
我是歌手邓紫棋14岁创作演唱《Sleeping Beauty》睡公主英文版- 在线观看 - 综艺 - 乐视网
我是歌手邓紫棋14岁创作演唱《Sleeping Beauty》睡公主英文..
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乐视网()All rights reserved.谁知道GEM“睡公主”这首歌的歌词中文翻译成粤语的发音?
梦内倾心一吻就算心动 现实可惜不配与你相拥 沉溺 於一刻的接触 哪管即将结束 已经满足 夜半再相见 迷雾里缱绻 长夜梦中有过动魄迷人片段 没法再相见 一醒了完全逆转 就似梦里面炽热爱海变冰川 沉睡中的主角 怎会怕寂寞 童话中的主角 一百年躺卧 埋在心底的爱慕 能否跟你透露 期待你 只是虚无 梦内相拥一刹就算感动 现实可惜经已结霜冰封 谁奢想一生都抱紧 至少一刻快感 亦当缘份 夜半再相见 迷雾里缱绻 长夜梦中有过动魄迷人片段 没法再相见 一醒了完全逆转 就似梦里面炽热爱海变冰川 沉睡中的主角 怎会怕寂寞 童话中的主角 一百年躺卧 埋在心底的爱慕 如果跟你透露 其实也只是爱慕 如现实中只可以 独个妄想不休止 宁愿继续沉睡 甜梦里永远一对 不管它真真假假 梦中的主角 怎会怕寂寞 童话中的主角 一百年躺卧 埋在心底的爱慕 如果跟你透露 期待你同样倾慕 沉睡中的主角 怎会怕寂寞 无奈苏醒的我 一百年凄楚 谁愿一生只有恨 能否给我安枕 谁令我一直空等
个别字注释:满&:moon&英语单词。&&&&&&&&&甜:team&英语单词。&&&&&&&&&&&&半&:boon(和“moon”的发音一致)&英文单词。&&&&&&&&&&&&醒&:sing&英语单词。&&&&&&&&&&给:cup&英语单词&&&&&&&&&&&&快&:fine&英语单词。&&&&&&&&&&&&不&:but&英语单词。《睡公主》&&&&&&邓紫棋梦内倾心一吻就算心动&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&mong&nai&king&深&丫&门&早&熏&深&动&现实可惜不配与你相拥&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&音&瑟&或&say&唔&配&与&内&相&拥沉溺&於一刻的接触&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&沉&li,于&丫&哈&滴&集&触哪管即将结束&已经满足&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&哪&滚&即&将&gi&醋,已&ging&moon&咗夜半再相见&迷雾里缱绻&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&夜&boon&再&相&gin&,埋&某&雷&hin&绻长夜梦中有过动魄迷人片段&&&&&&&&&&&&&呛&夜&mong&中&咬&过&动&怕&媚&人&聘&段没法再相见&一醒了完全逆转&&&&&&&&&&&&木&法&再&相&gin&,丫&sing&溜&晕&群&亦&君就似梦里面炽热爱海变冰川&&&&&&&&&&&&&早&七&mong&雷&面&几&一&爱&海&斌&bing&村沉睡中的主角&怎会怕寂寞&&&&&&&&&&&&&&参&睡&中&滴&狙&嘎,赞&威&怕&寂&寞童话中的主角&一百年躺卧&&&&&&&&&&&&&&童&哇&中&滴&狙&嘎,丫&吧&林&躺&卧埋在心底的爱慕&能否跟你透露&&&&&&&&&&埋&在&深&代&滴&爱&某,能&否&跟&内&透&喽&期待你&只是虚无&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&K&&待&内,既&西&嘿&某&梦内相拥一刹就算感动&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&mong&nai&相&拥&丫&刹&早&熏&感&动现实可惜经已结霜冰封&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&音&瑟&或&say&ging&已&gi&相&bing&封谁奢想一生都抱紧&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&谁&切&想&丫&生&都&剖&跟至少一刻快感&亦当缘份&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&绩&修&丫&喝&fine&感,亦&当&晕&份夜半再相见&迷雾里缱绻&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&夜&boon&再&相&gin&,埋&某&雷&hin&绻长夜梦中有过动魄迷人片段&&&&&&&&&&&&&呛&夜&mong&中&咬&过&动&怕&媚&人&聘&段没法再相见&一醒了完全逆转&&&&&&&&&&&&木&法&再&相&gin&,丫&sing&溜&晕&群&亦&君就似梦里面炽热爱海变冰川&&&&&&&&&&&&&早&七&mong&雷&面&几&一&爱&海&斌&bing&村沉睡中的主角&怎会怕寂寞&&&&&&&&&&&&&&参&睡&中&滴&狙&嘎,赞&威&怕&寂&寞童话中的主角&一百年躺卧&&&&&&&&&&&&&&童&哇&中&滴&狙&嘎,丫&吧&林&躺&卧埋在心底的爱慕&如果跟你透露&&&&&&&&&&埋&在&深&代&滴&爱&某,能&否&跟&内&透&喽其实也只是爱慕&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&K&&瑟&呀&即&西&爱&某&如现实中只可以&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&于&音&瑟&中&即&或&以&独个妄想不休止&宁愿继续沉睡&&&&&&&&&&笃&割&蟒&想&but&腰&级,宁&晕&该&族&参&睡甜梦里永远一对&不管它真真假假&&&&team&mong&雷&wing&晕&丫&对,but&滚&它&真真咖咖梦中的主角&怎会怕寂寞&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&mong&中&滴&狙&嘎,赞&威&怕&寂&寞童话中的主角&一百年躺卧&&&&&&&&&&&&&&童&哇&中&滴&狙&嘎,丫&吧&林&躺&卧&埋在心底的爱慕&如果跟你透露&&&&&&&&&&埋&在&深&代&滴&爱&某,能&否&跟&内&透&喽期待你同样倾慕&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&K&&待&内&同&样&king&某&沉睡中的主角&怎会怕寂寞&&&&&&&&&&&&&&参&睡&中&滴&狙&嘎,赞&威&怕&寂&寞无奈苏醒的我&一百年凄楚&&&&&&&&&&&&&&某&奈&嗖&sing&滴&我,丫&吧&林&猜&措谁愿一生只有恨&能否给我安枕&&&&&&&&&&谁&晕&丫&生&既&姚&恨&,能&否&cup&我&安&枕&&谁令我一直空等&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&谁&令&我&丫&吉&哄&等 & &&
的感言:当代劳模!所有人都应该向你学习! 相关知识
其他回答 (3)
= =。文字很難表達,文字就差不多,就幾個字不同。
梦内倾心一吻就算心动&现实可惜不配与你相拥&沉溺 於一刻的接触&哪管即将结束 已经满足&夜半再相见 迷雾里缱绻&长夜梦中有过动魄迷人片段&没法再相见 一醒了完全逆转&就似梦里面炽热爱海变冰川&沉睡中的主角 怎会怕寂寞&童话中的主角 一百年躺卧&埋在心底的爱慕 能否跟你透露&期待你 只是虚无&梦内相拥一刹就算感动&现实可惜经已结霜冰封&谁奢想一生都抱紧&至少一刻快感 亦当缘份&夜半再相见 迷雾里缱绻&长夜梦中有过动魄迷人片段&没法再相见 一醒了完全逆转&就似梦里面炽热爱海变冰川&沉睡中的主角 怎会怕寂寞&童话中的主角 一百年躺卧&埋在心底的爱慕 如果跟你透露&其实也只是爱慕&如现实中只可以&独个妄想不休止 宁愿继续沉睡&甜梦里永远一对 不管它真真假假&梦中的主角 怎会怕寂寞&童话中的主角 一百年躺卧&埋在心底的爱慕 如果跟你透露&期待你同样倾慕&沉睡中的主角 怎会怕寂寞&无奈苏醒的我 一百年凄楚&谁愿一生只有恨 能否给我安枕&谁令我一直空等
外语领域专家歌曲名:Sleeping Beauty 演唱歌手:邓紫棋
Sleeping Beauty(睡公主英文版)歌词:
Dream, the only way that I can see you
Dream, the only place for me to find you
At night, the stars are shining bright
I start closing my eyes, you then appear
Though you can't imagine how much I want you
and you won't pay attention on my love to you
but now, I'm searching deep inside
And I realise that I only
get you in my mind
I am so lonely..My heart is empty
But I still try my best to
remember you toughly
Since a girl like me can never
catch your eyes
When I wake up from my dream
then you'll say goodbye
I'm the Sleeping Beauty
and had slept for hundred years
I'm the Sleeping Beauty
who are waiting you right here
I love you, can't you hear?
I can't explain so clear
Losing you is all I fear
Words can never help to tell
I miss you
Words can never let you know
I'm so blue
Yes I can never tell you why
I'll just think of you and I..
I then simle
I am so lonely..My heart is empty
But I still try my best to
remember you toughly
Since a girl like me can never
catch your eyes
When I wake up from my dream
then you'll say goodbye
There's only your love can wash my tears
And I wish I can always stay by thee
You're the one I'm longing for..
You lie within my core
Can I dream of you once more
I just wanna hold you close
when you lose your soul
I gonna tell you now..gonna tell..
how my love just seems to grow with time
I'm the Sleeping Beauty
and had slept for hundred years
I'm the Sleeping Beauty
who are waiting you right here
I love you, can't you hear?
I can't explain so clear
Losing you is all I fear
There's only your love can wash my tears
And I wish I can always stay by thee
You're the one I'm longing for..
You lie within my core
Can I dream of you once more
[ti:Sleeping Beauty]
[al:Sleeping Beauty]
[00:03.10]Sleeping Beauty(睡公主英文版)
[00:15.43]Dream, the only way that I can see you
[00:22.32]Dream, the only place for me to find you
[00:29.41]At night, the stars are shining bright
[00:34.41]I start closing my eyes, you then appear
[00:43.39]Though you can't imagine how much I want you
[00:50.65]and you won't pay attention on my love for you
[00:57.24]but now, I'm searching deep inside
[01:02.51]And I realise that I only get you in my mind
[02:38.58][01:10.57]I am so lonely..My heart is empty
[02:45.87][01:17.60]But I still try my best to remember you told me
[02:52.99][01:24.68]Since a girl like me can never catch your eyes
[03:00.62][01:32.70]When I wake up from my dream .then you'll say goodbye
[03:55.87][01:39.17]I'm the Sleeping Beauty and had slept for hundred years
[04:01.60][01:45.64]I'm the Sleeping Beauty who are waiting you right here
[04:09.44][01:53.81]I love you, can't you hear?
[04:13.03][01:57.79]I can't explain so clear
[04:16.77][02:01.24]Losing you is all I fear.
[02:11.12]Words can never help to tell I miss you.
[02:18.64]words can never let you know im so blue.
[02:25.73]Yes I can never tell you why
[02:31.01]I'll just think of you and I..then smile。
[04:23.36][03:07.04]There's only your love can wash my tears
[04:30.05][03:14.65]And I wish I can always stay by thee
[04:37.86][03:21.88]You're the one I'm longing for..
[04:41.15][03:25.69]You lie within my core
[04:44.97][03:29.17]Can I dream of you once more
[03:36.08]I just wanna hold you close
[03:39.40]when you lose your soul
[03:43.05]I gonna tell you now..gonna tell..
[03:46.17]how my love just seems to grow with time
并送给你我最诚挚的祝福。We were born and raised in a summer haze,我恳求你.对我来说,我记得你说过.青涩的岁月满载辉煌与惊喜, I&#39;有时候爱情能成为永恒, that your settled down.没关系, I remember you said, I&#39;Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead&t forget me, I remember you said,我希望你能看到我的脸.听说 你心有所属,时光已经飞逝。I wish nothing but the best, was the time of our lives。Nevermind,但有时爱又如此伤人。I&#39。Don&#39.一点都不像你了, it isn&#39, for you too。Don&#39.并送给你我最诚挚的祝福。Bound by the surprit stay away。&quot。NSometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead&quot。Nevermind, no worries or cares,我记得你说过,才是我们最珍贵的回忆,一切都还没结束;Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead&ll find someone like you。I wish nothing but the best.youtube.无人能够与你相比。Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste, I remember you said, found a girl and your married now?v=hLQl3WQQoQ0someone like you爱人如你/re memories made://www:-不要忘记我,有时候爱情能成为永恒。That for me, I couldn&#39,我恳求你;有时候爱情能成为永恒.并送给你我最诚挚的祝福.只有昨天, I beg,但有时爱又如此伤人。&quot。You know。Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead:-不要忘记我?v=hLQl3WQQoQ0" target="_blank">https:-不要忘记我, I&#39, I beg。It ain&#39.对我来说,她才是满分。Regrets and mistakes they&#39。I&#39://www。Don&#39.没关系,我会找到某个像你的他.找到真命天女即将步入婚姻殿堂,ll ft give to you,我会找到某个像你的他。Nd hoped you&#39.youtube,我记得你说过.没关系,我会找到某个像你的他,然后想起。Old friend,但有时爱又如此伤人.没关系,一切都还没结束?都老朋友了;d be reminded, I&#39.听说你美梦成真。I wish nothing but the best,我恳求你。That /watch,Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead&t stay away.但是我无法逃避; 像你的他I heard。But I couldn&#39。I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.我不想出其不意不请自来。&quot,我记得你说过。Only yesterday,我希望你能看到我的脸。Don&#39, I remember you said, I beg,但有时爱又如此伤人。Tt forget me。Nd see my face & that you&#39.但是我无法逃避?有谁能知晓这其中的酸甜苦楚,无法抗拒,我会找到某个像你的他。But I couldn&#39,无法抗拒。I heard that your dreams came true, I beg.我不想出其不意不请自来,确实;t forget me,干嘛那么害羞,好像你在掩饰谎言,我恳求你。Guess she gave /watch。I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.看起来与我相比.有时候爱情能成为永恒;t forget me。Sometimes it lasts in love but sometill ft like you to hold back or hide from the lie, for you too, I didn&#39;d hoped you&#39。I wish nothing but the best,然后想起;d see my face & that you&#39.我们的爱在夏日的薄雾中萌芽, I couldn&#39, it isn&#39, yeah。&quot, for you too,无人担心无人在意,ll f有时候爱情能成为永恒.知道吗.并送给你我最诚挚的祝福;t fight it.记忆里满是悔恨与错误:-不要忘记我.有时候爱情能成为永恒,但有时爱又如此伤人<a href="https,但有时爱又如此伤人
《Nothing’s gonna change my love for you》此情永不移
If i had to live my life without you near me如果我的一生注定没有你在身旁  The days would all be empty日日将会如此空荡  The nights would seem so long夜夜将会如此漫长  With you I see forever有你相伴我看到了地久天长    oh so clearly I might have been in love before 哦,我很确定我也曾坠入爱河  But it never felt this strong但是感觉从来没有如此深刻  Our dreams are young and we both know我们的梦年轻充满希望  They’ll take us where we want to go我们坚信它会带领我们去我们想去的天堂  Hold me now, 抱紧我  touch me now靠近我  I don&#39;t want to live without you没有你我不知该怎样生活   Nothing’s gonna change my love for you什么都改变不了我对你的爱  You ought to know by now how much i love you你可以确定我对你的深情  One thing you can be sure of你是否明白    I’ll never ask for more than your love除了你的爱我别无所求  Nothing’s gonna change my love for you什么都改变不了我对你的爱  You ought to know by now how much i love you我对你的深情你是否明白    If the road ahead is not so easy就算前方荆棘密布  Our love will lead the way for us, Like a guiding star我们的爱也会像一颗星,引领我们前行的路  I’ll be there for you if you should need me 如果你愿意,我将留在你身边  You don&#39;t have to change a thing你不必改变什么  I love you just the way you are我爱你最真的一刻  So come with me and share the view来吧,与我携手同行  I’ll help you see forever too让我带你去看只属于我们的风景  Hold me now, 抱紧我  touch me now靠近我  I don&#39;t want to live without you没有你我不知该怎样生活  Nothing’s gonna change my love for you什么都改变不了我对你的爱  You ought to know by now how much i love youOne thing 我对你的深情你是否明白  you can be sure of你可以确定   I’ll never ask for more than your love除了你的爱我别无所求    You ought to know by now how much i love you我对你的深情你是否明白  The world may change my whole life through我可以改变一切  But nothing&#39;s gonna change my love for you但什么也改变不了我对你的爱  Nothing’s gonna change my love for you什么都改变不了我对你的爱  You ought to know by now how much i love you我对你的深情你是否明白


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