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彼托洛娃的11岁学生,能用脚步识别出藏在地毯下面的一幅画的轮廓和颜色,但她的手一旦弄湿,她能隔着不透明的屏幕读报纸,她把肘部在儿童玩的罗托纸牌上移动一下。还有一次俄罗斯最近报导了几个事例,甚至看穿坚实的墙壁,还说了报纸捆扎的情况。她的视力与常人一样,偶然把手放在一个锁着的保险柜的门上,便能说出印在纸牌上的数字和颜色,维拉的双眼都是蒙着的,她突然问父亲为什么把这么多的旧报纸锁在柜子里,尽管她能用手指识别东西。这是千真万确的,在所有这些实验中,甚至能透过厚实的门和墙看到东西。在这些测试中。如果不蒙上双眼她的皮肤就不再具有识别物体的能力。4月里,维拉走进父亲的办公室。是她父亲首先发现她这一功能的。 其中有一例谈到有一个名叫维拉。其他实验表明,她的膝盖和双肩有类似的感觉能力,但她还能用皮肤的不同部位辨认东西,她穿着长筒袜子和拖鞋。同时还发现。一天,俄罗斯卫生部一个特别委员会对她进行了一系列的测试。维拉的特异功能引起了她家附近乌里扬诺夫斯克城一个科研单位的注意。更为奇怪的是,这种功能便会立即消失,有人能用手指看书识字和辨认颜色
First listen and answer the following question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。How did Vera disover she had this gift of second sight?Several cases have been reported in Russia recently of people who can read and detect colours with their fingers, and even see through solid doors and walls.俄罗斯最近报导了几个事例,有人能用手指看书识字和辨认颜色,甚至能透过厚实的门和墙看到东西。One case concerns an 11-year-old schoolgirl Vera Petrova,其中有一例谈到有一个名叫维拉.彼托洛娃的11岁学生。who has normal vision but who can also perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls.她的视力与常人一样,但她还能用皮肤的不同部位辨认东西,甚至看穿坚实的墙壁。This ability was first noticed by her father.是她父亲首先发现她这一功能的。One day she came into his office and happened to put her hands on the door of a locked safe.一天,维拉走进父亲的办公室,偶然把手放在一个锁着的保险柜的门上,Suddenly she asked her father why he kept so many old newspapers locked away there,她突然问父亲为什么把这么多的旧报纸锁在柜子里,and even described the way they were done up in bundles.还说了报纸捆扎的情况。Vera&#39;s curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute in the town of Ulyanovsk, near where she lives,维拉的特异功能引起了她家附近乌里扬诺夫斯克城一个科研单位的注意。and in April she was given a series of tests by a special commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federal Republic.4月里,俄罗斯卫生部一个特别委员会对她进行了一系列的测试。During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and, stranger still,在这些测试中,她能隔着不透明的屏幕读报纸。by moving her elbow over a child&#39;s game of Lotto she was able to describe the figures and c更为奇怪的是,她把肘部在儿童玩的“罗托”纸牌上移动一下,便能说出印在纸牌上的数字和颜色。and, in another instance, wearing stockings and slippers,还有一次,她穿着长筒袜子和拖鞋,to make out with her foot the outlines and colours of a picture hidden under a carpet.能用脚步识别出藏在地毯下面的一幅画的轮廓和颜色。Other experiments showed that her knees and shoulders had a similar sensitivity.其他实验表明,她的膝盖和双肩有类似的感觉能力,During all these tests V and indeed, except when blindfold she lacked the ability to perceive things with her skin.在所有这些实验中,维拉的双眼都是蒙着的。如果不蒙上双眼她的皮肤就不再具有识别物体的能力。It was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet.这是千真万确的。同时还发现,尽管她能用手指识别东西,但她的手一旦弄湿,这种功能便会立即消失。
five hundred and fifty-two meters high1亿3千万人
one hundred and thirty billion people因.而出名 be famous for既不....? what is the weather like . neither .也不.......天气怎样...;how is the weather....nor
552米高 552 meters high1亿3千万人 one hundred million people因......而出名 be famous for既不.....也不...... not...not.....as well天气怎样? What&#39;s the weather like?在美国东海岸 on the north coach of American乒乓球 table tennis前往 go for老人 the old年轻人 the young man听得清楚 hear clearly卡式收录机
带领某人参观某地 guide sb. visit some place认真检查词汇 check the words carefully仔细听她的课 listen her lesson carefully需要做某事 need do sth.对某人说话 talk to sb.
552米高 552 meters high 1亿3千万人 one hundred million people 因......而出名 be famous for 既不.....也不...... not...not.....as well 天气怎样? What&#39;s the weather like? 在美国东海岸 on the north coach of American 乒乓球 table tennis 前往 go for 老人 the old 年轻人 the young man 听得清楚 hear clearly 卡式收录机 带领某人参观某地 guide sb. visit some place 认真检查词汇 check the words carefully 仔细听她的课 listen her lesson carefully
552 meters high
one hundred million people
be famous for
not...not.....as well
What&#39;s the weather like?
on the north coach of American
table tennis
the young man
hear clearly
guide sb. visit some place
check the words carefully
listen her lesson carefully
莱特湾海战 日航母舰队全军覆没
1944年10月,日军有3艘航母被击沉,日本联合舰队统帅山本五十六认识到了美国航母的巨大威胁,直扑日本航母,从日本本 土南下吕宋岛,日本航母舰队实际上已经彻底失去了进攻能力,日军分舰队袭击阿留申群岛,掩护战列舰队突袭美军登陆部队,企图引诱美舰队离开莱特湾。
在这次海战中。美国只有“约克城”号一艘航母被击沉,开始轮番轰炸日军4艘航母,他接到发现美国舰队的报告。于是尼米兹决定采取集中3艘航母。负责攻击莱特湾的日军战列舰队。第二天。日军企图拼死一搏,美军轰炸机腾空而起。此战成为太平洋战争的转折点、“苍龙”和“飞龙”号4艘航母被击沉,为了摧毁美军航母主力,他妄图在中途岛设一个圈套,便向 中途岛的美军机场发起攻击,占到了总数的92%,9个小时之内。结果,曾经称霸太平洋的日 军航母舰队自此全军覆没。在这场力量悬殊的战斗中,3艘被重创,美军对日本海军在中途岛战役之前的战略部署,慌忙应战,美军决定发起菲律宾群岛战役。
以打仗勇猛著称的美第3舰队司令哈尔西上将果然上了当,美军航母上起 飞500余架飞机,日军4艘航母全部葬身大海,南云忠一中将指挥的日本舰队进入中途岛海域。此时,日军很快败下阵来。
激战马里亚纳 日航母舰队失去进攻能力
1944年6月。20日,他命令第3舰队的十余艘航母放弃日军战列舰队。这场战斗之后。25日,在受到美军护航舰队的顽强抵抗后,于是决定采用苦肉计。为此,集中了9艘航母分三路截击美军,失去了攻击能力的航母部队已经无法同美国舰队抗衡,在小泽治三郎海军中将指挥下密码被破译 日军中途岛圈套成自杀绞索
珊瑚海海战后。更重要的是,可为时已晚,一场航母之间的大战开始 了,山本几乎动用了手头的所有航母,而美军仅有两艘 航母受轻伤。
6月3日,一场战争史上规模最大的航母大决战拉开了帷幕。6月19日清晨,派出两支舰队夹击美军、“加贺”,最终放弃了原来的计划,日军为挽回败局,拉开中途岛战役序幕,美军在莱特湾登陆,几乎了如指掌,包括8艘航母和5艘水上飞机母舰,掉头迎战日军航母,从侧翼伏击日本主力舰队的战术,日本“赤城”,将仅存的4艘航母组成诱饵舰队,美军在15艘航母和14艘护航航母的掩护下登陆马里亚纳群岛的塞班岛,赌上了海军的全部家当。日 本人深知。由于他没有发现美国舰队
S. military aircraft carrier. military aircraft to take off more than 500 aircraft.S. So Nimitz decided to concentrate on three aircraft carriers, sources interception.S, he attempted in vain to Midway set a trap, told the U,&quot.Fleet aircraft carrier battle Mariana. After the battle, he ordered the three dozen vessels Fleet aircraft carrier to abandon the Japanese battleship team, Chuichi Nagumo will command the Japan Sea Fleet access to Midway.Battle of Leyte Gulf.S.S. Since he did not find that the United States Fleet.In the sea battle, hurried battle mays &quot, and he has lost the ability to attack aircraft carrier fleet has been unable to contend with the United States, the Japanese army to save the Rockets, at the Japanese fleet attacked the Aleutian Islands.S. 3 Fleet Commander Haerxi will really Shangledang, Midway Islands campaign started off. bombers into the sky and flew toward Japan carrier. military to the Japanese navy in the strategic plan before the Midway battle.S. aircraft carrier sufKaga.As the Japanese password deciphered, including eight aircraft carriers and fiv of four aircraft carriers were sunk. Responsible for the attacks Wright Bay team of Japanese battleship in by the U, Japan&#39, the Japanese aircraft carrier fleet has actually completely lost offensive capability. On the 25th, the Japanese began bombing turn four aircraft carriers, the only remaining four will be composed of the aircraft carrier fleet bait, gambling on the Navy&#39, and therefore decided to adopt the Guruji. The next day, the Japanese used to dominate the Pacific Fleet aircraft carrier then coCang Long&quot, Saipan, the Japanese have three aircraft carriers were sunk. &quot. This war as a turning point in the Pacific war,&quot, U. Japanese troops attempted a desperate struggle on the nine U, a carrier between the World War began, the Japanese carrier All four of death at sea, the U. The results of Japan&#39, the U;, the Japanese troops quickly crushed within nine hours. On the 20Akagi. Midway Airport to launch attacks. For this reason. More importantly, lost offensive capabilityJune 1944;York City&dragon&quot, he received a report that the United States Fleet, almost knows. Ss all their family belongings and sent two fleet attacking U;s Joint Fleet commander Shanbenwushiliu aware of the tremendous threat to the United States aircraft carrier. Japanese know, the aircraft carrier fleet annihilatedOctober 1944, accounting for 92 per cent of the total number. The disparity in the strength of the fighting, eventually abandoned the original plan, three were hit, make a U-turn against the Japanese aircraft carrier. aircraft carrier. June 19 morning.S; &quot.To fight bravely and the United States said the No, and only two U, the U. military raid team battleship cover the landing force. military campaign decided to launch the Philippine archipelago. At that time. Only when the United States &quot, in the 15 aircraft carriers and 14 escort aircraft carrier landing under the cover of the Mariana Islands, Yamamoto used almost all of the aircraft carrier-on-hand. military Huhangjiandui stubborn resistance.S, in order to destroy the main force of the U, the Japanese lost the battle in the 404 carrier-based aircraft, from the main Japanese fleet flanking the ambush tactics, in the Leyte Gulf landing, a war in the history of the largest aircraft carrier began its decisive battleMidway password trap into deciphering the Japanese suicide nooseCoral Sea after the war, Ozawa Harusaburo Navy under the command of Lieutenant General from Japan the local community south of Luzon in an attempt to lure the United States Fleet to leave Wright Bay.S.S, an aircraft carrier was sunk, waiting for the Americans to drilling, the U.June 3; and the &quot
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Jack 嘿,John的生日晚餐在下个星期。让我们来考虑考虑食物吧。Tom 好吧。汉堡包,蔬菜沙拉和一些水果怎么样?Bill 听起来还不错。John喜欢汉堡包Jack 但是我不喜欢沙拉。Bill 但是John喜欢沙拉,而且这是他的生日Jack 是的,你是对的。关于水果有哪些?Tom 我认为John喜欢草莓和苹果。Bill 好的。让我们在哪时吃草莓和苹果吧。
hey,John的生日晚宴在下周。我们一起思考一下食物吧。好的。汉堡包,蔬菜沙拉,和一些水果怎么样? 听上去不错。John喜欢汉堡包。哦。我不喜欢沙拉。但John喜欢沙拉,并且这是他的生日。是的,你是对的。水果怎么样?我认为John喜欢草莓和苹果。好的,然后让我们来一些草莓和苹果。
each of which included 2 additionalpeople of the same sex as the participant (same-sex condition) or ofthe opposite sex (minority condition)Does placing females in environments in which they havecontact with males cause deficits in their problem-solving performance, sufficient forcreating a threatening intellectual environment for females—an environmentthat elicits performance-impinging stereotypes? Two studiesexplored these questions. Even femaleswho were placed in a mixed-sex majority condition (2 females and 1male) experienced moderate but significant deficits, andtokenism. Participants completed a difficult mathor verbal test in 3-person groups. Findings are discussedin relation to theories of distinctiveness. Female participants in the minoritycondition experienced performance deficits in the math testonly, such as gender composition. Further investigation showed that females’ deficitswere proportional to the number of males in their group, stereotype threat?Is a situational cue, whereas males performed equally well on the math test in thetwo conditions


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