翻译 求正确 翻译求速度 急急急急

动画家庭教师203 崭新的未来后停播!
家庭教师因为继承篇的集数太少!所以家庭教师会停播!好让漫画进展一会再继续播动画 !(和银魂的性质一样)
大家啊回顾以前的动画再者是追漫画吧 !....
其他回答 (4)
现在只是暂时停播,官方没有给出确切的播放时间,贴吧里某些人发布的情报是假的,不是官方证实的,所以不要相信。不过家教的动画以后不是没可能,因为动画203没有出现完结和全剧终的字样,还有回到过去把匣兵器戒指也带回去,那个地震也出现了,之前的怪物使也没播完,所以家教保持人气,TV再开的可能性很大,大家只能期待了。 动画党们看漫画吧 。(漫画283开始看,漫画前期还有一些TV上没播过的日常篇)
还会有。 未来篇决战篇完结开始继承式篇。
可是我却没有什么非常喜欢的足球俱乐部,看看有意思的新闻老师你好,我叫XX,我喜爱足球。我有时候也会有点小迷信,上网看新闻也是最先看足球新闻。 从此就迷恋上了,今年15岁,听歌,我爱足球的一切我喜欢玩足球游戏。我喜欢上网。我对我的专业不说非常热爱但是也不讨厌总觉得学了一技之长以后也能在社会上立足,逛贴吧。 我是一个很宅的女生,来自中国湖南永州,学习护理,在公交车上给人家让座,完了有座位自个想做不想一脚踩了人家的呕吐物,酷爱日本动漫,也爱玩足球游戏,为此我还非常纠结,今年我是倒霉透了在那都被偷,就是看世界杯的时候突然爱上了足球,目前任在琢磨中。 但是我在学习上就不太好,到底该怎么听进去课,2010年在老妈的决定下来到永州学院。
我喜爱足球老师你好,也爱玩足球游戏。 从此就迷恋上了;ma&#39, Cam, no soccer clubs caught my attention instead.
Anyway I&#39. 我有时候也会有点小迷信,目前任在琢磨中, unfortunately, hanging
around in the BBS;m a little odd. As we know, I found an empty ss request,上网看新闻也是最先看足球新闻,可是我却没有什么非常喜欢的足球俱乐部,到底该怎么听进去课, Hunan,逛贴吧, reading somthing interesting and so on,我爱足球的一切 Good
morning&#47. However,在公交车上给人家让座,为此我还非常纠结. Well, which I cannot throw myself in, a while after I tranfered my seat to another guy. My name is xxx and 15 years old this year.
Once. I love staying at home on my own and watching Japanese cartoons. I was so unlucky that I was once robbed a couple of times. 我喜欢玩足球游戏,看看有意思的新闻。 Occasionally I&#39,今年我是倒霉透了在那都被偷,今年15岁.
I'afternoon. In 2010 I came to Yongzhou College upon my mom&#39, majoring Nursing Care。我对我的专业不说非常热爱但是也不讨厌总觉得学了一技之长以后也能在社会上立足, thanks for your time. Please allow me to introduce myself, I stepped on the vomit。 但是我在学习上就不太好, I&#39。我喜欢上网,sir&#47,我叫XX,听歌, no pains .
这就是我;m Ok with my major, and have a crush on soccer video games ,酷爱日本动漫;m from the city of Yongzhou。 我是一个很宅的女生, no gains。I love playing soccer video games so much that I search soccer news whenever I m attached to soccer,来自中国湖南永州,学习护理;m still working on it,完了有座位自个想做不想一脚踩了人家的呕吐物, which stemmed from World Cup,就是看世界杯的时候突然爱上了足球, I love surfing on the internet, makes me have a headache. I&#39. My study. Meanwhile, such as listening to music,2010年在老妈的决定下来到永州学院,谢谢!This is me
hanging online to read those ints girl, not like i am superstitious but i doubt whether a little event such as being pickpocketed a few times.t help much on my studying . After a few months of struggling口语文, Indulge in comics.Although i maybe deeply into this sport ,标点符号才停)
About my friends they often had an impression that i am a daddy&#39, i think i got connected by the last world cup championship. If you may ask what hooks me into this sport.And now i am doing whatever it takes to improve my concertration skills.(yeah. Although it didn&#39.
My personal favorite sport is Soccer which some people call it football as well, net surf:
Good day ~ instructor. 反对机器翻译, I found where my studying goes wrong, my name is XX from China Hunan YonZhou . I guess my age do explain it a lot, I have yet pick a favorite team to show my support with, or to offer my seat on bus ending up sitting on someone else vomit. After all nursing aid is a well respected profession of all.(口语时尽量每句流畅. On year two thousand ten (2010) i applied into YonZhou college nursing profession as my major.Thank you very much for your times, listening to pop music,kinda bad luck 口语时可以笑着说)I guess it could be a very pratical ways to pratice my nursing behavior even i am not a big fan of vomiting,leaving my trace in different forums. Not really an outgoing type. I love anything related to Soccer.I am fifteen years old. Since then Soccer mehowever,还原文字本意.
It is a funny year of my life
作文便拿上面 mujinnan 的那一份。
The teacher hello, my name is XX, 15 years old this year, from China hunan yong, 2010 in the mother decided to yong colleges, study nursing, I like football, also love to play football game, is watching the World Cup when suddenly fell in love with football. From now on will crush on, I love football everythingI like to play football game, read online news is also the first watch football news, but I was not very like football club. I am a very curtilage of girl, fond of Japanese anime. I like to surf the Internet, listening to music, go stick, look at the interesting news. But I'm learning on the not so good, therefore I also very entanglements, exactly what to listen to her class, at present as wondering.I sometimes also can be a bit small superstition, this year I'm really having a bad day in that were stolen, and his seat on the bus to the somebody else, finished a seat from want to do a foot on the people don't want to vomit a thing. I say to my major is very love but also don't hate always think learning a skill also can be in the society after foothold.This is me, thank you!!!!
Teacher Hello, my name is XX, this year 15 years old, come from Hunan in China to Yongzhou in 2010, I decided to Yongzhou college, studying nursing, I like football, playing the football game, is watching the world cup when suddenly love football. Since then he has a crush on, I loved football with allI like playing football games, read the news online is also the first to see the football news, but I was not very likes football club. I am a very otaku girl, fond of Japan catoon and caricature. I like surfing the Internet, listening to music, have a look around the post bar, interesting news. But I am learning is not very good, I also very entangled, in the end how to listen in class, as in figure in the.I sometimes have a little superstition, this year I was unlucky in that all the stolen on the bus seat, to the people, after the seat since a want to do not want to kick people vomit. I have my professional don't say love but don't hate always think learning proficiency in a particular line I can survive in the society.This is me, thank you
After 20 years people have robots at home2 The village no school ten years ago3 Tomorrow there will be a singing contest4 Three days later he came to the United States by plane5 I am reading a book about the future6 More robots will work and people do the same7 Thousands of years later
There were no schools in this village ten years ago.He will live in a space station in thousands of years.More robots will do the same work as human beings.Thre will be a singing contest tomorrow.He will fly to the USA in three days.I am reading a book about future.He lives in a flat accross the streetWill there be robots in people's homes in 20 years
After 20 years&have robots in people's home?Ten years ago&there were no schools in the village.There will be a&singing contest tomorrow.Three days later he&flew to&American.I&am reading a book about&the future&of thebook.More&robots&and&people&doing the same job.Thousands of years later he will live on a space station.He lives in&an&apartment&across the street.
出门在外也不愁求《为学》的译文。 急急急!!!_百度知道
求《为学》的译文。 急急急!!!
原文  天下事有难易乎?为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣。人之为学有难易乎?学之,则难者亦易矣;不学,则易者亦难矣。  吾资之昏,不逮人也,吾材之庸,不逮人也;旦旦而学之,久而不怠焉,迄乎成,而亦不知其昏与庸也。吾资之聪,倍人也,吾材之敏,倍人也;屏弃而不用,其与昏与庸无以异也。圣人之道,卒于鲁也传之。然则昏庸聪敏之用,岂有常哉?  蜀之鄙有二僧:其一贫,其一富。贫者语于富者曰:“吾欲之南海,何如?”富者曰:“子何恃而往?”曰:“吾一瓶一钵足矣。”富者曰:“吾数年来欲买舟而下,犹未能也。子何恃而往!”越明年,贫者自南海还,以告富者,富者有惭色。  西蜀之去南海,不知几千里也,僧富者不能至而贫者至焉。人之立志,顾不如蜀鄙之僧哉?是故聪与敏,可恃而不可恃也;自恃其聪与敏而不学者,自败者也。昏与庸,可限而不可限也;不自限其昏与庸,而力学不倦者,自力者也。译文  天下的事情有困难和容易的区别吗?只要肯做,那么困难的事情也变得容易了;如果不做,那么容易的事情也变得困难了。人们做学问有困难和容易的区别吗?只要肯学,那么困难的学问也变得容易了;如果不学,那么容易的学问也变得困难了。  我天资愚笨,赶不上别人;我才能平庸,赶不上别人。我每天持之以恒地提高自己,(也可翻译为:每天不停地学习,)等到学成了,也就不知道自己愚笨与平庸了。我天资聪明,超过别人;能力也超过别人,却不努力去发挥,即与普通人无异。孔子的学问最终是靠不怎么聪明的曾参传下来的。如此看来聪明愚笨,难道是一成不变的吗?  四川边境有两个和尚,其中一个贫穷,其中一个富裕。穷和尚对有钱的和尚说:“我想要到南海去,你看怎么样?” 富和尚说:“您凭借着什么去呢?” 穷和尚说:“我只需要一个盛水的水瓶一个盛饭的饭碗就足够了。” 富和尚说:“我几年来想要雇船沿着长江下游而(去南海),尚且没有成功。你凭借着什么去!” 到了第二年,穷和尚从南海回来了,把到过南海的这件事告诉富和尚。富和尚的脸上露出了惭愧的神情。  四川距离南海,不知道有几千里路,富和尚不能到达可是穷和尚到达了。一个人立志求学,难道还不如四川边境的那个穷和尚吗?因此,聪明与敏捷,可以依靠但也不可以依靠;自己依靠着聪明与敏捷而不努力学习的人,是自己毁了自己。愚笨和平庸,可以限制又不可以限制;不被自己的愚笨平庸所局限而努力不倦地学习的人,是靠自己努力学成的。字词解释  1.为学:做学问。  2.之:代词,它,指天下事。  3.亦:也。  4.矣:了。  5.则:就。  6.者:…的事情;…的人。  7.资:天资  8..庸:平庸。  9 .去:到  10.逮:及。  11.旦旦:天天。  12.怠:懈怠。  13.之:助词,取消句子独立性。  14.之:它,指代学问。  15.蜀:四川。  16.之:的。  17.鄙:读(bǐ)音,边远的地方。  18.语:读(yù)音,告诉,对…说。  19.于:对。  20.欲:想要,要。  21.之:到…去,往,到。  22.何如:如何,怎样,怎么样?  23.恃:凭借,倚仗。  24.何:怎么样?这是商量语气  25.钵:佛教徒盛饭的用具。  26.足:足够。  27.数年:几年。  28.下:顺流而下。  29.还:回来。  30.越明年:到了第二年。  31.越:到了。  32.明:第二。  34.自:从。  35.惭色:惭愧的神色。  36.顾:难道。  37.焉:加强语气的助词。  38.哉:表示反问语气,相当于“吗”。  39.恃:凭借,依靠,倚仗。  40.买舟:雇船。  41.以:介词,相当于“把”、“拿”、“将”。  42.犹:还,仍然。  43.顾:反而,还。  44.至:到达。  45.去:距离。  46.色:神色,脸色。  47.之:在句子中不用翻译。意义:  这个故事告诉我们,我们只有立下了目标,努力去实现,才会获得成功。主观努力是成败的关键。人贵立志,事在人为。人要立长志,不要常立志。人之为学,贵在立志,无论客观条件的好坏,天资的高低,关键在于主观努力。  关于文中“吾一瓶一钵足矣”的:两个“一”字表现贫者对物质要求极低,一个“足”字体现了他战胜困难的坚定信心,表现了贫者面对困难知难而进的勇气和实现远大理想的坚定信念,以及无所畏惧的坚强意志和敢于大胆实践的精神  成功←行动,坚持←立志  文中以四川两个和尚去南海的故事为例,生动形象地说明了难与易的辩证关系,告诉我们事在人为的道理。手法:  作者分别举“贫和尚”“富和尚”的例子,采用的是对比的手法,这样写,是为了说明人之为学,关键在勤奋坚定的信念。贵在立志,事在人为,立志而为。各段的意思  第一段提出为学难易可以相互转化的观点。  第二段说明了成功与天资并无多大关系。  第三段用蜀鄙二僧的故事,来论证“只要立志,终将难事变为易事”的深刻道理。  第四段总结全文:为学贵在立志,实践才能变难为易。
译文 天下的事情有困难和容易的区别吗?只要肯做,那么困难的事情也变得容易了;如果不做,那么容 易的事情也变得困难了。人们做学问有困难和容易的区别吗?只要肯学,那么困难的学问也变得容易 了;如果不学,那么容易的学问也变得困难了。 我天资愚笨,赶不上别人;我才能平庸,赶不上别人。我每天持之以恒地提高自己,(也可翻译 为:每天不停地学习,)等到学成了,也就不知道自己愚笨与平庸了。我天资聪明,超过别人;能力也 超过别人,却不努力去发挥,即与普通人无异。孔子的学问最终是靠不怎么聪明的曾参传下来的。如此 看来聪明愚笨,难道是一成不变的吗? 四川边境有两个和尚,其中一个贫穷,其中一个富裕。穷和尚对有钱的和尚说:“我想要到南海去, 你看怎么样?” 富和尚说:“您凭借着什么去呢?” 穷和尚说:“我只需要一个盛水的水瓶一个盛饭的饭碗 就足够了。” 富和尚说:“我几年来想要雇船沿着长江下游而(去南海),尚且没有成功。你凭借着什么 去!” 到了第二年,穷和尚从南海回来了,把到过南海的这件事告诉富和尚。富和尚的脸上露出了惭愧的 神情。 四川距离南海,不知道有几千里路,富和尚不能到达可是穷和尚到达了。一个人立志求学,难道还 不如四川边境的那个穷和尚吗?因此,聪明与敏捷,可以依靠但也不可以依靠;自己依靠着聪明与敏捷而 不努力学习的人,是自己毁了自己。愚笨和平庸,可以限制又不可以限制;不被自己的愚笨平庸所局限而 努力不倦地学习的人,是靠自己努力学成的。
译文 天下的事情有困难和容易的区别吗?只要肯做,那么困难的事情也变得容易了;如果不做,那么容 易的事情也变得困难了。人们做学问有困难和容易的区别吗?只要肯学,那么困难的学问也变得容易 了;如果不学,那么容易的学问也变得困难了。 我天资愚笨,赶不上别人;我才能平庸,赶不上别人。我每天持之以恒地提高自己,(也可翻译 为:每天不停地学习,)等到学成了,也就不知道自己愚笨与平庸了。我天资聪明,超过别人;能力也 超过别人,却不努力去发挥,即与普通人无异。孔子的学问最终是靠不怎么聪明的曾参传下来的。如此 看来聪明愚笨,难道是一成不变的吗? 四川边境有两个和尚,其中一个贫穷,其中一个富裕。穷和尚对有钱的和尚说:“我想要到南海去, 你看怎么样?” 富和尚说:“您凭借着什么去呢?” 穷和尚说:“我只需要一个盛水的水瓶一个盛饭的饭碗 就足够了。” 富和尚说:“我几年来想要雇船沿着长江下游而(去南海),尚且没有成功。你凭借着什么 去!” 到了第二年,穷和尚从南海回来了,把到过南海的这件事告诉富和尚。富和尚的脸上露出了惭愧的 神情。 四川距离南海,不知道有几千里路,富和尚不能到达可是穷和尚到达了。一个人立志求学,难道还 不如四川边境的那个穷和尚吗?因此,聪明与敏捷,可以依靠但也不可以依靠;自己依靠着聪明与敏捷而 不努力学习的人,是自己毁了自己。愚笨和平庸,可以限制又不可以限制;不被自己的愚笨平庸所局限而 努力不倦地学习的人,是靠自己努力学成的。
译文 天下的事情有困难和容易的区别吗?只要肯做,那么困难的事情也变得容易了;如果不做,那么容 易的事情也变得困难了。人们做学问有困难和容易的区别吗?只要肯学,那么困难的学问也变得容易 了;如果不学,那么容易的学问也变得困难了。 我天资愚笨,赶不上别人;我才能平庸,赶不上别人。我每天持之以恒地提高自己,(也可翻译 为:每天不停地学习,)等到学成了,也就不知道自己愚笨与平庸了。我天资聪明,超过别人;能力也 超过别人,却不努力去发挥,即与普通人无异。孔子的学问最终是靠不怎么聪明的曾参传下来的。如此 看来聪明愚笨,难道是一成不变的吗? 四川边境有两个和尚,其中一个贫穷,其中一个富裕。穷和尚对有钱的和尚说:“我想要到南海去, 你看怎么样?” 富和尚说:“您凭借着什么去呢?” 穷和尚说:“我只需要一个盛水的水瓶一个盛饭的饭碗 就足够了。” 富和尚说:“我几年来想要雇船沿着长江下游而(去南海),尚且没有成功。你凭借着什么 去!” 到了第二年,穷和尚从南海回来了,把到过南海的这件事告诉富和尚。富和尚的脸上露出了惭愧的 神情。 四川距离南海,不知道有几千里路,富和尚不能到达可是穷和尚到达了。一个人立志求学,难道还 不如四川边境的那个穷和尚吗?因此,聪明与敏捷,可以依靠但也不可以依靠;自己依靠着聪明与敏捷而 不努力学习的人,是自己毁了自己。愚笨和平庸,可以限制又不可以限制;不被自己的愚笨平庸所局限而 努力不倦地学习的人,是靠自己努力学成的。
Public Relations Strategy of Tourism Services
Abstract: Tourism is an emerging profession in the economic industry.
In economical society of modern commodity, in order for Tourism business to survive and develop,
It is essential to establish a good image. Participating in public relation activity enthusiastically,
is an important mean to gain public trust, and establish self-image.
Currently, increasing traveling agencies are aware that public marketing
isn’t fulfilling special request of customers, as this will constantly rise the cost of advertising,
yet the influence of each individual commercial is quite minor.
Under such circumstances, public relation becomes a relatively high cost-effective promotion tool.
Tourism enterprises emerge into development, apply and greatly motivate public relations.
This essay is divided into three parts, the first analysing the present status of Tourism of our nation.
The second discusses status of Public Relations in Tourism, emphasising the necessity of putting the strategy into practice.
And finally, expressing my point of view on the approaches Tourism business made towards launching public relation strategy.
Key words: Tourism, Tourism services, Public relations, Tourism image.
提问者 的感言:d 满意答案
Tourism services in the public relations strategy
Abstract: Tourism is a cause of the emerging economy. In a modern commodity economy, society, development of the tourism industry to survive, we must establish a good image. Positive public relations activities, is a self-image, made an important means of public trust. Now, more and more public awareness of tourism companies have marketing is not to meet the special needs of customers, the cost of such advertising will continue to rise, and every single ad has very little influence. In such circumstances, public relations has become a relatively higher cost-effective promotional tool for tourism enterprises has also had a development and application of the enormous power of public relations.
This paper is divided into three parts, the first of China's tourism services sector, second part discusses public relations in the tourism services in the status of enterprises, stated the need for publi third part on how tourism enterprises Launched public relations strategy, expressed their views.
提问者 的感言:fa
其他回答 (3)
Abstract: Tourism is a cause of the emerging economy. In a modern commodity economy, society, development of the tourism industry to survive, we must establish a good image. Positive public relations activities, is a self-image, made an important means of public trust. Now, more and more public awareness of tourism companies have marketing is not to meet the special needs of customers, the cost of such advertising will continue to rise, and every single ad has very little influence. In such circumstances, public relations has become a relatively higher cost-effective promotional tool for tourism enterprises has also had a development and application of the enormous power of public relations.
This paper is divided into three parts, the first of China's tourism services sector, second part discusses public relations in the tourism services in the status of enterprises, stated the need for publi third part on how tourism enterprises Launched public relations strategy, expressed their views.
Key words: tourism Tourism Services Public Relations tourism image
The tourism is an emerging economical enterprise. In the modern goods economic society, the tourism needs to survive the development, must set up the positive image. Positive public relation, sets up own image, obtains the public faith the important means. Now, more and more traveling companies have realized the populace marketing not to lie in meet customer's some special needs, such advertisement's cost constant rise, but each advertisement's monomer influence will be very actually small. In such situation, a public relation into cost benefit relatively high promotion tool, the Tourist business has also had the development and the utilization public relation giant power. this article divides into three parts, the first part has analyzed our country traveling service indust The second part elaborated the public relation in the tourist service status, had expounded the enterprise implements the public relation st How does the third part launch the public relation strategy on the Tourist business, has expressed own viewpoint. translates into English,。这是要的英语,
Public relations tactics in serving touring
Abstract: Tourist trade is one economy new and developing cause. Within modern commodity economy society, tourist trade asks survival to develop , must set up the fine image. Active public relations are exercised , are are to set up oneself image, get the important means that the public trusts. The more and more many tour company already is aware of the masses camp pin now, not depending on a few satisfying a customer need peculiarly , such advertisement cost may continue rising , every advertisement monomer influence is but very minor but. Under such situation, public relations have become a relatively higher cost and profit sales promotion implement, enormous driving force the enterprise touring has also been produced developing and wielding public relations.
The main body of a book is allotted for three parts, current situation the first having analysed our country t Part II has discussed public relations necessity having expounded enterprise putting public relations tactics into practice in position in serving touring,; How Part III has developed public relations tactics with regard to the enterprise touring , has announced self viewpoint.
Keywords: The tourist trade tour serves the public relations tours image


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