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take/have a seat汉 休息一下英语
,不懂楼主什么意思。take&#47,,,,,have a seat就是休息一下的英语,
Take a seat.=Have a seat. 请坐!Take a break. 休息一下。
take/have a seat 就坐休息一下 have a rest
a pig!啦,不要啊!!!
Have fun...
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So much for Google's Nexus phones being the first to get . LG has
that it's rolling out the sweetened software upgrade to
users in Poland this week, ahead of seemingly every other smartphone on the planet -- yes, including the LG-made Nexus 4 and 5. As you might imagine given the timing, LG isn't reinventing the interface. Most of the improvements are either straightforward or under the hood, such as the new notifications and the ability to unlock your phone with nearby devices (such as an Android Wear watch).
There's no denying that the wearable craze is upon us, whether we like it or not. MC10 is quite familiar with employing sensors to deliver info on training and athlete performance, and it's looking to do even more. If you'll recall, the outfit was behind the
-- developed alongside Reebok -- for monitoring blows to the head and the potential for concussions. Now the company is working on a sticker that collects data, and more importantly, isn't confined to a specific location -- like your wrist. So, just what's the advantage to compiling the loads of info that your body generates? Well, there are quite a few really.
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Just because you can do something, should you? Samsung thinks so. Its second
phone taps into its hardware R&D and production clout to offer something not many other companies can make, let alone bring to the public outside of a fuzzy proof of concept. And so, following the Galaxy Round, here's the Galaxy Edge. If you take the basic shape and concept, it's the spitting image of the curved-screen
spied at CES a little less than two years ago. Now, though, it's a for-real smartphone you can buy. I've been testing it out in Japan, where it launched instead of the Note 4, although both the Note 4 and the Note Edge will eventually be available in the US. Fortunately, despite the unusual, (addictively stroke-able) curved screen, it still packs all of the good things that made the Note 4 such a strong choice. But bragging rights aside, is there enough of an argument for a curved screen? Should you just get the Note 4 anyway?
As one of the founders of Apple Computer Inc., Steve Jobs became synonymous with the brand. But his relationship with the company wasn't always so hallowed and harmonious. After internal disputes with Apple's board of directors in 1985, Jobs left the company to pursue other projects, including NeXT Inc. and Pixar. Although he'd piloted the Apple brand from the start, the company carried on without him until his return in 1997 during which time he
and turned out . Join us in the gallery below as we look at some of the hardware that
made while Jobs was away.
Each week our friends at
recap the week's most interesting green developments and clean tech news for us -- it's the Week in Green.
In recent months
has ravaged West Africa, and there are currently more than 13,000 confirmed cases around the world. But medical workers may soon have a new weapon in their arsenal:
has proven to be 100 percent effective at stopping the transmission of Ebola in animals. The , which is administered through a nasal spray, could help prevent further outbreaks of the virus. If you have a medical emergency, the time it takes for an ambulance to arrive can be the difference between life and death. That's where
comes in. The small quadcopter, created by Delft University graduate Alec Momont, contains a defibrillator, CPR aids and various medicines, and it also contains a camera and communication device, enabling an emergency response team to communicate with people on the scene.
Recommended Reading highlights the best long-form writing on technology and more in print and on the web. Some weeks, you'll also find short reviews of books that we think are worth your time. We hope you enjoy the read.
by Molly Lambert,
With the truckload of recent comic book , female superheroes are poised to make a big splash at the box office in the years to come -- including Gal Gadot (above) as Wonder Woman. However, previous female-led efforts in the genre haven't done well, and the biggest films continue to have dudes as the lead actors. Grantland takes a look at the troubled history of female superheroes as both Marvel and DC Comics prep to give the ladies another shot at Hollywood glory.
There was plenty of fun stuff going on at Expand, but certainly one of the highlights was a competition put on by . The toy giant challenged participants to create a machine that either saved or destroyed Manhattan. (Poor Manhattan is always in the crosshairs...) Six participants got up and demoed their creations, which ranged from remote controlled street sweepers, to soothing music-playing robots and a violent bot that smashed anyone or anything violating its personal space. Ultimately though, winners had to be selected (this is a competition after all). Louis Godinez took home the runner-up prize for his traffic-smashing, pedestrian shooting truck. The whole thing is controlled by the
iOS app. But first place went to Cady Geer for her multi-purpose vehicle that combined a bus and a street sweeper. At the end of the night it turns into a shelter for those looking to get out of the elements. Her bot included all sorts of various robotic parts and an IR sensor. You can check out a gallery of all the competitors below and a video of the winners after the break.
is funding a new project by Rice University called PLINY, and it's neither a killer
nor a . PLINY, named after
who wrote one of the earliest encyclopedias ever, will actually be a tool that can automatically complete a programmer's draft -- and yes, it will work somewhat like the autocomplete on your smartphones. Its developers describe it as a repository of terabytes upon terabytes of all the open-source code they'll find, which people will be able to query in order to easily create complex software or quickly finish a simple one. Rice University assistant professor Swarat Chaudhuri says he and his co-developers "envision a system where the programmer writes a few of lines of code, hits a button and the rest of the code appears." Also, the parts PLINY conjures up "should work seamlessly with the code that's already been written."
Your kids may be too young to put a
on their wrists, but that doesn't mean they'll have to go without a smartwatch.
AT&T is now selling the , an upgraded version of
hybrid kid locator and wrist-worn phone.
The new version is easier for parents to set up through mobile apps and better suited to real-world use.
The screen has been toughened up to survive some roughhousing at the playground, and the wristband is now both more comfor your children won't have to stop using the watch just because they've had a growth spurt.
If you're anxious about your young ones' safety, you can snag the FiLIP 2 for $100 ($150 after the holidays) plus $10 per month to add the wristwear to your phone plan.
You know that "chill" in the air that makes you feel as if someone -- or something -- is watching you, lurking behind your back? It's referred to as a "feeling of presence" (FoP for short), and surprise: It has nothing to do with paranormal encounters and everything to do with your brain. In fact, it can even be induced by a robot.
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What do you want to know about Project Ara? Does a modular smartphone actually work? Yes. Is it very different from Android phones? In a basic how-a-phone-all-works, yes indeed. Paul Eremenko,...
Becky Stern is probably the world's foremost expert in do-it-yourself wearable technology, which is why we felt compelled to pick her brain at Expand. Adafruit's director of wearables believes that...
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