《小强你怎么了小强》歌手瞳兮乐 链接地址

听歌的时候,看见一句一句的歌词,听着你爱的歌,看着你每时每刻不同的微博更新,想起我们一起唱歌,一起听歌,所有我们在一起的,有音乐的时光,历历在目的全都浮现在我的面前,我爱上了你爱的音乐,我讨厌了你讨厌的音乐。Sina Visitor SystemSina Visitor SystemSina Visitor System注意哦,只是曲调轻快,不代表歌词轻松   也谈谈我对轻快音乐的定义   不似抒情歌般用情,也不似摇滚乐般呐喊   只是随意的就可以哼唱   在卧室、在街头、在地下铁...   听起来就会很愉快的歌   不在乎曲种,不在乎新旧     关键词:轻快     NO1   曲名:trouble is a friend   歌手:Lenka   语种:英语   下载地址1:/music/cc.mp3   下载地址2:/music/M0.mp3   喜欢理由: 麻烦是朋友? 很有趣、很轻快的歌,好钟意   试听地址: /programs/view/isL3HfP-8bY/   歌词   Trouble will find you no matter where you go, oh oh   无论你走到哪儿
哦哦     No matter if you're fast, no matter if you're slow, oh oh   无论你多快
哦哦     The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh   暴风的双眼
哦哦     You're fine for a while but you start to lose control   你一会儿好好的
可是却开始失控     He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart   他在黑暗中
他在我心中     He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part   他戴着翅膀等待
他需要扮演一个角色     Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   麻烦是朋友
yeah 麻烦是我的朋友     Ahh..   啊     Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe, oh oh   麻烦是朋友
哦哦     And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh   不管我喂他吃什么
哦哦     He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh   我看到的他都看到
哦哦     So don't forget as you ease on down my road   所以
别忘记     He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart   他在黑暗中
他在我心中     He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part   他戴着翅膀等待
他需要扮演一个角色     Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   麻烦是朋友
yeah 麻烦是我的朋友     So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm   所以当他握起你的手臂
别惊慌     I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm   我摇下车窗
我是他魅力下的受害者     Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   麻烦是朋友
麻烦是我的朋友     Ahh..   阿     How I hate the way he makes me feel   我多么厌恶他带给我的感觉     And how I try to make him leave   我怎么试着让他离开     I try, oh oh I try   我尝试
我尝试     He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart   他在黑暗中
他在我心中     He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part   他戴着翅膀等待
他需要扮演一个角色     Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   麻烦是朋友
yeah 麻烦是我的朋友     So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm   所以
别惊慌     I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm   我摇下车窗
我是他魅力下的受害者     Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine   麻烦是朋友
麻烦是我的朋友     Ahh..   啊     Ooh..   哦     Ahh..   啊     Ooh..   哦
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  NO2   曲名:Porque te vas (因为你走了)   歌手:Jeanette   语种:法语   下载地址1:http://www.eternalemblem.net/Falcona_upload/BG.mp3   下载地址2:/Temp/Hyakki-Yakoushou/17.mp3   喜欢理由: 感觉就象是在车站里、车窗外、地下铁里轻快的舞曲   试听地址: /programs/view/p6un40hwbao/   歌词翻译:     Porqué te vas?(为什么你离开?)     Hoy en mi ventana brilla el sol   今天阳光在我窗前闪耀     y el corazón se pone triste contemplando la ciudad   观望着城市我的心变得哀伤     por que te vas?   你为什么离开?     Como cada noche desperte pensando en ti   我没一晚因想你而惊醒     y en mi reloj todas las horas vi pasar   看着我的时钟里时间的流逝     Todas las promesas de mi amor se iran contigo   我所有爱的誓言都随你而去     me olvidaras, me olvidaras   你将会把我忘记,你将会把我忘记     junto a la estación lloraré igual que un ni?o   在车站旁我哭得像个小孩     me olvidarás, me olvidaras   你将会把我忘记,你将会把我忘记     Bajo la penumbra de un farol   在灯影下     se dormiran todas las cosas que quedaron por vivir   所有剩下的生命都沉睡了     se dormiran   它们将会沉沉睡去     Junto a las manillas de un reloj se quedaran   与时针一起     todas las cosas que quedaron sin hablar   沉默的一切     por que te vas?   你为什么要离开?     por que te vas? por que te vas?   por que te vas? por que te vas?   por que te vas? por que te vas?   
  曲名:うたわれるもの (梦想歌)   歌手:suara   语种:日语   下载地址1:/music/mp3/music0705/utawarerumono/OP/1.mp3   下载地址2:/web/Music/Music/%E5%A4%A2%E6%83%B3%E6%AD%8C.mp3   喜欢理由: 好青春、好欢快的歌,好有梦想,好有激情   试听地址: /programs/view/6hBzo7BNh1o/   特别提示: 是动漫《传诵物语》的主题曲,有两个歌手演唱过,我只喜欢suara的版本哦   歌词翻译:     子供の顷の梦は 色褪せない落书きね
  思うまま书き滑らせて 描く未来へとつながる
  我们还是小孩子时的梦 那是永不褪色的涂鸦
  一边想象一边信笔挥下 未来在画中生根发芽
    澄み渡る空 果てしないほど青く
  无邪気な心に 充たされ魅かれていく   头顶晴朗明净的澄空 显现出无限无尽的穹苍
  天真无邪的稚幼心灵 铭记下永难忘却的景象
    やがて自由に飞びまわれる 翼(はね)を手に入れて
  无垢な瞳は求めていく 空の向こうへ 行きたいな
  不久的将来定会自由飞去 背上生出羽翼翅膀
  纯洁的眼眸所望的方向 是天空 往那里翱翔     止め処ない愿いから 一つだけ叶うのなら
  谁にも譲りたくはない 梦を掴みたいと思うよ
  子供の顷の梦は 色褪せない落书きね
  いつまでも描き続けられた 愿う未来へとつながる
  在那无穷的愿望之中 如果只能实现一个的话
  不会让给任何的人 定要紧紧抓住心中的梦想
  我们还是小孩子时的梦 那是永不褪色的涂鸦
  无论何时都在不停绘画 画中满是未来的向往     钟が鸣る音 远くから闻こえてくる
  素直な心に 届いては响いてる
  从远方传来的钟声 遥响在耳畔
  在坦诚心灵的深处 悠久地回荡
    光りは 七色に変わつて 弧を描いてゆく
  无垢な瞳は求めていく 虹の向こうへ 行きたいな
  光芒 幻化出七种颜色 在空中划出弧线长长
  纯洁的眼眸所望的方向 是彩虹 往那里翱翔
    止め処なく愿うほど 忘れないでいたいこと
  支えてくれる人がいて 梦を见ることかできるから
  子供の顷の梦は 色褪せない落书きで
  思うまま书き滑らせて 描く未来へとつながる    让我无尽地祈祷恳愿 愿永不遗忘这誓言坚强
  毕竟还有人支撑着我 使我能看到这小小梦想
  我们还是小孩子时的梦 那是永不褪色的涂鸦
  一边想象一边信笔挥下 未来在画中生根发芽     やがて自由に飞びまわれる 翼(はね)を手に入れて
  无垢な瞳は求めていく 空の向こうへ 行きたいな
  不久的将来定会自由飞去 背上生出羽翼翅膀
  纯洁的眼眸所望的方向 是天空 往那里翱翔
      止め処ない愿いから 一つだけ叶うのなら
  谁にも譲りたくはない 梦を掴みたいと思うよ
  在那无穷的愿望之中 如果只能实现一个的话
  不会让给任何的人 定要紧紧抓住心中的梦想
    止め処なく愿うほど 忘れないでいたいこと
  支えてくれる人がいて 梦を见ることかできるから
  子供の顷の梦は 色褪せない落书きで
  思うまま书き滑らせて 描く未来へとつながる
  让我无尽地祈祷恳愿 愿永不遗忘这誓言坚强
  毕竟还有人支撑着我 使我能看到这小小梦想
  我们还是小孩子时的梦 那是永不褪色的涂鸦
  无论何时都在不停绘画 画中满是未来的向往
  NO4   曲名:Better Together   歌手:Jack Johnson   语种:英语   下载地址1:http://tan./song/better_together.mp3   下载地址2:/m/2.Jack%20Johnson%20-%20Better%20Together.mp3   喜欢理由: 当我们在一起,这种感觉真好,轻轻哼唱,静静微笑。   试听地址: /programs/view/sS01rXoXaH4/   歌词翻译:     There's no combination of words
  I could put on the back of a postcard
    No song I could sing
  But I can try for your heart
    Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
    Like a, shoebox of photographs With sepia tone loving
    Love is the answer, At least for most of the questions in my heart
  Like why are we here? and where do we go? And how come we're so hard?
  It's not always easy and Sometimes life can be deceiving
    I'll tell you one thing its always better when we're together
  MMM its always better when we're together
    Look at the stars when we're together
    Its always better when we're together
  Yeah, its always better when we're together
  And all of these moments
  Just might find there way into my dreams tonight
  But I know that theyll be gone
  When the morning light sings And brings new things
  但我知道美梦都是短暂的, 当晨光唱响,带给我全新的开始
    But tomorrow night you see
  That theyll be gone too
    Too many things I have to do
  But if all of these dreams might find there way
  Into my day to day scene
    I’ll be under the impression, I was somewhere in between, With only two Just me and you ,Not so many things we got to do ,Or places we got to be ,We'll Sit beneath the mango tree
    Its always better when we're together
    Somewhere in between together
    Its always better when we're together
  Yeah, its always better when we're together
  MMmmmm MMMmmmm Mmmmmm
    I believe in memories,They look so, so pretty when I sleep
  Hey now, and when I wake up, You look so pretty sleeping next to me
  But there is no time, And there is no song I could sing, And there is no, combination of words I could say
  But I will still tell you one thing
  We're Better together.
  NO5   曲名:a todo color(五彩缤纷)   歌手:las escarlatinas   语种:西班牙语   下载地址1:/music/anson3499.mp3   下载地址2:http://cdn1-/e1/static10/349/2362331.mp3   喜欢理由: 五彩缤纷的乐章、五彩缤纷的心情   试听地址: /programs/view/KB4Fr5P2laE/   歌词翻译:    A todo color(五彩缤纷)       Rojo como el cielo rojo   红,如同天空的红     Rojo en el atardecer   如同黄昏的红     Rojo como un prohibido, rojo como mi jersey
  红,如同一个禁忌,如同我运动衫的红     Rojo como el de tu boca que me hacen enrojecer   红,如同你双唇的红,如同使我脸红的红     Verde como es la hiedra que se pegue en la pared   绿,如同墙上长春藤的绿     Verde como la botella verde sobre mi mantel   绿,如同我桌布上瓶子的绿     Verde como son tus ojos y más cuando dicen ven   绿,如同你诱惑的双眼,特别是放电时     A todo color,cuando miro cuando pienso   五彩缤纷,我看我想的时候     y del claro al oscuro es un paso, un momento   由浅入深,一步一瞬     A todo color, luces y sombras   五彩缤纷,光亮与影像     cuando ríes, cuando suenas   你笑,你如神的时候     porque así son las cosas   因为世界万物都是如此     Azul como el del cielo   蓝,如同天空的蓝     es su reflejo en el mar   是海洋的蓝色倒影     Azul como mi manta o tu sombra al pasar   蓝,如同我的披风你路过的身影     Azul es la tristeza que llevó sin avisar   蓝,如同不经意间的忧伤     Amarillo al mediodía mi sombrero bajo el sol   黄,如同我午后阳光下的草帽     Amarillo es tu abrazo que me llena de calor   黄,是你带给我温暖的拥抱     Amarillo caramelo, caramelo de limón   黄,如同一粒糖,一粒柠檬糖        
  NO6   曲名:Sutter's Mill   歌手:Dan Fogelberg   语种:英语   下载地址1:http://ftp.luoo.net/radio/radio58/08.mp3   下载地址2:http://video.bbs./upload/forum_video/60/60870.mp3   喜欢理由: 一首曲调一向轻快的乡村音乐,很出名,很好听哦~   试听地址: /programs/view/KhpRUcEtUoM/   歌词翻译:     Sutter's Mill   萨特的磨坊     In the Spring of Forty-seven,   So the story, it is told,   Old John Sutter went to the mill site   Found a piece of shining gold.   故事的发生   要从1847年的春天说起   老约翰.萨特在磨坊外   拾到一块金子     Well, he took it to the city   Where the word, like wildfire, spread.   And old John Sutter soon came to wish he'd   Left that stone in the river bed.   于是带着它去了城里   在那里关于金矿的消息   如野火蔓延开来   萨特很快就后悔   该把那块石头留在河床上     For they came like herds of locusts   Every woman, child and man   In their lumbering Conestogas   They left their tracks upon the land.   人们集聚如蝗   男人、女人和孩子们   在大篷车笨重的前行中   将车辙留在原野上     Some would fail and some would prosper   Some would die and some would kill   Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance   And some would curse John Sutter's Mill.   有人无功而返   有人心遂所愿   有人长眠异乡   有人图财害命   有人将感激上帝解脱了他们   有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房     Well, they came from New York City,   And they came from Alabam'   With their dreams of finding fortunes   In this wild unsettled land.   Well, some fell prey to hostile arrows   As they tried to cross the plains.   And some were lost in the Rocky mountains   With their hands froze to the reins.   Oh...   他们有的来自纽约城   有的来自阿拉巴马州   带着他们的发财梦   来到这荒蛮的土地上   一些人在穿越平原时   命丧箭下   一些人失踪在洛基山脉   冻饿而亡     Some would fail and some would prosper   Some would die and some would kill   Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance   And some would curse John Sutter's Mill.   有人无功而返   有人心遂所愿   有人长眠异乡   有人图财害命   有人将感激上帝解脱了他们   有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房     Well, some pushed on to California   And others stopped to take their rest.   And by the Spring of Eighteen-sixty   They had opened up the west.   And then the railroad came behind them   And the land was plowed and tamed,   When Old John Sutter went to meet his maker,   He'd not one penny to his name.   Oh...   一些人执著前行去往加州   一些人驻足不往休养生息   1860年时他们开发了西部   铁路随后而至   荒原终被开发和征服   当约翰萨特离开人世   自己却一文不名     Some would fail and some would prosper   Some would die and some would kill   Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance   And some would curse John Sutter's Mill.   有人无功而返   有人心遂所愿   有人长眠异乡   有人图财害命   有人将感激上帝解脱了他们   有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房     And some would curse John Sutter's Mill   Some men's thirsts are never filled.   有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房   有人的欲望却永远无法满足       
  NO7   曲名:A Namorada   歌手:Carlinhos Brown   语种:拉丁语   下载地址1:http://brazilmusic.dk/audio/mp3/anamorada.mp3   喜欢理由: 很热情的拉丁音乐,特适合在PARTY上演奏   试听地址: /programs/view/bUuYGUNBKXk/   特别提示: 是电影《生死时速》2的插曲,就是黑人在游船上唱的那一首   歌词:     Ei bicho   O broto do seu lado   Já teve namorado   E teme um compromisso     Gaviao   Há sempre um do seu lado   Se diz gato malhado   Mas nao é nada disso     A namorada tem namorada   A namorada tem namorada   Tem irmao   Grudado em sua cola   Na porta da escola   Mas nao tem chance nao     Pai juiz   A leva pro cinema   Com mais cinco morenas   O que mais sempre quis     A namorada tem namorada   A namorada tem namorada
  沙发!  刚下了第一首,嘿嘿
  NO8:   曲名:It Never Rains in Southern California   歌手:albert hammond   语种:英语   下载地址1:/uploadfiles/358889.wma   下载地址2:/beiermp3/08/02.mp3   喜欢理由: 老歌了,献给所有在外漂泊打拼的游子   试听地址: /programs/view/FBReaUwXc_g/   特别提示: 下载地址1、2是不同的版本,1比较通行   歌词翻译:     It Never Rains in Southern California     Got on board a westbound seven forty-seven   搭上西行的波音747     Didn't think before deciding what to do   不曾考虑何从何去     Ooh, that talk of opportunities, TV breaks and movies   喔 人生充满机遇 荧屏电影上的一切就要成为现实     Rang true, sure rang true ...   成为现实     Seems it never rains in southern California   好象南加州从来不下雨     Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before   好象我常听到类似的说法     It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya?   南加州从不下雨
他们没有警告过你     It pours, man, it pours   我看下的是倾盆大雨     I'm out of work, I'm out of my head   我没有工作
茫然失措     Out of self respect, I'm out of bread   我一贫如洗
找不到自己     I'm underloved, I'm underfed, I wanna go home   没有人爱我
我想回家     It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya?   南加州从不下雨 可是乖乖 他们没有警告过你     It pours, man, it pours   我看 下的是倾盆大雨     Will you tell the folks back home I nearly made it?   你回去的时候
我差一点就成功了     Had offers but didn't know which one to take   机会多多
但是要抓住也不容易     Please don't tell them how you found me   请别告诉他们你如何找到了我     Don't tell 'em how you found me   请别告诉他们你如何找到了我     Give me a break, give me a break   让我休息一下 休息一下     Seems it never rains in southern California   好象南加州从来不下雨     Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before   好象我常听到类似的说法     It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya?   南加州从不下雨 可是乖乖 他们没有警告过你     It pours, man, it pour   我看下的是倾盆大雨     
  NO9:   曲名:Never Know   歌手:Jack Johnson   语种:英语   下载地址1:http://www.roxane.idv.tw/music/002neverknow.mp3   下载地址2:http://cd12./music/00/34/36/.mp3   喜欢理由: 永远不懂,这迷迷糊糊的歌   试听地址: /programs/view/rIr2ejv91d8/   歌词翻译:    Never Know&
  I hear this old story before
    Where the people keep killing for the metaphors
    Don't leave much up to the imagination,
    So I, wanna give this imagery back
    But I know it just ain't so easy like that
    So, I turn the page and read the story again
  因此,我翻开书页再次阅读这故事     And again and again
  一次又一次 ,一次又一次
    It sure seems the same, with a diff. name
    We're breaking and rebuilding
    And we're growing
    Always guessing
    Never knowing
    Shocking but we're nothing
    We're just moments
    We're Clever but we're clueless
    We're just human
    Amusing but confusing
    Were trying but where is this all leading
    Never Know
  永远不懂     It all happened so much faster
    Than you could say disaster
    Wanna take a time lapse
    And look at it backwards
    From the last one
    And maybe thats just the answer
    That we're after
    But after all
    We're just a bubble in a boiling pot
    Just one breath in a chain of thought
    The moments just combusting
    Feel certain but we'll never never know
  感到确定却永远不懂     Just seems the same
  看起来都一样     Give it a diff. name
    We're beggin and we're needing
    And we're trying and we're breathing
    Never knowing
  谢谢楼主。。。杀时间 下来听听 嘿嘿...不过 全是外语歌啊...品位低下的人飘过...
  NO10:   曲名:It's only the fairly tale   歌手:宮村優子   语种:英语   下载地址1:http://ms02.dahan.edu.tw/~s9563035/It's_only_the_fairy_tale.mp3   下载地址2:   喜欢理由: 空灵的象精灵般的歌   试听地址: /programs/view/OMGw2EC31VI/   特别提示: 是动漫《舞 HIME》的插曲,也我手机固定的铃声   歌词翻译:     Who are those little girl in pain just trapped in castle of dark side of moon   月球阴暗处的城堡里,那里聚集在一起沉浸在痛苦中的少女是什么人?     Twelve of them shining bright in vain like flowers that blossom just in years   十二名少女充满了明亮的光芒,就像是每年只有一次的花尽情绽放     They''re dancing in the shadow like whispers of love just dreaming of place where they''re free as dove   她们像爱的私语般在影子里轻盈的舞着,在梦中她们像鸽子般自由     They've never been allowed to love in this cursed cage   她们从未允许在这罪恶的囚笼里相爱    It''s only the fairy tale they believe   少女们相信这只是一个童话而已   
  作者:kuibobo 回复日期: 23:43:22 
    ddd       作者:lsio 回复日期: 23:44:25 
    沙发!    刚下了第一首,嘿嘿      5555,我华丽的自沙被抢了  
  作者:山抹微云0105 回复日期: 23:46:17 
    谢谢楼主。。。杀时间 下来听听 嘿嘿...不过 全是外语歌啊...品位低下的人飘过...      听外语歌也不见得品位高尚啊~呵呵,虽然我推荐的都是外文歌,但我最爱的中文歌呀。之所以全推外文是觉得中文歌比较常见,这些外语歌比较不好找才把下载地址搜出来的,呵呵
  我希望也有人来推荐我听~~~~    飘走
  作者:每次推荐十首歌 回复日期: 23:36:24 
    NO2     曲名:Porque te vas (因为你走了)     歌手:Jeanette     语种:法语     下载地址1:http://www.eternalemblem.net/Falcona_upload/BG.mp3   =======================================================    这首歌的地址不对,是百鬼夜行抄的链接。。。
  作者:每次推荐十首歌 回复日期: 23:36:24        NO2       曲名:Porque te vas (因为你走了)       歌手:Jeanette       语种:法语       下载地址1:http://www.eternalemblem.net/Falcona_upload/BG.mp3     =======================================================        这首歌的地址不对,是百鬼夜行抄的链接。。。    啊啊啊啊 大失误,对不起,马上订正    下载地址1:/mp3/()%20Jeanette%20-%20Porque%20Te%20Vas.mp3
  最后一首《It's only the fairly tale 》就是罪恶的《妹妹背着洋娃娃》的英文版,歌词异常血腥BT,大家酌情摆渡股沟……


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