
更新时间: 21:52:32
1.创举 创造   (1)建设有中国特色的社会主义,是一个伟大的( )。   (2)中国人不仅勤劳勇敢,而且富有( )精神。
  2.节省 节俭   (1)我们要把( )下来的钱支援灾区人民重建家园。   (2)( )是一种美德。
  3.坚定 坚强 坚决   (1)赵华是个( )的孩子,受了委屈,从不轻易落泪。   (2)运动员们迈着( )的步伐,走进了比赛场。   (3)我们同坏人坏事要作( )的斗争。
  4.杰出 突出   (1)这篇文章重点( ),读了以后印象深刻。   (2)李春是古代( )的桥梁建筑师。
  5.美丽 美妙   (1)那些( )的诗句深深地打动了我的心。   (2)杭州是一座( )的旅游城市。
  6.发明 发现   (1)李时珍( )旧的药物书有不少缺点。   (2)人们仿照青蛙的眼睛( )了电子蛙眼。
  7 创作 创造 建造   (l)横跨在黄浦江上的几座大桥,都是我国自行设计和()的。   (2)今年的校运会上,王强( )了一百米短跑的新纪录。   (3)聂耳( )了许多革命歌曲。
  8.纪念 怀念   (1) 日,罗盛教为抢救朝鲜落水儿童英勇献身,这是永远值得()日子。   (2)爷爷非常()在农村老家的亲友,常常写信去问长问短。
  9.维持 坚持 保持   (1)我们只有( )每天打扫的好制度,才能()校园环境的美丽清洁。   (2)民警在( )交通秩序时,既能( )原则,又能()良好的警容风貌,受到了群众的好评。
  10.屹立 耸立 挺立 站立   (1)北海公园那洁白如玉的白塔,( )在琼岛的顶峰。   (2)一排排高大的白杨树像( )的哨兵。   (3)两座雄伟的工农兵塑像左右( )。塑像后面,()着两个高大的桥头堡。
  11.留心 专心   (1)小华做作业十分(),连门外的锣鼓声好像也没有听见。   (2)这个水龙头有点松了,容易漏水,用的时候要( )。
  12.可惜 惋惜   (1)这么漂亮的碗打碎了,真( )!   (2)华华的学习一下子退步了很多,老师为她感到( )。
  13.雄伟 雄壮   (1)我国的万里长城非常( )壮丽。   (2)升旗仪式开始了,乐队奏起了( )的国歌。
  14.盘旋 盘绕   (l)汽车沿着环山公路稳稳地( )而上。   (2)一架援救灾民的直升机在上空(),寻找目标空降救灾物品。
  15.机灵 机警   (1)边防战士巡逻时,十分( )地观察周围的动静。   (2)这孩子很( ),只要大人一指点他就领会了。
  16.温顺 温和   (1)周姑娘常常面带微笑,说起话来低声细语,显得十分()。   (2)我家的小猫,只要一呼唤,它就会过来舔我的脚,很()。
  17.夸奖 夸耀   (l)同学们( )李明进步了。   (2)李明向同学们( )自己的成绩。
  18.聪明 狡猾   (1)多看多想,多学多问,人才能变( )。   (2)敌人再( ),也骗不了我军的侦察兵。
  19.拣 捡   (l)我看见走廊上有一张废纸,把它()起来,扔进了垃圾箱。   (2)渔人( )小的鱼给鸿鹦吃,留下大的去市场上卖。
  20.仍然 依然   (1)现在已经是春天了,可是这里的天气( )很寒冷。   (2)谢红的脚扭伤了,但她( )坚持天天按时到校上课。
  21.惦念 纪念 怀念   (1)全国人民都很( )邓小平爷爷。   (2)爸爸出差好多天了,我很( )他。   (3)我们肃立在烈士( )碑前,深深( )他们。
  22.坚持 维持 支持   (1)鲁丽是个好学生,几年来,( )为班级同学做好事。   (2)大队辅导员对我们中队开展的活动非常( )。   (3)集会的时候,班干部负责( )秩序。
  23.继续 陆续 连续   (1)清晨,同学们背着书包( )来到学校。   (2)黄刚( )两年被评为优秀学生。   (3)李大夫不顾疲劳,( )为病人做手术。
  24.寂静 安静 平静 宁静   (1)夜深了,山村一片( ),孩子们在床上( )地睡着了。   (2)教室里( )得很,连一声咳嗽都没有。   (3)阅览室里,同学们都在聚精会神地看书,显得格外()。   (4)放学以后,老师和同学们都回家了,学校恢复了( )。   (5)比赛结束了,可是我的心总难以( )下来。   (6)病房里要保持( ),不要高声谈笑。
  25.鼓励 鼓舞 鼓动   (1)老师经常( )我们,遇到了困难,要勇于克服。   (2)在雷锋精神的( )下,同学们常常帮助军属王奶奶。   (3)雷锋的光辉形象( )我不断前进。   (4)我语文考试成绩不好,但老师没有批评我,()我努力学习。   (5)周总理亲切地( )扬眉,要像爸爸那样勇敢、坚强。   (6)李校长的讲话充满激情,很有( )作用。   (7)宣传队员们有声有色的表演,( )了战士们的斗志。
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来源: 2014七年级(上)英语期中试卷及答案.doc
American, everyone. parent, tree, work. family, doctor, behind
Hello, &&&1& ! My name is Linda Smith. I'm American.
I have two photos here. Look at this picture. It's a photo of my& 2&
. I have a very big family,& my grandparents, my& 3& ,
my brother and l. My grandfather and my grandmother are in America. They are old and they don't&& 4& .My father, my mother and I&
5&& in China. My brother, Mike is a &&&&6&&&
.& He works in the USA.
is a photo of' my house in&&& 7&& . My
grandparents live in the house. The house is small. but there is a big garden&&&
8&& it. There are many green&& 9& &and
nice flowers. You can see a black-and-white dog near the house.&& 10&&
name is Cany. I love it very much.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-99227');">&
来源: 2014七年级上册英语第九单元作业题及答案.doc
&& science,&&&
Wednesday,&& from,&& because,&&
favorite,&&& useful,&&&& busy&
1. — What’s your __________________ subject?& —
2. _____________________ is the fourth day of a week.
3. — Why do you like English? —
Because it’s ____________________.
4. Mr. Yang is our _________________________ teacher.
5. We have Chinese ___________________Monday to Friday.
6. Mike is _____________________. He has no time to watch
doesn’t go to school ____________________ she is ill (生病了).
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-99077');">&
来源: 江西省安远县浮槎初中2012届中考适应性考试(三)英语试卷及答案.doc
because,&&&& care,&&
take,&&&& clear
When you laugh,
you will open your mouth and show your teeth. The healthier those teeth are,
the happier you look. Why is that? It’s &&&1&& &your
teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, they’ll help to
take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you eat the right food to make you
grow. They also help you speak&& 2&&& .
You can take
care of your teeth by doing like these:
& &&& Brush your teeth&
&3&& &a day before breakfast and before bedtime.
Brush all of
your teeth, not just the front ones.
& &&& &&&&4&&
&your time while brushing. Spend at least 3 minutes each time you
Learn how to
floss(用牙线清理)your teeth, which is a very
important way to keep them healthy.
& &&& Brushing and
flossing keep your teeth healthy. You also need to &&&5&&
&about what you eat and drink. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and
drink water instead of drinks.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-99020');">&
来源: 江西省安远县浮槎初中2012届中考适应性考试(三)英语试卷及答案.doc
1. A high-speed
railway b  
Ningbo and Shanghai will be in use soon.
2. August is the h   month in
Ningbo, isn’t it?
3. They are l   for London tomorrow and
begin their magic trip.
4. The gas prices keep going up,
many people can’t a   them.
5. My legs are so badly hurt that I can h   walk.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-99019');">&
来源: 2014七年级上册英语第八单元作业题 及答案.doc
twelfth,&&& students,&&&&
busy,&&& October,&&&&& party
1. We often
have an English ______________________ on weekdays.
2. Mr Green
is our teacher. We are his ________________________.
3. Helen is
very __________________________ today. She has no time to play.
4. We have an
art ______________________________ every year.
5. I’m 12
years old. Today is my _______________________________ birthday.
________________________1st is our National Day (国庆节).
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98980');">&
来源: 2014年中考英语试题及答案.doc
&&&&&&&& virus
I want to have a robot to help Mum with the daily
work. I think that life is &&1 &when you have a robot,
but Dad says that robots are just computers and can catch a &&2&
&easily. When this happens, you can have a lot of &&3&
&with it. Instead of helping you, it will make a &&4&
&at home. It will &&5& &over lamps and
furniture. And then you will decide to return it to the robot shop.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98947');">&
来源: 2014七年级上册英语第七单元作业题及答案.doc
skirt,&&& store,&& price,&&
sweater,&& much,&& color,&&&
sale,&& shorts&&&&
1. The store
has shoes at a very good _________________________.
_______________________________ is this hat? —It’s seven dollars.
_________________________do you want? Do you like the red one?
_______________________ are too long.
5. They want
to go to the ______________________ to buy some clothes.
6. Buy your
things at Huaxing’s great ______________________.
____________________ is 30 dollars.
8. What's the
price of this _____________________________?
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98906');">&
来源: 2015初二英语上期末试题及答案.doc
&&easy& eye&&
good&&& interest&& late& learn&&
something&& they&&& why&& with
Most children like watching TV. It's very 1&&&&&&&&
. By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things about
2&&&&&&&&& country and the
world. Of course, they can also 3& &&&&&&&&&over
the radio. But they can learn better and more 4&&&&&&&&
&on TV. 5&&&&&& &? Because
they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can't see 6&&&&&&&
&over the radio. TV helps to open children’s 7&&&& .
It helps to open their minds, too. They learn newer and
8&&&& ways of doing things. Many children watch TV only
on Saturday or Sunday evening. They are always busy9&&&&&&&&
&their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to
bed very 10&&&&&&& . They can' t have
a good rest. How about you, my young friend?
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98871');">&
来源: 2014七年级上册英语第六单元作业题及答案.doc
fat,&& questions,&& strawberries,&&
about,&& stars,&& then,&& likes
1.I have ___________________ and eggs
for breakfast.&&
2.First, we play tennis.
_____________________ we play volleyball.&&
3.I like apples, but Tom
_________________ pears.
4.I have milk every day. What
_______________________ you?
5.You are too __________________. You
must lose some weight (重量).
6.— Can I ask you some ____________________ ?& — Sure.
7.Sun Yang and Ye Shiwen are great
sports ___________________.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98833');">&
来源: 2015山西农大附中八年级英语上期末试题及答案.doc
Peter had a party on his birthday in his house.
Although he had a great time, it made him very& 1& . Before
the party, he did many things. First he& 2& some money&
3& his parents to buy some food, and& 4& the living
room. Then he& 5 his car to pick up(接) some of his
friends. When the& 6& party was over, he found there& 7
still(仍然) a lot of things& 8& do. He
did the& 9& , swept the floor, and& 10& out
the trash. When he could have a rest, it was over twelve o’clock.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98803');">&
来源: 2014七年级上册英语第五单元作业题及答案.doc
1.Mary _______________________ an eraser. 2.They don’t have a ______________________. They have a basketball.3.—Let’s play soccer. —Oh, soccer is so __________________. Let’s play ping-pong.4.That ______________________ interesting. 5. After class, I play basketball with my _____________________.6. Let’s play tennis. That sounds _____________________. 7. Ted likes sports, but he only watches_____________________ on TV.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98764');">&
来源: 2014——2015年九年级英语上学期期末竞赛试题及答案.doc
选词填空 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。(每词限用一次)
home& with& happy& evening
was ill last week. He had to stay at (1) _____________. He felt bored, and he
was also worried about his lessons and the
basketball game. In the (2) _____________, some of his classmates came to his
house. Ted was very (3) _____________ to see them. Cindy brought him some
exciting CDs and DVDs. She said they would take turns to help him (4)
_____________ his lessons. As for the basketball game, Jim would take his place.
They hoped Ted could get well (5) _____________ get back to school soon.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98627');">&
来源: 杭州市北苑实验中学学年上学期期末模拟七年级英语试提及答案.doc
come, for ,well, daughter , one,
have,know, banana, when, we
My name is Liu Yun
. I’m a 12-year- old girl. I’m the only __1___ in my family. My birthday is
also the National Day(国庆节). It’s the __2___day of the tenth month.
My parents _3__ a party for me on that day. My friends ___4___to the party.
They bring(带来) me many birthday presents(礼物),and they sing (唱) Happy Birthday to me. __5_ eat some fruit:
strawberries, oranges and _6___. We eat chicken and cakes ___7__dinner. We also
play games. We have a __8__time! What’s your age (年龄)? __9___is your birthday? Can you let me __10__?
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98483');">&
来源: 2014七年级上册英语第四单元作业题及答案.doc
everywhere,&&& head,&& Where,&&
know,&& bed,&&& come,&&
but,&&& always&
—_________________ is my schoolbag?&&&& —It's on the sofa.
2. Look! The red
quilt is on the___________________.
3. Alan’s baseballs
are_________________,—on the table, under the sofa and in the box.
4. Can you
___________________ to my room, Bob?
5. —Where is her
hat?&& —It's on her _______________________.
_________________ says “Good morning, Ms Green” when he meets her.
7. Linda can find
her map, _____________________ she can’t find her ring.
8. —Where is the
key? —I don't _______________________. Is it in your desk?
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98353');">&
来源: 学年第一学期小池中学第三次教学质量监测九年级英语试题及答案.doc
请根据句意,选用合适的词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。ring, rain, take, weigh, make 1. Everything _________ more on the earth than on the moon because of gravity.2. --Oh, dear, you _____________ my new dress dirty.
--Oh, so I have. I’m really sorry.3. Father promises me that he _____________ us to Harbin in two days..4. --There was a heavy rain yesterday, wasn’t there? -- Yes. When I came back home, it ______________ hard.5. – Why didn’t you come yesterday?--I did. I
the bell for a long time but nobody answered.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98348');">&
来源: 2014七年级上册英语第二单元作业题及答案.doc
who,&&&& next,&&&&
cousin,&&&& &girl,&&&& uncle,&&&& grandma
1. The ________________________ is my sister, Linda.
father's mother is my __________________________.
3. —W______________________ is the girl? —She is my friend.&&
is my aunt's daughter. She
is my _______________________.
my ______________________. He's my mother's brother.
6. Jim is in
the first picture and Mary is in the ___________ picture.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98131');">&
来源: 2014七年级上册英语第一单元作业题及答案.doc
I,&&&&&& to meet,&&&&&&
1. This is
Mary. This is _____________________ map.
2. Jenny is
my ______________________ name. Black is my last name.
3. —What's
______________________ name? —My name is Linda.
_________________________ am Alan.
__________________________ you, Nick.&
_____________________ her last name?& —It's Green.
7. —Is Cindy
in Shanghai? —___________________, she is in Beijing.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98064');">&
来源: 大石中学年九年级期末英语期末模拟试题及答案.doc
who, both, good,, time, train, increase, they,
smart, show, with,
Recent studies have___1__ that
exercise is good to ___2___ your physical strength and brain. A new
study finds that people become __3___ after starting a running program. In their
study, the researchers had seven young people start a running program
consisting of running 30minutes,two or three ___4__ a week for at least
12skills before and after the 3-month running program. After 12 weeks of
running, scores on all of the tests ____5___ greatly in the runners, as
did their reaction times(反应时间)in completing the tests, but the scores
began to fall again if the runners stopped their_____6____.
The results could have suggestions for old people
as _7____.According to these researchers, old people___8___
started a 4-month exercise program also showed it may help doctors find a way
to use exercise and running to help old people and those __9___Altheimer’s(老年痴呆)
disease improve __10__ memory and other mental skills.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-98062');">&
来源: 2015初一英语Unit 5 Do you have a s occer ball基础知识巩固题及答案.doc
1.A:Do you ___________ a soccer ball?
B:No,I don't.
A:What about Billy?
B:I think he ___________ one.
2.There are some children in the room.They
all ___________ new books.But they don't ___________ any colour pencils.Lei Hao
___________ a big pencil-box.Ren Lijuan ___________ a small one.What about Bai
jie? Oh,she ___________ two!
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-97995');">&
来源: 学年杭州市北苑实验中学上学期期末模拟八年级英语试题及答案.doc
one, easy,
talk, although, at, skill, other, we, alone, give
Making friends is a skill. Like
most 1&&& , it improves with practice. If you want to
meet people and make friends, you must take some actions. You must 2&&&
go where there are people. You won’t make friends staying home&
Joining a club or a group, talking
with those who like the same things as you do is much 4&& &.
Or join someone in some activities.
Many people are nervous when they
are &5&& &to new people. After all, meeting
strangers& means facing the unknown. And it’s human nature to feel a bit
uncomfortable about unknown. Most of our fears about dealing with new people
comes from doubt(怀疑)& about &6&&&&& &. We
imagine other people are judging(评判) us, finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But
don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself as
you are, and try to put the other person at ease. You’ll both feel more
Try to act with self-confidence(自信) 7&&& you
don’t feel that way. Walk with your back straight, look directly 8&&&&
other people and smile.
If you see someone you’d like to
speak to, say something. Don’t wait for 9&&&& to
start a conversation.
Just meeting someone new does not
mean that you will make friends with that&&&&
person—friendship is “10&&&& and take”. It takes
time and effort to develop.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-97896');">&


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