
66到70 英语的 谢谢_百度知道
goes , on foot67 Cutting ,is harmful68 loses themselves in69
be angry with70 is famous for
到了初中语文成绩就一直是70多分,怎样才可以到80多,数学也是如此,而英语很差,怎样可以提高 5
其他回答 (2)
1.逻辑记忆:通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系,词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。1)把几个字母看作做一个来记 如:"ight" light, right, fight, night, might, sight, tight 2)外旧内新,如:bridge “桥”看成 b+ridge ridge "山脊”sharp 看成 s+harp harp "竖琴。3)外新内旧,如:cleave “劈开”看成 c+leave, tact "机智:看成 t+act 2 联想记忆:1)音与形的联想,即根据读音规则记忆单词。2)形与义的联想,如:eye 把两个e看成两个眼。banana 把a看成一个个的香蕉。bird 把b和d看成两个翅膀。3)象声词,联想实际的声音,如:gong 锣 coo 咕咕声。 3.构词记忆:利用构词法,通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生和合成等记忆单词。 4.分类记忆:把单词进行分门类 如:动物,植物等,进行分类记忆。你可以找一本分类字典作为参考。 5.卡片记忆:自制作单词卡片随时随身进行记单词,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配、例句等。 6.词典记忆:即背字典,这种方法是一种强行记忆的方法。它的缺点是容易忘记,只是孤立记住单词的意义。可以作为一种短时间的强化手段。 7.比较记忆:1)英汉比较 如:mama, cigar, beer, bar,fee等。2)单复数的比较 如:good-goods, spirit-spirits wood-woods 3)同音词的比较 如:right-write, eye-I 4)词的阴阳性的比较 如:actor-actress host-hostess 8.理解记忆:通过正确理解单词的本义、引申义和比喻义等如:second 是“秒”,它来源于古代的六分法,分,秒,它是二次划分, 因此second 也是“第二”,进一步引申,还可理解为“辅助”用这种方法特别适合那些一词多义的词。 9.联系记忆:记忆单词最好不要孤立地记,尽可能地和有关的东西联系来记。1)联系所学的文章大概意义,联系上下文,2)联系短语和搭配 10.感官记忆:记单词时,不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听、嘴读、手写、眼看、心记等。 11.软件记忆:有电脑的可利用电脑软件进行记单词,如:《开心背单词》、《开天辟地背单词》、《我爱背单词》等。 12.阅读记忆:通过阅读英语文章,小说等记忆单词,注意选择难度要适宜。 13.同义记忆:通过同义词一起进行单词记忆,可确切理解词义,这时不必注意它们的意义的区别。 14.反义记忆:通过反义词一起进行单词记忆,扩大了词义。 15.图表记忆:利用形象的图表进行记忆,它的优点是意、形、物直观的结合到一起。你可以找一本英语图解字典作为参考。 16.游戏记忆:通过自己和集体做游戏’在轻松愉快的气氛中进行记忆单词,你可以参照笔者主页上的“英语游戏”。 17.歌曲记忆:通过唱英语歌曲记忆单词,“听霸”“听力超人”等软件中有许多英文歌曲,并配有歌词和译文。 18.复习记忆:单词记住了,很快会忘掉,每隔一段时间要进行复习,巩固所学单词 19.商标记忆:通过看到的商标和广告随时随地进行记忆单词。 20.综合记忆:记忆单词最好综合利用多种方法,而不只是一种,利用各自的优点。
  长江商报消息亲爱的同学,在你答题前,请认真阅读下面以及“答题卡”上的注意事项:  1.本试卷由第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分组成。全卷共10页,七大题,满分120分。考试用时120分钟。  2.答题前,请将你的姓名、准考证号填写在“答题卡”相应位置,并在“答题卡”背面左上角填写姓名和座位号。  3.答第卷(选择题)时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不得答在“试卷” 上。  4.第卷(非选择题)用0.5毫米黑色笔迹签字笔书写在“答题卡”上。答在“试卷”上无效。  预祝你取得优异成绩!  第卷(选择题,共85分)  第一部分听力部分  一、听力(共三节,满分25分)  第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)  听下面5个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。  1.A.He"s Jason.B.He"s tall.C.He"s reading a book.  2.A.Very fast.B.By bus.C.Near the museum.  3.A.Too light. B.A nice one.C.A basketball.  4.A.Cheap.B.The short one. C.To write letters.  5.A.Around seven. B.With Jenny. C.Not far away.  第二节(共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分)  听下面7段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。  6.Who is the woman speaking to?  A.Mark. B.Jennifer.C.Mike.  7.What is the man?  A.A doctor. B.A teacher. C.A policeman.  8.What was the weather like this morning?  A.Sunny.B. Foggy.C.Rainy.  9.Where are the two speakers?  A.In a library.B.In a book shop.C.In a post office.  10.What will the speakers do?  A.Have a talk.B.Have a walk. C.Have a look.  11.What does the man prefer?  A.Reading novels. B.Watching movies. C.Making himself relaxed.  12.What"s the woman"s suggestion?  A.Sending an email. B.Taking new photos. C.Making a telephone call.  第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)  听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。  听下面一段材料,回答第13至第15题。  13. How much did the man win in the contest?  A.15 dollars. B.500 dollars. C.1,500 dollars.  14.How did the man feel after winning the prize?  A.Happy.B.Funny. C.Crazy.  15.What is the man doing now?  A.Giving the money to charity.  B.Having a Talent Contest.  C.Fetching the money.  听下面一段材料,回答第16至第18题。  16.When did the woman get home last night?  A.About twelve. B.About half past ten.C.About half past twelve.  17.Where did the woman go last night?  A.To a concert. B.To a wild party.C.To a birthday party.  18.Why did the woman come back late?  A.The concert ended until midnight.  B.She went to a Pop Music Concert.  C.She went to her friend"s home.  听下面一段材料,回答第19至第22题。  19.What is the man doing in front of the restaurant?  A.Ordering a table. B.Asking for help.C.Traveling around.  20.When is the man leaving for New York?  A.Five minutes later. B.After an hour.C.The next morning.  21.What is the man looking for?  A.A restaurant. B.A hotel.C.A bank.  22.How will the man get to Queen Street?  A.By car. B.By bus. C.On foot.  听下面一段材料,回答第23至第25题。  23.What"s the speaker mainly talking about?  A.The history of blood donation.  B.The purpose of blood donation.  C.A general introduction of blood donation.  24.From whom can a hospital usually get the blood to save lives?  A.Doctors.B.Patients. C.Healthy people.  25.How long will it take your body to make enough blood if you give blood?  A.Several minutes.B.Only one day. C.About a week.  第二部分笔试部分  二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。  26.-When was David born?  -He was bornJune 12,1989.  A.at B.inC.onD.for  27.-Hello,Jack.How are you doing?  -.  A.Reading a magazineB.OK  C.That"s all rightD.It"s nice  28.-Do you need my help,Mary?  -.  A.Yes,please B.I"d love toC.Never mindD.Well done  29.-Help yourself to some more meat,Linda.  -.  A.I"m full,thanks B.It"s my pleasure  C.It dosen"t matter D.Very well,thank you  30.-What"s his brother?  -He is a teacher.He maths at a school.  A.taught B.has taughtC.teachesD.will teach  31.I don"t remember when and where I  this umbrella.  A.buyB.have bought C.will buyD.bought  32.-Where"s Lisa,Eric?  -She  to the library.  A.goes B.had goneC.has goneD.would go  33.If by any chance Peter comes to us ,please ask him to leave a .  A.letter B.sentenceC.message D.notice  34.-Hi,Bruce.Here"s a letter for you.  -Thanks.I wonder.  A.who that letter was from B.who was from that letter  C.who was that letter from D.who from that letter was  35.-You  be happy with the strong public support you"ve received.  -Yes,you"re right.I"m really excited.  A.mayB.can C.mustD.need  36.The roof of the house needs repairing.It"s raining now,you"d better get something to  rain drops.  A.controlB.cover C.carry D.catch  37.Once the actor Edwards told his fans,“Be yourself and don"t let anybody  you around.“  A.pull B.pushC.takeD.turn  38. The smell of success around her shows that she is a Dancing Queen on the stage.  A. sweetB. tasty C. final D. great  39. When the Greens moved into the house last week, was at sixes and sevens, so they did a big cleaning.  A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing  40. After winning the badminton championship at Wuhan Sports Center in May, the Chinese players" faces with joy.  A. made upB. took up C. put upD. lit up  三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。  One afternoon, I went to pick up my mother from work.I got there a little early, so I (41) my car by a small park, and (42) for her.  As I looked outside the car window, I saw a little boy, around two years old, running (43) on the grass as his mother (44) from a short distance. The boy had a big smile on his face as if he had just been (45) free from some sort of prison .The boy would then fall to the grass , (46) up , without looking back at his mother , run as (47) as he could ,again , still with a smile on his face ,as if nothing had happened .  At that moment, I thought to myself , “why aren"t most adults this way ?” Most adults, when they fall down, make a big deal out of it and don"t even (48) a second attempt. They would be so (49) that they would not try again if someone saw them fall .Or , because they fall , they would find a good (50) for themselves that they"re not fit for it . They would end up too afraid to attempt again for fear of failure.  However, with kids, when they fall down, they don"t consider their falling down as a failure, instead, they treat it as a (51) experience. They try again and again until they (52) .The answer must be that they have not connected“falling down” with the word “failure”. As a (53), they are not discouraged in any way .Besides, they (54) think to themselves that it"s quite okay to fall down and that it"s not wrong to do so. In other words ,they allow themselves to make (55), so they remain energetic.  I was deeply impressed by the boy"s persistence (坚持不懈) and the manner in which he did.  41. A. leftB. stoppedC. repaired D. drove  42. A. waitedB. cared C. preparedD. looked  43. A. carefully B. anxiously C. freely D. easily  44. A. watched B. noticed C. surveyedD. supported  45. A. cutB. kept C. found D. set  46. A. hold B. getC. end D. pick  47. A. well B. long C. fastD. soon  48. A. makeB. provide C. practice D. discover  49. A. confused B. embarrassedC. exhaustedD. surprised  50. A. cause B. sign C. chance D. excuse  51. A. learning B. running C. teaching D. falling  52. A. progress B. improve C. achieve D. succeed  53. A. decision B. result C. reason D. matter  54. A. hardly B. perfectly C. probably D. nearly  55. A. mistakes B. choices C. plans D. wishes  四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)  阅读下列材料,从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。  A  One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting.I was looking forward to a quiet view of the art works.  A young couple viewing the paintings ahead of me chatted nonstop between themselves.I watched them a moment and decided the wife was doing all the talk.I admired the husband"s patience for putting up with her continuous talk.Distracted by their noise,I moved on.  I met with them several times as I moved through the different rooms of art.Each time I heard her constant burst of words,I moved away quickly.  I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a purchase when the couple came near to the exit.Before they left,the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a white object.He extended it into a long stick and then tapped his way into the coatroom to get his wife"s jacket.  “He"s a brave man.”The clerk at the counter said,”Most of us would give up if wewere blinded at such a young age.During his recovery he made a promise that his life wouldn"t change.So ,as before,he and his wife come in whenever there"s a new art show.”  “But what dose he get out of the art?”I asked,“He can"t see.”  “Can"t see?You"re wrong.He sees a lot.More than you or I do.”The clerk said,“His wife describes each painting so he can see it in his head.”  I learned something about patience,courage and love that day.I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without sight and the courage of a husband who would not allow blindness to change his life.And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand.  56.The young couple were at an art museum .  A.to show their love B.to appreciate art  C.to discuss paintingsD.to describe paintings  57.“…I moved away quickly.”in Paragraph 3 shows that the writer .  A.was in the hope of visiting more rooms  B.was in a hurry to buy some gifts  C.was tired of the nonstop talking  D.was not interested in the art show  58.We can infer from the passage that the husband .  A.was not born blind B.couldn"t stand his wife  C.knew nothing pletely depended on his wife  59.After hearing what the clerk had said about the couple,the writer was .  A.encouragedB.excited C.touchedD.annoyed  60.The passage is mainly about .  A.the importance of art B.good manners in public  C.patience of a husbandD.love between a couple  B  61.How many days does the Beer Festival last?  A.3. B.4.C.5. D.6.  62.Traditional Pub Food is served every day except .  A.Monday & Friday B.Saturday & Sunday  C.Monday & Saturday D.Friday & Sunday  63.Which information helps you if you want to order at home from the Pub?  A.18 Brinkley Rd Dullingham.B.Newmarket.  C.Tel: .D.Free House.  64.According to the advertisement,the pub is run by.  A.a familyB.a friend C.a farm D.a boss  65.During Beer Festival,guests can easily get .  A.Adanms Best BitterB.Broadside  C.Guest BeersD.all above  C  A small ,white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree and it has been there for the past ten years or so.  It all began because my husband Justin hated Christmas―oh, not the true meaning of Christmas.Overspending was one thing, but compared to the difficult experience of choosing gifts―running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and a pair of gloves for Grandma…,spending money is nothing. I felt too tired to think of any special gifts.  Knowing Justin felt the same way, I decided one year not to buy the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so on. I reached for something special just for Justin. The inspiration came in an unusual way.  Our son Kevin, who was 12 that year, was wrestling (摔跤)at the junior level at th and shortly before Christmas, there was a match against a team sponsored (赞助) by an inner-city church.These youngsters, dressed in such worn-out shoes that shoe strings seemed to be the only thing holding them together, while our boys were in their blue and gold uniforms and new wrestling shoes.  As the match began, I was shocked to see that the other team were wrestling without wearing helmets (头盔) to protect their ears. Well, our boys ended up defeating them. We took every weight class.  Justin, seated beside me, shook his head sadly, “I wish just one of them could have won,” he said. “They have a lot potential (潜力) , but losing like this could take the heart out of them.” Justin loved kids―all kids, and he knew them, having coached little league football and baseball. That"s when the idea for his present came. That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and bought different kinds of wrestling helmets and shoes. I sent them to inner-city church without leaving my name.  On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Justin what I had done and that was his gift from me. His smile was the brightest thing about Christmas that year and since then the envelope has become the highlight of our Christmas.  66. Justin hated Christmas because .  A. he didn"t enjoy receiving gifts  B. he had a hard time choosing gifts  C. he spent too much money buying gifts  D. he disliked putting gifts under the Christmas tree  67. We know from the passage that the team sponsored by inner-city church.  A. were well dressedB. paid no attention to safety C. feared Kevin"s team D. couldn"t afford a helmet  68. How did Justin feel about the team"s failure ?  A. Upset B. Angry C. Hopeless D. Shameful  69. Why did the writer send gifts to the inner-city church without leaving her name ?  A. To avoid being thankedB. To play a joke on JustinC. To give Justin a surpriseD. To protect her private information  70. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?  A. The Church Gift B. A Special NoteC. The White Envelope D. A Christmas Card  第卷(非选择题,共35分)  五、词与短语选择填空(本题共10分,每小题2分)  先阅读短文,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使全文在逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)  Keep out /expensive / lead /compare /take out /cheap  71.Rose took us out to dinner at an restaurant, but the food was not good at all .  72. I need a new coat .This one doesn"t the cold  73. Working hard at Science can to a good job.  74. Wait before you buy that computer , Let"s prices at another store .  75. Her shoes were really  They only cost seven dollars  六、阅读理解填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)  Cannon has shown a great interest in collecting flags. At the young age of four , Cannon began studying flags , d(76)them in his coloring books and putting them up on his walls Throughout school ,he studied flags and tried to find out all he could about them After university ,Cannon s(77)to be a lawyer.Throughout law school , he continued to collect flags His classmates, friends ,and family started c(78) him “the flagman”  Cannon now has more than 200 flags in his collection. He shows many of them in his downtown law office . Once he d(79)country flags for an exhibition on the Olympics  In addition to collecting flags Cannon also w(80) about them He has published three books about flags He loves to h(81) from friends who see his b(82)in stores all over the world A few years ago ,Cannon"s hobby r(83) a new level He entered a flag design contest and won The country he lives in asked him to design its f(84) . Cannon explains his hobby this way ,“Collecting flags is l(85)collecting pieces of history”  七、书面表达(满分15分)  假如上周日你参加了长江社区的Yard Sale活动。请给你们学校校刊上的English Club栏目写一篇关于此次活动的介绍。  要点如下:  1有200多人参加了此次活动;  2有的人出售旧物如:衣服、玩具、自行车等;  3有的人出售自制的蛋糕、卡片、书签等;  4还有的人交换旧书;  5请写一至两点你对此次活动的看法。  注意:  1词数60―80 ,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数;  2文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。不要逐条翻译。  参考词汇:  ChangjiangCommunity n .长江社区 exchangev. 交换 usedadj旧的  参考答案  一、听力测试(共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)  1~5 ABCBA 6~10 CABAB 11~15 ACBAC  16~20 CACBC21~25 BACCB  二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  26~30 CBAAC 31~35 DCCAC 36~40 DBABD  三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  41~45 BACAD46~50 BCABD51~55 ADBCA  四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)  56~60 BCACD61~65 BBCAD 66~70 BDACC  五、词与短语选择填空(本题共10分,每小题2分)  71.expensive72.keep pare  75.cheap  六、阅读理解填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)  76.drawing77.studied 78.calling 79.donated 80.writes 81.hear 82.books 83.reached  84.flag 85.like  七、书面表达(满分15分)  PossibleVersion:(共78字)  It was fine last Sunday. I went to the Yard Sale in Changjiang Community. More than 200 people took tark in the activity .Some people sold used things such as bikes, toys, and clothes. Others sold cakes, cards and bookmarks made by themselves. Used books could be exchanged in the yard, too. I enjoyed myself there. In my opinion, it was a very good activity. We can not only make full use of used things, but also protect our environment in this way.


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