that will be really是什么意思 nice _/可爱

你可能喜欢绝望主妇第三季 11集_绝望主妇_VOA英语网
绝望主妇第三季 11集
[by: - 英语网]
[00:01.00](Mary Alice) Previously on Desperate Housewives: 欲乱绝情妻 前情提要
[00:02.93](screaming) 我会把她当作亲生女儿一样爱她
[00:04.43](Lynette) I will love her like she is my own.
[00:06.50]Lynette made a promise. Lynette作出承诺
[00:08.90](Susan) His wife goes missing, his mistress turns up dead? 老婆失踪 情妇死亡?
[00:11.61]I can't believe that Orson could do such a thing. 我只是不能相信Orson会做出这种事
[00:13.94]- Mike got arrested. - Oh, thank God. Mike被捕
[00:15.78]- A friendship hit the rocks. - (Susan) I won't play with a woman 噢 感谢上帝
[00:18.75]that will let Mike take the fall for her psycho husband. 我可不和想让Mike替她心理变态老公 承担一切责任的人打交道
[00:21.45]Susan made a deal. Susan做了一笔交易
[00:22.68](Ian) I'll hire the best lawyer in town on one condition. 我会聘请城里最好的律师 但一个要求
[00:25.45]You can't see him anymore. 你不能再见他
[00:26.96]- And the missing wife returned. - Hello, Alma. 失踪的妻子回来了
[00:28.50]你好 Alma
[00:34.83]To understand the journey of Alma Hodge, 想知道Alma Hodge的经历
[00:37.77]you first need to know how it started. 你首先得清楚事情缘由
[00:41.90]It began the day she wed Orson Hodge, 最初她嫁给了Orson Hodge
[00:44.94]a man she had tricked into marriage by getting pregnant. 一个被她以怀孕而 骗入婚姻的男人
[00:50.48]Alma was confident that as their family grew, Alam相信随着他们家庭的成长
[00:53.88]Orson's feelings for her would grow as well. Orson对她的感情也会慢慢深厚
[00:57.75]But then something went wrong, 可是机缘不巧
[01:00.99]and the baby she had been counting on never came. 她所指望的小孩从未降临
[01:05.83]So Alma found herself married to a man 于是Alma发现自已所嫁的男人 似乎无视自己的存在
[01:09.46]who seemed to despise her.
[01:13.80]Still, Alma hoped things would get better. 但是 Alma希望情况会有所好转
[01:17.77]Mama loves her baby. Does the baby love Mama? 妈妈喜欢宝贝
[01:21.44]Until the day she discovered Orson was having an affair. 直到一天她发现Orson有了外遇
[01:27.35]And Alma realized the only way she'd ever get her husband to appreciate her Alma认识到唯一能让丈夫重视他的办法
[01:32.45]was to leave him... immediately. 就是离开他
[01:47.87]If you don't get back in your cage right now, 如果你不马上回到笼子里
[01:50.64]I'm going to have to leave you behind! Please. 我只得丢下你 求你了
[02:14.30]- Going somewhere? - I'm staying at a motel tonight. 要出去?
[02:20.44]- Why? - I don't have time to discuss it. 为什么?
[02:22.64]- I'm late for the bus. - All right. 我没时间讨论这个 我要赶不上公车了
[02:36.35]I'm going away because... 我要走 因为&
[02:38.55]...I know you're having an affair. - Ah. I see. 我知道你有了外遇
[02:40.82]啊 我明白了
[02:43.99]Aren't you even gonna deny it? 你不想否认吗?
[02:47.13]On the contrary, I want to shout it from the rooftops. 恰恰相反 我想在屋顶大声喊出来
[02:50.47]For the first time in my life, I'm actually in love. 生平第一次 我真的恋爱了
[02:53.90]How could you say that to me? I'm your wife! 你怎么能对我这些话? 我是你老婆
[02:58.11]We both know why we got married. 我俩都清楚我们为什么结婚
[03:00.74]And it had nothing to do with affection. 与爱情扯不上一点边
[03:04.21]So you don't care if I go? 如果我走 你不在乎?
[03:07.58]No. 不在乎
[03:13.99]Wait! This isn't what's supposed to happen! 等等!
[03:15.06]事情不应该是这样 你应该求我留下来
[03:16.72]You should be begging me to stay with you.
[03:19.13]I deserve to be happy, Alma. So do you. 我该得到幸福 Alma 你也一样
[03:21.63]And we're clearly not gonna find that together. 我们在一起肯定不能幸福
[03:24.37]Orson, no! Orson 别!
[03:26.60](Mary Alice) It was at that moment Alma realized 在那一刻Alma意识到
[03:30.27]it wasn't enough to leave her husband. 离开她丈夫远远不够
[03:33.98]He had to be punished. 他得受到惩罚
[03:38.48]Yes, this was the journey of Alma Hodge. 是的 这就是Alma Hodge的经历
[03:43.48]Bree Hodge? I'm Alma Hodge. - Bree Hodge? - 我是 Alma Hodge
[03:46.49]I believe we have someone in common. 我想我们共同拥有一个人
[03:52.23]And it wasn't over yet. 一切还没有结束
[04:32.95]欲乱绝情妻 第三季 第11集
[04:38.31](Mary Alice) There is a time of day all housewives look forward to. 这是所有主妇一天中所期盼的一刻
[04:43.28]It occurs just after the chores have been completed 家务活都干完了
[04:46.81]and right before the children come home from school. 孩子还没放学回家
[04:52.25]It's a time for good friends to get together, 这是好友聚会的时刻
[04:56.26]have a cup of coffee, 喝杯咖啡 说三道四
[04:57.69]and exchange gossip about the other good friends
[05:01.96]who couldn't make it that day.
[05:03.87]Bree let Orson move back in. Bree让Orson回家了
[05:07.30]- You're kidding. When? - Yesterday. - 开玩笑 什么时候? - 昨天
[05:09.90]I'm so disappointed in her. 我对她真失望
[05:11.54]Well, the police did arrest Mike. 警察拘留了Mike
[05:13.44]I know you think he's innocent, but you can understand 我是说 你认为他是无辜的 但是你可以理解为什么Bree态度转变了
[05:16.41]- why Bree's feelings have changed. - Well, mine haven't.
[05:17.95]我不清楚 我知道一些Bree可能不知道的事情
[05:19.81]And I know something that Bree probably doesn't.
[05:27.32]When Orson was 17, he spent time in a mental institution. Orson17岁时 他在精神病院待过
[05:31.99]How did you find that out? 你怎么知道的?
[05:33.43]I snuck into his office and rifled through his things. 我溜进了他的办公室 偷拿了他的资料
[05:37.47]Of course you did. 你肯定会这么做
[05:38.73]That doesn't prove he had anything to do with Monique's murder. 但这不能证明他涉嫌谋杀Monique
[05:42.50]No, but it's a piece of the puzzle. 不能 但有一点令人不解
[05:44.47]I mean, he did have an affair with her. 我的意思是他和她有一腿
[05:46.61]And when you combine that with the fact that his first wife went missing... 然后你再把他第一任妻子 失踪这事联系在一起&
[05:54.55]So you're Alma. Where have you been all this time? 那么你就是Alma
[05:58.22]In Canada. My aunt lives there. 在加拿大 我姑妈住那
[06:00.05]Well, you should have told someone. 你应该告诉大家 大家都以为你死了
[06:02.16]People thought you were dead.
[06:04.03]Some even thought that Orson killed you. 甚至有人认为Orson杀了你
[06:06.43]Well, that's sort of what I wanted them to think. 那正是我希望他们这么想的
[06:09.26]That's why I left my bird behind and only took cash, so they couldn't 那就是我把鸟留下只带走现钞的原因
[06:12.77]- trace me through my credit cards. - So you deliberately framed Orson? 他们就不用通过信用卡来追踪我
[06:17.14]I'm not saying it was my finest hour. 我没有说这是我最好的时光
[06:19.84]But you have to understand, Orson hurt me very badly. 但你得明白Orson深深地伤害了我
[06:23.75]- He cheated on me. - Yes, I know, with Monique Polier. - 他对我不忠 - 是的 我知道
[06:25.96]和Monique Polier在一起
[06:27.58]And I thought if I disappeared, she'd get scared and leave him, 我想 如果我消失
[06:30.17]她会害怕然后离开他 正如他离开我一样
[06:32.62]like he left me. Isn't jealousy awful?
[06:34.38]妒忌很可怕 不是吗?
[06:35.96]- So why have you come back? - I found this fantastic therapist. 那你为什么回来了?
[06:40.23]He told me that by holding on to my anger, 他告诉我执着于自己的愤怒
[06:43.77]I was really hurting myself, which was hard to deny. 其实是在伤害我自己 确实不可否认
[06:46.63]I mean, hello, I'm here in Winnipeg with a deaf aunt and no credit. 我是说 &你好 我在Winnepeg 和我的聋姑妈住在一起 连信用卡都没有&
[06:51.71]So I thought... it's time to make amends. 所以我认为现在是改变的时候了
[06:55.31]Darling, Mrs. McLean canceled, 亲爱的
[06:57.46]Mclean太太取消了预约 所以&
[06:58.98]so I'm free for lunch. 我有空回来吃饭了
[07:01.98]Um, actually, we have a guest. 呃 实际上 我们来了个客人
[07:04.92](AIma) Hello, Orson. 你好 Orson
[07:07.19]Oh, hello. 哦 你好&
[07:10.09]So, what is it with you and redheads? 那& 你和鹦鹉过得怎样?
[07:16.83](insect buzzing)
[07:19.47]I hope you don't mind me springing this picnic on you. 我& 我希望你不介意 我非要拉你到户外野餐
[07:22.27]I figured it'd be more fun than some restaurant. 我想这比在沉闷的餐馆吃饭 要有趣得多
[07:24.84]Are you kidding? What could be more romantic? 你开玩笑吗?
[07:28.94]- Back off, you son of a bitch! - (cell phone ringing) 闪开! 王八蛋
[07:31.75]More wine? 再来点儿酒?
[07:33.31]Yes, keep it coming. 好的 再来点儿吧
[07:35.82]Hello? 喂?
[07:37.62](Carlos) Hey, hey! Who's the dork? 嘿嘿 那个白痴是谁?
[07:39.62]- Carlos? - What's with that cap? - Carlos? - 那个戴帽子的是谁?
[07:42.16]Extra, extra, read all about it! 号外! 号外! 快来看啊!
[07:45.13]Where the hell are you? 你到底在哪儿?
[07:54.04]- What are you doing at Mike's house? - I live here. 你在Mike家里干嘛?
[07:56.70]You live there? Since when? 我在这儿住
[07:56.44]你说住在那儿是怎么回事? 什么时候开始的?
[07:58.34]My car's been in the driveway for three weeks. Gaby 我的车停在这车道上都3星期了 你也不能这么专注于自身啊
[08:00.71]Even you can't be that self-absorbed.
[08:04.18]Well, as you can see, I have more pleasant things to focus on. 好的 你能看到 我现在有更多值得专注的好事儿
[08:10.18]When are you gonna tell Jimmy Olsen you hate picnics? 那你准备什么时候告诉Jimmy Olsen 你讨厌野餐?
[08:13.05]I'm gonna hang up now. 我要挂电话了
[08:16.82]So where were we? 我们说到哪儿了?
[08:18.89]Your ex-husband moved in across the street? 你的前夫搬到街对面了?
[08:23.90]- What's that gonna be like? - (cell phone ringing) 这会怎么样?
[08:27.20]- Yeah? - Are you gonna kiss him? - 喂! - 你会亲他吗?
[08:29.87]That's right, Carlos. 当然 Carlos
[08:31.11]We have had some problems with raccoons getting into the trash. 我们有点麻烦 浣熊钻到垃圾箱里了
[08:35.94]So why don't you just put a lid on it? 那你为什么不给它盖上盖子呢?
[08:44.89]OK, they're here. Now listen, stand up, 好的 他们来了 听好了 站起来
[08:47.02]Kayla has been through a lot. So when she walks in the door Kayla受了很多挫折 所以她进来的时候
[08:50.12]I want you to make her feel welcome. Give her a hug and be really nice. 我要你们使她感觉很受欢迎 好吗? 抱抱她 对她好点儿
[08:53.79]I'm giving her my room. How much nicer do I have to be? 我都把我屋子给她了 还要我对她多好?
[08:56.86]Well, nicer than that, or she's gonna get all your toys too. 恩 得比那再好点儿 不然她会把你们的所有玩具都拿走
[09:00.64](Tom) Hey, hey, hey, look who I found wandering around the airport. - 嘿 嘿 嘿 - Hi!
[09:01.63]看看我找到了谁 她在机场游荡呢
[09:05.14]Hi, Kayla! We missed you! We're so glad you're here. Hi Kayla 我们好想你 很高兴你来了
[09:13.35]OK, boys. 好的 小伙子们
[09:21.66]Good. Yeah. OK, so give her some room. 好的 好了 给她点空间
[09:25.96]Hey, wow, look, are those presents for Kayla? 嘿 哇 这些都是给Kayla的礼物吗?
[09:28.46]- Yes, they are. - Hey, look at that. 是的
[09:32.13]Preston gave you a harmonica. Isn't that cool? 嘿 看啊 Preston送你一把口琴 很棒吧?
[09:34.64]- Harriet the Spy. Sounds mysterious. - Thanks. 哦 《小小小间谍》听起来很神秘
[09:42.71]- And what did you get her, Porter? - A video game. 你要送给她什么 Porter?
[09:46.15]- But I get to play it whenever I want. - Porter! 一张游戏盘 但是我要玩的时候随时得给我
[09:52.92]You know what? I got you something too. 我& 知道吗? 我也有东西要给你
[09:56.06]This is Nellie. 这&
[10:00.26]My grandma gave her to me when I was little, 小的时候我奶奶送给我的
[10:03.20]and I was hoping you could take care of her for me. 我希望你能替我照顾她
[10:08.87]Thanks. 谢谢
[10:13.24]Hey, why don't you take your stuff and go upstairs 嘿 宝贝 拿上东西上楼 然后&
[10:15.84]and get ready for lunch. I'll make some chili. 准备吃午饭 好吗? 我给你做点儿红番椒
[10:18.35]- OK, Daddy. - OK, baby. - 好的 爸爸 - 好 宝贝
[10:23.62]Honey, that was so sweet to give her your doll. 亲爱的
[10:25.21]把你的娃娃给她 真的太贴心了
[10:29.16]She didn't seem that knocked out by it. 她看起来不怎么喜欢它
[10:31.29]Well, just give her some time. She'll come around. 恩 给她一段时间吧 她会&
[10:34.36]- It's a tough adjustment. - OK. 她会改变的 不是一下就能适应的
[10:47.68]I must say, Bree, I don't know when I've tasted such moist pound cake. 我得说 Bree 我从没吃过这么糯软的磅饼
[10:53.05]Sour cream. 做的时候加点儿酸奶油
[11:02.12]So whatever happened to my parrot? 我的鹦鹉怎么样了?
[11:05.79]- I set it free. - Mm! 我把它放了
[11:07.50]Orson, they don't fare well in the wild. You should have sold her. Orson 它们在野外是不能生存的 你应该&
[11:11.03]For God's sake, Alma, who cares about the damn bird. 看上帝份上 Alma 谁会在意那只破鸟?
[11:14.57]You set me up! 你把我害惨了
[11:17.77]Why don't I wrap up a piece of this pound cake for you to enjoy later? 我给你包点儿磅饼回去吃 怎么样?
[11:23.64]Do you have any idea what you put me through? 你知道你让我承受了多少吗? 你几乎毁了我的人生
[11:26.01]- You almost ruined my life. - You've rebounded nicely. 你恢复得很好啊 Bree很可爱
[11:29.05]- Bree's lovely. - Don't change the subject. 别岔开话题
[11:31.45]You put me through a lot too, Orson. But I forgave you. 你也让我受了不少苦 Orson 但是我原谅你
[11:35.59]- Can't we just put this behind us? - And that's all you've come back for? 我们能忘掉这些吗?
[11:39.73]- Closure? - Of course. What else? - 休战? - 当然
[11:46.23]I'm out of lipstick. Can I borrow yours? 我没有唇膏了 你的能借我用用吗?
[11:48.44]Sure. 当然
[11:51.57]- Cherry Berry? - Austin likes the way it tastes. Cherry Berry唇膏?
[11:54.41]Oh, I so did not need to know that. 哦 我不需要知道这个
[11:57.65]So, where're you going? 恩 你要去哪儿?
[11:59.38]Down to the jailhouse to talk to Mike. 去监狱跟Mike谈谈
[12:01.92]But didn't you tell Ian you wouldn't see him anymore? 但你不是跟Ian说过以后再不见他了吗?
[12:04.82]Yeah, but somebody's got to tell him about his new lawyer. 是啊 但得有人跟他谈一下他的新律师
[12:08.59]The guy'll show up and he's gonna go, &Who the hell is he?& 不然 律师去了 他会说 &这个人是谁?&
[12:11.69]Ian gets that. Ian会理解的
[12:13.39](sighs) 还有&
[12:14.70]Besides, why would it be a big deal? Mike and I are over. 也没有什么大不了的 Mike和我已经结束了
[12:19.43]I was just wondering, because, you know, 我只是在想 因为
[12:22.20]you're putting on lipstick to go to a prison. 你知道 你擦了口红要去监狱
[12:28.44]Thank you for clearing things up. 谢谢你把事情都澄清了
[12:30.78]Oh, well, it was the least I could do. 哦 这是我最起码能做的了
[12:34.78]Orson, I'm truly sorry for the pain I've caused. Orson 我真的很抱歉 关于我所引起的痛苦
[12:37.95]And if there's anything else I can do... 如果有其他事情我能做的
[12:43.32]Actually, there is. 事实上 有的
[12:44.59]I'd love it if you could join us for dinner this weekend. 如果你能加入我们这周末的晚餐 我会很荣幸
[12:47.63]There are some friends that I'm just... 有一些朋友我&
[12:50.87]...dying for you to meet. 非常想让你们认识
[12:58.27]Hey, how you doing?
[13:01.11]- You got me a lawyer? - Yeah. And he is fantastic. 你给我找了一个律师?
[13:02.63]是的 而且他相当出色
[13:04.71]You cannot believe the scum he has gotten off. 你不会相信他捞出了多少人渣
[13:08.35]Not that you're scum. 不是说你是人渣
[13:11.02]But if you were, you'd be sitting pretty. 但是 即使你是 你也是很英俊的人渣
[13:13.52]I'm paying you back every penny. 我会一分不少的还你钱
[13:16.19]Well, you know, we'll figure that out later. 哦 我们以后再谈这事
[13:19.83]I can't believe I just listened to all that stuff Edie told me about you. 我不敢相信我竟然听信了 Edie编派你的所有不是
[13:23.73]Turns out you're the only one standing by me. 结果证明你是唯一一个真心帮助我的
[13:28.97]You're a good friend, Susan. 你是一个好朋友 Susan
[13:34.14]Yeah, about that... It's Ian. 呃 关于这点
[13:38.11]He's not crazy about me spending time with my ex. 是 Ian
[13:38.27]他对于我花时间和前男友在一起 有点不高兴
[13:41.85]Even an ex who doesn't remember dating you? 即使是一个不记得约会过你的前男友?
[13:47.05]I remember, and I guess that's enough for him. 我记得 我猜这就够他受的了
[13:52.03]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[13:56.13]Well, I can't say that I blame him. 哦 我 能理解他
[14:05.07]- You take care of yourself, Mike. - You too, Susan. 保重 Mike
[14:07.50]你也是 Susan
[14:22.02]Dinner's ready. 晚餐好了
[14:23.62]Kayla, I made your favorite... tacos. Kayla 我做了你最喜欢的
[14:29.73]- Here you go. - Where's my daddy? 来尝尝
[14:32.73]Oh, sorry, sweetheart, he's working late, 我爸爸呢?
[14:33.37]哦 对不起 甜心 他要工作到很晚 想把餐馆收拾好
[14:35.00]trying to get the restaurant ready.
[14:37.47]Oh, lovely, Parker. Go wash your hands. Go on. 哦 可爱的Parker 去洗手 快去
[14:42.71]- Kayla, where you going? - To watch TV. Kayla 你去哪?
[14:46.45]Oh, sweetie, we don't watch TV during dinner. 哦 甜心 我们吃晚饭的时候不看电视
[14:48.88]But my show is on. 但我喜欢的节目开始了
[14:50.65]Well, I'm sorry, those are the rules. 哦 我很抱歉 不过这是规矩
[14:53.62]My mommy let me. 我妈妈就让我看
[14:56.72]Well... 哦
[15:00.96]Just this once. 就这一次
[15:10.44]OK, OK, I know what you're thinking, 好吧 好吧 我知道你们怎么想的 但是&
[15:12.91]but Kayla's going through a hard time right now. Come and sit down. Kayla现在正在经历一段很艰难的时光 来坐下
[15:16.61]Letting her watch TV is like me letting you eat ice cream when you're sick. 让她看电视就好像 你们生病的时候让你们吃冰淇淋
[15:22.15]But she's not sick. 但是她没有生病
[15:23.85]Well, that's true, but she's sad. 哦 正确 但是她很伤心
[15:26.42]I'm sad I can't watch TV. 对于不能看电视我也很伤心
[15:29.86]Eat your tacos. 吃你的玉米面豆卷吧
[15:40.03]- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Sit your butts down. - It's not fair! 喔 喔 喔! 给我坐下
[15:44.04]I don't care. We have rules. 这不公平
[15:44.33]我不在乎 我们有规矩
[15:46.61]- Well, she gets to. - She is special. 那她也该有
[15:48.78]Now, sit down. Come on. 她很特别 现在坐下
[15:53.98]- Does she get dessert too? - Of course I do. - 难道她还有额外甜点吃? - 我当然有
[16:00.39](channels changing)
[16:03.69]What an amazing documentary. 多有意思的纪录片 啊?
[16:05.69]You know, I read the director shot over 400 hours of film. 我听说导演拍摄了400多小时的素材
[16:08.90]Really? I only counted half that. 真的? 我只注意到一半
[16:12.57]- I get it. You pick the next one. - OK. 我知道了 你来选下一场电影
[16:19.21]Look at you! Who knew you were such a romantic? 看你啊! 谁会想到你是这么浪漫的人?
[16:23.98]Actually, I... I didn't send them. 事实上 我没有送花
[16:28.55]You didn't? 你没有?
[16:33.62]So who's making me look bad? 那么 是谁让我显得这么差劲?
[16:36.82]Uh... there's no signature. 呃 没有签名
[16:41.23]- I'm sorry. This is kind of awkward. - No, hey, 对不起 这有点尴尬
[16:44.20]I don't care who worships you from afar... 不 我不介意谁远远的爱慕你
[16:48.57] long as I get to do it up close. 因为只有我可以和你如此靠近
[16:51.24]Oh. (chuckling)
[16:53.21]That's sweet that you're not jealous. 这真好 你没有嫉妒
[16:57.78]Carlos would have hit the roof if some guy sent me... 如果有人送我花 Carlos会暴跳如雷&
[17:06.65]Would you excuse me a minute? 你能给我一分钟时间么?
[17:18.73]- Nice try, Carlos. - Huh? - 很好的尝试 Carlos - 啊?
[17:20.90]Don't act innocent. You know you sent me these flowers. 哦 别装无辜了 你知道你送我的这些花
[17:26.24]- Why would I get you flowers? - To sabotage my new relationship. 为什么我要送你花?
[17:32.65]With Picnic Boy? What do I care? 哦 那个野餐男孩? 如果你和他出去我也没什么好介意的
[17:34.65]You care. First you move across the street, 哦 你介意 首先 你搬到了街对面住
[17:37.58]and earlier today I catch you spying on me. 然后 今天早些时候 我抓到你偷看我
[17:40.32]I was not spying. I was mocking you. 我没有偷看你 我在嘲笑你
[17:43.26]- You need to move on, Carlos. - I have moved on. - 你得忘掉过去 Carlos - 我已经忘掉过去了!
[17:46.13]You're the one talking to your ex in the middle of a date. 你才是那个在约会中途和你前夫说话的人
[17:49.16]- Is he that boring? - Bill is not boring. 他真的那么闷么?
[17:51.97]He is vibrant. Bill 一点也不闷
[17:54.67]Mmm. 还很性感
[17:55.84]- And sexy. - And yet, here you are.
[18:27.67]She threw your doll in the trash? 她把你的娃娃扔进了垃圾箱?
[18:31.31]No, first she ripped off its arms, stuffed it with chili, 不是
[18:32.37]首先 她卸了她的胳膊 把她填满辣椒
[18:35.61]then she threw it in the trash. 然后扔进垃圾箱
[18:38.21]So, what did you do? 那你怎么做的?
[18:40.31]Nothing. 什么都没做
[18:42.95]And this is after you let her watch TV during dinner? 这发生你让她边吃饭边看电视之后?
[18:45.95]Well, I didn't know what else to do. 哦 我不知道我还能做什么
[18:48.46]I'm trying to win over a little girl who clearly doesn't want a new mother. 我正在尝试赢得一个 摆明不想要后妈的小女孩的心
[18:52.89]Well, I guess giving her special treatment isn't gonna solve anything. 我猜给她特别关照并不能解决问题
[18:57.30]- You know what might solve something? - Hm? 你知道有什么可能解决问题么?
[19:02.54]If you were home once in a while. You're the one she listens to. 如果你能在家时常多呆一会 她听你的话
[19:05.91]I am trying to open up a restaurant. 我正在尝试开餐馆 我们的这辈子的存款都投资在上面了
[19:07.94]Our life savings is riding on this thing.
[19:10.64]- I know, I know. - You know what? 我知道 我知道
[19:13.25]I don't want you to be afraid to take a firm hand with Kayla. 你知道么?
[19:16.92]She's part of our family now. 她现在是我们家庭的一员了
[19:20.32]And you know what that means. 你知道那什么意思
[19:23.32]Yeah. I should treat her as badly as I treat my own children. 是的
[19:27.39]Exactly. 没错
[19:41.34]Sorry. Um... 对不起 呃
[19:43.84]I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. 我不确定我已经准备好了
[19:47.05]That's cool. 没关系
[19:49.12]Can't blame me for trying, though. 不过你不能责备我的尝试
[19:54.19]Austin, you know I want to. It's just... Austin 你知道我想的 只是
[19:57.46]Hey, don't sweat it. 嘿 不用强迫自己
[19:59.59]If you're not ready, you're not ready. 没关系 如果你没准备好 就是没准备好
[20:07.50]So he didn't pressure you at all? What a great guy. 那他完全没有强迫你喽? 真是个不错的男孩
[20:10.97]I know. I'm so lucky. 我知道 我很幸运 表面上他那么像个坏男孩 其实&
[20:12.27]Underneath all that bad-boy posturing, he's a real gentleman.
[20:16.88]Wow. You're not only a virgin, you think like one. 是个真正的绅士
[20:17.88]喔 你不光是个处女 你的想法也很处女
[20:20.61]Beat it, eavesdropper! 躲开 偷听狂
[20:23.22]No, wait. Um... 不 等等
[20:25.42]What did you mean by that? 你说那个是什么意思?
[20:27.15]Well, uh, guys need sex. All right? It's basic science. 哦 呃
[20:28.88]男的需要性 对么? 这是基础科学
[20:31.59]So, if he's not getting it from you, he'll end up getting it somewhere else. 所以如果他没有从你这里获得 他也最终会从其他人那里得到
[20:36.06]You're a moron. Not all guys pressure girls for sex. 你个白痴 不是所有男孩都强迫女孩进行性行为
[20:39.00]Yeah, gay guys don't. But Austin's not gay. 是啊 同性恋就不会
[20:42.47]Not even after three beers. 但Austin不是同性恋 即使三杯啤酒下肚都不会是
[20:47.37]Don't ask. 别问这个典故怎么来的&
[20:49.58]So, what's your point? 那么你的观点是?
[20:52.81]If a guy has to wait too long to see you naked, 如果一个男的要等你很久 才能看到你的裸体
[20:55.78]he'll end up seeing you as a friend. 他会最终把你当成朋友
[20:58.75]Again, science. 又一次 科学
[21:02.52]Don't listen to him. You hold on to your virginity. 别听他的 你保持你的处女之身
[21:05.23]If Austin won't wait, he doesn't deserve you. 如果Austin不想等 那他就不配你
[21:07.66]I just don't want to lose him. 我只是不想失去他
[21:10.03]It's better than losing your self-respect. 比失去你的自尊要强
[21:12.97]Take it from a girl who's known at school as &Little Miss Van de Tramp.& 记住这话吧 是在学校被称作&Van de Tramp小姐&说的
[21:16.90]- I thought you made that up. - Only because it was nicer 那不是你自己编出来的吗?
[21:19.84]than the other names they were calling me. 只是因为这个比 他们给我取的另一个名字好听些
[21:29.75]I really appreciate you donating this stuff. 我真的很感激你捐赠这些东西出来
[21:32.29]Anything for a good cause. 愿做任何事为了一个好理由
[21:34.12]Everyone at the shelter's gonna be so excited. 避难所里的每个人都会很兴奋的
[21:36.79]To you and me, these are just a bunch of old clothes, but to a homeless woman... 是啊
[21:37.30]我是说 对于你和我 这只是一些旧衣服 但对无家可归的女人来讲
[21:42.13]'s a chance for her to feel pretty again. 这是一次机会 能让她们再次 感觉到自己是美丽的
[21:45.10]You OK? 你还好么?
[21:47.23]- What? - I asked if you're OK. - 什么? - 我问你是不是没事?
[21:49.44]You seem kind of distracted. 你有点心不在焉
[21:52.21]I am fine. Yes. 我 很好啊
[21:54.54]I just remembered, today's my mother's birthday. 对了 我刚想起来今天是我妈妈的生日
[21:57.78]Can we stop by the florist on the way to the shelter? 我们能在去避难所的路上 在花店停一下么
[22:00.55]Yeah. 可以
[22:05.62]Detective Ridley? My name is Susan Mayer. Ridley侦探 我的名字是Susan Mayer
[22:07.92]And I'm calling to drop a dime on someone. 我打电话来提供线索 是这么表达的 对么?
[22:11.36]That's the expression, right?
[22:13.06]Yes, ma'am. You've got the lingo down pat. 是的 女士 你很懂行话呢
[22:16.50]Good. Uh... his name is Orson Hodge, 好的 恩
[22:18.91]他的名字是Orson Hodge 他和你们认为是Mike杀害的女人有一腿
[22:20.77]and he had an affair with the woman that you think Mike Delfino killed.
[22:24.57]Monique Polier? Are you sure? Monique Polier? 你确定么? 因为&
[22:27.14]Because Mr. Hodge saw her body in the morgue.
[22:29.98]- He acted like he didn't know her. - He does. Hodge先生在停尸房看见过她的尸体 他表现的好像根本不认识她
[22:32.55]So he's pretending he didn't. That's suspicious, right? 哦 他认识 所以他装作不认识 那很可疑 对么?
[22:35.78]Well... 哦 恩
[22:37.12]- (phone beeps) - Oh, can you hold on? 哦 你能等一下么?
[22:40.42]- Hello? - Susan, hi, it's Bree. 喂?
[22:42.86]Bree! Uh... hi. Susan Hi 我是Bree
[22:43.43]Bree 啊 Hi
[22:46.26]Can you hold on a second? 你能稍等一下么?
[22:48.06]It's Orson's wife! 是Orson的妻子 她不能知道我打电话给你
[22:49.53]- She can't know I called you. - How about you don't tell her?
[22:52.73]Right. Sorry. 那么你别告诉她怎么样?
[22:55.47]I'm new to this whole snitch thing. Hold on, OK? 对不起 呃
[22:56.14]我对于这种告密的事情还是新手 等一下 好么?
[23:00.37]Bree, hi. Sorry about that. Damn telemarketer. Bree Hi
[23:01.96]关于电话促销员的事情 非常抱歉
[23:04.68]So, what can I do for you? 我能帮你做些什么?
[23:06.51]I just feel really awful about our fight, 我对我们的争执感到难过
[23:08.82]and I think it's time for an apology. 我& 我想应该道个歉
[23:11.32]Oh, Bree.
[23:13.95]I am so relieved. Bree 我如释重负了
[23:16.56]Would you join Orson and me for dinner tomorrow night? 明天来和我跟Orson吃顿饭 怎么样?
[23:19.63]Oh. Uh... 哦 呃 当然可以
[23:22.43]- Sure. - Good, I'll see you at 8:00.
[23:24.05]好的 8点见
[23:25.90]Bree, I just want you to know that, no matter what, Bree&
[23:30.64]your friendship means the world to me. 和你的友谊对我来说就是整个世界
[23:32.74]Oh, Susan, you know I feel exactly the same... 哦 Susan 你知道 我完全&
[23:35.08]- (phone beeps to other line) - It's me again. 还是我
[23:37.51]You should also know that Orson spent a year in an asylum. 你也应该知道 Orson在一个精神病院待过一年
[23:40.95](door opens)
[23:46.02]Hi. Can I help you? 你好 需要些什么?
[23:48.05]Hi, I received some flowers from your shop yesterday 你好 我昨天收到些从你们店送来的花
[23:50.89]and the card didn't say who they were from. 卡片上没有标明是谁送来的
[23:53.13]- Can you check? The name is Solis. - Sure, sure. Just give me a sec here. 你能查查Solis这个名字吗?
[23:55.57]好的 好的 等一小会儿
[23:58.80]- Solis? - Yeah. Solis?
[24:02.64]Solis, Solis... Huh. This is odd. Solis& Solis&
[24:05.28]哈 真奇怪
[24:07.37]- The buyer asked to remain anonymous. - Really? 买主要求保密
[24:09.61]真的吗? 呃 这些花真漂亮
[24:11.34]Well, the flowers were so beautiful, I'd like to know who to thank.
[24:15.88]- Sorry. I have to honor their request. - Why? They're just flowers. 抱歉 我得尊重客人的要求
[24:19.49]They're not government secrets. 为什么? 只是些花而已
[24:22.52]- If you don't mind, I'm busy. - OK, wait, wait. Let me explain. 恕我不陪 我忙着呢
[24:26.73]What's to explain? A pretty girl gets flowers. 恩 好吧 等等 我给你解释
[24:30.00]Do you know how many girls never get flowers? 漂亮女孩就能得到花儿
[24:32.83]I work in a flower shop. I've never gotten any freakin' flowers. 我在花店工作
[24:36.57]So stop your whining about who sent them and just be glad he did. 所以别絮叨谁送来的了 只要他送了 你高兴就好了
[24:49.22]You're right. And I am so sorry for taking up so much of your time. 你说得对 很抱歉耽误你这么多时间
[24:54.62]And I'm sorry for doing this! 很抱歉这样做
[24:57.56]What the hell are you doing? Hey! Hey! Hey! 嘿 你究竟想干嘛?
[25:00.89]I'm gonna make it up to you, OK? 嘿 嘿 嘿!
[25:01.09]我会补偿你的 好吗?
[25:02.63]Once I'm done, I'll send you flowers. 搞定后 我送你花
[25:13.24]Hey! You won't get away with this! 嘿 你别想逃之夭夭
[25:16.48]- I know where you live! - Yeah, well, stop by. We'll hot tub. 我知道你在哪儿住!
[25:18.17]是吗? 欢迎拜访 我们一起泡热水澡
[25:21.95]Hey, mister! Help! 嘿 先生 帮帮忙
[25:24.72]She locked me in here! 她把我锁在这里
[25:27.75]Gabby? Gaby?
[25:30.09]This is totally her fault. 都是她的错
[25:31.59]I mean, I simply asked her if Carlos sent me the flowers, 我只是问问她那些花是不是Carlos送的
[25:34.63]and she refused to show me the order slip. 但她就不肯给我看订单
[25:36.90]Are you still hung up on that? 你还在想这个事儿?
[25:38.53]- For God's sake. - Wait, wait! 老天爷
[25:40.30]I need a couple more minutes. I need to know the truth! 别 别啊 等等
[25:41.25]我就需要几分钟 我想知道事实
[25:43.17]What truth is that? 什么事实 恩?
[25:44.54]That you're still obsessed with your ex-husband? 你还迷恋着你的前夫的事实?
[25:47.21]What? No, he's obsessed with me. 什么? 不 是他还迷恋着我
[25:50.41]You just imprisoned a florist to find out if he sent you roses. 你把花店店主非法拘禁就是为了 查明是不是他给你送的玫瑰?
[25:59.49]OK, I see what you mean. 好吧 我懂你的意思了
[26:03.06]There. I'm done. Let's go. 好的 结束了
[26:06.63]Actually... I think I'm done too. 我们走吧
[26:21.37]I'm sorry. 对不起
[26:23.81]It's OK. 没关系的
[26:25.28]I'm probably not ready to date. 可能我还没准备好再约会
[26:37.76]Thanks. 谢谢
[26:38.96]And just so you know, I am ready to date. 你该知道 我已经准备好约会了
[26:45.60]All right, let's hit it. 好的 我们走吧
[26:49.67]- Come on, Kayla. - I haven't finished my ice cream. 走吧 Kayla
[26:52.44]Sorry, but we gotta go. I have a dinner party I have to get to. 我还没吃完冰淇淋呢
[26:52.87]抱歉 我们得走了 我还得回去准备赴晚宴呢
[26:55.68]They got to finish their ice cream. 他们几个都把冰淇淋吃完了啊
[26:59.08]Well, they, you know, wolfed it down like kids are supposed to. 恩 他们都像小孩子一样 狼吞虎咽的吃东西
[27:02.65]So hurry it up. 赶快吃吧
[27:11.99]Kayla, I'm not fooling around. We're going. Kayla 我可不是在开玩笑
[27:14.42]我们& 我们得走了
[27:18.87]Mm-hm. OK. 恩 好吧
[27:20.90]Boys, go to the car. I'll be out in a minute. Go. 孩子们 先去车上
[27:22.64]我马上过来 去吧
[27:30.51]Listen, sweetheart, I don't blame you for being angry. 听着 宝贝 我不会因为你在生气就责怪你
[27:33.58]Your mom's gone, and you're stuck with me. 你妈妈去了 你却得和我一起生活
[27:39.19]But... 但是&
[27:45.53]...the last thing she said to me was, &Promise you'll take care of Kayla.& 她最后跟我这样说
[27:49.66]And I am going to. &你要发誓照顾好Kayla& 而我会履行誓言的
[27:52.70]But you're gonna have to help me, OK? 但是你得帮助我 好吗?
[27:58.00]We can leave when I'm done. 我吃完我们就走
[28:09.18]OK. Let's go. 好吧 咱们走
[28:10.62](Ioud screaming) - 矮 - 嘿 哇 哇 哇 好了
[28:11.92]Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, what the hell are you doing?
[28:14.75]- Stop! Stop screaming, stop! - Leave me alone! 你到底想干嘛?
[28:14.97]停住 停下 别叫了 停!
[28:17.59]You're not my mommy! 离我远点儿!
[28:48.52]Guys, how would you like to eat dinner in front of the television 小子们 要是我让你们一周时间 都能在电视前吃晚饭怎么样?
[28:51.83]for a whole week?
[29:01.94]What are you guys doing here? 你们在这儿干嘛?
[29:06.27](Kayla screaming) Kayla 不要叫了
[29:07.57](Porter) Kayla, stop screaming, you're hurting my ears!
[29:10.58](Parker) Just get in the car! 你把我耳朵都叫疼了
[29:12.61](Preston) Come on, we're going home! 快点! 我们回家!
[29:15.82](Porter) Get your seat belt on! 把你的安全带系上
[29:17.55]Kids, they're always roughhousing. 孩子们 总是这么折腾
[29:42.74]Why did you stop? 你为什么停了呢?
[29:44.98]Well, it's getting late. I got your blouse unbuttoned. 哦 天色晚了
[29:48.52]That's usually when we call it a night. 我把你上衣的纽扣解开了
[29:52.32]Do you want to call it a night? 你想要结束么?
[29:55.46]What, do you want to grab a pizza or something? 什么 你还想吃个比萨么?
[30:06.10]I want to do what you want to do. 我想做你想做的事
[30:10.50]Well, you know what I want to do. 哦 你知道我想做什么
[30:15.38]Well, OK. 我可以做
[30:17.74]Are you sure? 你确定么?
[30:20.61]Yeah. I'm sure. 是的 我确定
[30:42.07]You can always spot the new guys by the way they pick through their food. 你通常可以知道这是个新人 从他们挑食的举动看出来
[30:49.31]So, what did you do when you thought no one was looking? 那么你在自以为没人看见的时候 做了什么事?
[30:52.58]- The cops say I killed a woman. - But you didn't, right? 警察说我杀了个女人
[30:54.96]但是你没有 对么?
[30:58.38]Actually, I have no idea. 事实上 我也不知道
[31:02.66]I got pretty banged up in an accident. 我在一场事故中受了严重撞击
[31:05.33]The last two years are a blank. 我的最近两年是一片空白
[31:08.09]Well, that's a fresh approach. 哦 这倒是一种新说法
[31:11.97]Not sure the jury's gonna swallow it. 我不确定陪审团会听信这个
[31:14.07]It's the truth. 这是事实
[31:18.40]I believe you. 我相信你
[31:23.74]OK, Mrs. McCluskey's downstairs Mccluskey太太就在楼下 我们就在街对面如果你需要我们的话
[31:26.15]and we will be right across the street if you need us.
[31:28.98]OK, Daddy. 好的 爸爸
[31:32.32]You know, I heard what happened with Lynette today. 你知道 我听说了今天 你和Lynette发生了什么
[31:36.66]Hey, she's doing her best. Why are you being so hard on her? 嘿 她正在尽力做到最好
[31:39.79]Because it's her fault my mommy died. 为什么你这么难为她呢?
[31:42.30]No. No, no, honey, it's not. 不 不 亲爱的 不是这样
[31:45.00]Mom only went to that store because Lynette was trying to steal me. 妈妈去那家商店都是因为 Lynette想要偷走我
[31:48.60]OK, that is not true. 好吧 那不是事实
[31:50.07]Look, honey, it is way more complicated than that. 亲爱的 情况比那复杂的多
[31:56.01]I know you miss your mommy. And she loved you very much. 我知道你想念妈妈 而她是那么爱你
[32:00.68]But guess what? 但是你猜怎样
[32:02.95]Lynette loves you too. Lynette 也很爱你
[32:06.99]That's why you got to give her a chance. 那就是为什么你要给她一个机会
[32:09.86]Can you do that for me? 你能为我做到么?
[32:13.86]OK. I'll be good. 好吧 我会乖的
[32:16.00]That's my girl. 这才是我的好女儿
[32:19.63]But I'm never gonna love her. 但是我永远也不会爱她
[32:23.17]And you can't make me. 你也不能逼我去爱
[32:39.52]- Well, you've won. - What did I win? 哦 你赢了
[32:47.09]Bill and I split up. Bill和我分手了
[32:48.80]Can't say I'm surprised. 不能说我很惊讶
[32:51.56]He wasn't right for you. 他和你不配
[32:53.00]I know. 我知道
[32:55.64]So just admit you sent the flowers. 所以承认你送花给我吧
[32:59.17]I didn't. 我没有
[33:00.71]Carlos, just tell me. I won't be mad. I promise. Carlos 就承认吧
[33:03.66]我不会生气地 我保证
[33:06.58]Gabby, if I was gonna send you flowers, I wouldn't send you pink roses. Gaby 如果我要送你花
[33:10.85]I'd send you white orchids. Because I know they're your favorite. 我会送你白兰花
[33:16.06]And if I wanted to cheer you up, sunflowers. 如果我想让你开心 我会送你向日葵
[33:19.63]And for the flu... blue irises. 如果你感冒了
[33:36.88]I hate that you know me so well. And it took so long for that to happen. 我恨你这么了解我
[33:41.05]Now I have to start over again with somebody else. 现在我不得不重新和其他人开始
[33:44.18]Yeah. That's what dating is for. 是啊
[33:46.95]I know, and it sucks. 那就是约会的目的
[33:47.25]我知道 这真糟糕
[33:49.66]I mean, you saw me. I went on a picnic and ate pudding out of a can! 我是说 你看我 我去野餐 还在一个罐头盒里吃布丁
[33:53.06]It was horrible! 太可怕了
[33:56.33]Well, if it makes you feel any better, 哦 如果能让你好受一点的话
[33:58.20]I got dragged to the ballet the other night. 我有一天晚上被拉去看芭蕾舞
[34:02.37]So you are dating? 这么说你在约会了
[34:05.54]That's why you've been lifting weights and jogging. 这就是为什么你在举重和慢跑了
[34:08.37]Well, if you wanna bag the big game, you gotta work on the guns. 如果你想打猎 得先磨好枪啊
[34:13.11](both chuckling)
[34:18.99]I'll give you this: 我小夸你一下吧
[34:21.65]You're gonna be a tough act to follow, Carlos. 要想找到比你好的男人很难呢 Carlos
[34:30.53]Back at ya, babe. 找到比你好的女人也很难 宝贝
[34:49.88]I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, 我很抱歉让你等着
[34:51.65]but I don't want to introduce you until all my guests are here. 但是我不想介绍你 直到我的全部客人都到齐了
[34:54.85]I don't mind. 我不介意
[34:56.39]By the way, um, 顺便说 当我所有的朋友问你 发生了什么的时候
[34:59.23]when my friends ask you what happened, and they will,
[35:03.30]I don't think it's necessary to go into all that unpleasantness 她们会的
[35:07.07]about Orson and Monique. 不愉快的Orson和Monique的事情
[35:08.87]All they need to know is that you're back and we're on good terms. 所有他们需要知道的就是 你回来了而且我们相处融洽
[35:12.54]And Orson didn't kill me. 尤其是Orson没有我杀了
[35:15.91]And Orson didn't kill you. 尤其是Orson没有把你杀了
[35:17.71]- (doorbell ringing) - (Bree giggling)
[35:20.45]OK, just one minute, that'll be Susan. 好的 等我一分钟 一定是Susan了
[35:45.47]Hi. I brought you a Bundt cake. Hi 我给你带了一盒点心
[35:47.94]- Don't worry, I didn't make it. - You didn't have to do that. 别担心 不是我做的
[35:51.18]I was really touched by your call. It was so big of you. 哦 你不必这样做
[35:54.01]Well, when you're wrong, you're wrong. 你太宽宏大量了
[35:54.31]哦 如果犯了错就该认错
[36:00.35]Now that we're all assembled, I'd like to introduce the guest of honor. 现在 我们都到齐了 我很荣幸的向你们介绍我的客人
[36:04.26]I hope you'll all be as delighted to meet her as I was. 我希望你们见到她的时候 都能像我见到她时一样开心
[36:08.36]You can come in now. 你现在可以进来了
[36:14.30]Everyone, this is Alma Hodge. Orson's first wife. 大家 这位Alma Hodge Orson的第一任妻子
[36:23.41]Oh, about that apology, any time you're ready. 哦 关于那个道歉&
[36:29.72]So you've been in Canada this entire time? 这么说你整段时间都在加拿大?
[36:32.52]Well, my Aunt Agnes has a place in Winnipeg. 呃 我姑姑Agnes在温尼伯湖有一个住处
[36:35.22]I hadn't planned on staying so long, but I needed the time to find myself. 我没有计划待这么长时间
[36:39.73]Would've been nice if someone else found you. 如果有人能找到你也不错
[36:41.86]- There was a lot of drama around here. - Yes, I heard. 最近这里关于你的传言 可是充满了戏剧性
[36:44.43]People actually thought Orson had done away with me? 是的 我听说了
[36:48.37]Amazing, isn't it, where some people's minds will go? 某些人会想到哪里去 很让人惊奇 不是么?
[36:55.21]You gotta hand it to her. 哦 不得不佩服她
[36:56.64]Just when you think Bree's thrown every conceivable theme party 当你想到Bree能开的所有主题聚会
[37:00.05]she hosts a &shame on you for thinking my husband killed someone& dinner. 而她偏偏举办了一场主题为&你们真该为 认为我丈夫是杀人犯而感到羞耻&的晚宴
[37:03.95]So Alma's alive. Alma还活着 有什么大不了
[37:05.15]We don't know what went down between Orson and Monique. 我们仍然不知道Orson和Monique 之间发生了什么
[37:08.05]Susan, please. We look stupid enough for suspecting him. Just let it go. Susan 拜托 怀疑他已经让我们看起来够傻了
[37:16.33]It may be a little late for that. 想不追究也有点晚了
[37:19.17]Detective Ridley, can I help you? Ridley侦探
[37:21.90]Yes, I'd like to speak to your husband. 我能帮你么?
[37:22.20]是的 我想和你先生谈谈
[37:25.27]Oh, well, I'm afraid he's not here, 哦 恐怕他不在家
[37:27.11]but I will be happy to tell him that you came by. 我回很乐意转告他你来过
[37:30.01](Orson) Who is it, darling? 是谁啊 亲爱的?
[37:35.68]Excuse us. 不好意思
[37:39.89]Can't this wait? We're having a dinner party. 能等会儿吗? 我们正在举行晚宴
[37:43.99]- Hello, Dr. Hodge. - Detective Ridley. 你好 Hodge医生
[37:46.79]We need you to come with us. Ridley侦探
[37:48.26]We have questions about that Jane Doe we showed you in the morgue. 我们需要你跟我们走一趟
[37:48.51]我们想问你一些问题 和上次在停尸房给你看的无名女尸有关
[37:51.66]Why do you think I'd know anything about her? 你为什么会认为我知道 任何关于她的事呢?
[37:54.37]Well, you were having an affair with her when she died. 呃 她死之前你和她正在婚外恋
[37:59.34]And where did you hear that? 这是你从哪儿听来的?
[38:06.05]Susan. Susan?
[38:08.81]I didn't know they were gonna come tonight. 我不知道他们今晚会来
[38:13.22]I'm happy to answer any questions that you might have. 呃 我很乐意回答你所有问题
[38:17.02]My apologies. Please, stay and enjoy the dessert. 不好意思失陪了 请留座
[38:24.23]I don't believe this. You called the police? 我简直不敢相信
[38:27.90]Obviously you weren't going to. 呃 显然 你没这个打算
[38:29.70]They needed to know that dead woman was Orson's mistress. 他们理应知道那个 死去的女人是Orson的情妇
[38:32.87]I told you that in confidence. 我相信你才告诉你的
[38:34.81]Did you seriously think I could sit on information that would exonerate Mike? 你真的觉得我会对 能还Mike清白的证据坐视不理吗?
[38:39.15]If you had seen his face in jail the other day... 我是说 如果你看到了那天 在监狱里他脸上的表情&
[38:42.11]- The other day? You saw Mike? - Yeah. 那天? 你& 你去见了Mike?
[38:45.65]Just to tell him about the lawyer. 是啊 我& 只是去告诉他请律师的事
[38:48.82]- I know that Mike is innocent. - Right. 我知道Mike是无辜的
[38:51.36]Just like you knew she was dead. 是啊 就像你知道她已经死了
[38:54.39]- I thought we had an agreement. - We do. 我以为我们达成了共识
[38:57.06]- Can we talk about this later? - When? 是啊 我们能晚点谈这个吗?
[38:59.87]After your next conjugal visit? 什么时候?
[39:02.90]Ian, wait! Ian 等等!
[39:04.37]Boy, when it comes to Mike, there's no one you won't betray. 天啊 只要事关Mike 你谁都会背叛
[39:07.57]- Excuse me? - Hey, guys. 你说什么?
[39:10.78]- Please leave my house. - Bree! 嘿 姐妹们&
[39:13.01]You heard me. Get out! Bree!
[39:14.71]Bree, I know you're angry, but for the sake of our friendship... 你听到了 出去!
[39:15.25]好了 bree 我知道你很生气
[39:18.08]Oh, make no mistake. Our friendship is over. 但看在我们友情的份上
[39:18.40]哦 别搞错了 我们的友情到此为止
[39:27.53](Lynette indistinctly whispering) - 好 你去& - 好
[39:31.63](door closing)
[39:37.97]So Winnipeg... 那么 温尼伯湖& 那上面一定挺冷的
[39:40.71] must get pretty cold up there.
[39:49.45]I'm just getting my coat. 我只是来拿我的外套
[39:50.88]Ian, please, I just lost one of my best friends. I can't lose you too. Ian 别这样 我刚失去了一位最好的朋友
[39:54.52]- You said you wouldn't see him again! - But you had to know 我不能也失去你
[39:57.56]that I would go one more time to explain everything. 但你得知道我还会去一次 只是去把一切解释清楚
[40:00.39]- Actually, no, I didn't. - Well, that's just crazy. 事实上 我不知道
[40:03.30]Why are you acting like a crazy person? 呃 那太疯狂了!
[40:05.26]Because you've already left me once for this guy! 因为你为了这个男人曾经离开过我一次!
[40:08.13]Things are different now! I love you! 现在已经不同了! 我-我爱你!
[40:10.67]You don't have to worry about that anymore. 你--你不用再担心了
[40:13.81]If we're gonna make this relationship work, you have to trust me. 如果我们要维持这段关系
[40:15.61]那么你得相信我 你为什么对着我笑?
[40:17.18]- Why are you smiling at me? - You just said that you love me.
[40:20.68]- Yeah. So? - Well, you've never said that before. 是啊? 又怎样?
[40:22.32]呃 你以前从没说过
[40:23.82]- Yes, I have. - No, I would've remembered. 我说过
[40:26.52]I'm saying it now. I love you. Do you have a problem with that? 没有 不然我会记得的
[40:26.86]呃 那我现在说 我爱你
[40:29.59]- No, ma'am. - You can't kiss me now. 你有什么问题吗?
[40:32.53]- I'm yelling at you. - I'm listening. 你--你--你现在不能吻我
[40:34.59]Well, don't think that you can get out of this, you know, by just... 我听着的
[40:37.78]你知道吗 刚才& 噢 天啊 噢 啊
[40:39.57]Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, right there...
[40:43.27]Right there. (gasping) 噢 就--就是那里 噢 就是那
[40:48.41]Look, I think we should stop doing this. 听着 我们不要再这么做了
[40:53.21]I know it's my idea, but it just doesn't feel right anymore. 我知道这是我的主意 但我现在感觉这是个错误
[40:58.75]So you slept with Julie. It's no big deal. 你和Julie睡过了 没什么大不了
[41:01.99]It is to her, and I don't want to see her get hurt. 呃 对她来说可不是这样 我不想看见她受伤害
[41:04.69]Me either. 我也是
[41:07.49]So, let's just not tell her. 我们不告诉她就是
[41:15.37](Edie) There's no place in Fairview that's more peaceful. Fair View没有比这更宁静的地方了
[41:19.07]All the floors are hardwood. There are brand-new appliances. 全是实木地板
[41:21.08]哦 还有全新的家庭用具
[41:23.41]And the gardens are... Well, they're beautiful. 花园简直&
[41:24.95]喔 太美了
[41:27.51]So, what do you think? 那么& 你觉得如何?
[41:32.32]I'll take it. 我会买下来
[41:33.99]Really? That's terrific. 真的?
[41:36.76]I'll draw up the papers in the morning. 太好了!
[41:43.90]If you don't mind me asking, 如果你不介意我问的话
[41:45.87]why were you so interested in this particular street? 你为什么对这条特别的街道情有独钟?
[41:49.20]I've been moving around a lot in the last few months. 这几个月我一直搬来搬去
[41:52.27]And I need a place where I can really settle down. 我需要一个真正可以安定下来的地方
[41:55.31]You know what I mean? 你知道我的意思吗?
[41:57.68]I want to live in a place where children know how to behave. 我想住在一个孩子们很懂规矩
[42:01.51]Where people still have some sense of moral value, 人们还有些许道德观
[42:05.18]and where friendships are good 友谊天长地久的地方
[42:08.19]and strong and last forever.
[42:13.03]That's what I'm looking for. 那就是我所寻找的
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