his answer是什么意思 is disappointing的同意句

his answer is disappointing 同义句_百度知道
his answer is disappointing 同义句
望采纳He gives a disappointing
answer!谢谢.His answer makes us disappointed
he gives a disappointed answer.
His answer makes us disappointed.
出门在外也不愁Commentary on Chalmers
Dennett, Daniel C. (1996) Commentary on Chalmers "Facing Backwards on the
Problem of Consciousness". Journal of Consciousness Studies 3
(1) (Special Issue - Part 2) 4-6.
Facing Backwards on the Problem of Consciousness
Commentary on Chalmers
Daniel C. Dennett
Center for Cognitive Studies
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155
The strategy of divide and conquer is usually an excellent one, but
it all depends on how you do the carving. Chalmer's attempt to sort the
"easy" problems of consciousness from the "really hard" problem is not,
I think, a useful contribution to research, but a major misdirector of
attention, an illusion-generator. How could this be? Let me describe two
somewhat similar strategic proposals, and compare them to Chalmers' recommendation.
1. The hard question for vitalism: Imagine some vitalist who
says to the molecular biologists:
The easy problems of life include those of explaining the following
phenomena: reproduction, development, growth, metabolism, self-repair,
immunological self-defense, . . . . These are not all that easy,
of course, and it may take another century or so to work out the fine points,
but they are easy compared to the really hard problem: life itself. We
can imagine something that was capable of reproduction, development, growth,
metabolism, self-repair and immunological self-defense, but that wasn't,
you know, alive. The residual mystery of life would be untouched
by solutions to all the easy problems. In fact, when I read your accounts
of life, I am left feeling like the victim of a bait-and-switch.
This imaginary vitalist just doesn't see how the solution to all the easy
problems amounts to a solution to the imagined hard problem. Somehow this
vitalist has got under the impression that being alive is something over
and above all these subsidiary component phenomena. I don't know what we
can do about such a person beyond just patiently saying: your exercise
in imag you can't imagine what you say you can, and
just saying you can doesn't cut any ice. (Dennett, 1991, p.281-2)
&2. The hard question for Crock: Francis Crick (1994) gives
us an example of what happens when you adopt Chalmers' distinction, when
he says, at the close of his book on consciousness."I have said almost
nothing about qualia--the redness of red--except to brush it to one side
and hope for the best." (p.256) But consider what would be wrong with the
following claim made by an imaginary neuroscientist (Crock) substituting
"perception" for "qualia" in the quotation from Crick: "I have said almost
nothing about perception--the actual analysis and comprehension of the
visual input--except to brush it to one side and hope for the best." Today
we can all recognize that whatever came before Crock's declaration would
be forlorn, because not so many years ago this was a mistake that brain
scientists actually made: they succumbed all too often to the temptation
to treat vision as if it were television--as if it were simply a matter
of getting "the picture" from the eyes to the screen somewhere in the middle
where it could be handsomely reproduced so that the phenomena of appreciation
and analysis could then get underway. Today we realize that the analysis--the
whatever you want to call it that composes, in the end, all the visual
understanding--begins right away, if you postpone consideration
of it, you misdescribe how vision works. Crock has made a mistake: he has
created an artifactual "hard" problem of perception, not noticing that
it evaporates when the piecemeal work on the easy problems is completed.
Is it similarly a mistake for Crick, following Chalmers, to think that
he can make progress on the easy questions of consciousness without
in the process answering the hard question? I think so (Dennett, 1991).
I make the parallel claim about the purported "subjective qualities" or
"qualia" of experience: if you don't begin breaking them down into their
(functional) components from the outset, and distributing them throughout
your model, you create a monster--an imaginary dazzle in the eye of a Cartesian
homunculus (Dennett, 1995).
Chalmers has not yet fallen in either of these traps--not quite. He
understands that he must show how his strategic proposal differs from these,
which he recognizes as doomed. He attempts this by claiming that consciousness
is strikingly unlike life, and unlike the features of perception misconstrued
by Crock: when it comes to consciousness, the hard problem is "almost unique"
in that it "goes beyond problems about the performance of functions."
Almost unique? He gives us no other phenomena with this special
feature, but in any case, what he says in support of this claim simply
repeats the claim in different words: "To see this, note that when we have
explained the performance of all the cognitive and behavioral functions
in the vicinity of experience . . . there may still remain a further unanswered
question: Why is the performance of these functions accompanied by experience?
A simple explanation of the functions leaves this question open." Our vitalist
can surely say ask the same dreary question: Why is the performance of
these functions accompanied by life? Chalmers says that this would be a
conceptual mistake on the part of the vitalist, and I agree, but he needs
to defend his claim that his counterpart is not a conceptual mistake as
&When he confronts the vitalist parallel head-on, he simply declares
that whereas vitalist skepticism was driven by doubts about whether physical
mechanisms could "perform the many remarkable functions associated with
life," it is otherwise with his skepticism: "With experience, on the other
hand, physical explanation of the functions is not in question. The key
is instead the conceptual point that the explanation of functions
does not suffice for the explanation of experience." I submit that he is
flatly mistaken in this claim. Whether people realize it or not, it is
precisely the "remarkable functions associated with" consciousness that
drive them to wonder about how consciousness could possible reside in a
brain. In fact, if you carefully dissociate all these remarkable
functions from consciousness--in your own, first-person case--there
is nothing left for you to wonder about.
What impresses me about my own consciousness, as I know it so
intimately, is my delight in some features and dismay over others, my distraction
and concentration, my unnamable sinking feelings of foreboding and my blithe
disregard of some perceptual details, my obsessions and oversights, my
ability to conjure up fantasies, my inability to hold more than a few items
in consciousness at a time, my ability to be moved to tears by a vivid
recollection of the death of a loved one, my inability to catch myself
in the act of framing the words I sometimes say to myself, and so forth.
These are all "merely" the "performance of functions" or the manifestation
of various complex dispositions to perform functions. In the course of
making an introspective catalogue of evidence, I wouldn't know what I was
thinking about if I couldn't identify them for myself by these functional
differentia. Subtract them away, and nothing is left beyond a weird conviction
(in some people) that there is some ineffable residue of "qualitative content"
bereft of all powers to move us, delight us, annoy us, remind us of anything.
Chalmers recommends a parallel with physics, but it backfires. He suggests
that a theory of consciousness should "take experience itself as a fundamental
feature of the world, alongside mass, charge, and space-time." As he correctly
notes, "No attempt is made [by physicists] to explain these features in
terms of anything simpler," but they do cite the independent evidence that
has driven them to introduce these fundamental categories. Chalmers
needs a similar argument in support of his proposal, but "when we ask what
data are driving him to introduce this concept, the answer is disappointing:
It is a belief in a fundamental phenomenon of 'experience'. The introduction
of the concept does not do any explanatory work. The evidential argument
is circular." (Roberts, fn.8) We can see this by comparing Chalmers' proposal
with yet one more imaginary non-starter: cutism, the proposal that
since some things are just plain cute, and other things aren't cute at
all--you can just see it, however hard it is to describe or explain--we
had better postulate cuteness as a fundamental property of physics
alongside mass, charge and space-time. (Cuteness is not a functional
property, I can imagine somebody who wasn't actually cute at
all but who nevertheless functioned exactly as if cute--trust me.) Cutism
is in even worse shape than vitalism. Nobody would have taken vitalism
seriously for a minute if the vitalists hadn't had a set of independently
describable phenomena--of reproduction, metabolism, self-repair and the
like--that their postulated fundamental life-element was hoped to account
for. Once these phenomena were otherwise accounted for, vitalism fell flat,
but at least it had a project. Until Chalmers gives us an independent
ground for contemplating the drastic move of adding "experience" to mass,
charge, and space-time, his proposal is one that can be put on the back
burner, way back.
Crick, Francis, 1994, The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific
Search for the Soul, New York: Scribners.
&Dennett, Daniel, 1991, Consciousness Explained
&Dennett, Daniel, 1995, "Our Vegetative Soul," (review of Damasio,
Descartes' Error, in Times Literary Supplement, August 25,
1995, pp3-4.
&Roberts, John, unpublished, "Qualia and Animal Consciousness,"
Center for Cognitive Studies working paper 1995-#1, Tufts University.2011年职称英语等级考试(综合类C级)真题附答案和解析
时间: 17:10:27 来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun
2011年职称英语等级考试真题参考答案及解析(综合类C级)第1部分:词汇选项1.B 题意:他的鞋擦得很亮。划线词shine(vt.)的词义是“使发光,使发亮;擦亮(皮鞋等)”。A项clear意为澄清;扫除;例句:Each human is born with a bag of karma to be cleared in this life.每个人生来均带有一系列要在此生清除的业力。B项polish意为擦亮;抛光;例句:The children loved sliding round the newly polished floor.孩子们喜欢在刚擦亮的地板上滑过来滑过去。C项wash意为洗;例句:Can I put washed produce in the bag?我可以把洗过的农产品放进口袋么?D项mend意为修补。例句:We need an electrician to mend the iron.我们要请电工修理下熨斗。很明显B项正确。2.D 题意:在危急关头可以依赖于她。划线词rely on的词义是“依靠,依赖”。A项look after意为照看;例句:Are you being well looked after?大家对你照顾得好吗?B项believe in意为相信;例句:We all believed in her prediction.我们都相信她的预言。C项turn on意为打开;例句:We troubled him to turn on the light.我们麻烦他打开电灯。D项depend on意为依赖,信任。例句:More importantly, can he be depended on?更重要的是,可以依靠他吗?很明显D项正确。3.A 题意:玛莎承认她对电脑一无所知。划线词confess是及物动词(vt.)。该词的词义是“承认”。A项admit意为承认;例句:Of course, part of the challenge is her admitting difficulty with acting in English.当然,一部分挑战是她自己承认的用英语表演的困难。B项report意为报告;例句:It is reported that 20 people were killed in the accident.据报道,这次事故有20人死亡。C项hope意为希望;例句:Things are not moving as fast as we hoped.事情的进展不像我们希望的那么快。D项answer意为回答。例句:The question is simple enough to answer.这个问题很简单,容易回答。很明显A项正确。4.A 题意:这项试验产生了令人失望的结果。划线词disappointing(a. ;adj. )的词义是“使人失望的,令人扫兴的”。A项unsatisfactory意为不能令人满意的;例句:His answer is unsatisfactory.他的答案不能令人满意。B项indirect意为间接的;例句:His indirect way of telling me to leave annoyed me.他那种不直截了当让我离开的方式激怒了我。C项similar意为类似的;例句:He talked about it in a similar way.他对此事有相似的说法。D项positive意为积极的;肯定的。例句:She shows a very positive attitude to her work.她工作态度非常积极。很明显A项正确。5.A 题意:我的医生说我应该饮食多样化。划线词vary(vt.)的词义是“改变,使多样化”。A项change意为改变;例句:Do you change your mind?你改变你的想法了吗?B项prepare意为准备;例句:Liming prepared everything for his examination.李明为考试做了一切准备。C项cook意为烹调;例句:Are you good at cooking?你擅长烹任吗?D项choose意为挑选。例句:Please choose a red one for me.请为我挑选一个红色的。很明显A项正确。6.C 题意:格林在剑桥度过了短暂的时光。划线词brief(a.)的词义是“短暂的”。A项hard意为苦难的;例句:I know this is too hard for you.我知道这对你来说太难了。B项good意为好的;例句:He is a good man.他是一个好人。C项short意为短暂的;例句:Why do you just rest the short time?为什么你只休息了这么短时间?D项long意为长的。例句:She spent a long time with her parents.她跟她的父母待了很长的时间。很明显C项正确。7.B 题意:详尽地研究该书耗费了十年时间。划线词thorough(a. ;adj.)的词义是“彻底的,详尽的”。A项basic意为基础的,根本的;例句:Let me enlarge on this basic theme.让我进一步阐述一下这个基本主题。B项careful念为精心的,谨慎的;例句:He emphasized the importance of careful driving.他强调小心驾驶的重要性。C项social意为社会的,社交的;例句:Team sports help to develop a child’s social skills.集体体育运动有助于培养孩子的交际能力。D项major意为较大的,主要的。例句:This is the major part of the whole thing.这是整件事情的主要部分。很明显B项正确。8.C 题意:高速列车可能对我们的生活产生很大的影响。划线词的词义是“影响”。A项effort意为努力;例句:They are making every effort to decrease the production cost.他们正尽力减少生产成本。B项problem意为问题;例句We had no time to deliberate on the problem.我们没有时间仔细思考这个问题。C项influence意为影响;例句:The thing has great influence on him.这件事对他有很大的影响。D项concern意为关心,挂念。例句:Hardly a whisper of concern has been voiced.没有人表示过一点点的关心。很明显C项正确。9.D 题意:最后她找到了一份工作并搬到了伦敦。划线词的词义是“最后,终于”。A项certainly意为的确,无疑;例句:She certainly bears you no malice.她对你的确并无恶意。B项luckily意为幸运地;例句:Luckily, there was a doctor on the spot.幸运的是现场有一位医生。C项naturally意为自然地;例句:A mother naturally feels protective towards her children.母亲对自己的孩子自然会悉心保护。D项finally意为最后,最终。例句:The patient finally died of cancer.那位病人最终死于癌症。很明显D项正确。10.C 题意:贪财是一切罪恶之根源。划线词的词义是“根;根源,原因”。A项result意为结果;例句:We desperately need a result from this match.这场比赛我们务必获胜。B项end意为结束;例句:The accident put an untimely end to the party.意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。C项cause意为起因;例句:It’s certain that every effect must have a cause.无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。D项force意为力量。例句:But they refused to bow to force.但他们拒不向武力低头。很明显C项正确。11.B 题意:在会上,我们研究了扩展的可能性。划线词的词义是“调查,研究”。A项offer意为提供;例句:If she was offered the job, she’d take it.如果提供给她这个工作,她会接受的。B项investigate意为调查,研究。例句:The police are investigating the murder.警察正在调查这桩谋杀案。C项include意为包括;例句:The bill came to $467,tax included.账单计467美元,含税。D项accept意为接受。例句:I accepted it cheerily.我高兴地接受了。很明显B项正确。12.C 题意:他的长期目标是建立自己的公司(业务)。划线词goal是名词,它的词义是“目标”。A项idea意为想法;例句:It would be a good idea to go swimming in the pond.到池塘里去游泳倒是个好主意。B项energy意为能量;例句:Young people usually have more energy than the old.青年人通常比老年人精力充沛。C项aim意为目标;例句:The chief aim of man is not to get money.人的主要目的并不是赚钱。D项order意为命令。例句:The appeal court quash the care order make by the juvenile court.上诉法院宣布青少年法院发出的照看命令无效。很明显C项正确。13.A 题意:已提出很多理论来解释这种现象。划线词的词义是“建议”。A项suggest意为建议;例句:Do you suggest I am a tour guide?你是不是建议我当导游?B项test意为检验;例句:Is this equipment tested for mechanical aptitude?这台设备测定其机械适应性了吗?C项use意为使用;例句;The car used a gallon of petrol for the journey.汽车在路上消耗了一加仑汽油。D项announce意为宣布。例句:Mr. Robert Brown was announced as the sponsor.罗勃特•布朗先生被宣布为赞助人。很明显A项正确。14. 题意:他们把空闲的卧室改成了一间办公室。划线词convert (vt.)的词义是“转换,改造”。A项reduce意为减少;例句:They are selling the goods under the counter at reduced prices.他们正在削价偷偷出售商品。B项turn意为改变,使改成。例句:Nothing will ever turn him from his purpose.什么也不能使他改变目标。C项move意为移动;例句:The army is on the move.部队在行进。D项reform意为改革;例句:Because of his encouragement, she won the best designer by her reformed cheongsam.因为他的鼓勒,她以她的改良式旗袍赢得了最佳设计师奖。很明显B项正确。15.D 题意:自我幼年时代以来一切事物都发生了很大变化。划线部分a lot的词义是“许多,大量”。A项gradually意为逐渐地;例句:The rain lessened gradually and save over at last.雨渐渐小下来,终于停止了。B项suddenly意为突然地;例句:Suddenly he began to shriek loudly.突然他开始大声尖叫起来。C项frequently意为频繁地;例句:He comes to visit me frequently.他经常来看我。D项greatly意为大大地。例句:His writing has improved greatly in this semester.这学期他的写作有了很大进步。很明显D项正确。第2部分:阅读判断16.B 题意:丹尼尔和索菲娅缓慢地驾车穿过了繁忙的沙漠地带.关键词:Daniel and Sophia人名;drove slowly缓慢驾车;the busy desert繁忙的沙漠地带。根据文中第1段的第1行:“……我们飞速穿越了荒芜的……”。由此可判断为B选项。17.A 题意:索菲娅在她的笔记本中记录了她的经历。关键词:Sophia人名;wrote写;experiences经历;notebooks笔记本。从文中第1段的第4行可查到“我已经写了三本,并开始写第四本,……”。由此可判断为A正确。18.C 题意:丹尼尔拍照了尼罗河。关键词:Daniel人名;took photos拍照;the Nile River尼罗河通读文章可知the Nile River(尼罗河)在全文中没有出现,由此可判断为C没有提及。19.A 题意:丹尼尔和索菲娅看到了许多美好的东西。关键词:Daniel and Sophia人名;saw看见;wonderful things美丽的东西。在文中第2段的第1、2行可查到“……充满了故事,还有美景。我们几乎完全沉醉于这些情景之中。维多利亚瀑布的咆哮声,…….”。由此可判断为A正确。20.B 题意:丹尼尔和索菲娅在驾车期间看到了野马。关键词:Daniel and Sophia人名;saw看见;wild horses野马。在全文中,wild horses(野马)只在第7段出现过一次,意思是“野马?”他说,“你为什么不叫醒我,索菲娅?”由此可判断为B错误。21.B 题意:马没有靠近汽车。关键词:The horses马;didn’t come没来;near the car靠近汽车。正如上题中所说:“The horses(马)”在第7段中出现。根据全文意思,索菲娅开车时,马就紧挨着她们的车。所以此句话不正确。答案为B错误。22.B 题意:索菲娅叫醒了丹尼尔以便能给野马拍照。关键词Sophia人名; woke sb. up叫越某人;Daniel人名;could take photos能够拍照。文中第7段可查到:“野马?”他说,“你为什么不叫醒我,索菲娅?”,由此可判断为B错误。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子23.D 第1段的最后一句:“……她们从辛劳的母亲变成了歌星。”以此判断D项Becoming famous变得出名,为正确选项。24.E 第2段的第一句:“我一直住在我出生的村子里,……”,以此判断E项Their lives before她们从前的生活,为正确选项。25.B 第3段的最后一句:“我们一直受到了王妃般的招待,……香槟酒,巧克力,五星级酒店……”,以此判断B项Living the new life过上新生活为正确选项。26.F 第4段的第一句:“可是,并不是一切都那么顺利。”,以此判断F项The difficult parts难处,为正确选项。27.E 题意:Operatunity可以帮助普通人______。E项realize their dreams实现他们的梦想,为正确选项。28.D 题意:在成名之前,丹妮斯和简整日辛劳、为的是______。D项raise their children养育她们的孩子,为正确选项。29.B 题意:在外出期间,丹妮斯和简不得不请求他人来______。B项take care of their children照看她们的孩子们,为正确选项。30.C 题意:作为名人,丹妮斯和简不得不学会______。C项deal with the media应对媒体,为正确选项。第一篇31.A 题意:Kazi先生年轻时,他的梦想是______。题干中的关键词为“Mr. Kazi人名;young年轻;dream梦”。根据文中第2段的第1行末:“他的梦想是当一名飞机驾驶员。”很明显应选A项。32.C 题意:Kazi先生决定去KFC工作,为了______。题干中的关键词为“Mr. Kazi人名;KFC肯德基缩写”。根据文中第4段的第2行:“为了省下吃的钱,他决定到KFC寻找一份工作。”很明显应选C项。33.C 题意:Kazi先生成为了一家新餐馆的经理,因为______。题干中的关键词为“Mr. Kazi人名;manager经理;because因为”。根据文中第5段的第3行:“几个月后,主人需要一个新餐馆的经理。他们把这项工作交给了Kazi先生。”该句前面“一天,Kazi的两个同事没来上班。Kazi —人干了三个人的活,这给老板留下了深刻的印象。”很明显应选C项。34.D 题意:为了拯救一家亏损餐馆,Kazi先生做了以下事情,哪一项除外?题干中的关键词为“To save a failing restaurant挽救一家亏损餐馆;EXCEPT除…之外”。在第7段的第2行末查到“A项”,紧接着在第3行查到“B项”和“C项”。以此断定应选D项。35.B 题意:在最后1段中,“it’s a mess”意指什么。题干中的关键词为“it’s a mess它…; means意指”。mess的词义是:“肮脏,污秽”。然后分别查出A-D 4个选项的汉语词义,很明显B项(肮脏)是正确选项。第二篇36.B 题意:根据本文,当我们成为成年人时,_____。题干中的关键词为“when we become adults当我们成为成年人”。根据文中第1段的第2行:“……可是我们大多数人一旦步入成年便忽略了如何去做。”以此判断B项正确。37.D 题意:根据第1种方法,如果你需要解决一个问题_____。题干中的关键词为“the first technique第1种方法;to solve a problem解决一个问题”。根据文中第2段的1〜2行:“这种方法涉及……并设法发现它们之间的联系。首先,要考虑一下你必须要解决的问题……。接着要找到一种设想,……。”以此可以看出D项正确。38.B 题意:第2种方法表明,你恰恰可以设想_____
。题干中的关键词为“The second technique第2种方法;you just imagine你恰恰可以设想”。根据文中第3段的第1句和第2句:“你可以设想通常的限制已不存在。你有你想要的任何时间、空间和金钱等。”很明显B项正确。39.D 题意:第4段中的短语“put yourself ‘in their shoes’”在含义上最接近下列哪一项。题干中的关键词为“put yourself ‘in their shoes’”;is closest in meaning to在含义上最接近。put oneself in one’s shoes的词义是:“设身处地去想”。从该“短语”后面的1句:“The best fishermen think like fish!(最好的渔夫要想鱼所想!)”。也能非常明显地得出D项正确。40.A 题意:从第3种方法中我们了解到,一个好的推销员应当自问_____。题干中的关键句为“the third technique第3种方法;a good salesman ask himself一个好的推销员; ask himself问自己”。文中第4段中没有“a good salesman”,结合全文最后一句:“最好的渔夫要想鱼所想!”,以此推理“一个好的推销员”应想“顾客”所想。以此应选A项。第三篇41.D 题意:在当今的美国,有关婚姻问题下列哪一项是真实的?题干中的关键词为“true真实;the marriage婚姻;the United States today在当今的美国”。答“真实”这类题非常容易,按A~D逐项在短文内查读。根据文中第1段的2〜3行:“现在几手50%的婚姻以离婚告终,而且证据表明还会越来越恶化。”以此判断应选D项。42.A 题意:第2段中的“不再是这种情况了”意指什么?题干中的关键词为“ ‘this is no longer the case不再是这种情况了’;in paragraph 2在第2段中;mean意指”。this代表的是回指它的前一句,即:“由于妇女过去通常在家没有工作,她们经常在经济上依赖她们的丈夫。”以此判断应选A项。43.A 题意:为什么婚姻前景似乎不像看起来那么令人无望?题干中的关键词为“the outlook of marriage婚姻前景;hopeless无望。”根据文中第3段的1~3行:“…,前景似乎并不那么悲观。虽然离婚率上升,但结婚率实际上从没有下降多少,因此结婚依然非常流行。”以此判断应选A项。44.D 题意:大多数男人认为他们的婚姻生活怎样?题干中的关键词为“most men大多数男人;marriage life婚姻生活。”根据文中第4段的第4行:“…已婚男人普遍认为他们比单身的同伴更满意。”以此判断应选D项。45.D 题意:有关婚姻,下列哪一项在文中没有提及?题干中的关键词为“NOT mentioned没有提及。”A项在全文最后1句;B项在2段3行;C项在4段1行。以此判断应选D项。第5部分:补全短文46.B 句意:然而,人们所庆祝的一些节日并不那么严肃。the days(天,节日;复数),带有定冠词说明其上一句应该有该词出现。however(然而;表示转折)。说明此句与其上一句是转折关系。less serious(不那么严肃),说明其上一句应该属于正常或严肃的事情。空白处所在句子为,“学校、银行和政府机构都在这样的节日中停休。”“其中有些天又非常奇怪。”很明显应补入B项。47.F 句意:可以想象,玩笑很有趣,但是这些恶作剧并不能使每个人都发笑。but(可是,但是)承上启下,转折。these jokes(这些恶作剧),说明前一句肯定有jokes(玩笑)这个词。not ...laugh(不……笑),说明下一句一定会是“哭”或“生气”。文中说“这一天,人们开着戏弄人的玩笑。”“发笑的人是开玩笑的人,而被戏弄的人往往会很生气。”很明显应补入F项。48.D 句意:接着便开始了世界上最大的食物大战。Then(然后,接着),起承上启下作用。(应注意:该词引导的是一个全倒装句,“the world’s biggest food fight”是主语,“begins”是谓语)。the world’s biggest food fight中的food(食物)非常重要,说明其前一句中肯定有“食物”类词。文中说:“每年的八月末,大卡车载着二十多万磅的西红柿进入这个小镇。”很明显应补入D项。49.A 句意:他们把他(或它)带回城里,给他(或它)戴上了王(或花)冠,并让他(或它)当上了三天的国王。They(他们;指人,复数);him(他;指人或动物)。文中说,“Killorglin城的人们上山抓了一只野山羊。”很明显应补入A项。50.C 句意:这一(天)应该(或设想)是牙痛日。That(这一或那一),代词,指代前一句中的某个名词。Toothache Day(牙痛日),说明其前一句一定会有“某月某日”,才能定为(大写的)……日。空白处50的前一句:“似乎很奇怪,可是听起来比这更有趣的是2月9日。”很明显应该补入C项。第6部分:完形填空51.A 句意:即使他们对此(父母给起的名字)感到不高兴。A项even if引导让步状语从句,词义是“即使”。B项as if(=as though)引导方式状语从句,词义是“好像”。C项as比较复杂,引导从句较多:(1)时间状语从句,词义是“随着”;(2)原因状语从句,词义是“由于”;(3)方式状语从句,词义是“像、如、照”;(4)比较状语从句,词义是“与…(不)一样”;(5)让步状语从句,词义是“虽然,尽管”。D项even是个副词,不能用于引导状语从句,词义是“甚至于”。从主句和从句的关系看,应选A项表达让步最为适合。52.B 句意:然而有些人,尤其是艺术家们,确实采取了(更改名字的)行动。take右边的“…action是固定短语,意为采取措施或手段”,因此应选B项take。53.D 句意:有时这纯属个人原因。文中说:“有时纯属…原因”,很明显应选D项personal个人的、私人的、本人的。A项obvious明显的;B项的economic经济的;C项own自己的,常用在所有格之后、加强语气。很明显这三项都不可取。54.B 句意:他不想让父亲知道他在写诗。文中说:“他不想让他父亲…他在写诗”。很明显应选B项know知道,了解。A项understand理解、明白;C项recognize识别;认出;D项observe观察;遵守。很明显这三项都不合题意,不能选。55.C 句意:有时,其原因似乎很奇怪。at other times是一个固定短语,词义是:“经常,平素,有时”。类似的短语还有:at a time(—次;同时;曾经);at all time(不论什么时候,若是);at no time(在任何时候都不,从来没有,决不);at the same time(在同时),等等。56.B 句意:以葡萄牙诗人Fernando Pessoa为例,他的笔名多达75个。空白处的左边有(大写的)人名,而且有逗号隔开:后面是动词wrote(写)起谓语作用。很明显应选B项who,是关系代词(指代其左边的人)用来引导非限制性定语从句、并在从句中作主语。A项whom作宾语;C项which指代物;D项that不能用于引导非限制性定语从句。57.C 句意:然而,改名大多是由于社会、历史、政治或文化等因素。根据空白处的左和右都有逗号隔开,可推断这是一个典型需要副词的位置。在四个选项中只有C项however是副词,表示转折关系。A项but(并列连词)可是、但是不;B项although(从属连词,用于引导让步状语从句)虽然,尽管;D项and(并列连词)以及,和。很明显这三项都不可选。58.B 句意:以下是一些最常见的情况:the most common最普通、最常见的经常使用。A项scientific科学的,学术的;C项technical技术的,专门的;D项average平均的。这三项都不合语意要求,不可选。59.C 句意:一个人的真名大长,以至于无法记住。根据文中内容:“long and difficult to remember”,很明显是:“too . . . to太……以至于不……的搭配使用。60.D 句意:老实说,Madonna Louise Ciccone的确不如Madonna容易记。根据空白处右边的to remember记,很明显应选D项easy容易;而不可能选A项pretty漂亮的;B项simple简单的;C项brief短暂的。61.A 句意:有时,改名是出于营销(推广)的目的。根据文中的:“for marketing(为了商品销售的……)”,很明显应选A项purposes目的,侧重在通过决心、意志来达到某种效果上;B项thoughts思想,想法;C项ends虽有“目的”的含义,但侧重在通过某些手段达到最终的结果:D项goals也虽有“目的”的含义,但侧重在方向和目标上。62.A 句意:就可能被改成在市场上更容易识别的名字。根据前一句的marketing purposes(商品销售的目的),很明显应选A项的market市场;而不可能是B项film电影、胶片;C项book书;D项city城市。63.D 句意:——Chad Everett确实比Raymond Cramton好听多了。根据前半句中的“doesn’t sound(听起来不…)”,很明显在“does(起强调谓语作用)a lot better than(确实听起来比……好多了。)”中应选D项sound(听起来)。64.C 句意:有时,艺术家们选择他们所崇拜某个人的名字(来给自己取笔名或艺名)。根据文中的Artists(艺术家们)和the name(名字),很明显应选C项choose(选择);而不可能是A项give给予;B项change改变;D项mention提及。65.B 句意:为了避免这种状况,她们有时给自己起男人的名字。空白处To结构(句首、大写、动词不定式符号,说明表示的是目的,要翻译成“为了……。”);还有后面的this situation(这种状态——指上句中的情况),很明显应选B项avoid(避免)。A项admit承认;C项assure确认和D项affect影响,都明显不合逻辑表述
v. 筑成池塘
v. 登广告,为 ... 做广告,宣传
n. 增加,附加物,加法
adj. 间接的,迂回的,次要的,不坦率的,欺骗的
adj. 富于想象力的
n. 日历,月历,日程表vt. 把 ...
adj. 英雄的,英勇的,巨大的
n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛
adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的pron.
adj. 著名的,声誉卓著的 动词celebrate的过


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