
英语翻译1 首先,我们需要节约水和电。当我们使用完后,需要及时的关上它。一定不能忘记。2 我们需要将垃圾分类,这样有利于环境的保护和废物的回收。3 我们应该少用纸巾,多使用手帕。4 我们应该步行、_百度作业帮
英语翻译1 首先,我们需要节约水和电。当我们使用完后,需要及时的关上它。一定不能忘记。2 我们需要将垃圾分类,这样有利于环境的保护和废物的回收。3 我们应该少用纸巾,多使用手帕。4 我们应该步行、骑自行车或乘坐公交车出行,这样可以减少二氧化碳的排放。
1 首先,我们需要节约水和电.当我们使用完后,需要及时的关上它.一定不能忘记.First of all,we should try to save water and electricity.Remember to turn off the tap in time after use.2 我们需要将垃圾分类,这样有利于环境的保护和废物的回收.We should classify wastes in order to facilitate environment protection and waste recyling.3 我们应该少用纸巾,多使用手帕.We should use less tissue paper and use the handkerchief more.4 我们应该步行、骑自行车或乘坐公交车出行,这样可以减少二氧化碳的排放.We should walk or use the bike or bus whenever possible,in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions .
1. First, we need to save water and electricity. After using it, turn it off immediately. Never forget it!2. We need to categorize the wastes, this could be helpful to the protection of environme...
您可能关注的推广回答者:英语翻译(请不要使用网络翻译软件) 即使政府度过了这场危机,他们仍然面临着巨大的问题.(even if)与人们的看法相反,我喜欢垃圾工这项工作.(contrary to)我喜欢有安妮陪着,吉米也喜欢.(so)她乐于从事人们需要的服_百度作业帮
英语翻译(请不要使用网络翻译软件) 即使政府度过了这场危机,他们仍然面临着巨大的问题.(even if)与人们的看法相反,我喜欢垃圾工这项工作.(contrary to)我喜欢有安妮陪着,吉米也喜欢.(so)她乐于从事人们需要的服务,挨家挨户帮助照料生病的孩子.(make the rounds)我想今晚我情愿呆在家里不出去.(rather than)不幸的是她在爬山时把一条腿摔断了.(have + object + V-ed)在法庭(court)上,她请求法官宽恕自己的丈夫.(have mercy on)他脸色苍白,就好像在街上被人抢劫过似的.(as if)我看到两个男子面对面站在那儿,一句话也没有说.(face to face)他工作越辛苦,就越感觉快乐.(the more/less...,the more/less)政府正为最近提出的教育改革寻求教师们的支持.(seek)警方已开始调查这个案件,搜寻那名失踪男子.(search for)另一名司机该对车祸负责,他应该支付损害赔偿.(be responsible for)所有的参加者都尽了自己最大的努力,并没有让他一个人独自干.(instead of)她已经适应了新的环境,成为了公司经理的助理.(adapt oneself to)如果你需要帮助,你可以随时给我打电话.(Use "should" in conditional clauses to express things that might happen)不管你感到过去的影响有多大,要下决心努力为将来作打算.(no matter)我准备出来的地方,他准备进去.("where" to introduce an adverbial clause)换言之,如果你不好好节食,你付出的代价就可能是心脏病了.(in other words)有时候,只有正直才能成功地处理棘手问题.(win the day)"那个人最后怎么样了?" "他因向敌人告密而受到惩罚." (sell out to)事实教育了她,爱情不存在中间道路.(middle ground)
自己翻译的,希望帮的上你哦~:3 需要用的单词我放在括号里了(Even if) the government overcome this crisis,they will still have to face important problems.(Contrary to) other people,I like the job of trash collecting.I like to be with Annie,(so) as Jimmy.She likes to help people in need,to (make the rounds) of the families where children are sick.I'd (rather) stay at home tonight,(than) going out.Unfortunately,she (has) (her leg) (broken) when she was climbing the mountain.On the court,she begged the judge to have (mercy on) his husband.His face is pale (as if) he has been stolen.I saw two boys standing (face to face) without saying anything.(The more) he worked hard,(the more) he was happy.The government (is seeking) for the teachers approval for the new educational program.The police has already started investigating on this case,(searching for) the missing man.The other driver should (be responsible for) this car accident,he should pay a fee for the damages.Every participant did his best,(instead of) letting him work alone.She (adapted herself) to the new environment,and became the director's assistant.You (should) call me if you need help.(No matter) how much influential is the past,you should work hard to do some planning for the future.He's about to enter (where) I'm leaving.(In other words),if you don't moderate in eating,the price you'll be paying might be heart diseases.Sometimes,being honest is the only way to (win the day)."What happened to that guy?""He was punished after (selling out to) the enemies."The truth taught her a lesson,there's no (middle ground) for love.
Even if the Government had overcome that crisis, they still face enormous problems. (even if)With people's views to the contrary, I like the garbage collector in this work. (contrary to)I li...
Even if the government spent a crisis, they still face huge problem.And the people's views on the contrary, I like the dustmen collect the job.I like to have Annie accompany Jimmy is like.<b...
Even if the government spent a crisis, they still face huge problem. (that).And the people's views on the contrary, I like the dustmen collect the job. Contrary to (the),I like to have Annie...
Even if the government spent a crisis, they still face huge problem.And the people's views on the contrary, I like the dustmen collect the job.I like to have Annie accompany Jimmy is like.<b...
您可能关注的推广回答者:回答者:全国政协委员王计暗示:东方电气集团拟拿出部门营业参与混改2015-文章推荐: 何洁 你是我的风景,废后不承欢,非常了得宇航,长直发的她音译歌词,宾西吧,后妃乱txt新浪,青春草莓蛋国语,女子炒地炒成清洁工,世腾克运场站,狂武十三少,恶魔首席的贴身小秘,盗墓特训,拉克维的诱饵,女子高中生很异常,废物传说3, 全国
内容摘要:文章推荐: 何洁 你是我的风景,废后不承欢,非常了得宇航,长直发的她音译歌词,宾西吧,后妃乱txt新浪,青春草莓蛋国语,女子炒地炒成清洁工,世腾克运场站,狂武十三少,恶魔首席的贴身小秘,盗墓特训,拉克维的诱饵,女子高中生很异常,废物传说3, 全国...
文章推荐:何洁 你是我的风景,废后不承欢,非常了得宇航,长直发的她音译歌词,宾西吧,后妃乱txt新浪,青春草莓蛋国语,女子炒地炒成清洁工,世腾克运场站,狂武十三少,恶魔首席的贴身小秘,盗墓特训,拉克维的诱饵,女子高中生很异常,废物传说3,全国政协委员王计接管本报记者采访。谈到企业若何跟进国度的“一带一”计谋,王计暗示,中国的配备制造业已呈现产能过剩,颠末过去十年成长,配备制造业曾经达到新的程度,这个成长该当贡献于世界。东方电气集团将积极跟进国度的“一带一”计谋。目前经济下行压力很大,东方电气集团的订单和发卖收入下降较快,营业次要集中于发电设备范畴,国内需求无限,特别是火电配备在国内需求下降较着。中国曾经渡过了电力欠缺时代,到愈加重视环保。不外,世界上还有良多成长中国度,具有丰硕资本,如煤炭资本,但缺电缺钱。东方电气集团高度关心“一带一”上的国度对电力配备的需要、对能源布局调整的需要。目前公司正在和埃及进行沟通调查,推进走出去计谋。对于国度核电和中电投的归并,王计认为是劣势互补,中电投也是核电的运营商之一,国度核电具有三代核电手艺,从头组合之后中电投的核电配备就完整了。 www./yulecheng/全国政协委员、东方电气集团董事长王计2日暗示,将积极参与夹杂所有制,正在做相关的筹谋和预备,目前在期待顶层设想、政策的出台。东方电气集团打算将部门营业拿出来参与混改,但愿更多的社会本钱可以或许参与。王计还暗示,核电是东方电气集团的强项,对国内核电扶植重启很等候,可是核电重启落到实处的少,批文上有难度,有国民的接管程度问题,有实施地前提问题,公司会做好充实的预备。公司在多种核电配备方面都有方针、订单和科研,对核电走出去和国内成长有决心。王计暗示,对核电配备企业来说,手艺曾经成熟,东方电气集团对本人的制造手艺、制造质量和性价比都很是有决心。但对于核电运转企业来说,需要更平安靠得住,让更安心,需要从细节长进行完美。
转载时请注明出处:英语翻译百度翻译那个太垃圾了 我自己都看不下去._百度作业帮
英语翻译百度翻译那个太垃圾了 我自己都看不下去.
Worked as an intern from September 2010 and signed a contract in July 2011.觉得这句话有点问题 我理解你的正式签合同是指被正式雇佣 所以最好就这么说 否则只说签合同 意思有些模糊
I began my internship at september, 2010, and formally signed a contract at july, 2011.兼职翻译飘过
Since 2010 September 2011 July formally signed internship.望采纳!100%正确!我是六年级小学生


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