univers condensedd milk flavour是什么意思

Unit 1 Active Reading 168-第2页
Unit 1 Active Reading 168-2
我乐得飘飘然了,第一件事就是去买所需要的课本,然后用纽约大学紫白相间的护封把它们套起来,这样地铁里的乘客就会向我投来艳羡的目光了。 我对大学课堂的了解全部都来自很久以前我在利默里克看的那些电影,我现在就坐在大学课堂里听一门课――美国教育史。玛克辛? 格林教授在讲台上给我们讲移居美国的英国清教徒是如何教育他们的下一代的。我周围的同学全都在不停地记笔记。我真希望自己知道该记点儿什么。我怎么知道她在讲台上说的话哪些是重要的呢?她说的每一句话我都要记住吗?有些同学举手问问题,可我永远不能那么做,因为全班同学都会盯着我,不知道那个说话带口音的家伙究竟是谁。我可以尝试用美国口音说话,可是我却说得并不地道。我试着用美音说话时,人们总是微笑着说:我是不是听到爱尔兰土腔了? 教授说清教徒离开英国是为了逃避宗教迫害,这让我大惑不解,因为清教徒本身就是英国人,而英国人总是到处迫害别人,尤其是爱尔兰人。我真想举手告诉教授爱尔兰人几百年来在英国的统治下所遭受的痛苦,但我知道班上的每个人都有高中文凭,只要我一开口,他们就会知道我和他们不一样。 其他同学都从容自信地举手发言。他们总是说:嗯,我认为??。 总有一天我也会举手发言,说:嗯,我认为??。可对清教徒及他们的教育问题,我还真不知道该如何认为。接着,教授告诉我们,观念并不是从天而降的现成品。从长远看,清教徒是宗教改革运动的产物,他们继承了宗教改革运动的世界观,他们对孩子的态度体现了宗教改革运动的思想。 教室里记笔记的沙沙声更响了,女生比男生更忙活。女生们不停地记,就好像从格林教授嘴里说出的每个字都很重要似的。 接下来我开始琢磨,为什么我要买这本厚厚的《美国教育史》呢?为什么我要带着它坐地铁,好让大家都羡慕我是个大学生呢?我知道会有考试,有期中考试,有期末考试,可是考试问题会从哪里出呢?如果教授不停地讲啊讲,而课本又有700 页之多的话,到时候我肯定会不知所措的。 班上的女生漂亮迷人,我想问问其中的一个是否知道应付七周后期中考试我该掌握什么内容。我愿意和她一起去学校的自助餐厅或是格林尼治村的咖啡馆,一块儿谈谈清教徒和他们极端拘谨的生活方式,谈谈他们是怎么把孩子吓破胆的。我可以告诉那个女生我是如何读陀思妥也夫斯基和梅尔维尔的小说的。说不定她会被我打动,继而爱上我,然后我们一起研读美国教育史。 Unit 2 Active Reading 1 The first oyster1
&Here you are, try this, it's delicious,& said my father, waving an oyster in front of my nose.2
I frowned.&I don't want to. I don't like it,& I said. 3
&Nonsense, how do you know you don't like it if you haven't tried it,& he reasoned. &Just slide it into your mouth, and taste the Atlantic Ocean. 4
He's right, I thought, but sometimes you can also work out what you like just by looking at it. And to be frank, I thought the oyster looked rather nasty. 5
The restaurant was in a French seaside resort, and the waiter had already brought an enormous portion of seafood, crabs, prawns, lobsters and all sorts of shellfish clinging onto each other, as well as a bottle of white wine in a bucket of ice. My mother was busy shopping, and my father had decided to take me, his ten-year-old son, to lunch, and to mark an important event in my life, as important to my father as coming of age: my first oyster. 6
What on earth must the first man to eat an oyster have been thinking about? I say &man& because surely no woman would be quite so foolish. &Well, I'm feeling a bit hungry, let's have a look in this rock pool .yes, that looks pretty yummy to me!& Doesn't seem very likely. It sounds more like a schoolboy challenge. &Here, you try this oyster, and I'll try this juicy bacon sandwich, and we'll see who has more fun!& 7
Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea. It looked as gloomy as I felt. There was no hope left, the only feeling was hunger, and the only emotion was the fear of lost innocence as I realized there could be no escape from my first oyster. 8
&Could I have some fish and chips?& I asked hopefully, suddenly feeling homesick for my favourite dish. 9
&Certainly not! They don't serve fish and chips here, only the very best seafood in the whole region. You won't taste finer anywhere for miles around,& he replied, pouring himself another glass of wine. &Now, stop complaining, try one oyster for me, then you can have something nice and easy to eat, maybe some prawns with bread and butter,& he suggested, striking a note of compromise for the first time during the whole meal. 10
But with the clear perception which only a ten-year-old boy can have, I still understood that the compromise included eating that oyster, sitting on the side of my father's plate.11
My father continued to eat his way through the mountain of seafood. On his plate was a pile of discarded lobster claws, and alongside was a battery of implements used to crack the shells, and scrape out every last piece of meat. He paused every mouthful and raised his glass. Now and then he waved the oyster at me, teasing me to eat it, but saying nothing. I just looked at my empty plate in despair. I thought about the food which I most liked, my mother's home baking, and a silent tear slid down my cheek. 12
Finally, my father picked up the oyster again, and I knew it was all over. I took it betweena finger and thumb, and held it to my lips. &Suck it into your mouth. Hold it there, taste the salt and the sea, and then swallow. Then I'll get you something you like,& he said. His voice was kinder now as he knew he had won. 13
I did as I was told. The oyster was slippery and the taste was unlike anything I have ever tasted before or since. 14
My father watched me, half smiling as if to say, &What do you think?& As I swallowed, he raised his glass to me and said, &Cheers!& I had finally earned his love and respect. 15
But I never ate oysters again.Close
?第一只牡蛎“来,尝尝这个,这个好吃,”我父亲一边说一边在我的鼻子前晃动着一只牡蛎。我皱起眉头,说:“我不吃,我不喜欢吃这个。” “胡说,你没尝过怎么知道不喜欢吃。” 他跟我论理,“把它放进嘴里,品尝一下大西洋的味道。” 我觉得他说得对,可是有时候有些东西你只要看一眼就知道喜不喜欢。坦率地说,我觉得牡蛎看起来挺恶心的。 这座饭店坐落在法国一个著名的海滨旅游胜地。这时侍者不仅端上了一瓶放在冰篮子里的白葡萄酒,还端上一客份量极大的海鲜――螃蟹、对虾、大龙虾及各种贝类,都堆在一起。我母亲正忙着购物,于是我父亲就决定带我――他十岁的儿子――去吃午饭。他要让我体验生命里一个重要的事件,一件对我父亲来说与成年一样重要的事:我的第一只牡蛎。世界上第一个吃牡蛎的男人到底是怎么想的呢?我说“男人”是因为女人肯定不会这么傻吧?“唷,我有点饿了,我们来瞧瞧这个石坑??嗯,我觉得它看起来挺好吃的!”好像不太可能。父亲的话听起来更像是男生式的挑战。“来,你尝尝这只牡蛎,我来尝尝这块油滋滋的咸肉三明治,让我们看看谁玩得更开心!” 外面,天空灰蒙蒙的,海面上刮来一阵强风。天气看起来和我的心情一样阴郁。没有希望,只感觉饿,只担心失去纯真,因为我意识到这第一只牡蛎我今天得非吃不可了。“我能吃炸鱼和薯条吗?”我满怀希望地问。我突然觉得想家,想吃我最爱吃的饭菜。“当然不行!他们这儿没有炸鱼和薯条,只有这地方最上等的海鲜,在这方圆几英里之内你找不到更好的海鲜了。”他边回答边给自己又倒了一杯酒。“好啦,别抱怨了,就给我尝一只牡蛎,然后你就可以吃些好吃的、顺口的东西,比如对虾加黄油面包,” 他提议说。吃了这么长时间的饭,他的话里第一次有了妥协的意思。 但是,尽管清晰地感觉到了他的妥协――只有一个十岁的男孩才有这样的感觉,我仍然明白这妥协包含着吃掉那只牡蛎,那只放在我父亲的盘子边上的牡蛎。 我父亲继续吃着那一堆海鲜。他盘子放着一大堆被丢弃的龙虾爪,盘子边上放着一套工具,用来敲开蟹壳,剔出哪怕一丁点儿的蟹肉。他每吃一口就停一下,举杯喝一口酒。他时不时地在我眼前晃动着那只牡蛎,逗弄我吃了它,但却什么也没说。我只是绝望地看着我的空盘子。我想着我最爱吃的东西――我母亲做的点心,一滴泪静静地顺着面颊淌了下来。终于,我父亲又拿起那只牡蛎,我知道这下全完了。我用拇指和另一只手指把牡蛎拈起来送到嘴边。父亲说:“把它吸进嘴里,先含着,尝尝盐和海水的味道,然后再咽下去。吃完了,我给你点你爱吃的东西。” 他的语气更亲切了些,因为他知道他赢了。 我按照他说的吃掉了那只牡蛎。牡蛎滑溜溜的,那味道是我从未尝过的,打那以后也没再尝过。 我父亲看着我,似笑非笑,好像在说:“怎么样?”我咽下去的时候,他举杯对我说:“干杯!”我终于赢得了他的爱和尊重。 但从那以后,我再也没吃过牡蛎。 ?Unit 2 Active Reading 2?Chocolate1
Chocolate, which must be one of the world's popular foods, first came to Europe in the 16th century from Central America. It is made from the beans of the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, which means &food of the gods&. The Aztecs used to crush the beans into a paste and add spices to make a stimulating and nourishing drink (or cocoa as it became known). It was used in religious ceremonies and it was so highly valued that even taxes were paid in cocoa beans. When Europeans brought it back from their voyages, they added a sweet flavour, and the drink soon became very popular as an expensive luxury. 2
Solid chocolate as we know it today first appeared in the 1800s. Cocoa beans were crushed into a powder, mixed with a liquid, then heated and poured into a mould, forming shapes as it cooled. The next development was learning how to get cocoa butter from the beans, a process first tried in 1825. The beans are crushed into a paste which is put under high pressure and forms a liquid chocolate and cocoa butter. In 1882, Rudolphe Lindt of Switzerland began to add extra cocoa butter to his chocolate, making it smoother. The chocolate sets into bars which will easily snap into pieces and then melt in the mouth. Cocoa butter melts at the same temperature as that of the human body, 97? F. 3
The world's best-selling type of chocolate, milk chocolate, which is sweeter and smoother than dark chocolate, didn't appear until the end of the 19th century. In 1875, another Swiss manufacturer, Daniel Peter perfected the process. A concentrated form of milk, condensed milk, had recently been invented and this was easier to mix with cocoa paste. Dove Chocolate, firstmanufactured in 1956 by Mars, USA, is now the most popular chocolate bar in China.4
As we know, most people enjoy chocolate. But what accounts for its amazing popularity or even the properties that have made millions of people confess to being chocaholics? Around 40 per cent of women and 15 per cent of men admit to having a very strong feeling of wanting chocolate, especially in the late afternoon and evening. Most of them would agree they have a &sweet tooth&. Scientists know that it can be inherited from our parents and this has been proved in laboratory experiments with mice. If a parent likes chocolate, so does the child. This genetic trait makes us prefer to eat things with a sweet taste. 5
However, it is not just the large amounts of sugar in modern chocolate that explains its success. If this were the case, other products containing sugar would have the same effect on us. We don't want other sweet foods the way we want chocolate, as it doesn't make us feel good in the same way. 6
It is also known that chocolate helps release hormones in the brain called endorphins. These chemicals make us feel happy and give us a sense of well-being, similar to the feeling we have when we're in love! Although there are about 300 different chemicals in chocolate, including minerals and vitamins, it is not really known how all of these affect us.Close
?巧克力巧克力是世界上最受欢迎的食品之一。它最早于16世纪从中美洲引进到欧洲。巧克力是用可可豆做成的。可可豆又称为Theobroma Cacao, 意思是“天神之粮”。阿兹特克人常常把可可豆捣成酱,再加入调味香料,做成提神醒脑的滋补饮料(也称为可可饮料)。巧克力也用于宗教仪式。由于它极其珍贵,甚至可以用来纳税。当年欧洲的航海探险者带回了巧克力,他们又加入了香甜的调味料,这种饮料随即就作为昂贵的奢侈品受到人们的青睐。我们现在所知道的固体巧克力首次出现在19世纪。可可豆被磨成粉,加入液体搅拌,然后加热,倒入模子,冷却后成形。下一步的发展就是学会如何从可可豆中提取可可油。第一次尝试加工是在1825年。可可豆被碾压成酱,经高压处理,分离成液态巧克力和可可油。1882 年,瑞士人鲁道夫? 莲开始在巧克力制品中添加可可油,使之更加柔滑。(添加了可可油后)巧克力凝固成易折断的条块,入口即化。可可油融化的温度和人的体温相同,都是华氏97度。 直到19世纪末,世界上最畅销的巧克力――比黑巧克力更香甜柔滑的牛奶巧克力――才问世。1875年,另一位瑞士制造商丹尼尔?彼得完善了巧克力的制作工艺。那时刚刚发明出一种浓缩型的牛奶――炼乳,并且炼乳易与可可酱溶合。目前中国市场上最畅销的巧克力是由美国的玛氏公司于1956年首次研制生产的德芙巧克力。 我们知道,大多数人都喜欢吃巧克力。但是,是什么原因使得巧克力出奇地畅销?又是什么原因导致了巧克力的上瘾特性,使许多人承认自己是巧克力迷呢?大约有40%的女性和15%的男性承认他们很喜欢吃巧克力。在傍晚和晚上,这种渴望尤其强烈。他们大多数都承认爱吃甜食。科学家们认为这可能是源于父母遗传。这在实验室的老鼠实验中也得到了证实。如果父亲或母亲爱吃巧克力,孩子就爱吃巧克力。这种基因特征使我们更喜欢吃带甜味的东西。包含各类专业文献、幼儿教育、小学教育、中学教育、专业论文、生活休闲娱乐、各类资格考试、外语学习资料、行业资料、文学作品欣赏、Unit 1 Active Reading 168等内容。 
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