有没有大神有约皮小秀fly gril的

我固执的认为西藏一定要自己去,不要跟团,请一个当地的导演,步行走遍西藏的每一个角落。其实,我还 希望可以接触一下西藏的小伙子,不知道他们是不是传说中的那么奔放。也许有一天我站在西藏脚下时,会明白自己的渺小,会转换自己的轨道。我一直想找一个机会证明自己。我现在站在起跑线上,但却不知奔向何处。
共有3篇博文!举报不良信息A few years ago a friend of mine and I decided we were going to stop saying &I don't know& when talking about what we wanted to do with our creative passions. After making that declaration I realized that I said it A LOT in conversations about pursuing certain projects and career paths. &I don't know& was so much a part of my narrative that it was difficult to not go to that default statement. It had become a scapegoat. Because as long as I thought I didn't know then I wouldn't have to live up to any expectations that comes with knowing. The illusion was that it seemed worse to know and not do versus claiming to not know and therefore not do. But really, they are one in the same.
Making that statement was just a way of avoiding the fear I had in going after what I really knew I wanted to do.
And that's the thing. We all know what we really want to do. But somewhere down the line something happened or someone told us that we can't do that thing because there's no money, no one cares, it's too risky, or we're not good enough. And we've let that block out the possibility. So much so that what we know gets clouded over and feels like it has disappeared. But it hasn't. It's always there.
There are a lot of ways to get at the core of what you already know. Of course meditation, doing a vision board, seeing a life coach, or writing in your journal — all of which are great and helpful in getting through to that hidden space. But none of that works if we don't start with trusting ourselves. Being open to trusting that deep place in your gut that truly knows who you are and what you really want do, and knowing that no matter what you are going to be alright.
Do you say &I don't know& a lot? In any situation? I still catch myself saying it, especially in conversations where I get a little flustered. How do you use this statement? I try to only use it when I'm asked about something I'm unfamiliar with. What about you?
In general, I'm bad at self-promoting. But lately I've been especially bad about using Fly as a way to share all the goodness happening on my end.
I'm trying to do better because I think it's important for us to share exciting things to balance all the negative events going on around us.
So here's a brief list: The awesomely talented
recently visited my home to feature my space on . (See some of the photos she took above.) It's always an honor to work with her.
Back in March I was featured on
In April a design colleague, , and I had a GREAT convo about design, creatives of color, and Baltimore. Read it
on the Baltimore-based site .
And if you're in the Philadelphia area please join
and I for a conversation about art and design at the
on July 5th, 3:30-4:30. It's the launch event for the 2015 , which I had the honor of designing the graphics again! See more info .
So enough about me. What about you? Self-promote! What do you have going on? New projects? Just graduated? Starting a new job? Share the good news. I want to hear it all.
And how do you feel about self-promoting or sharing the goodness happening in your life? Does it come easy? Or does it make you cringe?
Last week I added a new print to the Etsy shop. She is called && which is a digital reproduction of an original collage drawing. The image is a visual reminder that we have the power to manifest our dreams. This is an archival quality print on 100% pure cotton
paper, which is acid free, recyclable and biodegradable.
For those of you living in the D.C. area have you been to ? It's a beautiful marketplace with a mix of new and vintage goods in the form of bags and jewelry, clothing and collectibles. During a recent visit to the shop I stumbled upon the jewelry of . I instantly fell in love with the
rings with their clustered crystals and stones set in funky patterned bands. Take a look at the necklaces and bracelets, too, and let me know what you think.
Are you on Instagram? I've been posting fewer posts here on Fly but updating frequently on IG some of my recent drawings and inspirations (like that beautiful photo of Esperanza Spaulding top left and Lianne La Havas' single cover on the top right), and fun outings. See more at . 
Loving this fun collection from the London based label, .
I am a true Aquarius. A thinker and definitely a dreamer. As a child I spent a lot of time in my imagination, creating worlds with my color pencils and words. Writing was a fun past-time for me. I have tons of old notebooks from that time, filled with drawings and stories from my grade-school years. (I was/am also a true nerd.)
These worlds I created were places I wanted to see and be a part of and they always generated new ideas and projects that I wanted to execute. At some point.
Thinkers and dreamers are the folks we need for innovation, exploration, and providing solutions. These are the folks who ask the questions no else would think to ask. Like, what if people could fly? Or what's on the other side of the ocean? We need these questions, but we also need those same folks to be doers.
I have idea books filled with questions, ideas, and projects I'd like to pursue. Most of which no one could probably complete in a life time. But how sad if none of them are never executed?
Another classic Aquarian trait? We are easily distracted — but in today's tech and social media obsessed culture most of us are and fall victim to never-ending scrolls. Then of course life distracts with it's many obligations. But these are all excuses keeping us from exploring the dreams and questions we all have. For me, putting my head down and spending more time making and less time on my phone and watching TV has been my effort to be more of a doer.
Coupling our ideas with action puts those ideas into motion. Any effort, any tiny spark of energy towards the idea will ignite the project and give it life. It doesn't matter how long it takes, just do something when you can until it's done. 
Let's be dreamers who are doers.
So what will you do today towards executing one (or more) of your amazing ideas?
Last week I was so excited to finally receive my pre-ordered copy of
(which sadly got sent back because I kept missing the USP delivery). Can I just pause for second to say how I proud I am of Justina? She is a hard working lady and I've always been a fan of her jungalicious style, so I'm really happy to see a fellow creative doing amazing things (and she's super sweet).
When the book arrived, I immediately dived into the delicious pages. They are chock full of great photography featuring bohemian homes photographed by . The book is broken down into sections of different types of bohemians and after paging through, I would say I am a cross between a modern and nomadic bohemian. Clean lines and neutrals with color pops are my thing, but I am also a bit of a vagabond who loves displaying tons of objects I've collected along my journey of life. 
If you haven't had a chance to check out the book, here are a few sneak peek few images.  If you have the book I'm curious to know, what kind of bohemian are you? 
After stumbling upon
and seeing so much buzz on IG about the launch of , a clothing brand founded by Abrima Erwiah and Rosario Dawson, I was intrigued to learn more.  
Here's what the website stated about the new brand:&STUDIO ONE EIGHTY NINE is a social enterprise created by Rosario Dawson and Abrima Erwiah that consist of creatives that seeks to provide a platform to help promote and curate African and African-inspired content through an ecommerce shopping site, a supporting agency and an artisan produced fashion collection, called FASHION RISING COLLECTION, launched in support of V-Day's One BillionRising. We focus on creating opportunities for empowerment, education and employment of artisans and creatives.&
With all the bold patterns, mudcloth inspired prints, and a philanthropic mission, I'm already in love.
I'm making time for drawing again and with this comes listening to more music. Here are some albums I've recently acquired or revisited:
- I just saw these French-Cuban twins perform tracks from this self-titled album last week. They mix soulful Yoruba lyrics with rich rhythms and beats for a sound that you can't place in time, which I love.
- Putting on this classic Janet Jackson album (with its beautiful album cover) every now and then is a must. I have &When I Think of You& on repeat constantly.
- Still digesting this music from Kendrick Lamar, but I already know this is an important album for hip hop and music history in general.
- Not sure why but I've been craving some old Madonna. &Vogue& and &Express Yourself& especially. &Like a Prayer& has also been on repeat. I can't help but think about what the response to that video would be if it were released today. I feel the backlash would be so much worse now.
- So diggin' this laid-back soulful sound of Moonchild. Great for late night tea drinking.
- Looking for some new Brazilian music? Check out this new release from Dom la Nena. It's lovely.
- When I was wrapping up my undergraduate career and spending many late nights up working on my portfolio this D'Angelo album could be heard playing in the background regularly. It's still as potent and beautiful today. &Africa& is my favorite track and then &Spanish Joint& among many others.
- Ahh, no words. Except I will always love &If& and &That's the Way Love Goes.&
- This album from Yuna is so delicious! What a great pick-me-up to start your day or jam to while you're cranking out work.
& o& & o& & o& & o& & o&
Fly is a resource for everyone to enjoy, but please notify me before using images and other information from this blog. Just shoot me an email and be sure to add a credit line if you plan to use anything you see on Fly. Thank you.


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