初三,初三英语作文大全—朋友。 谢谢了!

Nervous final exam is coming soon.How do we do for final exam?紧张的期末考马上就要到了,我们应该要怎么准备期末考呢?In ...
Dear Sir or Madam:亲爱的女士或者先生:Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. As the coming of the In...
Nowadays, Many people joined the volunteer , provide more voluntary service.当今社会,很多人都选择加入志愿者,提供更多志...
Today is a special day for me. I graduate from middle school.今天对我来说是个特别的日子。我从中学毕业。Yest...
Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living...
Father's Day, contrary to popular misconception, was not established as a holiday in order to help greetin...
People say that father&s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It&s heavy because he puts all ...
Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can come true. People give up their dreams for this or t...
I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. With my...
It is said that there are about half of people in China are smoking.Many young boys and girls have the hab...
There is always a brilliant image living in my heart. That is my dear father. Seen through the eyes of man...
Dear Dad,Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father&s Day car...
My mother is a village woman, who is already in her fifties. She had very little school education, but sh...
Dear all students,In order to support earthquake-stricken areas in Sichuan, Student Union intends to organiz...
I feel so sorry for your loss, maybe yesterday you're leading a happy life, but this unexpected terrible...
Now the earth is in bad condition. For example,in some places,the air and water pollution is so serious tha...
I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up...
Although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.In order ...
A wind and the calendar of the afternoon, me and my mother, cousin and the cousin yo dog to clean air, sc...
The expectant Labor Day arrived at finally,we can take a break finally. The seldom several days holidays, I ...
Today is Labor Day I wanted sleepy of the problems may depend on how in bed together after a while do not...
Today is Labor Day I wanted sleepy of the problems may depend on how in bed together after a while do not...
The expectant Labor Day arrived at finally,we can take a break finally. The seldom several days holidays, I ...
Time off really fast, a dazzling, six years of Yunyan the same time we should, as the past, I will be gra...
That was a morning in the early of June. I took a bus to my school in the suburb which was surrounded by...
It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday....
Last Qingming Festival,I return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the pas...
Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past...
Qing Ming is popularly associated with Jie Zi Zhui, who lived in Shanxi province in 600 B.C. Legend has it...
It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is...12:40:03【 转载互联网】 作者: &&|&责编:李强
&&& &为了解决用户可能碰到关于"初三英语作文,急!!!"相关的问题,突袭网经过收集整理为用户提供相关的解决办法,请注意,解决办法仅供参考,不代表本网同意其意见,如有任何问题请与本网联系。"初三英语作文,急!!!"相关的详细问题如下:以电脑在日常生活和工作中的应用和优点为内容,写一篇70词左右的作文要求:不要太优秀的,但也别太差的,因为我英语成绩不算好珐辅粹恍诔喝达桶惮垃的额...高分跪求===========突袭网收集的解决方案如下===========
解决方案1:Computer history is very long. The computer was our unimaginable luxuries. But now. Along with the rapid development of science and technology. The computer has come into our ordinary people's home. The price is not so expensive. We are all acceptable. Computers have we cannot leave tools.Whether the company or schools. Is every office staff of the indispensable thing. Can help people to work effectively. Can珐辅粹恍诔喝达桶惮垃 also help scientists in many digital computation. Work is more efficient. Students can also through computer learn more knowledge. Inquires the content. ManyComputers have universal apart. His role is huge. This is already changing society. Let this society has become more efficient.解决方案2:the advantage of the computer technology is that it can process information at a speed unsurpassab珐辅粹恍诔喝达桶惮垃le by humans. It can help categorize information in a systematic matter so that we can find what we need instantly. No longer is there a need for us to look for a book shelf b with a click of a mouse, we can search for the look on a computer. however, our overreliance on computer may result in a decline in our mental capability. Instead of calculating data using our brain, we leave the work to the computer.解决方案3:The computer was our unimaginable luxuries. But now. Along with the rapid development of science and technology. The computer has come into our ordinary people's home. The price is not so expensive. We are all acceptable. Computers have we cannot leave tools. Can help people to work effectively. Can also help scientists in many digital computation. Work is more efficient. Students can also through computer learn more knowledge. Inquires the content. ManyComputers have universal apart. His role is huge. This is already changing society. Let this society has become more .
问:假设你是Kate,收到Ann寄来的一件生日礼物(如钢笔、书……),现请你以电...答:Dear Ann, How are you? I am very happy to have received the birthday gift from you. I really like the book you sent me because I am always interested in detective stories. It was such a brilliant choice that you chose Shelock H...===========================================问:假设你是Kate,收到Ann寄来的一件生日礼物(如钢笔、书……),现请你以电...答:Dear Mike, Time goes by! How is everything? Let me tell you some table manners in China. First, you are supposed to eat with chopsticks. Maybe it's difficult for you. Remember not to point at anyone with them while eating. It d...===========================================问:以“我们的寒假生活为题”写一篇不低于80的英语作文 要求:1、简述你去年...答:你好,作文如下 第一篇 Final examinations end of the winter vacation started, I work with the teachers to return to the layout of the home. I think that winter vacation to do is work, play is to play, it is best to the Wangou as...===========================================问:请根据汉语提示,运用 be supposed to do这一结构来介绍在美国人家里做...答:哇撒 ~~考试报纸诶 ~~看不出哦 想知道答案吗~~~~~~~===========================================问:假如你是新华中学一名初三毕业生。请根据以下要点给某英文报写一篇英语...答:只能给你一个:Above all, want to have the good habit of consciousness, those are good habits, and those who are bad habits. Then some of the existing in his behavior, it may be better to enumerate them, his good habits, those w...===========================================问:假如你是新华中学一名初三毕业生。请根据以下要点给某英文报写一篇英语...答:只需要把题目翻译给我就好了。看不到图片诶~===========================================问:假如你叫李华。Jack和他的好朋友Peter吵架了,Jack很苦恼,发e-mail向你...答:dear jack:how are you ?I 'm very sorry to hear that you quarrel with your best friend Peter,I really want to go to your home to comfort you now ,but I can't because I'm busy ,now I want to give you some advice ,I wish you can l...===========================================问:根据中文提示和英文内容,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。...答:Hello,everybody ! It`s time again for our English Broadcasting Program. Today`s topic is “How to Make Better Use of Our Spare Time“. Now, we students have some free time .But most of us don't how to make good use of the time,so...===========================================问:假设你是LiMing ,目前在英国参加Homestay夏令营,住在Mrs William家。...答:您好 !On my way to school ,I met a foreigner .She asked me the way to The Heping Park.I told him that go along this road and turn left at the second turning ,you would see it .She thank me very much .,I'm happy ,too.望采纳!谢谢===========================================
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  I have a good friend. He is a handsome boy and his eyes shine with wisdom.
  I have known him since Senior One. We are both interested in English. Once both of us entered for an English contest. How eagerly I expected to get a prize! On hearing that I had failed in the contest, I could hardly hold back my tears. &What a pity!& I murmured to myself over and over again. I felt that the world had become cold and everyone seemed to be laughing at me.I love English and have gone all out to study it since my first day in the junior middle school. I have even dreamed of entering a foreign language institute. So I felt very sad.
  Just at this time, I received a short letter in English, saying, &Failure is the mother of success. Cheer up! Don't lose confidence. Keep on your study and you will succeed!& I knew it was from the good friend of mine.These words encouraged me greatly. I forgot all my sadness. From then on, I studied English even harder. In the next English contest, I got the first prize. Of course, he was delighted with my success.
  I am very lucky to have such a good friend. I'm thankful to him for his help.
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