there is a crossfire是什么意思梗

>>>It's necessary for us to know some ways of __________the bu..
It's necessary for us to know some ways of __________the building when there is a fire.&&&
A. coming up with&&&&&& B. living inC. escaping from&&&&&&&&D. getting along with
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“It's necessary for us to know some ways of __________the bu..”主要考查你对&&动名词,动词短语&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
动名词:如果一个动词加上了ing变成了名词,那么这个词称动名词。 动名词是一种兼有动词和名词特征的非限定动词。它可以支配宾语,也能被副词修饰。由于动名词是由动词变化而来,它仍保留着动词的某些特征,具有动词的某些变化形式,用以表达名词所不能表达的较为复杂的意念。动名词的名词特征表现在它可在句子中当名词来用,作主语、宾语、表语、定语。动名词的结构和形式:动名词的否定结构:动名词的否定结构由not 动名词组成。如: Trying without success is better than not trying at all. 实验没有成功也比不实验好。 He hated himself for not having work hard. 他悔恨自己没有用功。 I’m sorry for not having telephoned you before. 很抱歉,没有早给你打电话。 He felt sorry for not having done the work well. 他为没有把工作做好感到难过。 I fancy it has done you a lot of good not going. 我看不去对你倒好了。(not going 是动名词一般式的否定形式) There is no denying the fact that he si diligent. (no denying 也是动名词一般式的否定)
动名词复合结构:通常情况下,动名词的逻辑主语为谓语动词的主语。如果动名词动作的发出者不失谓语动的主语时,则需要有自己的逻辑主语物主代词或名词所有格加动名词就构成了动名词的复合结构,这种结构在句中可以作主语,宾语等。 (1)逻辑主语是有生命的名词作主语时,必须用名词或代词所有格,作宾语时(尤其在口语中),也可用名词普通个或人称代词宾格。如: Do you think my going there will be of any help? 你看我去会有什么帮助吗?(宾语) The student’s knowing English well helps him in learning French. 这位学生通晓英语对他学法语很有帮助。(主语) Do you mind my(me) smoking ? 你介意我抽烟吗?(宾语) They insist on Mary’s (Mary) going with them there. 他们坚持要玛丽跟他们一起去那儿。(介词宾语) (2)逻辑主语是无生命名词是,通常只用名词普通格。如: Do you hear the rain pattering on the roof? 你听见雨点打在屋顶上了吗? Is there any hope of our team winning the match ? 我们对赢得比赛有希望吗? (3) 逻辑主语是指示代词或不定代词this that , somebody , someone , nobody, none, anybody, anyone 时,只用普通格。如: She was woken up by somebody shouting outside. 她被外面喊叫的人吵醒了。
动名词的形式(一般式,完成式和被动式):(1) 动名词的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,或在谓语动词表示的动作之后。如: We are very interested in collecting stamps. 我们对集邮很感兴趣。 His coming will be of great help to us . 他来对我们大有帮助。 但是有些明确表示时间的动词和介词 after, on,upon, 或for之后,常用一般式代替完成式,表示动作发生在谓语动作之前。如: I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall for the first time.我永远不会忘记第一次看到长城的情景。 On hearing that bad news , the mother couldn’t help crying. 一听到这个糟糕的消息,母亲就禁不住哭了起来。 Excuse me for coming late. 我来晚了,请原谅。 Thank you for giving us so much help. 谢谢你给了我们这么多帮助。 (2) 动名词的完成式所表示的动作或状态在谓语动词之前完成或结束。 He regrets not having taken part in the work. 他后悔没有参加这项工作。 We were praised for having finished the work ahead of time. 我们因提前完成了这项工作而受到了表扬。 (3)动名词的被动式:当动名词的逻辑主语是行为承受者时,用被动语态。如: I like being given harder work. 我喜欢接受难点的工作。 She is proud of being admitted into the university. 她为被大学录取而感到自豪。 The meeting was put off without his having been consulted. 会议延期并未和他商量。 He doesn’t mind having been criticized. 他不介意过去受到的批评。 动名词与现在分词的关系:动名词它在形式上与现在分词相同,都是在动词原形的词末加-ing。在现代语法中,这两种形式同视为"-ing形式"。这两种形式的另一个相同之处是:它们都是由动词变化而成的,它们都保留了动词的某些特征,它们都能带自己的宾语、状语,而构成动名词短语或是现在分词短语去担当句子成分。例如:Speaking in the public,he will surely be very cheerful .(现在分词短语,作状语)他在公众场所讲话时总是兴高采烈的。She hates speaking in the public.(动名词短语,作宾语)她不喜欢在公众场所讲话。
动名词和现在分词都可以用于系动词之后作表语,区别方法是:①作表语的动名词与主语指的是同一件事,此时系动词相当于“是”,通常把主语和表语的位置互换,语法和意思不变,例如:My hobby is swimming.可改为Swimming is my hobby.(可将原句中的主语与表语位置互换)②现在分词作表语主要用以说明主语的性质,不能与主语互换位置,例如:The story is interesting .不可改为:Interesting is the story.2.动名词和现在分词都可以用作定语来修饰名词,两者的区别在于:动名词修饰名词时主要表示该名词的用途,而现在分词修饰名词时性质、状态或动作等。试比较:①a swimming boy和a swimming suit前者的意思是“一个正在游泳的男孩”,即a boy who is swimming,现在分词swimming 表示被修饰名词boy的动作;而后者的意思是“游泳衣”,即a suit for swimming,动名词swimming表示suit 的用途。②a sleeping child 和 a sleeping car前者的意思是“一个正在睡觉的孩子”,即a child who is sleeping,现在分词sleeping 表示被修饰名词 child 正处于的状态;而后者的意思是“卧车(被用来睡觉的车厢)”,即 a car which is used for sleeping,动名词 sleeping 表示car 的用途。动名词用法口诀:动名词常泛指,句法作用宾/表/定与主,时态/语态之形式,一般/完成/被动式。Being done 系被动,不含任何进行意。用作主语请留意,常用it作形式主语,不指未来发生事,表达的信息系已知。用作表语请记清,作用相当一名词,检验方法很简单,主与表换位能成立。用作定语也易辩,表示名词之用途。用作宾语稍复杂,关键留意谓语动词(跟动名词作宾语的常用动词附后),时态同谓动作比较,先于谓动用完成式,其逻辑主语不固定,在句中/句外均有之。否定式其前加not,复合式其前加物主词,非句首宾格词也可用,尤其口语中更如此。说明:1、主-----主语 2、宾-----宾语 3、表------表语 4、定------定语 5、谓动---谓语动词
动名词的用法: 一、动名词作主语&1. 直接位于句首做主语。例如:    &&&& Swimming is a good sport in summer.    2. 用 it 作形式主语,把动名词(真实主语)置于句尾作后置主语。    动名词做主语时,不太常用 it 作先行主语,多见于某些形容词及名词之后。例如: It is no use telling him not to worry.    常见的能用于这种结构的形容词还有:better,wonderful,enjoyable,interesting,foolish,difficult,useless,senseless,worthwhile,等。    注意:important,essential,necessary 等形容词不能用于上述结构。    3. 用于“There be”结构中。例如:    There is no saying when he'll come.很难说他何时回来。   &4. 用于布告形式的省略结构中。例如:    No smoking ( =No smoking is allowed (here) ). (禁止吸烟)    No parking. (禁止停车)    5. 动名词的复合结构作主语    当动名词有自己的逻辑主语时,常可以在前面加上一个名词或代词的所有格,构成动名词的复合结构(这时,名词或代词的所有格做动名词的逻辑主语)。动名词的复合结构也可以在句中作主语。例如:   &Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us.    二、动名词作宾语 1.作动词的宾语    某些动词后出现非限定性动词时只能用动名词作宾语,不能用不定式。常见的此类动词有:admit, appreciate, excuse, stand, advise, allow, permit, avoid,& consider, enjoy, finish&&&&& They went on walking and never stopped talking.他们继续走,说个不停。&I found it pleasant walking along the seashore.在海滩上走真是乐事。    Mark often attempts to escape being fined whenever he breaks traffic &regulations.    每当马克违反交通规则时,他常常企图逃避罚款的处分。   &2.作介词的宾语    We are thinking of making a new plan for the next term.&我们正考虑为下学期制定新的计划。    Shall we have a rest or get down to doing our work?&我们休息呢还是开始干活?    3.作形容词的宾语    The music is well worth listening to more than once.&&这种曲子很值得多听几遍。    We are busy preparing for the coming sports meet. 我们正为马上到来的运动会忙着做准备。 三、动名词作表语 动名词作表语时句子主语常是表示无生命的事物的名词或what引导的名词性从句。表语、动名词与主语通常是对等的关系,表示主语的内容,主语、表语可互换位置。    Your task is cleaning the windows.&& 你的任务就是擦窗户。(Cleaning the windows is your task.)    What I hate most is being laughed at.& 我最痛恨的就是被别人嘲笑。(Being laughed at is what I hate most.) 四、动名词作定语 动名词作定语往往表示被修饰词的某种用途。如:    a walking stick =a stick for walking=a stick which is used for walking    a washing machine=a machine for washing=a machine which is used for washing   &a reading room=a room for reading=a room which is used for reading    a measuring tape=a tape for measuring=a tape which is used for measuring    sleeping pills=pills for sleeping=pills which is used for sleeping 动名词是非限定动词的一种形式,由动词原形+ing构成。它既有动词的特征,又有名词的特征,故称。动名词也有时态和语态的变化,如表所示(以及物动词write为例),不及物动词没有语态的变化。
动名词使用注意事项:1) 动名词做主语时,谓语动词为单数2) 在动名词和不定式中,作为介词的宾语是动名词3) 动名词的否定直接在其前加否定词,通过代词的宾格或所有格形式给出逻辑主语例:I would appreciate you calling back this afternoon.4) 有些词后只能接动名词
understand...5) 另外还有一些接-ing形式的常用说法it’ it’s no/little/hardly any/ it’s not/hardly/ it’ spend money/ there’ there’ there’ what’s the use/point6) 有些词后面加不定式和动名词均可remember,forget,try,stop,go on,continue,stop,regret,cease,mean后面均可用不定式和-ing形式,但意义截然不容。例:remember to do/doing:①I remembered to post the letters.(指未来/过去未来将要做的动作)②I remembered posting/having posted the letters.(我记得做过这个动作)&forget与remember的用法类似。&regret的用法:①I regret to inform you that…(我很遗憾地通知你……)②I regretted having left the firm after twenty years.(为了“二十年前的离开”而遗憾。)&try to(努力)与try +–ing(试验):①You really must try to overcome your shyness.②Try practicing five hours a day.动词短语:由动词和动短语成,或以动词为中心,功能同动词的短语叫动词短语,动词短语是动词的一种固定搭配形式,动词短语的搭配可分为下列四种基本类型。 动词短语搭配形式:1.动词+副词 ①作及物动词,例:&He brought up his children strictly.    从以上的例句中可以看出,在“动词+副词”的词组中宾语位置有两种情况:宾语如是名词,则可置于副词后面,亦可置于动词和副词之间。而如果宾语是代词,只能置于动词后面,即动词和副词之间。    ②作不及物动词,例:   &Something unexpected has turned up. 出现了令人意外的情况。(turn up=appear)    ③既可作及物动词又可作不及物动词,例:    The barrel of gunpowder blew up.(不及物)火药桶爆炸了。    The soldiers blew up the bridge.(及物)士兵们把桥炸毁了。 2.动词+介词&动词与介词构成的词组在词义上相当于一个及物动词,宾语总是在介词后面,例:I don’t much care for television.我不很喜欢电视。(care for=like) 3.动词+副词+介词 在这类动词短语中,动词、副词、介词紧密结合,是动副词组和动介词组的合成体,词义上相当于一个及物动词。它兼有以上两类短语动词的特点,但宾语总是位于介词之后,例:&We must work hard to make up for lost time.我们必须努力工作来弥补失去的时间。(make up for=compensate) 4.动词+名词 这类动词短语中的常见动词是have,take,give,make等,后面的名词通常是从动词转化而来的动作名词,并表达了短语动词的真正意义,例:   &Let’s have another try.让我们再试一下。(have a try=v.try)   5.动词+名词+介词   &这类动词短语只用作及物动词。名词前可加形容词说明程度,宾语总是位于介词之后,&例:Keep an eye on the baby while I am out.我不在家时请照看一下小孩子。形容词(包括过去分词作形容词)+介词   &这类动词短语也相当于及物动词,宾语位于介词后面,形容词是短语动词的真正词义, 例:I know he is slow at understanding,but you have to be patient with him. 我知道他理解力差,但你得对他耐心些。 动词短语与短语动词:一、短语动词(1)短语动词常常是两个词(一个动词+一个副词性小品)构成,如:wake up , get up ,turn out 等。
(2)同一个动词后面可以有不同的副词性小品词,构成不同意义的短语动词。如:He turn on the radio .Bob turned out smiling.
我们可以说 He awoke late the following morning .但这太正式了。
我们通常说 He woke up late the following morning .
Here is a page from Mr Jones` diary :
Monday ,February 5th.
The car broke down .Cigarette prices are going up.
动词+副词性小品词+宾语 动词+宾语+副词性小品词
I rang up a garage. I rang a garage up.
I filled in an application form.(不说 I filled an application form in .)
I put it down.(不说 I put down it .)
I don`t get on with the people at work.短语动词由动词加上介词或副词小品词构成。比如:1. 由动词break构成的常见短语动词有:break away (from) 突然逃离;断绝往来,脱离;改掉,破除break down (机器等)坏了;(计划等)失败;(谈话等)中断;(健康等)变坏;感情失去控制break in 突然进来,强行进入;插嘴,打岔;训练,使适应break into 强行进入;突然…起来;打断,插嘴;占用时间break off 停止讲话;暂停,休息;(使)折断break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发break through 突破;克服,征服;强行穿过;(太阳等)从云层里出来break up 解散,驱散;(学校等)放假;结束,破裂;击碎;绝交break with 与…绝交,与…决裂2. 又如由bring构成的常用短语动词有:bring about 引起,实现,导致bring (a)round 使改变观点或看法;使苏醒;顺便把某人带来串门bring back 送还;使想起,使恢复bring down 击落;打死,打伤;使倒下;降低bring forth 产生,引起,结果bring in 收获;获利;介绍,引进;聘请;逮捕bring off 从船上救出;设法做成bring on 带来,引起;促使生长;帮助提高bring out 取出,拿出;显示出,使出来;出版bring over 说服,使改变(思想等)bring through 使度过(困难,危机等)bring together 使和解bring up 提出,提起;抚养,培养;呕吐二、动词短语动词短语由动词加上宾语或状语构成。如:break a glass 打破一个玻璃杯break one’s leg 摔断腿break a window 打破窗户break the rules 违反规定break a bad habit 改掉坏习惯break the world record 打破世界记录bread easily 容易断break to pieces 破成碎片bring a book 带来一本书bring sb sth 给某人带来某物bring sb great satisfaction 给某人带来极大的快慰bring death and famine 导致死亡和饥荒初中英语动词短语整理:1. breakbreak down破坏,出毛病,拆开break off暂停,中断 break in破门而入, 打断break into破门而入,突然…起来 break out爆发 break away from打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯 break through 出现,突破break up打碎,拆散, 分裂、分解
2. callcall at a place (车船等)停靠;到某地拜访。call away 叫走,叫开…;转移(注意力等)。call back唤回; 回电话;call for需要,要求call for sth (sb) 喊着叫某人来,喊着叫人取来某物call in 叫进,请进; 找来,请来;来访;收回call off取消; 叫走,转移开call (up)on sb 拜访或看望某人call sb sth 为某人叫某物call (up)on sb to do sth 叫(请)某人做某事call up给…打电话;& 想起,回忆起; 召集,应召入伍&&& call out大喊,高叫; 叫出去3. comecome down下跌,落,降,传下来&&& come in进来&& come out出版,结果是come on来临/ 快点&&& come along一道来,赶快come over走过来&&& come up发芽,走近&&&&& come back回来&&& come from来自,源自4. cutcut down砍倒,削减&& cut up连根拔除,切碎5. diedie of死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)die from死于(外界原因)&&&& die out绝种6. fallfall behind落后& fall down掉下,跌倒 fall into 落入;陷入fall off 从。。。掉下 fall out与。。。争吵7. gogo along沿着。。。。走go through通过,经受 go over复习,检查&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& go up(价格)上涨,建造起来&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& go against违反&& go away离开go by时间过去&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& go down降低,(日、月)西沉go on(with)继续进行&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& go out外出,熄灭&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& go off发出响声8. getget down下来,记下,使沮丧&&&&&&&&& get on进展,进步,穿上,上车&&&&&&&&&&& get off脱下,下车get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假get over克服,从疾病中恢复&& get along with进展,相处get up起床&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& get into (trouble) 陷入困境中&&&&&&&&&&&&&& get back取回,收回&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& get out 出去get to 到达。。。9. givegive away赠送,泄露,出卖&&&&&&&& give out发出,疲劳,分发,&&&&&& give in (to sb.) 屈服give up放弃,让(座位)10. handhand in交上,提交hand out分发&&&& 11.holdhold on to…继续,坚持hold up举起,使停顿 hold on别挂电话,等,坚持&&&&&
12. keep&&&&&&& keep up with跟上keep out 不使。。。进入&&&&&&&&&&&&&& keep from克制,阻止keep away from避开,不接近, keep on继续,坚持下来keep down 使。。。处于低水平&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 13.knockknock at/on敲knock into撞到某人身上&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 14. looklook up查找,向上看& look through翻阅,浏览&&&&& look after/ at / for 照顾/看/寻找look out(for)当心&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& look about / around/round四下查看look forward to盼望&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 15. makemake up编造,打扮,组成&&&&&&&&&&& make into / of / from 制成&&&&&&&&&&& 16.pass&&&&& pass by经过&&&&&&&&&&&&&& pass down(on)…to传给 17. paypay back还钱,报复& pay for付钱,因…得到报应&& 18. pickpick up拾起,接人,站起,收听,pick out挑选,辨认,看出&& 19. putput up张贴,举起,&&& put out伸出,扑灭&&&&&&&&&&&& put off推迟&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& put into放进,翻译put away放好,存钱&&&&&&&&&&& put down记下,平息put on穿戴,上映,&&&&&&&&&&&&&& put aside放到一边&&&&&&&&& put back放回20. standstand out 突显,引人注目stand up 起立,站起来38.其它常用词组wake up 醒,唤醒,弄醒stay up 不睡觉;熬夜depend on依靠;取决于worry about为。。。担忧laugh at嘲笑。。。begin with以。。。开始mix up混合、搀和major in 主修grow up成长open up 打开,张开;开发end up到达或来到某处; 达到某状态throw away 丢弃。。。ask for要求。。。wait for等待。。。agree with同意。。。find out(经研究或询问)获知某事send out 发出,放出,射出search for 搜索,搜查chop down 砍到have.. on 穿着。。。step out of 跨步走出drop out of 从。。。掉出happen to 发生在。。。belong to属于arrive in /at到达。。。try on试穿。。。vote on对。。。进行投票strech out伸展。。。hang out闲逛leave for离开前往 sell out 卖完、售完show up 出席;露面21. runrun after追逐,追捕&&& run away逃跑&& run off跑掉,迅速离开&&&&&&& run out of用完22. setset up建立&&&&&&& set off 激起,引起&&&&&& 23. taketake after 与…相像take off脱掉,起飞&& take away拿走&& take up从事,占用(时间空间)&&& take down记录,取下&&&&&&& take back收回take pride in以… ……为自豪, take the place of 代替24. thinkthink of想起,考虑,对…看法&&& think out(自然)想出办法&& think up想出(设计出、发明、编造) think about考虑&&&&&& think over仔细考虑&&&&&& 25. turnturn off / on打开&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& turn to翻到,转向,求助turn down调低,拒绝&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& turn back返回,转回去turn round转过身来&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& turn up向上翻,出现,音量调大&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 26. care care about 担心,关心;在乎,介意care for 关心,关怀,照顾27. cleanclean up 把…打扫干净,把…收拾整齐clean out 清除;把…打扫干净28.learnlearn about 获悉,得知,认识到learn from& 从/向。。。学习29. fightfight for..争取获得…fight against 争取克服、战胜…fight with…与。。。搏斗/战斗30. dreamdream of梦想,想橡dream about 梦到。。。31. workwork for 为。。工作work out 产生结果;发展;成功32. argueargue with …与。。。争论argue about..争论。。。33. complaincomplain to 向。。抱怨complain about抱怨。。。34. hear hear of 听说,得知hear about听到。。。的事,听到。。的话hear from接到。。。的信35. talktalk about 讨论。。。talk with/to..和。。。讨论36. livelive in 住在。。。live on 以。。。为主食&
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相关词典网站:What to Do in a Fire
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What to Do in a Fire
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Fire drills are a big part of being safe in school: They prepare you for what you need to do in case of a fire. But what if there was a fire where you live? Would you know what to do? Talking about fires can be scary because no one likes to think about people getting hurt or their things getting burned. But you can feel less worried if you are prepared.
It's a good ideas for families to talk about what they would do to escape a fire. Different families will have different strategies. Some kids live in one-story houses and other kids live in tall buildings. You'll want to talk about escape plans and escape routes, so let's start there.
Know Your Way Out
An escape plan can help every member of a family get out of a burning house. The idea is to get outside quickly and safely. Smoke from a fire can make it hard to see where things are, so it's important to learn and remember the different ways out of your home. How many exits are there? How do you get to them from your room? It's a good idea to have your family draw a map of the escape plan.
It's possible one way out could be blocked by fire or smoke, so you'll want to know where other ones are. And if you live in an apartment building, you'll want to know the best way to the stairwell or other emergency exits.
Safety Steps
If you're in a room with the door closed when the fire breaks out, you need to take a few extra steps:
Check to see if there's heat or smoke coming in the cracks around the door. (You're checking to see if there's fire on the other side.)
If you see smoke coming under the door & don't open the door!
If you don't see smoke & touch the door. If the door is hot or very warm & don't open the door!
If you don't see smoke & and the door is not hot & then use your fingers to lightly touch the doorknob. If the doorknob is hot or very warm & don't open the door!
If the doorknob feels cool, and you can't see any smoke around the door, you can open the door very carefully and slowly. When you open the door, if you feel a burst of heat or smoke pours into the room, quickly shut the door and make sure it is really closed. If there's no smoke or heat when you open the door, go toward your escape route exit.Stay Low
If you can see smoke in the house, stay low to the ground as you make your way to the exit. In a fire, smoke and poisonous air hurt more people than the actual flames do. You'll breathe less smoke if you stay close to the ground.
Smoke naturally rises, so if there is smoke while you're using your escape route, staying low means you can crawl under most of it. You can drop to the floor and crawl on your hands and knees below the smoke.
Exiting through a door that leads outside should be your first choice as an escape route, but also ask your parents about windows and if they would be possible escape routes. Even windows on a higher floor could be safe escape routes if you had help, like from a firefighter or another adult.
Ask your parents to teach you how to unlock the windows, open them, and remove the screen, if needed. Make sure you only do this in an emergency! Lots of kids are injured because they fall out of windows.
Sometimes, families even have collapsible rescue ladders that can be used to escape from upper floors of a house. If you have one, ask your mom or dad to show you how it works.
In addition to planning your escape routes, you'll also want to know where family members will meet outside. This is helpful because then everyone shows up in one place and you'll know that everyone is safe. You might choose the front porch of a neighbor's house or some other nearby spot.
It's normal to worry about your pets or a favorite toy, but if there is a fire, you have to leave them behind. The most important thing is that you get out safely. It's also important to know that you shouldn't stay in the house any longer than you must & not even to call . Someone else can make that call from outside.
Once you're out, do not go back in for anything & even pets. You can tell the fire rescue people about any pets that were left behind and they may be able to help.What if You Can't Get Out Right Away?
If you can't get out fast, because fire or smoke is blocking an escape route, you'll want to yell for help. You can do this from an open window or call 911 if you have a phone with you.
Even if you're scared, never hide under the bed or in a closet. Then, firefighters will have a hard time finding you. Know that firefighters or other adults will be looking for you to help you out safely. The sooner they find you, the sooner you both can get out.
In the meanwhile, keep heat and smoke from getting through the door by blocking the cracks around the door with sheets, blankets, and/or clothing. If there is a window in the room that is not possible to escape from, open it wide and stand in front of it. If you can grab a piece of clothing or a towel, place it over your mouth to keep from breathing in the smoke. This works even better if you wet the cloth first.
Home Drills
It's great to talk about emergency plans, but it's even better if you practice them, like the fire drills you have at school. Having a fire drill at home gives everyone a chance to see how they would react in a real . You can see how quickly and safely everyone can get out of the house. Your family should practice this drill twice a year, every year. It's also a good time to remind your parents to change the batteries in the smoke alarms.
A good rule of thumb during a home fire drill is to see if your family can safely get out the house using the escape routes and meet outside at the same place within 3 minutes. For an extra challenge, you might try variations, like pretending that the front door was blocked and you couldn't get out that way.
If Your Clothes Catch Fire
A person's clothes could catch fire during a fire or by accident, like if you step too close to a candle. If this happens, don't run! Instead, stop, drop to the ground, cover your face with your hands, and roll. This will cut off the air and put out the flames. An easy way to remember this is: Stop, Drop, and Roll!
Preventing Fires
Every year, kids of all ages start over 35,000 fires that hurt people and damage property. You can do your part to prevent fires by never playing with matches, lighters, and other fire sources. Also stay away from fireplaces, candles, and stoves.
By following this advice, you'll be doing important work & preventing fires in the first place!
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Date reviewed: October 2014 •
Note: All information on KidsHealth® is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.© 1995- The Nemours Foundation. All rights reserved.


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