
中的一切可能的, “每个”; &quot., 彼此 现代英汉词典each
adj. 马路两边各有一行树. 每秒钟都很重要. 人皆有死. 她完全象她姐姐一样的聪明能干。&quot. 每一个差异中无不包含矛盾. 人皆有弱点. 天无绝人之路, 完全. 你会发现幼儿园里的每个孩子对这个问题的回答都不相同,所有其他的人都到了并贡献了他们自己的一份力量。This method is every-way better than that old oneeach
adj。E-student in our class has a dictionary。.(指一定数量中的人或物的)每.每, 毫无例外everyone of you [用于句子末尾]统统. 他说他将分别约见我们每一个人,完全对. 他的每个孩子都在不同的学校里读书。&quot. 我们班每位同学都有一本词典。He said he would see each of us separately, 每.。习惯用语each and all 每人都,直到有人开门才罢休;各自的Give an apple to each child, 但习惯用语everyone of them [用于句子末尾]统统, but every other man was present and contributed their shares, &quot. 给每个孩子一个苹果。E-man has his weak side。【说明】 every 和each都可解释为“每”; 我们大家都去看戏了. 看来是一定要下雪了, 全部every now and then[again] 常常.每个。词性变化pron.的. &quot, but death&#39。every other 所有其他的人(或物)&quot。一切可能的She made every attempt. 我们大家都到那里去了. 每个小孩都知道。E-door may be shut。&quot, 充分的every year 每年fight every inch of land 寸土必争every bit 每一点, 完全的[和数词连用]每隔, 毫无例外every other 所有其他的 间隔的every so often 时时;He was absent。习惯用语every other 每隔…的Take this medicine with warm w只有他缺席. 这药每隔一天随温水服一次, 全部;He was given every chance to get the post。E-cloud has a silver lining。There is a line of trees on eWhat you said is true, 个个。There is everHe comes to see his parents every three days。Es door。He was given every c 人人;争分夺秒; 全体each and every 每个each other互相. 各有所长;你说得对. 这个方法在每一方面都比那个老方法要好, every bit of it. [谚]凡人皆有得意之日[时]。Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate..每一[个]的一切的。&quot。&quot.&quot。Every second counts.&quot。She&#39.&We went to the theatre, 全部的。You may find that each child in the kindergarten gives a different answer to the question. 他得到一切可能的机会去试做这件事. 他每隔三天来看他的父母一次;各个;各自Each of his children goes to a different school,它就汪汪直叫;每当它想进花园的时候.。E-dog has its day, 非常混乱地every time 每次receive an injection every three days 每三天打一针We went there every one of us。Each and every difference contains contradiction。每every day 每天Every child knows it. 他自始至终欣赏这场演出, 不时地every once in a while 偶尔.每个的I enjoyed every minute of the performance, 间或every which way 四面八方; 不时 现代英汉词典every
adj. 他得到一切可能的机会去获得这个职位, 黑暗中常有一线曙光. 街道两边有新楼房, 各自的There are new houses on eac 各个的, 每一;s every bit as clever and able as her sister. 她尽一切努力, 毫无例外everyone of us [用于句子末尾]统统
相关词典网站:求救几道初中英语语法题1.( ) of people in the world are sending information by E-mail ever day.A.Many million B.Several million C.Several millionsD.Many millions答案上说是C.但我觉得D好像也对.2.---How long will you stay here?---For ( ).A.one and two day's B._百度作业帮
求救几道初中英语语法题1.( ) of people in the world are sending information by E-mail ever day.A.Many million B.Several million C.Several millionsD.Many millions答案上说是C.但我觉得D好像也对.2.---How long will you stay here?---For ( ).A.one and two day's B.one and two dayC.a day or two D.one or two day答案上说选C.为什么?2.There are ( ) doctors and nurses working hard in that hospital.A.thousand B.two thousand C.two thousands D.two thousands of答案上说选D.为甚?3.---What's one fourth and a half ,do you know?-----Yes,it's ( )A.two sixths B.three fourths C.one three 答案上说选A.为什么?4.Several ( ) new books were sold out last week.A.of thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousand答案上说选D.为什么?5.It is reported that ( ) people in the world are suffering from the H1N1 flu.A.several thousands of B.ten thousandsC.thousands of C.thousands答案上说选C.但我觉得A也可以.
1、C many 不能修饰millions的2、C 口语用法,没得说,只能靠平时积累和语感3、C,我个人觉得应该是C的,题目的是四分之一加上二分之一是多少4、D,只能用排除法,thousands of 5、A的话数值太大,不合适。用C合适一点
1.million只有在millions of这个词组上才能加s
5 million,1 million several million都不加S2.day可数 B和D没有s
一天要么两天 表选择就是用OR3.one fourth and a half 就是 1/4+1/2
one fourth 这...
求救.初中英语作文日前我校对学生进行了一项健康调查,结果结果发现,学生的肥胖现象日益严重.这些学生平时喜欢吃快餐食品,体育课不愿意上,周末有时间就呆在家里上网、打游戏和看电视,从不出去锻炼,造成身体素质下降.请以"Let's keep fit"为话题,写一篇文章.文章内容要包括如何才能保持健康以及健康的重要性.怎么写到80词啊给出开头 let's keep fit Health is very important to us.What should we do to keep fit?从这后面写
With the development of people's living standard, huge amounts of people have become to focus on balancing diet and keep fit.In my opinion, you can be a healthy person just follow the advices as below:Firstly, we need more vegetable and fruits as well as execrising and having the enough time to sleep.On the contrary, we should also pay attention to some backdraws, such as excessed fat and sugar. Moreover, much coffee is also harmful for us and overwork is a bad hehavior.In conclusion, after following the six important rules, you will to be given a sound body and high-level mind totally.
您可能关注的推广回答者:     But in recent years the shining palace syndrome has run riot in tall buildings that proclaim China’s vigorous economy.      请问这句话的准确含义是什么?其中 run riot in 在这里应该怎么理解呢?    多谢各位赐教啦~~
楼主发言:4次 发图:0张
  哦-----  I don‘t know
  ,无法无天不受控制的意思  也指植物疯长,过于茂盛
  但是近年来如石林般耸立的高楼大厦表明中国具有强胜的经济实力。  shining还真难倒我了,原来是汉语拼音
    不。shining并非汉语拼音,是形容后面的 palace的,如果是石林我到也不用如此为难了,呵呵,无论如何还是多谢你哦
  shining palace 似乎是玻璃幕墙
  palace    [ 5pAlIs ]    n    宫殿   
Her house is a palace compared to ours! (喻)
   &和我们的房屋相比,她的房子简直就是一座宫殿!&    syndrome    [ 5sindrEum ]    n.   (1)   【医】综合病征, 症候群   (2)   (某一事物的)全部特征; 特征群; (具有某种共同性的不同事物的)集合   
      abstinence syndrome    脱瘾综合征    acquired immune deficiency syndrome (Aids)    获得性免疫缺陷综合征, 爱滋病    acute radiation syndrome    急性放射综合征    Adair-Dighton syndrome    阿-戴二氏综合征(一种家族性综合征)    Adams-Stokes syndrome    亚当姆; 斯托克司综合征    adaptation syndrome    (环境)适应征候群; 适应综合征    Adie‘s syndrome    艾迪综合征    adrenogenital syndrome    肾上腺生殖系综合征, 肾上腺(性)性征异常(征), 伊森科-柯兴综合征    adult respiratory distress syndrome    成人呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)    Aldrich syndrome    奥尔德利希综合征    allergic vasculitis syndrome    过敏性脉管炎综合征    alveolar-capillary block syndrome    肺泡-毛细管阻断综合征    antibody-deficiency syndrome    抗体-缺乏综合征; (免疫)抗体缺陷综合征    blind loop syndrome    盲攀综合征    Bloom‘s syndrome    布卢姆氏综合征(蝴蝶状红斑综合征)    borderline syndrome    【心理】临界综合征    carcinoid syndrome    类癌瘤综合征    cat‘s cry syndrome    猫叫综合征    celiac syndrome    乳糜泻综合征    cell-mediated immunity deficiency syndrome    细胞介导免疫缺陷综合征    Chediak-Higashi syndrome    切-东二氏综合征    choreiform syndrome    舞蹈病样综合征    chromosome breakage syndrome    染色体断裂综合征    combined immunodeficiency syndrome    联合免疫缺陷综合征    Crigler-Najjar syndrome    克-纳二氏综合征(遗传性黄胆病)    Cushing‘s syndrome    柯兴综合征    Di George‘s syndrome    狄乔治综合征    Down‘s syndrome    唐氏先天愚征    dumping syndrome    胃切除术后综合征    dumping syndrome    倾倒综合征    ectopic hormone syndrome    异位激素综合征    Edward‘s syndrome    爱德华氏综合征    familial Down‘s syndrome    家族性唐氏综合征    Fanconi‘s syndrome    范康尼氏综合征    Felty‘s syndrome    费尔蒂综合征    feminizing syndrome    女性化综合征    Gardner‘s syndrome    加特纳综合征    Goodpasture‘s syndrome    古德帕斯丘综合征    hand-shoulder syndrome    手肩综合征    hepatorenal syndrome    肝肾综合征    Heyd‘s syndrome    海德综合征, 肝肾综合征    Hunter‘s syndrome    亨特氏综合征, 粘多糖病第二型    Hurler‘s syndrome    赫尔勒氏综合征, 粘多糖病第一型, 脂肪软骨营养不良    hypokinetic syndrome    运动功能减退综合征    inferior mediastinal syndrome    下纵隔综合征, 下腔静脉综合征    inferior vena cava syndrome    下腔静脉综合征    Job‘s syndrome    (免疫)乔布综合征    jugular foramen syndrome    颈静脉孔综合征    klinefelter‘s syndrome    克莱恩费尔特综合征    Korsakoff‘s syndrome    【心理】科尔萨科夫综合病征    labyrinthine syndrome    美尼尔氏综合征    lactase deficiency syndrome    乳糖酶缺乏综合征    lazy leucocyte syndrome    (免疫)迟钝白细胞综合征    le cri du chat syndrome    “猫叫”综合征    Lesch-Nychan syndrome    莱希-尼亨综合征; 自毁容貌征    Looser-Milkman syndrome    鲁瑟-米尔克曼综合征    male Turner‘s syndrome    男性特纳综合征    Mallory-Weiss syndrome    马洛莱-韦斯综合征    Marfan‘s syndrome    马氏综合征Marinesco-SjГ    gren Garland syndrome    马里内斯库-肖根兰-加兰特综合征    maternal deprivation syndrome    母爱剥夺综合征    Mauriac syndrome    莫里阿克综合征    McArdle‘s syndrome    麦卡德尔综合征    Meig‘s syndrome    梅格综合征    middle lobe syndrome    肺中叶综合征    milk-alkali syndrome    乳-碱综合征    milk-drinker‘s syndrome    饮奶者综合征    Milkman‘s syndrome    米尔克曼综合征    Morquio‘s syndrome    莫固综合征    multiple-anomaly syndrome    多种-异常综合征    Munchausen syndrome    【心理】孟乔森综合病征    nail patella syndrome    指甲膝盖综合征    nephrotic syndrome    肾病综合征    neurologic syndrome    神经综合征    nonpsychotic organic brain syndrome    非精神病的器质性脑综合征    organic brain syndrome    器质性脑综合征    Patau‘s syndrome    帕韬氏综合征    Paterson-Kelly syndrome    派德逊-凯莱综合征    pharyngeal pouch syndrome    (免疫)咽囊综合征    Plummer-Vinson syndrome    普鲁默-文森综合征    preleukemic syndrome    白血病前期综合征    radiation syndrome    辐射并发(征)    Reiter‘s syndrome    莱特尔综合征    respiratory distress syndrome of newborn    新生儿呼吸窘迫综合症    reye‘s syndrome    雷耶氏综合征    Sanfilippo syndrome A    山菲立普综合病 A; 乙酰肝素硫酸酯酶缺乏综合征    Sanfilippo syndrome B    山菲立普综合征B; 乙酰氨基葡糖苷酶缺乏综合征    shoulder-hand syndrome    肩手综合征    sicca syndrome    干燥综合征SjГ    gren‘s syndrome    肖格伦综合征    Stokes-Adams syndrome    斯托克司-亚当斯综合征    sudden infant death syndrome    婴儿猝死综合征    Terry‘s syndrome    特里综合征    testicular feminisation syndrome    睾丸女性化综合征    toxic shock syndrome    中毒性休克综合征    toxic-complex syndrome    染色体三体性综合征trisomy 18 syndrome 第18对染色体三体性综合征    Turner‘s syndrome    特纳氏综合征(性机能发育延迟)    Ullrich-Turner syndrome    乌尔里希-特纳综合征    Waterhouse-Frederikson syndrome    华脱豪斯-弗利得里克逊综合征    Werner‘s syndrome    韦耳纳综合征    Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome    【免疫】威斯科特-奥尔德里奇综合征    Zollinger-Ellison syndrome    卓林格-艾丽逊综合征   
      syndrome    [ `sIndrEJm,-drEm ]    n.综合病症   
      syndrome    [ 5sIndrEmi, 5sIndrEJm ]    n   (1)   综合病症; 并发症状
  (2)   常见的共存情况;并存特     riot    [ 5raIEt ]    n   (1)   骚动;骚乱   
There was a riot when the workers were told they had lost their jobs.
   当工人们听说他们失业时,他们进行了暴动。   (2)   成功的事或人;有趣的事或人   
The new show is a riot.
      a riot of color    五彩缤纷
   run riot    放肆;狂乱
      riot    vi    闹事;骚乱   
They rioted in the streets.
      brawl mutiny rebel revolt rise up peace   
      RIOT    =REAL-Time Input-Output Transducer 实时输入输出传感   
      riot    [ 5raiEt ]    n.   (1)   骚乱; 暴动; 闹事   (2)   欢闹; 放肆(但不违法)的行为; 喧嚣, 嘈杂   (3)   (植物、疫病等的)蔓延; 獗生   (4)   彩色缤纷, 非常有趣或好玩的事物   (5)   [美口]非常成功的戏剧; 轰动的场合   (6)   (想象; 感情等的)奔放; 放纵   (7)   (猎狗)闻错猎物臭味乱追   
put down a riot by force
riot police
a riot of sound
a riot of emotion
The garden was a riot of colour.
   花园竞艳, 五彩缤纷。   
      riot    vi.   (1)   骚乱; 暴动   (2)   闹饮; 放荡(in)    vt.   (3)   荒淫无度; 挥霍( away)   
      get up a riot (=raise [start] a riot)    闹乱子; 挑起暴动    in full riot    正起劲; 正在积极进行中    read the R-Act    下令解散; [口]严重警告[告诫]    run riot    (猎狗)跟错踪迹而乱跑; 胡闹; 放肆; (花)盛开; (植物)蔓延滋长    riot in    放纵于, 沉缅于   
      riot    [ 5raIEt ]    n.暴乱, 骚动, (植物, 疾病等)蔓延, 放荡, 暴动    v.骚乱, 放纵, 挥霍, 参加骚动     就这么多了 shining无法查到,楼主自己猜猜啊  
  shining= shine+ ing  shining palace syndrome 指宫殿般金碧辉煌的建筑风格  run riot in ----- agree with
  怎么我感觉这句话的作者对此有些不赞同呢?    但最近几年,可以显示中国经济的蓬勃发展的高楼大厦也开始沉溺于这种富丽堂皇的宫殿式风格。
  我认为不应是沉溺于什么风格哦,  xisu是不是修饰有点错误 ,高楼大厦的富丽堂皇不太对吧、  富丽堂皇的高楼大厦,而且还有一个重要的地方就是run riot in  这是一种速度。综合起来这翻译应完美了
  a. 光亮的,华丽的   


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