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Everyone has different preferences, each love has its own special meaning, and my hobby is watching movies. I saw many different types of films, including a very deep impression on me, the film's name is Twilight. This is a particularly good movie visually, the film sounds very standard, very good f
Every individual has a different peace-loving, every peace-loving all have their own special meaning, and my hobbies are watching a movie. I have read the many different types of film, of which there is a very profound, gave me the impression that the movie's name is called the city of lights. This
Each people all have the different hobby, each hobby all has its special significance, but my hobby watches the movie.I watched many different type movies, including one to give me impression unusual profound, the this movie city of name named evening light.This is a visual specially good movie, in
Everyone has different tastes, each hobby has its special significance, and my hobbies are watching movies. I read a lot of different types of movies, where there is a very deep impression for me, this movie called twilight. This is a Visual are particularly good film, pretty standard of pronunciati
Everyone has different hobbies, each hobby has its special meaning, and my hobby is to see the film. I have seen a lot of different%2
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请输入您需要翻译的文本!  Reports: Miami 'zombie' attacker may have been using 'bath salts'报道:迈阿密“丧尸”袭击者有可能在使用“浴盐”  A naked man who chewed off the face of another man in what is being called a zombie-like attack may have been under the influence of "bath salts," a drug referred to as the new LSD, according to reports from CNN affiliates in Miami.  根据CNN迈阿密附属机构的报道。最近,一裸男啃食另一男子的面部的,疑似“僵尸袭击”事件。该男子有可能是受到了一种叫“浴盐”的新型人工致幻剂毒品的影响。  Why 'bath salts' are dangerous   为什么“浴盐”这么危险?  The horrific attack occurred Saturday and was only stopped after a police officer shot the attacker several times, killing him.  恐怖的袭击发生在周六。并且,在警察数次枪击袭击者并致其死亡后,袭击得以停止。  Larry Vega witnessed the attack on Miami's MacArthur Causeway. He told CNN affiliate WSVN he saw one naked man chewing off the face of another naked man.  拉里.维加目睹了发生在迈阿密,麦克阿瑟长堤的袭击事件。他向CNN分支机构WSVN讲述了,一个裸男啃食另一裸男的场景。  "The guy was like tearing him to pieces with his mouth, so I told him, 'Get off!'" Vega told WSVN. "You know it's like the guy just kept eating the other guy away, like ripping his skin."  “那个男人好像在用他的嘴把受害者撕成碎片,所以,我喝斥他:滚开!”维加对WSVN记者讲述到。“你知道的就像那个男人就那么一直啃噬另一个男人,像要撕开他的皮肤”。  "It was just a blob of blood," WSVN quoted Vega as saying. "You couldn't really see, it was just blood all over the place."  “这简直就是血淋淋的一片”WSVN引用了维加的说法。“你都不能完全看清楚,就是血泊一片”。  Vega said he flagged down a passing police officer.  维加说他示意一位正好路过的警察停下。  "When the officer approached him, told him to stop, pointed a gun at him, he turned around and growled like a wild animal and kept eating at the man's face," Fraternal Order of Police President Armando Aguilar told CNN affiliate WPLG.  “当警察接近他的时候,警察对他举起枪并叫他停止,然而,他转身后像一只野兽一样咆哮并且继续吃那男人的脸”。  The attacker was identified by Miami-Dade Police as 31-year-old Rudy Eugene. Miami-Dade referred CNN to Miami Police for all other details of the investigation.  袭击者的身份被迈阿密德郡警方确认为,31岁的男子,鲁迪.尤金。迈阿密德郡政府,向迈阿密警方推荐CNN对所有调查细节做后续报道。  Augilar said he suspects the attacker, was under the influence of "bath salts." Four other drug use instances in Miami-Dade bear resemblances to Saturday's attack, he told WPLG.  奥吉拉说他怀疑袭击者,当时是受到了“浴盐”的影响(“浴盐”为新型致幻剂)。  "It causes them to go completely insane and become very violent" and take off their clothes, Augilar told WPLG.  Dr. Paul Adams, an emergency room physician at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, told CNN affiliate WFOR that the drug makes users delirious. They exhibit elevated temperatures and extreme physical strength, Adams said.  奥吉拉告诉WPLG ,这种致幻剂导致他们完全疯狂了并且变得非常暴力,并且,脱掉自己的衣服。  保罗.亚当姆斯医生,迈阿密杰克逊纪念医院的急症室医生,他告诉CNN分支机构WFOR,那种毒品会使得服用者精神错乱。服用者表现为体温偏高和拥有极强的体力,亚当姆斯说到。  “I took care of a 150 pound individual who you would have thought he was 250 pounds,” WFOR quoted Adams as saying. “It took six security officers to restrain the individual.”  Adams said users have been known to use their jaws as weapons, according to WFOR.  “你很可能认为我在照顾一个250磅的个体,而他的体重其实为150磅”WFOR引用亚当姆斯的话。“出动了六个安保人员才控制住了那人”。  根据WFOR的报道,亚当姆斯说,已知的服用者,用自己的嘴作为武器。  According to a 2011 report from the National Institute of Drug Abuse, bath salts contain amphetamine-like chemicals.  根据2011年,国家毒品滥用研究所的报告,“浴盐”含有类似安非他命的化学成分。  "Doctors and clinicians at U.S. poison centers have indicated that ingesting or snorting 'bath salts' containing synthetic stimulants can cause chest pains, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, agitation, hallucinations, extreme paranoia, and delusions," according to the NIDA report.  根据国家滥用药物研究所的报告“美国有毒药品中心的医生和临床专家已经指出口服或鼻吸,含有合成兴奋剂的“浴盐”会引致胸痛,高血压,心跳加速,烦躁,幻觉,极端偏执和妄想”。  In October, the Drug Enforcement Administration made possession of the stimulants in bath salts, Mephedrone, 3,4 methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) and Methylone, illegal under an emergency order. The order lasts for a year with a possible six-month extension.  在十月份,美国缉毒署已经下达紧急限制令,限制非法拥有在“浴盐”,甲氧麻黄酮,摇头丸,亚甲基里的兴奋剂。  The stimulants have been placed under restrictions or banned in 37 states, according to a DEA press release.  根据,禁药取缔机构的新闻稿,这种兴奋剂已经在37个州被限制或者禁止使用。  The victim of Saturday's attack, whom police have not identified, was in critical condition at Jackson Memorial on Monday, according to the WPLG report. Augilar told WPLG that 75% to 80% of his face was missing.  根据WPLG的报道。周六那场袭击受害者,目前警方还无法确定其身份。他现在就医于杰克逊纪念医院,处于病危状态。奥吉拉告诉WPLG,受害者失去了其75%到80%的面部组织。  Eugene had an arrest record, mostly misdemeanors, including a battery charge from when he was 16 that was later dropped, according to the Miami Herald.  根据迈阿密先驱报的报道,尤金曾有过被拘捕的记录,其中大多数是轻罪,包括其在16岁辍学后涉嫌斗殴的控罪。  He had been married but divorced in 2007, WPLG reported. His former wife told the station that Eugene had been violent toward her.  WPLG报道,他曾经有过一段婚姻,但是在2007离婚。他的前妻告诉电视台,尤金曾经对她施暴。  Homeless people near where the attack took place said Eugene was often seen around the area looking confused, according to WPLG.  WPLG报道,袭击点附近的流浪者说,尤金常常在附近晃悠并且看起来很迷惘。
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
00:29:34  吼吼…留爪  -----------------------------  HOHO握手 大晚上的 我容易么 翻了发的 第一次在八卦发帖
  抵制黑暗 光明大同  
00:38:01  哇,前排  本帖发自天涯社区手机客户端  -----------------------------  欢迎常来
00:38:28  卤煮你好卤煮再见  [发自iPhone客户端-贝客悦读]  -----------------------------  童雀明天见,童雀天天见
00:40:00  估计也是,哪儿那么容易变丧尸啊!  -----------------------------  是滴,就是看人人上那些人一个劲儿滴转那段视频,觉得很白痴呢,跑去CNN看了下
00:42:55  抵制黑暗 光明大同  本帖发自天涯社区手机客户端  -----------------------------  呃 抵制毒品 光明未来
00:43:35  世上最猛的毒品?  本帖发自天涯社区手机客户端  -----------------------------  楼猪不是学化学的,就照着翻译的,楼主闲了可以再去看看后续报道,然后来天涯报道 哈哈
  楼主再发点,米国淫民的评论吧  BK  damn drugs do make you zombies !!!  该死的毒品确实让你一秒变丧尸啊!!!  Thomas  Drugs probably dont make you a Zombie , but they do make you look like a weird looking dude. I don't know how someone could do something like that. But then again, he is a BUM!!!  毒品也会并不会使你变丧尸。但是老兄,它会使你看起来很怪。我不明白为毛有些人会做那样的事。但是话说回来,他是流浪屌丝!!!
  Tajana Walker  Do drugs really make you eat peoples face off and why were they both naked.Aren't drugs illegal why was he doing them.  那玩意能让能吃人脸?为毛那俩男淫都是全裹?既然不合法,他怎么会嗑药?  Hayley  All drugs are illegal and people do them everyday.. This is sad but they were probably both on drugs, Zombie, Really? When you put poisons into your body there is no limit as to what they will do to you... And eating the dude, yes very sick but there has been multiple counts where people have gotten arrested for canabalisim. But if you believe in zombies you are watching to many movies...  所有毒品无疑都是违法的,并且人们每天都嗑。这个事实很令人悲伤,氮素,他俩可能都嗑药了,丧尸,尊滴么?当乃嗑药滴时候,你不知道它们进入你身体后会对你怎样。并且,吃了那老兄,是的,真尼玛恶心。还有很多例,人们自相残杀而被拘捕。但是,如果你相信是丧尸,尼玛电影看多了吧。
  @Irene-31 01:01:07  这种迷幻剂,,,我想起了痞子英雄   -----------------------------  同感 叫蓝色蝴蝶还是什么来着
01:03:45  搜到的关于这种毒品的报道http://article.yeeyan.org/view/107   -----------------------------  诶呦,好网站,收人么 哈哈
  Man_Eater  Some say he was crazy. Others may argue it was the drugs. Lets get s the guy was hungry.  吃人者  有人说他疯了,有人说他嗑药。我们开门见山滴说,其实那老兄饿了。
  @gone-31 01:20:16  通篇都是可能、怀疑,却没有任何可靠检测数据,尼玛老美办事效率这么低吗???????  -----------------------------  高见,也有米国淫提出了类似问题,要么就是嗑药惹的祸,要么就是老美压着什么见不得光的。但是,觉得丧尸真的离我们很远。
  @花雕-31 01:31:13  楼主的翻译好喜感,流浪叼丝  [发自iPhone客户端-贝客悦读]  -----------------------------  哈哈,神马都要本土化,与时俱进啊!反正乳猪不是给领导翻译,翻翻就是给tianyaer看着开心滴
  On Tuesday police identified Eugene's victim as Ronald Poppo, a 65-year-old homeless man who has lived on Miami's streets for more than three decades. With his nose, mouth and eyes torn off, he remained in critical condition at Jackson Memorial Hospital on Tuesday.   周二,警方确认了受害者为,罗纳德.普普,65岁滴无家可归者。他在迈阿密大街上露宿了约30年。在鼻子,嘴和眼镜被撕烂的情况下,他在杰克逊纪念医院任生命垂危。  Police have just begun to piece together Eugene's actions in the hours before the attack.   警方刚刚拼凑出,尤金袭击受害者前的行踪。  It appears Eugene had been in Miami Beach — in full party mode for Urban Beach Week — shortly before the attack. Eugene's car was towed for being parked illegally at 1100 10th St.   似乎,在袭击发生不久前,尤金在迈阿密海滩,在当地海滩周时完全处于一种开爬梯玩乐的模式。尤金的车由于违停在第十街1100号,而被拖走。  The night before, Eugene had been with his girlfriend in Miami Gardens. She reported that he was acting strangely before leaving in his car. According to police, Eugene later called her to say that his car broke down.   那晚之前,尤金和其女友在迈阿密花园。她说,尤金离开车前,表现得很奇怪。根据警方的说法,尤金之后致电女友说他的车坏了。  Still unclear is what motivated the attack. Though some have speculated that Eugene was under the influence of some kind of stimulants or other drugs that sometimes cause violent episodes, police said they found no evidence of drugs or paraphernalia at the scene. Toxicology tests of Eugene's blood will likely take several weeks.   攻击动机还是很不明确。虽然有种推测是受了某种能引致暴力行为的兴奋剂或其他毒品的影响。警方说,他们还未在现场发现任何有关毒品或相关设备的证据。尤金血液的毒理学检测将会耗时几周。
  Mark  [发自iPhone客户端-贝客悦读]
02:09:30  哎呀~豌豆土豆玉米都白种了!   -----------------------------  给楼主吃吧
02:11:33  流浪屌丝。。。楼主好文采!   -----------------------------  过奖过奖,本土化一下,适应下咱天涯的文风。o(∩_∩)o
02:13:00  真相满天飞。。。。。。   -----------------------------  反正现在信息传递那么迅速,关注报道木有错滴,万一真有丧尸,也好提前准备 哈哈
02:17:49  还是很可怕。。   -----------------------------  等那个丧尸血液检测报告出来,如果真是这种毒品,但愿不要传到中国来
02:18:56  Mark  [发自iPhone客户端-贝客悦读]  -----------------------------  欢迎 欢迎 热烈欢迎
  @gone-31 01:20:16  通篇都是可能、怀疑,却没有任何可靠检测数据,尼玛老美办事效率这么低吗???????  -----------------------------  等丧尸的血液毒理学检测报告
02:31:28  楼主谢了,还是这样解释得清楚些比较好。   -----------------------------  谢谢,楼主有空就会去看看事态进展的
02:23:27  围观一下,最近这事让人有点寒   -----------------------------  相信老美的办事能力,最终会水落石出滴,现在的谣言大多是为了博眼球娱乐大众滴
02:23:52  @月上玲珑影
02:17:49  还是很可怕。。  -----------------------------  等那个丧尸血液检测报告出来,如果真是这种毒品,但愿不要传到中国来  -----------------------------  呜呜,不乐观啊,世界上越污秽堕落的东西,传播得越快,艾滋病早就来了,这贩毒的决不会放过,只要证实有依赖性,一定传到中国来。
02:18:56  Mark  [发自iPhone客户端-贝客悦读]  -----------------------------  @西门町番茄
02:25:53  欢迎 欢迎 热烈欢迎  -----------------------------  O(∩_∩)O
02:18:56  Mark  [发自iPhone客户端-贝客悦读]  -----------------------------  @西门町番茄
02:25:53  欢迎 欢迎 热烈欢迎  -----------------------------  @清风静水流云
08:43:19  O(∩_∩)O  -----------------------------  末日生存技能讨论:
00:48:28  @蓝色涅磐TT
00:40:00  估计也是,哪儿那么容易变丧尸啊!  -----------------------------  是滴,就是看人人上那些人一个劲儿滴转那段视频,觉得很白痴呢,跑去CNN看了下  -----------------------------  估计想整点话题……  诶  2012了,人人都想整点事儿玩儿
02:23:52  @月上玲珑影
02:17:49  还是很可怕。。  -----------------------------  等那个丧尸血液检测报告出来,如果真是这种毒品,但愿不要传到中国来  -----------------------------  @国语聆音
03:47:32  呜呜,不乐观啊,世界上越污秽堕落的东西,传播得越快,艾滋病早就来了,这贩毒的决不会放过,只要证实有依赖性,一定传到中国来。  -----------------------------  末日生存技能讨论:
03:09:31  天涯尺度很大、、、   -----------------------------  上图啦
13:15:57  天哪,那还真张人脸吗?   -----------------------------  真的是人脸啊 楼主当下来的时候都没怎么敢仔细看
veryone has own&#39
用his or her


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