiting Cambridge has also
made me determined to return there one day,but as a
go abroad again,I would like to tailor my own tour.By planning the
route according to my own interests,and making decisions on things
such as transport and accommodations,I would be able to apply what
I've learned to real life and learn how to survive in a foreign
child,the author learned to write thank&you
letters.Since then she has been writing them to different
people,which makes her appreciate the life and motivates her to do
kind things.
After reading the
passage,I think highly of the author's habit of writing
thank&you letters because it helps to build up a
good relationship with others.
Apart from writing
thank&you letters,we can also show our gratitude by
presenting people with small gifts,inviting them to dinner,or doing
something to help them in return.Sometimes,just a knowing smile can
serve as a good way to express our thanks.
my life,there are many people to whom I should express thanks.First
of all,I should thank my parents,because it is their love that
enables me to grow up healthily and happily.Then,I must appreciate
the hard work of our teachers.Not only do they teach me knowledge
but also educate me to be a good person.Last but not least,I need
to give thanks to my friends,who have been helping me and caring
for me during all these years.
word,it is necessary for every one of us to express thanks
appropriately.Only in this way can we live in a more harmonious
How to fully
develop our intelligence?
1.The writer argues
in support of the importance of environment in terms of the
development of a person's intelligence by giving an example of a
pair of twin brothers,who were brought up in different
believe environment is crucial to an individual intelligence,as a
good environment can offer more opportunities to increase his
knowledge and broaden the horizons as well as the chances to
There was such a
famous example in Chinese history.Zhongyong,born with a high
IQ,distinguished himself by reciting and even writing poems as a
child,which astonished others.Unfortunately,his father didn't offer
him a good environment to foster him but instead,he often took him
everywhere to show off his intelligence.Gradually,Zhongyong became
an ordinary person.
Thus,I think
we,including our parents,our teachers,and even the whole
society,should try to create a good environment for the children to
fully develop their intelligence,and for the children,they should
also learn to exploit everything available to develop
one's way to success people are sure to experience failure,which
can be regarded as education.People should only know what their
plan is and stick to it until they succeed.
2.When it comes to
the relationship between failure and success,I think failure is a
key factor on my road to success.Since it is inevitable,we should
not be afraid of it as it enables us to accumulate experience and
finally brings us to our goal.
suddenly occurs to me that I have experienced failure before.Ten
months ago,I took part in an English writing contest after I had
made full preparations for it.However,the theme of the writing was
so unfamiliar to me that my mind went blank the instant I read it.I
failed to write it and ranked last finally,feeling extremely
depressed and frustrated.
Later,my best
friend asked me to face my failure bravely,saying that every defeat
is only a small part of victory.At that time,I came to realize that
failure is nothing but the first step to something better.I finally
walked out of the shadow of failure and moved on to my
possible version:
1.The passage
mainly tells us about some types of disasters caused to the
Australian ecosystem by introducing other animals such as the
introduction of the rabbit to the mainland and European carp to the
River Murray.
2.The natural
balance in an ecosystem must be maintained.This balance may be
disturbed due to the introduction of new species,the sudden
disappearance of some species and especially
man&made causes.Air,land and water pollution is
increasing day by day.The average temperature of the Earth is
increasing and huge glaciers are melting
the early twentieth century,Roosevelt,president of the US,ordered
to kill cruel wolves with the purpose of protecting lovely deer in
one of the flourishing forests in Arizona.Therefore,the deer was
protected well and its population increased greatly because there
were fewer wolves.To everybody's surprise,the forest became
lifeless with a great number of deer eating its resources and
disappeared finally.As a result,large quantities of deer died due
to the food shortage.
is vital for human beings to live in harmony with nature.Every
individual has to make his actions eco&friendly.It
is high time that man realized he is an integral part of the
environment.We should develop eco&friendly
habits,and try to stop any activities that will damage the
possible version:
elephant told a restless fly that being absorbed in doing things
helped him stay still.After hearing the story from his teacher,the
disciple realized that only by controlling his senses can he obtain
2.After reading the
story,I was inspired by what the elephant said.The ability to focus
your attention is the key to your success in doing anything.Just
like the fly,a person who is easily distracted by the surroundings
will feel restless and tired,unable to achieve his
reminds me of what happened when I entered high school as a Senior
One student.I was so excited to find that there were various
student organizations and after&class activities
intended for us students.It seemed that many groups were suitable
to me.During the first term,I was attracted whenever there was a
notice from a student group and I was eager to find out more about
it.As a result,I didn't spend enough time on my studies,nor could I
settle down on my homework every day.Consequently,I failed in an
important exam.
have learned a lesson from this experience that one should focus on
one thing at a time before he can get it well done.To do so,we
should put what we are doing in the first place and keep it up
without being interfered by other events.Only when we have a clear
and determined mind can we accomplish something in the
boy was ashamed of his mother's scar on the face.Knowing by
accident it was caused when she tried to rescue him from a terrible
fire at the risk of her life,he was touched and
2.Children are said
to be a gift from God for parents.Therefore,most parents are
grateful for this great gift and never hesitate to sacrifice for
their children.My friend,Tom,is disabled from birth,who can only
move in a wheelchair.His parents devote all their love to him
though most of their friends and relatives try to persuade them to
give birth to one more child,which may at least ensure their happy
life in their late years.Considerable difficulties are involved in
looking after a disabled one,but Tom's parents make every effort to
ensure he can live as happy a life as any normal child.Their
devotion and selfless love make Tom an active,confident boy and a
top student in school,the most promising one to be admitted to the
Peking University.
story is one of the moving stories between parents and children.No
one can deny that parents are the ones who love us most and deserve
our deepest love.As children,we should always be thankful to their
love and be ready to love them in return.
1.Finding his best
friend cheated in the English exam,the writer felt so frustrated
that he asked the editor for advice,wondering whether he should
tell the teacher about the truth.
I were Jesse,I would let the teacher know the truth even though he
is my best friend,which,I think,is really a good way to help my
friend and get him aware of his mistake so that he will never cheat
again.That is for real friendship.
Friendship and
honesty are both important in our life,but in my opinion,as a
student,honesty is the most important of all.Being honest enables
us to win respect and trust from people around.Thus I would choose
honesty first.
my life,when my friend makes a mistake,I will try to help him as
much as I can.For example,I will have a
heart&to&heart talk with
him,pointing out his mistake.But sometimes if I cannot manage
myself,I will even ask my teachers or parents to give him a
1.Father writes to
her daughter that college will be of the greatest importance in her
life because she will truly discover what learning is and that she
should take courses she likes despite others'
2.Concerning what
contribute to a good lesson,I absolutely advocate that ability
outweighs knowledge.That is why I regard one class taught by Miss
Ma as the best I have ever attended.After an important exam,the
bell rang and in came Miss Ma with no score card as usual.She began
by asking the difficulty with the test,after which,we volunteered
to explain why.Other classmates joined and presented their
understanding.Scores faded but we knew how to solve some problems
that had been troubling us.
college,apart from the courses related to my chosen major,I will
take a course about Chinese history.History makes me witty and
helps me to gain a deeper insight into the fascinating past and
more importantly the confusing present although many people give a
cold shoulder to the course.


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