traffic mitigation measureshr是什么意思思

The following shows some mitigating measures for some types of environmental noise.
Subsequent sections
will provide details and examples of some
of the above mitigating measures. Follow the text
or alternatively click the icon next to a mitigating
measure to access to details on it.
(Click on the above headings to link to corresponding
sections below)
Use Planning
One important
planning tool to minimize the impact of environmental
noise is to ensure compatibility of different
uses adjacent to each other. Outline Zoning Plans
(OZPs) are drawn under the Town Planning Ordinance
to govern land uses for different purposes.
For any amendment of existing OZPs or drafting
of new OZPs, implications on the environment including
any possible noise impact will be addressed.
The aerial photo below illustrates how land use planning
provides separate zones for the industrial undertakings
at the Tai Po Industrial Estate and the residential buildings
in the nearby housing estates to avoid incompatibility in
A buffer area for non noise sensitive use between
the two zones can further help to reduce noise impact to the
residents arising from the industrial operation.
Siting / Alignment
One most effective way to deal with noise is to plan away the problems by selecting alternative site or alignment that avoids serious problems.
If a certain locality is found to be unsuitable for the development of a certain noise sensitive use or a certain noise source due to adverse environmental noise impact on existing sensitive development, then an alternative location or site may have to be explored.
Similarly, noise impact from road traffic can be minimized through suitable choice of alternative alignment.
The following plan shows the various proposals of the Tseung Kwan O Western Coast Road.
Please click on the demo button to read the details.
The original
design, shown in red, employs elevated roads
running along the coastal areas. This scheme
might expose noise sensitive uses to excessive
traffic noise and noise barriers or enclosures
might be required to improve the situation.
A number of alternative proposals have been
put forward and they are being evaluated at
the time this Package is being prepared. All
these alternative proposals employ tunnels
which, among other consideration, can help to
design out traffic noise impact on the nearby noise sensitive uses.
by Noise Tolerant Buildings
This is an illustration of how a noise tolerant building such as a multi-storey carpark building is used to protect residential buildings from road traffic noise. Placing a noise tolerant building in between the road traffic and the residential building causes the noise in the "shadow zone" to be reduced. This brings about a reduction in the traffic noise affecting the residents. Please click on the demo button to read the details. Then click on the stop button to stop the sound/demo.
concept has been employed in the design of
the Hong Keung Court, Lok Fu to protect its
residents from traffic noise from the Fung
Mo Street, as generally illustrated by the
following plan and photographs:
The impact of environmental
noise can also be reduced by the proper disposition
of noise sensitive buildings within
a development.
The following plan shows residential blocks in
blue and the Sai Sha Road as the major noise source
in yellow. As shown, the residential buildings
are sited away or set back from the Sai Sha Road
as far as possible. (The development also employs
noise barrier to reduce the impact of traffic
noise. The issue of noise barrier will be discussed
This illustration
shows how the use of decking over reduces impact
of road traffic noise on a number of residential
Please click on the demo button to read the details.
Then click on the stop button to stop the sound/demo.
One such example
in Hong Kong is the Sceneway Garden at Lam
Tin, as shown by the following plan and photographs:
Putting residential
buildings on top of a podium can provide shielding
against traffic noise from roads in their vicinity,
as illustrated by this animation.
Please click on the demo button to read the details.
Then click on the stop button to stop the sound/demo.
The development
at Island Place, North Point uses this measure
to reduce the impact of traffic noise from
the busy King's Road on the residents.
Noise Barrier/Enclosure
Noise Barrier
A noise barrier
or acoustic shield reduces noise by interrupting
the propagation of sound waves. With proper
design and selection of material for the noise barrier or
acoustic shield, noise reaching a noise sensitive
receiver would be primarily through diffraction over
the top of the barrier and around its ends.
The acoustical &shadow zone& created
behind the barrier is where noise levels are
substantially lowered.
To function well, the barrier must prevent the
line-of-sight between the noise source and the
Effective noise barriers can reduce noise levels
by as much as 20 dB(A).
The following are some common types of noise
barriers used in Hong Kong.
Please click on the demo button to read the
details. Then click on the stop button to stop
the sound/demo.
The following
table shows some examples of barriers erected
in Hong Kong. Click on the mimic diagrams
to see more details :
Vertical Roadside Barrier
for Route 5 - Shatin Approach near Mei
Lam Estate
form of noise screening structure
in protecting low-level sensitive
be installed on one side or both sides
of carriageway
for West Kowloon Expressway - near Lai
in protecting low to mid-floor sensitive
be installed on one side or both sides
of carriageway
for West Kowloon Expressway - near Mei
Foo Sun Chuen and Nam Cheong Estate
barrier installed located in the central
reserve of dual carriageway
for protecting low to mid floor sensitive
receivers from wide dual carriageways
Noise Enclosure
To function well, a noise barrier must
prevent the line-of-sight between the noise
source and the receiver. This is not always
possible, especially with high-rise noise
sensitive uses. In this circumstance, noise
enclosures are required to provide appropriate
protection against environmental noise for
the noise sensitive uses.
In general, an enclosure can reduce noise
by more than 20 dB(A).
Similar to noise barriers, noise enclosure
should be designed to serve both acoustic
and aesthetic purposes.
The following are some common types of noise
barriers used in Hong Kong.
Please click on the demo button to read the
details. Then click on the stop button to
stop the sound/demo.
The following
table shows some examples of enclosures erected
in Hong Kong. Click on the mimic diagrams
to see more details :
for Tate's Cairn Tunnel Approach at Choi
Hung Estate and Richland Gardens
Effective in protecting high-rise sensitive receiver at one side of the carriageway
for Wong Chu Road
in protecting high-rise sensitive
receivers located on both sides of
Certain architectural
features such as fins and balcony can help reduce
impact of road traffic noise on residential buildings.
Building Orientation and Innovative Layout
The following illustration explains the idea of using building orientation and innovative layout to reduce the impact of traffic noise :
In such a design, the building is oriented
so that less noise sensitive uses such as kitchen, bathroom and store
rooms are located to one side of the flat while noise sensitive uses
such as living rooms and bed rooms are located on the other side. The
building is so oriented that the side of flat containing less noise
sensitive uses is facing the major noise source such as a busy trunk
This building arrangement can sometimes help to render sensitive
development at an otherwise "environmentally unacceptable site"
Road Surfacing
There are two
main sources of noise from vehicles: the engine
and road/tyre interaction.
When traveling on level roads and at high-speed
traffic, road/tyre interaction noise dominates.
On inclined road or level at low-speed traffic,
engine noise becomes dominant.
Most roads are paved with surface that has microscopic grooves which cause the noise to resonate, thereby increasing the noise. But a different material on the road will reduce the noise arising from road/tyre interaction.
Friction course, a special type of bituminous highway surfacing, was originally designed to improve skid resistance by virtue of its open texture. The open-textured bituminous highway surfacing consists of tiny holes making up 20% of the volume and can reduce traffic noise induced by the interaction between road surface and vehicles tyres of high-speed traffic by up to 5dB(A). Please click on the demo button to see the details.
Insulation of Receiver
The provision
of window insulation and air-conditioning is the
&last resort& in an attempt to abate
the residual impact from noise sources not controlled
under the NCO, such as aircraft, road traffic
and helicopter.
The acoustic insulation
will practically deprive the receivers of outdoor
activities and an &open-window& life
style. While acoustic insulation is commonly found
in some western countries, the warm and humid
climate in Hong Kong makes it more expensive for
noise sensitive uses due to the need to provide
air-conditioning for a &closed-window&
The suitable window types for noise insulation
are shown in the following table. The table indicates
the suitable window type that should be used when
the estimated noise level will exceed the relevant
standard by & value.
A typical example
of this measure is the School Insulation
Programme. .
The Government of the Hong Kong SAR. All rights reserved.异常流量疏导,abnormal traffic mitigation,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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1)&&abnormal traffic mitigation
Based on these studis, the article intends to give advices on applying the technology of abnormal traffic mitigation in IP network.
2)&&Traffic grooming
Topological information exploitation-based dynamic traffic grooming algorithm
Adaptive algorithm for dynamic traffic grooming in WDM mesh networks
A new lightpath establishing method for dynamic traffic grooming
3)&&anomaly traffic
Based on network attacks’ traffic characters, an anomaly traffic character aggregation algorithm (AFCAA) is put forward.
4)&&Abnormal traffic
APA-ANTI-DDoS model contains the abnormal traffic aggregate module,the protocol analysis module and the traffic processing module.
A model of detection system based network abnormal traffic wasproposed against network worm.
The previous network traffic anomaly analysis can detect the abnormal traffic in Macro.
5)&&Traffic anomaly
6)&&Inter-domain traffic grooming
理想流量计试探    1.检测件无阻碍物;  2.检测件可夹装在管道外部,可随意移动在任何地点测量而无须截断管道与流体;  3.仪表的流量计算方程简单明确,可外推到未知领域而无须实流校验;  4.频率脉冲输出信号,数字式仪表,便于远传抗干扰及与计算机联网;  5.仪表输出信号不受流体介质物性的影响;  6.仪表输出信号不受流体流动特性的影响;  7.仪表复现性高;  8.仪表范围度宽,线性好;  9.仪表可靠性高,价格适宜,维修技术不复杂;  10.无须个别实流校验,或只须“干校”,或在一、二种介质中校验可推广到各种介质;  11.检测件输出信号直接反映质量流量。  可以说至今并没有出现上述的理想流量计,所有流量计都多少具备一些上述条件,只不过有的多些,有的少些。所有流量计制造厂试制新产品都力图能更多地具备上述条件。
流量仪表的选用     流量仪表的选型对仪表能否成功使用往往起着很重要的作用,由于被测对象的复杂状况以及仪表品种繁多,产品质量难以掌握等情况,使得仪表的选型感到困难。没有一种十全十美的流量计,各类仪表都有各自的特点,选型的目的就是在众多的品种中扬长避短,选择自己最合适的仪表。   一般选型可以从五个方面进行考虑,这五个方面为仪表性能方面、流体特性方面、安装条件方面、环境条件方面和经济因素方面。五个方面的详细因素如下:    1.仪表性能方面  准确度、重复性、线性度、范围度、流量范围、信号输出特性、响应时间、压力损失等;  2.流体特性方面  流体、温度、压力、密度、粘度、化学腐蚀、磨蚀性、结垢、堵塞、混相、相变、电导率、声速、导热系数、比热容,等熵指数;  3.安装条件方面  管道布置方向,流动方向,检测件上下游侧直管段长度、管道口径、维修空间、电源、接地、辅助设备(过滤器、消气器)、安装、脉动等;  4.环境条件方面  环境温度、湿度、电磁干扰、安全性、防爆、管道振动等;  5.经济因素方面  仪表购置费、安装费、运行费、校验费、维修费、仪表使用寿命、备品备件等。  仪表选型的步骤如下:  1. 依据流体种类及五个方面考虑因素初选可用仪表类型(要有几类型以便进行选择);  2. 对初选类型进行资料及价格信息的收集,为深入的分析比较准备条件;  3. 采用淘汰法逐步集中到1-2种类型,对五个方面因素要反复比较分析最终确定预选目标。
Assessment of GHG mitigation measures in Ukraine
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