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简明英汉词典figure[5fi^E]n.外形, 轮廓, 体形, 图形, 画像, 数字, 形状, 身份vt.描绘, 塑造, 表示, 象征, 演算, 认为vi.出现, 考虑, 出名, 扮演角色美国传统词典[双解]figurefig.ureAHD:[f1g“y…r] D.J.[6figj*]K.K.[6f!gj+]n.Abbr. fig.(名词)缩写 fig.(1)A written or printed symbol representing something other than a letter, especially a number.符号,数字:代表某物的书写或印刷符号,而不是字母,尤其数字(2)figures Mathematical calculations:figures 算术:good at figures.擅长算术(3)An amount represented in numbers:价格:用数来表示的价值:sold for a large figure.以高价出售(4)Mathematics A geometric form consisting of any combination of points, lines, or planes:【数学】 几何图形:由点、线或面的组合构成的几何图形:A triangle is a plane figure.三角形是平面图形(5)The outline, form, or silhouette of a thing.外形,轮廓:某物的外廓、外形或轮廓(6)The shape or form of a human body.身材:人体的形状(7)An indistinct object or shape:事物,轮廓:模糊的事物或轮廓:saw figures dashing down the street.看到模糊的人影向街那边跑去了(8)A person, especially a well-known one:人物:人,尤其是著名人物:a famous historical figure.一位著名的人物(9)A person's public image or presence:形象:一个人的公众形象或风度:became a tragic figure overnight.一夜之间变成了一个悲剧人物形象(10)Impression or appearance made:外貌:制成的形象或外表:cuts a dashing figure.雕刻成雄赳赳的模样(11)A person, an animal, or an object that symbolizes something.象征物:象征某事物的人、动物或事物(12)A pictorial or sculptural representation, especially of the human body.画像、塑像:图片或雕塑的表现,特指人体形象(13)A diagram.图表(14)A design or pattern, as in a textile:设计,样式:如织物上的图样或图案:silk with a paisley figure.具有华丽图案的丝绸(15)An illustration printed from an engraved plate or block.拓印的图形:印自被雕刻的盘子或木块表面的图形(16)A configuration or distinct group of steps in a dance.舞步型:在一舞蹈中步子的形状或明显的型式(17)A pattern traced by a series of movements, as in ice skating.花式:如溜冰中的一组系列动作的型式(18)Music A brief melodic or harmonic unit often constituting the base for a larger phrase or structure.【音乐】 音型:一组短而连贯的音符或和弦构成的基本音型,经常为一更大的乐曲或结构构成基础(19)Logic Any one of the forms that a syllogism can take, depending on the position of the middle term.【逻辑学】 格:依靠中项的位置的三段论有的任一种形式v.(动词)fig.ured, fig.ur.ing, fig.uresv.tr.(及物动词)(1)Mathematics To calculate with numbers.【数学】 用数字来计算(2)T depict.使象…;描绘(3)To adorn with a design or figures.用图案或图样装饰(4)Music To indicate the chordal structure of (a bass line of single notes) with a sequence of conventionalized numbers.【音乐】 用数字表示弦的结构:用习俗化数字的顺序表示(单音调的低音部)的弦的结构(5)Informal 【非正式用语】 (6)To conclude, believe, or predict:得出结论,相信,预测:I never figured that this would happen.我从没想到会发生这样的事(7)To consider or regard:认为,考虑:figured them as con artists.认为他们是骗人的艺术家v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)Mathematics T compute.【数学】 计算;估算(2)To be or seem important or prominent.露头角或显得重要(3)To be pertinent or involved:相关或卷入:politicians who figured in the scandal.卷入丑闻中的政治家们(4)Informal To seem reasonable or expected:【非正式用语】 显得合理的或似乎合于预期的:It figures.它似乎是对的吧常用词组figure inTo include, as in making an account:包括:包括,如在计算数量中:figured in travel expenses.包含在旅行费用当中figure on 【非正式用语】(1)To depend on:依靠:We figured on your support.我们就指望你的支持了(2)To tak expect:把…估计在内;期望:I figured on an hour's delay.我估计要延迟一小时(3)To plan:计划:We figure on leaving at noon.我们计划中午走figure out 【非正式用语】(1)To discover or decide:发现或决定:Let's figure out a way to help.让我们来找出帮助的办法吧(2)To solve or decipher:解决或破译:Can you figure out this puzzle?你能找到谜底吗?语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old French 源自 古法语 (3)from Latin fig?a * see dheigh- 源自 拉丁语 fig?a *参见 dheigh- 继承用法fig“urern.(名词)参考词汇(1)figure, design, device, motif, pattern(2)The central meaning shared by these nouns is “an element or a component in a decorative composition”: 这些名词所共有的中心意思是“装饰物品中的一个元素或成分”:a tapestry
花团锦簇的挂毯;a rug wit 以几何图形为图案的地毯;a brooch with a fanciful
设计奇特复杂的胸针;a scar 印有心形图案的围巾;fabric with a plaid pattern. See also Synonyms at calculate, form 带有格子花呢图案的毛织品 参见同义词 calculate, form现代英汉词典figure[5fI^E(r); (?@) 5fIgjEr]n.(1)人像;画像I didn't really mean my
it was just a figure of speech."我并非真的说我的合伙人是条蛇,这不过是种形象化的说法。"(2)外形;轮廓;隐约的人影I could see a tall figure near the door.我可以看见门附近有一个高大的人影。(3)体态What a fine figure of a man!一个身材多美的男人!exercises to improve one's figure使体态健美的运动(4)名流;名人a great figure in history上的大人物(5)数字Write the number in words and in figures.用文字和阿拉伯数字写出这个数。This figure increases to 72 percent during summer vacation."到了暑假,这个数字上升到72%。"(6)图;插图;图表(7)(pl) 位数She has a five figure income.她有五位数的收入。(8)(pl) 计算;算术I'm not good at figures.我计算不行。词性变化figurevt., vi.-ured, -uring(1)出现;扮演Roger figured as chief guest.罗杰以主客姿态出现。(2)认为;判断I figure the manager will be back soon.我估计经理很快会回来。I figured you'd want tea我想你是要茶。I figure it like this."关于这点,我是这样想的。"习惯用语That figures!不出所料!figure on料想;估计We figure on your coming early to help us.我们指望你们会早些来帮助我们。I figure on meeting their representative in Hilton on Tuesday afternoon.我打算星期二下午到希尔顿酒店去会见他们的代表。figure out算出;了解We must figure out how to solve the problem.我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.我想不出那位戴墨镜的夫人是谁。现代英汉综合大辞典figure[5fi^E]n.(1)外形, 轮廓; 体形; 隐约可见的人[物]影; 身体与物体平面面积(2)画像, 塑像(3)图形[案]; 插图; 图表(4)形象; 人物; 身分; 地位(5)(计算中用的)数字; 符号; 数值; 位数; [pl. ]计算, 算术; (几何)图形(6)修辞手段, 修辞格;【逻】(三段法的)格(7)【音】音型(8)(溜冰、飞行的)花式; 特技; (舞蹈中的)舞步型(9)(木材表面的)花纹(10)价格, 价钱a slender figure苗条的身段a half-length figure半身像a rectangular figure矩形the great figures of history上的伟大人物a person of figure地位高的人have a head for figures数字概念强double [three] figures两[三]位数sell sth. at a low figure以低价出售某物词性变化figure[5fi^E]vt.(1)描绘; 塑造(2)用图案[花纹]装饰(3)想象(4)表示, 象征(5)用数字表示; 计算(6)推测, 判断, 估计 揣测, 相信(7)领会, 懂得figure expenses计算开支I figure he'll be back soon.我估计他很快会回来。He figured himself a good scholar.他自以为很有学问。He figured the whole scheme at once.他马上就懂得了整个计划。figure[5fi^E]vi.(1)(作为...而) 出现; 露头角; 突出; 扮演角色(as)(2)计算, 做算术(3)考虑; 估计(4)跳某种(花式)舞步(5)[美俚]有道理, 合乎情理figure in history [a battle]在上[某一战役中]赫赫有名figure for an election筹划选举Sure, that figures.没错, 那是合情合理的。继承用法figure-shiftn.变数字位figuresomeadj.有些显著的figurelessadj.无数字的, 无图形的习惯用语cut a brilliant figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众cut a fine figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众cut a good figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众cut a great figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众cut a conspicuous figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众cut a splendid figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众make a brilliant figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众make a fine figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众make a good figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众make a great figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众make a conspicuous figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众make a splendid figure崭露头角; 放异采, 引人注目, 超群出众cut a figure露头角; 表现得很出色; 显得可笑make a figure露头角; 表现得很出色; 显得可笑cut a poor figure出丑; 露 出可怜相; 显得很不象样cut a little figure出丑; 露 出可怜相; 显得很不象样cut a ridiculous figure出丑; 露 出可怜相; 显得很不象样cut a sorry figure出丑; 露 出可怜相; 显得很不象样make a poor figure出丑; 露 出可怜相; 显得很不象样make a little figure出丑; 露 出可怜相; 显得很不象样make a ridiculous figure出丑; 露 出可怜相; 显得很不象样make a sorry figure出丑; 露 出可怜相; 显得很不象样cut no figure[美]不足道; 默默无闻; 不显赫do things on the big figure[美]大干特干; 大规模地干某事get at a low figure低价[高价]买到(某物)get at a high figure低价[高价]买到(某物)get sth. at a high figure低价[高价]买到(某物)get sth. at a low figure低价[高价]买到(某物)go the big figure[美]彻底地干; 出风头, 摆阔气come the big figure[美]彻底地干; 出风头, 摆阔气go the whole figure[美]干到底, 彻底地干in round figures用整数表示; 大概, 粗略地说it figures合理, 讲得通, 有道理that figures合理, 讲得通, 有道理keep one's figure保持体态苗条lay figure(1)(画家用的)人体模型(2)虚构人物; 傀儡miss a figure[美]失算, 算错; 铸成大错miss one's figure[美]失算, 算错; 铸成大错public figure名人, 知名人士figure as扮演...角色figure down算出; 弄清, 了解figure for谋取, 企图获得; 考虑, 筹划; 代表, 代理figure in算进; 参加; 包括进; 参与; 与...有牵连; 在...出现; 在...担任一定角色figure in the carpet不能立即看得清楚的图样figure of eight 8字形(飞行、滑冰、编织、跳舞等的花样)figure of fun姿态滑稽的人figure of speech词藻, 修辞; 形象化比喻, 形象化说法figure on计划, 估计; 仔细考虑; 指望, 靠得住figure upon计划, 估计; 仔细考虑; 指望, 靠得住figure out算出, 估计, 推测; 解决; 了解, 领会到; 断定figure out at总共..., 合计...figure up总计, 把...总加起来特殊用法aberration figure象差斑absolute figure绝对数值academy figure用于绘画或雕塑的人体模型(大小不到真人的一半), 做出各种显示肌肉动作的人体模特儿, 配有各种背景的人体模特儿acoustic figures声图形, 克拉尼图形amphiastral figure双星象anastral figure无星象antenna noise figure天线噪声指[系]数average noise figure平均噪声[杂波]数blister figure(木材)泡瘤状纹, [俗]云彩片boxcar figures一方或双方十分高的得分Brinell figure布氏(硬度)值capacity figures生产能力指数colossal figure巨型画像或雕塑像(远远大于真人)comparative mortality figure比较死亡指数compressibility figure压缩系数congruent figures全等[叠合]图形consumption figures消耗值control figures社会生产控制数字corrosion figure蚀图; 蚀象cup flow figure杯溢法流动指数curly figure(木材)羽状纹; 绉(摺)状纹dimension figure尺寸数字; 尺寸图double figure两位数draft figure吃水数(字)标(志), 水尺图effective figure有效数字equal geometric figures相等几何(图)形estimative figure估计(的)数字etch figures侵蚀图(象), 蚀刻图(象)fiddle back figure提琴背(板)纹; [俗](木材)虎皮纹flow figure流程图fractional figure零[余, 残]数geometric(al) figure几何图形guarding figure保险数位homological figures同源[同素]图形homothetic figures(同)位(相)似图形impact figure撞击图象indicative planning figures指示性计划数字inductance figure电感系数inscribed figure内接[切]形integral noise figure积分噪声系数interference figure干涉图inverse figure逆图形last significant figure末位有效数字lay figure用作绘画模特儿或服装展览的人体活动模型limiting figure极限数值, 限幅系数long figure大打数字magnetic figure磁力线图[数]maltose figure(面粉的)麦芽糖值mitotic figure分裂象mottle figure斑(状花)纹moulded figure塑像; 模拟像mutually polar figures互极图形myelinic figure髓鞘状nodal figure波节形noise figure噪声系数[指数]performance figure性能数字, 质量指数(雷达)效率phase pushing figure相位偏移值plane figure平面图planned figures计划数字polar figure极坐标图, 极线图positive figure黑字, 正数金额projective figure射影图形provisional control figure暂时控制数字pulling figure(频率)牵引数, 牵引特性pushing figure(磁控管)推出系数, 推频值(磁控管工作状态改变所引起的频率变化值)quilted figure被絮纹radar performance figure雷达性能指标receiver noise figure接收机噪声系数rectangular figure矩形reciprocal polar figure反极图respiration figure呼吸图ribbon figure带状纹stripe figure带状纹rope figure绳纹; [俗](木材)麻花纹rough figure粗略数值round figure整数rounded figure(约)整数scaly figure(木材)鱼鳞纹scratched figure划杠的数字Shore hardnes figure肖氏硬度值significant figure有效数(字, 位)similar figure相似图形solid figure立体图形spot noise figure点噪声值[系数]square figure方形statistical figures统计数字steel figure钢字码strain figures滑移线, 吕德斯线; 应变图 形stump figure根株花纹superior figures【刷】上标swirl crotch figure(木材)涡卷纹; 羽状纹tensile figure拉伸指数, 张力数terminal figure(石柱上的)胸像three figures三[百]位数tortoise shell figure铁水面龟纹(高硅高碳现象)traffic figures运量观测数据transistor noise figure晶体管噪声系数two figures两[十]位数verified figures核对数字Vickers hardness figure维氏硬度值figure of eight callipers 8字形卡钳, 8字形测径规figure of loss能量损耗系数figure of merit质量[品质]因数, 佳度, Q值; 灵敏值; 工作值, 性能系数; 优良指数用法词典figure源自拉丁语figura<fingere形成英文相关词典figureamount&&&&build&&&&charge&&&&chart&&&&cost&&&&design&&&&diagram&&&&digit&&&&drawing&&&&form&&&&illustration&&&&individual&&&&number&&&&numeral&&&&outline&&&&pattern&&&&person&&&&physique&&&&picture&&&&price&&&&shape&&&&sketch&&&&structure&&&&symbol&&&&[七国语言]英汉地理大词典figure图形[七国语言]英汉电子工程大词典figure图形[七国语言]英汉公共大词典figure轮廓[七国语言]英汉机械大词典figure图形;数字[七国语言]英汉建筑大词典figure图形, 外观[七国语言]英汉矿业大词典figure图, 数字[七国语言]英汉生物学大词典figure图, 花纹[七国语言]英汉数学大词典figure图形[七国语言]英汉物理大词典figure图形[七国语言]英汉信息大词典figure数字[七国语言]英汉原子能大词典figure图形美国传统词典figurefig.ureAHD:[f1g“y…r] D.J.[6figj*]K.K.[6f!gj+]n.Abbr. fig.(1)A written or printed symbol representing something other than a letter, especially a number.(2)figures Mathematical calculations:good at figures.(3)An amount represented in numbers:sold for a large figure.(4)Mathematics A geometric form consisting of any combination of points, lines, or planes:A triangle is a plane figure.(5)The outline, form, or silhouette of a thing.(6)The shape or form of a human body.(7)An indistinct object or shape:saw figures dashing down the street.(8)A person, especially a well-known one:a famous historical figure.(9)A person's public image or presence:became a tragic figure overnight.(10)Impression or appearance made:cuts a dashing figure.(11)A person, an animal, or an object that symbolizes something.(12)A pictorial or sculptural representation, especially of the human body.(13)A diagram.(14)A design or pattern, as in a textile:silk with a paisley figure.(15)An illustration printed from an engraved plate or block.(16)A configuration or distinct group of steps in a dance.(17)A pattern traced by a series of movements, as in ice skating.(18)Music A brief melodic or harmonic unit often constituting the base for a larger phrase or structure.(19)Logic Any one of the forms that a syllogism can take, depending on the position of the middle term.v.fig.ured, fig.ur.ing, fig.uresv.tr.(1)Mathematics To calculate with numbers.(2)T depict.(3)To adorn with a design or figures.(4)Music To indicate the chordal structure of (a bass line of single notes) with a sequence of conventionalized numbers.(5)Informal (6)To conclude, believe, or predict:I never figured that this would happen.(7)To consider or regard:figured them as con artists.v.intr.(1)Mathematics T compute.(2)To be or seem important or prominent.(3)To be pertinent or involved:politicians who figured in the scandal.(4)Informal To seem reasonable or expected:It figures.常用词组figure inTo include, as in making an account:figured in travel expenses.figure on Informal(1)To depend on:We figured on your support.(2)To tak expect:I figured on an hour's delay.(3)To plan:We figure on leaving at noon.figure out Informal(1)To discover or decide:Let's figure out a way to help.(2)To solve or decipher:Can you figure out this puzzle?语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old French (3)from Latin fig?a * see dheigh- 继承用法fig“urern.参考词汇(1)figure, design, device, motif, pattern (2)The central meaning shared by these nouns is “an element or a component in a decorative composition”: a tapestry
a rug wit a brooch with a fanciful
a scar fabric with a plaid pattern. See also Synonyms at calculate, form [名词委审定]英汉建筑园林、城市规划名词(1998)figure形体英汉船舶大词典figure n.数字,图,图形 英汉电力大词典figure n.图形,数字 朗文英汉综合电脑词典figure 图(表,形);形状[象];数字[码][FIG] 英汉电信大词典figure n.数字,图形 英汉地质大词典figure n.图,插图;n.图,数字,位数 英汉法学大词典figure n.金额 ,数 英汉纺织大词典figure n.数字,外观,形状 英汉航海大词典figure n.图形 英汉航空大词典figure n.数字,位数;n.图,图形 英汉化学大词典figure n.形状 英汉海运大词典figure 形状,图,图形插图,图表数值数字,位数,符号用图表示用数字表示计算 基本词义figure 图,图形数字,数值 基本词义figure 图数字图形插图,图表数值,位数符号用图表示,用数字表示,计算形状, 基本词义figure 图,图形数字,数值形状,插图,图表位数,符号用图表示用数字表示计算 英汉经贸大词典figure n.图形 英汉计算机大词典figure n.图表(形态);vt.用图解表式 英汉机械大词典figure n.图,数字 英汉建筑大词典figure n.图形,图,附图 最新会计师英汉大词典figure计价[外汇交易商的行话]英汉能源大词典figure n.图,插图 英汉水利大词典figure n.图,图形,插图 英汉贸易大词典figure数字,(外汇交易)零,计价(外汇交易商的行话)英汉心理学大词典figure 人物 基本词义figure 形象 现代商务英汉大词典figure数字,(外汇交易)零,计价(外汇交易商的行话)英汉冶金大词典figure n.形状,轮廓 英汉医学大词典figure n.图,图形 英汉中医大词典figure n.体形,外形,轮廓
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