美拍音乐birthday in13 pairs of eyes

Buz Words: Discovering Words in Pairs
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unit8 when is your birthday教学设计
文档内容预览:&&Unit 8
When is your birthday? 教学目标:& 1、知识与技能:本单元主要学习序数词的构成以及运用序数词表示日期的方法;学会运用 when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期;学习名词所有格 ( ’s 所有格 ) 的构成和使用。2、过程与方法:采用 Classifying , Contrasting 和 Role―playing 的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物 ( 挂历 ) 或制作课件 ( 反映月份特征 ) 等来展开课堂教学、 Pair work 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏,进行“询问和谈论日期”的课堂教学和练习。3、情感态度与价值观:通过生日日期的话题教学,引导学生通过对话谈论自己、同学、家人的生日情况,形成主动学习的态度,增进友谊、关爱他人;讨论全班同学生日图表及名人资料图片,将课内知识运用于实际生活。 教学重点和难点:& 1、教学重点:使用 when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期;序数词的构成;名词所有格的构成和使用。2、教学难点:when , what 引导的特殊疑问句的使用。教材分析:& 本单元主要学习序数词的构成以及运用序数词表示日期的方法;学会运用 when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期;学习名词所有格 (’s 所有格 ) 的构成和使用。通过本单元的学习让学生掌握所学目标语言;学会日期 ( 年、月、日 ) 的表达法;在互动的交流中理解生日更多的含义并学会谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日;学会自己安排作息时间。教学策略:& 角色扮演& 自我评价教学工具:& 图片、录音机、自制表格、自制挂历,反映各个月份特征的课件课时安排:& 4课时。教学过程:Period One教学步骤教师活动学生活动集备内容Step 1Warming up1. Enjoy a beautiful song about months.They listen or sing with it, getting ready for the class with a happy and relaxing feeling.让每一节英语课都以歌声开始,在愉悦的气氛中掌握知识,提高课堂效率。Step 2Leading inGuess the teacher’s age. (Though it’s not polite to ask the age of a woman, they must be interested in it.)Like this:Student A: How old are you, Miss…or Mr…?Student B: Are you thirty now?Student C: …The teacher answers it and asks the students’ ages.Then the teacher says: I know you were born in 1994, I was born in 1978, and my birthday is April sixth. When is your birthday, Li Ming?(on the Bb)Then talk about it and teach the new words of months.Listen to the teacher, ask and answer with the teacher actively.Learn the new words of months.创设情境,引出句型:When is your birthday?通过句型的操练引出本课关于月份的新单词。Step 3PresentationStep 3PresentationStep 3Presentation1. Showing the students a large calendar, teach the words: when, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, birthday.(Teacher should teach the students some methods to remember them very quickly.)e.g. let’s chant.F, F, February. M, M, March and May.S, S, September.O, O, October. N, N, November. D, D, December. A, A, April and August.J, J, January, June and July. 2. Teach: first, second, third fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth…, twentieth, thirtieth, twenty-first……Ss try to find the rule of the ordinal numbers and the teacher writes them on the Bb.顺口溜:基数词变序数词容易记,多数基数词后面加-th。一、二、三特殊记,八去-t,九去-e,-ve要用-f替。整十变化须注意,去掉-y再加-ie,然后再加-th。假若遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。序数词表顺序,一般须用定冠词。3. Look at the picture of the calendar, let the Ss read the dates.4. Ask and answer in pairs.e.g. T: When is his/her birthday?S: His/Her birthday is …Students try their best to listen to the teacher and remember the words. Chant happily with teacher together.Read loudly and they are interested in the rule.They can ask and answer in pairs/ groups/ one by one.利用图片或课件教授新单词,能够吸引学生的注意力。背单词技巧和方法的点拨和传授很重要,chant 应该能受到学生的喜欢 。顺口溜能帮助学生掌握序数词的用法和规则通过句型操练熟记月份新单词及序数词。用第三人称进行练习,为第二课时做准备,单三的用法是一大难点,需经常练习。Step 4Listening1. Play the tape recorder of 1a. The students try to remember the words of the months.2. Play the tape of 1b conversations and get the students to number them 1-3.3. 2a. In unit 7 we learned the numbers ten to thirty-one. Now we are going to study the ordinal numbers from first to thirty-first. Look at the list of ordinal numbers in 2a. Listen to the tape and repeat each ordinal number. As you are reading, please pay attention to the pronunciation and the spelling. 4. Here is a conversation between a teacher and students. They are talking about the class birthday. Listen carefully and circle the numbers in 2a that you hear on the recording. Students listen and try to understand what they say. Then try to give the answers correctly.通过听力训练,进一步巩固本课句型。Step5 SurveyMake a survey among the students in groups, finish the form, using the sentences:When is your birthday?...namemonthdateMake a survey.Talk happily together.通过小组形式对同学进行采访调查熟练句型,提高交际能力。学生带着任务活动,更有目的性。建立班级生日册,学习日期的表示方法。Step 6ExercisesStep 6Exercises1. __ is the 1st month of the year.2. __ is the 2nd month of the year.3. __is the 5th month of the year.4. August is the __month of the year.5. October is the__ month of the year.6. When is New Year’s Day(元旦)?It’s__.7. When is Women’s Day(妇女节)?It is __.8. When is April Fool’s Day(愚人节)?It’s __9. When is Working People’s Day(劳动节)?It’s __.10. When is National Day(国庆节)?It’s __.11. When is Christmas Day(圣诞节)?It’s __.Do the exercises carefully.练习中涉及第几个月是哪个月,进一步巩固单词。询问节日时间,复习日期的表达,开阔视野,增长知识。Step7HomeworkFind out famous people’s birthday from books or Internet as many as possible.Read more books, or search the Internet after class.拓展知识视野,培养自己动手和解决问题的能力。板书设计:Unit 8
When is your birthday? Section A (1)When is your birthday? J-F-M-A-M-JMy birthday is April sixth.&& J A S O N---DWhen is his birthday?     (months of the year)His birthday is……教学反思:本课单词量很大,单词教学对于七年级的学生很重要,单词既是英语教学中的一个重要内容,又是学生学好英语的前提,在传授新单词时,需要我们教师充分发挥自己的创造性,在词汇教学中创设不同形式的的活动来激发学生学习英语的热情,机械的、枯燥的操练反而会适得其反,扼杀他们学习的兴趣。Period Two教学步骤教师活动学生活动集备内容Step 1Warming up1. Play the “Happy birthday song” for the students. 2. Duty report.Sing together,prepare for class.Talk about somethinginteresting or& anything they like.让快乐的旋律把学生吸引进课堂,让他们畅想本节课的内容。Step 2Revision1. DictationAsk the students to write down the words from January to December and the following words: fourth, ninth, twelfth, thirteenth, twenty-secondninetieth, fortieth,fifth.2. Pair work Revise the sentences:When is your/her/his birthday?My/Her/His birthday is…Or: students can say something about their family members.Teacher says: Parents are the closest people in the world, they love you very much, try to understand them and study hard, don’t let them down.(tell them Chinese meaning when necessary)Students write down the words on a piece of paper. Then pass them to the group leader.Ask and answer in pairs / groups /one by one.Say a short passage about the birthday of their family members.设置听写环节,检测上节课所学内容,及时了解学生对所学知识的掌握程度。每天都对上节课所学内容进行复习,做到温故而知新。学生们在英语课堂上接受适时的情感教育可能会更加记忆犹新,同时也能缩短师生之间的距离。Step 3Listening 2c Listen and match the names, months and days.Look at the box and picture in 2c. There are three columns about names, months and dates. Read them aloud and listen to the recording again. This time please draw a line connecting each person’s name with the month and date of his or her birthday.Open books, listen carefully, and
match the names, months and days.通过听力再次巩固句型;通过话题练习为下一环节的任务做准备。Step 4Pair workNow please work in pairs to practice the conversation about your birthday and your parents’ birthday. You can follow the conversation outline in 2d.Sample conversation: A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is May 22nd. A: When is your mother’s birthday? B: Her birthday is January 18th. A: And when is your father’s birthday? B: His birthday is February 6th. Students work in pairs,talk about birthdays.巩固句型,练习日期的表达,为名词所有格的学习做准备。Step 5LearningStep 5LearningUse some pictures or real things borrowed from the students to present the phrases like this:Wang Lei’s rulerZhang Ling’s sweater…Teach the grammar, and do some exercises about it.Translate the followings:my sisters’ booksLucy and lily’s bedroomJim’s and Li Ming’s mothers…Listen to the teacher carefully, and try to master the grammar in class.学习“所有格” 的意思、结构和注意问题。Step 6Pair workStep 6Pair work1. There are three ID cards in 3a. These ID cards tell us persons’ names, birthdays and ages. Read the conversation about the first ID card and make your conversations with your partner, using the information of the other two ID cards. Then I’ll ask some pairs to perform the conversations. Samples: 1. S1: When is your birthday, William? S2: It’s November 12th. S1: How old are you? S2: I’m thirteen. 2. S1: When is your birthday, Tina? S2: It’s June 3rd. S1: How old are you? S2: I’m seventeenth. 2. Teacher says:Just now we had conversations about John, William and Tina. Now please have conversations with your partner about your own birthdays and your ages. You can interview each other and you should tell the truth. Then some pairs shall come to present their conversations to the class.Read the conversation about the first ID card and make& conversations with
their partner. Perform the conversations.句型操练,巩固知识,培养读取信息的能力,口语表达能力,以及表演能力,展现才华。Step 7GameLook at the picture of people lined up from youngest to oldest. How old are they? Can you guess? Any reasonable answer is OK. Now let’s play the birthday game in groups. Talk to your classmates in your group. Ask and answer the questions about their birthdays and ages and line them up from youngest to oldest as in the picture.Play the game.引导学生进行 Birthday Game 游戏活动,让学生互相询问生日,然后按照年龄的大小排列顺序。通过这种方式,练习运用所学目标语言,完成第 4 部分的教学任务。Step 8Exercise andhomework1. Do some exercises.2. Make an English Calendar and note each member’s birthdays.Do some exercises.课堂练习与检测可及时了解学生的反馈信息,更好的开展教学。自制英文日历,培养动手操作能力。板书设计:Unit 8
When is your birthday? Section A (2)January&& FebruaryJim’s and Li Ming’s mothersMarch& April& May&& Lucy and lily’s bedroom&& June July& August& my sisters’ booksSeptember& October& November& December教学反思:培养和鼓励学生上台表演。每次表演的内容是根据所学课文的句型灵活自由地表演,其目的是为了提高学生在人际交往中运用英语的能力。表演前,让学生自由结组,准备几分钟,然后让他们上台表演,每课句型进行这样反复操练。这样,教学内容学生在不知不觉中就学会了。与此同时,还锻炼了学生们的胆量,提高了听说能力。Period Three教学步骤教师活动学生活动集备内容Step1Warming up1. Enjoy an English song before class. Sing along with and try to relax. Prepare for the class.让轻松地乐律疏缓学生心情,把自己调整到最佳学习状态。2. Count ordinal numbers from first to thirty-first together.Count loudly and correctly.复习序数词。Step 2PresentationStep 2PresentationTake out some pictures to present the phrases.Ask the students to describe the pictures by using the sentences:I can see …There is a …What are they doing?…Learn the following words and phrases:speech contestschool trip
party basketball gameStudents can say some other words or phrases related to the above.Describe the pictures with their own words.Read and memorize the words and phrases.Like: baseball game football game soccer game have a party have a speech contestgo on a school trip提前让学生绘制有关本课内容的图片,导入新课。发散思维,拓展延伸。Step 3MatchingLook at the expressions in the box. Match the pictures and the events. Write the letters of the pictures on the lines next to the numbers. Do it by themselvesas quickly as possible.练习本课新授单词和短语。Step 4ListeningStep 4Listening1. Now we’ll hear a conversation about the pictures in part1. Listen carefully and make a checkmark to the right of each word that you hear on the recording.2. According to the conversation between Joe and Sally, we know there are four events in September and October. When are the events, do you remember? Please listen to the recording again and write the name of each event in the correct place on the calendar. Look at the chart. One of them is given. You’ll write the other events. Listen carefully.Listen and write the name of each event in the correct place on the calendar. 通过听力练习巩固词汇及句型,提高听说能力。Step 5Pair work2c Look at the speech bubbles and read the conversation aloud. Ask and answer more questions with your partner using information from the calendar in 2b. Sample conversation: S1: When is Sally’s birthday party? S2: It’s October fifth. S1: When is speech contest? S2: It’s September 29th. Now let’s ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.Students read the conversation aloud, present their own conversation.训练朗读能力,培养创新精神。Step 6Exercise and homeworkStep 6Exercise and homework1. Do some exercises.2. Writing. 这是莉莉三、四月份的部分学校日历,请根据下列信息介绍一下她当时的学校活动。至少 6 句话。 March 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Art festival School trip School meeting Aprillst 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Basketball game Tom''s birthday English speech contestDo the exercises and write some sentences.写作训练是非常重要和必要的,要落实在每一节课上。板书设计:Unit 8
When is your birthday? Section B (1)party&& When is Sally ’s birthday party?basketball gamehave a& school trip&& Do you have a school trip?speech contest教学反思:课堂上必须师生互动,但要差生主动学习是很难的,即使有心也无力。这时老师的引导就显得很必要。因此备课时要根据学生的实际水平,设置难易适中的问题引导他们开口,增加学生的成就感。该指出的是问题必须提得恰到好处,这就要求我们既要吃透教材,又要吃透学生,对不同的对象提出不同的要求,因材施教。Period Four教学步骤教师活动学生活动集备内容Step 1Warming up1. Enjoy a beautiful English song before class.Sing along with and try to relax,prepare for this class.让学生心情愉悦,提高课堂效率。Step 2Revision1. Show some pictures to the students, ask them to say something about the picture to revise the phrases:basketball gamehave a birthday party speech contesthave a school trip…Enjoy the pictures and describe them with their own words.Revise the phrases.色彩鲜艳、新颖的受到学生的青睐,吸引他们的注意力。Step 3Pair workHere is an uncompleted events list of October in 3a. Now work in pairs to complete the task. One person looks at the chart on page 51 and the other looks at the one on page 84. Each of you has only half of the information. Your job is to get the rest of the information from your partner. Check the answers: A: When’s the basketball game? B: It’s on October 3rd. B: When’s the English speech contest? A: It’s on October 7th. A: When’s the Dave’s birthday party? B: It’s on October 29th. B: When’s the school trip? A: It’s on October 26th and 27th. A: When’s the volleyball game? B: It’s on October 30th.Work in pairs, one fills in the chart, the other reads the information.互相询问和谈论活动的日期安排,正确使用所学的目标句型。Step 4Make an interviewLook at the chart in 3b. There is a list of the events. Do you like these events? Which of these events will you have at your school? Now imagine you are a school headmaster. Ask and answer questions, imitating the sample dialogue to complete the chart. You can choose to have any of the events listed, and whichever dates you prefer for these events. Sample dialogue: A: Do you have a school day at your school? B: Yes, we do. A: When is it? B: It’s April 19th. A: Do you have an Art Festival? B: Yes, we do. We have an Art Festival on June 5th. A: Do you have a Chinese Contest? B: No, we don’t. Ask and answer in pairs.通过这种活动,不但可以让学生很好地复习所学知识,做到灵活运用,提高口语表达能力,而且还可以增加彼此的了解和友谊。Step 5Group workStep 5Group workNow please write a small passage about yourself. You must write at least five things. You can write how old you are, when your birthday is and the food or the movies or anything you like or don’t like. Then please exchange your papers with your group mates several times. And I’ll ask students to take turns to read the passages to class. After a student reads a passage, please guess, who is it? Sample passage: I’m fifteen years old. My birthday is January 1st. I like baseball and volleyball. I like comedies and Beijing Opera but I don’t like thrillers because they’re too scary. My favorite food is French fries and tomato sauce. They are very delicious. Write a short passage.Read them out, other students guess who he or she is.学生喜欢猜谜游戏,既练习了写作能力,又展示了朗读水平,同时巩固了句型。Step 6Self checkStep 6Self check1. Checking Please open your book at page 52 and look at part 1. Check all the words you know. If you have any words you don’t know, circle them and please find out the meanings of them. Revise the words of the months.引导学生进行关键词自我检测,完成自我评估,复习所学的重点词汇,完成第 l 部分的教学任务。2. Writing Write five new words in your notebook and share your list with your partners in your group.Write the new words as quickly as possible.拓展延伸。3. Look at the photos of these famous people. Do you know their names? Please look at the names under the pictures. They are great in history. How old do you think he or she is? Can you tell us their names and birthdays. I am sure you have searched more about the famous people, now let’s share your pictures and say out their birthdays and something else you know.Say out the birthdays of the famous in the book, and share more pictures of other scientists or film stars and so on.复习日期的表达,培养解决问题的能力。Step 7Just for fun! Listen to a funny story. A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog. When the kittens cowered, the cat let out a series of loud barks, scaring the dog away. Turning to her kittens, the cat said, "You see how important it is to know a second language."Listen for fun.复习、巩固所学的 When is your birthday? My birthday is …等句型和语法知识。Step 8ExerciseandhomeworkWrite a short article about your parents or someone else that you know& including names, dates of birth, ages, jobs, hobbies and dislikes.If time is enough, do it in class, if not, hand them in after class.及时巩固课上所学知识,培养写作能力。板书设计:& Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section B (2)have a School Day& have an Art Festival& have a Music Festivalhave a Chinese Contest& have an English Party& have a Volleyball Game教学反思:在新授课之前布置学生收集相关资料,制作教学用具,让学生主动参与教学活动,使课堂教学取得良好效果。在本单元最后一节课里,不但要完成本课新知,而且要复习整个单元所学过的内容。因此,在课前布置学生收集与名人相关信息,准备好图片进行课上交流,能够丰富课堂气氛,增大授课容量,展现学生的才华和创造性。


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