in all its sordid glory days如何翻译?

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官方公共微信1.Learn to save money, and then manage our life more easily and sucessfully. If you are a saver, if not, start from now without any hesitation! 2.In a word, take good advantage of
ads and live a quality life, not only for the sake of our economy, but for ourselves! 3. But I want to say, don’t believe in destiny, you are the matter of yourself. If you believe you can get happiness and you try your best to happiness, the happiness will always be with you. ----- from students’ essays Text 1You should remind yourselves of the rules of the library. You are asked to remind yourselves of the rules of the library. Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules of the library. Text 2 (After a quarrel between the two lovers)With a flow of words, she started to argue with him, then she checked herself and said calmly, “Listen, John, I imagine you’re tired of my company. There’s no sense in having tea together. I think I’d better leave you right here.” “That’s fine,” he said. “Good afternoon.” “Good-by.” “Good-by.” Text 3Policeman : What’s your name, boy? Black psychiatrist: Dr Poussaint. I’m a physician. Policeman: What’s your first name, boy? Black psychiatrist: Alvin Text 41. Door! 2. Shut the door (will you) /(please)? 3. I could do without the draught from that door. 4. May we have the door shut (please)? 5. Would you mind closing the door (please)? 6. I wonder if you would mind closing the door. 7. I’m sorry to trouble you, but could I ask you to close the door for me please. Text 5DEAR MEG: I’m going crazy waiting for the guy I love to ditch the girl he’s going with so we can get married. Ted says the only reason he’s seeing the other woman is because she gives him money and he wants to pay off his debts before we get married. He doesn’t have a job, but plans to start looking when he’s out of debt. He won’t tell me how long this will take and I’m getting very depressed waiting around. Does this make any sense to you? How much longer shoud I wait? -- DEPRESSED DEAR MEG: I’m 15 and my boyfriend is 17. I’m writing because I’ve always liked your advice and I’m sure you can help me. Joey wants me to run away with him to Idaho. I truly want to go, but I don’t want to hurt my parents because I love them, too. He’s given me a month to make up my mind. I want to marry Joey, but I’m young and I want to finish school first. Still, if I love him, I should want to go where he goes, right? Please anwser fast, Meg. -- CONFUSED Text 6Sure! 值不少钱呢,plenty of dough。并且这东西不比书画。买书画买了假的,一文不值,只等于 waste1 paper。瓷器假的,至少还可以盛菜盛饭。我有时请外国 friends 吃饭,就用那个康熙窑油底蓝五彩大盘做 salad dish,他们都觉得古色古香,菜的味道也有点 old-time…… 我不懂什么年代花纹,事情忙,也没工夫翻书研究。可是我有 hunch;看见一件东西,忽然 what d’you call 灵机一动,买来准 OK。他们古董掮客都佩服我,我常对他们说: ‘不用拿假货来 fool 我。O yeah,我 姓张的不是 sucker,休想骗我!’ ----钱钟书《围城》 ,第二章 是呀! 值不少钱呢,可出了大价。并且这东西不比书画。买书画买了假的,一文不值,只等于废纸一 张。瓷器假的,至少还可以盛菜盛饭。我有时请外国朋友吃饭,就用那个康熙窑油底蓝五彩大盘做色拉盘, 他们都觉得古色古香,菜的味道也有点旧朝风致…… 我不懂什么年代花纹,事情忙,也没工夫翻书研究。可是我有直觉;看见一件东西,忽然,怎么说来 着,灵机一动,买来准没错。他们古董掮客都佩服我,我常对他们说: ‘不用拿假货来蒙我。説白了,我姓 张的不是笨蛋,休想骗我!’ 背景: 这位张先生是浙江沿海人,名叫吉民,但他喜欢人唤他Jimmy。他在美国人花旗洋行里做了二十多年 的事,从“写字” (小书记)升到买办,手里着实有钱。只生一个女儿,不惜工本地栽培,教会学校里所能 传授熏陶的洋本领、洋习气,美容院理发铺所能帛造的洋时髦、洋姿态,…… 到了张家,张先生热闹地欢迎道: “Hello!Doctor方,好久不见! ”张先生跟外国人来往惯了, 说话有个特征--也许在洋行、青年会、扶轮社等圈子里,这并没有什么奇特--喜欢中国话 里夹无谓的英文字。他并无中文难达的新意,需要借英文来讲;所以他说话里嵌的英文字,还比不得嘴里 嵌的金牙,因为金牙不仅妆点,尚可使用,只好比牙缝里嵌的肉屑,表示饭菜吃得好,此外全无用处。他 仿美国人读音,维妙维肖,也许鼻音学得太过火了,不像美国 人,而像伤风塞鼻子的中国人。他说“very well”二字,声音活像小洋狗在咕噜--“vurrywul” 。 可惜罗马人无此耳福,否则决不单说R是鼻音的狗字母。当时张先生跟鸿渐拉手,问他是不是天天“go downtown” 。Text 1 Two boys stood near a jeweler’s shop. Two boys saw a man break a window of a jeweler’s shop and steal all the watches. Two boys took a man with several watches in his hand for a thief. Two boys ran after a man with several watches in his hand. Two boys stood near a jeweler’s shop. They saw a man break the window of a jeweler’s shop and steal all the watches. They ran after him because they took him for a thief. Text 2 A: Does the baby cry at night? B: a) Yes, it does. b) Awfully. c) All babies do. d) At about half past three. e) He’s two months old. f) Directly. Cheng p12 Text 3 A: Lucy is suing the magazine for using her photo.2 B: This one? But it’s a boy. A: Intelectual rights. Text 4 Lights, please. Cheng p185 Text 5 Linus: Do you want to play with me, Violet? Violet: You’re younger than me. (Shut the door) Linus: (puzzled) She didn’t answer my question. Text 6 A: Peckie refused again. B: Oh, damn. Where are the gloves? Cheng p189 Text 7 A young lady home from school was explaining, “Take an egg, “she said, “and make a perforation inthe base and a corresponding one in the apex. Then apply the lips to the aperture and by forcibly inhaling the breath the shell is entirely discharged of its contents.” An old lady who was listening exclaimed, “It beats all how folks do things nowadays. When I was a gal they made a hole in each and sucked.” Liu p245 Text 8 Husband: See who that is. Wife: I’m in pajamas. Husband: O.K. Text 9 Husband: That’s the phone. Wife: I’m in the bathroom. Husband: O.K Text 10I’m sorry to trouble you, but could I ask you to close the door for me, please. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Text 11 (Jenny comes to Alan’s house. She is conducting a survey for the Government.) Alan: Won’t you come in, Miss—er—. Jenny: Cartwright, Jenny Cartwright. Alan: I’m Alan Marlow. ( Alan shows Jenny into the living room.) Alan: Oh, won’t you make yourself comfortable, Jenny? (After some minutes of talk, which is omitted here) Jenny: Mr. Marlow… Alan: Call me Alan. Text 12 Would you mind closing the door (please)? I could do without the draught from that door. Shut the door, won’t you. Shut the door, will you! Door! Were you born in a barn? I know a little boy who never leaves the door open. (The doorbell rings)3 A: John’s bought a new Bentley. B: a) JOHN’s bought a new Bentley? b) John’s BOUGHT a new Bentley? c) John’s bought a NEW Bentley? d) John’s bought a new BENTLEY? Text 1(Houlden makes a phone call. He is very drunk.) “Who is this?” this very cold, lady’s voice said. “This is me. Holden Caulfield. Lemme speaka Sally, please.” “Sally’s asleep…Do you know what time it is?” “Yeah. Wanna talka Sally. Very important. Put her on.” Text 2A: Whatsa matter? Upset stomach? B: Not really. Just tired. Kids asleep? A: Not yet. Coffee ready? B: Inna minute. Tired, honey? A little. Text 3A: Been skiing? Text 4next week ---- /neks wouldn’t he come Text 5 ---wi:k/ k m/ (Reverse Rhyme 倒韵) C V C -----sing – song (Pararhyme 头尾韵) C V C (Rhyme 韵) -----wimp – limp B: Not lately. You? A: Last week. In Aspen. B: Lotta snow? A: Some. B: Meet any chicks? A: Couple. Lotsa guys. B: Get high? A: Little mellow. Good grass. B: Colombian gold? A: Don’t know. Couldn’t tell./wudn iTill a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi’ the sun I will love thee still, my dear, While the sands o’ life shall run. Text 61) Tom Lincoln used to say Abe was going to have “ a real eddication,” explaining, “You air a-goin’ to larn readin’, writin’, and cipherin’.” 2) “May God starve ye yet,” yelled an old Irish woman who now threw open a nearby window and struck out her head. “Yes, and you,” she added, catching the eye of one of the policemen. “You bloody murthering thafe! Crack my son over the head, will you, you hard-hearted, murthering devil? Ah, ye--”Text 8On the morning of February 12, a Sunday, the granny woman was there at the cabin. And she and Tom Lincoin and the moaning Nancy Hanks welcomed into the world of battle and blood, of whispering dreams and wistful dust a new child, a4Text 7CV C ------ weal – woeC -----cut – run(Alliteration 头韵) C V (Assonance 腹韵) C V C -----fits – starts (Consonance 附韵) C V C -----time – tide boy.Text 91)有关动物的象声词 有关动物的象声词 有关动Text 10 A creak of hinges and a booming thud at the back of the church indicates the arrival of a latecomer. As the priest turns back to the altar to read the offertory prayer, and the rest flutter the pages of their missals to find the English translation in its proper place, all hear the hurries tiptap of high-heeled shoes on the tiled surface of the central aisle. The Eagle He clasps the crag with crooked hands, Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ring’d with the azure world, he stands. 独立太阳边; 岩高万簌寂, 四野尽蓝天。 身下海涛翻, 只见微波缓; 绝壁傲视久, 忽坠如雷电。The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls, He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt, he falls. 钢爪抓崖岩, Gwendolyn Brooks (1917 -- 2000 )We Real Cool我们真够绝 台球玩家。 在“金铲子”的七个。 我们真够绝。我们 退了学。我们 做夜贼。我们 下手黑。我们 唱罪恶。我们 兑酒喝。我们 歌舞狂。我们 活不长。The Pool Players Seven at the Golden ShovelWe real cool. We Left school. WeLurklate. WeStrike straight. WeSing sin. We Thin gin. WeJazz June. We Die soon. Thomas Nash() Spring Spring, the sweet spring, is the year’ Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring, Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing, Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a sunning sit, In every street these tunes our ears do greet, Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo! Spring, the sweet Spring!The palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo! 春!甘美之春! 春,甘美之春,一年之中的尧舜, 处处都有花树,都有女儿环舞, 微寒但觉清和,佳禽争着唱歌,5 啁啁,啾啾,哥哥,割麦、插一禾! 郊原荡漾香风,雏菊吻人脚踵, 榆柳呀山楂,打扮着田舍人家, 羊羔嬉游,牧笛儿整日价吹奏, 百鸟总在和鸣,一片悠扬声韵, 啁啁,啾啾,哥哥,割麦、插一禾! I'm a little Teapot 情侣作对成双,老妪坐晒阳光, 走向任何通衢,都有歌声悦耳, 啁啁,啾啾,哥哥,割麦、插一禾! 春!甘美之春! That split the night And touched the sound of silence. I'm a little teapot, short and stout Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I get all steamed up, I just shout Tip me over, and pour me out! I'm a very special pot, it's true Here's an example of what I can do. I can turn my handle into a spout Tip me over, and pour me out. The Sound of Silence Paul Simon Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again, Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping, And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence. In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone, 'Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 黑暗,我的老朋友, Hello darkness, my old friend 我又来和你交谈。 I’ve come to talk with you again 因为梦幻缓缓涌现, Because a vision softly creeping 在我熟睡时留下它的种子。 Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我脑海中生根, And the vision that was planted in my brain 在寂静之声中留存。 Still remains within the sound of silence 在无休止的梦境中, In restless dreams I walked alone 我独自走在狭窄的石道上。 Narrow streets of cobblestone 在街灯的光晕下, ’Neath the halo of a street lamp 寒冷和湿气让我竖起衣领。 I turned my collar to the cold and damp 当霓虹灯光刺痛我双眼, When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 划破黑夜, That split the night 触动了沉默之声。 And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more. People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening, People writing songs that voices never share And no one dare Disturb the sound of silence. &Fools& said I, &You do not know Silence like a cancer grows. Hear my words that I might teach you, Take my arms that I might reach you.& But my words like silent raindrops fell, And echoed In the wells of silence And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made. And the sign flashed out its warning, In the words that it was forming. And the sign said, &The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls And tenement halls.& And whisper'd in the sounds of silence.6 And touched the sound of silence 在刺眼的灯光下, And in the naked light I saw 我看到上万人群。 Ten thousand people, maybe more 他们交谈无需言语, People talking without speaking 他们领悟无需倾听, People hearing without listening 人们写歌却是没有声音的歌, People writing songs that voices never share 无人敢打破沉默之声。 And no one dare disturb the sound of silence 我说: “傻瓜,你们不知道, &Fools& said I, &You do not know 沉默如同肿瘤一样滋长。 Silence like a cancer grows” 听我的话我会教你们如何做。 Hear my words that I might teach you 抓紧我的手我会拯救你们。 ” Take my arms that I might reach to you 然而我的话如雨滴般落下, But my words like silent as raindrops fell 在沉默中回响。 And echoed in the wells of silence7 Implicit sound patterning 1)A chimp(chimpanzee) is named as Nim Chimpsky. 2) A man called his tommy cat Romeow. 3) Moby Disc—A Whale of a Record Shop 4) Home, smart home. 5) Fielding is supposed to be the author of An Apology for the life of Mrs Shamela Andrews, published a year after Richardson’s Pamela: or Virtue Rewarded had come out. 6) Hollywood, land of mink and money. 7) Customer: I see you serve cod and salmon.Text 1Yes.Yes? Y – E – S !!! Yeah – yeah. He’s my f- f- friend. ‘e be mah frien’Text1) “Nicholas!” is mother sharply.“Nicholas.” said his mother softly. 2) “Here! Harry!” she called, waving her umbrella in the twilight. He hurried forward. 3) He said that I was his best (?!) friend. 4) Dear Brenda. Long time no see, hear, speak or write but high time we did!! Number 7 stands empty!! B. Mary has moved to the Howard Drive area – smaller house and pocket hanky garden and I shouldn’t be surprised if EX. Mr Braithwaite doesn’t move in too, as he’s been hanging about 4/7 days per week all summer – though not gardening!!Text31) “ No he didn’t, Aunt Molie. It wasn’t Mr Edmond. Mr Edmund didn’t – ”2) “Let us say ‘good night,’ my fine boy, ” said the gentleman, when he had bent his head – I saw him! – over my mother’s little glove. 这位先生低下头,我亲眼看见他把头低到 我母亲的小手套那儿,这时他对我说, “好孩子,咱们说‘再见’吧。 ” 庄绎传 译 人民文学出版社:20003) My uncle, who had not gone to college himself, was scornful of a college education. 4) My uncle (who had not gone to college himself) was scornful of a college education.Text 41) Tom Lincoln used to say Abe was going to have “ a real eddication,” explaining, “You air a-goin’ to larn readin’, writin’, and cipherin’.”2) A fourth of USA schools are “shoddy”. 3) I do not know what it is to see into the heat of a friend through that “window of the soul”, the eye. I can only “see” through my finger tips the outline of a face. 4) “No small accomplishment”: Bush and Hill leaders announce a plan, but it’s less a “bold document’ than a financial juggling act.”8 Text 5 We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the united States of America.1) ... and upon them (the ancient faces of the children), and upon the grown faces, and ploughed into every furrow of age and coming up a fresh, was the sign, Hunger. 2) 3) You are my FRIEND. You are my friend.Text 6 “Hold hard a minute, then!” said the Rat. He looped the painter through a ring in his landing-stage, climbed up into his hole above, and after a short interval reappeared staggering under a fat, wicker luncheon-basket. “Shove that under your feet,” he observed to the Mole, as he passed it down to into the boat. Then he untied the painter and took the skull again. “What’s inside it? ” asked the Mole, wriggling with curiosity. “There’s cold chicken inside it,” replied the R“coldtonguecoldhamcoldbeefpickledgherkinssaladfrenchrollscressandwidgespottedmeatgingerbeerlemonadesodaw ater--” “Oh stop, stop,” cried the Mole in ecstasies: “This is too much!” “Do you really think so?” enquired the Rat seriously. “It’s only what I always take on the and the other animals are always telling me that I’m a mean beast and cut it very fine!” The Wind in the Willows Chapter 1 The River Bank 餐篮,摇摇晃晃地出来了。 “把这东西塞到你腿下去。 ”他把柳条篮递到船里,对鼹鼠说。然后解开缆索,又拿起了桨。 “里面是 什么东西?”鼹鼠好奇地摇晃着问。 “是冷鸡肉, ”耗子简短地回答。 “冷舌头冷火腿冷牛肉腌小黄瓜色拉法式面包卷水芹三明治罐装肉姜 汁啤酒柠檬水汽水……” “别说了,别说了, ”鼹鼠高兴得要命,大叫了起来, “太多了! ” “你真的认为多吗?”河鼠一本正经地问, “我做这种短距离旅游就带这么点东西,别的动物总说我可 怜巴巴,带的东西只能勉强够吃。 ” 《柳林风声》卜右文 译 北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004 Text 7 In Just – in Just – spring when the world is mud – old ballonman whistles far and wee come dancing Grahame, K. “那你就坐稳了! ”河鼠把缆绳穿进码头的一个环里,钻进上面的洞里去了。不一会儿扛了个柳条午and bettyandisbelLuscious the little lame ballonman whistles and far and wee comefrom hop-scotch and jump-rope and it’s spring and the goat-footed ballonman far and whistleseddieandbillrunning from marbles and piracies and it’s spring when the world is puddle-wonderful the queer9 wee 正是 正是 春天 到处散溢着湿 土的 芳香那矮小的 瘸腿的卖气球人那古怪的 卖气球老头儿吹着 口哨 忽远 忽 近 贝蒂和伊斯贝尔跳 着跑来 丢下造房子和跳绳 正是 吹着口哨 忽远 忽 近 艾迪和比尔跑来 丢下弹石子和 扮强盗正是 春天 忽远 到处是泥潭——多 美妙 忽 近 卖气球人 哨 山羊脚的 吹着口 春天 那个 长着顾予欣 译 Text 8 (一 ◇ 十 艹 洛)冖 卂 艹 冖 卂 冰山 译1(a le af fa ll s) one l iness 诗一首 艹 Text 9O Captain! My Captain!The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,O Captain! my Captain! our
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prWhile follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring: But O heart! heart! heart!10 O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.港口已经不远,钟声我已听见,万千人众在欢 呼呐喊, 目迎着我们的船从容返航,我们的船威严而且 勇敢。 可是,心啊!心啊!心啊! 哦,殷红的血滴流泻, 在甲板上,那里躺着我的船长, 他已倒下,已死去,已冷却。 哦,船长,我的船长!起来吧,请听听这钟声, 起来,——旌旗,为你招展——号角,为你长 鸣。 为你.岸上挤满了人群——为你,无数花束、 彩带、花环。 为你,熙攘的群众在呼唤,转动着多少殷切的 脸。 这里,船长!亲爱的父亲! 你头颅下边是我的手臂! 这是甲板上的一场梦啊, 你已倒下,已死去,已冷却。 我们的船长不作回答,他的双唇惨白、寂静, 我的父亲不能感觉我的手臂,他已没有脉搏、 没有生命, 我们的船已安全抛锚碇泊,航行已完成,已告 终, 胜利的船从险恶的旅途归来,我们寻求的已赢 得手中。 欢呼,哦,海岸!轰鸣,哦,洪钟! 可是,我却轻移悲伤的步履, 在甲板上,那里躺着我的船长, 他已倒下,已死去,已冷却。O Captain! my Captain! rise u Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths--for you the shores a- For you they call, the swaying mass, their Here Captain! dear father! This a It is some dream that on the deck, You've fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer, his lip My father does not feel my arm, he h The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its vo From fearful trip, the victor ship, come Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells! But I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. 哦,船长,我的船长! 船长,我的船长! 哦,船长,我的船长!我们险恶的航程已经告 终, 我们的船安渡过惊涛骇浪,我们寻求的奖赏已 赢得手中。 枫 译江Text 11 (They were returning across country after a long day’s outing with otter, hunting and exploring on the wide up lands where certain streams tributary to their own river had their first small beginning and the shades of the short winter day were closing on them, and they had still some distance to go. The snow was coming on so and the Mole smelt his home.) Poor Mole found it difficult to get any words out between the upheavals of his chest that followed one upon another so quickly and held back speech and choked it as it came. “I know it’s a – shabby,dingy little place,” he11 Text 12 You'll Love Me Yet 你总有爱我的一天! You'll love me yet!—and I can tarry Your love's protracted growing: June reared that bunch of flowers you carry From seeds of April's sowing. 我如今种下满心窝的种子, I plant a heartful now: some seed At least is sure to strike, And yield—what you'll not pluck indeed, Not love, but, may be, like! 我坟前开的一朵紫罗兰---爱的遗迹----你总会瞧他一眼; You'll look at least on love's remains, A grave's one violet: Your look?—that pays a thousand pains. What's death?—You'll love me yet! 你总有爱我的一天 胡适 译 你那一眼吗,抵得我千般苦恼了。 死算什么?你总有爱我的一天。 至少总有一两粒生根发芽, 开的花是你不要采的---不是爱,也许是一点喜欢吧。 吗? 我能等着你的爱慢慢地长大。 你手里提的那把花, 不也是四月下的种子,六月开的Text 1 Take almost any piece of current English, look the words up in an etymological dictionary (one which tells you which language the words come from and when they entered the language), and you will find that “current” English is a mixture of words derived from different languages at different times. (50 ws) Old English (before 1000) A, an, any, almost, and, at, come, English, from, find, look, of, one, in, is, the, tells, that, times, up, words, which, where, when, will, you (art., adv., conj., prep., v., n., pron., adj.) Old Norse (by 1200) take, they (v., pron.) Old French (around 1300) piece, current, entered, language (n., adj., v) French (c. ) derived, different (v., adj.) Latin (1500s) etymological, dictionary, mixture (adj., n.) Simple& Complex Text 2 1) This is the dog,12 That worried the cat, That killed the rat, That ate the malt That lay in the house that Jack built. 2) This is the canine that disturbed the equanimity of the domesticated feline mammal that exterminated the noxious rodent that masticated the farinaceous product deposited in the domiciliary edifice erected by Master John. Text 3 Formal & informal A young lady home from school was explaining, “Take an egg, “she said, “and make a perforation in the base and a corresponding one in the apex. Then apply the lips to the aperture and by forcibly inhaling the breath the shell is entirely discharged of its contents.” An old lady who was listening exclaimed, “It beats all how folks do things nowadays. When I was a gal they made a hole in each and sucked.” Text 4 General & specific 1) A: Where are you going? B: Out! C: I’m going to the second floor of the school canteen. 2) He is working. He is chopping the wood/ washing the dishes/ writing his thesis. 3) Come over to my place. Come over and see my new room. Text 5 Lexical set: words having similar collocational ranges, and recurring in similar contexts, are said to belong to the same lexical set. e.g. a _____of cows a ______of whales a _____ ago my sunburnt _______ the pregnant ______ Text 6 Elizabeth Barrett Browning () Sonnet 43 from Sonnets from the Portuguese① A little man of Bombay was smoking one very hot day. But a bird called a snipe Flew away with his pipe, Which vexed the fat man of Bombay.How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for R I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. choose, breath, faith.I love thee with a passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood'sI love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints -- I love thee with theSmiles, tears, of all my life! --and, if GodI shall but love thee better after death.13 《葡萄牙十四行诗集》第 43 首 我究竟怎样爱你?让我细数详端。 我爱你直到我灵魂所及的深度、 广度和高度,我在视力不及之处 摸索着存在的极致和美的理想。 我爱你像最朴素的日常需要一样, 就像不自觉地需要阳光和蜡烛。 我自由地爱你,像人们选择正义之路,我纯洁地爱你,像人们躲避称赞颂扬。 我爱你用的是我在昔日的悲痛里 用过的那种激情,以及童年的忠诚。 我爱你用的爱,我本以为早已失去 (与我失去的圣徒一同) ;我爱你用笑容、 眼泪、呼吸和生命!只要上帝允许, 在死后我爱你将只会更加深情。飞 白 译 ext 7 Some fresh and fruitful showers upon my sunburnt brain Sir Philip Sydney Astrophil and Stella I am aware of the damp soul of housemaids Sprouting despondently at area gates T.S. Eliot a grief ago Morning at the WindowText 81)Dear Mr Smith, I am sorry to have to trouble you again about the 15 you owe us for your share in the cost of redecorating the club. I have not yet received your reply to my last letter dated 14 June. As you know, the club has incurred a great deal of expense in connection with this scheme. Indeed, we would not have proceeded with the matter had not members agreed to contribute and signed undertakings to this effect. The club accountant is now urging me in my capacity as treasurer, to collect a I am also under pressure from our bank manager to clear the short-term over-draft they have permitted us. I hope you will be good enough to send us your cheque at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, etc.2)Dear Smith, I am awfully sorry to bother you again about the 15 you owe us from your share in the cost of redecorating the club. I have not heard from you since I wrote you about this three weeks ago. As you know, the club was involved in a lot of expense over this scheme. Indeed, we wouldn’t have gone ahead with it if members hadn’t agreed to contribute to meet the expense. Since I am the club’s treasurer, the accountant is now urging me our bank manager has also asked me to clear the short-term overdraft they have allowed us. I do hope you let us have the cheque soon. With kind regards. 14 Yours, etc. Text 9 Compare the effects of Latinate and Anglo –Saxon words:a. Having availed himself of a sumptuous repast , he further fortified himself with some Bacchic (Bacchus: Roman God of Wine) refreshment from Portugal and, having sunk into a chaise longue, commenced perusal of an equestrian contest on the flickering kaleidoscopic screen . After a not very protracted period of time had elapsed, however, he was in the arms of Morpheus (Morpheus: Roman God of Dream and Sleep)b. After dinner, he drank some more Portuguese wine. Then he sat down in a couch to watch a horse race on TV. Very soon, he fell asleep.Text 10 a. Skater’s assertive roar when he was told that no letter had arrived could be heard sev his proposal was that (if he were there) he would defenestrate (从窗户扔出去)Wagner. Christie’s Section Head was riled at this, and, forgetting he was putting the company’s reputaion in jeopardy, he suggested that were Skater to come within a hundred yards of him he would (before he could carry out his threat) be subjected to a rapid process of trituration(碾成粉末). Skater responded with a distinctly unfair (for it was accurate) divination(预 测), from Wagner’s telephone, of the Section Head’s helminthoid (蠕虫样的)resemblances. Wagner snapped back with the only word he could think of at the time, cryptorchid(隐睾者), though as he had never had the necessary opportunity of observing, let alone carrying out a count, Christie felt that his superior had compromised his integrity at this piont. And with sounds of gulping incapacitation (使无能力) at both ends of the line the conversation lapsed without any sign of an eirenicon(和平提议). B.S. Johnson Christie Malry’s Own Double Entry p42 b. Skater: If you were here I’d chuck you out the window! Wagner: if you come within a hundred yards I’ll grind you to a pulp first! Skater: You slimy tapeworm! Wagner: You ballockless git!Text 11 antonymsIt was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everthing before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. --Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities15 Text 121)Air- India. Your palace in the sky. Step aboard and you’ll be treated like a Maharajah.2)The sky was a dying violet and the houses stood out darkly against it, bulbous liver-colored monstrosities of a uniform ugliness though no two were alike. The sky was a glowing violet, and red-brick house stood against it with gleaming brilliance.Text 131)euphemismdenotation divorced graveyard poor cheap clothes debts dole drug addiction prison Betting- Gambling with stocks and sharesNewly single Memorial park Economically deprived Low- income dresses Negative savings Unemployment benefit Chemical dependency Correctional facility Text 14Ethics for EverymanEnlarge the national purse.Throwing a bomb is bad, Dro Terror, no need to add, Depends on who’s wearing the hood.Workers are absentees, Businessmen relax, Different Social morality Has a duality –Kangaroo courts are wrong, Special Discipline by the strong Is fair if your collar is white.One for each side of the tracks. Text 15 天净沙· 秋思 马致远Company output ‘soars’, Wages, of course, ‘explode’; Profits deserve applause, Pay-claims, the criminal code. 枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家, 古道西风瘦马。 夕阳西下, Daily the Church declares Text 16 断肠人在天涯。16 …and concurrently simultaneously what is more for reasons unknown in spite of the strides of physical culture the practice of sports such as tennis football running cycling swimming flying floating riding gliding conating camogie skating tennis of all kinds dying flying sports of all sorts autumn summer winter winter tennis of all kindshockey of all sorts penicillin and succedanea in a word I resume and concurrently simultaneously for reasons unknown to shrink and dwindle in spite of the tennis I resume flying gliding golf over nine and eighteen holes tennis of all sorts in a word for reasons unknown in Feckham Peckham Fulham Clapgam… Samuel Beckett Waiting for Godot, pp43-44……而且与此同时尤其是不知什么原因尽管体育运动在各个方面都有很大进展如网球足球田径车赛游泳飞 行划船骑马滑翔溜冰各式各样的网球各种各样致人死命的飞行运动各式各样的秋天夏天冬天冬天网球各种 各样的曲棍球盘尼西林和代用品总之我接下去讲与此同时不知是什么原因要萎缩要减少尽管有网球我接下 去讲飞行滑翔九穴和十八穴的高尔夫球各种各样的网球总之不知是什么原因在番克汉贝克汉福尔汉克莱普 汉…… 施咸荣 译 人民文学出版社,2002 Text 17 Adj.The room displayed a modest and pleasant color-scheme, after one of the best standard designs of the decorator who “did the interiors” for most of the speculative-builders’ houses in Zenith. The walls were gray, the woodwork white, t and very much like mahogany was the furniture—the bureau with its great clear mirror, Mrs. Babbit’s dressing-table with toilet-articles of almost solid silver, the plain twin beds, between them a small table holding a standard electric bedside lamp, a glass for water, and a standard bedside book with colored illustrations—what partiular book it was cannot be ascertained, since no one had ever opened it. The mattresses were firm but not hard, triumphant modern mattresses which had cost a the hot–water radiator was of exactly the proper scientific surface for the cubic contents of the room… Sinclair Lewis Babbit Chapter2 Text 18 William Carlos Williams (1883 --1963)chickens. The Red Wheelbarrow 红色手推车 这么多 so much depends upon 全靠 一辆红轮子的 手推车 a red wheel barrow 因为雨水 而闪光 旁边是一群 glazed with rain water 郑敏 译 beside the white 白色的小鸡。Mouse’s Nest17 John Clare (1793 --1864)I found a ball of grass among the hay And progged it as I
And when I looked I fancied somthing stirred, And turned agen and hoped to catch the bird-When out an old mouse bolted in the wheats With all her young ones
She looked so odd and so grotesque to me, I ran and wondered what the thing could be, And pushed the knapweed bunches where I Then the mouse hurried from the craking brood. The young ones squeaked, and as I went away She found her nest again among the hay. The water o’er the pebbles scarce could run And broad old cesspools glittered in the sun. 鼠巢 我在干草堆里发现一个草球 拨弄了一下,我放下它就走 我眼前一花,以为刚才惊出 一只鸟,回身就想把它逮住 当一只大老鼠从麦草里逃走 所有的孩子都挂住她的乳头 在我面前她怪异得无法形容 而我推开身前矢车菊的花丛 边跑边想,这到底是什么呀 当老鼠慌忙抛下乱爬的一家 她的孩子尖叫着,等我跑掉 她又去草里找回自己的鼠巢 水面几乎漫不过那些鹅卵石 宽阔的老水塘闪烁在阳光里Text 20(1)His legs kicked and swung sideways. (2) His head ground against rock and turned. He scrabbled in the white water with both hands and heaved himself up. (3)He felt the too-smmoth wetness running on his face and the brilliant jab of pain at the corner of his right eye. (4)He spat and snarled. (5)He glimpsed the trenches with their thick layers of dirty white, their trapped inches of solution, a gull slipping away over a green sea. (6)Then he was forcing himself forward. (7)He fell into the next trench, hauled himself over the wall, saw a jumble of broken rock, slid and stumbled. (8)He was going down hill and he fell part of the way. Willam Golding Pincher Martin, p42 Text 21 (“I” is a newsboy.)18 I’ve been having trouble collecting…. If I don’t catch’em at home, I get pretty mad. That means I gotta come back and come back and come back and come back until I catch’em. Go around about nine o’clock at night and seven o’clock in the morning. This one guy owed me four dollars. He got real mad at me for comin’ around at ten o’clock. Why’d I come around so late? He probably was mad ’cause I caught him home. But he paid me. I don’t care whether he gets mad at me, just so I get paid. Text 22 Fog everywhere. Fog up the river, where it flows among gr fog down the river, where it rolls defiled among the tiers of shipping, and the waterside pollutions of a great (and dirty) city. Fog on the Esssex marches, fog on the Kentish heights. Fog creeping into the cabo fog lying out on the yards, and hovering in the ri fog drooping on the gunwales of barges and small boats. Fog in the eyes and throats of ancient Greenwhich pensioners, wheezing by the fire fog in the stem and bowl of the afternoon pipe of the wrathful skipper, dow fog cruelly pinching the toes and fingers of his shivering little ’pretence boy on the deck. Chance people on the bridges peeping over the parapets into a nether sky of fog, with fog all round them, as if they were up in a ballon, and hanging in the misty clouds. --Charles Dickens Bleak HouseText 23 As he approached the office he walked faster and faster, muttering, “Guess better hustle.” All about him the city was hustling, for hustling’s sake. Men in motors were hustling to pass one another in the hustling traffic. Men were hustling to catch trolleys, with another trolley a minute behind, and to leap from the trolleys, to gallop across the sidewalk, to hurl themselves into buildings, into hustling express elevators. Men in dairy lunches were hustling to gulp down the food which cooks had hustled to fry. Men in barber shops were snapping, “Jus’ shave me once over. Gotta hustle.” Men were feverishly getting rid of visitors in offices adorned with the signs, “This Is My Busy Day” and “ The Lord Created the World in Six Days – You can Spiel All You Got to Say in Six Minutes.” Men who had made five thousand , year before last, and ten thousand last year, were urging on nerve-yelping bodies and parched brains so that they might make twent and men who had broken down immediately after making their twenty thousand dollars were hustling to catch trains, to hustle through the vacations which the hustling doctors had ordered. Among them Babbit hustled back to his office, to sit down with nothing much to do except see that the staff looked as though they were hustling. ----- Babbit 他接近事务所时, 越走越快了,嘴里念念有词地说: “我想我得赶紧一点。 ”他走位的人都在为赶紧 而干劲。开汽车的人在繁忙的交通中急急忙忙地互相超车。人们急急忙忙地赶火车,其实下一趟车再等一 分钟就来了;人们急急忙忙地下车,奔过人行道,冲进大楼,急急忙忙挤上电梯。在快餐店吃午饭的人狼 吞虎咽地吃下厨师们匆匆烹调的食物。理发店的顾客迫不及待地说: “不用细刮啦。我得赶时间。 ”人们为 了尽快摆脱来访者,在办公室墙上挂了字牌: “今日大忙”和“上帝在六天之内创造了世界----你应能在六 分钟之内说完你要说的话” 前年挣了五千元、 。 去年挣了一万元的人继续鞭策自己紧张的神经和枯竭的头脑, 争取今年挣到两万元;挣了两万元、搞得心力交瘁的人又急急忙忙地去赶火车,遵照匆忙的医师的嘱咐, 赶紧去度假休息。 巴比特就在这些人中间,急急忙忙回到事务所坐下来,其实也没有多少时可做,无非是看着他的雇员 们显出紧张忙碌的样子。 (王仲年译, 1982) Text 24 underlexicalization19 That was not a nice expression. His mother had told him not to speak with the rough boys in the college. Nice mother!...She was a nice mother but she was not so nice when she cried. James Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Text 25 By and by one of our boys went away. He was not heard of for a long time. At last he turned up as apprentice engineer or “striker” on a steamboat… two or three of the boys had long been to St. Louis once and had a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory was over now. They lapsed into a humble silence, and learned to disappear when the ruthless “cub”-engineer approach. This fellow had money, too, and hair oil… when his boat blew up at last, it diffused a tranquil contentment among us such as we had not known for months. But when he came home the next week, alive, renowned, and appeared in church all battered up and bandaged, a shining hero, stared at and wondered over by everybody, it seemed to us that the partiality of Providence for an undeserving reptile had reached a point where it was open to criticism. This creature’s career could produce but one result, and it speedily followed. Boy after boy managed to get on the river. 不久我们当中的一个小伙子走了, 很长时间没什么消息。 终于有一天他出现了, 当了汽船上的学徒工。 有两三个伙伴老早前去过圣路易斯一次,对那儿的花花世界还有点儿模糊的印象,现在他们可没法再以此 为荣了,只能自甘卑微,绝口不提那些经历了。只要那个无情的新徒工走过来,他们就消失得无影无踪。 这个家伙,有几个子字儿,还抹着头油!他的船最终出了事,这可让大伙儿心平气静,好几个月我们都没 这么舒心过了。但刚过了一个礼拜,他回来了,不仅活着,还出了名。到教堂去的时候,他衣衫破旧,浑 身缠满绷带,简直就是一个光芒四射的英雄。人人都盯着他看,人人都想知道他的经历。老天爷对这个卑 鄙的家伙太偏心了,简直该受到责难。 这小子的发迹,只能有一个结果,这很快就显出来了。一个又一个伙伴都想方设法在船上找活干了。Text 26 Ronald Reagan is a well-preserved not young man. Close-to, the painted face is webbed with delicate lines while the dyed hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes contrast oddly with the sagging muscle beneath the as yet unlifted chin, soft earnest of wattle-to-be. The effect, in repose, suggests the work of a skillful embalmer. Animated, the face is quite attractive and at particularly engaging is the crooked smile full of large porcelain-capped teeth. 罗纳德 ? 里根 保养得很好。虽然不再年轻,近看时,他化了妆的脸上布满了细细的皱纹,头发、眉 毛和眼睫毛都染过了,下巴上的肉已经松弛,还没有做过拉皮手术,但眼看就会变成赘肉。这两者形成奇 怪的对比。脸上没有表情的时候,像是经过一个熟练的尸体整容工的处理。有表情的时候,这张面孔还算 吸引人,远看也够年轻,特别引人注目的是他有点扭曲变形的微笑和满口的烤瓷大牙。 Text 27 “Even in the wilds of Asia,” Arthur once told me, “I have never shaved myself when it could possibly be avoided. It’s one of those sordid annoying operations which put one in a bad humour for the rest of the day.” When the barber had gone, Arthur would call to me: “Come in, dear boy, I’m visible now. come and talk to me while I powder my nose.” Seated before the dressing-table in a delicate mauve wrap, Arthur would impart to me the various secrets of his toilet. He was astonishingly fastidious. It was a revelation to me to discover, after all this time, the complex 20 preparations which led up to his every appearance in public. I hadn’t dreamed, for example, that he spent ten minutes three times a week in thinning his eyebrows with a pair of pincers. (“Thinning, W not plucking. That’s a piece of effeminacy which I abhor.”) A massage-roller occupied another fifteen minutes daily
and then there was a thorough manipulation of his cheeks with face cream (seven or eight minutes) and a little judicious powdering (three or four). Pedicure, of course, but Arthur usually spent a few moments rubbing ointment on his toes to avert blisters and corns. Nor did he ever neglect a gargle and mouthwash. (“Coming into daily contact, as I do, with members of the proletariat, I have to defend myself against positive onslaughts of microbes.”) All this is not to mention the day on which he actually made up his face. (“I felt I needed a dash o the weather is so depressing.”) Or the great fortnightly ablution of his hands and wrists with depilatory lotion. (“I prefer not to be reminded of our kinship with the larger apes.”)Text 1(Magwitch tells Pip and his friend about Compeyson, a villain who has ruined Magwitch’s life)“Not to go to the things that Compeyson planned, and I done – which ‘ud take a week – I’ll simply say to you, dear boy, and Pip’s comrade, that that man got me into such nets as made me his black slave. I was always in debt to him, always under his thumb, always a-working, always a-getting into danger. He was younger than me, but he’dgot craft, and he’d got learning, and he overmatched me five hundred times told and no mercy. My missis as I had the hard time wi’ – Stop though! I ain’t brought her in – ”Charles Dickens The Great Expectation “至于康佩生如何想坏主意,我是如何给他卖命这些事就不必细言了,因为太多了,一个礼拜也讲不完。 我只想简单地告诉你们,亲爱的孩子和皮普的朋友,告诉你们这个家伙是怎样把我引进他的罗网,成为他 的黑奴。我永远欠他的债,永远被他牵着鼻子转,永远为他马前马后卖命,永远为他赴汤蹈火。他比我年 轻,可是他的鬼点子比我多,比我有学问,可以说要胜过我五百倍,而且心狠手辣。我和我的太太当时也 正处于艰难时期,还是不提她了!我不让她也卷进去—” 罗志野 译 Figure 1 (NP == noun phrase AdjP == Adjective phrase The Basic Clause Structure Subject Verb (Object) (Complement) (Adverbial) Text 2 1) Mrs Marlow’s health has been improving ever since she quit smoking. (NP, NCl) (VP) (NP, NCl) (NP, AdjP, NCl) (AdvP, PrepP, AdvCl, NP) NCl == nominal clause AdvP == adverb phrase AdvCl == adverbial clause Prep == prepositional phrase) 南京:译林出版社,199821 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)Inhaling the smoke of others is thought to be harmful. Inhaling the smoke of others, non-smokers are subjected to a health hazard. Gathered in the hospital waiting room, the Kellys received the terrible news. The best thing for you is to quit smoking immediately. We talked to the young man working part-time in the laboratory. 78 passengers have been killed in the air crash, many of them holiday makers. A legend in life, Vince Lombardi will go down in the history of professional football as one of its greatest coaches and administrators.9)Whether right or wrong, Michael always comes off worst in an argument.10) His nervousness was obvious. 11) Everyone could see that he was nervous. 12) What made him so nervous is a mystery. 13) Tom’s ambition is to be a pop singer. 14) The lung-cancer risk doubled for non-smoking women whose husbands smoked 20 cigarettes a day at home. 15) I love my country more than I can express in words. 16) Mary knows more English grammar than most of her classmates (know).Figure 2 :Clause Type based on constituentsT ype SV (A) The sun (NP) was rising (intransitive) (in all its splendor) (PrepP) Type SVOO Tom gave Type SVO (A) Tom enjoys pop music (NP) (enormously) (AdvP) Type SVOC Tom thought Type SVC His ambition is to be a pop singer. classic music terribly dull. (NP) (AdjP) (NP) (ditransitive v.) me (NP) a cassette. (NP) (NP) (copular v.) (NCl)(NP) (transitive v.)(NP)(complex trans. v.)Figure 3: situation typesDynamic situation typesActionEvent (caused by an external force)22 AgentiveNon-agentiveStative situation typesMental statesRelational statesof perceptionof attitude and emotionof cognitionattributing 修饰型identifying 认同型Text 3 1) 2) 3) 4) Tom is the goalie of our local team. Tom is very hardworking. Tom is at the football ground. The team has a very good goalie.5)You are being a fool.Text 7 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) John stopped the car near the gate. The car was stopped by John near the gate. Birds are flying in the air. The wind opened the door. John is processing data on a computer. John has given Cathy a kite. Cathy has been given a kite by John. John opened the door for Cathy. John has won the race.Text 4 1) 2) 3) I could feel something hard under my pillow. He imagines everything to be easy. I like swimming.Text 5 1) 2) 3) 4) John opened the door with a key. The wind opened the door. John walked along the street. At quarter to four, someone knocked on my window. 5) John stumbled and knocked his head against the wall. 6) The sun is ripening the fruits nicely.10) John has made a kite. 11) A kite has been made by John. 12) John stopped his lorry near the gate. 13) John stumbled and fell down. 14) The fat man laughed uproariously at my joke. 15) My mother usually wakes up early. 16) A lorry topped at the gate. 17) Beautiful kites are flying over the square. 18) Lorries are carrying food supplies to the stricken area. 19) A key opened the door.Text 6 1) 2) 3) 4) I feel that I was wrong. I could feel something hard under my pillow. I felt for the watch under my pillow. Simple Simon is a fool.23 Figure 4CARRIERverb meaning relational, attributiveATTRIBUTIVETom Tom The meeting The teamis is is hashard working in the lab. on Mondays. a good goalie.Figure 5IDENTIFIEDverb meaning relational,IDENTIFIERidentifying Tom The lab is is the goalie of our team. on the second floor. That writing must be Tom’s.Figure 6SENSORverb meaning PENONMENON mentalI I Mary Everyone Text 39 1) 2) 3)felt thought likes was shockedsomething hard that I was wrong swimming. by the information.This is the pensioner’s room. This is the room that the pensioner has rented. The newly arrived old pensioner has rented a single room with a tiny kitchenette on the second floor of a two-family house at the end of a quiet country lane.Text 40 1) 2) 3) I Touch the F I Teach. Ann felt unwell and Mary stayed the whole evening. When Ann felt unwell, Mary stayed and took care of her.24 4)I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.Text 41 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) That he should left without saying goodbye! Why, if it isn’t Susan! If I listen to him! The Shangri-la. Offering traveling executives superb facilities for business and relaxation. “Taxi!” “Your turn.” “All aboard!” “On with the show!” “Of all the impudence!” A: Will Mary come to the party? B: Probably. 11) A: I’m leaving. B: Why? 12) Driver: Morning. Sarah: Oh, we thought you weren’t coming. Driver: I always arrive exactly on time. No point in hanging about. You ready? 13) Arrived home tired and worried. …Planted some mustard-and-cress and radishes, and went to bed at nine. 14) EXIT 15) NO SMOKING 16) HOW TO EAT FOR MORE ENERGY 17) FILM STAR DIES AT AGE 30 18) ARRIVING BY 10:57 TRAIN Text 42 1) (David is talking to Sarah on the telephone)D: Why don’t you come round about seven thirty, and we’ll have dinner together? S: Sorry, David. I have to work tonight. D: Come on! Give yourself an evening off. S: No, honestly – D: At least think about it. If you change your mind, call me at the office. S: I really don’t think – D: Try and make it. Goodbye. 2) (Magwitch tells Pip and his friend about Compeyson, a villain who has ruined Magwitch’s life) “Not to go to the things that Compeyson planned, and I done – which ‘ud take a week – I’ll simply say to you, dear boy, and Pip’s comrade, that that man got me into such nets as made me his black slave. I was always in debt to him, always under his thumb, always a-working, always a-getting into danger. He was younger than me, but he’dgot craft, and he’d got learning, and he overmatched me five hundred times told and no mercy. My missis as I had the hard time wi’ – Stop though! I ain’t brought her in – ”Figure 7NP 25 (Determinative)(Premodification)Head(Postmodification)determiners numeralsAdjPs Nouns GPsNouns Prons Adjs NumeralsPrePs Non-finite Cls Relative Cls NPs Adjs AdvsText 46 Premodification confers relative permanence. an irregular shaped building a desk dictionary an oil man a status conscious designer-jean RepublicanPostmodification is more compressed and less explicit than the corresponding post modifying structure. a building of irregular shape a dictionary on the desk a man selling oil a man who delivers oil a man who advocates the exploitation of oil resources a Republican who cares about his social status and wears the status symbol of designer-jeans Text 47 a bee who stings a bull who frightens a cow who kicks the farmer’s wife who yells at the farmer who hit the mule who scares the goat who butts the dog who chases the goose who bites the cat who jumped after the bird who dives for the bee who goes buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz toward the bull who has just regained his composure Bacon’n eggs stop prison riot Prison officers broke up a jail riot yesterday – with bacon and eggs. The aroma of hot breakfast tempted 140 i n m a t e s o u t o f a b a r r i c a d e d w i n g a f t e r a n 11-hour, ?2 million wrecking spree. They were led off to a dining hall. An insider said: “The smell of bacon and eggs was too much to bear.” Christopher Isherwood, Mr Norris Changes TrainsText 521)Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island. We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines. Life there is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. Life on a desert island is wretched. You either starve to death or live like a Robinson Crusoe, waiting for a oat which never comes. Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the opportunity to find out.26 2)Occupational incompetence is everywhere. Have you noticed it? Probably we all have noticed it. We see indecisive politicians posing as resolute statesmen and the “authoritative source” who blames his misinformation on “situational imponderables.” Limitless are the public servants who are indolent and insolent, military commanders whose behavioral timidity belies their dreadnaught rhetoric, and governors whose innate servility prevents their actually governing.3)“ When I was alive and had a human heart, I did not know what tears were, for I lived in the Palace of Sans Souci, where sorrow is not allowed to enter. In the daytime I played with my companions in the garden, and in the evening I led the dance in the Great Hall. Round the garden ran a lofty wall, but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it, everything about me was so beautiful. My courtiers called me the Happy Prince,and happy indeed I was, if pleasure be happiness. So I lived, and so I died. And now that I am dead, they have set me up here so high that I can see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city, and though my heart is made of lead yet I can not choose but weep.”Jim sings out: “We’s safe, Huck, we’s safe! Jump up and crack yo’heels, dat’s de good ole Cairo at las’, I jis knows it!” I says: “I’ll take the canoe and go see, Jim. It mightn’t be, you know.” He jumped and got the canoe ready, and put his old coat in the bottom for me to set on, an and as I shoved off, he says: “Pooty soon I’ll be a-shout for joy, en’ I’ll say, it’s all on accounts o’H I’s a freeman, en I couldn’t ever ben free ef it hadn’ ben for Huck done it. Jim won’t ever forgit you, H you’s de bes’ fren’ Jim’ en you’s de only fren’ ole Jim’s got now.” 吉木高兴地喊着说: “咱们可有救了,哈克,咱们可有救了!快起来立个正、行个礼吧!咱们可来到老开罗这个地方了, 我准知道! ” 我说: “等我先坐着小船过去看看,吉木。你要知道,那也许还不是哪。 ” 他跳过去把船准备妥当,拿他的旧大衣垫在底下,让我坐在上面,然后把桨交给我;我刚撑开船的时 候,他说: “再等一会儿,我就要高兴得使劲儿喊了,我就说,这都是哈克的功劳;我成了自由人了,要是没有 哈克,我永远也得不着自由;这都是哈克做得好事。我吉木一辈子也忘不了你的好处,哈克;你是我吉木 顶好的朋友;你也是我老吉木独一无二的朋友。 ” 我刚把船划开,急着想去告发他;可是一听他说的这些话,我那股冲劲就不知道哪去了。我就慢慢地 往前划,并不十分清楚我是高兴还是不高兴。等我离开了五十码的时候,吉木说: “你走啦,你这忠实的老哈克;在白人里头,只有你对我老吉木讲信用。 ” 马克· 吐温 《哈克贝里· 芬历险记》 , 张万里 译, 上海: 上海译文出版社出版, 1984 …… 钱瑗 (Returning from the market, Mrs Morel unpacks her bag.) “Oh, and I’m a wicked, extravagant woman. I know I s’ll come to want.” He (Paul) hopped to her side eagerly, to see her latest extravagance. She unfolded another lump of newspaper and disclosed some roots of pansies and of crimson daisies. “Four penn’orth!” she moaned. “How cheap!” he cried. “Yes, but I couldn’t afford it this week of all weeks,” 27 “But lovely!” he cried. “Aren’t they!” she exclaimed, giving way to pure joy. “没办法,我是个花钱如流水的坏女人,总有一天会一贫如洗的。 ” 他急不可耐地跳到她身旁,想见识见识她到底买了什么奢侈品。她又摊开一团报纸,露出几株紫罗兰 和深红色的雏菊。 “花了四便士呢! ”她哀叹了一声说。 “太便宜了! ”他大声说。 “便宜是便宜,可这个星期我手头紧,力不从心啊。 ” “可你看这花多可爱啊! ”他赞叹道。 “可不是嘛! ”她喜上眉梢,忘掉了一切。 杜瑞清,方华文 译 南京:译林出版社, “你的帽子看上去无精打采, ”保罗说, “你能不能使它恢复往日的面貌?” “说话没轻没重的,看我不打烂你的脑袋。 ”莫瑞尔太太说着,把黑帽的带子在颔下用气十足地打了个 结。 钱瑗 137 “难道你沒喝醉吗?”她愤怒地说。 “难道你沒喝醉吗?”他重复了一遍妻子的话。 “哼,除了你这个肮脏的小娼妇,没有人会这样看我。 ” 他把脸又朝前凑了凑。 “钱没处花啦,都拿去糟蹋嘛。 ” “今天我花的钱还不到两先令呢。 ”他说。 “总不会让你白白畅怀痛饮吧?”她回敬了一句。 “另外, ”她蓦地愤然作色,高声嚷嚷了起来, “你别 再缠着你那亲爱的杰里了,让他管管他的孩子们,因为他们需要关心。 ” “一派胡言,简直在胡说八道。快住嘴,臭婆娘。 ” 他们之间出现乐剑拔弩张的气氛。双方都忘掉了一切,只记得彼此间的仇恨和各不相让的斗争。夫妻 俩都怒火中烧,暴跳如雷。两人喋喋不休地争吵,直到最后他骂她是骗子。 “放屁! ”她一跃跳起身来喊道,气得几乎连成一气都喘不出来了。 “不许你那样说我!你才是披着人 皮的最卑鄙的大骗子。 ”她憋得透不出气,最后的一句话是硬挤出来的。 “你才是骗子! ”他吼叫个不停,拳头在桌子上乱擂。 “你才是骗子,你才是骗子! ” 她挺直腰杆子,握紧双拳。 “有了你,家里都被玷污了! ”她喊道。 “那你就滚出去,这是我的房子。快滚出去! ”他吼叫着, “家里的钱是我挣的,不是你。这房子属于 我,不是你的。你给我滚出去,滚出去! ” “我会走的! ”她大声说道,由于无可奈何,骤然泪流满面。 “唉,要不是为了孩子们,我早就走了。 真后悔死啦,几年前还只有一个孩子的时候我就应该走。 ”她突然揩干眼泪,换上了满脸的怒容。 “你以为 我是为了你才留恋这个家吗?要是为了你,我一分钟也不愿再呆下去! ” 钱瑗 134 “I am well aware that I am the ’umblest person going,” said Uriah Heep, “let the other be where hemay. My mother is likewise a very ’umble person. We live in a ’umble abode, Master Copperfield, but have much to be thankful for. My father’s former calling was ’umble. He was a sexton. ” “我很清楚,我是世界上最卑贱的人,” 尤利亚?西普谦逊地说, “别人怎么样,我就不管了。我母亲也是 个非常卑贱的人。我们住在一所卑贱的房子里,科波菲尓少爷,就这样,我们也有很多值得我们感恩戴德28 的地方。我父亲先前的工作也是很卑贱的,当时他在教堂里干杂活儿。 ” The Ruined Maid 小手套戴手上像个女士 ----堕落了,什么活都不用干) &O'Melia, my dear, this does everything crown! Who could have supposed I should meet you in Town? And whence such fair garments, such dream, And you'd sigh, and you' but at present you seem To know not of megrims or melancho-ly!&-&True. One's pretty lively when ruined,& said she. ( ----阿, 爱米里亚 ,小日子过得不错唉! 怎么 这么巧在城里碰上了你? 瞧这衣服穿的,你大发啦? ----咳,你不知道我堕落了?) gown, And a delicate face, and could strut about --&You left us in tatters, without shoes or socks, Tired of digging potatoes, a And now you've gay bracelets and bright feathers three!&-&Yes: that's how we dress when we're ruined,& said she. 可现 (-----我想要穿漂亮长裙插上羽毛, 在城里痛 痛快快逛! ----亲爱的----你,乡下毛丫头一个, (----你走的时候穿破烂儿,挖地刨土豆 在披金挂银的 ----对呀,堕落了,就这么穿) -- &At home in the barton you said `thee' and `thou,' And `thik oon,' and `the?s oon,' and `t'other'; but now Your talking quite fits 'ee for high compa-ny!&-&Some polish is gained with one's ruin,& said she. (----那会儿在家,你说话土得掉碴,现在成 了上流小姐 ----堕落了说话也就有涵养了) -- &Your hands were like paws then, your face blue and bleak But now I'm bewitched by your delicate cheek, And your little gloves fit as on any la-dy!&-&We never do work when we're ruined,& said she. (----以前你的手像爪子,脸皴得像树皮,现在 细皮嫩肉的 别图这些.你还没堕落. she. Town!&-&My dear -- a raw country girl, such as you be, Cannot quite expect that. You ain't ruined,& said (----原来你垂头丧气,可现在全身的喜气 ----堕落的生活还不错) -- &I wish I had feathers, a fine sweeping -- &You used to call home-life a hag-riddenprosperi-ty?&-&O didn't you know I'd been ruined?& said she.29
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