水货客为什么是水货客翻译成parallel traders

水货客为什么翻译成parallel traders_百度知道 水货客为什么翻译成parallel traders 提问者采纳 怎么又有人问同样的问题? 首先你需要知道什么是 parallel import,就是指非授权的商户或个人将商品(通过某种途径)进口到目的国,也就是俗称的走私、水憨迹封克莩久凤勋脯魔货。 所以你应该知道了。 其他类似问题 按默认排序 其他1条回答 Parallel这词本身的意思为“平行”,大概就是说水货客和正儿八经的进口经销商,比如某正规超市,是“平行”在做同一件事:卖奶粉的。parellel trader这个词也可能来自parallel import.根据维基百科的解释, parallel import 是指在未取得知识产权拥有者同意的情况下,从一个憨迹封克莩久凤勋脯魔国家进口正版货物到本国的行为。 (is a non-counterfeitproduct imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner.)网上找到的 可以参考。 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁英语新词:跟上时代,推特最潮缩略语:LLAP LLAP stands for &Live Long and Prosper,& and it's how the now late Leonard Nimoy used to sign off on every one of his tweets. Leonard Nimoy was an American actor and film director known for his role as Mr. Spock of the Star Trek TV series. LLAP是Live Long and Prosper(生生不息,繁荣昌盛)的缩写,现已故的美国演员、导演伦纳德&尼莫伊的每一条推文都用它来做结束语。伦纳德&尼莫伊在美国电视剧《星际迷航》中扮演斯波克而成名。 &Live Long and Prosper& is an abbreviated version of a traditional Jewish religious blessing. The phrase, accompanied by a hand gesture, came to a wider public in the Star Trek TV series as the greeting of the Vulcan people. Live Long and Prosper是一句传统犹太教祝福语的简化版本。在《星际迷航》中,它是瓦肯族人打招呼的方式。《星际迷航》使这句话以及伴随的手势广为人知。 LLAP怎么用呢,举个现成的例子: 伦纳德&尼莫伊于日去世。孙子达尼(Dani)用他的推特账号发了最后一条以LLAP结尾的推文: Hi all, as you all know, my Grandpa passed away this morning at 8:40 from end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He was an extraordinary man, husband, grandfather, brother, actor, author-the list goes on- and friend. Thank you for the warm condolences. May you all LLAP. & Dani 嗨,大家,你们已经知道,我爷爷今天早晨8点40分因晚期慢性阻塞性肺病去世。他是个非凡的人,是一位非凡的丈夫、祖父、兄弟、演员、作者&&以及非凡的朋友。谢谢你们令人温暖的悼念。祝所有人LLAP。&&达尼 在网上聊天结束时,你也可以说: We'll talk later, LLAP 下次再聊,LLAP 英语新词:个人游政策将优化调整 Regulations covering individual visits to Hong Kong and multiple-entry permits are to be revised to promote contact between tourists from the mainland and the region's residents, according to an official from the State Council's Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office. 国务院港澳事务办公室副主任周波表示,中央政府将优化&个人游&、&一签多行&的政策,以促进大陆游客和香港居民之间的交流。 &个人游&政策(individual visit program)2003年7月推出,国务院批准在广东4个城市实施居民赴港澳个人游试点,之后逐步扩大到49个城市。2009年4月,允许符合条件的深圳户籍居民申办一年多次往返香港&个人游&(individual visits)签注,也就是大家俗称的&一签多行&(multiple-entry permits)。 近一段时间,香港社会高度关注&个人游&、&一签多行&政策调整问题。一些parallel traders(水货客)利用政策漏洞多次往返购买tax-free goods(免税商品)获利引发争议,这种行为也称为parallel trading(走水货)。 英语新词:你被电话推销烦过么? If someone makes a cold call, they telephone or visit someone they have never contacted, without making an appointment, in order to try and sell something. 如果某人给你打了个&冷电话&(cold call),就是说他在与你素未联络、且并未预约的情况下贸然致电或拜访,试图销售自己的商品。 我们常说的&骚扰电话、推销电话&就可以用cold call来表示。其名词形式为cold calling。 She had worked as a call center operator making cold calls to sell life insurance. 她在一家呼叫中心做电话员的工作,专门打推销电话卖人寿保险。 英语新词:自测,你家有跟风产品么? Me-too product is a product created by a company that is similar to a competitor's product in order to prevent that competitor from maximizing its market share. 跟风产品(me-too product)是一个公司生产的跟竞争者产品类似的产品,目的是阻止竞争者把市场份额最大化。 For example: We have seen so many me-too products over the past year, and it's good that Swatch is putting a very strong focus on battery power rather than smartwatch. 过去一年我们看到了太多的跟风产品。斯沃琪把重点放在电池而不是智能手表上,这很好。 英语新词:订婚戒也有男女区分哦~ In Western tradition, an engagement ring is a ring worn by a woman indicating her engagement to be married. Conventionally, the ring is presented as a betrothal gift by a man to his prospective spouse while he proposes marriage or directly after she accepts his marriage proposal. It represents a formal agreement to future marriage. 在西方的传统习俗中,订婚戒指一般是由女方佩戴用来显示其订婚待嫁的身份。一般来说,男方会在向女方求婚或者女方答应求婚后将戒指作为礼物在订婚仪式上送给女方。这个戒指代表正式的婚约。 In the United States and Canada today it is becoming more common, but still rare, that a woman will also buy her partner an engagement ring at the time of the engagement. These may be called male engagement rings or mengagement rings, which is a portmanteau of &man& and &engagement ring&. 如今,在美国和加拿大,女方也开始流行在订婚时给男方送订婚戒指,不过,这种现象目前还不是太普遍。这种女方送给男方的订婚戒指叫做男士订婚戒(male engagement ring或者mengagement ring),mengagement ring是man(男士)和engagement ring(订婚戒)两个词的合成形式。 英语新词:阿里巴巴出扫脸支付 During the opening ceremony of CeBIT in Hanover, Alibaba's founder Jack Ma is showcasing a new face scan payment technology called &Smile to Pay& at the fair. 在德国开幕的汉诺威通信和信息技术博览会上,阿里巴巴创始人马云在展会上展示了一项最新扫脸支付技术,名为&Smile to Pay(微笑支付)&。 &扫脸支付&可以用face scan payment表示,使用了人脸识别(facial recognition)技术。据了解,马云使用的&扫脸支付&技术是由支付宝与人脸识别平台&face++&合作研发的,在购物后的支付认证阶段,通过扫脸取代传统密码(traditional password)。 目前&Smile to Pay&尚在测试模式(in beta mode)接受测试,未来将被应用于阿里巴巴在全球的支付等业务领域。许多公司为了让手机支付(mobile payment)更安全,致力于研发更可靠的认证技术(authentication techniques),比如,苹果手机的指纹识别(fingerprint identification)。 阿里巴巴这项&刷脸&技术也引发了网民疑问,人脸形态发生改变怎么办?支付宝方面称,这是人脸识别技术无法回避的一个难点,可采用多种生物识别(biometric authentication)方式组合的方式,这也是身份认证(identity authentication)未来的一个发展方向。目前支付宝研究了基于应用场景(in practical settings )的监测,防止用人脸照片和人脸视频蒙混过关。 英语新词:我们来交交心 &交交心&是口语化的说法,&促膝谈心&是书面的说法,那么英语是怎么说的? 可以用这个词:tete-a-tete。这个词用作名词是&两人之间的私下交谈、面谈&的意思,用作副词是&面对面&的意思。这个词来自法语,法语的写法是t&te-&-t&te。 For example: She leaned forward and confided tete-a-tete that she'd been seeing someone new. 她身体向前一倾,面对面坦白说,她最近在跟人约会。 Let's get together and have a tete-a-tete. 我们聚一下,谈谈心吧。 英语新词:你干过先斩后奏这种事么? &先斩后奏&有很多灵活的表达,比如:move first and ask permission later;或者do first and ask forgiveness later;还有act first and report later。总之,结构就是...first, and...later。 对于利益优先的公司来说,&先斩后奏&也不无道理,因为有句老话是这么说的嘛:It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.(请求原谅比征求许可容易。) For example: The company has become a magnet for criticism of its business style of moving first and asking permission later. 这家公司因其先斩后奏的商业模式引来无数批评。 In March he ordered soldiers to &shoot first and report later& if attacked. 三月,他要求士兵,如果受到攻击可以先斩后奏。 英语新词:学起来,与book相关的十个词语 1. A closed book 已经完结的事情/高深莫测的人或事物 &As far as I am concerned, that matter with the council is a closed book& &I have never been able to work or communicate with John. He is a closed book& 2. An open book 一目了然的人或事物 &Julia's life is like an open book. You always know what she's up to&. 3. Read someone like a book 一眼看穿某人想法 &I can read Angela like a book. I always know what she's thinking and what she's about to say at meetings.& 4. The oldest trick in the book 老套的把戏 &It was the oldest trick in the book & one man distracted me while another stole my wallet. I can't believe I fell for it.& 5. In someone's good/bad books 得到/失去某人的欢心 &Tommy has been on his best behaviour today. After yesterday's tantrums, he's been doing his best to be in my good books all day.& 6. By the book &We're not going to leave things to chance.We're going to run this company by the book.& 7. To bring someone to book 惩罚某人  &I had to bring Tom to book after our meeting. He shouldn't have lost his temper at Bridget&. 8. Take a leaf out of someone's book 以某人为榜样 &You should take a leaf out of Keith's book. He has achieved wonders with those children&. 9. Don't judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人 &When I first met Charlotte she had had a really tough two weeks and wasn't in the mood for chatting and appeared very moody and unsociable. She is not at all like that. One should never judge a book by its cover&. 10. Cook the books &It appears that Stanley had been cooking the books for years. He was finally caught last year.& 英语新词:&绣花枕头&怎么说? 我们中国人常常用&花瓶&和&绣花枕头&来形容那些虚有其表的人,不过这样的形容词如果要说给外国朋友听,他们可不一定能明白。难道外国没有这样的人吗?非也。只是外国人不了解文化背景,无法理解而已。下回跟外国人聊天说到这个话题,你可以用macaroni(通心粉)这个词,既符合外国文化,又形象生动,保准他们能明白。 Macaroni, the name of pasta in any of various hollow shapes, is now used to describe people who are impressive in appearance but disappointing in substance. It&s similar to the English saying &Many a fine dish has nothing on it& or the Chinese idiom &embroidered pillow,& which boasts a beautiful cover, but with only worthless dried straw stuffed inside. 形状各异的意大利&通心粉&现在被用来形容那些外表光鲜亮丽而实质一无是处的人。它在这里表示的意思跟英语俗语&虚有其表&和汉语中的&绣花枕头&的意思一样,&绣花枕头&外表很漂亮,可里面却只是填满了干草而已。 For example: Hey, do you see that guy over there? He is so hot! 哎,你看见那边那个家伙了吗?他好帅啊! Hope he is not a macaroni person. 希望他不是个通心粉才好。 英语新词:说说情侣之间的分分合合 美剧中总有一些分分合合的情侣,一会如胶似漆,一会大吵大闹,让粉丝们操碎了心:到底会不会在一起?于是死心塌地追剧。这种分分合合的情侣叫做:will-they-won't they couple。 据说,这是美剧《蓝色月光侦探社》(Moonlighting)开创的定理: If you create a will-they-won't-they couple, you don't get them together unless you want people to stop watching. 如果你在剧中创造了一对分分合合的情侣,决不能让他们在一起,否则观众就不看了。 最经典的will-they-won't they couples有:《老友记》中的Ross和Rachel、《生活大爆炸》中的Leonard和Penny、《唐顿庄园》中的Mary和Matthew、《绯闻女孩》中的Chuck和Blair、《欲望都市》中的Carrie和Mr. Big For example: Last week, two freshman sitcoms took their potential will-they-won't-they couples and turned them into oh-yes-they-will couples. 上周,两个新情景喜剧都把潜在的分分合合的情侣改成了肯定会在一起的情侣。 英语新词:&真人不露相&怎么说 假如你去眼镜店配眼镜,你买了一副特别高级的水晶石镜片,却配了一个塑料镜框。当你戴上这副眼镜的时候,估计没几个人能看出来它们真正的价值所在。这就是我们今天要说的这个最新表达good lenses, bad frames,&好镜片,赖镜框&,真人不露相。 Good lenses, bad frames& is used to describe someone who gives a bad first impression but is actually a good person, or someone who doesn't appear to be competent, yet is extremely capable at what he/she does. &Good lenses, bad frames&(直译为&好镜片,赖镜框&)通常用来描述那些给人第一印象不太好,但实际上人品很好的人;或者看起来没什么本事,但其实工作能力很强的人。所以,可以译为&人不可貌相&或者&真人不露相&。 For example: Dr. Bruce is a spaz, but he's one of the best doctors I know. You wouldn't know it by looking at him...good lenses, bad frames. 布鲁斯医生是个怪人,不过他是我认识的医生中最好的一位。看他的样子你是看不出来的,他是真人不露相。 英语新词:你觉得自己很丑?可能是心理有病 Beauty may be in the but so, alas, is its opposite. As a result, thousands of Americans & including a sizable fraction of those who have elective plastic surgery & may be suffering from delusions of &imagined ugliness (syndrome),& an irrational dislike for all or part of one&s physical appearance, according to a report in The American Journal of Psychiatry. 情人眼里出西施,这句话反过来说,似乎也是对的。《美国精神病学杂志》刊登的一份报告显示,成千上万的美国人都饱受&想象丑陋(综合征)&错觉的困扰,其中有一部分人已经有选择地接受了整容手术。&想象丑陋&指对自己的全部或部分外表严重不满意的状态。 The condition, known as &body dismorphic disorder,& is characterized by obsession with an imagined flaw: An overly large nose, &devious-looking& eyebrows, or a &stretched& mouth are common examples. It can last for years, often accompanied by severe depression, suicidal behavior, social withdrawal, repeated visits to plastic surgeons and &frequent mirror checking.& 这种状况学名叫做&躯体变形障碍&,表现为过度关注自身想象出来的一些身体缺陷:鼻子太大、看似阴险的眉形或者外扩的嘴巴等都是常见的一些&想象丑陋&的例子。这种对自己外表的不满会持续数年,同时伴随严重的抑郁、自杀行为、孤僻行为、多次求助整形医生以及不停照镜子等行为。 英语新闻:最近流行复古风---手推波浪发型 A finger wave is a method of setting hair into waves that was popular in the 1920s and 1930s and in the late 1990s in North America and Europe. The process involves pinching the hair between the fingers and combing the hair in alternating directions to make a wave shape. A lotion was applied to the hair to help it retain its shape. There are no heated irons used on the hair. After the premiere of &The Great Gatsby,& the retro style is still going strong. 手推波浪是把头发做成波浪式的一种方法,在20世纪二三十年代和20世纪90年代末风靡北美和欧洲。做这种波浪需要用手指夹住头发,用梳子把头发交替往两个方向梳,做出波浪的造型。做的时候需要抹发胶定型,不需要卷发棒加热。电影《了不起的盖茨比》首映之后,这种复古的发型仍然很流行。 For example: Retro finger waves are a red carpet staple in the last few months. 在过去几个月,复古的手推波浪成为红毯潮流。 英语新词:可以对称记背的单词 以下这些词语很神奇,顺序一颠倒就是另外一个单词了。我们一起来扩充词汇量吧~ bin 贮藏器 ---- nib 笔尖 Are 阿雷地区 ---- era 时代 but 但是---- tub 盆 deer 鹿 ---- reed 芦苇 door 门---- rood 十字架 doom 注定 ---- mood 心情 deem 认为 ---- meed 适当的报答 dot 点 ---- tod 狐 evil 罪恶 ---- live 生活 God 上帝 ---- dog 狗 gnat 小烦扰 ---- tang 强烈的味道 gulp 吞 ---- plug 插座 gut 内容,实质 ---- tug 猛拉,苦干 keel 船的龙骨 ---- leek 韭葱 loop 环 ----- pool 水池 loot 赃物 ---- tool 工具 meet 会面---- teem 充满,涌现 nip 呷 ---- pin 大头针 nod 点头 ---- don (英)大学教师 not 不---- ton 吨 on 开---- no 不 pan 平底锅 ---- nap 小睡 part 部分---- trap 陷阱 pets 宠物 ---- step 步 pots 壶 ---- stop 停止 put 放 ---- tup 公羊 rail 铁轨 ---- liar 说谎者 ram 公羊 ---- mar 弄糟 raw 生的 ---- war 战争 saw 锯 ---- was 是(is过去式) sloop 小型护航舰 ---- pools 水池 smart 机灵的 ---- trams 电车 snap 猛咬,争购 ---- pans 平底锅(pan复数) tap 水龙头 ---- pat 轻拍 ten 十---- net 网 tog 衣服 ---- got 得到(get过去式) tom 雄猫 ---- mot 警句 tops 顶 ---- spot 点 tun 大酒桶 ---- nut 坚果SZ counts 20,000 parallel traders ---szdaily多媒体数字报刊平台 Page01:Top News Headline Index Fri, Sept-28-2012 SZ counts 20,000 parallel traders MORE than 20,000 parallel traders are actively crossing the border between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, according to Shenzhen Customs. In a one-week campaign that started Sept. 19, Shenzhen Customs uncovered 229 parallel trading attempts at the city’s five checkpoints, with the majority of attempts occurring at Futian, Luohu and Shatoujiao checkpoints. The campaign also led to seizures of undeclared wine, food and electronics, including 115 iPhone 5s, which haven’t yet been released on the mainland. Customs officials said the special campaign deterred parallel traders, to an extent. Hong Kong immigration officers arrested 15 more parallel traders in a raid Wednesday. Hong Kong’s immigration department has arrested 158 mainlanders in three recent raids on parallel traders, who buy goods in Hong Kong and sell them for a higher price on the mainland, without declaring the items or paying taxes on them at the border. Ten of the 158 arrested mainlanders have been sentenced to two months in jail for working illegally in Hong Kong, where mainlanders must have a specific permit to conduct business. Twenty of them were refused entry when they tried to re-enter Hong Kong. Parallel traders used to mainly include low-income Hong Kong residents. But driven by profits in a growing cross-border gray market, many mainlanders have begun parallel trading efforts with the help of multi-entry permits to Hong Kong, customs officials said. In addition, some parallel trading groups are hiring non-suspicious carriers such as senior citizens, people with disabilities and even primary school students to smuggle goods during holidays and weekends. In a raid in March, Shenzhen customs officers busted a smuggling ring that included parallel traders and had smuggled iPhones worth more than 1 billion yuan (US$157.6 million). Customs officials said parallel trading inflicts big losses on the country’s tax income and cuts profits for legal businesses. Parallel traders have also been drawing ire from Hong Kong residents, who have complained in recent weeks about shortages of daily goods, crowded subways and streets and rising prices.TPO托福听写训练营 17-Section 2-Conversation 时间: 16:25:46 来源:可可英语 编辑:mike 独白:听一段学生和餐饮服务经理之间的对话 Student:Excuse me, Mrs. Hanson. My name is John, John Grant. I work as a waiter in the campus dining hall, in the faculty dining room. 学生:不好意思,打搅了,汉森夫人。我叫约翰,约翰?格兰特。我在学校餐厅教职工窗口上班,当服务员。 Manager:What can I do for you, John? 经理:我能帮你做些什么呢?约翰。 Student:Well, I work week nights, except for Friday. I was wondering if I could switch from working the dinner service to working at lunch. 学生:嗯,我在除周五外每周的晚上上班。我一直在考虑我是否能够把班次从晚餐调整到午餐。 Manager:That's going to be a problem. I am afraid we don't have any openings at lunch time. 经理:这恐怕有问题。我们午餐时间没有人员空缺了。 A lot of students want to work then, so it is really rare for us to have an open spot at that time of day. 很多学生都想在那个时间上班,所以我们很难在那个时间段找到一个空缺。 Student:Oh, you see, I have joined this group, the University Jazz Band, and the band's practice time is right around dinner time. 学生:哦,您想吧!我参加了学校爵士乐队,乐队的排演时间恰好在晚餐饭点附近, You know, it is so hard to get into this group, I must have auditioned like ten times since I have been at the school, so I am...Anyway, so I was really hoping to have the dinner hour free so I can go to practice. 您也知道,要加入这个乐队是很困难的,从入校开始我必须参加差不多十次试音,所以我想…不管怎样,我真的希望我晚餐时能够有空参加排练。 Manager:Well, we do have other open times, like breakfast. 经理:嗯,我们确实有些时间有空位,比如早餐。 Student:Eh, that won't work, I am sorry. I mean that, I can't work that early. 学生:嗯,那个时间也不行,真抱歉!我的意思是,我不能那么早来上班。 I have this very important music class I got to take, and it is like, first thing in the morning. 我现在有非常重要的音乐课,这好像是我早上排第一位的事。 Manager:Well, if you don't mind working in the kitchen, we've got some pretty flexible hours for students doing food-prep work, anything from early morning to late afternoon. 经理:嗯,如果你不介意在厨房里干活的话,我们的备餐员工作时间倒是很灵活,从早到傍晚都没有问题。 Student:What's prep work? 学生:备餐员主要干些什么? Manager:You prepare food for the cooks. You know, like cutting up vegetables for soup, or cleaning greens for salads. 经理:主要为厨师备办菜料。比如为汤食切蔬菜,或者洗净将要做成萨拉的绿叶菜。 Student:Oh, that doesn't sound, I mean... Being a waiter, I get to see a lot of the professors, like in a different light, we joke around a little you know. In the classroom, they always have to be pretty formal, but ... 学生:嗯,这听起来不??我的意思是,当一个服务员的话,我可以用不用一样的方式和很多教授碰面,比如开开玩笑啊啥的。教室里他们只能表现得很正式的样子。不过… Manager:Well, the money is no different since we pay students the same amount for any of the jobs here in food service, so it's up to you. 经理:嗯,薪水没有区别;无论学生干的是餐点生产的那个工序,我们都付给一样多的工资,所以这就看你的了。 Student:Oh, man. I always thought that sacrificing for my art, that'd mean working long hours as a musician for, like, no money. 学生:哦,上帝啊!我总是认为牺牲我的艺术事业就意味着音乐家长时间工作,却没有工资一样。 I didn't think it'd mean, peeling carrots. 我没有想到,它也会意味着我要去,去削胡萝卜! Manager:Let me see, I am offering you something that has the hours you want, it is right here on campus, and you make as much money as you did being a waiter, quite a sacrifice. 经理:让我想想,我要给你一份满足你时间要求的,在学校的,挣钱和当服务员一样的,端得起架子的工作! Student:I I know you are just trying to help. I guess I should look into the food-prep job. 学生:对不起,我知道您尽力帮我了。我想我还是去当备料工吧! Manager:Ok, then, I'll tell the kitchen manager that you will stop by tomorrow to talk about the job and schedule your hours. And I will let the dining hall manager know that he needs to find a new waiter for the evening. 经理:好吧,那稍后我就告诉后厨经理你明天会过来谈新的工作安排和时间。我还会告诉大堂经理他需要再招一位晚餐服务员。 Student:Oh, ok, I guess that's it. Thanks, Mrs. Hanson. 学生:哦,好的,我想就这样吧!谢谢了,汉森夫人! 查看全部解释 [mju:'ziʃən] 想一想再看 n. 音乐家,作曲家 [bænd] 想一想再看 n. 带,箍,波段n. 队,一群,乐队


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