
从广告创作理论的角度对可口可乐广告的研究 - 外文翻译|论文翻译|专业翻译公司|盖特翻译公司
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Research on the Advertising of Coca Cola from Theory of Advertising Making
David Ogilvy is known as “Pope of Modern Advertising”. As the great advertising practitioner in the history, he has put forward many insightful advertising theories. The paper aims to conduct a research on the advertising thought of David Ogilvy with the integration of Coca Cola’s advertising practice, with a view to making meager theoretical contribution to the advertising subject and exerting a certain guidance and reference effect on the local advertising development. The paper extracts the essence of advertisement creation from David Ogilvy’s original works, and then presents a detailed analysis of David Ogilvy’s advertising thoughts. Through the discussion about Coca Cola’s creative advertising theories practice, it analyzes the success of Coca Cola’ advertising, analyzes related cases to expound Coca Cola’s success, and articulates the necessity of learning from the classic advertising theories of David Ogilvy as well as the successful experience of Coca Cola’ advertising. Finally, the paper asserts that only when the local advertising agents learn from Coca Cola’ advertising, locate their brands’ unique orientation, and develop their own brand image, can these agents step out of the local advertising plight.
1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background
&&广告即为普遍告之,译自英文Advertising或Advertisernent,是从拉T文Adver-ture演化而来的。现代广告是以“生产与消费之间的分离”为契机而产生的,以消费为目的。在沟通生产与消费、联系生产者与消费者,促进市场繁荣,经济发达的过程中,广告功不可没。它已经渗透到我们生活的方方面面,影响着每一个人。广告是现代信息社会的宠儿。难怪政绩斐然的美国总统弗兰克林·罗斯福都曾表示:“假若我能重新开始生活的话,我将不顾其它一切地投身广告行业。”遗憾的是,虽然我们每天面对成千上万的广告,但真正能为之动容的广告,则少之更少,大部分的广告无声无息的“阵亡”在媒体上。Advertisement means publicizing widely. It originates from the Latin words Adver-ture. Modern advertising emerges on the basis of “the separation of production from consumption”, with the purpose of consumption. Advertising plays an indelible role in linking production with consumption, linking producers and consumers, prospering the market, and contributing to the economic development. It has been infiltrated into all aspects of human life so that it has profound impact upon everyone around us. Advertisement is the beloved of modern information society. No wonder Franklin D. Roosevelt, an American president with admirable achievement, said: “if I can start a new life, I would do anything to devote myself to the advertising industry.” It is regretful that we are seldom moved by several advertisements though we meet with thousands of advertisements every day. Most advertisements “fall in battle” in Medias soundlessly. &由此,广告被认为是现代企业经济中最具风险的投资之一。亨利·福特一世当年曾说过:“用于广告上的钱有一半打了水漂,搞不清楚的是,到底哪一半打了水漂。”数十年后,德国学者埃娃·海勒博士在其经典著作《广告如何发挥作用》一书中写到:“现今人们可这样认为,至少四分之三的广告开支可以说是颗粒无收。”甚至连世界上最有名的广告专家大卫·奥格威(David0911四)自己就豪不讳言地说过:“Most of the advertising is shameful-ly ineffective.”(英文原意:“说来惭愧,大多数的广告都没什么效果。”)已有不少证据表明,大部分广告未达到原先预想的效果,无效广告作为既成事实。广告业内人士各执一词。现今人们更看重广告将产生的效益,“广告是一门艺术”的呼声却越来越弱。德国杜塞尔多夫格雷国际公司的经理博恩德·M·米歇尔(BemdM.Michael)预言:“将来的广告必须按照投资回报的标准发挥作用。将会出现这样的时代,广告客户将会问广告代理商能确保广告产生多大的效果,并据此来支付广告费。”在这一背景下,广告必须产生投资者即做广告的企业所要求的效果,尽可能立即达到促销的目的。大多数企业把广告视为投资,因而也期待能取得最佳市场回报。创作成功广告成为广告人义不容辞的责任。而成功的广告很大程度上来自成功的广告创意,创意是广告的灵魂、生命。在众多的广告中,我们首先想到的就是可口可乐公司及其多年来成功的广告。Therefore, advertising is viewed as the most typical risk investment in the development of enterprises. Henry Fort I once said: “half the funds invested in advertising are thrown as good money and it is difficult to know which half of funds are thrown away.” Decades later, the German scholar Doc. Eva Heller pointed out in his classic work How does Advertising Exert Its Influence: “At least, in the modern society, nearly three thirds of advertising expenditure has nothing in return.” Even the world prominent advertising expert David Ogilvy blankly said: “Most of the advertising is shamefully ineffective.” More and more evidences show that most advertisements do not achieve desirable effects and ineffective advertisement proves to be an established fact. Advertising insiders still stick to their own assertions. Nowadays, people lay more emphasis on the advertisement efficiency, and the voice “advertisement is an art” is becoming weaker and weaker. Bo Enders Michelle, manager of German Dusseldorf Gray International Corporation, forecasted: “the advertisement exerts its influence in accordance with the standard of return of investment. There would be an era in which advertising clients pay for the achieved effects of advertising promised by advertising agents.” Under such circumstance, advertisement should achieve the effects demanded by the advertising clients or enterprises, with a view to facilitating sales promotion. Most enterprises view advertisement as an investment and therefore expect the best market return. It is incumbent on the advertising agents to create successful advertisement. The success of advertising, to a great extent, relies on the success of advertisement originality, which constitutes the soul and life of the advertisement. In numerous advertisements, what comes first to our mind is Coca Cola’s successful advertising for years.&
1.2 Research Significance
Even in the early 20th century, Coca Cola emerged in Asia. After decades of development, Coca Cola has established 23 factors producing canned drinks, with its sales network and production bases around the whole country and its annual sale as much as 10 million Yuan. As we know, Coca Cola has long been valuing the advertising promotion in the market. Its entering the Chinese market is no exception. It would make an annual investment of tens of million Yuan for promotion in China. The advertising success would be one important factor of its success in sales. With reference to advertisement and brand value, Coca Cola, the American giant of soft drink, has made remarkable achievements. It not only dominates in the soft drink industry in the world, but also proves to be the most valuable and best-known brand in the world. Then, how does Coca Cola make so remarkable achievements? The paper starts from Coca Cola’s soft drink advertising, integrates David Ogilvy’s innovative advertising theories, adopts case analysis, and analyzes how Coca Cola make efforts to forge successful advertisement of Coca Cola.
1.3 Research Methodologies
& &&本文采用了以下研究方法:
The paper adopts the research methodologies as follows:
&&& 1.3.1个案研究方法:
&&& 1.3.1 Case Study
个案研究(case study)是了解某一特定现象(个人、事件、团体),在其特定范围内、特定时间内的综合情况的研究方法。[2]个案研究是针对单一对象进行描述式的研究方法,通常选取具有典型性或者特殊的案例作为研究对象,通过长期深入的调查,收集资料,运用一定的理论知识来描述和解释案例。虽然这种描述式的研究方法没有量化的数据来支持观点,但通过归纳和推理的方式能够更容易找到新发现和新问题,进而深化相关理论,为同类案例的研究打下基础。同时个案研究能够发掘普遍规律之下的个体差异,详细了解个案所处的复杂环境带来个体行为的差异。本文选用连续多年居全球品牌价值榜首的可口可乐广告为例,从定性研究的角度用推理和归纳的方式采用定性描述手段来解析大众广告背后隐藏的深层结构。
Case study is a research methodology adopted in particular circumstance and time in response to comprehensive situations, with a view to comprehending particular phenomenon (individuals, events, groups). [2] Case study is directed at the descriptive study methodology in response to the single object. It usually selects a typical or special case as the study object, describes and interprets the case on the basis of long-term investigation, collected information and certain theoretical knowledge. Though such methodology of descriptive study lacks quantitative data to support the view, it is easier to notice new discoveries and problems by means of induction and reasoning, further deepen the related theories, and lay the foundation for the study of similar cases. Meanwhile, case study enables us to explore the individual difference under the universal law, and know the individual difference generated by the complicated circumstances that individuals confront. The paper selects the case of Coca Cola’s advertisement that has come out on top of the world most valuable brand list for years, and analyzes the deep structure beneath mass advertising from the perspective of qualitative study, with the adoption of induction and reasoning and the use of qualitative description.
2. Theory of advertising making
大卫·奥格威得以获得广告界各种各样至高的荣誉,是因为他的广告思想并非闭门造车而出。其来源有三,一是他创建奥美之前的生活经历,比如他厨师的身份让他学会了厨房里的团队合作精神和对顾客负责的态度,而在一家炊具公司做推销员的经历更是造就了令商界人士瞩目的销售手册—被《财富》杂志评为“大概是有史以来写得最好的销售手册”;二是在创建奥美之初对于其他广告师理论精华的吸收,如在他的《自传》中,他自己承认说:“我读过当时出版的所有有关广告的书籍”。也是因为如此,大卫·奥格威把克莱德·霍普金斯奉为自己的广告精神导师;三是在他经营管理奥美的过程中累积的经验与教训之谈。David &&Ogilvy has won various honors in the advertising circle for it is not an action out of building a cart behind closed doors. There are mainly three sources as follows. Firstly, it comes to his life experience before the establishment of Ogilvy by him. For example, the experience he acquired as a cook enabled him to have the good team spirit in the kitchen and responsible attitude to customers. While the lifetime he worked at a cooking utensil company as a salesman contributed to his composition of his prominent Sales Handbook highly praised by businessman and regarded by the magazine Fortune as the best sale handbook written throughout the history. Secondly, it comes to his intake of the essence of advertising experts’ theories when he established Ogilvy at the beginning. As he acknowledged in his Autobiography, “I have read all published advertising books.” It was for this reason that he divinized Clyde Hopkin as his spiritual advertising master. Thirdly, it comes to the accumulated experience and lessons he draws from the management of Ogilvy. 也就是这三处来源,造就了他的广告经营理论、广告创作理论、广告责任理论和其他的理论。奥格威的广告观中,“广告佳作是不引起公众的注意就把产品推销掉的作品,它应该把广告诉求对象的注意力引向产品,诉求对象说的不是‘多妙的广告啊!’而是,‘我从来没有听说过这种产品,我一定要买来试试’”。怎样做出好的广告?综观大卫·奥格威的广告原则,他的广告创作理论主要有两个方面的体现。一是广告创意理论,大卫。奥格威被列为20世纪60年代美国“创意革命”的三大旗手之一,最伟大的广告撰稿人。他认为“除非广告源自一个大创意,否则它将犹如夜晚航行的船只,无人知晓。”二是广告的品牌理论,大卫·奥格威主张的“品牌形象”影响深远,在他以后的时代,“树立品牌形象”成为广告界的一个流派。在奥格威的广告理念中,一直坚持“每一个广告都是为建立品牌个性所做的长期投资”。本文主要从可口可乐公司的广告结合广告创作理论分析可口可乐公司的广告成功的原因。首先我们得要明白广告的定义。
It is the three roots that contribute to his classic advertising business theories, advertising creation theories, advertising responsibility theories and other theories. As for Ogilvy’s outlook on advertising, the best advertisement should achieve the effect of selling out the products without arousing the attention of audience. The attention of audience should be shifted to the product itself in advertising and the audience should not be instilled with such information as “what a wonderful advertisement it is”. Instead, the audience should be persuaded to “have a try of the product since we have never heard of such product”. Then, how can we design good advertisement? With an overview of Ogilvy’s advertising principles, we can easily find that his advertising creation theories can be represented in the following two aspects. First of all, it is the advertising innovation theories. He has been listed as one of the three American flag-bears symbolizing “innovation revolution” in the 1960s and the greatest advertisement designer. He regards that “Unless your campaign contains a big idea, it will pass like a ship in the night”. Next, it is the brand theories of advertising. The “brand image” asserted by Ogilvy has profound impact. In later time beyond his lifetime, “Establish brand image” has been a school of advertising industry.& It is his persistent advertising ideas that “every advertisement is the long-term investment in establishing brand personality”. The paper aims to analyze Coca Cola’s advertising success with the integration of Coca Cola’s advertising and its advertising creation theories. First of all, we should know the definition of advertisement.&
&2.1 广告的定义
2.1 Definition of Advertisement
&&& Advertisement is the promotion means of transmitting information to the public widely and openly at certain cost via certain form of Medias, with a view to catering particular needs. The definition has its broad sense and narrow sense, of which the latter covers non-economic advertisement and economic advertisement. Non-economic advertisement refers to the advertisement not maintained for the purpose of making a profit, such as executive branch of government, social groups and institutions as well as personal announcements, notices and statements, etc. The broad advertising covers only economic advertisement, that is, commercial advertisement. This advertisement refers to the advertisement maintained for the purpose of making a profit, usually as the important means of linking up business operators and consumers by manufacturers, or the important forms of occupying the market, promoting products and rendering service.
广告不同于一般大众传播和宣传活动,主要表现在:1)它是一种传播工具 是将某一项商品的信息,由这项商品的生产或经营机构(广告主)传送给一群用户和消费者;2)做广告需要付费 3)它进行的传播活动是带有说服性的;4)它是有目的、有计划,是连续的;(5)它不仅对广告主有利,而且对目标对象也有好处,它可使用户和消费者得到有用的信息。美国广告主协会对广告下的定义是:广告是付费的大众传播,其最终目的是传递信息,改变人们对广告商品或事项的态度,诱发其行动而使广告主获得利益。
Advertising is different from the general mass communication and propaganda. It mainly demonstrates itself in the following aspects: 1) it serves as communication vehicle of transmitting certain product information to a group of consumers and users by the manufacturers or management organization (advertisers); 2) i 3) the transmission activ 4)it is designed with purposes and 5) it is beneficiary to the advertiser and target audience. It helps users and consumers obtain useful information. American Association of Advertisers defines advertising as mass communication at certain cost, with a view to transmitting information, changing people’s attitude about the advertising commodity and items, and seducing consumers to purchase the commodity so that the advertiser get profits.
After the comprehension of the definition of advertising, we must probe into advertising innovation theories and brand theories of advertising attributed by David Ogilvy.
2.2 Advertising Innovation Theories
“广告公司的广告作品愈好,赚的钱就愈多。广告作品愈差,赔的钱也就愈多。”那么,什么是好广告作品?雷蒙。罗必凯的定义是“上乘广告的最好杯志是,它不仅影响群众争购它所宣传的产品,而且它能使群众和广告界都把它作为一件可亲可佩的杰作而长记不忘。”这是一个从客户到消费者到广告人三方面都讨好的广告定义。当然能做到这样固然是不错的,但是完美的东西总是不够现实。在大卫。奥格威看来,我们的目的是销售,否则就不是做广告。“The better the advertising work advertising agent makes, the more money advertising agent will make. The worse the advertising work is, the less money the agent will make.” Then, what is a good advertising work? Ramon Rubicam defines that “the high-quality advertising is best marked by the influence of seducing consumers to purchase its product, and the unforgettable impression left by consumers and advertising industry.” It is a definition of advertising catering for clients, consumers, and advertisers. Surely, to achieve it is fine as far as it goes. However, the perfect achievement is not so realistic. In the eyes of David Ogilvy, the ultimate goal for us is selling commodities. Otherwise, advertising would be meaningless. 在大卫·奥格威的广告理念中就有他自己特定的创意法则。在现在的广告人看来,“创意”一词本来就有很强的“创造性”,要是把它束缚于一定的“法则”之中,则根本就称不上是“创意”。当然,从奥格威对于什么是好广告的定义出发,我们必须清楚在奥格威的广告辞典里,“有创意的广告”就是“有销售力的广告”。 David Ogilvy has his own particular innovation rules in his advertising ideas. In the eyes of the advertisers at present, the word “innovation” itself contains strong “creation”. If “creation” is subject to a series of laws, there would be no point speaking of “innovation”. Surely, David Ogilvy defines advertising from what is good advertising. So we must be aware that “innovative advertising” is simply “the advertising capable of promoting the sales”, in David Ogilvy’s dictionary. 这是奥格威在“杜佛盛宴”报告中再一次强调的理念:我们的目的是销售,否则便不是做广告。在奥格威的思想中,他的创意思想并不花哨,而是建立在科学的基础上的,奥格威的创意理论也因此被归类为科学派。It is the ideas re-emphasized in “Dufour Banquet” by him that the ultimate goal for us is selling commodities. Otherwise, advertising would be meaningless. His innovative ideas are not fancy. Instead, they are based on science so that they are classified as Science.& 主要源于5个方面调查汇集起来的数据和信息,即:1,邮购公司的广告经验;2,百货商店的广告技巧;3,公司对广告效果的调查4,对电视广告的调查;5,应用别人的智慧成果。在这五个方面的信息中,奥格威尤其对邮购公司的广告经验情有独钟。It originates from the data and information investigated and collected from five aspects as follows: 1) the advertising experience of Mail Order C 2) the advertising skills
the investigation of the advertising effect by t 4) the investigation of TV 5) the use of others’ wisdoms. Among all these aspects, David Ogilvy has a special passion for the advertising experience of Mail Order Company. 因为邮购广告的效果,在一定的时日以后,就可以以定购回单来判断销售量。把这五个方面信息汇总,奥格威创造了他自己的神话—阿拉丁创意“神灯”,即创作好广告的96条法则。无论别人怎么看待这些法则,奥格威则自信的宣称:“我得到了一个相当好而清楚的创意哲学,它大部分是得自(市场)调查”。都说先有调查才有发言权,来自调查的哲学总是有效而清晰的。With the mail-order advertising, you can order receipts after several days so as to judge the sales volume. Summarizing all information from the five aspects, Ogilvy created his own avatar--- “magic lamp” of Aladdin innovation, that is, 96 rules of creating desirable advertising. Whatever judgment others may have on these rules, Ogilvy confidently declared: “I have obtained fairy good and clear innovation philosophy, most of which originates from (market) investigation”. As the saying goes, only after we make investigations can we have the right to speak. Naturally, the philosophy that originates from investigation is effective and clear. 比如选择正确的广告承诺,在200年前,著名的英国作家,辞典学家约翰逊博士就说过:“承诺,大大的承诺,是广告的灵魂。”。奥格威也提倡“每一支电视广告,每一张平面广告,每一个广告活动都将承诺一项利益点”,奥格威说:“我对什么事物能构成好文案的构思,几乎全部从调查研究得来而非个人的主见”。因此,他对自己的创意哲学贯彻的非常彻底。他不容许新招聘的职员用创新这个字眼来表明他们在公司所从事的工作。如果他们不接受他的“什么是好广告”的严格定义,他“就请他们回去干他们的老本行,过他们那种庸俗无知的日子”。从以上的论述中不难看出,奥格威的创意哲学是鲜明体现科学实证精神的。Take the selection of valid advertising promise for example, even 200 years ago, the famous English writer and dictionary compiler once said: “promise and big promise are the soul of advertising.” Ogilvy also advocated “the promise of one benefit in every piece of TV advertising, every piece of plane advertisement, and every advertising activity.” He also said: “nearly all my advertising conception of every object comes from my personal investigation and research but not my personal assumption.” Therefore, he carries out his innovative philosophy completely. He is intolerant that newly employed employees define what they work on as innovation. If they disagree with his strict definition of what is admirable advertising, he would “ask them to do their own old work and lead an ignorant life”.& From the discussion above, it is not difficult to notice that Ogilvy’s innovative philosophy Cleary echoes the scientific and empirical spirit. 不同于伯恩巴克的“创意指南”(R.o.I)和李奥o贝纳“戏剧性”观念,他们认为“广告是艺术”,也不同于20世纪70年代由美国著名营销专家里斯和屈特提出的“定位理论”。和后来的“cIS理论”,他们认为广告是科学和艺术的结合,奥格威则认为做广告应该是做“科学的广告”,广告必须而且只能是科学。因此,奥格威在广告创作的实践中极力主张“广告的内容比表现内容的方法更重要”,因为“真正决定消费者购买或是不够买的是你广告的内容,而不是它的形式”。他指出,不能为了广告而广告,同时告诫广告人不能为广告得奖而大费周折,使得广告销售目的无法达到。广告人应该做的就是要“提起你的雄心壮志,抬起你的眼睛,爆发你的激情,激起你的创意,续写广告的历史”。
Ogilvy’s views are different from William Bernbach’s “innovation guide” (R.o.I) and Leo Burnett’s idea of “dramaticism” in that it they think “advertising is an art”. His views are also different from “positioning theory” put forward by the famous American marketing experts Rhys and Chitter and their later “CIS theory”. They regarded that advertising is the integration of science and art while Ogilvy argues that advertising should only function as “scientific advertisement” and advertisement should be the science and can only be the science. Therefore, Ogilvy strongly advocated in his advertising creation practice that “the advertising content was more important than the ways in which advertising content is presented” since “it is the advertising content but not content forms that persuade your consumers to purchase the commodity”. He also pointed out: don’t make advertisement for the purpose of advertising. Meanwhile, he warned the advertiser not to trouble themselves a lot to win advertising award. Otherwise, they would not achieve the desirable effect of promoting the sales. What the advertiser should do is to “lift up your ambition, raise your eyes, fire your passion, stimulate your innovation, and prolong the advertising history”.
2.3 Theories of Brand Advertising
Every advertisement should be viewed as making contribution to such complicated phenomena as brand image. David Ogilvy asserted that brand image was complicated phenomena and even research and investigation would be of little help. Then, what can be of some helps to “brand image” in his definition? From the definition, we can know that “brand is consumers’ opinion on the product. That is to say, brand differs from the product while such difference originates form consumers’ opinions”. It is the initial definition of brand by Ogilvy.后来,奥格威把这个定义详细化,认为“品牌是一种错综复杂的象征,它是品牌属性、名称、包装、价格、历史声誉、广告方式的无形总和,品牌同时也因消费者对其使用的印象,以及自身的经验而有所界定.”Later on, Ogilvy detailed this definition and regarded that “brand was a complicated phenomena, the summation of brand property, name, package, price, historical reputation, and advertising manners, and the impression and the personal experience left by consumers after the use of the product.”因此,在判定树立什么样的形象上,只能利用广告人的判断力。但是,奥格威认为品牌并不是一个能够涵盖一切的概念,他提出了“品牌个性”的说法:认为一个品牌必须有自己的个性,它不是“既适合男性也适合女性,既能适应上流社会,也能适应广大群众的,否则“产品就什么个性都没有了,成了一种不伦不类不男不女的东西”。Therefore, 在1955年的10月,奥格威在芝加哥对美国广告同业公会发表了演说,题目就是《形象和品牌—创意运作的新方法》,专门论述了建立品牌形象的问题。Therefore, it depends upon the judgment of the advertiser to establish the brand image they anticipate. However, Ogilvy asserted that a brand was not a concept that could over everything, and put forward the statement of “brand personality”---a brand should has its own personality and it should not be the case that the brand caters for both the male and the female, and fits both upper-class life and civilian life. Otherwise, “brand personality would vapor and the brand would turn to be meaningless and androgynous.” Therefore, in October, 1995, Ogilvy delivered a speech that was entitled Image and Brand---New Methodologies of Innovation Operation to American Advertising Industry Conference in Chicago, a speech devoted to the establishment of brand image.& &在这个演讲中,他用一句话标明了品牌时代的来临:“我们坚信,每一则广告都应该对塑造品牌整体形象有所贡献—同时它也是为建立品牌声誉所作的长期投资。”。In this speech, he illustrated the advent of brand era with one sentence: “we are convinced that all the advertising should make contribution to the overall brand image, and meanwhile it should act as the long-term investment in the establishment of brand reputation.” 企业首先要树立自己的品牌个性,随后就要围绕这样的品牌个性,通过推出前后一致的商品形象,使得该形象不断地成长丰满。在具体的操作上,奥格威格外倾向于系列广告的运用,他认为年复一年的系列广告可以加强品牌形象,同时还能避免统一广告带来的视觉疲劳。很明显,在品牌形象的树立过程中,广告需要的是“统一”而不是“同一”。在今天这个竞争激烈且复杂多变的市场,我们相信品牌是客户所能拥有最持久的资产,透过产品品牌形象的传播,产品在人们生活中产生意义,品牌的忠诚度也就随之产生,这样品牌价值就得以增加,给广告主带来长效的利润。毫无疑问,随着产品同质化程度愈高,消费者在选择品牌时,就愈少运用理性思考,品牌的作用就更加明显了。那么,对于企业建立自己的“品牌个性”,并且持之以恒地扩大“品牌形象”的张力,是势在必行的。The enterprise should first of all establish the brand personality, then deliver the consistent brand image concentrating on the brand personality, and finally accelerate the maturing and development of the brand image. In concrete operation, Ogilvy was inclined to apply serial advertising. He thought that serial advertising year after year was capable of consolidating the brand image, and meanwhile the visual fatigue following the same advertisement. It is obvious that the establishment of brand image demands “unified” but not “identical” advertisement. In a complex and volatile market filled with severe competition nowadays, we are convinced that brand is the most stable asset for the clients. The product generates its own significance for human life through the transmission of brand image. As a result, brand loyalty emerges, brand value gets promoted and the advertiser gets long-lasting profits. Doubtlessly, the more homogenization the product has, the less rational thinking consumers will have in selecting the brand, and the more obvious brand function the product will have. Therefore, it is urgent that enterprises establish their own “brand personality” and keep expanding the tension of “brand image”.&
3. Coca Cola’s Practice of Theories of Advertising Innovation
3.1 Viewpoints on Theories of Advertising Innovation from the Perspective of Coca Cola’s Advertising
3.3.1 Innovation Expression of the Chinese Local Advertising
&&& Coca Cola brand lasts for more than a hundred years. It leaves with people not only the product itself, but also extraordinary advertising innovation. As is known to us, Coca Cola’s advertising innovation is considered highly original and outstanding. Coca Cola always has remarkable performance when it confronts with other opponents in such a long history. The local advertising innovation expression in China demonstrates itself mainly in the following two aspects.
1. Coca Cola fully explores and applies the Chinese cultural elements in the advertising innovation expression. In 1999, Coca Cola first launched the New Year advertisement “Windmill Chapter”, whose outdoor scenes were completely photographed in a small village near Heilongjiang province and whose characters all came from this village. In 2000, Coca Cola then launched his new advertising work “Dragon Dance Chapter” for dragon has long been the traditional mascot for Chinese and dragon dance has long been one of the celebration programs in traditional Chinese festival. As a result, the advertisement was favorably reviewed since the broadcasting of it. In 2001 Spring Festival, Coca Cola 2001 launched perfect advertising frenzy possessing deep Chinese cultural characteristics--- the launch of brand-new advertising work “Clay Doll Fu Celebrates Spring Festival” characteristic of Chinese local flavor. This work was shot in a small village north of China, with strong Chinese characteristics, and it was themed at the Chinese culture of celebrating the Spring Festival by the family of Clay Doll Fu. It presented out the harmonious and pleasant atmosphere when the whole family drank Coca Cola together. All the moldering and scenes were decorated with clay so that the overall advertising picture seemed more vivid and smoother. The advertisement “Clay Doll Fu Celebrates Spring Festival” was scheduled for broadcast from late December, 2000 to the end of 2001 Spring Festival. Consumers became more and more approved of Coca Cola brand image after the broadcast.
2. in the advertising innovation expression, make full use of “celebrity endorsement” for communication with target customers. The core of successful advertising innovation expression lies in “proper celebrity and proper advertising words”. First of all, we must know who the target consumers are for the product. Secondly, we must communicate with consumers in a way that they can understand. The consumer groups for Coca Cola are mainly the youngsters. Therefore, it helps Coca Cola incorporate its important advertising fragments to customers’ memory when it takes the youth oriented route and fully embodies the youth tone of Coca Cola. Celebrities are figures young customers show great concern for and they are the best vehicle catching customers’ “eyes”. As a result, the advertising innovation in the form of “celebrity endorsement” usually achieves the multiplier effect in communication and sales. Coca Cola has the popular stars in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland as the brand spokespersons, such as Zhang Huimei, Xie Tingfeng, Zhang Baizhi, Xiao Yaxuan and Fumingxia. All of them have participated in the brand spokesperson line, with the result of launching for Coca Cola wonderful “Advertising Movements”.
In 2001, two serial advertisements respectively, which demonstrated China national soccer team’s enterprising spirit of “never give up” and “life tastes good”, were broadcasted on televisions across China. That football star Yang Chen also joined it displayed the team’s persevering spirit incisively. Before the World Cup, Li Tie was chosen as the advertising spokesperson for Coca Cola. In the advertisement, he held a box of Coca Cola glass bottles and shouted the slogan that “wherever I go, I would have the performance as well as that I have in the home field”. In this way, it ingeniously integrated Coca Cola brand personality and the spirit of Chinese football team and established high degree of satisfaction in the mind of the audience.
In 2003, international film star Zhang Ziyi allied with Coca Cola and became the newest spokesperson of brand image. The advertising works concerning her, such as “Love Chapter” and “Launch Chapter”, demonstrated Coca Cola’s brand-new communication strategies of “grasping the feeling”. “Love Chapter” employed relaxing and humorous creative methods, reflected the multi-aspects of love, advocated that the modern people in cities should have their own pursuit for life and make no compromise so easily. “Launch Chapter” was featured by exaggerating martial arts, with a view to expressing the young people’s enterprising spirit in realizing their dreams and their own optimistic and resolute life attitude. The theme of these two advertisements lies in trusting yourself in grasping the feeling that belongs to you. In the advertisement that has the celebrity as its spokesperson, the strong appeal can not be matched with other general advertisements, from the perspective of the messy media environment. It is because that the celebrity unwittingly shifts the attention of target consumers to the information expressed in the advertisement. Besides, the celebrity can not only affect consumers’ emotion, attitude and purchase impulse and but also double the favorable impression of the product. Coca Cola clarifies in the serial advertising the unique brand personality with the celebrity of striking features as its brand spokesperson. In this way, the celebrity image is perfectly integrated with the brand and they complement each other so that the advertising effectively promotes the brand value. &&
3.2 The View of Coca Cola’s Brand Orientation from the Advertising of Coca Cola
& 在世界各地大行其道的可口可乐在其百年的发展进程中,广告发挥了至观重要的重用,紧贴市场的广告策略为其建立最有价值品牌地位功不可抹。而作为广告核心内容的广告语则是品牌定位的一种明确表达方式,通过各种传播媒介到达消费人群,一切有关市场的活动都应与其遥相呼应,相得益彰。我们从可口可乐广告语的变化来回顾世界品牌的发展历程,特别是在中国市场的成功经验,对国内企业会有一定的借鉴意义。
&Coca Cola has enjoyed great popularity around the world for over one hundred years. In the process, the advertisement has played a vital role. The advertising strategies closely concentrating on the market has also played a noticeable role in establishing the most valuable brand. Advertising message, as the core concept of advertising, serves as a distinct means of expression and reaches consumer groups through various transmission Medias. All the activities involving the market would echo and complement advertising message. We can review the development history of such world brands from the changes of advertising message. Especially, the successful experience of Coca Cola in the Chinese market is of great significance for the domestic enterprise.
&& “ 请喝可口可乐”
“Drink Coca-Cola”
&&& 从1886年第一瓶可口可乐问世到美国本土第一家工厂的建立,可口可乐处于初级的发展阶段,需要更多的人去品尝到可口可乐,请喝可口可乐成为其活动的主题,在其后的十几年里,虽然不时会有新的广告语出现,但主要是从产品的功能层面去宣传,解渴、好味道、清凉----。如:新鲜美味满意就是可口可乐;口渴时的享受等。
From the appearance of the first bottle of Coca Cola in 1886 to the establishment of the first Coca-Cola manufacturer in American, Coca Cola was in the early stage of development and more people were needed to taste Coca-Cola. Therefore, “Drink Coca-Cola” became the campaign theme. In the following decade, Coca Cola launched the promotion concentrating on the product function, such as thirst-quenching, good taste and cool and refreshing, in spite of the emergence of new advertising message. Such advertising message included “Coca Cola is just the fresh, tasty and satisfying drink” and “Coca-Cola is your feast when you are thirsty”.
&&& 二三十年代,随着可口可乐产品被更多的人接受和认知,广告语的宣传越发趋于感性,在功能性的诉求基础之上,增添了更多的内容和含义,如欢乐、友谊等等。如:充满友谊的生活,幸福的象征等,但这个时期仍是一个产品推广阶段,真正品牌地位还未完全建立起来。
In the 1920s and 1930s, as Coca Cola products were accepted and acknowledged by more and more people, the advertising message tended to be perceptual. On the basis of function articulation, Coca Cola enriched the advertising with more content and connotation, such as pleasure and friendship. For example, Coca Cola adopted the advertising message “Life full of friendship” and “The symbol of happiness”. However, Coca Cola was still in a stage of product popularization and it didn’t wholly establish the genuine brand status.
&&& 二次世界大战是可口可乐发展的一个重要时期,可口可乐成为美国人首选饮料,并伴随着美国大兵的海外作战开始流向各地,为保障驻外部队供应开始在一些国家建立了装瓶厂。
World WarⅡwas an important stage for the development of Coca Cola. Coca Cola became the first choice of beverage for the American. As the American soldiers were deployed to various areas around the world for foreign wars, some bottling plants were established there to guarantee the supply of troops overseas.
&&& 至今在注册的可口可乐商标上保留着ENJOY的单词,在某种意义上代表了可口可乐百年的历史,一种古典的风范。
&&& So far, the registered Coca Cola trademark still retains the word ENJOY, representing the history of a hundred years and the classic style.
&&& “挡不住的感觉”
“You can’t beat the feeling”
&&& 二战结束后是美国经济高速发展的时期,也是可口可乐的快速成长期,美国在世界各地推行其民主思想和生活方式的同时,可口可乐和麦当劳等则成为美国文化的重要组成部分。可口可乐在世界各地建立工厂,参与重大体育赛事,进行多种形式的广告宣传和促销活动,可口可乐在知名度和各地市场的占有率得以巨大提升,品牌价值节节攀升。这个时期的广告语有:我拥有的可乐世界;可乐加生活等.
&& After the World War II, America entered a stage with the high-speed economic development. Coca Cola also entered a new round of rapid growth stage. As America introduced its democracy ideas and life style to areas around the world, Coca Cola, with McDonald’s and other brands, became an important component of American culture. Coca Cola began to establish factories all around the world, participated in major sporting events and launched various forms of advertising campaigns and promotion activities. As a result, there was a huge promotion for Coca Cola in popularity and market share, and the brand value climbed constantly. The advertising messages mainly include “The Coca Cola world I own” and “Coca Cola joins in my life”.
&&& 1978年第一批可口可乐产品进入中国市场,80年代第一家合资工厂的建立,当时的中国处于改革开放的初期,许多中国人还不习惯这种有‘中药味道’的饮料,并且价格偏高,可口可乐把市场的重点放在了几个主要城市,利用中国本土饮料渠道的优势,在夯实各项基础工作的同时,带来了全新的营销理念,在外来文化大举入侵的同时,可口可乐也以‘贵族’的身份受到部分人的青睐。
In 1978, the first batch of Coca Cola products entered the Chinese market. In the 1980s, the first joint-stock Coca Cola plant was established. In the early stage of opening up and reform for China, many Chinese were not accustomed to the beverage containing “Chinese medicine flavor” and the product price was a little bit high. Therefore, Coca Cola gave the market priority to some major urban cities, took the advantage of the local beverage channel, laid the solid foundation for all primary work, and meanwhile brought the brand-new marketing idea. As a result, Coca Cola was able to be favored by some consumers as noble beverage even when the external culture made a massive invasion to its own culture.
&&& 挡不住的感觉是当时最为流行的广告语,也表达了可口可乐要带给人们的一种精神层面的东西,实际上也代表着人们对西方文化的好奇和向往。
“You can’t beat the feeling” is the most popular advertising message for it expressed the spiritual feeling Coca Cola impart to the people, and actually symbolized people’s curiosity and longing for the western culture.
&&& ‘喝可口可乐不仅是喝他的味道,更重要的是一种感觉’这是当时一些忠诚消费者的切身体验。
“Drink Coca Cola not only for the flavor but also for the feeling” is the actual experience for all loyal consumers.
&&& 可口可乐在主要城市通路大量使用电视媒介、户外广告、冷饮设备等宣传手段,利用售点的生动化的管理方式,推动可口可乐在中国市场的高速发展。90年代中期,可口可乐已初步完成主要城市的布点工作,各地的国内传统饮料受到沉重打击。
Coca Cola made massive use of promotion channels, such as TV media, outdoor advertisement, and cold drink equipment, in the major city avenues, and took the advantage of vivid management models in the point of sales so that &it pushed forward the high-speed development of Coca Cola in the Chinese market. In the middle of 1990s, Coca Cola competed the stationing of sales points in the major urban cities and it stroke a heavy blow to the domestic traditional beverage in China.
&&& “尽情尽畅,永远是可口可乐”
“Drink it as much as you like, the eternal Coca Cola”
The most glorious moment Coca Cola had in China would be the Atlanta Olympics held in Atlanta (head office of Coca Cola) in 1996. There were 23 bottling plants and Coca Cola became the most valuable brand. The supply of Coca Cola product always fell short of the demand and Coca Cola maintained a steady growth of 20% in the Chinese market.
&&& 可口可乐的渠道重点由批发向直营转移,要求在市场更大面积的渗透,对业务执行要求更高,产品陈列面要大、品种要多、广告材料要丰富、客情关系要好----。‘无所不在、物有所值、情有独忠’成为市场营销的主要策略,销售工作也从过去的引导消费变为促进销量。
&&&&&&& The emphasis of sales channels is shifted from whole sale to the direct supply, with such requirement as large area of product display, variety of products, variety of advertising materials and good customer emotional relationship. The main strategies of marketing management lie in “omnipresence, good value for money, and special preference” and the sales work is shifted from the past consumption guidance to sales promotion.
&&& 尽情尽畅,永远是可口可乐既表达了酣畅淋漓的感觉,又体现了可口可乐的自信和大气。
&&& “Drink it as much as you like” not only always expresses Coca Cola’s full and delightful feeling, but also demonstrates Coca Cola’s confidence and generosity.&&
&&& 实际上这个时候可口可乐才真正找到品牌的核心内容ALWAYS。既有传统和古典,又不乏激情与活力。
Actually, it was then that Coca Cola found the core of brand content--- ALWAYS, which is classic and traditional, devoid of passion and vigor.
&&& “每刻尽可乐,可口可乐”
“Indulge yourself in pleasure, Coca Cola”
&&& 进入二十一世纪,可口可乐开始感觉到前所未有的竞争压力。
&&& Coca Cola began to experience unprecedented pressure in the 21st century.
&&& 首先是总部对中国市场寄予厚望,督促加快发展的步伐,但随着国内饮料行业的逐步成熟,以非常可乐、旭日升、健力宝等为代表的国产饮料抢城掳池,提前占据了许多二三级市场;百事可乐从‘新一代的选择’到‘畅想无极限’分刮了许多青少年消费对象;消费者消费多样性,使得可口可乐不得不改变市场策略。
First of all, the head office of Coca Cola placed high hope on the Chinese market and urged a faster development of Coca Cola in the Chinese market. With the gradual maturing of domestic beverage industry, the domestic beverage, being represented by Future Cola, Sunrise Brand Ice Tea and Jianlibao, flourished and occupied many tow-levels of market. Pepsi took away a lot of young consumers with the advertising slogans changed from “the choice of the new generation” to “Imagination without limit”. The consumption diversity of consumers urged Coca Cola to modify its marketing strategies.
&&& 以不变应万变,还是以变应变?
&&& Make no change at all or respond to change?
&&& “每刻尽可乐”是基于当时的市场环境提出的。
“Enjoy every moment” was put forward in response to the market environment then.
&&& ‘刻’体现在时间上,表达可口可乐紧跟时代步伐,以谢庭锋、张百芝等当红歌星为代言,目标锁定在青少年一代,以此达到抗衡百事可乐的目的。说明无论过去、现在和未来,永远是可口可乐。
“Moment” demonstrates itself in time, expresses Coca Cola’s idea of keeping up with the pace of the times. Coca Cola had the hottest star as the brand spokespersons, such as Xie Tingfeng and zhang Baizhi as the spokespersons, and made a target of the young generation, with a view to contending against Pepsi. It also illustrates that it is Cola that always exists in the past, at present and in the future.
&&& ‘尽’体现在空间上,一方面公司从碳酸饮料向全饮料公司转移,全方位的开发茶、果汁、水等产品。另一方面开发二三级城市,并开始拓展农村市场,价位越发趋于大众化、平民化。
“Every” represents itself in space. On the one hand, Coca Cola is shifted from the company producing carbonated beverage to the company manufacturing comprehensive beverage. It achieves the overall development of products, such as tea, fruit juice and water drinks. On the other hand, Coca Cola develops in the 2nd and 3rd tier cities, expands rural market and sets the popular price for civilian population.
&&& 最近几年,可口可乐更是与时俱进,不时时机地寻找市场机会。开展网络营销、体育营销等方式吸引消费者的注意。同时根据一些事件的的广告语也是值得称道的,例如
In recent years, Coca Cola has advanced with the times and pursued market opportunities from time to time. It has developed network marketing and sports marketing to attract consumers’ attention. Meanwhile, it has designed proper advertising message consistent with the current events. There are some examples as follows:
&&& 抓住这感觉
Grasp the feeling
&&& 可口可乐节日‘倍’添欢乐;
“Coca Cola programs ‘double’ the pleasure”;
&&& 看足球,齐加油,喝可口可乐;
“Watch football game, cheer up and drink Coca Cola”
&&& 春节刘翔的回家版。‘每一个回家的方向都有可口可乐’也是每刻尽可乐的一个延伸。
&& The advertising version of Liu Xiang’s coming back home--- “Whoever he is, he is on the way home with Coca Cola” is also the stretch of “enjoy every moment”.
&&& 综观可口可乐的发展历程,从广告语的变迁,总是与品牌的市场定位紧密相连的,总结起来有如下特点:
Throughout the development history of Coca Cola, the changes of advertising messages are always closely related to the market orientation of the brand. The features can be summarized as follows:
&&& 1.言简意赅的广告语不仅便于记忆,更能使人们容易产生品牌的联想。
1. Concise and comprehensible advertising message is one that is easy to remember and it evokes people’s association of the brand easily.
&&& 2.广告语是根据当时产品所处市场地位、竞争环境等因素而制定的,是为市场的拓展而服务的。
2 The advertising message is designed in accordance with the competition environment and market position involving the product, with a view to expanding the market.&
&&& 3.广告语是品牌定位的一种文字表达方式,可以在文字表达形式的改变,核心内容和方向不要轻易的改变。如非常可乐从‘中国人自己的可乐’到‘年轻没有失败’;从‘非常可乐,非常选择’到现在的‘有喜事,当然是非常可乐’,产品定位模糊,甚至有些混乱。
3. The advertising message is an expressive way of written language in brand orientation. The expression form of written language can be changed but the core content and orientation should not be changed so easily. For example, from “Future Coca Cola, future choice” to the present “Happy things accompany Future Coca Cola”, Future Coca Cola has a vague and even ambiguous product orientation.
4. The evolution of one brand is a continuous accumulative and deepening process. The shift of the advertising messages from “Drink it” to “Enjoy every moment” is closely related and it gradually enrich the brand connotation.
&&& 很多企业在广告语问题上常感困惑,在‘变’与‘不变’的问题上左右为难,‘不变’很容易使品牌老化;‘变’则很容易产生未知风险。实际上可口可乐的成功来源于长期明确的市场定位,通过产品系列开发、包装的变换、新渠道的建立、营销手段的不断更新,特别是广告内容和形式的创新,赋予这个百年品牌新的生命和活力!
Many enterprises are perplexed at the advertising message and they are in a dilemma between change and no change. “No change” is at the risk of brand aging while “change” easily incurs unknown risks. Actually, the success of Coca Cola originates from the long-term distinct market orientation. Through the development of a series of products, the renewing of package, the establishment of new sales channels, the renewing of marketing means and especially the innovation of marketing content and forms, Coca has become a brand endowed with new life and vigor , with a history of a hundred years.
&&& 每刻尽可乐---可口可乐!
Enjoy every moment---Coca Cola.
4. Inspirations from Coca cola’s advertising
4.1 Advertising Dilemma
Since the recovery of China’s advertising market in 1997, the advertising industry has been showing a trend of rapid development. The total advertising business amount increased continuously from 1981 to 2005, with an annual growth rate of 36.13% in average. It was an amazing figure to advertisers around the world. However, it is not optimistic for the local advertising industry in recent years. Firstly, China’s enterprises are uneven in the development and they demand different requirements of the advertising service. Secondly, local advertising companies are so dispersive and weak that it is difficult for them to bear heavy responsibility of shaping national brand. Therefore, it would inevitably result in the situation where large local brands and advertising customers turn their favor to international advertising agencies, with the result of staggering the development of local advertising industry. In particular, with the complete opening of the advertising industry in China, a number of multinational advertising and media groups flooded to seize the Chinese advertising market so desperately that Chinese advertisers viewed their opponents as “wolfs” in alarm. Finally, consumers have more and more rights of discourse. With the advent of information explosion era, consumers get promoted in their awareness of brand to a great extent. It is easy for them to fall into the “trap” set by advertisers. In other words, there will be a long way for the advertising of the advertising company. The control over the advertising disappears gradually for the consumer is the genuine judger of the advertising.
& 4.2.1自我品牌的独特定位
&& 该定位通过表现品牌的某种独特形象和内涵让品牌成为消费者表达个人价值观、审美情趣、自我个性、生活品味、心里期待的一种载体和媒介,使消费者获得一种自我满足和自我陶醉的快乐感觉。如果汁品牌“酷儿”的“代言人”大头娃娃,右手叉腰,左手拿着果汁饮料,陶醉地说着“QOO……”
4.2 Outlets for Local Advertising
& 4.2.1 Unique Orientation of Self-brand
The Orientation aims to demonstrate certain unique image and connotation of the brand, with a view to turning the brand into the carrier and medium of expressing the personal value, aesthetic taste, individuality and life taste, and imparting to consumers the feeling of self-satisfaction and self-indulgence. It wou, , ld be better if the big-head doll, the spokesperson of juice brand “Qoo”, indulges himself in singing “QOO…”, left hand holding juice beverage and right hand resting on his hips.
&The image of clumsy, blue and discouraged Qoo exactly fits children’s mentality of “pleasure, readiness to help others and fondness of imitating the adult”. Thus it wins children’s favor when children see it, as if it was the mirror of them. Langsha Company persistently promotes the brand connotation of “being moving, elegant and fashionable”, and imparts to consumers the mental satisfaction of showing off beauty, charm, and forwardness. Baromon suit has set the orientation---007’s choice, and it is attractive to those consumers who desires bravery, wisdom, cool and beauty, and heroism.&
& 4.2.2建立品牌形象
4.2.2 Brand Image Building
Work out resonant posters or slogans. The brand image is the unified name located in brand popularity. Slogans always function as setting the orientation and expressing the ideas of enterprises or products. Though slogans of enterprises differ from one to another, they are nothing more than the assistance of orientation. According to experiences of Sun Zhengdong Management Consulting Company, despite the apparent intention of slogans of most companies, most listeners would not care about it, unless the companies pay to have their advertisement broadcasted on the authoritative media such as CCTV, like the advertisement message of Li-Ning Company—“Anything is possible”. Only insiders would be concerned with the slogans, but ordinary consumers would not have feeling about the brand until they have listened to the slogan for many times. Therefore, the frequent change of slogans is not beneficial to the brand image building. The slogan of the brand must reflect the stance of consumers and the brand style. Good slogans must have the following qualities. Firstly, the good slogan must be in relation to the brand orientation. Secondly, the brand connotation must be clearly articulated with as few words as possible. Thirdly, the slogan must be one that is easy to remember, in spite of the challenge to design such kind of advertising. Fourthly, throw off the exceeded brand intention and stick to the principle that no slogan is better than a bad slogan.
Chinese advertising companies only need to reinforce the foundation of the wooden barrel, strengthen the short board, and take advantage of local advertising superiority to rise to offensive invasion from international advertising companies. Compared with international 4A advertising companies, local advertising companies are more skilled at grasping exactly the psychology of domestic consumers. They also possess abundant local social resources, apart from the simple management and low-cost operation. The local advertising companies can also make related strategies in response to the market’s changes in the operation process. Local advertising industry now falls into the trouble temporarily. Viewed from industrial economics perspective, it is inevitable that the industry standardization and rational development witness the changes from huge profits to normal, from smaller profit margin to low-profit. In view of it, we are convinced that the decline in advertising market growth is a reflection of the gradually maturing advertising industry.
5. Conclusion
5. Conclusion
The research perspective of advertising creation theories provides a great methodology for the paper but there is no method that is perfect in every aspect. As a qualitative research method, the understanding of advertising actions would be arbitrary and differential from one to another, and they cannot find application in a scientific, quantitative and objective research if these actions in case of logical reasoning. The interpreter’s own ideologies and value judgment will have a direct impact on the understanding of the problem, while the interpreters are usually accused of taking a part for the whole, or making arbitrary assumptions. The paper aims to analyze some genuine advertising cases of Coca-Cola to break the restriction, but it is difficult to break the limitation of the study itself. It may be more persuasive if the qualitative research can be added with a lot of research data. As for the defect mentioned above, further studies are expected to make up for it.&
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