warmheatt pius中文是什么意思意思是你的

[U]气息; 呼吸 air taken into and breathed out of the lungs
[C](一次)呼吸,一口气; 微风 a single act of breathing light wind
[U]迹象 a slight sign of sth
breath&:&气息(味) ...
the process of taking in and expelling
"he took a deep breath and dived into the pool"
"he was fighting to his last breath"
the air that is inhaled and ex
"his sour breath offended her"
a short respite
"not a breath of scandal ever touched her"
"there wasn't a breath of air in the room"
用作名词 (n.)
He caught his breath in surprise.
His chest heaves with every breath.
It took us a few minutes to get our breath back after the race.
His breath smelt suspiciously of drink.
The delicious breath of rain was in the air.
用作名词 (n.)
Draw a deep breath.
He made a deep breath.
The athlete soon recovered his breath after the final dash.
I shall love you as long as I have breath.
Our scouts brushed aside in one breath all the mines laid by the enemy.
The sick man spoke slowly, with frequent pauses for breath.
It was mere waste of breath to argue with a person in so unreasonable a state of mind.
There was not a breath in the air.
Conservatives are against every breath of social reform.
用作名词 (n.)
breath of fresh air
呼吸新鲜空气 breathing the fresh air
I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.
I opened the window and took a breath of fresh air.
使人耳目一新,带来新鲜感 refreshing development
His ideas about revitalizing the company's activities are like a breath of fresh air.
catch one's breath
〔说明〕 catch one's breath不用于被动结构。
屏住呼吸,倒吸一口气 stop breathing for a moment (from fear, excitement, etc.)
The beauty of the scene made him catch his breath.
Her words were so bold that people caught their breath.
The news was so unexpected that I caught my breath from shock.
The story is full of surprises which cause the reader to catch his breath.
〈非正〉休息一下,歇一口气 rest and get back one's normal breathing
It's ten o' let's catch our breath.
After climbing to the hill top,I sat down to catch my breath.
After the day's work, we sat down over coffee to catch our breath.
After running to the bus stop we sat down to catch our breath.
hold one's breath
屏住气 take no air in
We held our breath in excitement.
We all held our breath till the bomb burst.
in the same breath
同时 simultaneously
Jill said she couldn't afford new clothes, yet in the same breath described the new outfit she'd just bought.
You tell me in the same breath that it is useless to investigate the matter, and that you desire me to do it.
They are not to be mentioned in the same breath.
last〔dying〕 breath
临终 at the last moment of his life
He fought till his last breath.
lose one's breath
喘不过气 be out of breath
He lost his breath in running.
While climbing up the stairs the old man always loses his breath.
out of breath
喘不过气 breathless
He ran so fast that he was out of breath.
I have run myself out of breath.
I'm out of breath after climbing up all the stairs.
I got out of breath running up the hill from the station.
We couldn't reach the bank.The harder we struggled, the more out of breath we be came.
save one's breath
别白费口舌 I do not want to hear your comments
I don't care
save your breath to cool your porridge!
Save your breath!Don't even mention your illness to your unsympathetic boss.
It's no use giving him advice.He won't take any notice of it.You might as well save your breath.
S the boss will never give you the day off.
stop sb's breath
把某人杀死 kill sb
The criminal knew that he could not talk to the poli if he did, someone would stop his breath.
take sb's breath away
使(某人)目瞪口呆; 使大吃一惊 make sb unable to speak from surprise, pleasure or especially shock
The beautiful view from the top of the mountain took my breath away.
He invited me to his suite.The luxury takes your breath away.
The shock of the news quite took my breath away.
under one's breath
低声地 in a low voice or whisper
I told Lucy the news under my breath, but Joyce overheard me.
waste one's breath
徒费唇舌 talk when nobody heeds or is listening
I'll not waste my breath on you.I can see you are not going to help us at all.
I told them how to do it but I w they went and tried it their way—and failed!
with bated breath
屏息以待 in anticipation of sth
The Chairman's remarks were so astounding that the audience listened to him with bated breath.
We waited for the judge's decision with bated breath.
For fear of disturbing others she spoke with bated breath.
用作名词 (n.)
A land-breeze..Milk-warm wi' breath of spice an' bloom.
出自:R. Kipling
The heat rolled from the earth like the breath of an oven.
出自:G. Orwell
breath的基本意思是“气息; 呼吸”,表示呼出或吸入之空气、气息时是不可数名词,一般不加冠词。表示“一口气,一次呼吸,微风”时是可数名词,可加不定冠词,但复数形式一般很少用。用于比喻则可表示“生命”。
take breath, take a breath
两者意思不同:前者意思是“歇口气”; 而后者意思是“呼吸一口气”。例如:
After running, they stopped to take breath.跑过后他们停下来歇口气。
Take a breath.作一次呼吸。
catch one's breath, get one's breath
这两个短语意思不同:前者意思是“屏息”; 而后者意思是“恢复正常状态”。例如:
As the acrobat swung round and round, the audience caught their breath. 那位杂技演员不停地旋转时,观众们个个屏住了呼吸。
I need time to get my breath after running.跑完后,我需要一点时间把气缓过来。
out of breath, lose one's breath
两者都可作“上气不接下气”解,但out of breath用作表语。
误 When we got there, we were already out of the breath.
正 When we got there, we were already out of breath.
析 out of breath是习语,意为“喘不过气来”, breath前不加冠词。
误 Mammy could smell the smoke in his breath.
正 Mammy could smell the smoke on his breath.
析 在此句中on不能换成in。
误 You could see the superstitious crowd shrink and catch their breaths under the sudden shock.
正 You could see the superstitious crowd shrink and catch their breath under the sudden shock.
析 breath作“气息”解时是不可数名词,故one's breath中的one即使是复数, breath也要用单数。
☆ 直接源自中古英语的breth,意为吸气。
breath&:&呼吸 ...
breath&:&呼吸,气息 ...
breath:breath n. 呼吸, 气息, 气味, 空气, 微风, 暂停, 瞬间习惯用语above one's breath 大声, 说出声at a breath 一口气bate one's breath (…
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warm [wɔ:m]
比较级:,时 态:,,名 词:形容词:副 词:同:
hot,warm,burningThe Portuguese men-of-war is found in warm Atlantic waters.僧帽水母(动物)是在温暖的大西洋水域发现的Amid warm applause the honoured guests mounted the rostrum.在热烈的掌声中贵宾们登上了主席台。Warm clothing helps to keep out the cold.保暖的衣服可以御寒。That boy is getting warm.(在捉迷藏的)那个男孩快要发现目标了;或(在猜谜语的)那个男孩快要猜中谜底了A warm welcome awaits you.热烈的欢迎等待着你。    形容词解释:having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heata warm bodya warm rooma warm climatea warm coat
friendly and responsivea warm greetinga warm personalitywarm support
warm reds and yellows and orange
having or displaying warmth or affectionaffectionate childrencaring parentsa fond embracefond of his nephewa tender glancea warm embrace
, , , , , freshly made or lefta warm trailthe scent is warm
, easily aroused or exciteda quick tempera warm temper
, characterized by strong enthusiasmardent revolutionarieswarm support
, characterized by liveliness or excitement or disagreementa warm debateuncomfortable because of possible danger or troublemade things warm for the bookies near to the object soughtyou're getting warmhot on the trail动词解释:get warm or warmerThe soup warmed slowly on the stove
, make warm or warmerThe blanket will warm you
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简明英汉词典heat[hi:t]n.热, 热度, 热烈, 高潮, 压力vi.加热, 激昂, 发热, 发怒vt.把...加热, 使激动abbr.[军] High Explosive-Anti-Tank, 破甲弹基本词义HEAT=High-Explosive Anti-Tank (Projective)反坦克高爆(弹)美国传统词典[双解]heatheatAHD:[h?t] D.J.[hi8t]K.K.[hit]n.(名词)(1)Physics A form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules and capable of being transmitted through solid and fluid media by conduction, through fluid media by convection, and through empty space by radiation.【物理学】 热能:一种与原子或分子运动有关的能量形式,由固态或液态媒介传导并以辐射方式通过空间来传播(2)The sensation or perception of such energy as warmth or hotness.热力,热感:如温暖或炎热等对这种能量的感知或察觉(3)An abnormally high bodily temperature, as from a fever.发热:如发烧等不正常的高体温(4)The condition of being hot.发热的状态(5)A degree of warmth or hotness:暖或热的程度:The burner was on low heat.炉子烧得不旺(6)The warming of a room or building by a furnace or another source of energy:供热:用锅炉或其他方式的能源给房间或建筑物供暖:The house was cheap to rent, but the heat was expensive.房子租金虽便宜但供暖价格昂贵(7)A furnace or other source of warmth in a room or building:热源:房间或建筑物中的炉子或其他热源:The heat was on when we returned from work.我们下班回来时炉子正烧着(8)A a spell of hot weather.热天:炎热的季节;一阵热天气(9)Intensity, as of passion, emotion, color, appearance, or effect.强烈:热情、感情、色彩、外表或效果等的强烈(10)The most intense or active stage:激烈:最强烈或最活跃的阶段:the heat of battle.战斗激烈进行(11)A burning sensation in the mouth produced by spicy flavoring in food.辛辣:由食物调味料产生的口中的伤灼感(12)Estrus.发情(13)One of a series of efforts or attempts.一次努力:一系列努力或尝试中的一次(14)Sports Games One round of several in a competition, such as a race.【体育运动】 【游戏】 一轮:如赛跑等比赛中几轮赛程中的一轮(15)A preliminary contest held to determine finalists.预赛:决定决赛选手的初赛(16)Informal P stress.【非正式用语】 压力;紧迫(17)Slang 【俚语】 (18)An intensification of police activity in pursuing criminals.加强:追捕罪犯时警察活动的增强(19)The police. Used with the. 警察。与the 连用 (20)Slang Adverse comments or hostile criticism:【俚语】 不利的评论或恶毒的批评:Heat from the press forced the senator to resign.来自新闻界恶毒的评论迫使这位参议员下台(21)Slang A firearm, especially a pistol.【俚语】 尤指手枪等火器n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用于修饰另一名词: heat resistance.热障;抗热v.(动词)heat.ed, heat.ing, heatsv.tr.(及物动词)(1)To make warm or hot.使温暖,使热(2)To ex inflame.激发…的感情;使兴奋v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To become warm or hot.使变温暖或变热(2)To become excited emotionally or intellectually.激动:在情绪或智力方面变得激动常用词组heat up 【非正式用语】To become acute or intense:变得剧烈或强烈:“If inflation heats up, interest rates could increase”(Christian Science Monitor)“如果通货膨胀加剧则利率可能会提高”(基督教科学箴言报)语源(1)Middle English hete 中古英语 hete (2)from Old English h?u * see kai- 源自 古英语 h?u *参见 kai- 现代英汉词典heat[hi:t]n.(1)热度;温度This will relieve the heat of the fever.这会减轻发烧的热度。Measure the heat of the water.测量一下水的温度。What is the heat of the water in the swimming pool?游泳池的水冷热如何?(2)热;温暖the heat of the sun太阳的热力The heat from the fire dried their wet clothes.炉子的高温烘干了他们的湿衣服。(3)热烈;感情激动to get into a white heat白热化In the heat of the argument Mr Rogers lost his self-control. (喻)"在这激烈的争论中,罗杰斯先生失去了自制力。"(4)(雌性动物)交尾期的性欲冲动,发情期(5)原子活动所产生的动力(6)(赛跑中的)预赛The winners of the heats run in the chief race.预赛中的得胜者参加决赛跑。词性变化heatvt., vi.加热,使发热We heated the soup on the cooker.我们在炉子上热汤。The room is heated by stove.这房间用火炉取暖。"The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow.""太阳给地球热量,引起空气上升,刮起风来。"现代英汉综合大辞典heat[hi:t]n.(1)热; 热度; 热 力; 热量; 热能; 热辐射; 热学(2)暑气, 高温; 暖气(3)体温; 发烧(4)热烈; 激烈; 愤怒; 性欲(5)(辣椒等的)辣味; 发酵(6)(赛跑等的)一场[盘, 轮]; 预赛, 竞赛; 一次努力(7)(母兽交尾期的)发情(8)[美俚]威逼, 压力; 警察; (警察对罪犯的)侦察, 逼供, 追究(9)[美俚]手枪; 炮火, 枪弹射出(10)[美俚]喝醉(11)激情, 强烈的感情(12)浓香(13)加热或受热的一段时间; (一次完整的)加热操作; (一次)熔炼(14)炉子的容量, 装炉量, 熔炼量; (熔炼的)炉火(15)热试车(16)拍音a dead heat(竞赛中)并列名次, 不分胜负的赛跑the final heat决赛In the heat of argument I lost my self-control.在辩论高潮中我失去了自我控制。词性变化heatvi.(1)变热; 变暖(2)(食物)发热, 变质(3)激动, 发怒Water heats slowly.水是慢慢变热的。heatvt.(1)加热, 使发热(2)使激动, 刺激The sun heats the earth.太阳带给地球热。继承用法heat-absorbentn.吸热剂heat-absorbingadj.吸热的heat-agglomeratingn.加热烧结heat-awayn.散热, 放热heatbarriern.【航空】热障heat-blockingn.热粘着性heat-bodyingn.热聚合; 热炼heat-conductingadj.导热的heat-consumingadj.耗热的, 吸热的heat-convertibilityn.热能转化性; 热固性heat-curableadj.热固性的heat-degradationn.热降解(作用)heat-driftn.热漂移heat-durabilityn.耐热性, 耐热度heat-exchangersn.热交换器heat-fastadj.耐热的, 热稳定的heat-flashn.强热heat-insulatedadj.绝热的, 隔热的heat-insulationn.保温, 热绝缘heat-labileadj.热不稳定的, 不耐热的heat-processedadj.热加工的, 热杀菌的heat(-)proofadj.(1)耐热的, 防热的, 保温的, 热稳定的, 不传热的(2)难熔的heatpumpn.热泵heat-radiatingadj.热辐射的heatrashn.粟粒子, 痱子, 汗疹heat-recoveringadj.热回收的, 热利用的heat-removingn.去热heat-resistant[`hi:trI9zIstEnt]adj.防热的, 耐热的, 隔热的heat-resistorn.耐热器heat-retainingadj.储热的, 保持热的heatronic[hi:`trCnIk]adj.【物】高频加热的heat-runn.发热试验, 耐热试验; 老化[练]试验; 热试车, 热运转heat-sealn.熔焊, 熔接; 热封; 热封性heat-sensitiveadj.热敏感的heat-settingn.加热凝结, 热凝; 加压回火heat-set[`hi:tset]vt.热定形heatshieldn.(太空飞船返回地球时用的)挡热板heat-shrinkableadj.热缩的heat-stableadj.耐热的, 热稳定的heat-strengthenvt., vi.淬火, 钢化heat-stroken.【医】中暑heat-transfern.传热heat-transmittingn.热透射heat-treat[`hi:ttri:t]vt.对...进行热处理heat-treatabilityn.热处理性heat-treatableadj.可热处理的heattreatmentn.热处理heatwaven.热浪[波], 酷暑期习惯用语at a heat一口气地, 一气呵成at heat(母兽等)在交尾期at a white heat在盛怒之下; 在感情万分激动之下give sb. the heat[美俚]开枪击毙某人have a heat on[美俚]喝醉酒in the heat of在最炎热的时候; 在(辨论等)最激烈的时候in the heat of the moment在盛怒之下on heat (=in heat)[美](母兽)发情期put the heat on sb.[美俚]逼使某人付款[干活]; 使某人为难; 对某人采取强硬措施; 要求某人拚命出力turn the heat on(1)对(某人)施加压力(2)对...进行精神或肉体上的折磨; 加紧审讯而使招供(3)激起热情; 拼命出力; 努力完成特殊用法activation heat激活热, 活化热adhesion heat粘和热; 粘附热admixture heat掺和热adsorption heat吸附热afterglow heat余辉热apparent specific heat表观比热; 外表比热association heat缔合热atomic heat原子热(容)average specific heat平均比热Bessemer heat酸性转炉熔炼blood red heat【冶】血红炽热(温度)calcining heat煅烧温度cherry-red heat樱桃炽热cinder heat熔渣热度coagulation heat凝结热combining heat化合热constant volume specific heat等容比热contraction heat收缩热convected heat对流热convection heat对流热critical heat临界热, 转化热, 相变(潜)热crystalization heat结晶热dark red heat【冶】暗红炽热dead heat(1)同时到达终点(2)平局decay heat【核】衰变热deciding heat决赛decomposition heat分解热delayed heat迟延热dielectric heat介质加热differential heat定浓热; 微分热partial heat定浓热; 微分热differential heat of absorption微分吸附热differential heat of dilution微分稀释热differential heat of solution微分溶解热; 定浓溶解热differential heat of sorption微分吸收热diffusion heat扩散热dilution heat稀释热; 冲淡热direct waste heat直接热耗dissipated heat散逸热dissociation heat溶解热draw-off heat放热external latent heat汽化外潜热fission heat裂变热fission-product decay heat裂变产物衰变热flash heat快速加热fusion heat熔化热glowing heat白热hardening heat淬火温度holding heat空运转热消耗(不生产时池窑保温的热量消耗)humid molal heat湿摩尔比热, 湿克分子比热hydration heat水化热hysteresis heat【电】磁滞热ignition heat着火热induction heat感应热instantaneous specific heat瞬时比热integral heat积分热; 变浓热; 总热total heat积分热; 变浓热; 总热intermediary heat(小组赛与决赛之间的)复赛internal latent heat内潜热intrinsic heat内热; 蕴热ionization heat【物化】电离热isomerization heat异构热isothermal heat of adsorption等温吸附热joule heat【电】焦耳热latent heat潜热lattice specific heat晶格比热molal latentheat(重量)摩尔潜热; 重模潜热molar heat of vaporization摩尔汽化热molecular combining heat分子化合热mole vaporization heat摩尔蒸发热neutralization heat中和热nuclear heat核热over-oxidized heat过氧化熔炼partial molal specific heat偏摩尔比热pocketed heat蓄热; 内部发热precipitation heat沉淀热preliminary heat预赛prickly heat【医】汗症, 粟粒症qualifying heats及格赛, 预选赛racemization heats外消旋热radiation heat辐射热radiant heat辐射热radioactivity heat放射性蜕变热reduction heat还原热residual heat剩余热respiratory heat(冷藏)呼吸热roasting heat焙烧热searing heat灼热sensible heat【热】焓, 热函shutdown heat停堆热sloppy heat冷熔solidification heat固化热solution heat溶解热sparkling heat焊接热; 火花热specific heat【热】比热specific heat at constant pressure定压比热standard heat of combustion标准燃烧热sublimation heat升华热subterranean heat地下热sweating heat熔化热, 焊接热swelling heat膨胀热total heat(1)总热(量)(2)【物】热函(数); 焓(3)积分热; 变浓热transferred heat传递热transition heat转化热, 转变热, 转换热trial heat预赛vaporization heat蒸发(潜)热, 汽化热volume specific heat容积比热weight specific heat重量比热white flame heat白热wild heat强烈沸腾熔炼heat of ablation【热】烧蚀热heat of absorption吸收热heat of aggregation【热】聚集热heat of atomization原子化热heat of carbonization碳化热heat of combustion【化】燃烧热heat of condensation【物】凝结热heat of cracking裂化热heat of decomposition【化】分解热heat of desorption退吸热heat of detonation爆轰热; 爆炸热heat of dissolution溶解热heat of fermentation发酵热heat of food食物热量, 食物的卡值heat of freezing凝固热heat of immersion浸渍热heat of liquefaction冷凝热; 液化热heat of oxidation氧化热heat of polymerization聚合热heat of solvation溶剂化热heat of sublimation【热】升华热heat of superheat过热热量heat of swelling溶胀热heat of transfer by convection对流传热heat of transformation【热】转变热基本词义HEAT=High-Explosive Anti-Tank (Projective)反坦克高爆(弹)用法词典heat中古英语 hete<古英语 h?tu 热英文相关词典heataffect&&&&arouse&&&&cook&&&&excite&&&&inflame&&&&kindle&&&&move&&&&prepare&&&&provoke&&&&stir&&&&warm&&&&cold&&&&[七国语言]英汉电子大词典heat热[七国语言]英汉电子工程大词典heat热[七国语言]英汉公共大词典heat炎热;加热[七国语言]英汉化学大词典heat热[七国语言]英汉机械大词典heat热[七国语言]英汉机械工程大词典heat热;热的[七国语言]英汉建筑大词典heat热[七国语言]英汉矿业大词典heat热[七国语言]英汉农业大词典heat发情[七国语言]英汉轻工业大词典heat热[七国语言]英汉生物学大词典heat发情[七国语言]英汉数学大词典heat热[七国语言]英汉物理大词典heat热[七国语言]英汉冶金大词典heat加热[七国语言]英汉原子能大词典heat热美国传统词典heatheatAHD:[h?t] D.J.[hi8t]K.K.[hit]n.(1)Physics A form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules and capable of being transmitted through solid and fluid media by conduction, through fluid media by convection, and through empty space by radiation.(2)The sensation or perception of such energy as warmth or hotness.(3)An abnormally high bodily temperature, as from a fever.(4)The condition of being hot.(5)A degree of warmth or hotness:The burner was on low heat.(6)The warming of a room or building by a furnace or another source of energy:The house was cheap to rent, but the heat was expensive.(7)A furnace or other source of warmth in a room or building:The heat was on when we returned from work.(8)A a spell of hot weather.(9)Intensity, as of passion, emotion, color, appearance, or effect.(10)The most intense or active stage:the heat of battle.(11)A burning sensation in the mouth produced by spicy flavoring in food.(12)Estrus.(13)One of a series of efforts or attempts.(14)Sports Games One round of several in a competition, such as a race.(15)A preliminary contest held to determine finalists.(16)Informal P stress.(17)Slang (18)An intensification of police activity in pursuing criminals.(19)The police. Used with the. (20)Slang Adverse comments or hostile criticism:Heat from the press forced the senator to resign.(21)Slang A firearm, especially a pistol.n.attributive.Often used to modify another noun: heat resistance.v.heat.ed, heat.ing, heatsv.tr.(1)To make warm or hot.(2)To ex inflame.v.intr.(1)To become warm or hot.(2)To become excited emotionally or intellectually.常用词组heat up InformalTo become acute or intense:“If inflation heats up, interest rates could increase”(Christian Science Monitor)语源(1)Middle English hete (2)from Old English h?u * see kai- [名词委审定]英汉动物学名词(1996)heat发情[名词委审定]英汉化学名词(1991)heat热[名词委审定]英汉物理学名词(1996)heat热学基本词义heat热基本词义heat热量英汉船舶大词典heat n.热 英汉电力大词典heat n.热,热量,加热 英汉电信大词典heat n.热,热量 英汉地质大词典heat n.热,加热,发热 英汉航海大词典heat n.热,热度 英汉环境大词典heat n.热,加热,热学 英汉航空大词典heat n.热,热量;n.热,热学;n.吸热,经受长时间热处理 英汉化学大词典heat n.热,暖气,一炉钢水;vt.加热,使...激昂 英汉海运大词典heat 热,加热 基本词义heat 热热学把……加热 基本词义heat 热热学把…加热 基本词义heat 加热 英汉经贸大词典heat n.热,热度 英汉计算机大词典heat n.热(暖气,一炉钢水);vt.加热(使...激昂) 英汉机械大词典heat n.热,一炉 英汉建筑大词典heat n.热量,热辐射,热学,热,加热,发热 英汉农牧林大词典heat n.热,发情,热学 英汉汽车大词典heat n.热量 航空英语缩写词典HEATHeating 加热英汉水利大词典heat n.热,热辐射,暖气 英汉消防大词典heat 热(学), 热量 英汉心理学大词典heat 热 英汉冶金大词典heat n.热,热学 英汉医学大词典heat n.发情,发情期 英汉中医大词典heat n.热,热度,署热
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