
麻烦英文高手帮我翻译一下下面的一段话,非常感谢!Appointment of Agency Dear Sirs,It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday, subsequent to my letter of 17 September.We are now pleased to offer you an appointment as our sole agents for France on the terms and condi_百度作业帮
麻烦英文高手帮我翻译一下下面的一段话,非常感谢!Appointment of Agency Dear Sirs,It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday, subsequent to my letter of 17 September.We are now pleased to offer you an appointment as our sole agents for France on the terms and conditions agreed verbally with you.This appointment will be for a trial period of 12 months and we will pay you a commission of 7% on the net value of all sales against orders received through you ,to which would be added a del credere commission of 2.5%.As we are able to facilitate quick delivery there will be no need for you to maintain stocks of our goods, but we will send you full ranges of samples for display in your showrooms.Please confirm these terms in writing as soon as possible, after which we will arrange for a formal agreement to be drawn up. When this is signed, a circular will be prepared for distribution to our customers in France announcing your appointment as our agents.We look forward to a successful business relationship.
Yours faithfully
英语翻译是回答客户询问没收到包裹或要包裹跟踪号的信件.本人英语水平低,语法,单词错误较多,好人一生平安!我们非常理解你现在的心情,首先就此给你引起的不便致歉.9月28号收到你的付款.你的包裹是在9月29号通过航空包裹寄出.此航空包裹是没有tracking number的.所以无法向你提供tracking number.真是对不起.我们建议您查看我们的航运条件的项目说明,国际航运,这比国内通常需要更长的时间,因为它在航运服务供应商和两国海关为基础.目的地为德国的包裹需要的运送时间,根据我们以往的经验,正常情况需要14-21个工作日(不计算星期六及星期日)才能送达.我们希望你再耐心等待几天时间,邮寄后21个工作日还没有收到时,请再与我们联系.到时我们会根据你的意愿,选择进行重新邮寄或退款.希望此次国际购物没有给你造成不愉快的经历,对于给你造成的不便深感歉意.使每一个客户的满意是我们的追求l.如果您有任何疑问,请随时联络我们,我们向你保证,你可以有一个满意的答案.再次,我们给您造成的不便向你道歉We understand your feelings now,first of all this to you to apologize for any inconvenience caused.September 28 receive your payment(China,Hong Kong time) ,Your package is September 29 (China,Hong Kong time) parcels sent by air.We are sorry but we cannot provide you the tracking number because this air parcel has no tracking number.We suggest you review our shipping terms in item descriptions,That international shipping usually take longer than domestic,as it’s based on shipping service provider and both countries Customs.Parcels arrived for Germany,the needs of delivery time,according to our previous experience,normally require 14-21 working days (not including holiday) to be served.since this is an international delivery,shipping time will be highly depended on the courier company and local customs/duties.We want you to be patient a few days,More than 21 working days,if not yet received the Postal parcels.,please contact us again.We will then be according to your wishes,choose to re-post or a refund.I hope that this international shopping did not give you unpleasant experience,for you are deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused.So that each customers satisfaction is our goal.If you have any questions,please contact us at any time,We guarantee you that you could have a pleased answer.Once again,We give you the inconvenience caused to you an apology.
我们非常理解你现在的心情,首先就此给你引起的不便致歉.We completely understand your current feeling and we would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused for you.9月28号收到你的付款.你的包裹是在9月29号通过航空包裹寄出.此航空包裹是没有tracking number的.所以无法向你提供tracking number.真是对不起.Your payment was received on 28 Sep.Your parcel was sent out by air on 29 Sep.But since the air freight has no tracking number,we can not provide the tracking number to you.Sorry for this problem.我们建议您查看我们的航运条件的项目说明,国际航运,这比国内通常需要更长的时间,因为它在航运服务供应商和两国海关为基础.We will appreciate if you can check the air shipment regulation in China.It is known that international air shipment will take longer than internal shipment because of the different service suppliers and customs clearance.目的地为德国的包裹需要的运送时间,根据我们以往的经验,正常情况需要14-21个工作日(不计算星期六及星期日)才能送达.According to our experience in the past,it will take 14-21 working days(not including holidays) for the parcel to arrive in Germany as the destination.我们希望你再耐心等待几天时间,邮寄后21个工作日还没有收到时,请再与我们联系.Please wait for a few more days.If you do not receive the parcel after 21 working days,please contact us.到时我们会根据你的意愿,选择进行重新邮寄或退款.We will re-send a new parcel to you or return the money to you according to your choice.希望此次国际购物没有给你造成不愉快的经历,对于给你造成的不便深感歉意.使每一个客户的满意是我们的追求l.如果您有任何疑问,请随时联络我们,我们向你保证,你可以有一个满意的答案.I hope this international shopping did not give your any unhappy experience.We feel very sorry for the inconvenience caused.Every customer's satisfaction is our goal.If you have any question,please feel free to contact us.We promise that you will get a pleased reply.再次,我们给您造成的不便向你道歉Once again,we apologize for the inconvenience caused!
We understand your mood now, first of all give you the inconvenience caused by this.On September 28, receive your payment. Your package is on September 29 through the air parcel. The air parcel i...
We understand your feelings now, first of all this to you to apologize for any inconvenience caused. September 28 to receive your payment. Your package is September 29 parcels sent by air. The ai...英语重修啊,求大师帮忙弄下,好人一生平安.25.She found two glass windows _____________________________ .A.broken B.breaking B.broke D.break26.Hewlett,the author of Creating a Life,_______________ a picture of what life is like in the U.S.for career women,based on e_百度作业帮
英语重修啊,求大师帮忙弄下,好人一生平安.25.She found two glass windows _____________________________ .A.broken B.breaking B.broke D.break26.Hewlett,the author of Creating a Life,_______________ a picture of what life is like in the U.S.for career women,based on extensive research.A.gives B.give C.giving D.gave27.Lots of people will _______________ their own views on the subject,whether or not they read the book.A.stick to B.stick at C.stick of D.stick into28.The company has recently ______________ a new office building in central LondonA.acquired B.acquiring C.acquire D.acquires29.He __________________ college after only two weeks.A.dropping out of B.dropped out of C.dropped out into D.dropped out at30.If you continue to steal,you ’ll ______________________ prison.A.end up with B.end up of C.end up in D.end up at31.Only 57% of the high-achieving women over 40 are married,_________________ 83% of male achievers.A.comparing pared pared paring to32.Classes could be set up to ____________________ men ____________________ woman who are their professional equals.A.encourage…marrying B.encouraged…marry C.encourage…to marry D.encouraging…marry英语翻译丁谓既窜崖州.遂徙雷州.全文翻译 好人一生平安!_百度作业帮
英语翻译丁谓既窜崖州.遂徙雷州.全文翻译 好人一生平安!
读《茶花女》有感 再一次看过《茶花女》后,我终于真正领略了这部世界名著给人带来的震撼力,我的心在读后很久仍颤抖不已.我不知道它使多少人同情和伤心地落下了眼泪,但它确实让我长久不息地难过和同情.这是一段感人肺腑的,悲壮凄惨的,让人同情的,美好的爱情,尤其在十九世纪中期资产阶级社会早期世态炎凉中,赤裸裸金钱关系的那个社会,更让人赞叹不已.没有华丽的文字,但那真挚的感情对白却让每一个人能够设身处地地为他们的恋爱着想,为他们的欢乐而轻松,为他们的悲剧而沉重.《茶花女》描写了一个妓女的爱情悲剧.因家境贫困,她十五岁出走巴黎,由于她天资聪颖绝色,便开始出入巴黎各大舞场,成了有钱的阔佬、公子哥们猎艳的口肉,以后便靠容貌和肉体换取奢侈的生活享受.终因过度的暴饮、狂欢和不分昼夜的肉欲纵横而染身肺痨,吐血而死,二十三岁就过早地离开了人世.小说的主人公玛格丽特本是一位贫穷的乡下姑娘,为谋生来到巴黎,不幸落入风尘,做了妓女,染上了挥霍钱财的恶习;她疯狂地寻欢作乐麻痹自己,但内心却讨厌这种空虚的生活.这个依旧保持有纯洁心灵的沦落女子,向往真正的爱情生活,后来被阿尔芒的一片赤诚之心所感动,彼此深深地相爱,在远离巴黎市区的乡间过起美满的田园生活.玛格丽特受到创伤的心灵也开始愈合,并决心彻底改掉过去的习惯,永远和阿尔芒在一起,享受一个正常女人的真正生活.不幸阿尔芒父亲的出现粉碎了她的美梦,他的虚伪、自私再一次把玛格丽特推入灾难之中.她被迫离开了阿尔芒,事后遭到阿尔芒不明真相的种种侮辱和伤害 ,终因心力交瘁,饮恨黄泉.阿尔芒,他十分喜欢玛格丽特.可是他那多疑的性格,却让他实际上造成了这场悲剧.他貌似很坚定地追求着这段爱情,却实际上很软弱.他未能最终说服和反抗父亲的逼迫,尽管他做了努力.尤其是当玛格丽特离开他后,做了他人的情人后,他那糊涂的判断力和可耻的侮辱行为,让我恨不能把他撕下来痛扁一顿.他自始至终没有拿出果断的勇气来追求他们的幸福.他没有在玛格丽特放弃时候强迫她重拾起爱情的信心,而这种强迫我可以肯定玛格丽特是很愿意接受的.这段爱情自始至终就没有一个坚实的经济基础,似乎注定了他们的悲剧.但我认为这并不是主要原因,因为玛格丽特最后已经放弃那每年十多万法郎的生活,而跟随阿尔芒去过那田园的平民的生活.而此时,经济已不再是问题了.还是阿尔芒不果断地去强迫她,离开巴黎,去另外一个环境去忘记过去.而实际上,他有很多机会可以这样做.这让我想起了杜十娘的悲剧,尽管阿尔芒好过千百倍那个秀才.但结果无疑是可悲的,男主人公是这悲剧的原因之一.不知为什么,我总有一股同情这种人的情怀.今晚上,当我正在为阿尔芒气愤的时候,有个朋友说:换了你也会这样做,因为她是妓女.我立刻反驳他,我决定这并不是原因,如果他们是真心相爱的.我深深为茶花女而伤心悲哀,她处于世态炎凉的社会中,不得已才伦为妓女,可是她的心是纯洁的,而如今我们处于和谐的社会中,为什么还有诸多的“玛格丽特”?她们的心灵又是怎样的呢?提示您:你还未登录。


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