
cat,tiger猎豹 Cheetah
Acinonyx jubatus
猎豹屬 猫亚科
猫科 狞猫 Caracal
Caracal caracal (Schreber) 狞猫属 婆罗洲金猫 Bay cat, Bornean red cat
Catopuma badia
Gray 金猫属 金貓 Asian golden cat
Catopuma temminckii
金猫属 荒漠猫 Chinese desert cat
Felis bieti
猫属 丛林猫 Jungle cat
Felis chaus
Guldenstaedt 猫属 沙猫 Sand cat
Felis margarita Loche 猫属 黑足貓
Black-footed cat
Felis nigripes Burchell 猫属 欧林猫 Wild cat
Felis silvestris
Schreber 猫属 细腰猫 Jaguarundi
Herpailurus yaguarondi
E. Geoffroy 细腰猫属 虎猫 Ocelot
Leopardus pardalis (Temminck) 虎猫属 尛斑虎猫 Little spotted cat, Oncilla
Leopardus tigrinus
虎猫属 长尾虎猫 Margay
Leopardus wiedii
虎猫属 薮猫 Serval
Felis serval
Schreber 薮猫属 加拿大猞猁
Lynx canadensis
Kerr 猞猁属 猞猁、林(犬曳) Lynx
猞猁属 拟虎貓 Ocelot, Painted leopard
Lynx pardinus
猞猁属 短尾猫 Bobcat
Lynx rufus
(Schreber) 猞猁属 南美草原猫 Pampas cat
Oncifelis colocolo Molina 草原猫属 乔氏猫 Geoffroy's cat
Oncifelis geoffroyi
d'Orbigny et Gervais 草原猫属 南美林猫 Kodkod
Oncifelis guigna
Molina 草原猫属 山原猫 Andean cat
Oreailurus jacobita
Cornalia 山原猫屬 豹猫 Leopard cat
Prionailurus bengalensis
Kerr 豹猫属 兔狲 Pallas
Otocolobus manul
Pallas 兔狲属 扁头豹猫 Flat-headed cat
Prionailurus planiceps
Vigors et Horsfield 豹猫属 锈斑豹猫 Rusty-spotted cat
Prionailurus rubiginosus I.Geoffroy
豹猫属 渔猫 Fishing cat
Prionailurus viverrinus Bennett 豹猫属 非洲金猫 African golden cat
Profelis aurata Temminck 非洲金猫属 美洲狮 Puma, Cougar
Puma concolor Linnaeus 美洲金猫属 豹亚科
猫科 狮 Lion
Panthera leo
(Linnaeus) 豹属 美洲豹 Jaguar
Panthera onca (Linnaeus) 豹属 豹 Leopard
Panthera pardus
(Linnaeus) 豹属 虎 Tiger
Panthera tigris
(Linnaeus) 豹属 东北虎 Amur tiger, Siberican tiger
Panthera tigris altaica
(Temminck) 豹属 华南虎 South China tiger, Chinese tiger
Panthera tigris amoyensis (Hilzheimer) 豹属 巴厘虎 Bali tiger
Panthera tigris balica
豹屬 印支虎 Indo-Chinese tiger
Panthera tigris corbetti
Mazak 豹属 爪哇虎 Javan tiger
Panthera tigris sondaica
豹属 苏门答腊虎 Sumatran tiger
Panthera tigris sumatrae
豹属 孟加拉虎 Bengal tiger
Panthera tigris tigris
(Linnaeus) 豹属 中亚虎 Caspian tiger
Panthera tigris vergata
豹属 云豹 Clouded leopard
Neofelis nebulosa
(Griffith) 云豹属 纹猫 Marbled cat
Pardofelis marmorata
纹猫属 雪豹 Snow leopard
Uncia uncia (Schreber) 雪豹属
多问哆听迅速的语境就提升起来,学习效益是必定迅速明显的;原文在这,满意采纳吧 A 1-year-old girl called Zhao Yue wrote a book ts year. Its name is A Fresh Summer DayMany bookshops started to sell the book in June. Zhao Yue started writing ts book after she finished her first book. And she finished A Fresh Summer Day after three months. Zhao Yue is a middle school student in Shenzhen. “I tnk it’s important for me to write about middle school students’ life,” she said to the reporters. “Most parents and teachers can’t understand (理解) our world. After they read my book, they may
more about us.” Zhao Yue also said that she often wrote the book at night, sometimes until the early hours of the next morning. “I went to school as usual during the three months when I wrote the book. I felt healthy every day though I slept for only four hours a day,” she said.
A Fresh Summer Day is about love between two middle school students. Though the topic is sensitive (敏感的), it’s a common problem among middle school students.
Tom's Day Today is Monday. Tom gets up at 6:00. He has
breakfast at about 6:30.Then he clean his room, wash his face and brush his teeth. He has noodles for breakfast. He goes to school at 7:00. He does morning exercises at 7:50.They have four classes in morning. At 11:30, he's very hungry. He has lunch at school. He goes to bed at 12:00 in the noon. They have three classes in the afternoon. He has computer class and art classes. He likes them very much. He goes home at 5:30. He does homework after school. His sister、brother and he watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then he washes his face and brush his teeth. He goes to bed at 10:00. He's happy today!
不用 本身就没有多长 再说了这是個日记形式的作文 分与不分没什么差别。如果非要分的话,可以按早上 ,上午,下午,晚上來分:Tom's Day
Today is Monday. Tom gets up at 6:00. He has
breakfast at about 6:30.Then he clean his room, wash his face and brush his teeth. He has noodles for breakfast.
He goes to school at 7:00. He does morning exercises at 7:50.They have four classes in morning. At 11:30, he's very hungry. He has lunch at school. He goes to bed at 12:00 in the noon.
They have three classes in the afternoon. He has computer class and art classes. He likes them very much. He goes home at 5:30.
He does homework after school. His sister、brother and he watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then he washes his face and brush his teeth. He goes to bed at 10:00.
He's happy today!如果感觉分段过多可以吧前两段合并┅块儿,后面的合并一块儿。回答完毕!
Tom's Day
Tom is very busy every day.Every morning he gets up very early and then go to school by feet.He has his breakfast in school.He has 3 classes in morning and 2 classes in afternoon.The last class is over at 4:30 pm. After school,he plays basketball with his friends and goes home at 5:30.要采纳哦!
Tom' DayTom is busy everyday.In the morning,he gets up early,then he walks to school.He has lunch in his school.He has three lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon.His school ends at 4:30 p.m.After that,he plays basketball with his friends.He comes back home at 5:30 p.m
Tom is busy everyday. In the morning, he gets up early and then goes to school on foot. He eats his breakfast at school. He has three classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. The school ends at half past four in the afternoon. After school, he plays basketball with his friends and goes back home at 5:30.
Tom is very busy every day, morning, he got up very early, and then walk to school. He has three classes in the morning, two classes in the afternoon. 4:30 pm after school. Later, after he and his friends playing basketball, he goes home at 5:30.
Tom's Day  Tom is busy every day.In the morning,he gets up early.And then he go to school on foot. He has breakfast at school.He has 3 classes in the morning,and has 2 in the afternoon.Classes are over at half past four.After school,he plays basketball with his friends.He leaves for home at half past five.
tom's daytom is very busy everyday.in the morning , he gets up early and goes to school on foot .he has breakfast at school.he has 3 lessons in the morning and 2 lessons in the afternoon.he finishes the class at half past four .after class he plays basketball with hia friends .he goes home at half past five.
Tom is busy.He get up is early.Then he gos to school on foot.He has breakfast at school.There are three classes in the morning and tow classes in the afternoon.school is over at 4:30 in the afternoon.Then gos to play basketball with his friends.He gos home at 5:30.
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