a woman may not be honest with alife is strangee man.

A picture speaks a thousand words. &Hahaha !!! Guess what?& I did not set this shot up. &This is normal life in our household. &Nakedness in a chair.
I can’t make this shit up.
This photo of Michael pretty much captures what living with a man is all about, don’t you think?
Say yes, or get slapped with a pork chop.
We need to stop expecting normal from men. &We all know that it’s never going to happen. &Normal wouldn’t be fun anyway. &They are&weird in an oh so awesome way. &That’s okay. &Normal is the new boring.&
40 Strange But True Facts About Men
1. & & If you shake your groove thing in front of a man, &you’re pretty much guaranteed to have anything you want.
2. & &Men&enjoy long romantic walks to the beer fridge.
3. & & Men waste thousands of gallons of fuel every year, driving around while&not&asking for directions.
4.& & &Men can slip into a coma while sitting in a retail store chair waiting for you to come out of the fitting room.
5. & &&50% of men claim they would feel comfortable if their girlfriend had a lesbian lover. & Ohh. &Emmm. Geeeh.
6. & & Putting toilet paper on the roll is not common sense, it’s a super power. &Apparently only women have this magical power.
Born &in &a &barn.
7. & & For the love of Pete, what is the big deal about golf ?! &It’s a big patch of grass with a little dimpled ball… MmmKay.
Rocket science for boys.
8.& & &Men roll their eyes at words like ” commitment, and change the toilet paper roll ”
9. & & If you find dirty socks and underwear near-to or semi-near the hamper, there is a man nearby.
Note : He will claim innocence.
10. & &A woman speaks about 7,000 a man speaks about 2,000.
Oh &Really?? &I &don’t &think so.
11. & & If it’s attention that you want, don’t get in a relationship with a man during playoff season.
12. & &Men&do things that make us go aaaackkkkkk and make us go ahhhhhhhhh all at once. & How weird.
13.& & The front lawn is the Holy Land. & It’s not to be messed with.
14. & & Men like gadgets with lots of fancy shiny black buttons. &It makes them feel dang important.
Chitty &Chatty. &Uh &ha. &Yeah. &ohhh. &Okay.
15. & &&Dear men, your Mother is not a saint. &A saint would have taught you to put the lid&down.
16.& & & When men&talk with food in their mouth, it makes you want to reach right across the table and slap them with a hot dog&while mumbling the word wanker under your breath.
17.& & & If men make the bed and do the laundry, we will gasp.
18. & & Enough already with the combover. &It has never once fooled anyone into thinking you have hair. &Never. &Not once. &Ever. &In the history of ever.
19. & &Breathing like a normal person seems like no biggie to women. &For the love of all things holy..
Dear,&grizzly Adams… what the hell is up with your snoring?
You can shake down a small village with that roar.
20. & & It’s easier for a man to buy a bathing suit :
Women have two types : &&depressing and more depressing.
Men have two types : &&sexy-cool and a horrific-speedo.
21. & &Booby kryptonite : &Dear men, they are just boobs. &Breathe. &Do you want to know who else has boobs? &Your Mom.
22.& & It’s funny how men are brave enough to go to war, but shudder at the thought of a bikini wax.
23. && Men&would rather take a bullet than pick up tampons at the grocery store.
24. & & After a bottle of champagne, they start licking faces. &It makes you want to punch them and kiss them all at once.
25. & & Men like to barbecue. &They suddenly like to cook if danger and fire are&involved. &Weird how that happens.
26. & & Let’s face it, they go a little bit bonkers if you don’t change the oil in your car. &Whatevs. &Oil schmoil.
27. & & Bad boys are like cupcakes. &They are delicious for two nibbles and then you start to hate yourself.
28. & & Getting a man organized is like herding a cat or pushing a rope uphill.
29. & & You can praise them, but go easy on the pedal or Mr. Stud muffin will puff up like a peacock.
30.& & &Honest to Pete…&do you have an unfinished project in your household that can only be completed&by a man !?! &Light it on fire. &
Done. &Project complete.
31. & &&Men drink well with others and don’t need any coaxing or provocation.
32. & &&Most men have a disease. &It’s called&open-cupboard-itis. &It can also be commonly referred to as open-drawer-itis. &Even when dealt with swiftly, this contagious disease re-occurs over and over again.
Lather. &Rinse. &Repeat.
33. & & Poor man-baby, you’re sick. &
34. & & Crying in front of a man, is technically blackmail. &Use sparingly and only in an emergency. &Be prepared to look like a hot mess for it to truly be effective.
35. & & Most men&own three pairs of shoes. &Tops. &Don’t ask them for fashion advice. &It isn’t&going to happen. &
Unless you’re naked. &&
36. & &Truth bomb : &Women don’t dress like the Victoria’s Secret models. &Men don’t&act like soap opera dudes. &
Love them anyway.
37. & &&If something can be interpreted in two ways,&and one of the ways makes a woman&sad or angry… generally, a man meant the other one. &
Happy wife, happy life.&
38. & & Whenever possible, say whatever you have&to say during playoff commercials only. &Then. &And only then.
Any other time… all bets are off.
39. & & Don’t ask them what they’re thinking. &Men can think about nothing for hours.
40.& & How to love a man :
There, tucked in neatly between the messy, pain in the ass moments with a man… you will find the sweet spot.
The beautiful soul. &The kind heart.
The man, who would lay down his life for you. &Especially if you were naked.
That is love.
Now it’s your turn. &Lemme have it in the comments. &Tell me your funny facts about men… let’s keep the list rolling.
PS. &Dear men, we luvs you. &xo & &MWAH !!!
Did you love this blog post? & Well then, go ahead and & I pinky swear promise that you are going to love&it. &After I drop the blog posts in your email inbox each week, I promise to close the cupboard and clean up my mess.
Girl guides honour * insert big toothy grin *
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Wheels for Sliding Barn Door Hardware How to make your own !Would a Libra woman and Libra man have a good relationship
Would a Libra woman and Libra man have a good relationship?
you will have a great relationship but you got to do it fast before he seeks into someone else
The time of year you were born means nothing to your relationship. If you are good with each other, if you aren't you aren't; and if your highest concern is if being born in the same month will make you happy together, then you obviously need to reconsider whether you are suited for said relationship.
you will have a great relationship but you got to do it fast before he seeks into someone else
&br/&The time of year you were born means nothing to your relationship. If you are good with each other, if you aren't you aren't; and if your highest concern is if being born in the same month will make you happy together, then you obviously need to reconsider whether you are suited for said relationship.
Minor edit?
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Next year, we'll see you co-starring in the highly anticipated CW sci-fi drama, "The Messengers". What can you tell us about it?
you will have a great relationship but you got to do it fast before he seeks into someone else 
The time of year you were born means nothing to your relationship. If yo&u are good with each other, if you aren't you aren't; and if your highest concern is if being born in the same month will make you happy together, then you obviously need to reconsider whether you are suited for said relationship.
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 The main hurdle in the relationship between a Libra woman and Sagittarius man is their nervousness at the mention of the word 'commitment'. If both of them manage to com&mit to one another, this can be the most strongest of all other love matches. They will share intellectual talks and he will inspire her to be more creative as well as more spontaneous. Their sense of humor is perfectly aligned and they love to mingle around with other people. Neither of them will feel a loss of freedom in the relationship and there will be lots of excitement to keep them busy. 
 I found this at 
 Hope it helped
+ 2 others
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 Yes, because they have a lot in common so they can get along well. They know eachothers likes and dislikes so that can work in their favor or against.
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Each zodiac sign has qualities that help or hinder us in our relationships and everyday actions. Relationship-oriented Libra is an outgoing, cardinal air sign, which makes it &extremely sociable and friendly. Symbolized by the scales, the major desire of Libra is to create and maintain balance.
Astrology describes a Libra and Scorpio match as a pairing of two very different personalities. The two can work well together, balancing emotion with reason. Differences are &present that may provide some hurdles along the way. With open and honest communication, a Libra and Scorpio can be extremely compatible and form a long-lasting relationship.Libra and Scorpio both like to be in relationships. A Scorpio thrives on intimacy, both sexual and emotional, and a Libra is happiest when in a close relationship. Both signs tend to be very sensual. A Scorpio is extremely passionate. While the Libra may try to resist the Scorpio's passions at first, as it takes them a longer period of time to fully commit to a relationship, their intense libido and sensuality will eventually match with Scorpio's passion. The two will have a close and passionate relationship.Arguments will not be a common feature in a Libra and Scorpio relationship. Libra strives to restore balance to a situation. They excel at seeing an argument from every possible side and appreciate fairness. Even if they strongly disagree with their partner, a Libra likes to keep the peace even if it means periodically sacrificing their own happiness. Scorpio feels very deeply but hates disagreements. Scorpio may also suppress their feelings of anger. Avoiding arguments can lead to trouble down the road for this partnering. The Libra may begin to resent the Scorpio's deep feelings while Scorpio's suppression of their feelings may boil over to passive aggressive attempts at revenge.A Libra's indecisiveness can make decisions difficult to come by. This does not mean that they do not want to make a decision. In fact, they love trying new things and will frequently decide to do so. However, it is deciding to stick with these new things that is difficult for the Libra. Scorpio is the perfect balance for Libra when it comes to making decisions. They are highly strategic and can help to focus Libra's indecisive mind. With Libra's plethora of ideas and Scorpio's decisive nature and determination to follow through, this pair is sure to have an exciting and full life together.A Libra needs to be social and enjoys being around others. They are not the most social of signs but enjoy the company of their close circle of trustworthy friends. A Libra generally starts off trusting people, until they are given a reason not to. Scorpio starts at the other end of the spectrum. They approach people with mistrust. While a Libra may try to talk themselves into liking someone, a Scorpio has gut reactions to people and tends to stick to those reactions. A Scorpio provides a good balance to the Libra in social situations. They ensure that their Libra partner does not get swept away by false promises. Tensions may arise if a Scorpio does not like a person who the Libra considers dear to them.A Libra and a Scorpio are similar to each other in many ways. Scorpio likes to be in control and may have some trouble relinquishing this control to their Libra partner. The joining of a Libra and a Scorpio is the joining of two powerful and intelligent personalities. While there may be some bumps in the road, with communication and understanding Scorpio and Libra can have a loving, sensual, and harmonious relationship.The eagle is an alternative symbol for the Scorpio sun sign. The eagle represents power and courage, something that is certainly not lacking in any Scorpio.
The gifts given to Libra are your sense of fair play and your contribution to the visual and performing arts. Your refined aesthetics make the world a more beautiful place. Yo&ur challenge is to find inner peace with the choices you make.Your ruling planet, Venus, starts the year in retrograde motion, turning direct on February 1. There is a strong possibility that someone from your past will reappear in your life. Reconnecting with some people will be a wonderful thing, but some people belong in our past for a good reason. Weigh any reunions carefully before recommitting to them.Jupiter, planet of good fortune, will move into a supportive aspect in mid-July, relieving some of the family pressures that October Libras have been feeling. September Libras are well positioned for a romantic and economic boost from mid-July through the end of the year. October Libras are more likely to get this boost in 2015.Libra Moon days are excellent days for socializing and enjoying life's pleasures. They're especially nice for splurging on yourself and getting pampered. It's easy to overindulge on sweets and other goodies on Libra Moon days, so know your limits! Flowers are nature's expression of Libra in all her glory, making Libra Moon days perfect for splurging on flowers for yourself or someone you admire.Highlight these special dates that the Moon is in Libra on your calendar. Take special note of what you focus on during these periods and jot it down. A pattern will likely emerge.January 21-23February 17-19March 16-19April 13-15May 10-12June 6-9July 4-6, 31August 1-2, 27-30September 24-26October 21-23November 17-20December 14-17Full Moons shine a spotlight on an issue for two weeks. A lunar eclipse extends the time frame to six months. During a Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse in Libra, this issue most often concerns creating balance in personal relationships.The Sun is in Aries during a Libra Full Moon, placing an emphasis on personal identity and independence and how they are affected by partnerships. Any inequities or dependencies in your relationships will be in high focus for this six-month period. It may signal the end of a relationship if that is the only way to regain balance.From September 24 - October 22, you have the opportunity to focus on yourself. These are "light up my life" days when extra pampering goes a long way. You will also find yourself practicing the art of compromise. Teamwork comes into high focus. Mars, planet of action, is in a position to help you push through any difficulties you may have. This assistance could come in the form of a young man who offers help and then moves on.You might also find it an auspicious time to take on a gentrification project. A park that has been neglected, neighborhood clean-up efforts, home and garden improvement projects, and other activities related to making things more beautiful will benefit from your attention now.Libra is more willing than most signs to give in to keep the peace, but peace at any price is never real peace. Libra must learn that compromise has to come from both sides, not just theirs.The cosmic pressure continues to lift, creating an impressive second half of 2014. The lighter energy is carried into 2015 making the world a brighter place for Libras.
Pisces is a water sign, and so is Scorpio. The two share an element, and quite a few similar personality traits, sending their compatibility rating through the roof. Many peop&le think that a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man are a match made in heaven, or at least at the start. Before you jump into that relationship, make sure you know what's ahead of you. The following topics will provide you with information you need to know about Pisces woman and Scorpio man compatibility.Pisces is the sign that rules from February 19 to March 20. As true members of a water sign, Pisces women are romantic, loving, and intelligent, but also vivid and bold. She focuses on her spirituality, or on the more mystical and artistic things in the world. A Pisces woman will feel her emotions strongly, and won't be afraid to express them. If she's in a loving and caring relationship, this works out wonderfully, since her emotions will be nothing but positive.Scorpio goes from October 23 to November 21. Men born in this sign are just as intelligent as their Pis however, they're more likely to focus on academia instead of art. A Scorpio male can be as stubborn as a Taurus, especially when it comes to getting an essential piece of knowledge. The Scorpio is willing and eager to learn as much as possible about anything and everything. He wants to be in control of the future, and that means he needs all of the knowledge he can acquire.When a Scorpio man and a Pisces woman meet, there are definite sparks, and they're the good kind. Scorpio men are intense about everything, and that includes relationships. Luckily, a stable, strong-willed partner is just what a Pisces woman needs to compliment her artistic ways. Pisces helps Scorpio loosen up, and Scorpio helps Pisces stay on track. Both signs are intensely loyal and loving, meaning that they will give each other their full attention.Both Pisces and Scorpio can be stubborn on occasion. A Pisces woman's occasional emotional shifts will be easily picked up by the Scorpio, but she won't always tell him what's behind them. If they don't communicate, he will become irritated at his own lack of understanding. Luckily, the easiest way to deal with this is to simply talk out problems with each other. However, the Scorpio should remember to kee Pisces relies on her emotions, and doesn't always deal well when they are hurt.A Pisces woman is looking for romantic, knight-in-shining-armor love. Luckily, a Scorpio man can give her just that. The attentive and loyal nature of Scorpio combines with the artistic, sweet, and romantic nature of Pisces make the Pisces woman and Scorpio man compatibility a wish come true for many. Just remember, surface compatibility doesn't take care of everything. Take the time to talk to each other and work on your relationship. It's worth it in the long run, nearly every time.A short fight between a Scorpio and a Pisces can quickly lead to a breakup. If this happens, that heated passion is what got you two together in the first place, so consider turning back while you still have time.
According to astrology, Libra and Pisces are two very compatible signs. Below is an examination of certain aspects of the signs, such as their ruling planets, which affect how& the two relate to each other on a variety of different levels. Libra and Pisces relationships typically have a great deal of depth to them and a variety of layers that can be compatible, so long as the relationship is worked on and issues are dealt with.A Libra and Pisces pairing is one of an air sign and a water sign. Air signs, the Libra in this case, use their minds to make decisions. This can lead to indecision as Libras are known for constantly weighing options against one another, sometimes freezing their ability to decide. Pisces, on the other hand, is a water sign. Water signs tend to make decisions with their hearts instead of their heads. The two, therefore, balance well off of each other as a Pisces helps a Libra to make emotional connections and become more nurturing and emotionally expressive. In exchange, the Libra helps the Pisces to navigate out of emotional murkiness. While generally a good thing, the pairing of air and water signs can have its downsides. Because a Libra uses their brainpower and Pisces is emotional, the Libra may use this to their advantage by mentally manipulating their partner to get their way by giving the silent treatment. While emotionally difficult for the Pisces, these disagreements typically do not last long.Libra is ruled by the planet of Venus, and Pisces is ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune. Venus rules the sentimental aspects of a person. As such, Libras tend to be in love with the idea of being in love. They like sentimental and intimate relationships and tend to be extremely charming but may have an idealized view of what relationships should be like. Pisces is co-ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. This makes a Pisces very philosophical. They connect with their feelings through meditation and internal dialogue. Both members of the pair, therefore, tend to be expressive within the relationship. Pisces will think through an issue before presenting it to their partner and will handle their Libra partner's feelings and expectations about love gently.Libra is a cardinal sign. As such, they tend to be extremely creative and ambitious. On the negative side of things, they may be a bit controlling because they are very headstrong about what they think is the right way to do things. Libras love to start new projects and work with their partner towards a common goal. They can, however, become easily distracted and may switch from task to task without completing anything. Pisces, on the other hand, is a mutable sign. Mutable signs tend to be very agreeable and amicable to change. Therefore, they are typically happy to go along with their Libra partner's projects and do not mind taking the back seat.Being born a Libra makes those born under the sign idealists. This idealism is not only related to relationships but in every aspect of their lives. Pisces, on the other hand, tend to be dreamers. While the Libra wants to make everything in their world ideal, their Pisces partner is content exploring their dream world. For the Pisces, the dream does not have however, the Libra strives to bring their ideal world into reality. This pairing can be mutually beneficial by forcing the Pisces out of their dream world and simultaneously letting the Libra dabble in some whimsy. It can, however, lead to conflict when the Libra tries to force their idealism onto the Pisces.Libra and Pisces relationships tend to be very affectionate pairings. The Pisces emotional side, brought on by being a water sign, pairs well with Libra's ruling planet of Venus. Pisces is also happy to go along with the Libra's projects and do not mind being appointed to tasks. Conflict may arise when the world of the idealist and the dreamer clash. However, this can also lead to a mutual understanding of wanting the world to be a more ideal place.Pisces is one of the earlies the two fish symbol was found on an Egyptian coffin lid from 230 B.C.E.
These two signs are directly opposite of each other on the astrological chart, meaning the Aries and Libra relationship can be either extremely well-fit or a terrible mess. Si&nce they are opposite on the chart, they are also opposite in their personality, thinking, and lifestyle choices. Libra is quiet and peace loving, while the Aries partner is excitable and impulsive. For this match to work, both people need to realize what kind of partner they have and be open to letting them be themselves.Mars and the element of fire rule Aries. The symbol of the ram is very telling about the kind of person it represents. These people are considered adventurous, outgoing, and bouncy. They will confront anything without regard and, while they are extremely courageous and bold, they are often too trusting and will walk straight into danger. Regardless of any hardship they face, Aries will go for it head on, never losing their lust for and faith in life.The planet Venus and the element of air rule Libra. The symbol for Libra is the scales, indicating that Libras are looking for an uncomplicated, balanced life. These people want to be consistent in what they do, showing the world that no matter what they confront, they will still obtain their peaceful, uninhibited lifestyle. They are constantly seeking harmony and peace with their fellow man and in their relationships. Unfortunately, this sometimes means that they should be saying "no" when they are saying "yes."Because they are polar opposites, the Aries and Libra can enjoy either an excellent relationship or a very bad one. There is every possibility that they will be able to take their opposites and make them attractive enough to broaden their own horizons and way of thinking. Someone who thinks completely different from another person is bound to open up new doors of opportunity and knowledge, as long as it is desired. Mars is the planet of passion and Venus is the planet of love. Bringing these two together can create an outstanding emotional bond, not to mention the sexual intimacy that is heightened by the shared passionate nature.Two people in a loving, understanding relationship can work around conflicts that are bound to come up. Aries does everything at a fast pace, head on, and impetuously. Libra likes to think first and plan ahead intellectually and logically. Unfortunately for these two, they share the trait of beginning things they will never finish. This could be a job, a project, or even a relationship. They will both use their skills to get their way in this relationship, which could cause friction. Aries will use force and intimidation to get what he or she wants while Libra charms and manipulates.Although these two signs are at the opposite ends of the chart, a relationship can thrive off those differences. One side will show a brand new world to the other. This match could be one that lasts a lifetime if both of them can show love, understanding, and compassion for their partner. There is a harmony between the ruling planets of these two signs that can make it a union worth fighting for.For the sign of Aries, there are four very compatible signs. These are Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Gemini, with Aquarius being at the number one spot of that list for compatibility. For Libra, the best two signs are Gemini and Sagittarius, with Gemini being the favored of the two.
 Listen love, whether your a man or a woman, it doesn't matter. 
 Aslong as your a good man, or a good woman, your marriage will be as smooth as knife on flippin' butt&er. Don't listen to the stars, honey. Listen to the voice of your HEART. 
 Wow, I can be deep!
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The Complete Book of Astrology, by Caitlin Johnstone says "Venus, the love goddess, rules both of these signs and gives their pairing a sense of harmony. Both appreciate the f&iner things in life, so pots of money will be needed for these two to appease their desire for luxury. The success of this relationship will rest on Libra's sense of diplomacy and Taurus' patience. Taurus will have to allow the Libra his social wings, and Libra will have to be content to spend a few nights in, cuddled up with a decadent box of Belgian chocolates. Oh, what sacrifice!"
While Astrology can be great for a insight to life, I wouldn't place too much worth in it. I check my horoscope every day, but when it told me that I would be completely incompatible with my boyfriend of eight months, I took that advice with a grain of salt.
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 Pay no attention to astrology - it is absolute hogwash. If the couple are compatible, enjoy each other's company, and have mutual interests, that's all that matters. Ast&rology is completely and utterly without any basis in fact or truth.
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Virgo/Libra assuming she was born on the cusp? Well the answer to your question depends on if the girl has more of the Virgo or Libra characteristics. If she is more of a Virg&o then you have a pretty good compatablity, you may have to compromise in the bedroom though...and if she is more of a Libra you might as well get married. It's definitely a good match.
Actually, Virgo is better for Taurus than Libra is. Lots of love is what makes us Taurus guys attracted to Virgo women.
Libra men like to celebrate romance with the leo women, making it very passionate! Although the man is possessive he doesn't mind the woman getting all the attention.
See re&lated link for more info.


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