
兽兽扮武媚娘洗车博眼球 这次可以看胸
吉林美女雾凇前跳钢管舞 大秀美腿不畏严寒
超模海边拍泳装大片 红唇出镜性感魅惑
• 版权所有 Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.求七篇初一水平的英语暑假周记!今天就要用!_百度作业帮
第一篇 the happy dayI was very happy because it was sunny on May Day.I got up very early at about six o’clock in the morning.At seven o’clock,I had a bottle of milk and two eggs for breakfast.After breakfast,I cleaned my room.When my mother came to my room,she was very happy to see my room was so clean.At eleven o’clock,I had lunch with my family.Then I played basketball with my friends.We played basketball well.In the evening,I watched TV and did my homework.I think I was very happy on that day.I enjoyed it very much.第二篇a happy journeySunday,May 15th Today the weather was cloudy all day.It was good for a trip,so I got up early and went to a beautiful mountain.I saw many animals,flowers and trees there.A rabbit ate grass and it was really relaxed.Later I found a tree.I was very surprised that the tree was so tall and big.At about 9:30,I went to a lake.There were some fish playing in the water.They looked interesting.Then I had a picnic under a tree.I ate some chocolate and sandwiches.They were delicious.In the afternoon,I visited a museum.There were many strange and interesting things.I saw some foreigners (外国人).They were friendly and I said “Hi” to them.That made me feel very happy.At night,I went to the hotel.I had great fun enjoying the nice music.And I talked with my friends about my trip.It was a really fantastic day.I hope I can have a good time every day.第三篇A special manHe’s short and thin.He has gray hair and a gray beard.He always wears a green sweater,blue pants and brown shoes.He likes to tell jokes and never stops talking.Look!He is telling a joke now.He is very old,but he is still (仍旧) very healthy and happy.第四篇A beautiful parkLook!This is a very beautiful park.And the weather is sunny and hot.Some boys are playing soccer on the grass.They look happy.And some girls are watching them.Look at this group of boys playing basketball.They look cool!How about that short and thin boy?He is running.I’m surprised he can run in this heat.But I think it’s good for his health.What are they doing on the chair?Let me see.A woman is reading an English book.She is studying English.And another (另一个) woman is eating an apple.The man is talking to them.Everyone is having a good time.第五篇、MY motherMy mother is a teacher.She works in No.1 Middle School.She starts work at seven o’clock in the morning and finishes her work at five o’clock in the afternoon.She likes her job very much because she can give so many students knowledge and she also gets love from her students.But she also wants to be a newspaper reporter.Because she likes talking to people and she can learn a lot of new things every day.六、My summer holidayThis year,we will have a long holiday.I am really excited.I am going to go to Hainan this summer holiday.I think it is cool in Hainan.I am going to go with my parents.We are going to go there by train.We are going to stay there for five days.I am going to swim there.I like swimming very much.Then I will read books at home.And I will help my mother do the housework.I belive,I will have a happy holiday.七、Study and have a restIn my opinion,I think doing too much homework is not important.I love many kinds of sports,such as playing ping-pong or playing basketball.so,I am athletic.And I also like enjoying the nature,I like climbing the mountains and walking in the forest during the vacation,because I can forget all my problems!Learning to relax is really important.When I worry about something,I maybe go to the library to read some books,because I can get happiness from them.八、My Favorite TeacherI have many teacher,there are math teachher ,chinese teacher.But my favorite teacher is my English teacher .She is of glasses and long curly hair.She is medium build and is not tall.I love she very much,because she can speak English well and she is friendly with me.Do you think she is so gond?I think so.
1. July 20
cloudyToday, i went to my grandma's house, she was very happy to see me. I told him about my study and life. We had a big meal. After that, we had a talk for a long time. At 4 o'clo...
您可能关注的推广回答者:英语翻译叔叔 阿姨哥哥 姐姐门拜托了_百度作业帮
英语翻译叔叔 阿姨哥哥 姐姐门拜托了
我给你一个,其他自己作:TreeA tree has three main parts,the roots,the branches and the leaves.Under the ground,the roots spread out so that the tree can stand firm.Above the ground,the roots form the trunk,and the trunk supports the branches.Near the top of the tree,the trunk divides into branches.At the top of the tree,the leaves grow out of the branches.the leaves receive sunlight to help the whole tree grow.
3 我们一起讨论了一个问题:“家里谁最胖”.最后我们一致选出爸爸最胖,随后,各种笑话就出来了,比如说大腹便便呀,膀大腰圆呀什么的.结果爸爸却满怀自信,而且摸着大肚子憨态可掬地说:“我觉得我还满帅的呀,一米八三的身高,一百七十斤的体重,是标准体重咧!”我最后得出一个结论:胖人总是觉得自己不胖,瘦人总觉得很胖要减肥(比如说我妈妈),不管胖还是瘦,只要身体健康就好.爸爸妈妈异口同声地说:“你这个小瘦子还蛮有思想的嘛!”7月20日 晴 我爱疯狂英语这几天来,我迷上了英语,第一天是妈妈要我学的,后面几天都是我提醒的,妈妈才去学.我们学了有关肢体类、打招呼、文具类的内容,结果也闹出了很多笑话,比如我把一个单词的中文读成了“云梯”,还有一次,我把早上好的英语读成了晚上好和上学去的英语,不过在笑声中,这些词被我刻骨铭心地记住了.我们在家里窜上跳下,在床上翻来滚去,学得不亦乐乎,妈妈说我很像Crazy Baby,还说我有学英语的天赋呢!我相信只要能坚持下去,在英语的丛林里披荆斩棘,我就一定能学好英语.希望三年级早点到来!7月21日 晴 第一次煎鸡蛋 今天,我在妈妈的协助下学会了煎鸡蛋.第一步:把油烧成七成热,再磕一个鸡蛋放入锅内,再捏一点盐均匀地洒在蛋上;第二步:把蛋用锅铲翻一个面(一定要等第一面熟了以后哦!),又在另一面洒盐(一旦发现膨胀起来,用锅铲压一压即可.);等蛋清煎黄就可出锅.(在煎的过程中,我被炸到了鼻子,但是还一直在坚持煎)尝着自己做的蛋,觉得好吃极了,还有一个很大的优点,我没发现被妈妈发现了,就是我煎的蛋黄都熟透了但是没有糊,妈妈还直夸我第一次煎蛋就煎得那么好呢! 7月27日 晴 我当妈妈 昨天我和妈妈商量好了,让我尝试着当一回妈妈.早上,我正等着妈妈起床给我做早饭吃(因为我忘记了当妈妈的事.)没想到妈妈一起来就说:“妈妈,我肚子饿了!” 我这才想起那个约定,我就去做早餐,早餐有:一人一个馒头夹火腿(“儿子”提出做火腿夹心,我就把它做成了馒头夹火腿),早餐饼干一筒,一钵子稀饭,还有一人一杯雪碧.早餐很丰盛,我们俩人吃得津津有味,“儿子”直夸我做的早餐好吃,还说你这个“妈妈”还挺有创意的嘛.我也想以后要少惹妈妈生气了,以后如果天天像这样照顾妈妈的话,她一定会很开心,我们也一定会越来越融洽的.
Life in grade seven is over.In this year,i learned a lot of things.My English is better than before.I can do homework very fast,and it's always right.I am very happy with that.I also can help my friends with some hard questions and we always help each other.This is the way to study.生活在七年级是结束了.在这年,我学到了很多东西.我的英语是比以前更好.我可以做功课非常快,而且它总是对的.我很高兴.我也可以帮助我的朋友一些困难的问题,我们总是相互帮助对方.这就是学习.
July 6 2007 It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we c...


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