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苏珊·米勒Susan Miller巨蟹座2014年10月星座运势
耐心点,亲爱的蟹子们1。10月虽然不是按照你所期望的路线进行,但是却非常有意义。10月会有2个蚀像,一个是在10月8号,满月在白羊座15度,第二个是在10月23日,新月在白羊座0度。由于蟹蟹的守护星是月亮,所以蟹蟹们对于满月的影响的感受绝对强于新月(新月更加和太阳有关)。这个月蚀象不同于4月15日或者4月28日,他们更加柔和一些,甚至也许会带给你一些你以前不曾有的机会。&月蚀的任务是将信息带出表面,动摇蟹蟹已经适应的环境,然后让蟹蟹继续前进。宇宙是不会让事物连续几个月甚至几年保持不变。若是蟹蟹们的境况已经保持很久而没有任何进展,月蚀就会做一些你自己不能做的事情,让你改变这种状况以便你有机会在将来变得更好。月蚀会产生一个空间,带来了一个迅速的结果。宇宙不能有空间,所以在接下去的月蚀后的几个礼拜和几个月后,他会迅速补充这个空间。&10月8日的月蚀发生在“宫”的第10区和你掌握的那个区域。该区掌管蟹蟹的名望,目标以及你的能力,他会使你晋升到一个有权势和有影响的职位。开始,这个月的消息会使你有些慌乱,但是看起来这是暂时的。你会比以往我所看到的恢复的更快,稍后我会告诉你为什么。&这次的月蚀携手天王星,完全无法预计的发展。天王星联合满月直接与太阳和金星抗衡。你一定会感受到震动,特别是如果你的生日在7月7日前后5天内,无论发生什么都不得不处理4月,4月15日或者5月14日出现的状况。日食是在家庭的主题连接在一起(,,,这些都是如此。(LZ被点名了,要好好想想那几个日子发生了什么)。&你可能发现一个女性领导或客户会宣布离开,或者一个意想不到的家里其他财产的情况框或者与你的家庭成员可能会产生不悦,暂时干扰你专注于你的工作。看起来像是家庭内部或者地产问题,影响你工作的注意力。此外,金钱也成为讨论的另外一个部分。比如,承诺没有兑现或者如果你有你自己的生意,可能你不的不在未预计的业务上花钱。&我之所以说你比鼠标的小斗篷在风中飘动恢复的更快,是因为10月10日有一个金三角将出现在天空。所有迹象看来,这金三角将连接木星,也就是在你收入的第二宫,火星在人马座,就是你的工作宫,天王星在你的名誉宫。所有这些行星将一起来帮助你在你的职业生涯中书写你的名字以及赚钱。&如果你已经有了小孩,你可能会找到一个方法,能够显著的帮助你的孩子。这也许是一个已经让你头疼的问题但是现在给了你答案。如果你期望怀孕,这个蚀象也许会想法上回有帮助。10月23日是新月,他会为新的可能打开一扇门,新月是非常强大的,他们是宇宙用来制造改变和机会最戏剧的工具。你的创造力也会源源不断,如果你要开启一个项目,这个新月会激发你马上开始。&我能想象到的是,10月8日满月会帮你会在办公室或在你目前的行业中有新的机会,因为这样的日食可能会打破旧的结构。如果你觉得目前你被困住,那么这月食将创造行动的机会,特别是那些生日在7月7日前后5天的蟹子亦或者是你有行星落在白羊座的15度,狮子座或。&另外一个月蚀,10月23日的新月落在天蝎座,照亮你的第五宫,,孩子以及创造力上。如果你还是单身正在寻爱中,新月会帮你,不仅仅是现在在接下去的几个礼拜依然如此。这是本年度最让人开心的蚀象,他会和金星手拉手进入到天蝎座,对蟹蟹来说是一个非常理想的位置。&如果你的生日落在6月21日,前后5天内,或者如果你巨蟹上升0度,又或者你的出生行星落在巨蟹,天蝎或者双鱼座0度,你也会从10月23日的新月受益。&不要密封所有事,因为水星在10月4日到23日之间开始逆行,这回导致取消,延迟,高度的优柔寡断,以及健忘,你可能会丢东西,比如太阳镜或者你每天携带的必需品。10月份不要签署合同,也不要给出口头的协议。等到11月份再做这些事情。&水星在天蝎座逆行,但会很快开始回到天秤座并停留在此大部分时间。这意味着你的家庭计划有可能延迟和进展缓慢,例如装修。告诉你的承包商,如果出现以上所说的状况请他书面通知你,因为你将不得不花更多的钱,你可以避免这些额外费用支出。这仅仅是一个例子。另一个可能是你的为你家人做的计划,当你获得新信息后,需要更加精确你的计划或者放弃。关于这点是灵活的,可以继续搜索的答案。&10月份不要买任何的电子产品,包括电话,厨房用具无论大的还是小的以及汽车,因为稍后你就对他们不会满意了,可能因为各种原因。这全部是因为水星的逆行,他导致迷惑,健忘以及错误的判断。如果你用旧的优先权和条件判断,在十月做出决定,你的优先权会在未来几周内改变,你会后悔你作的决定。十一月的消费会取得最好的结果。(注意:避免11月12日,此时火星与天王星处于艰难的角度。)&如果家里需要你做决定,比如增加另外一个房间的蓝图。10月11日前不要做决定,因为这天金星会从天王星受到直接的威胁,所以这天不是是同家人讨论事情的好日子。直到10月13日,当金星,这颗掌管你家庭宫的行星,受到木星的照顾,这天是非常适合谈话的日子。&现在来看看这个月闪闪发光的大日子吧。&如果你要去旅行,10月20日是个好日。这天水星,这颗管理旅行的行星和木星同步。如果你想要拜访一个客户想要取得一份重要的合同,这天非常适合。但是要去拜访你已经相熟的客户,不适宜拜访新客户/当水星逆行期间,非常适合追溯过去,拜访那些与你相熟,已经信任你或者喜欢你的客户。本月老客户相对于新客户更加能够带给你一份合同。&自9月14日进行入住射手座后,10月25日金星将会离开。在这几个礼拜,你在办公室工作额外努力所以你会很开心看到你疯狂脚步会慢下来。在过去的6个礼拜你也会非常重视健康,比如也许你已经在看很多医生,也许因为你已经决定要从不同专业人士进行一年一度的体检了,另外,如果你已经做了物理治疗或其他药物的治疗,当然,你的医生可能结束这些治疗,至少现在你的医生可以做些测试,看看你的进展。11月下旬的新月,你会得到另一个促进你的健康和工作的动力,一直到12月初,但现在,你会得到很好的休息。&10月25日到12月4日期间,火星停留在,你将有更多的时间投入到爱情,或你的伴侣,,以及合伙工作。看起来接下来的几周合作要比你独立担当更好。如果你有一个代理,的生意伙伴,经理,代表,公关,或其他专业人士,那人会为您带来有趣的工作。记住,水星直接走到10月23日,虽然他还是会有点昏昏沉沉的,他将努力调整自己的速度,所以你将进入一个比较正常的时间,月底可以做决定。&总结&因为10月8日和23日的两次蚀相的回归,巨大的改变可能正蓄势待发。此次与你四月份的两次讨论相关,而这些蚀相将推进这些讨论,使其迈上新的台阶,并且带来前所未有的翻天覆地的变化,你也会为之瞠目。作为本位,你将是先锋星座,所以在必要的时候,你会做好向前迈进的准备。但是,你的主星月球使你怀念过去,悲春伤秋。亲爱的蟹子,请专注于未来。往者不可谏,来着犹可追。你可以在午夜的星空里划下你的名字。&10月份将发生两次蚀相,因为你的主星是月球,所以比起日蚀来说,10月8日的白羊座满月月食将对你产生更大的影响。月蚀将点亮你的事业宫,所以会有意想不到的事件发生。一个女性主管会顾客可能会离开,一个项目可能结束,或者你自己会主动或被动的离职。由于天王星与日球对立,加上月蚀,所以所有的消息可能都是始料未及,让你为之费神。同时,你视乎已经从你的职业中获得许多,并且学到了许多。而且,培养出了自力更生、吃苦耐劳、善于领导等一些让贵人欣赏的品质。&回想一下4月15日附近发生的一些变化,此次的月蚀可能会使当时的颓势有所扭转,或者给你带来一些可以澄清、改善和改进你事业状况的信息。当消息来到时,你可能认为你有所损失(或至少肯定不是好消息),但仔细一看,此次情形将对你有利。&另一次蚀相是10月23号发生的新月日蚀。此次蚀相是友好的,将开启你生命中新一波的情绪兴奋。如果你是单身,你可能会邂逅一段美妙的情缘,如果你结婚了,你可能会突然怀孕,这将给你带来无穷的喜悦。社交上,你的人生将出现新的光辉。如果你的工作与创意的想法有关,此次月蚀将帮助你出类拔萃,产生最富有想象力、最具有独创性的想法和艺术表达。从10月4日至26日,水星将于天秤座逆行一个月。水星将聚焦在你的住宅/ 家 /公寓/其他你租的或所有的房产,或你会尤其关注你的父母或他们的家。由于水逆,你需要慢下步来。这段时间适合维修,叫上粉刷匠,清洗家具,或继续一些之前搁置的项目。但是,这段时间不适合买电子产品,所以等到11月再买。如果要宣布巨大消息或产品推介,也请等到11月,你会为这个决定而高兴。&重大日子&爱情、会议、行动最重要的日子:1日、5日、、6日、9日、10日、14日、15日、19日、20日、23日、24日、28日和29日。&天蝎座/天秤座水逆:10月4日至26日。家庭方面可能有些事务可能会被宣布延迟。10月也不是购买家具或家电/电子产品的好时间。&10月8日月蚀,你的职业生涯可能会突然发生突变。你个女老板或顾客可能突然离去。的是,火星友好地向木转,所以此次改变对你的工作有利。&家庭方面,由于太阳(10月10日)和金星(10月13日)于木星呈友好相位,所以对有所助益。&10月20日(或之前的周末,10月18日至19日)去旅行吧。这将会是个非常成功的旅行。&如果你是单身,10月24日的日食可能让你邂逅一份新的感情,如果你结婚了,你可能会怀上。所以的蟹子们将从此次的月蚀中获得状况上的好消息,因为更多的快乐和社交即将来到。&在10月23日日食以及之后的几天、几周内,你的灵感将源源不断。&几乎整个月,你都将忙于工作,并且可能要耗上很多小时。10月25到12月5号,火星将在摩羯座运行,在这段时间里,工作会没那么忙。从月底(10月25日)开始,你将可以分给你的另一半更多的时间,而你的他/或她可能觉得最近被忽略了。&10月27日和28日,海王星和金星、太阳会在天蝎座里形成美好交角,准备好一个浪漫的夜晚(如果一个人,请到处转转)。&Be patient, dear Cancer. This will be a month that won't quite take the course you expect, but nevertheless has value. Two eclipses are due, one on October 8, a full moon lunar eclipse in Aries 15 degrees, and the second one, due October 23, a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio 0 degrees. As a Cancer, your guardian planet is the moon, so you always feel full moon lunar eclipses more than solar eclipses (which are really about the Sun). These eclipses won't be like the ones that came by April 15 or April 28 - these will be kinder - and may present opportunities that you didn't have before.&Eclipses are on a mission to bring information to the surface, and shake you out of a compliant, status quo state to keep you moving forward. The universe cannot stand things staying at a status quo for months or even years. If a situation has gone on too long without progress, the eclipse will do for you what you could not do for yourself - take you out of that situation so that you have a chance to replace it with a far better set of circumstances in the future. An eclipse will do this by bringing a swift ending, hence, creating a vacuum. The universe cannot abide a vacuum, so it will soon move to fill it in the weeks and months after the eclipse.&This October 8 eclipse will occur in your tenth sector of career, and the status you hold in that area. This area rules your reputation and goals, and your ability to rise up through the ranks to a position of power and influence. At first, news this month is likely to rattle you, but the shock seems to be temporary - you will recover faster than I have ever seen you recover, and I will show you why in a moment.&This eclipse is conjunct Uranus, planet of completely unexpected developments. Uranus will conjoin the full moon and directly oppose the Sun and Venus. You will certainly feel the tremors, especially if your birthday falls on or within five days of July 7. Whatever occurs might have to do with a situation that arose in April, near the April 15 eclipse or the full moon of May 14. Eclipses are linked together by theme within a family of eclipses (in this case Aries-Libra or Taruus-Scorpio) - these are.&You may find a female or client boss will announce a departure, or an unexpected situation at home with other property or with an immediate member of your family may arise out of the blue, temporarily interfering with your ability to concentrate on your work. It does seem a domestic or real estate matter will come up to rival your attention on work. Additionally, money may enter part of the discussion too. For example, a promised raise may not materialize, or if you are in your own business, it may be that you will have to spend money (or invest money) in the business unexpectedly.&The reason I say you will resourcefully recover faster than Mighty Mouse springing into action, with his little cape flapping in the wind, is because a golden triangle will appear in the sky on October 10. This golden triangle, all in fire signs, will link Jupiter in Leo in your second house of earned income, Mars in Sagittarius in your house of work assignments, and Uranus in your house of fame and honors. All these planets will work together to help you make a name for yourself in your career, and to make money doing so as well.&I can only imagine that whatever came up on the full moon eclipse October 8 helped you take advantage of the newly fluid situation at the office or in your industry, for that eclipse is likely to break up old, outdated structures. If you felt stuck professionally, this eclipse will create movement, particularly if your birthday falls on or within five days of July 7 or you have planets near 15 degrees Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.&The other eclipse, a solar new moon eclipse, October 23, will be in Scorpio and light your fifth house of love, children, and creativity. If you are single and hoping to find love, this eclipse will go far to help you do so, not only now but in weeks ahead. This will be the happiest eclipse of the year, and will arrive arm-in-arm with Venus in Scorpio, an ideal place for Venus to be for you.&If you have children, you may find a solution to help your child in a significant way - this may be a question that has weighed on you and now brings an answer. If you hoped to get pregnant, this eclipse may help in conception. This eclipse is a new moon, and will open a door for new possibilities, and eclipses are very powerful - they are the most dramatic tool the universe uses to create change and in this case, opportunity. Your creativity is likely to blossom too, and if you have a project you would like to start, this new moon would be the one to help motivate you to begin immediately.&If your birthday falls on June 21, plus or minus five days, or if you have Cancer rising 0 degrees, or a natal planet in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces at 0 degrees (plus five degrees, you will benefit from this eclipse October 23 as well.&Don't seal anything in stone just yet, as Mercury will be retrograde October 4 to 23, and that will bring cancellations and postponements, indecision from higher ups, and forgetfulness, where you might lose something, like your sunglasses or other necessary item you carry around with you every day. Do not sign a contract in October, nor give your verbal agreement on any deals just yet. Wait to do so in November.&Mercury will start out retrograde in Scorpio but quickly backtrack into Libra, and spend most of its time in that sign. This means plans you have for your home - say, for example, renovations, are likely to run into delays and possible overruns. Tell your contractor to inform you in writing when it appears you will have to spend more money so you can sign off on those extra expenses. This is only one example. Another might be a plan you had suggested for your parent may need to be refined or abandoned when you get new information. The point is, be flexible and keep searching for answers involving home or family.&Do not purchase any electronic items, including a smart phone, kitchen appliance (large or small), or car in October, as you are not likely to be pleased with your item later, for an entire variety of reasons. This all is due to Mercury in retrograde, which causes confusion, forgetfulness, and bad judgment. Your priorities will be changing over coming weeks, and if you use old priorities and qualifications to make decisions in October, you will likely regret your decision. Purchase (or close on a house) in November for best results. (Note: avoid November 12 when Mars will be in hard angle to Uranus.)&If you need to make decisions for your home, such as to lay out the blueprints for adding another room (or creating one with a wall), do not do so on October 11, when Venus will receive a direct threat from Uranus. This would also be a bad day to discuss things with your family. Wait until October 13, when Venus, the planet that rules your house of home, will be in conversation with good fortune Jupiter.&Now let's look at some outstanding days that will be sprinkled throughout the month.&If you need to travel for any reason, choose October 20. On that day Mercury, the planet of travel, will be in sync with the great benefic, Jupiter. If you need to see a client to hopefully make an important deal or sale, this would be the day to do so - make it a client you already know, not one that is new. When Mercury is retrograde, you are encouraged to go back to the past and revisit those who know you and always trusted and admired you. A former client will be more likely to give you a purchase order this month than one who is new.&Mars will leave Sagittarius on October 25, having been in Sagittarius since September 14. During those weeks, you have been working extra hard in the office, so you will be glad to see your frantic pace at the office calm down. You may have also had a strong emphasis on health over the past six weeks, so, as one example, you may have been seeing many doctors, perhaps because you were determined to get all annual checkups done, from various professionals. Alternatively, if you have been going through a course of physical therapy or other drug protocols, your doctor may now end those treatments too, at least for now until your doctor can do more tests to see how you're doing. You will get another boost to your health and work assignments in late November at the new moon, extending the emphasis into early December, but for now, you will get a nice break in the action.&With Mars in Capricorn, October 25 to December 4, you will have more time to devote to your significant other in love, or your partner, expert, or collaborator in work. It appears you will do better in a partnership mode than working on your own in coming weeks. If you have an agent, business partner, manager, representative, publicist, writing partner, or other professional, that person will go the distance to bring you interesting work. Keep in mind, Mercury will go direct October 23, and although he will still be a bit groggy, he will be working on regulating his speed, so you will move into a more normal time, where decisions can be made at month's end.&In terms of love, the move of Venus into Scorpio will be good news, October 24 to November 16. Because Mercury will go direct October 25, plan on buying some new clothes and finding ways to make your appearance the best it can be while Venus is at your side. For example, soon after Mercury goes direct, you may want to buy new clothes or ask your stylist to suggest a new way to wear your hair. Venus will make you more magnetic and alluring and good looking, too!&On October 27, Venus in water sign Scorpio will contact Neptune in water sign Pisces, creating a very glamorous day for love and fun. The following day, October 28, the Sun and Neptune will meet, making for another magical day for love.&Your imagination will also reach great heights on both October 27 and October 28 as well, so if you are working on a creative project, on these days also be sure to spend solid time thinking of new ways to express your artistic side.&Summary&Big changes may be on the way because eclipses are back, October 8 and 23. This time they are linked to the discussions you had last April, and those will advance discussions to a new place, and bring sweeping changes that no one saw coming, including you. As a cardinal sign, you are considered a pioneering sign, always ready to move forward when necessary. Your ruler, the moon, however, makes you nostalgic and emotional about the past. Keep focused on the future, dear Cancer. The past is done, but the future is where you can write your name across the midnight sky.&Of the two eclipses that will arrive in October, you will feel a full moon lunar eclipse of October 8 in Aries more directly than a solar eclipse, because your ruling entity is the moon. That eclipse will light your career sector, so this is where you will see the unanticipated events take place. A top female executive or client may depart, a project may be winding down to a finish, or it may be that you leave your position either by choice or necessity. With Uranus opposed to the Sun and eclipse of the moon, all news will be completely unexpected and may grate on your nerves. Still, it appears you've gained a great deal from your efforts in your career, and you learned a lot. You also established yourself as a self-starter, hard worker, and leader, qualities that please VIPs.&Think back to changes that were clearly in the wind in your career near April 15 - that eclipse might either reverse difficult news that happened back then, or bring you more information so that you can clarify, improve, and revamp your career situation. When news hits, you may assume that all is lost (or at the very least that the news is certainly not good), but on closer examination, the fluid situation that has been created will allow you to turn the tables in your favor.&The other eclipse, a solar new moon eclipse October 23, will be friendly and open up a new wave of emotional excitement to your life. You may meet a new romantic interest if you are single, or if attached, be surprised by a pregnancy that brings joy. Socially, your life will take on new luster. If you work in the world of ideas and creative concepts, this eclipse will also help you shine and help you come up with some of your most imaginative, original ideas and artistic expressions.&Mercury will be retrograde all month from October 4 to 26 in Libra. Mercury will focus you on your house / home / apartment / other property you rent or own, or you will be thinking intently about your parents or their home. You will need to go slowly with Mercury retrograde. It is a good time to do repairs, to call in the painters, have furnishings cleaned, or to go back to projects you had put aside some time ago. It would be a terrible time, however, to buy electronics, so wait to buy those in November. Also wait to make your biggest announcements and launches - you will be glad you did.&Dates to Note: CANCER&Most important dates for love, meetings, or actions: 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20, 23, 24, 28, and 29.&Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio / Libra from October 4 to 26. Delays will be pronounced in matters of home and family. It is also not a time to buy furniture or any appliances / electronics in October.&Expect sudden changes in your career as a result of the eclipse October 8. A top female boss or client may announce a departure. Fortunately Mars will be beautifully oriented toward Jupiter, so you can make changes work in your favor.&Home and family questions will benefit from both the Sun (October 10 and Venus (October 13) in beautiful angle to Jupiter.&Travel over October 20 (and perhaps take the preceding weekend too, October 18-19) for a very successful trip.&The solar eclipse of October 24 may bring a new love to you if you are single, or if attached, news that you or your partner are expecting a baby. All Cancers of any marital status will benefit from this eclipse, for more fun and socializing appear to be in store.&Creative ideas will do exceedingly well in the days and weeks that follow October 23, the solar eclipse.&You will be very busy at work almost all month, and you may have to put in long hours. Work will simmer down after Mars tours Capricorn from October 25 to December 5. Starting at month's end, October 25, you will focus more on your romantic or business partner. You will have more time for your partner, who may have been feeling neglected lately.&Plan a romantic evening (or if you are alone, plan to circulate) on October 27 and 28, when Neptune will be beautifully angled to Venus and the Sun in Scorpio.&
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