don t knownsupper的同义词词

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1.falling, fallen  falling 意为“正在下落的”  fallen 意为“已经落地的”  如:The wind blew the fallen leaves off the ground.风把落叶从地面上刮起。
2.believe, trust  believe 意为“相信某人所说的话”  trust 指相信某人的品德、为人、能力等  如:I believe you.我相信你所说的话。    I trust you.我信任你。(I believe in you.)
3.can't, mustn't  can't 用于情态动词表推测,表示“一定不能”  mustn't 意为“一定不要,千万不要”表“禁止”  如:The man you saw at the airport cannot be Tom.He is with me now.你在机场见到的那个人一定不是汤姆。他现在和我在一起。    You mustn't play on the road.It's dangerous.你千万不要在路上玩。太危险了。
4.famous, well-known  famous和well-known都意为“著名的,闻名的”,二者可以通用,  如:He is famous/well-known for his singing as a singer to people all over the world.但是famous后不可接从句,而well-known可以。  如:It's well-known that China is a developing country.众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。
5.little, small  二者均意为“小”,但是small指在客观上,数量、大小等是小的,而little则有“小而可爱的”之意。  如:a small/little bird, 但是a small test, a small number of students
6.unable, disabled  unable 意为“不能的”  disabled 意为“伤残的,有残疾的”  如:She tried to smile but seemed unable.她试图微笑,但似乎办不到。    a disabled soldier 伤残军人
7.allow, permit  二者均意为“允许”,后接 do, doing,二者常通用。但是permit不能和副词连用,而allow可以。并且客观条件许可用permit.  如:He wouldn't allow me in.他不愿意让我进去。    Weather permitting, we'll go skating.如果天气允许的话,我们就去滑冰。
8.paper, newspaper  paper 意为“纸”时是不可数名词,作“论文、试卷”解时是可数名词,在口语中可以和newspaper互换  newspaper 意为“报纸”,是可数名词   如:a piece of paper, a newspaper, next to  next 意为“下一”  next to 意为“紧挨,隔壁,仅次于,紧随其后”等  如:I'll go abroad next year.我明年出国。    New York is the largest city next to London.纽约是仅次于伦敦的大城市。
10.affect, effect  两词都有产生影响的意思,两词相应的名词又都是effect, 但两者有细微的差别。  affect作主语的词一般是物,而不是人,指一物对另一物的客观影响。  如:Smoking affects health.吸烟对健康有害。  effect指蓄意的行为(或方法)产生预期效果,目的性明确,意为“产生、招致”。  如: His deeds effected the desired result.他的行为达到了预期的效果。
11. ashamed, shameful  ashamed 意为“感到羞耻,觉得惭愧,不好意思”表示主语主观认为是可耻的。  如:He was ashamed of being unable to answer the question.他因为不能回答那个问题而感到羞愧。  shameful 表示事物本身的客观性质是“可耻的”  如:To steal money from a blind person is a shameful act.偷盲人的钱是可耻的行为。
12.alone, lone, lonely  alone=by oneself, without others 可作形容词,副词,意为“独自一人”,可作表语和宾补。  如:I happened to be alone at home.我恰好一个人在家。  lone 形容词,意为“孤独的,孤零零的一个”,做定语。   如:In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.在那样的阴天里,只能看到一颗孤零零的星星。  lonely 形容词,意为“孤独的,寂寞的”表示主观上渴望有伴。若指地方,则有“人迹罕至的,荒凉的,偏僻的”之意,可作定语或表语。  如:He was alone, but he didn't feel lonely.他独自一人,但并不觉得寂寞。
13.cap, hat  二者均意为“帽,帽子”,cap通常指无沿的帽,只前方有遮沿,如便帽,军帽。hat通常指周围有边的帽,如礼帽,草帽。
14.always, often, usually  always=at all times 意为“总是”,含“毫无例外”之意。  如:He always stays at home in the evening.他晚上总是呆在家里。  often 指“经常性”的动作  如:We often watch TV in the evening.我们晚上常常看电视。   usually也可指“经常”的动作,但侧重从已形成“习惯”的角度来说明动作。  如:We usually do some washing at the weekend.我们通常在周末洗衣服。
15. although, though  二者均意为“虽然”,大部分情况下可通用,但是though可用作副词,放在句尾,although不可这样用。  如: Although/Though he is poor, he is generous.  他虽然穷,但很慷慨。=He is poor.He is generous, though.
16.neither, none  二者均意为“都不”,但是neither表两者都不,而none强调三者或三者以上都不。  如:None of the three boys stayed there.    Neither of the two boys stayed there.
17.can, may  二者均意为“许可,可能”,can可用于Can I…? Can you…? 而may只能用于May I…?
18.clever, bright, wise  clever 主要指“聪明,伶俐,机敏,熟练”等  如:He is clever at making excuses.他善找借口。  bright 多用于指小孩的“聪明,伶俐”,也指好的建议或想法。  如:He was a bright kid.他是一个聪明的孩子。  wise 指“英明,明智,有远见”,常用于修饰伟人的远见卓识,朋友的聪颖明智  如:It was wise of you to keep your mouth shut.你保持沉默是明智的。
19.condition, situation  condition 意为“条件,状况,情况”,常侧重于一定原因或条件造成的状态,如人的健康状况,物的完好程度、设备的可用性等。   如:The old man is in a dying condition.老人处于垂死的状态中。  situation 指某一时间由各种情况造成的“处境,形势”。  如:The present situation calls for entirely new measures.目前的形势要求采取全新的措施。
20.dangerous, in danger  dangerous 意为“危险的”是形容词,指句子的主语对别人有危害。  如:He is a dangerous man.他是一个危险人物。  in danger 意为“处于危险中”,指句子主语的处境。  如:He is in danger of losing his job.他处于失业的危险中。
21.reach, reach for  reach 意为“够得到”,表结果  reach for 意为“伸手去够”,表动作  如:I reached for the apple on the tree, but I couldn't reach it.我伸手去够树上的苹果,但没够到。
22.dead, dying, deadly  三者均为形容词,dead意为“死了”,表示状态;dying意为“要死了”;deadly意为“致命的”。  如:a dead dog 一条死狗 a dying dog 一条“濒临死亡”的狗&&&&&&& It was a deadly shock to him.这对他来说是致命的打击。
23.decide, determine  decide 指经过考虑或讨论研究作出决定,后接不定式、介词on/upon+(动)名词或从句。  如:It has been decided that museum shall not be open on Saturday.经决定博物馆星期六不开放。  determine 意为“决心,坚决”,后接不定式,侧重于表示决心已下,任何力量都动摇不了,还可接on/upon+动名词。  如:I determined to give him a chance.我决定给他一次机会。
24.demand, request, require  demand 主语是人时,表示坚决要求,坚持要做某事;主语是物时,指迫切需要。  如:The workers are demanding better pay.工人们要求提高工资。  request 意为“恳求,请求”,指通过正式手续提出的要求,口气和缓,态度礼貌。  如:You're kindly requested to fasten your seatbelts.请各位系好安全带。  require 表示按照法规、权利提出的要求或命令,指客观需要,含“缺此不可”之意。  如:I've done all that is required by the contract.我履行了合同所要求的每一件事。
25.desk, table  desk 指有抽屉的供读书、写字或办公用的“课桌,书桌,写字台”。  table 指用来专供吃饭、游戏、工作或其它用途的餐桌,桌子,通常没有抽屉。  如:They're cleaning the table.他们在收拾饭桌。
26.different, various  二者均意为“不同的,各种各样的”,different后可以接名词单数或复数,而various只能接复数。  如:a different book, different books, various books
27.difficulty, difficulties  difficulty 意为“困难,麻烦,费力,不容易”等时,是不可数名词。  difficulties 是difficulty的复数形式,这里的difficulty表示具体的,实在的困难。  如:We must overcome all kinds of difficulties.我们必须克服各种各样的具体困难。
28.dinner, meal  dinner 意为“正餐”,指一天中吃得比较好的或较丰盛的一顿饭,一般在中午或晚上吃。  meal 意为“饭,便饭”,是一日三餐(breakfast, lunch and supper) 的总称。  如:We have three meals a day.我们一天吃三顿饭。, directly  direct 表示“直接地,不绕圈子地”,常指“空间,距离”等,如行程中的中途不停顿、不绕道和其他的间接活动。  directly 表示“直接地”和“间接地”相对应;指时间时,意为“立刻,马上”  如:He drove directly to school.他立即开车去学校。    He drove direct to school.他驾车一直开到学校。(含没有因故绕行之意), uncover  discover 指发现某种本来存在,但以前未被发现的事物或未为人所知的东西。  uncover 表示“揭去,揭开(套子,盖子等)”  如:Gilbert discovered electricity.Gilbert发现了电。    He uncovered his head.他脱下帽子。
31.door, gate  door 意为“门,通道”,指由建筑物内通往户外的门,或建筑物内部一室通向另一室的门。  gate 意为“大门,出入口”,指院落四周围墙上的门,一般都比较结实并且带有门栓。  如:He went in through the garden gate.他从花园门口进去。
32.evening, night  evening 指晚饭前后至睡前这段时间。  night 指天黑到天亮,尤指睡觉时间。  如:He does his homework at 7:00 in the evening.他在晚上7点做作业。
33.farther, further  二者均为far的比较级,但是farther侧重具体的远,而 further除了指具体的远之外,还可指抽象的远。  如:Have you had any further news? 你有进一步的消息吗?    He was so tired that he couldn't walk any further/farther.他太累了,以至于不能再往前走了。
34.fear, frighten  二者均意为“害怕”,但fear意为“害怕……”, frighten意为“使……害怕”  如:I fear dogs.Dogs frighten me.我怕狗。, suit, match  fit 侧重大小、尺寸合身  suit 侧重颜色,款式合适  match 侧重两个物体的搭配   如:The color suits you well.这颜色很适合你。    These curtains don't match the carpet.窗帘和地毯不配。
36.for, from, since  for 用来表示某动作或状况持续了多长时间,既可指过去,也可指现在和将来。  from 用来表示动作或事情的开始时间。  since 表示从过去某时开始持续至说话时的动作或状况,常用完成时态。  如:I have studied English for six years.    I have studied English since 1998.    I'll be here from 2:00p.m.tomorrow.
37.forget, leave  forget表示忘记,而表“遗留”时,它与leave的主要区别在于:forget后只跟事物,不跟地点或场所,而 leave一定接地点场所。  如:I forget his name.    I forget my key.    I left my key at home.
&38.have, eat, take  三者均意为“吃”。have一般用在breakfast, lunch, supper, meal, dinner, medicine及具体食物等名词之前,或在口语中用于表示邀请的句式中。  eat指吃东西。  take较have文雅,多用于正式文体中。  如:Would you like to have some cake?    He ate a banana.I'll take dinner with President, holidays, present  二者均意为“礼物”,常可通用,如birthday gift/present。但gift侧重于诚意或分量,一般指上级或同级所赠的礼物。present一般指同级或下级所赠的礼物, 口语中用得多。
40.Holidays, holidays&&& holiday用作单数,既可指一天的假日,也可指较长时间的假期。而holidays只能用来指较长时间的假期。  如:Tomorrow will be a holiday.明天放假。    How did you spend your summer holiday/holidays? 你暑假是如何过的?
41.idea, thought  idea 意为“思想”,指由于理解、思索、幻想而产生于脑中的具体的思想、念头、主意、意见等。  如:Such an idea never entered my head. 我从来没有过这种念头。  thought 也意为“思想”,指经过思考而形成的一般的思想看法或概念等。  如:A later thought prevented me from doing it. 一个后来的想法阻止了我做这事。, within  in 指最多过多长时间。  within 指不超过多长时间,在多长时间内。  如:He will return in a few days. 他过几天就会回来。    He returned within an hour. 他不到一个小时就回来了。
43.job, work  二者均意为“工作”,job为可数名词,而 work 为不可数名词。  如:a job, a piece of work, fix, mend  三者均意为“修理,修补”,但稍有不同。  repair 是使受到一定损坏或失灵的东西恢复其形状或功能。  如:Who has repaired the broken leg of the table? 谁把桌子的断腿修好了?  fix 用于美国口语中,与repair无多大区别。  如:I must get my radio fixed/repaired.我一定要叫人把收音机修好。  mend 的意思是恢复某物原来的样子(包括用针和线来缝补),一般指较小之物。   如:This shirt is too old to be mended.这件衣服太旧,不能补了。
45.everyday, every day  二者均意为“每天”,everyday用作形容词,而every day 用作副词。  如:I go to school every day.everyday life.everyday English.
46.lie, stand  在表示河流,地域等“位于”时,用lie;在表示桌椅、房屋、树、山等“位于”时用stand;在谈到city和town“位于”时,一般用lie,但为了突出其立体形象,有时也用stand。  如:The river lies in the north of China.The chairs stand by the wall., lives  当life指一个人的生命时,用单数,指多人的生命时用复数。如果life指一个人的生活状况时用单数,指两个以上的人的生活状况时,既可用单数,也可用复数。当人生解时是不可数名词。  如:He saved many lives.他拯救了很多人。    The Chinese people live a very happy life/very happy lives.中国人民过着幸福的生活。    Such is life.这就是人生。, love, enjoy  like 意为“喜欢,爱好”指对某人某事赞许或发生兴趣,并积极参加活动。  love 意为“爱好,爱”表示深深的爱或对异性的爱。  enjoy 意为“喜爱,欣赏,享受”,指对某样东西或某件事感觉愉快,广泛应用于从外界事物中得到喜悦,领略到乐趣。  如:I like reading.我喜欢读书。    We love our country.我们热爱祖国。    I enjoyed the movie a lot.我很欣赏那部电影。
49.near, nearby  nearby 通常指空间上的接近,前置后置均可。  near 则指时间,空间,年龄,关系,程度等的“接近”  如:He went to a nearby hospital.他去了一家附近的医院。    Christmas is near.圣诞节即将来临。
50.nor, neither  nor 和neither 只有在两个并列分句的主语不是同一个人时才能互相替换,如果主语是同一个人,则只能用nor。当否定的并列分句有两个以上时,只能用nor,不能用neither,因为neither只能指两者中的另一个,而nor指三个或三个以上的另一个。  如:I could not find him, nor did I know where he had gone.我找不到他,也不知道他去哪里了。    You cannot dance, nor can I, nor can he.你不会跳舞,我也不会,他也不会。
51.pain, ache  pain 指由于身体或感情的痛苦引起的痛,可数和不可数均可。  如:He was in great pain.他深感痛苦。  ache 指持续不断的身体上的疼痛,可数和不可数均可,常和身体部位构成复合名词。   如:He has an ache in the chest.他胸部疼痛。
52.sickness, illness, disease  sickness 指“恶心,想吐”,是由外因引起,短暂的。  illness 指病人内部的虚弱或失调而致,是内因,长时间的,指心理上的病症,神经病。  disease 指具体的病。  如:He was overcome with sickness after drinking the water.他喝完水后,恶心,想吐。    He has a serious illness.他患了重病。    He has a rare eye disease.他患有一种罕见的眼疾。
53.possible, probable, likely  三者均意为“可能”,probable的可能性最大。  possible的主语只能是物,常用的句型是It is possible to do sth, It is possible for do sth, It is possible that…。  probable的主语也只能是物,它只能用于It is probable that句型中。  likely的主语可以是人也可以是物,它的句型为 likely to do sth, It is likely that…  如:It is possible for him to do it.    It's probable that he can do it.    It's likely that he can do it.= He is likely to do it.
54.prepare, prepare for  prepare 意为“准备”。  prepare for 意为“为……而准备”。  如:Teachers prepare exam papers.    Students prepare for the exam.Mother prepares supper.    Son prepares for supper.
55.sand, sands  sand 意为“沙”。  sands 意为“沙滩,沙地,沙漠,沙丘”。  如:She got some sand in her eye.她的眼睛进了沙子。    The children played on the sands.孩子们在沙滩上玩。
56.produce, product, production  produce是“农产品,自然产品”的总称,是不可数名词。  如:The field produce is transported by water to the neighboring countries.农产品通过水路运往邻近各个国家。  product 意为“产物,产品”,是可数名词。  如:The book is the product of 10 years' hard labor.这本书是10年辛勤劳动的产品。  production 意为“生产,制造”,是不可数名词。  如:Production is up this month.本月产量上升。
57.some, certain  二者均意为“某一”,certain要和a连用。  如:Some Mr.Wang is waiting for you outside.    A certain Mr.Wang is waiting for you outside.一位王先生正在外面等你。
58.sure, certain  二者均意为“确信,有把握的”,但是sure的主语通常是人,而certain的主语为人或物。  如:I'm sure that he will come.    I'm certain that he will come.    It's certain that he will come.
59.treat, cure  treat 意为“治疗”,但不一定治好;cure 表示治愈。  如:The medicine has cured thousands of people.此药治好了成千上万的人。    The doctor treated him with a new drug.医生用一种新药给他治疗。
60.lit, lighted  二者均为light的过去分词,lit只能做表语,而lighted可作定语或表语。  如:The candle is lit/lighted.    It's a lighted candle.
61whatever, no matter what  二者均意为“无论如何,不管怎样”,whatever在句中可以用作宾语和状语,而no matter what只能作状语。  如:You may take whatever you like.    Whatever you like, you may take it.    No matter what you like, you may take it.你可以拿任何你想要的。
62.throughout, all over  二者均意为“遍及”,throughout后可接地点和时间,而all over只能接地点。  如:This product is famous throughout/all over the world.这种产品举世闻名。    It rained throughout the night.雨下了整整一晚上。
63.share, spare  share 意为“分享,共用”。  spare 意为“匀出,腾出”。  如:She shared in my sorrows as well as in my joys.她分担了我的快乐,也分担了我的忧愁。    I have no time to spare.我抽不出空。
64.contain, include  二者均意为“包含,包括”,contain侧重全部包含,而include侧重部分包括。  如:The book contains 12 units.这本书包含12单元。    Twenty people were injured in the traffic accidents including five kids.20人在那场事故中受伤,其中包括5名儿童。
65.pennies, pence  二者均为penny的复数形式。pennies指硬币的个数,而pence指面值。  如:The five pennies added up to fifty pence.这五枚硬币加起来是50便士。
66.damage, destroy  二者均意为“毁坏”,damage的毁坏通常是可以修补的,而destroy的不能。  如:The house was destroyed in the big fire.大火烧毁了那幢房子。
67.drunk, drunken  二者均为drink的过去分词,但是drunken多用作定语,而 drunk多用作表语。  如:A drunken man was lying in the street.一个醉汉躺在街上。    You're drunk.你醉了。
68.valuable, invaluable, valueless  valuable 意为“昂贵的”。  invaluable 意为“无价的,非常珍贵的”。  valueless 意为“没有任何价值的”, valueless activities 没有价值的活动。  如:She's an invaluable assess to the company.她是该公司的无价之宝。    He has given me valuable help.他给了我很有用的帮助。
69.altogether, all together  altogether 意为“完全,总之,总共”。  all together 意为“一起”,强调一个群体中的每一位。  如:The house was altogether destroyed by the fire.这房子全部被火烧毁了。    Now let's sing the song all together.现在我们一起来唱这首歌。
70.wage, salary, pay, income  wage 一般指工人或服务人员等体力劳动者的工资,工钱,通常按时计算,分周发放。   如:Before liberation, Grandpa's wages could hardly support the family.解放前,祖父的工资几乎不能养家糊口。  salary 一般指机关单位官员,职员和管理人员的薪金,一般按年计算,分月或半月发给。  如:He is teaching physics in a technical college at a small salary.他以微薄的薪水在一所科技大学教物理。  pay 可译为工资,薪饷,但更多的是指军队的薪饷或津贴。  如:Why not join us? You won't have to worry about rank or pay.为什么不加入我们呢?你不会为军衔和薪饷而担忧。   income 意为收入,收益,通常指一个人收入所得的钱,不仅限于工资,也可指一个国家的收入。  如:He has an income of $200 a week.他每周有200美元的收入。
71.wake, awake, waken, awaken  一般说来,表示醒来,弄醒,叫醒,多用wake, waken。  在表示觉醒或提醒等比喻意义时,一般用awake, awaken。  在被动语态中,一般用waken, awaken的过去分词wakened, awakened。  awake除用作动词外,还可用作表语形容词,表示未入睡或醒着的状态。  如:He lay awake all night.他躺着,一宿没合眼。    The noise wakes us out of a sound sleep.噪音使我们从沉睡中醒来。
72.especially, specially  especially 意为尤其,指有意突出到显眼或例外的程度。  如:The climate here is good, especially in winter.这儿的气候不错,尤其是冬天。  specially 意为尤其,指为某一特殊目的而专门采用某一方式。  如:I came here specially for you.我是专门看你来了。
73.know, know about  know 表示直接认识、了解或明白。  如:I know him to be an honest man.我了解他是个诚实的人。   know about 表示间接了解、知道某人或某事。  如:I know about him, but I don't know him.
74.lay, put, place  三者均意为“放,置”,但稍有不同。  lay 有“平放”的意思。  如:He laid the table for supper.他摆好桌子,准备进晚餐。  put 是移动某物,将其置放于某处,不一定是平放。  如:Did you put milk in my tea? 你在我的茶里加牛奶了吗?  place 常指将事物安放在适当的位置。  如:That picture is placed too high on the wall.那张图画在墙上挂得太高了。
75.persuade, advise  两者均意为“劝告”。persuade 意为“劝说成功了”。  如:I persuade him not to go.= He didn't go at last.  advise 意为“劝说不一定成功”。  如:He advised her not to go, but at last she went.
76.few, a few, quite a few  三者均可修饰可数名词。  a few 意为“有几个”。  few 意为“几乎没几个”。  quite a few 意为“相当多的”。  如:I have a few books.我有几本书。    I have few books.我几乎没有几本书。    I have quite a few books.我有许多书。
77.silly, stupid, dull  三词都表示“愚蠢的”,但有细微的差别。  silly 用来指正常智能的人,因丧失理性或缺乏常识,做出荒诞可笑之事。  如:It would be a silly thing to spend money on something you can't afford.花钱买你根本买不起的东西真是愚蠢。   stupid 指愚蠢无知的人或愚蠢的行为,更指先天智能低下,是贬义词。  如:I think he was born stupid.我想他是天生愚蠢。  dull用来描述人和行为,表示智能低下。  如:The mind becomes dull if the body doesn't get on exercise.要是身体得不到锻炼,头脑也会迟钝的。
78.die, pass away  die的意思是死,是表示生命结束的一般用语。  如:Flowers soon die if they are left without water.花如不浇水,很快就会枯死。  pass away 的意思是逝世,去世,是die的委婉用语。  如:Chairman Mao passed away on September 9, 1976 in Beijing.毛主席于一九七六年九月九日在北京逝世。
79.hire, rent, let  三词都表示“租,借”,但有细微的区别。  hire 表示短期的租借。  如:We intend to hire the theatre for three days.这个剧院我们打算租三天。  let 表示“出租”。  如:Unless the house is repaired, it won't let easily.除非把这房子修一下,否则不容易租出去。  rent 表示较长期的租出租入。  如:They rented a small plot of land.他们租了一块地。
80.goal, aim  goal 意为“目的,目标”。常用于文学作品中,强调个人精心选定的目标,含有不达目的不罢休、与困难拼搏的意思,该词本身使人联想到参加赛跑的人,他们必须跑到终点。goal也指赛跑的终点。  如:He sticks stubbornly to his goal of education reform.他始终不渝地坚持他的奋斗目标-教育改革。  aim意为“目的,目标”。呈单数形式时,指目标,但较goal具体、简单、近期,决心也稍弱。该词修辞色彩也朴素。呈复数形式时,指笼统的理想与目标。  如:What is your aim in working so hard? 你这样拼命工作,图的是什么?, ground, land, soil  earth 指大地,泥土,区别于岩石  ground 指大地的表面  land 指陆地,区别于江河湖海  soil 指富有有机物的,易于耕种的土壤  如:The worm eats earth.虫子吃泥土。    After the bad boat journey, we were glad to arrive on land.经过了糟糕的乘船旅行后,我们很开心回到陆地上。    The soil is good for growing rice.该土壤适宜种植水稻。
82.hear, hear of/about, hear from  hear 意为“亲耳听到”  hear of/about 意为“听说”  hear from 意为“收到某人的来信”  如:Let's go into town and hear a concert.让我们到镇上听一场音乐会。    In prison he heard of/about the death of his wife.他在监狱获知妻子的死讯。    I haven't heard from my parents for a long time.我有很长一段时间没有收到父母的来信了。
83.usual, common, general, ordinary  usual---unusual 多指习惯性的,遵循常规的,一贯如此的  如:He made the usual mistakes which all beginners make.他犯了初学者常犯的错误。  common---rare 多用于常见的,不足为奇的,侧重普通  如:a common saying, a common wish  general---specific 侧重普遍  如:They work for the general good.他们为公益而工作。  ordinary---superior与common意思相近,多指平淡无奇  如:Although she was rich, she was always in ordinary dress.尽管她富有,她衣着简朴。
84.invite, treat  invite 表示邀请某人做某事,但不一定帮被邀请人付费  treat 表示款待,宴请某人做某事,主人付费  如:I'd like to invite you to dinner.(Maybe you and I go Dutch.AA制)    I'd like to treat you to dinner.(I pay the bill.)
85.big, great, huge, large, vast  big 是普通用语,用以表示尺度,重量,容积等的大,修饰有形的东西=large  great 伟大的,表抽象的名词,可用于引起感情色彩等场合  huge 体积大(还可指超越一定标准的大)  large 面积大,范围大,数目大  vast 范围,地域的大  如:Our classroom is bigger than theirs.Beethoven was a great musician.    An elephant is a huge animal.    A man with a large family needs a large house.    A billion dollars is a large/vast amount of money.    The Sahara is a vast desert., what  在感叹句中,how修饰形容词、副词或动词,也可修饰整个句子。what修饰名词,它可以接单数名词,复数名词和不可数名词。接单数名词时要与不定冠词连用。  如:What a nice day it is!    How nice the day is!
87.lately, recently  二者均意为“最近”,但lately多用于否定和疑问句中,而recently多用于肯定句中。  如:Where have you been lately? 你最近去哪儿了?
88.suffer, suffer from  suffer 意为“受到,遭受”  如:The enemy has suffered a sharp defeat and severe losses.敌人遭到重创。  suffer from 意为“受…之苦/折磨,因…而不舒服/受到损害;患(某种疾病),有(某种缺陷)”  如:He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger.他受到饥寒交迫之苦。
89.can, be able to  can指先天的能力或一般条件下的能力;而be able to指特定条件下的能力  如:Birds can fly.He couldn't swim, but when the ship sank, he was able to swim to the bank.他不能游泳,但是当船沉的时候,他能够游到岸边。
90.hill, mountain  hill指小山或丘陵;mountain指大山,高山  如:the Himalayan Mountains
91.connect, join  connect 表“连接,衔接,联系”,两者仍保持各自的独立性。  join 表“连接,结合,联合”,两者成为一体。  如:Tom and Mary were joined in marriage.Tom和Mary喜结良缘。 (成了一家人)    He and the Whites are connected by marriage.他和怀特家联姻。(成了亲戚)
92.dark, darkness  dark指经常情况,和the连用,而darkness指一时情况。  如:Girls are usually afraid of the dark.女孩通常怕黑。    I could see nothing because of the darkness.由于天黑,我什么都看不见。
93.first, at first  first 一般用来说明顺序,意为“首先,第一”,相当于first of all;还可意为“初次,开始”,相当于for the first time。  at first 意为“最初,开始”,相当于 at the beginning of。  如:You go first.你先走。    There I first met her.在那儿,我第一次遇见她。    At first, I found it difficult to learn English.最初我发现英语很难学。, would like  like 意为“喜欢”,后接to do, doing  would like 意为“打算,想要”,后接to do  如:I would like to swim this afternoon.我今天下午想去游泳。
95.ever, once  ever 用在疑问句中,与一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时和过去完成时连用,也可用于某些从句中。once用在肯定句中,与一般过去时连用。   如:I once lived in Shanghai.我曾经在上海住过。
96.sorry, pardon  当我们做错了事或说错了话之后表示歉意时,常用sorry;而谈话时提出异议以前或没听清对方的话,希望他重复一遍时,常用pardon。   如:Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.Pardon, could you say it again?
97.far, by far  far 通常前置用来修饰比较级以加强语气,相当于 far多放在最高级前面修饰最高级。  如:It's far hotter today than yesterday.    She is by far the best student in the class.
98.finally, at last  finally 一般指一系列事物或论点的顺序的最后一项内容,或用在动词前,表示等了好久才……,没有感情色彩。  at last 往往表示经过一番努力或曲折的过程之后的意思,常常有较浓厚的感情色彩。  如:After a lot of difficulties, he succeeded at last.经历了许多困难之后,他终于成功了。
99.from, out of  from 只表示“来自何处”,注重起点。而out of 表示“从里面到外面”,它强调句子的主语或out of的宾语最终的结果是在“外面”。  如:He has just come out of prison.他刚从监狱释放出来。    He has just come from prison.他刚从监狱那里来。
100.have, there be   have表“所属”关系的“有”;there be指某处“有”。   如:I have a book.     There is a book on the table.   have表示“结构上含有”,侧重从整体结构的角度理解;there be表示“存在”,侧重从客观范围的角度理解。   如:The table has four legs.    There are many students playing on the playground. so, do that   do so和do that用来代替前面的短语动词,以免重复。do so主要用来表示同一主语所做前面刚提到过的同一动作,而表示不同主语则用do that;当do本身以不定式、现在分词和动名词形式出现时,其后一律接so。   如:I promised to get the tickets and I will do so as soon as possible.     I haven't got time to get the tickets.Who's going to do that?     They didn't work yesterday and instead of doing so, they went to the cinema.
102.have a word, have words, have word   have a word=talk to, speak to 意为“与……交谈,对……说几句话”   have words=quarrel 意为“争吵”   have word=hear of 意为“听说……消息,得知”   如:I'd like to have a word with you.我想和你谈谈。     He had words with his parents last night.他昨晚和父母争吵了。     I have had no word from him since he left.自从他走后,我一直没有得到他的音讯。 sth., help do sth.   二者均意为“帮助某人做某事”,带to表示主语不直接参与宾补的动作,而不带to表示直接参与宾补的动作。   如:He helped me clean the table.(他直接参与clean the table)     The dictionary will help you to learn English better.(dictionary不可能直接参与learn English) with, do with   二者均意为“对付,处理”,deal with常和how连用,而do with和what连用。   如:I don't know how to deal with it.     I don't know what to do with it.
105.die out, die away, die down   die out 表示“(物种等)灭绝,不复存在”   die away 表示“(声音,怒火等)渐渐消失”   die down 表示“(声音,怒火等)逐渐减小”   如:Pandas are facing the danger of dying out.     His anger died away.(He was not angry.)     His anger died down a little bit.(He was still angry.) order to, so as to   in order to和so as to 在一般情况下可以替换,但so as to不能放在句首。   如:In order to catch the first bus, he got up early.他早起,目的是能够赶上早班车。 one's fifties, in the fifties   in one's fifties 在某人50多岁的时候   in the fifties 在50年代   如:He died in his fifties.他50多岁的时候就死了。     People in the fifties suffered a lot.50年代的人受了很多苦。
108.get in touch, keep in touch   get in touch 意为“和……取得联络”,表动作   keep in touch 意为“和……保持联络”,表状态   如:I tried to get in touch with him in Paris, but failed.我在巴黎的时候尽力地想和他取得联络,但是没有成功。     Let's keep in touch with each other.让我们保持联络。
109.feel one's way, fight one's way, find one's way   feel one's way 意为“摸索着探路”   fight one's way 意为“挣扎着前进”   find one's way 意为“找到路”   如:The blind man felt his way with the stick.盲人用棍子探路。     I fought my way out of the crowd.我从人群中冲了出来。     How did you find your way here? 你是怎样找到这儿来的? the tree, on the tree   in the tree 在树里   on the tree (水果等)长在树上   如:There is a monkey in the tree.     There are lots of apples on the tree. table, at the table   at table 意为“在(餐桌旁)就餐”   at the table 意为“在桌旁”   如:They are at table now.他们在进餐。     They are sitting at the table.他们坐在桌旁。 the past, in the past 5 years   in the past 意为“在过去”,常和过去时连用。   in the past 5 years 意为“在过去的5年里”,常和完成时连用。   如:Great changes took place in China in the past.     Great changes have taken place in China in the past 5 years.
113.give sb.a lesson, teach sb.a lesson   give sb.a lesson 意为“给某人上课”   teach sb.a lesson 意为“给某人一个教训”   如:He was too naughty.It's time to teach him a lesson.他太顽皮了,该给他点教训了。
114.lose heart, lose one's heart   lose heart 意为“灰心,失望”   lose one's heart 意为“喜欢……,爱上……”   如:He lost his heart to the puppy the first time he saw it.他第一眼看到那个小狗,就喜欢上它了。     Don't lose heart.Sooner or later you'll succeed.不要灰心,迟早你会成功的。 the distance, at a distance   in the distance 意为“在远处”   at a distance 意为“有一定距离”   如:We watched the train until it disappeared in the distance.我们注视这辆火车,直到它消失在远处。     The picture looks better at a distance.这幅画远看更好些。
116.put off, call off   put off 意为“推迟,拖延”   call off 意为“取消”   如:The sports meet was put off because of the heavy rain.(有改天进行的含义。)  && &The sports meet was called off because of the heavy rain.(运动会取消了,不再进行了。)
117.add to, add up, add up to   add to 意为“增加,增添”   add up意为“加起来”   add up to 意为“加起来总和是……”   如:The newly-built cinema adds to the beauty of the city.新近落成的电影院增添了城市的美丽。 good for, be good to   be good for sb.意为“对某人有好处”   be good to sb.意为“对某人好”   如:Proper exercise will be good for you.适当的锻炼对你有好处。     He is good to me.他对我好。 sure to do, be sure of doing   be sure to do 意为“别人认为主语有把握做某事”   be sure of doing 意为“主语自己自信能做某事”   如:He is sure to come.别人认为他肯定会来。     He is sure of coming.他自信能来。&另外,be sure to do 的主语可为sb.or sth.而be sure of doing的主语则只能为sb. condition, in good condition   in condition 意为“身体很好”   如:Walk to work every day and you'll soon be back in condition.走路上班,你不久就会痊愈。   in good condition 意为“完好无损”   如:Everything arrived in good condition.每样东西都完好无损地运到了。
121.give in, give up, give away   give in 意为“屈服,让步”   如:No matter how hard the struggle is, I'll never give in.不管竞争有多难,我都不会让步。   give up 意为“放弃”   如:Father gave up smoking.父亲戒烟了。   give away 意为“分发,泄露(秘密等)”   如:The mayor gave away the prizes at the sports meet.市长在运动会上分发奖品。 a time, at one time   at a time 意为“一次”   at one time 意为“过去某个时期,曾经”   如:I ate five apples at a time.我一次吃了5个苹果。   At one time, girls were not allowed to go to school.历史上一度曾不许女孩上学。 afraid to do, be afraid of doing   be afraid to do 意为“害怕做某事”   be afraid of doing 意为“害怕做某事,担心某事会发生”   如:He was afraid to go home, because he was afraid of being punished by his father.他因为担心会被父亲打而不敢回家。
124.pass by, pass through   两词都为“穿过”,但有细微的差别。pass by 指“从旁边经过”   如:He passed by me without saying a word.他一言不发地从我身边走过。   pass through 指“从(某地或人群)中通过”   如:He passed through the large crowd.他穿过那一大群人。
125.put out, put down   put out 意为“扑灭”   如:put out the fire,把火扑灭。   put down 则可为“记下,放下或镇压”之意。   如:put down the sentence, put down your arms, put down the rebellion
126.regret doing, regret to do   regret doing 表示“做了某事而感到遗憾或后悔”,v-ing动作发生在regret 之前。   如:I regretted missing the train.我为没有赶上火车而感到很懊恼。   regret to do 指“当时或现在遗憾地做什么”。   如:I regret to tell you that we can't stay here any longer.我遗憾地告诉你,我们不能在这儿多呆了。
127.sort of, a sort of   sort of是口语用语,只能作状语,放在所修饰的动词、形容词前,表示“有几分,有点儿”。   如:I sort of thought you might do it.我有几分料到你会这么做。   a sort of 只作定语,表示“一种……”。   如:a new sort of radio 一种新型收音机
128.let for, let on   let for 意为“给某人添麻烦,给造成”   如:His illness has let us in for a lot of extra work.他生病给我们增添了很多额外的工作。   let on 意为“让某人知道,参与(一件秘密的事)”   如:Don't let him in on the secret.不要让他知道这个秘密。
129.go on to do sth., go on doing sth., go on with sth.go on to do sth.意为“继续做不同的事”&go on doing sth.意为“继续做相同的事”&go on with sth.意为“继续做相同的事”,注意with后只能接名词,不能接动名词。 & 如:She finished her reading and went on to watch TV.她读完书后,接着看电视。  & After a short rest, he went on with his homework.休息了一会后,他接着做作业。
130.compete with/against, compete for, compete in   compete with/against sb.意为“和……竞争”   compete for sth.意为“为……竞争”   compete in sth.意为“在……上/中竞争”   如:The two girls compete with each other for the highest mark in physics.这两个女孩为了得到物理的最高分而竞争。 made of, be made from, be made up of, be made into,    be made of 意为“由……制成的”,看得出原材料   be made from 意为“由……制成的”,看不出原材料   be made up of 意为“由……组成的”   be made into 意为“把原材料制成……”   如:The bridge is made of stone.这座桥是由石头建成的。     The wine is made from rice.这种酒是由米酿成的。     Our class is made up of 50 students.我们班由50名学生组成。     Rice is made into wine.米酿成酒。
132.break away from, break out, break down   break away from 意为“脱离,摆脱”   如:She couldn't break away from his influence.她无法摆脱他的影响。   break out 意为“(火灾,战争)等突然爆发”   如:A fire broke out on the top floor last night.昨夜顶楼发生了火灾。   break down 意为“(机器等)出毛病,故障”   如:The car broke down.汽车抛锚了。 tired of, be tired with    be tired of 意为“对某事感到厌烦,厌倦”   be tired with 意为“因为……而累了”   如:I'm tired of talking to him.我讨厌和他说话。     She is tired with running a long time.她因为跑了很久而累了。
134.too… not to, not too… to   too… not to 意为“太……不能不”   如:You are too angry not to say it.你在气愤下,不免要说出这样的话来。     He is too careful not to have noticed it.他那么细心,不会不注意到这一点。   not too…to 意为“并非太......而不能”   如:His grandfather is not too old to do so.他祖父并非老到不能做这事。
135.tell sb.sth., tell sb.of /about sth(sb.)   tell sb sth 表示“向某人谈到某事某人”,如:time, name, address, way, price, story, news, reason, marks, etc;   而向某人谈关于某人或某事的情况用tell sb of/about   如:Please tell me your name…     Tell him of /about your life, her friend, our school…
136.So is sb., So, Neither/Nor is sb., So it is with    So is sb.意为“……也一样”   So 意为“……是的”   Neither/Nor is sb.意为“……也一样不……”   So it is with 意为“……也一样” 如:   1) ---She studies English.---So do I.(指不同人时倒装)   2) ---She Studies English.---So she does.(指同一人时不倒装)   3) ---She doesn't study English.---Neither/Nor do I.(否定)   4) ---She is a Chinese girl, and China is her homeland.     ---So it is with Tom.(指代两种或两种以上)
137.have a seat, take a seat   二者均意为“就座”,但稍有不同。当主人说请就座时,二者可通用,但指一个人发出的动作时,只能用take a seat.   如:He went in and took a seat.     The host said, “Please have a seat/take a seat.” with, compare to  compare…with…意为“与……相比”,“有比较”之意compare…to…可表示“与……相比”,但更常见的是表示“比作、比为”,有“比喻”之意。   如:They often compare the present with the past.他们经常将现在与过去做比较。  Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把人世比作舞台。
139.a bit, a little   a bit 和a little的用法类似,都可修饰形容词原形和比较级   如:I'm a bit/little tired.   I'm a bit/little better now.   但是如接名词,a bit后要加of, 而a little不用   如:a bit of money=a little money
140.but for, except for   but for 表示“若不是,要不是”,等于if it weren't for…, if it hadn't been for…   如:But for him, I would have died thirty years ago.若不是他,我三十年前就死了。   except for 意为“除了”,其后的宾语一般与句子所涉及的东西不同类。   如:Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.你的作文不错,只是有几个拼写错误。 this means, by no means, by all means   by this means 意为“通过这种方式/方法”   by no means 意为“一点也不,决不”   by all means 意为“千万,一定要”   如:Only by this means can you learn English well.只有通过这种方法,你才能学好英语。     This idea is by no means reasonable.这种方法毫无根据。     Try by all means to persuade him to come.一定要努力说服他来。
142.feed on, live on   二者均为“以……为主食”,但feed on的主语常是动物,而live on的主语是人。   如:People live on rice.     Cats feed on least, in the least   at least 意为“至少”   in the least 意为“一点,丝毫”,多用于否定句中。   如:I haven't seen you for at least ten years.我至少有十年没见到你了。     I don't understand in the least what he is trying to say.我一点都不明白他在说些什么。
143.even if, even though   二者均意为“即使,尽管”,大部分情况下可通用,但是也有一点小的区别。   如:Even if he is poor, she loves him.(He may be poor.) even if侧重假设     Even though he is poor, she loves him.(He is poor.) even though侧重事实
144.only if, if only   only if 意为“只有……才……”   if only 意为“只要,要是……就好了”   如:One can succeed only if one works hard.只有努力才能成功。     If only I were you! 如果我是你就好了。 a sense, in all senses   in a sense 意为“在某种意义上说”   in all senses 意为“在任何意义上说”   如:What you say is true in a sense.你所说的话有几分真实性。     It's quite necessary for a college student to learn a foreign language in all senses.一个大学生学一门外语是相当必要的。 course of, in the course of   in course of 意为“正在……中”   in the course of 意为“在……的过程中,在……期间”   如:The railway is in course of construction.铁路正在修建中。   I told him everything in the course of the trip.在旅途中,我把一切都告诉了他。
147.make up one's mind, read one's mind, change one's mind   make up one's mind 意为“下定决心” && 如:He made up his mind not to speak a word.他下定决心不说一句话。   read one's mind 意为“看出心事,知道在想什么” && 如:I've known him so long that I can read his mind.我认识他这么久了,以至于我能知道他在想什么。   change one's mind 意为“改变主意” && 如:He changed his mind suddenly for no reason.他突然无故改变主意。
148.come to an end, draw to an end, put an end to   come to an end 意为“……结束了”   如:The meeting came to an end at last.会终于开完了。   draw to an end 意为“快要结束了”   如:This year was drawing to an end.这一年要过完了。   put an end to 意为“结束(不好的事),制止”   如:We must put an end to this foolish behavior.我们必须制止这一愚蠢的行为。
149.keep out of, keep out, keep up   keep out of 意为“不牵涉进去,避开”   如:I'd rather keep out of his troubles.我不愿卷入他的麻烦中。   keep out 意为“阻止,不让……进入”   如:The coat can keep out the cold.这件衣服能御寒。   keep up 意为“保持”
如:Keep up your spirits.保持你的精神。
150.carry out, carry off, carry away, carry on   carry out 意为“实施,遵守”   如:He carried out his promise to give up smoking.他遵守了戒烟的诺言。   carry off 意为“叼走,夺走”   如:He carried off two gold medals in the Olympics.他在奥运会上夺得两枚金牌。   carry away 意为“使倾倒,使激动得失去控制”   如:The music carried him away.音乐使他倾倒。   carry on 表示“继续进行”   如:carry on the work 继续开展这项工作。
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