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高中英语单选题 急3. _______ is a good firm of exercise for both young and old.
A. The walk
B. Walking
C. To walk
D. Walk5. He asked me ______ with me.
A. what the matter is
B. what the matter was
C. wh_百度作业帮
高中英语单选题 急3. _______ is a good firm of exercise for both young and old.
A. The walk
B. Walking
C. To walk
D. Walk5. He asked me ______ with me.
A. what the matter is
B. what the matter was
高中英语单选题 急3. _______ is a good firm of exercise for both young and old.
A. The walk
B. Walking
C. To walk
D. Walk5. He asked me ______ with me.
A. what the matter is
B. what the matter was
C. what’s the matter
D. what was the matter9. –Sorry to have kept you waiting.
–_______ .A. It’s all right.
B. It doesn’t matter
C. No worry.
D. 12. He has some trouble ______ his classmates, but he has no trouble _______ doing his lessons.
D. withThat’s right.答案及详解第3题 为什么不选C第9 ABCD分别什么意思第5 到底要用陈述语序还是疑问语序第12 是固定搭配的用法吗
3.B 动名词做主语5.B 疑问句在从句中用陈述句形式9.个人认为 ABC都行12.C have trouble with sb./ have trouble in doing sth.固定搭配What is a Capability, Anyway?
Recently, a non-programmer friend pointed out that there
is no simple explanation of capabilities available on the
web. Less than a week later, another friend -- this one a
senior operating system developer for a major UNIX
software company -- said to me that he really didn't
understand what I was working on (capabilities). If
neither the lay reader nor the experts understand what
these things are, an introductory description is
definitely needed, so I set out to write one. I
quickly discovered that doing so isn't easy. Capabilities
themselves are very simple, but they turn everything
people ``know'' about security upside down. A lot of
people look at them and say ``this is too simple to
possibly work.''
This essay is a basic introduction to capabilities and
capability-based systems. Rather than try to give an
exhaustive discussion, I have taken some editorial
liberties in the interest of clarity:
This essay is informal. My goal here is to get
across the core of an idea rather than to give every
detail precisely. There are a number of places to go
to get more detailed information.
This essay is partisan. I have chosen to talk
about one particular style of capability system. I
think it's the best one, but others are worth looking
at if you get a hankering to do so. If you get to the
point of comparing capability systems, you are past
the point of asking what they are and are now
asking how they should be implemented. That,
however, is a subject for a different essay.
This essay will tell you what the term access
control covers, what a capability is, and provide some
examples of how capabilities can be used to provide
flexible access to objects without giving up
security. I'll describe some problems that currently
popular access control mechanisms cannot handle. I'll talk
about the problem of revoking access, and how this
is solved. Finally, I'll give my own opinion on how
capabilities came to be rejected by mainstream computing
While this essay uses UNIX as its example system, the
problems identified with UNIX exist in VMS, Windows/NT and
Windows95 as well.
If you find this note helpful, or you have suggestions for
improvement, please drop me some mail at
The basic problem of computer security is to control which
objects a given program can access, and in what
ways. Objects are things like files, sound cards, other
programs, the network, your modem, and so forth. Access
means what kind of operations can be done on these
objects. Examples include reading a file, writing to a
file, creating or deleting objects, communicating with
another program, etc.
When we talk about ``controlling access,'' we are really
talking about four kinds of things:
Preventing access: You want to make sure that
one person cannot damage another, or peek at another
person's private information. I should not be able to
read your medical records, for example. You should not
be able to delete my work. This is the what most
people mean when they talk about computer security.
Limiting access. You want to ensure that a
program or a user doesn't do more than you mean them
to. For example, you might want to run a program off
of the Web but prevent the program from reading or
writing any files so that it cannot plant a computer
virus or give away your private phone book. This issue
has been getting more attention lately with all of the
hype around Java.
Granting access. You may want to allow
two people to work together on a document or to grant
access to a particular file to someone else so that
you can delegate a job to them. Note however, that you
probably want to do this selectively. Just
because we are working on a business plan together
doesn't mean that I should get to read your medical
records. From a practical perspective, this is just as
important as the first two, but security people don't
tend to think about it very much.
Revoking access.
Having allowed access to an
object, you may later need to take that access back
when the person is no longer authorized to look at a
particular document.
Access control is about determining what a program
can access, not about what a person can access. In
computers, people d programs do. This
distinction has practical importance for several reasons:
The same person can run with different user identities
(logins). I have a different account as a system
administrator than I use for day to day activities.
The same program can be run by different users at
different times with different authorities.
because you and I run the same word processor doesn't
mean we should both be able to access the same files.
Special programs sometimes need to have more authority
than the user does. The password program, for example,
is entitled to modify the password file even though
the typical user is not. The password program is
careful to do this only in an appropriate way.
do not always know which programs they are
running. If you are reading this essay in a
Java-compatible browser you will see an image of
moving fire to the right. This is a Java demo written
Nicolai L&vdal of N I have no idea
who he is or what this demo program actually
does. When you opened up this document, you did not
set out to run this program, but there it is, running
away. In a similar way, applications like
Microsoft Word are made up of many components
from many vendors. Since you don't know who supplied
your software, it's difficult to know if you can trust
Having set the stage, we can now turn to what capabilities
are, and how access control is accomplished using them.
The term capability was introduced by Dennis and
Van Horn in 1966 in a paper entitled Programming
Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations. The basic
idea is this: suppose we design a computer system so that
in order to access an object, a program must have a
special token. This token designates an object and
gives the program the authority to perform a specific set
of actions (such as reading or writing) on that
object. Such a token is known as a capability.
A capability is a lot like the keys on your key ring. As
an example, consider your car key. It works on a specific
car (it designates a particular object), and anyone
holding the key can perform certain actions (locking or
unlocking the car, starting the car, opening the glove
You can hand your car key to me, after
which I can open, lock, or start the car, but only
on your car.
Holding your car key won't let me
test drive my neighbor's Lamborghini (which is just as
well -- I would undoubtedly wrap it around a tree
Note that the car key doesn't know that it's
it's sufficient that I possess the
In the same way, capabilities do not care who
uses them.
Car keys sometimes come in several variations. Two common
ones are the valet key (starts, locks, and unlocks
the car, but not the glove compartment) or the door
key (locks/unlocks the car, but won't start it). In
exactly this way, two capabilities can designate the
same object (such as the car) but authorize
different sets of actions. One program might hold a
read-only capability to a file while another holds a
read-write capability to the same file.
As with keys, you can give me a capability to a box full
of other capabilities.
Capabilities can be delegated. If you give your car
key to me, you are trusting me not to hand it to somebody
If you don't want trust me, you shouldn't hand me
Capabilities can be copied. If you give me your
car key, there is nothing to stop me from going down to my
local car dealer and having a duplicate key made. In
practice, this isn't much of a problem, because you
wouldn't have handed me the key if you didn't trust me. If
it comes down to desperate measures, you can change the
locks on the car, making all of the keys
useless. This can be done w it is
known as severing an object, which has the effect
of rescinding all capabilities. A rescinded
capability conveys no authority to do anything at all.
In fact, there are only a few ways that capabilities and
ordinary keys are different. The important differences
Capabilities are easier to copy. No locksmith is
required. Rather than hand over an original
capability, the more common action is to hand over a
copy of it.
Capabilities are harder to bypass. I can break your
window and hot-wire your car. Breaking into a
capability system is a lot harder.
Capabilities can have more variants. Creating a new
kind of capability (for example: one that lets me
inquire about the size of a file, but not read it) is
simply a matter of adding a little bit of software.
Key Points: Capabilities are simple and
familiar. You use them every day, and they don't surprise
you very often. If you think about ordinary keys and the
sorts of access controls they provide you will not go far
In order to be useful, capabilities must be
unforgeable. If you could just conjure up a key to any car
you wanted, they wouldn't provide much
protection. Protecting capabilities from forgery can be
handled in either hardware or in system software. The
software approach is more convenient because it can run on
an ordinary PC. EROS, which is
currently the fastest capability system in existence, does
this in system software, and the data suggests that there
wouldn't be any real benefit to doing it in hardware.
In a capability-based computer system, all access to
objects is done through capabilities, and capabilities
provide the only means of accessing objects.
such a system, every program holds a set of capabilities.
If program A holds a capability to talk to program B, then
the two programs can grant capabilities to each other. In
most capability systems, a program can hold an infinite
number of capabilities. Such systems have tended to be
slow. A better design allows each program to hold a fixed
(and small -- like 16 or 32) number of capabilities, and
provides a means for storing additional capabilities if
they are needed.
The only way to obtain capabilities is
to have them granted to you as a result of some
Holding a large number of capabilities is usually
foolish. The goal is to make the set of capabilities held
by each program as specific and as small as possible,
because a program cannot abuse authority it does not
have. This is known as the principle of least
In this kind of system, a program that wants to perform an
operation on an object must hold a capability to that
object. To perform the action, it invokes the
capability and names the action that is to be
performed. In the UNIX& operating system, for
example, the system call read(fd,&buf,&sz)
system call can be thought of as performing the
read operation on the file named by
fd (the capability), passing the
arguments buf and sz. Aside from
the fact that UNIX file descriptors carry some associated
information about the current file offset, a UNIX file
descriptor is essentially a capability.
The main problem with capabilities is finding a way to
save them to disk so that you can get them back. This is
one of the main reasons that few capability systems have
been built, and the main reason why most current
capability systems break down at the file system boundary.
Assume for a minute that your program had a capability
that let it create a file and write things down in
it. Suppose it does so, and all of the information you
need has now been written down. My helpful dog, Sheena,
now comes along and kicks your computer's plug out of the
wall. We start the system up and we now have to answer a
chicken and egg problem:
To access the file, you must first have a capability
to the file system.
Where do the first few programs
get their capabilities from?
By what authority do they hold them?
These problems basically stumped capability system
designers until the early 1970's.
The usual solution has been to have some kind of file
system, grant every program the right to use the
file system, and use some sort of user-identity based
system to decide which programs can open which files. If a
program is running on behalf of Natasha (my other dog), it
can open any of the files that Natasha created. Such a
system is called an access control list (ACL)
system. Every object has attached to it a list of users
and the actions that each user is authorized to
perform. If the user is on the access control list, then
programs operating on behalf of that user can obtain a
capability for that object. Once they have the capability,
they can manipulate the object itself. This is the purpose
of the UNIX open system call.
Take a minute to go back and look at the four things an
access control mechanism was supposed to accomplish. ACL
systems can prevent and revoke access, but
they can neither
limit access nor grant access. All programs
running on behalf of Natasha -- even that raging inferno
program written by a stranger in Norway -- can get access
to any of Natasha's objects. In current ACL systems, there
is no means to subset these rights. Also, there is no way
for Natasha to delegate some of her authority (say, access
to a single file she does not own) to me unless Natasha
owns the object(s) in question. Unless she owns the
object, she cannot modify the access control list.
A better solution is not to have a common file system, and
not to give any program access to the file system by
default. File systems are very useful, but most programs
and subsystems do not need access to them. A spell checker
that runs as part of a word processor, for example, needs
access to the particular files it works on, but has no
need to open any other files (and therefore no need of
access to a file system).
If things aren't remembered by writing them in a file,
some other means must be found to remember them. The
solution is to simply remember everything. Every
five minutes, write down all of the things the computer is
working on. If Sheena pulls the plug, the system simply
comes back to the last saved copy. Since the saved copy
includes all of the running programs, there is no need to
figure out who is entitled to what when the system
You might think this is an inefficient approach. In
practice it's actually faster than file systems and
requires less code.
Of course, the user may have walked away from the machine,
so a means is needed to get back to their work. The
solution is to give every user a program that runs on
their behalf (the window system, if you like) at all
times. The job of the login agent is to reconnect you to
your window system, where all of your programs are still
Universal persistence is used by both KeyKOS
and EROS. It
works very nicely.
Consider the program that changes your password. It needs
the authority to read and write the password file, but
must not give that authority to you. In an ACL system the
only way to do this is to have access to the password file
restricted to a special user (root or
sysadm), and have some means to say
that the password program runs as that user. This has led
to ideas such as the setuid bit (lets a program
runs as both the owner [usually root] and as you at the
same time) or the system privilege table (VMS: lists
programs with special privileges in a system-wide table).
Both of these mechanisms are insecure. Giving the password
program all of root's authority is simply too
much. In the VMS mechanism, the program file itself can be
attacked, leaving a hard to find security hole. The next
time the program is run it will obey the new program,
which can do absolutely anything.
Maybe more important, such programs tend to get into
trouble over time. As maintainers alter these programs
without fully understanding their constraints, they become
sources of new security flaws.
The right solution is to explicitly give the program
access to the password file, and not leave the password
program lying around in a file system where it can be
overwritten. In a capability system, you simply give the
program a capability to the password database and let it
run forever. You then give out a capability that lets
people run the password program but does not let them read
or modify that program.
Suppose you have a program that manages your financial
data. You don't really want it sending that information to
the IRS without your permission, but your computer is
attached to the network. In an ACL system, since you have
access to the network, so does the program. In a
capability system you simply leave the capabilities for
the network out when you install the program, guaranteeing
that it cannot send data to those helpful, friendly people
at the IRS.
Java solves this problem by ad-hoc restrictions. You may
have noticed that people keep finding new security
problems with Java. This is because ad-hoc security
mechanisms don't work. It is better to have done the job
right in the first place.
Capabilities have a formal,
mathematically sound model that can be (and has been) used to
prove their security.
The really hard part, however, is dealing with
collaboration. Suppose I have a secret program that is
very valuable. I'm afraid to give out the binary code,
because somebody will decompile it and steal my program
(yes, this really does happen). You have some very secret
data concerning the results of a new drug trial. You need
to run my program, but you're not willing to show me the
In a capability system, we can set things up so that you
can run the program without being able to see the code,
but you are able to control what authority my program is
given. Since you control the authorities, you can ensure
that my program will not tell me your secrets. Since you
cannot gain access to the binary code, you cannot steal
the program. Most computer security experts believe that
this is impossible. In ACL systems, it really is
One problem with capabilities is that there is no way to
say "Remove all of Fred's access to this object."
Sheena (my dog) decides to leave me for another owner, how
do I take away her capability for the dog food can?
realistically, if your employee leaves how do you make
sure that their access to the file cabinet is cut.
importantly, suppose the user isn't fired, but is
just moved to another department, and should no longer
have access to sensitive documents in their old
On the face of it, there seem to be three different
cases here:
Removing a user's access entirely
Revoking a user's current access without
removing the user, possibly keeping access to some of
their files.
Revoking a user's access to a particular
Actually, the last two cases are the same.
In both capability and ACL systems, the first problem is
solved by deleting the user's login.
In both capability and ACL systems, the second problem can
be solved by creating a new login for the same user and
selectively copying into the new account those personal
documents that the user should retain access to.
cases this is the best solution.
In capability systems,
another solution is possible: build a software-enforced
special compartment that prevents the documents from being
copied out of the compartment, and only let the user
access those documents inside the compartment.
not the same as a user group.
In the user group
approach, the user may have made copies of the documents.
Deleting them from the group will prevent future damage,
but does nothing to control theft while the user has
legitimate access.
Revoking access to a particular object is exactly like the
special compartment problem.
Either you build a special
compartment in advance, or there really isn't any good way
to prevent the user from absconding with the data.
So if capabilities are so much better than ACLs, why
haven't they been used?
How come so many companies are
shipping insecure operating systems when we know how to
solve these problems?
Part of the problem is historical.
The early capability
systems were built in hardware before we knew a lot about
hardware architecture, and used capabilities for access to
main memory.
This made them terribly slow and terribly
Those systems are a good bit less complex than
today's operating systems, but their reputation persists.
In the 1970s, an operating system called MULTICS came
along, and most of the world went galloping down the UNIX
UNIX is an extraordinary system, designed in a day
when most computers were not connected to the outside
In a world where all of the other users are known
to you, collaboration is more important than security.
The UNIX security mechanisms are adequate for a
collaborative environment.
Until the advent of the
Internet and commonplace connectivity, only a few machines
running dedicated financial applications needed to worry
seriously about security, and those machines needed to
implement it in the application anyway.
In the 1980s a lot of truly mediocre work was done on
microkernels (which are similar to modern capability
systems), and some equally bad analysis concluded that the
problem was with microkernels in general rather than with
the flaws of particular implementations.
We now have
examples of microkernels that are significantly faster
than conventional operating systems, and at least one
example of a capability system that is so.
The bottom line is that over the past 25 years a huge
investment has been put into insecure systems, and until
there is a compelling reason to change these systems the
people who support them won't bother.
In fact, computer
software vendors have taken steps to ensure that they are
not held liable for the flaws in their software, even when
they are real, demonstrable, and incontrovertable.
this changes, there is no reason to do secure systems.
One of the arguments that has been made against capability
systems is that capabilities and access control lists can
be made formally equivalent (if you make enough
repairs to access control lists, that is).
deceptive argument, because people think that means they
are the same.
Two things can be theoretically the
same without being practically the same.
imagine ways to augment traditional access control lists
to handle suspicious collaborators on paper, but the
solutions are both unacceptably draconian and too slow to
actually use.
Things are changing slowly.
Java is a partial step in the
right direction, and the PR around Java is starting to
wake users up to how exposed they are.
Over time you can
expect to see some of the Java ideas embedded in
mainstream systems.
Actually, compatibility environments for UNIX have been
built that run securely on top of capability
systems (it's worth noting that you can't build a
capability system on top of an ACL system), so it may not
be necessary to discard existing code.
Hopefully, you now know what a capability is, and can
start to take part in discussions about them.
point soon I'll add links here to other sources of
information for people who want to read further.
Copyright 1999 by Jonathan Shapiro.
All rights reserved.
For terms of redistribution, see the GNU General Public License


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