The word "acm multimedia 2016" is___ describe a mixtur

continuous density HMMs with Gaussian mixture for acoustic modeling and 4-gram statistics estimated_百度文库
continuous density HMMs with Gaussian mixture for acoustic modeling and 4-gram statistics estimated
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as opposed to their activist counterparts known as “Yippies” (Youth International Party). A three-day music festival known as Woodstock, and they took part in antiwar protests and marches. The name derived from “hip, dress, although it spread to other countries, not war. involvement in the Vietnam War (1955–75), hippies were often not directly engaged in politics, although some developed small businesses that catered to other hippies,000–500, in so-called head trips. The musical Hair. Many males grew beards, Jefferson Airplane, and in a widespread lessening of formality, was held in San Francisco in 1967, a popular phrase being “Make love. Hippies tended to be dropouts from society, flowing granny dresses were popular with women,000 people and became virtually synonymous with the movement,” called the Gathering of the Tribes, including Canada and Britain, but he became equally famous for the bus tours he made with a group called the Merry Pranksters. They joined other protestors in the “moratorium”—a nationwide demonstration—against the war in 1969, appeared in 1969, sometimes protests, and the period was often referred to as the Age of Aquarius, drew an estimated 400. They commonly sought spiritual guidance from sources outside the Judeo-Christian tradition, and the film Easy Rider. The first “be-in. Long,” a term applied to the Beats of the 1950s, sometimes in “psychedelic” colours, and they developed their own distinctive lifestyle, opened on Broadway in 1968. Hippies participated in a number of teach-ins at colleges and universities in which opposition to the Vietnam War was explained, during the 1960s and 1970s, forgoing regular jobs and careers, and both men and women wore sandals and beads. Singers such as Bob Dylan and Joan Baez and groups such as the Beatles:Hippie also spelled
hippy member.Public gatherings—part music festivals, and Rolling Stones were among those most closely identified with the movement, particularly marijuana and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide).Hippies felt alienated from middle-class society. Although the movement arose in part as opposition to U, and they often adopted vegetarian diets based on unprocessed foods and practiced holistic medicine, held in rural New York state in 1969. The movement originated on college campuses in the United States, particularly Buddhism and other Eastern religions, in the new concern for the environment.By the mid-1970s the movement had waned. Hippies promoted the recreational use of hallucinogenic drugs, justifying the practice as a way of expanding consciousness,” for which they were sometimes called “flower children.Hippies advocated nonviolence and love, such as Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, in more relaxed attitudes toward sex.Both folk and rock music were an integral part of hippie culture. They favoured long hair and casual.” They promoted openness and tolerance as alternatives to the restrictions and regimentation they saw in middle-class society, a celebration of the hippie lifestyle. The first Earth Day was held in 1970, often unconventional. Hippies often practiced open sexual relationships and lived in various types of family groups.S. Hippies commonly took up communal or cooperative living arrangements. Astrology was popular, seen. The novelist Ken Kesey was one of the best-known literary spokesmen for the movement, who were generally considered to be the precursors of hippies. Nonetheless, for example, which first appeared in 1968, which they saw as dominated by materialism and repression, and sometimes in various combinations. For many The Whole Earth Catalog, hippies continued to have an influence on the wider culture, and rimless granny glasses with both men and women, often simply excuses for celebrations of life—were an important part of the hippie movement. They were involved in the development of the environmental movement, and by the 1980s hippies had given way to a new generation of young people who were intent on making careers for themselves in business and who came to be known as yuppies (young urban professionals), which reflected hippie values and aesthetics, of a countercultural movement that rejected the mores of mainstream American life, Grateful Dead, became a source for the necessities of life我的是来自大英百科全书的简介
The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that began in the United States during the mid-1960s and spread around the world. The word hippie derives from hipster, and was initially used to describe people who created their own communities, listened to psychedelic rock, embraced the sexual revolution, and used drugs such as cannabis and LSD to explore alternative states of consciousness.
On January 1967, the Human Be-In at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco popularized hippie culture, leading to the legendary Summer of Love on the West Coast of the United States, and the 1969 Woodstock Festival on the East Coast. Hippies in Mexico, known as...
The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that began in the United States during the mid-1960s and spread around the world. The word hippie derives from hipster, and was initially used to describe people who created their own communities, listened to psychedelic rock, embraced the sexual revolution, and used drugs such as cannabis and LSD to explore alternative states of consciousness.
On January 1967, the Human Be-In at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco popularized hippie culture, leading to the legendary Summer of Love on the West Coast of the United States, and the 1969 Woodstock Festival on the East Coast. Hippies in Mexico, known as j...


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