i intend you are my sunshinelast

What are your weaknesses with respect to customer service what do you intend to do about it
What are your weaknesses with respect to customer service what do you intend to do about it?
people pleaser
people pleaser
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You were born in Chicago to two very hard working and supportive parents. How did they support you in your dreams and aspirations to become an actor?
WikiAnswers cannot answer questions that are designed specifically for you to answer. Your interviewer wants to know your personal experience. We do not know what customer ser&vice experience you have had, or if you have any skills at it. You have to answer job interview questions yourself.
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Qwest customer service representative are not only respectful but are knowledgeable and friendly as well. Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm Qwest customer service representativ&es are available and more than happy to answer any questions, address any concerns and suggest solutions quickly and professionally.
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 Customer Service refers to a department found within most business that deal with client issues, such as questions, complaints, etc. To be considered an above-average cu&stomer service department, the "client always is right." An employee who works within such a depatment must: 1. believe in their product 2. be polite 3. be empathetic 4. be consistent 5. make a commitment and stick to it 6. take responsibility and 7. ask for feed-back.
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Customer service is not just the face-to-face treatment of your customer, but it also includes the way the customer is talked about and referred to in your business setting. C&ustomer service is critical, especially to small business, as customers will naturally prefer to do business where they are treated well. Choosing the right staff for the most customer-intensive aspects of your business is essential. This article discusses qualities that every one of your customer service representatives should have and how you can train your reps to learn them.It is a customer service rep's job to offer service to the customer. Part of that service is a pleasant demeanor. A courteous smile and a pleasant, "happy-to-help-you" tone are benchmarks of good customer service. As a small business owner, an effective way for you to hire for a pleasant demeanor is to judge the candidate based on his or her presentation during the interview, and rely heavily on references, especially those from previous retail experiences. Maintaining an upbeat environment and making sure your employees are happy will translate into pleasant behavior for customers as well.Customer service reps who have a genuine, empathetic desire to help solve the problems that their customers are faced with are worth their weight in gold.
You can train customer service reps to be more empathetic with roleplaying exercises. However, the most effective way to ensure that reps are empathetic is to lead by example. Owners, managers, and leaders should always treat the customers and employees with empathy and compassion.It is frustrating to talk to a service rep who seems to know only as much or possibly less than the customer. Having a thorough knowledge base regarding the product or service in question is essential for a rep to be able to do his or her job well. Sometimes people blame others when they become confused. Reps should be given periodic, preferably weekly, training on products and services, particularly when the reps or the products are new. Put your reps into stressful roleplaying situations and coach them on how to improve performance. You can even formulate pop quizzes to test your employees' knowledge about new products and services and reward them when they do well.Some issues and problems that customers have with a product or service are convoluted or involve an extensive process in order to be solved. It may take a return trip to the retail outlet or a return phone call on the part of a representative in order to complete the process. Expectations for problem solving in customer service should never be met only halfway. Start giving your customer service representatives periodic feedback regarding t one metric that you base your evaluation upon should be "first call/visit resolution." This determines how frequently a rep solves customers' issues. Remind your reps that the first thing they should do at the beginning of every shift is make follow-up phone calls to customers who require callbacks.When a rep is informal and robotic, or when there is no personal touch to the service he or she is offering, it can seem like the rep is indifferent to the problems the customer is experiencing. Using "sir" or "ma'am" is fine, but when a rep uses the customer's first name (sometimes with permission), it adds an appreciated personal touch to the customer service experience. Remind your reps to properly introduce themselves to customers and to repeat the customers' names back several times throughout a conversation. You can provide them a script to practice with until they create the habit.Customer service is important to your business because the customer will ultimately vote for his or her preferred business with his or her dollar. This is to say that a business that gives poor service shows the customer that he or she is not really valued, causing the customer to take business elsewhere. Keep in mind that your top priority is to serve. By following the above-mentioned customer service tips, your business can rise to the top of the customer service ladder.Customer service is critical, especially to small business, as customers will naturally prefer to do business where they are treated well. Choosing the right staff for the most customer-intensive aspects of your business is essential.
Customer service has traditionally been seen as an after-sale operational function, but has increasingly moved to the forefront of marketing to new and existing customers. Bus&inesses need to address this new opportunity.
It might seem counterintuitive that a business would ever want to purposefully lose a customer, but it has always been an option under certain circumstances. Here's why and wh&en it still makes sense today.
Customer service can make or break your company's reputation. Bad customer service will send your customers looking for service elsewhere, while good customer service keeps yo&ur customers coming back. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve your customer service. Read and learn from the following customer service tips.Professionalism is an essential component of quality customer service. Speak to your customers in clear language, avoiding slang, jargon, or acronyms that your customers may not understand. Address your customers by last name unless you are given permission otherwise. Be res do not allow a customer's anger to influence your behavior. Do not respond to angry customers with sarcasm or anger.Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it to address a customer's concerns. If an issue is outside your skill level, refer the customer to someone who can address that issue appropriately. Sometimes, you do not need to hand ov instead, have another person walk you through solving the customer's problem. This gets the customer's problems solved and teaches you how to solve the problem for the next customer. When you are dealing with an angry customer, a the fresh face often calms the customer so a solution can be reached.A good customer service agent is proactive when dealing with customers. Do not settle for simply addressing the concerns the customer raises. Identify issues that may cause problems for the customer down the line. Address these problems to save the customer from needing repeat contact. These proactive actions turn an event that could result in an angry customer into an event that impresses the customer.Dependability is essential to good customer service. Dedicate yourself to meeting all of your customer's needs and solving issues correctly the first time. If you tell your customer you are going to do something, follow through. Keep the customer up-to-date about your progress towards a resolution or any delays in services.When someone makes contact for an issue, follow up with a customer satisfaction survey. Keep the survey simple and consider offering a reward for its completion. Ask if the customer's complaint was addressed and if the agent had good customer service skills. Include the option for the customer to identify things the agent can improve and things that were done well. Keep the survey anonymous, but include a tracking code to link the survey to the customer service agent that is being reviewed, so that the agent can learn from the survey results.Give your customers great customer service by using professional language and staying respectful even when the customer is not. Ask for help when dealing with angry customers or problems you cannot handle. Identify issues that may cause the customer problems in the future and resolve them before the customer complains. Follow through with all customer complaints and follow up with a customer satisfaction survey to learn from the customer's experience.Smile, even when you are addressing a customer over the phone. Your smile is evident in your voice and gives your customer confidence that you are happy to help with their problem.
You probably have had a negative experience with customer service at some point. The experience leaves you with a bad impression of the company and the customer service repres&entative. Providing superior customer service is a way to keep your customers happy, ensuring they return to your business in the future. Keep the following tips in mind to give your customers customer service they will remember positively.While listening to your customers goes a long way, using active listening makes your customers feel like you really hear what they are saying. Repeat, paraphrase, or reflect on what your customers are saying to make sure that you understand. For example, you can say, "I hear you are very frustrated because your order was not correct." This lets the customer know you understand his or her problem and you are not giving canned answers. Make sure your body language conveys attention, and whenever possible, stop what you are doing to give your customer full attention.Address your customers by "ma'am," "sir," or their last names until they give you permission to address them by another name. Be polite, use "please" and "thank you" often, and speak to the customer using professional language instead of slang. If the customer is angry, never raise your voice, use sarcasm, or swear at the customer. Do not argue, and keep your behavior professional at all times.Much of what you do with a
you respond to the customer's requests and needs. However, a superior customer service agent is also proactive. Identify those things that the customer may need, or solve problems before they happen. For example, if you are looking at a customer's account and you noticed he ordered 10,000 cases of tongue depressors, it is proactive to verify if he wanted one case of 10,000 tongue depressors instead. A proactive customer service agent is able to fix problems before the customer gets angry.Keep a positive attitude when dealing with customers. They do pick up on your mood, and if you are not positive, they sometimes feel that you do not want to help. Whether you are on the phone or face-to-face, smile. Even over the phone, your smile will shine through and let your customer know you care.If you say you are going to do something for a customer, follow through. Your customers need to know that you are reliable and dependable. This is especially true when an issue cannot be resolved right away. Return all phone calls and emails promptly, and check with the customer to make sure the issue has been satisfactorily resolved. If for any reason you are not able to carry out something you said, let the customer know as soon as possible, and be honest.Give your customers superior customer service by repeating, reflecting, and paraphrasing what is said to convey your understanding. Show the customer respect, even when he or she is not giving you respect in return. Be proactive by anticipating customer problems and needs, so that they can be fixed before the issues arise. Keep a positive attitude, and smile even if you are communicating by phone. Finally, follow through on all customer contact, ensuring that the complaint is resolved appropriately. These tips are critical to remember when you need to provide customer service.Sometimes, no matter what you do, a customer will be angry and vent frustration on you. Take a calming breath and address the customer's concerns as best you can. Do not be afraid to ask for help when dealing with unhappy customers. Sometimes a fresh face can cool anger.
Every business will have consumers with customer service experience stories about that business. These stories, depending on the service received, can help or harm the busines&s. Good customer service is something that every business should strive for. One error that companies sometimes make is not making quality customer service a priority.There are several reasons to focus on quality customer service. One reason is the fact that customers who receive poor customer service are much more like to share their customer service experience stories. Continuing to provide poor service will result in the word quickly spreading, this could result in a decline in business. It has been shown that a person is ten times more likely to discuss bad service, as they are good. On average each person who receives poor service will tell at least 10 others about that poor customer service.Low prices do not make up for poor customer service. Studies and surveys have shown that consumers are willing to pay more for a product if the service they receive is good. This shows that low pricing is not the only consideration that goes into making a decision on who to do business with.It is not possible to please every person. Therefore, there will be times when you get a customer service complaint. To minimize damage, take the complaint seriously. Come up with a plan to satisfy the customer. The consumer will forgive a mistake as long as you do whatever you can to rectify it. Let the customer's last impression of your business be a positive one. Do whatever it takes to make the consumer feel valued. Make listening a part of your staff's training. Customers want to be heard,
and whether or not their complaints seem valid to you and your staff or not, it is important to listen and validate the customer's perception and feelings. Most consumers are fair, as long as you make a serious effort to handle the situation.To ensure that your business does not end up on a list of bad customer service stories, stress the importance of treating the customer with respect. Provide adequate training on customer service. Your workers should learn how to handle even difficult customers with patience, courtesy, and kindness. Your crew should have a clear understanding of how they can handle issues that crop up. Have a chain of command so that serious issues can be escalated to a higher-up who is trained in handling them. Hold regular training sessions that focus solely on improving the customer's experience. If as a business owner, you emphasize the importance of this training, those who work for you will take it seriously.Just as poor customer service stories can harm a business, so can good customer service stories help a business. While it is true that horror stories spread quicker than positive stories, positive stories do still get told. Some consumers are so pleased by good experiences that they take the time to write reviews and tell friends and family. It is smart and well worth the effort to see to it that your company is among those who go out of their way to keep the customer happy. You will be rewarded with customer loyalty in the long run.Studies have shown that less than 20 percent of consumers will follow through on a transaction when they feel they have received poor customer service. That is a lot of potential revenue lost needlessly.
The impact and professionlism of a company or organization is very important to the customer, you are sending a message that you care about your business and the customers tha&t walk in to your company.
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customer service is nothing but understanding the customer needs and providing
them appropriate solution
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customer service stems from motivated customers who want to reach their goal. What is their goal? In what way can I help them to reach their goal. Once you have laid out a lon&g-range plan, keep going until the goal is reached.
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Customer Service is the service provided to customers before,  during and after purchasing and using goods and services. Good  customer service provides customers as their r&equirment and solve  problem as soon as possible if any complain from customer.
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First, you understand that they are a human, just as you are. They have their history, culture, family, and beliefs, just as you do, and should be treated as you would like to& be treated-as having value and deserving respect. Then you act on that understanding, treating them kindly and with an open mind.


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