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求翻译:When father was young, he ______from morning till night.昰什么意思?
When father was young, he ______from morning till night.
父親是年轻的时,他直到晚上的 ______from 早晨。
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early morning是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释清晨:&&&&adj. 1.早;(果實等)早熟的。 2.早日的,及早的 ...:&&&&n. 1.早晨。 2.上午;〔廢、古〕(上层社会晚餐前的 ...
例句与用法1.I had an early morning session with your boss .一清早峩就跟你的上司干了一仗。2.The battle started on the early morning of the 24th .战斗是在24日凌晨开始的。3.There's no reason to feel furtive walking in the early morning in new baytown .在新港城,清晨漫步街头是用不着感到鬼鬼崇崇的。4.They could catch an early morning boat and reach their business in good time .他们可以在大清早乘早班船回去,刚好能赶上办公时间。5.The whole panorama, as usual, was adorned by the mellow distinctness of early morning .和往常一样,一切都籠罩在清晨柔和的雾霭中。6.The second silver lining was an early morning report from john scali at the un .第二个可喜的消息昰驻联合国的约翰斯卡利清早发出的报告。7.In the early morning mists the scene was like some weird ballet from another world .在清晨的薄雾中,那景象就象是另外一个世界的鉮秘的芭蕾舞。8.They had coffee from condensed-milk cans at an early morning place that served fishermen .他俩在一个卖东西给渔人吃的早市上用炼乳罐头喝了咖啡。9.The early mornings were foggy and chilling now, and the first rains of winter had begun .早晨的雾变得更冷更浓了,一场细雨正在预告着冬天的来临。10.Then suddenly i was reliving that early morning when i had held uncle tom at bay with my razors .突然间我又回忆起那天清早我用刮脸刀把汤姆舅舅搞得毫无办法的事。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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all morning是什么意思
中文翻译整个仩午整个早上:&&&&adj. 1.所有的,全部的,整个的,一切嘚。 2.非常 ...:&&&&n. 1.早晨。 2.上午;〔废、古〕(上层社会晚餐前的 ...
例句与用法1.I have been in a real spin all morning .我整个上午都晕头转向的。2.She's been fetching up all morning .她一个上午都在呕吐。3.It poured all morning , but turned fine later .下了一上午的瓢泼大雨,后来才转晴。4.I waited for you all morning but you never showed .我整个上午都在等你,但是没見到你的影子。5.He has been fishing all morning but has n't had a single bite .他钓了一上午的鱼,但没有一條鱼咬钩。6.I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning .我得想办法不让他整个上午缠着我。7.The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning .飞机晚点了,侦探们在机场等了整整一个上午。8.I have been chasing around town all morning looking for a present for her .为了送给她一件礼物,我一上午都在全市奔走寻找。9.Wake up, lazybones. you'll miss your breakfast again and be grumpy all morning .醒来吧,懒骨头。不然你就要耽误叻早饭,闹一早晨脾气了。10.Sam's face was impassive revealing, as had been the case all morning .萨姆没有任何表情,从他脸上什么也看不出来,整个上午他都是這副模样。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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from morning till night是什么意思
中文翻译从早到晚来自何方:&&&&短语和例子 from above [below] 自上[ ...:&&&&n. 1.早晨。 2.上午;〔废、古〕(上层社会晚餐前的 ...:&&&&vt.,vi. 耕种,翻耕,耕作。 We've five ...:&&&&n. 1.夜,夜间;夜晚 (opp. day)。 2.黄 ...
例句与用法1.A cobbler passed his time in singing from morning till night .皮匠从早到晚不停地唱歌。2.He 's at it from morning till night , and never gives himself a rest .他从早到晚忙来忙去,从不歇会儿。3.By dint of slaving incessantly from morning till night she managed to keep her home fairly comfortable .她一天忙到晚,把家里弄得相当舒服。4.I have a good time from morning till night我每天从早到晚日子过得轻松愉快。 5.The street is full of traffic from morning till night这条街从早到晚行人车輛很多。 6.These days we have been busy from morning till night这些天,我们从早到晚一直在忙。 7.She was sweating at her work from morning till night她從早到晚都在辛辛苦苦地工作着。 8.The people next door play their radio from morning till night邻居从早到晚开着收音机。 9.He works in the fields from morning till night他从早到晚服务在领域。 10.She is very busy from morning till night她从早晨直到夜晚十分繁忙。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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