all you have got meto trust me!/玫瑰

【英文天天写】130606 援助之手 To lend or not to lend?
发布于: 20:00:12
Title 援助之手 To lend or not to lend?
Today I will tell a true story whichhappened on me several days ago. When I was walking in the campus, a boy lookeda bit older than me came up saying something I didn’t understand. He seemed tobe so anxious and explained his trouble again. Then I knew that he was astudent from Wuhan who came here for an exam. Unfortunately he had left hisimportant book on the school bus, so he would borrow me some money to buy thebook before the exam with making a phone call to a teacher. As he was soanxious, I lent him 70yuan for the book. Besides, he dialed my number to let meknow how to contact him and promised to pay me back out of the canteen at about3:30. Perhaps everyone has known the result that he did not appear and he wastotally a liar!
I really start to doubt the whole society!And I feel so grieved when thinking of my experience even the overwhelmingastonishing news online. What have happened to the world on earth? What madeour sympathy be trampled wilfully? To protect myself, I seem to have no choicebut to refuse to help anyone and lock my heart without believing anyone.
However, isn’t there anyway to balance thesympathy and the trust between people? Facing those people who in need, shouldwe lend or not lend a helping hand?
Topic: Helping hand, to lend or not tolend?
As a motto puts it, send person rose fragrancein hand. We were told to lend a hand to people in need. However, while we aregrowing up we only see that more and more people take advantage of our sympathyfor benefits. As for the question “Helping hand, to lend or not to lend?” ,opinions vary.
Some argue that we should lend a hand toothers. We should remain our kindness firmly, though we may be cheated by thosewho are greedy for small benefits. If everyone refused to help others, peoplewho are really in trouble would have no alternative but to suffer the pain evenlose their hope. On the contrary, others insist that we have to control ourflooded sympathy in such a society. Thinking of those lawbreakers still atlarge, it is of great necessary for us to protect our legal rights.
Above all, we should lend a helping hand tothe right people at the right time. Meanwhile, it is also of great significanceto learn to protect our sympathy from being trampled.
It is almost impossible to strike a balancebetween doing charity work and keeping yourself from being taken advantage of.When you see someone in trouble, you instinctively want to help out, especiallyif the issue resonates with your personal experience. Some selfish people,however, will use your kindness against you. These people will lie and cheat inorder to take advantage of you, financially or physically. It is very sad thatthe morality in our society has deteriorated so much that we can no longertrust with all our hearts. In order to protect ourselves, we have to be carefulwhen we choose to believe in people.
【Idea Share】
a helping hand 援助之手
send person rose fragrancein hand 赠人玫瑰 手有余香
take advantage of 从……中占取便宜 利用
trample 践踏
instinctively 本能的 直觉的
deteriorate 恶化 变坏
In my opinion it's a good you only lose 70 yuan.The things happened today will teach you how to protect yourself and at the same time reveal
a weakness of you which is so easily to trust strange people .I think for most part you believed what he said because it happened at the campus.In our mind there are rarely bad guys wandering around school the environment make your security fell so you got into the trap. And I also I my confuse when I read the beginning of the story I already know how it will ens,because you didn't check his Admission Ticket.And if I were you I would check his identity first if it's true I will consider giving him some help,But if I'm not in the mood I will tell him to find someone else maybe I will show him where the police station are.
be easily--be easyI also I my confuse???ens--ends共同学习撒~~
Hello and welcome.Good!1) it happened on campus- &On& is the preposition for campus.2) the environment makes you sense of security fall- The environment is singular, so the form &makes& is needed.- &Sense of security& describes you feeling, whereas &security& is more physical.- After the word &makes,& the infinitive form of the word is used, so &fall& instead of &fell.&3) how it will end- Typo perhaps.4) where the police station is- Police station is singular, so the form used should be &is.&Let's learn together. Cheers.
cheating happens all day as some people are using our kindnees to earn money,they are trample our heart that make us no longer believe everyone,but what will happened if it really occur? you can't shop with credit,you can't gain help withou money when your car is broken,and when you fainting becacuse of low blood pressure,no one will even phone the hospital, that's incredible!What I suggested is, helping the person you believe in,and if he or she broken up the integrity,just forgive them.They don't know how to trust or been trusted, how mournful,they couldn't feel or understand the real meaning of truthful,they could never notices another treasure that you already have,so just forgive those cheater,they are wretched.further more, there is still a flaw in our law that if someone steal or rob things from you, but the value is less than 2,000(I don't know if there is a change,I haven't seen this things for a long time...)the police cannot put it on record,but you lose your personal belongings.Whatever,being find and friendly will never be a wrong thing,just hold up to see if that person is deserve to be trust.
Hello and welcome.Good!1) capital letters- It is important to use a capital letter when starting a sentence.2) kindness- Typo perhaps3) they are trampling- The form &trampling& is needed following &are.&4) our hearts- Plural5) it really occurs- The form &occurs& is needed following &it.&6) without money... because- Typo perhapsLet's learn together. Cheers.
Malum说:Hello and welcome.Good!1) capital letters- It is important to use a capital letter when starting a sentence.2) kind...谢谢小编呐~辛苦了~
莫小维说:谢谢小编呐~辛苦了~You're welcome!
Helping hand, to lend or not?
Lending a hand to people in need is a long-standing virtue in Chinese culture. However, it seems morality is deteriorating at an alarming rate as what is revealed in many reports.
It saddens me when Xiao yueyue event happened. How cold and indifferent the passers-by are! They ignore the dying girl lying on the ground, which aroused outrage across the whole nation. I believe many people dare not to help strangers for fear they might be taken advantage of. Keeping this belief in mind, we are isolated from each other. Even though I still stay vigilant whenever people ask for help, trying to sort out how many truths are there in their words, I still believe in this world, good people outnumber bad guys. I cannot imagine when I’m really in desperation, but everyone just turn their back on me.
A world without love and sympathy is awful!
我是新来的,请多指教!PS:建议题目改成Helping hand, to lend or not?如果后面再加个lend a hand 显得有点重复累赘了:)
Hello and welcome.Good!1) everyone just turns their backs- The singular form follows &everyone,& so &turns.&- &Their& indicates plural, so &backs.&Let's learn together. Cheers.
Nowdays,there are many cheaters in our lives.They try to get money by cheating others.Sometimes they make up all kinds of excuses.Maybe it is
worthe sympothy,but most of them are shame.They take advantage of our goodness without any sorry.This phenonmenon can be seen here and there.When we are cheated ,we could feel very sad.Our goodness is a waste.But
I think that we should learn to tell the false and true.Only
by knowing much can we know how to do with what happends.In our daily life,we should learn to observe carefully.A fall into the pit and a gain in your wit.But we shoud believe that there are many goodness persons in our society.A helping hand is still needed .We can help people with our instinctive and consider.答题用时:[21:23]
worthe sympothy---- worthy of sympathyphenonmenon
phenomenontell the false and true 建议改成
tell the truth from the faulthappends --- happensA fall into the pit and a gain in your wit.
学习了!many goodness persons ---- many kind person with our instinctive and consider
---- instinctive 和 consider 都改成名词词性吧。欢迎多多交流!
Hello and welcome.Good!1) worth sympathy- Typo perhaps2) are shameful- &Shame& is the noun, and &shameful& is the adjective.3) without any regret- &Sorry& is an adjective. &Regret& can be used as a noun.4) to tell what is true and what is false- &True& and &false& are adjectives. Using the word &the& in front means a noun is needed.5) happens... should- Typo perhaps6) good persons/people- &Good& is the adjective. &Goodness& is the noun.7) our instinct- &Instinct& is the noun. &Instinctive& is the adjective.Let's learn together. Cheers.
rachell_rain说:worthe sympothy---- worthy of sympathyphenonmenon
phenomenontell the false and true 建议改成
tell the truth from t...Thank you!
Malum说:Hello and welcome.Good!1) worth sympathy- Typo perhaps2) are shameful- &Shame& is the noun, and &sh...Thank you!
I also came across the same scenarios. And the swindler was too stupid to recognize me and restaged the hoax when I was on the way back. According to this screenplay, the play has been put on by various actors for numerous times, and it worked again and again.These frauds are trained to single out some person, especially the young, who are naive and sympathetic, for their victims. It’s a petty lesson leant from life, I think, being cheated out of some money. I will apply these principles when I encounter these incidents: I will neglect totally if the young or middle-age, strong and healthy men ask for help, While I will give a little sum of money to the old person or the disabled, except that they demand too much and I will query them & Could I call the 110
you? The police will help you.&
Hello and welcome.Good!1) except when they demand too much- &When& should be used instead of &that& since the situation is conditional.Let's learn together. Cheers.
too stupid to not to recognizesome person --& a personfor their victims --& as their victim (singular in both &person& and &victim&)petty lesson (?cannot understand)the old person --& the old people (plural in all other terms)except that ... and --& unless ... then
In my memory,There was a case which was famous in China.It happened in Nanjing named "pengyu accident".this was a small case,but its influence was
n't second to case of murder. since then,people hesitated whether give a helping hand when other people need help.they fear it could be not only thankless but also horrible.a few month ago,I see a joke on internet.If you will helps others,you'd better shoot before.when I was child,my teacher taught me should do good without recognition. nowdays,if you do this,perhaps people consider you abscond to avoid punishment.that's so sad.Obviously,with the improvement of people's life,we should pay more attention to our morality. making the helper don't worry about result, making the person who needs help can get help.Only then will society be more harmonious.
Hello and welcome.Good!1) capital letters- When starting a sentence, a capital letter should be used. Capital letters are not needed after a comma.2) you will help- With the future tense, after the word &will,& the infinitive form follows, so &will help& instead of &will helps.&Let's learn together. Cheers.
Nowadays,we contantly face a choice whether to lend hands to others or not.some people argues that they don't care and help people who are in dilemma.these people thinks if they help others who may be cheated and implicated.they don't want to add a sea of troubles.but other people hold another opinion,they believe when you see sombody in trouble,you should do your endeavor to help him out of trouble.I think it's necessarily to developed and advocates.our government deaparment have to protect the helpers rights to avoid them be involved.To conclude,if everyone selflessly helped others,our society would be more beautiful.
Hello and welcome.Good!1) capital letters- When starting a sentence, a capital letter should be used.2) These people think- &Think& should be used since the subject is plural.3) to develop- After the word &to,& the infinitive form &develop& should be used.Let's learn together. Cheers.
These days, society value wealthy over morals. While we have enjoyed the enormous economic growth and rising living standard over the years, morals have been abandoned as we are so wrapped up with making more money. We have begun realizing the consequence of ethics not being fornt and centre in overall advancement. Trust is hard to build among people. Fears of being taken advantage of some bad guys get in the way for people to care about others, especially in city. Almost two years ago after I moved to a small village, a couple of girls taking some paper walked up to me, and I walked to the side to avoid them instantly, only to find they were just asking for directions. The local villagers laughed at me simply because they were not being fooled and ripped off. That's really bad about being a city dwellers in china who fear about the potential risks of doing something good.
To protect ourselves, in your case, analyze what the guy said first before you deceide to help them. Let's put our feet in their shoes.If we were stolen, lost, we would ask a call to our parents, but normally, not money. If you find someone ask your help for money, nine out of ten are liars. Call 110 is also a good way to go.
Hello and welcome.Good!1) society values wealth- &Society& is singular, so &values& is the form that should be used.- &Wealth& is the noun. &Wealthy& is the adjective.2) front- Typo perhaps3) being taken advantage of by bad guys- The preposition &by& is needed.4) China- The name of a country should be capitalized.Let's learn together. Cheers.
There is no denying that giving people in need a helping hand is a precious treasure that our ancestors left us. People, however nowadays, has lost it in today’s society which is in desperate need of trust. We have lost confidence because of those liars continually fading away our sympathy and confidence. Thus, people built a wall to protect themselves from being hurt by not lending a helping hand any more. It is admitted that there exist so many disgusting phenomenons around us which broken our hearts, but we should still believe that there are still large numbers of people who are in greatest demand for your help with really suffering great pains and starvation. So do not hide your hands and try to give them with a maximum of help.Only in this way can we restore a bright society again.答题用时:[01:39]
Hello and welcome.Good!1) People... have lost- The word &people& is plural, so &have& should be used instead of &has.&2) break our hearts- The form &break& should be used because the subject is &phenomenons.&3) real suffering of great pains and starvation- &Real& is the adjective. &Really& is an adverb.- The &of& should be used to connect &suffering& with &pains.& Let's learn together. Cheers.
Today, we are suspicious our pay. We doubt our warm-heart. So we hesitate to lend. However, it's meaningless to be bothered such question for ourselves. If we trust, we should give out our hand for those who in trouble. Everyone has his own kindness. I believe everyone is willing to do a favor. Why make us dark for those cheating. What we need to do is telling the true or false phenomenal. We needn't to feel sad for we have ever to be cheated. We had ever given help for the liar, but we would never give second help for the same liar. 答题用时:[17:40]
suspicious of sth or sb bothered such question--bothered by such a questionwho in trouble--who are in trouble or 去掉whophenomenal--phenomena(名词)Why make us dark for those cheating--这句子结构,看不懂 we have ever to be cheated--have ever being cheatedthe liar--a liar我是楼下的,语法学的不好,水平很菜,说的不对勿怪哈
Hello and welcome.Good!1) We doubt our warm hearts.- The hyphen between &warm& and &hearts& is not needed, because the word &warm& is the adjective and the word &hearts& is a noun.- &Hearts& should be plural because &our& indicates plural.Let's learn together. Cheers.
To lend or not to lend? That’s a question. Here, I’d like to share a story. During the Second World War, two Jewish brothers were in difficulty. The younger brother failed to ask for help from those people
instead the elder brother succeed to get help from those he had asked for help before.The story made me confused for a long time. It told us that the person you love might not love you always, but the one love you will always love you.I know the story wasn’t related to the topic, but I just want to say that out.
Hello and welcome.Good!1) the one who loves you will always love you- The word &who& is needed to reflect of the subject being &the one&; otherwise, it is unclear what the subject is. Let's learn together. Cheers.
(Postcard 寻梦)
Sometimes it is really a dilemma as you do not know whether the story is true or not. As a good guy, I would love to help others, however, at the same time, I am afraid of being cheated. I have lent my phone to strangers twice. When they were calling others, I also thought whether it is a trap. But depended on their cloths and behaviours, I chose to believe them. As I insist that there always more good guys than bad people. And I will give my hand sincerely when then need me.
Hello and welcome.Good!1) there are always more good guys than bad people- The verb &are& is needed.2) they need me- Typo perhapsLet's learn together. Cheers.
谢谢你 黛黛看到了哈其实黛黛要的也不是getting,我也很enjoy giving只是确实心里会很受伤,会不自主的增加对周围人的戒备感,亲放心,黛黛依然还是那个enjoy doing others a favour的“自然萌,天然呆(黛)”(*^__^*)
Firstly, i would like to express my sympathy to the author for his encounter. It's truely grieved to be cheated by someone who you believed. While losing money is not a big deal, breaking heart is the saddest thing!
After we been hurted many times, we start to suspect the world, and our hearts are become more and more hard.
What i'm afraid is when we need help in crowd, will
there help us? People are so cold and detached now.
(Laugh and grow fat)
When I was very young, there were some people who claimed to be disabled went to my house to beg for money. Of course I had the sympathy for them, so I wanted to give them some money, but every time I tried to do so, my parents intervened.
Today, as a grown-up, I traveled across several provinces in China. And I saw a lot of disparity between the rich and the poor. Sometimes when I encountered with someone who was in dire need, the feeling of powerlessness often overwhelmed me. If I can, I definitely would give my helping hand. Perhaps, merely some money cannot help a lot, but a decent and proud man, should not withhold his sympathy. However, in a country where the traditional values had been rooted away, liars flooded everywhere. The good people have to keep their vigilance, if you not, your kindness and charity would become the spoils of hooligans in a minute.
We want to live in a better society, so we should be kind and sympathetic. But at the same time, we don’t want to be fooled with. So, kind-hearted people, polish your eyes!
互相学习,取长补短哈。there were some people ... --& there were 去掉
^_^ 好文章. 貓兄原來這麼好心腸. 真看不出來
(Laugh and grow fat)
chen_wenyu说:互相学习,取长补短哈。there were some people ... --& there were 去掉恩恩 ,thanks.....
(Laugh and grow fat)
amysying说:^_^ 好文章. 貓兄原來這麼好心腸. 真看不出來啊啊啊,难道我在你心中是没事欺男霸女的八旗子弟??555555, 不会吧哈哈,小时候接受的传统教育: 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之^_^不过,这个社会太无力了
Helping a person is an automatic yes in our book. We always think the person who we helped,
one day he may return the assistance
and he'll like us more. The truth, we never know. The problem is a few people take advantage from our soft side. These people just want to use our kindness. There's a quote goes " The hardest thing you can say is no.". It takes discipline and knowing our own priorities.As for me, I had many same experiences even worse than the story. Now, my priority is the person truly needs the help or is in trouble such as accident, earthquake and natural disaster. When these people do need
support. I would like to help out.
鄙人愚见,不对勿怪。 1、We always think that one day,the person we helped before may return the assistance and like us more,but the truth is that we never know.2.The problem is that a few people
often take advantage of our soft side.3、A quote
&The hardest thing you can say is no& tell us to take discipline and know our own priorties.
这位亲倒是很理性中肯哈~不过黛黛很同意亲的一点就是人与人之间交流,最难莫过于学会说不,黛黛就是一个很难对人say no的孩纸……这样的人很受人欢迎,但被骗之后会很受打击,甚至会造成心理阴影,这就是现在我的状态吧~line2:and he'll like us more什么意思?
kelly9518327说:鄙人愚见,不对勿怪。 1、We always think that one day,the person we helped before may return the assistance and like us more,but th...Thank you. Have a nice day.
黛浅梨妆说:这位亲倒是很理性中肯哈~不过黛黛很同意亲的一点就是人与人之间交流,最难莫过于学会说不,黛黛就是一个很难对人say no的孩纸……这样的人很受人欢迎,但被骗之后会很受打击,甚至会造成心理阴影,这就是现在我的状态吧~
line2:and he'...Thank you. I had many bad experiences too.That's why I want to learn say &No&.
line2:& and he'll like us more& is mean for 我们帮助的人,会更喜欢我们
Have a nice weekend.
The article above reminds me of one experience at the bus station.I was waiting for my friend when a stranger came to me.He said to me in sad voice,"Could you lend me some money to buy a train ticket ?Because I lost my purse on the way."After hearing these words,I look at him up and down,at that time,I felt instinctively that he is a liar,So,I refused his request coldly.At last,the man had no choice but to walk away.In the next days,I often asked myself am I wrong.If the experience of the man was true,I would be a bad person since I destroyed his hope.I felt so ashamed about what I had done.As a result
that I should
do something when people are in trouble whether they are true or not.Because I may just loose my money or something while they may loose the
hope for life.
写得很好。行文流畅。语法没问题。loose my money/hope -& lose money/hope
第三行,Hearing these words, I looked at him...第五行,In the following days...If what the man told me was true...第六行,felt so ashamed of what...第七行,no matter whether ...末句不理解。个人意见,欢迎交流
I'm touched by you after reading your story. One day someone told me &Just keep your innocence though you were cheated!&, and I nodded at that time.However, I didn't competely understand his words until I see your article. Yeah, what we may lose if just money,but for those who really trapped into the troubles, it means hope for life.Thank you!line2:in a sad voiceline3:I looked at himline4:that he was a liarline5:During the next daysline8:lose
A kindness heart becomes more and more precious in the morality deteiorating society. Even though I aware that some street beggars are liars, I'm still want to lend them a hand. Probably they have their own pitiful stories which we don't know or they are reluctant to tell anyone they meet. Thanks to the ubiquitious social tools, we've heard many stories that kind hearts have been trampled. However as far as I'm concerned, exactly in this "dark" society, a kindness heart without discrimination is
like a candle to lighten people's heart and turning it into positive energy for our society.
Another person of kindness again~~God be with you forever! It is true that a kind heart is as precious as perl now.另外,kindness是名词哈,kind heart~~望亲注意
Nowadays, it is common to hear the news that a youth lent help to a senior who fell unconsciousness on the road, but, as a return, been asked for compensation as pulling the senior down. This phenomenon has caused wide discussion about moral and self-saving. On one hand, being happy to help others is a traditional Chinese virtue that had been passed down for decades of years.On the other hand, as not all the people would appreciate with the help that he or she has received, what we could do to save ourselves is also a question that we should not neglect. Generally speaking, there is no doubt that whether we should lend help, but how to do that.
你好我是楼下底,共同学习啦。but as a return,been asked
in return was asked 前面的主语还是youth for compensation as
, as 应该改成for,不过跟前面的for有重复,可以改成 asked to compensate for pulling the senior downmoral---- moralitybeing happy to help ---- being ready to help 这个好像用的更多点decades of years 好像太短了。。。appreciate with
---- appreciate
the help 最后一句有点模糊,意思如果是毫无疑问我们应该帮助,怎样帮助才是个问题的话
whether 去掉
there is no doubt that we should lend help,but the question is how.
The last sentence shows your centeral idea, which means how to help others becomes the key instead whether we should help them. And I quite agree with you.
Every time when I walk pass an old or a disabled person who lies on the ground desperately with a bowl in front, the sense and sensibility within me would begin wrestling. Sense urges
me to put some changes in the bowl, while sensibility teases at my na?ve. Anyway, I would put some money in the bowl, or I would feel guilty: what if they really need help?
I believe nearly everyone has such moment of struggling. Though it seems one out of ten times we would be the fool, we should still keep a ready-to-help mind. On one condition that we must be more vigilant to tell liars from those in need before we agree to lend a hand. To help is not only to placate our own consciousness, but also to prevent the whole society from becoming more and more selfish, cold, and money-oriented.
I have to say that you hit the point, what we lack is a ready-to-help mind more than a sence of vigilance.Thank you!
同學寫得真好. 高水準作品
黛浅梨妆说:I have to say that you hit the point, what we lack is a ready-to-help mind more than a sence of vigilance.Thank you!thank you ~
amysying说:同學寫得真好. 高水準作品I'm flattered
Rapacity is one of the human dark sides, which is found everywhere. Such is human nature that a great many people prefer taking advantages of others – a free ride, a free lunch even a tiny sum of tips. However, if those are taken inappropriately, it is totally unacceptable.When I was a student, I was asked by a stronger for some bus fee. The story told to me was so touching that I pulled out my wallet without any hesitation. After seeing the man ask some others for the fee several minutes later, I was shocked that a young man would cheat for the sake of few dollars. Helping a person in need, I was willing to do it but the feeling of being cheated is so overwhelming. I looked like a ridiculous idiot. From then on, instead of giving money to a liar, I would kindly make a phone call to the police and offer the appropriate assistance to him. Believe me, it really works.
(Laugh and grow fat)
阿雪Bravo.take advantage of结构。时态有一点问题第二段第二句。
lanmao982711说:阿雪Bravo.take advantage of结构。时态有一点问题第二段第二句。謝貓兄指點.. 我以為.最後一個交.


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