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..我同学的苹果后面写的是Designed by apple in califorlia Assembled in China行货后面应该写的是Designed by Apple in California 美国苹果公司Apple Inc
出门在外也不愁China: Recycled Concrete Houses 3D-Printed in 24 Hours
A 3D-printed house in China. 10 of these houses have been built within 24 hoursWinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co.
A Chinese construction firm based in Shanghai has succeeded in building 10 houses each measuring 200 square metres in 24 hours by using an enormous 3D printer.
A 3D-printed house being built using a material made from construction waste mixed with cementWinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co.
The houses are all eco-friendly and constructed from 3D-printed building blocks made from layers of recycled construction waste and glass fibre and mixed with cement.
Each home costs less than ?3,000 to build.
WinSun Decoration Design Engineering spent 20 million Yuan (?1.9m) and 12 years to develop a 3D printer 6.6 metres tall, 10 metres wide and 150 metres long.
Large 3D printers have been in existence for several years and have been used to make plane parts and prototypes.
"We purchased parts for the printer overseas, and assembled the machine in a factory in Suzhou. Such a new type of 3D-printed structure is environment-friendly and cost-effective," said the 3D-printer's inventor, Winsun CEO Ma Yihe.
Each 3D-printed house measures 200 square metresWinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co.
Winsun used architectural design software AutoCAD Architecture to not only plan the building but also to calculate tracing paths that took into account plumbing, electrical lining, insulation materials and windows, that would be added once the main structure was built.
The company holds 77 national patents for its construction materials.
Ma's office building, which covers an area of 10,000 square metres, was also constructed with 3D-printed walls and took a month to build from an assembly line of four 3D printers.
"Industrial waste from demolished buildings is damaging our environment, but with 3D-printing, we are able to recycle construction waste and turn it into new building materials," said Ma.
"This would create a much safer environment for construction workers and greatly reduce construction costs."
The finished product - a 3D printed houseWinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co.
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A network of oscillators'
i F Abbott
Physics Department, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02254, USA
Received 11 December 1989
Abstract. A model of neuronal behaviour capable of accounting for the oscill&
tory, plateau and rebound properties of biological neurons is derived, discussed and
analysed. The model is based on a piecewise linear form of the FitzHugh-Nagumo
equations, but reduces t.o a set of maps very similar to those of the Hopfield model.
In particular, the binary descript.ion of individual neurons and the well studied form
of the synaptic current J;, S, are preserved, although the model is capable of re-
producing behaviours on the slow timescales characteristic of plateau and oscillation.
By coupling two model cells together a mutually inhibitory or half-centred oscillator
and an oscillator, fixed-phase follower pairs are constructed. The behaviour of a net-
work of oscillatory cells is analysed with particular attention to phase-locking. The
response of a single cell to a square wave input provides a mean-field approximation
for large networks. This approach is compared with the results of a phase-coupling
description of the oscillators. The network of oscillators discussed can be used to con-
struct associative memories in which the signal for memory recall is not fixed-point
behaviour but phase locking. The performance and capacity of such phase-locking
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I am working on a Black Jack simulator for a C++ class. These are the relevant classes/structures that I am working on with compilation in c++11:
class DeckFactory: with a static method called GetDeck() which returns a vector that holds 52 Cards.
class Card: A class defined in a namespace Casino, that represents a Card and Ptr is a public member of Card that is a typedef Card *.
class struct Suite: A class defined in Card and also used to declare a member for Card as follows Suite const & _suite.
enum SuiteType: enum defined within the class struct Suite. it has fours members CLUBS,DIAMONDS,HEARTS,SPADES.
class FaceCard: A sub class of Card that has a FaceRank member declared as follows FaceRank const _rank.
enum class FaceRank: has the following members JACK,QUEEN,KING.
class AceCard: A sub class of Card.
Problem: When I create a deck and fill it with 52 cards in the GetDeck() method of the DeckFactory class everything works fine and it returns. However when I print out the information of each object in the vector it does not print out complete info for each object in fact it looks as if some cards were added twice which is weird as each card must be unique and I manually added unique cards to the deck in the method GetDeck(). Here is the output and below is the relevant code for each class that is involved in the printing of the vector deck.
main method:
DeckFactory GetDeck() method:
ToString methods for Card, Suite, FaceCard, and AceCard respectively:
The variable _suite is a member of Card and of type Suite. Rank() is a method that just retrieves the rank of the card 2,3,4... 10 for jacks,queens,kings, and 11 for acecards.
If any more information is needed please just ask. Thanks for the help!!!!
Constructors for Card, Suite, FaceCard, AceCard:
The problem is that your _suite data member of Card is a const Suite &. If you
change the type to const Suite, I suspect you will get the behavior you want.
When you construct a new Card like this,
deck.push_back(new Casino::Card(2, Casino::Card::Suite::CLUBS);
Notice that there will be a temporary Suite object being constructed off of your enum value, CLUBS. That temporary object's life-time is only within your constructor, so you must copy or move it in to your Card object. Otherwise, _suite is only referring to a memory location which can be overwritten with something else.
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