
弹夹!d&#47.油墨块,如猎枪子弹A case filled
穿孔带筒, that can be processed without separating it from container, 盒式磁带; a disposable cartridge of caulking compound:When the driving mechanisms are not of concern, 管头?盒式磁盘[带](机);可弃式填塞物A removable case containing the stylus and electric conversion circuitry in a phonograph pickup, data cartridge.A cylindrical, 软片卷【计】编码磁带(元珠笔的)笔芯钻孔堵漏包单元存储器(反应堆)燃料管air cleaner cartridge滤气器滤筒alarm weight cartridge闹重锤筒battery cartridge电池套管ceramic cartridge陶瓷拾音头cleaning cartridge净化器compact cartridge小型带盒(单磁带盘)condenser cartridge电容式拾音头defective cartridge有毛病的子弹detonating cartridge响墩endless cartridge环形(磁)带卷engineer&#39, 吸收[燃料元件]盒【机】夹头, 点火管stereo cartridge立体声拾音头strainer cartridge粗滤片筒striking weight cartridge打点锤筒tape cartridge磁带盒;枪弹 (电唱机)针头 录音带盒cartridge[5kBrtrIdV. 暗盒可直接装入照相机中; (过滤器)芯子, 弹药筒, used in blasting: cartouchecartridge来自意大利语 cartoccio 纸卷&lt, for use in printers and ] n, 传声器,使用时不必把磁带和盒子分开:trIdV]n子弹, the words “cassette” and “cartridge” are sometimes used interchangeably;夹头, 留声机头photoeletric cartridge光电式拾音头pick-up cartridge拾音(器)头pick up cartridge拾音(器)头potash cartridge钾碱筒primer cartridge起爆炸药筒relief pressure valve cartridge减压阀芯renew cartridge换滤芯rifle cartridges来复枪子弹rim-fire cartridges边火子弹self-lacing cartridges自穿带式卡盘shotgun cartridge猎枪弹starter cartridge起爆管;5kB; 灯座;(粉)盒[CART]cartridgeAHD. 唱头留声机唱壁中装有唱针和变电圈的可移动的盒子A case containing magnetic tape in a reel, 拾音器的换能 元件), 电磁式拾音头movement weight cartridge重锤筒optical cartridge视神经束pattern card cartridge出生证明用厚纸phonograph cartridge留声机拾音器:在不关心驱动机构时.类似的弹药.J, such as a shotgun shell:[6k$tr.K:tridV]盒式磁带。注, 插入式盒loading cartridge定量装载器magnesium cartridge信号弹magnetic cartridge磁性(拾音器)心座, 电唱机拾音头fuel cartridge燃料元件fuse cartridge熔线盒gas cartridge蓄气筒hydraulic cartridge水力爆破筒induced magnet type cartridge感应磁铁式盒式磁盘insert cartridge极头(耳机;]K:[k鋜搕r筳]D,卡带卷盘中装有磁带的盒子:tridV]n;s cartridge 30×20 英寸绘图纸envelope cartridge信封纸filter cartridge滤筒filtered cartridge滤油芯子flipover cartridge翻动式拾音头, 焊剂垫;carta 纸[5kB, (电唱机)针头【摄】胶卷. 盘式磁带. 炸药箱装满高爆炸药而用于爆破的箱A small modular unit designed to be inserted into a larger piece of equipment, usually metal casing containing the primer and charge of ammunition for firearms, 滤筒【无】拾音心座.内装磁带的盒子,“cassette”和“cartridge”可以通用, 卡头;〔磁带匣〕A container holding magnetic tape,卷轴中装有色带的盒子A lightproof case with photographic film that can be loaded directly into a camera. 子弹筒装有子弹的弹药筒A similar piece of ammunition. 弹药筒一种盛装火器的雷管和弹药的圆柱形金属筒Such a casing fitted with a bullet, 炸药包【物】释热元件.. 色带盒用于打印机和电动打字机中。cartridge[5kB, 弹壳,内放照相胶卷的防止光线进入的小盒子Alteration ofearlier cartage较早期 cartage的变化alteration ofFrench cartouche法语 cartouche的变化fromItalian cartuccio源自意大利语 cartucciovariant of cartoccio[ roll of paper ] cartoccio的变体[ 纸卷 ]*See Also .【军】子弹:an ink cartridge:[6k$8trid&#47, driven by friction。参阅cassette, 穿孔带筒夹television cartridge卡式电视片television film cartridge卡式电视电影片turnover cartridge翻转式拾声头uranium cartridge铀的释热元件video cartridge卡式录象带cartridge[ 5kB. Note;卡式磁带A case containing a ribbon in a spool.; a cassette: 模块设计成可被插入一个大型设备里的小型模块,磁带靠摩擦力驱动:tridV ]n大概是cartridge吧
式磁盘[带](机);夹头;(粉)盒[CART]cartridgeAHD:[k鋜搕r筳]D.J.:[6k$8trid/]K.K.:[6k$tr!d/]n.A cylindrical, usually metal casing containing the primer and charge of ammunition for firearms.弹药筒一种盛装火器的雷管和弹药的圆柱形金属筒Such a casing fitted with a bullet.子弹筒装有子弹的弹药筒A similar piece of ammunition, such as a shotgun shell.类似的弹药,如猎枪子弹A case filled with high explosives, used in blasting.炸药箱装满高爆炸药而用于爆破的箱A small modular unit designed to be inserted into a larger piece of equipment:模块设计成可被插入一个大型设备里的小型模块: a disposable cartridge of caulking compound.油墨块;可弃式填塞物A removable case containing the stylus and electric conversion circuitry in a phonograph pickup.唱头留声机唱壁中装有
应该是cartridge 吧???那是:弹药筒 的意思~~~`
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例句与用法1.If an induction resolver is used then some electronic circuitry will be required to convert the resolver outputs to d. c. signals .假如采用感应式分解器,那么就需要采用某种电子线路来把分解器的输出转换成直流信号。2.Model dsrs - 5da decade synchro resolver standardDsrs - 5da型十进制同步解调标准3.The name resolver service could not resolve the host name名称解析服务未能解析主机名。 4.You can also create your own resolver您还可以创建自己的冲突解决程序。 5.Initializes the custom partition resolver初始化自定义的分区解析器。 6.Enables the use of an interactive resolver for the article允许对项目使用交互式冲突解决程序。 7.The name resolver service could not resolve the proxy host name名称解析服务未能解析代理主机名。 8.Disables the use of an interactive resolver for the article不允许对项目使用交互式冲突解决程序。 9.Enables the use of the interactive resolver on the article时,对项目启用交互式冲突解决程序;值为10.Custom resolver for the article项目的自定义冲突解决程序。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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faraday cage是什么意思
中文翻译法拉第盒法拉第笼法拉第氏罩法拉第筒法拉第罩法拉电笼隔热装置静电屏蔽:&&&&n. 1.法拉第〔姓氏〕。 2.Michael Fara ...:&&&&n. 1.笼;槛;监牢;战俘营。 2.电梯厢;(矿井内的 ...
例句与用法1.For instance , cars and airplanes can act like faraday cages例如,汽车和飞机就能起到法拉第笼的作用。 2.Faraday cages are far more common entities than you might realize法拉第笼是较为常见的事物,远远比你所知的要多。 3.Integrated circuits - measurement of electromagnetic immunity , 150 khz to 1 ghz - part 5 : workbench faraday cage method集成电路. 150khz - 1ghz电磁抗扰度的测量.第5部分:工作台法拉第筒法4.Normally , the equipment to be protected is enclosed in a metal cabinet , which is essentially a faraday cage一般来说,被保护的设备是在一个金属箱里的,这个金属箱本质上就是一个法拉第笼。 5.Integrated circuits - measurement of electromagnetic emissions , 150 khz to 1 ghz - measurement of conducted emissions - workbench faraday cage method集成电路. 150khz - 1ghz电磁发射的测量.感应发射测量.工作台法拉第筒法6.Integrated circuits - measurement of electromagnetic emissions , 150 khz to 1 ghz - part 5 : measurement of
workbench faraday cage method集成电路. 150khz - 1ghz电磁辐射的测量.第5部分:感应辐射测量.工作台法拉第筒法7.Integrated circuits - measurement of electromagnetic emissions , 150 khz to 1 ghz - partie 5 : measurement of conducted emissions , workbench faraday cage method集成电路. 150khz - 1ghz电磁辐射的测量.第5部分:工作台法拉第笼法测量感应辐射8.Normally an equipment ' s circuitry is enclosed in a metal cabinet and its ic ' s , microprocessors etc . are protected as if in a faraday cage通常来说,一个设备的电路是安装在一个金属箱内,电路上的集成电路、微处理器等处于有如“法拉第笼”的保护之中。 9.Mjc : normally an equipment ' s circuitry is enclosed in a metal cabinet and its ic ' s , microprocessors etc . are protected as if in a faraday cage通常来说,一个设备的电路是安装在一个金属箱内,电路上的集成电路、微处理器等处于有如“法拉第笼”的保护之中。 10.These metallic enclosures attempt to defend the vulnerable electronics inside by forming faraday cages ? sealed conductive boxes that exclude external electromagnetic fields这些金属外壳可形成法拉第笼(以导电外壳阻绝外部的电磁场) ,保护内部昂贵的电子装置。 &&更多例句:&&1&&


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