prettynot bad是什么意思思

colour type是什么意思
colour type是什么意思
09-04-25 &匿名提问 发布
colour type颜色类型
colour type : 颜色类别 1.   This case (next graphs) Confucianism elegant richly, contain powerful Europe type colour. 本案(下图)儒雅富丽,带有浓烈的欧式色彩。 2.   The general application of FTV type colour plane detector used in power station is illustrated. 本文阐述FTV型电站锅炉火焰彩色电视监视装置在电厂锅炉上的应用概况。3.   Different colour, style, type is tie-in and different, can meet unexpectedly 10 thousand kinds of amorous feelings. 不同的色彩、风格、样式搭配不同,便可邂逅万种风情
The night of the play was cool and crisp, the sky absolutely clear without a hint of clouds. We had to arrive an hour early, and I’d been feeling pretty bad all day about the way I’d talked to Jamie the night before. She’d never been anything but nice to me, and I knew that I’d been a jerk. I saw her in the hallways between classes, and I wanted to go up to apologize to her for what I’d said, but she’d sort of slip back into the crowd before I got the chance.  She was already at the Playhouse by the time I finally arrived, and I saw her talking to Miss Garber and Hegbert, off to one side, over by the curtains.  Everyone was in motion, working off nervous energy, but she seemed strangely lethargic. She hadn’t put on her costume yet-she was supposed to wear a white, flowing dress to give that angelic appearance-and she was still wearing the same sweater she’d worn at school. Despite my trepidation at how she might react, I walked up to the three of them. “Hey, Jamie,” I said. “Hello, Reverend . . . Miss Garber.” Jamie turned to me. “Hello, Landon,” she said quietly. I could tell she’d been thinking about the night before, too, because she didn’t smile at me like she always did when she saw me. I asked if I could talk to her alone, and the two of us excused ourselves. I could see Hegbert and Miss Garber watching us as we took a few steps off to the side, out of hearing distance. I glanced around the stage nervously. “I’m sorry about those things I said last night,” I began. “I know they probably hurt your feelings, and I was wrong to have said them.” She looked at me, as if wondering whether to believe me. “Did you mean those things you said?” she finally asked.  “I was just in a bad mood, that’s all. I get sort of wound up sometimes.” I knew I hadn’t really answered her question. “I see,” she said. She said it as she had the night before, then turned toward the empty seats in the audience. Again she had that sad look in her eyes.  “Look,” I said, reaching for her hand, “I promise to make it up to you.” Don’t ask me why I said it-it just seemed like the right thing to do at that moment.  For the first time that night, she began to smile. “Thank you,” she said, turning to face me. “Jamie?” Jamie turned. “Yes, Miss Garber?” “I think we’re about ready for you.” Miss Garber was motioning with her hand. “I’ve got to go,” she said to me. “I know.” “Break a leg?” I said. Wishing someone luck before a play is supposed to be bad luck. That’s why everyone tells you to “break a leg.” I let go of her hand. “We both will. I promise.” After that, we had to get ready, and we went our separate ways. I headed toward the men’s dressing room. The Playhouse was fairly sophisticated, considering that it was located in Beaufort, with separate dressing rooms that made us feel as if we were actual actors, as opposed to students.  My costume, which was kept at the Playhouse, was already in the dressing room.  Earlier in the rehearsals we’d had our measurements taken so that they could be altered, and I was getting dressed when Eric walked in the door unannounced. Eddie was still in the dressing room, putting on his mute bum’s costume, and when he saw Eric he got a look of terror in his eyes. At least once a week Eric gave him a wedgie, and Eddie kind of hightailed it out of there as fast as he could, pulling one leg up on his costume on the way out the door. Eric ignored him and sat on the dressing table in front of the mirror.  “So,” Eric said with a mischievous grin on his face, “what are you going to do?” I looked at him curiously. “What do you mean?” I asked. “About the play, stupid. You gonna flub up your lines or something?” I shook my head. “No.” “You gonna knock the props over?” Everyone knew about the props. “I hadn’t planned on it,” I answered stoically. “You mean you’re going to do this thing straight up?” I nodded. Thinking otherwise hadn’t even occurred to me.  He looked at me for a long time, as if he were seeing someone he’d never seen before. “I guess you’re finally growing up, Landon,” he said at last. Coming from Eric, I wasn’t sure whether it was intended as a compliment.  Either way, though, I knew he was right. In the play, Tom Thornton is amazed when he first sees the angel, which is why he goes around helping her as she shares Christmas with those less fortunate.  The first words out of Tom’s mouth are, “You’re beautiful,” and I was supposed to say them as if I meant them from the bottom of my heart. This was the pivotal moment in the entire play, and it sets the tone for everything else that happens afterward. The problem, however, was that I still hadn’t nailed this line yet.  Sure, I said the words, but they didn’t come off too convincingly, seeing as I probably said the words like anyone would when looking at Jamie, with the exception of Hegbert. It was the only scene where Miss Garber had never said the wordmarvelous, so I was nervous about it. I kept trying to imagine someone else as the angel so that I could get it just right, but with all the other things I was trying to concentrate on, it kept getting lost in the shuffle.  Jamie was still in her dressing room when the curtains finally opened. I didn’t see her beforehand, but that was okay. The first few scenes didn’t include her anyway-they were mainly about Tom Thornton and his relationship with his daughter. Now, I didn’t think I’d be too nervous when I stepped out on stage, being that I’d rehearsed so much, but it hits you right between the eyes when it actually happens. The Playhouse was absolutely packed, and as Miss Garber had predicted, they’d had to set up two extra rows of seats all the way across the back.  Normally the place sat four hundred, but with those seats there were at least another fifty people sitting down. In addition, people were standing against the walls, packed like sardines. As soon as I stepped on stage, everyone was absolutely quiet. The crowd, I noticed, was mainly old ladies of the blue-haired type, the kind that play bingo and drink Bloody Marys at Sunday brunch, though I could see Eric sitting with all my friends near the back row. It was downright eerie, if you know what I mean, to be standing in front of them while everyone waited for me to say something. So I did the best I could to put it out of my mind as I did the first few scenes in the play. Sally, the one-eyed wonder, was playing my daughter, by the way, because she was sort of small, and we went through our scenes just as we’d rehearsed them. Neither of us blew our lines, though we weren’t spectacular or anything. When we closed the curtains for act two, we had to quickly reset the props. This time everyone pitched in, and my fingers escaped unscathed because I avoided Eddie at all costs. I still hadn’t seen Jamie-I guess she was exempt from moving props because her costume was made of light material and would rip if she caught it on one of those nails-but I didn’t have much time to think about her because of all we had to do. The next thing I knew, the curtain was opening again and I was back in Hegbert Sullivan’s world, walking past storefronts and looking in windows for the music box my daughter wants for Christmas. My back was turned from where Jamie entered, but I heard the crowd collectively draw a breath as soon as she appeared on stage. I thought it was silent before, but now it went absolutely hush still. Just then, from the corner of my eye and off to the side of the stage, I saw Hegbert’s jaw quivering. I readied myself to turn around, and when I did, I finally saw what it was all about. For the first time since I’d known her, her honey-colored hair wasn’t pulled into a tight bun. Instead it was hanging loosely, longer than I imagined, reaching below her shoulder blades. There was a trace of glitter in her hair, and it caught the stage lights, sparkling like a crystal halo. Set against her flowing white dress tailored exactly for her, it was absolutely amazing to behold. She didn’t look like the girl I’d grown up with or the girl I’d come recently to know. She wore a touch of makeup, too-not a lot, just enough to bring out the softness of her features. She was smiling slightly, as if she were holding a secret close to her heart, just like the part called for her to do.  She looked exactly like an angel. I know my jaw dropped a little, and I just stood there looking at her for what seemed like a long time, shocked into silence, until I suddenly remembered that I had a line I had to deliver. I took a deep breath, then slowly let it out.  “You’re beautiful,” I finally said to her, and I think everyone in the whole auditorium, from the blue-haired ladies in front to my friends in the back row, knew that I actually meant it. I’d nailed that line for the very first time.
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bad feeling是什么意思
bad feeling是什么意思 bad feeling在线翻译 bad feeling什么意思 bad feeling的意思 bad feeling的翻译 bad feeling的解释 bad feeling的发音
bad feelingbad feeling 基本解释 恨 恶感bad feeling 网络解释1. 恨, 恶感& & bad faith || 奸诈, 不诚实,不守信用 | bad feeling || 恨, 恶感 | bad file name || 错误文件名2. 总体感觉不好& & Not satisfied with the curriculum不满意课程 | Bad feeling总体感觉不好 | Expensive tuition学费贵3. 反感& & bad faith 奸诈; 无信用 | bad feeling 反感 | bad guy 坏人bad feeling 网络例句1. I know you're feeling bad, but you got to... & &我知道你心情很糟,但是你也得。。。2. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen. & &我有一种有坏事要发生的感觉。3. I have a bad feeling about this. & &我有一种不好的预感。4. I'm afraid I'm feeling pretty bad. & &很抱歉,我觉得很不舒服。5. I have a bad feeling about this.... & &我有个不详的预感。。。。6. I have a bad feeling about this. & &这个让我有种不好的感觉。7. You know, I have this bad feeling & &我只是。。。你知道么我心里bad feeling是什么意思,bad feeling在线翻译,bad feeling什么意思,bad feeling的意思,bad feeling的翻译,bad feeling的解释,bad feeling的发音,bad feeling的同义词,bad feeling的反义词,bad feeling的例句,bad feeling的相关词组,bad feeling意思是什么,bad feeling怎么翻译,单词bad feeling是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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好几是什么意思 好几在线翻译 好几什么意思 好几的意思 好几的翻译 好几的解释 好几的发音 好几的同义词 好几的反义词 好几的例句
好几好几 基本解释
好几 网络解释1. severalquiteafew& & severalmonths 数月 | severalquiteafew 好几 | severaltensofyearsseveraldecades 几十年2. redelijk veelhaoji& & reclamepagina: guangGaolAN 广告栏 | redelijk veel: haoji 好几 | reden: liyOU 理由3. quite a few& & 剩菜 leftovers | 好几 quite a few | 头疼 to have a headache好几 网络例句1. But I have lived in China for many years. & &但我在中国住了好几年了。2. I have been to Beijing several times. & &我去过北京好几次了。3. I've lived here for several years. & &我在这里住了好几年了。4. I have been to Beijing many times. & &我去过北京好几次了。5. He has been saying that for years. & &他都说了好几年了。6. I mean,it was years ago. & &我是说,那是好几年前的事了7. I've seen it many times. & &我见过好几次了。好几 情景会话1. No and Not-(不是和不)&&A: 你好,玛丽。你过得怎样?&&&&&&Hi, Mary. How've things been?&&B: 我有好几个星期没听到有关你研究英语的情况了。 你正在学习什么?&&&&&&I haven't heard anything about your English investigation for weeks.What're you studying now?&&A: 现在正在学否定词--&No&和&Not&。对于&No&和&Not&没有什么特别要注意的地方,是吗?&&&&&&Now it's negative-&no&and&not&, to be specific. There's nothing particularily unusual about &no&and&not&, is there?&&B: 的确没有什么。&&&&&&Not a lot, really.&&A: 看来主要点在于&Not&和动词连用,而在其他地方用&No&。&&&&&&The main thing seems to be that &not& is used with verbs, and &no& everywhere else.2. 在医院&&A: 布朗先生,哪儿不舒服?&&&&&&What seems to be the trouble, Mr. Brown?&&B: 我的情况很糟,福特大夫。&&&&&&I’m in pretty bad shape, Dr. Ford.&&A: 噢,有什么症状?&&&&&&Oh, in what way?&&B: 没有胃口,总是很紧张,觉也睡不好。&&&&&&No appetite, always on edge, and I can’t sleep well.&&A: 体重下降了没有?&&&&&&Did you lose any weight?&&B: 降了。上个月以来,我已经轻了好几磅。&&&&&&Yes, I have lost quite a few pounds since last month.&&A: 上次体检是什么时候?&&&&&&When was the last time you had a check-up?&&B: 大约两个月以前。&&&&&&About two month ago.&&A: 我给你量一量血压。你好像贫血。好了,布朗先生,没有什么大问题。你就是工作太劳累了。&&&&&&Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic.Well, Mr. Broun, I’m happy to say it’s nothing serious. You’re just a little run-down from overwork.&&B: 那我该怎么办呢?&&&&&&What am I supposed to do?&&A: 我看你只要休一次假就行了。多到户外活动,一定要多休息。&&&&&&I think all you need is just a vacation. Try to get outdoors more and be sure to get more rest.&&B: 谢谢你,大夫。我会照你说的去做的。&&&&&&Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say.3. 了解观光信息&&A: 有到大峡谷的旅游团吗?&&&&&&Are there any tours for the Grand Canyon?&&B: 到大峡谷有好几个旅游团。你去过我们的&旅客服务中心&吗?&&&&&&There are several tours of the Grand Canyon. Have you been to our Tourist Information Center?&&A: 不,没去过。你可以告诉我去哪里吗?&&&&&&No, I haven't. Would you show me where that is?&&B: 好的。往前走,在你的左边。&&&&&&Sure. It's up ahead to your left.&&A: 我听说有的旅游团真正下到峡谷里去了。那是真的吗?&&&&&&I heard that some tours actually go down into the canyon. Is that true?&&B: 真的。那是真正参观峡谷的好方式。还有,那也是个好的运动,因为我们要长距离徒步旅行。&&&&&&Yes. It's a great way to really see the canyon.In addition, it's great exercise too, since we do a lot of hiking.&&A: 那听起来好极了。我到哪里去报名参加呢?&&&&&&That sounds fantastic. Where do I go to sign up for that tour?&&B: 到服务中心去。 跟他们说你要参加到峡谷里去的旅游团。你在那儿付钱。我带的下一个团就是要下去的。回见!&&&&&&Go inside the Information Center.And tell them you want to go on the tour that goes down into the canyon.You pay there. I have the next group to go down. I'll see you soon then.好几是什么意思,好几在线翻译,好几什么意思,好几的意思,好几的翻译,好几的解释,好几的发音,好几的同义词,好几的反义词,好几的例句,好几的相关词组,好几意思是什么,好几怎么翻译,单词好几是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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降是什么意思 降在线翻译 降什么意思 降的意思 降的翻译 降的解释 降的发音 降的同义词 降的反义词 降的例句 降的相关词组
降[jiàng, xiáng]降 基本解释
降 网络解释1. descend& & 这与威廉斯诗歌中反复出现的扬&下降&(descend)抑&上升&(ascend)的姿态是吻合的. 此外,伯恩在旷野中3个月的孤身生活也令人想起梭罗在瓦尔登湖2年有余的生活经历,他们是在以自身经验实现对美国传统的体察和构建. 2. Lower& & 您能在这总合值内自行决定所有技能点数的规划. 因此,设定了技能值的锁定的功能来帮助您管理您的技能. 您可以藉由对每个技能设定下列三种模式:调升 (raise)、调降 (lower)、或锁住 (lock) 的其中一种,来管理您的技能. 3. falling& & 最后,值得一提的是在Vedic Sanskrit这语系中有三个特殊音高的标记:高(high)、低(low)及降(falling)音. 李约瑟(Joseph Needham) 陈立夫译 1970. 中国知科学与文明 台北:商务印书馆4. DESC& & 所降幕本点,就是指上升(Asce)、下降(Desc)、天顶(Midh)和天底(IC). 它们都是在某一特定时、地,用光学原理投影到黄道带上的点,各自代表了不同的意义. 在你的个人命盘中,这些基本点附近出现的星星都会具有特别重要的意义. 降 网络例句1. To be sure, China is not likely to slow to 4 percent growth for some time. & &可以确定的是,中国的增长不会有降到4%的时候。2. What I mean is that we'll never be able to come down to your price. & &我的意思是说我们的价格永远不可能降到你方提出的水平。3. What I mean is that we'll never be able to come down to your price. & &我的意思是说我们的价格永远不可能降到你们提出的水平。4. You're falling back to me. Well I know, I know. & &你降回我。我也知道,我知道。5. That number is now down to 20%. & &现在这个数字降到了20%。6. This decreases to 67, 64 and 64 per cent, respectively, after 20 years. & &这些数字在20年后分别降至67%、64%和64%。7. Within two years, the market share from 93% to 89%. & &在两年之内,市场份额从93%降至89%。降 情景会话1. Savings Accounts-(储蓄帐户)&&B: 我想在这儿开一个储蓄帐户。&&&&&&I like to open up a savings account please.&&A: 好的,我们有很多种。&&&&&&O.K. We offer a few different kinds.&&B: 我要利息最高的这种。&&&&&&I want the one with the highest interest rate.&&A: 那可以试试我们的储值账户。&&&&&&That would be our Saver’s Plus account.&&B: 4.5%,不错。要开这种账户得存多少钱?&&&&&&4.5%, that’s good. How much money do I have to keep in it to get that rate?&&A: 你必须保证有1万美元的余额存储否则利率将降至3%。&&&&&&You have to maintain a balance of $10,000 in the account or the rate drops to 3%.&&B: 好的,我就开这种账户。&&&&&&All right. I’ll open one of those.&&A: 请填表。我马上就来。&&&&&&Just fill out these fomp3s, and I’ll be with you in one second.&&B: 谢谢。&&&&&&Thanks.2. 在医院&&A: 布朗先生,哪儿不舒服?&&&&&&What seems to be the trouble, Mr. Brown?&&B: 我的情况很糟,福特大夫。&&&&&&I’m in pretty bad shape, Dr. Ford.&&A: 噢,有什么症状?&&&&&&Oh, in what way?&&B: 没有胃口,总是很紧张,觉也睡不好。&&&&&&No appetite, always on edge, and I can’t sleep well.&&A: 体重下降了没有?&&&&&&Did you lose any weight?&&B: 降了。上个月以来,我已经轻了好几磅。&&&&&&Yes, I have lost quite a few pounds since last month.&&A: 上次体检是什么时候?&&&&&&When was the last time you had a check-up?&&B: 大约两个月以前。&&&&&&About two month ago.&&A: 我给你量一量血压。你好像贫血。好了,布朗先生,没有什么大问题。你就是工作太劳累了。&&&&&&Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic.Well, Mr. Broun, I’m happy to say it’s nothing serious. You’re just a little run-down from overwork.&&B: 那我该怎么办呢?&&&&&&What am I supposed to do?&&A: 我看你只要休一次假就行了。多到户外活动,一定要多休息。&&&&&&I think all you need is just a vacation. Try to get outdoors more and be sure to get more rest.&&B: 谢谢你,大夫。我会照你说的去做的。&&&&&&Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say.降是什么意思,降在线翻译,降什么意思,降的意思,降的翻译,降的解释,降的发音,降的同义词,降的反义词,降的例句,降的相关词组,降意思是什么,降怎么翻译,单词降是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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