
请问能不能寄到中国?Could you please tell me if this could be sent to China?邮寄时希望能在包裹上附上我的中文地址,我的中文地址是:XXXWhen mailing it out,I hope to include my address on the package in Chinese.My address in Chinese is:XXX可以用打印机把我的中文地址打印出来粘贴在包裹上面,这样有利我更快收到包裹.Feel free to print a hard copy of my address in Chinese and tape onto the package,this would allow me to receive the package in the shortest time.
Would you please confirm whether it can be sent to China?I hope that you can mark my Chinese address on the packge when you send it out. My Chinese address is XXXXYou can print out the addre...
How can you send it to china?Want to send the parcel is my chinese address, my chinese address : xxxCan use the printer to print my chinese address a top of the package so that more favourable i received the parcel.
Can the parcel be sent/shipped to China ?While sending, you are advised to use my address in Chinese characters and label it on the said parcel. Just a little suggestion here, you may use the pri...
楼主,请看以下,纯手工翻译。地道的表达,希望对你有帮助。祝你工作顺利O(∩_∩)O哈!Dear Amy,Could you please inform whether we can send it to china?Please attached my chinese address when you send the package and my...谁能帮我把这首韩语歌音译成中文
是音译 不是翻译
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???? ?? ?? ??? ?! ?? ?? ? ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???
????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ? ???
???? ?? ?? ??? ?! ?? ?? ? ???? 拼音yes everbody kamsa muli modu’eigei cansaanibor’so bami odun’odun heijigo nan huya xiga’nen her’lo her’lona’ei jib’nyemen bur’ta’oula han gaji manpa nanpa I goqin gir’ertapacongxin obxi golo’onen sumanhen teikelei tongaji nei’lei’u’nen nei dake sokeleimodengoler gonad gonad han banza suigo nan hin canhalo moha’nen goya zuco’anji mar’go ilona bwabwahansum’msn suizamala zor’deizor’dei modugati bur’lobwa I noleinoleigog’zon’gen narligo gonbeigonbei asala gibun zoda bam’sai bam’saiinseng’en himden goya wid’lei wid’lei da gati bur’lobwa I nolei noleisengli’ei sur’zanor sonei sonei soner moli wilo mansai mansaibiter’goliji mala gegon aniya hajimala gegon do aniyaon’zein’ganen zohen nala ondanai wai naigayayogi so id’enigasa’nen gei guilowo ganborgi himdelo xiga’nen mijin dexi guangsoge lo dar’lyo hudar’lyo gelaido e’magi na’omyon nan zumzuo xiga’nen mom’cwoajig’gaji zug’ji an’a na’ei sein’se jigem isunga’ni majiman zain’seor’maded’ji dom’byola inomei seisang a nan irdan hanzanhalo gandamoha’nen goya zuzo’an’ji mar’ola bwabwahansum’msn suizamala zor’deizor’dei modugati bur’lobwa I noleinoleigog’zon’gen narligo gonbeigonbei asala gibun zoda bam’sai bam’saiinseng’en himden goya wid’lei wid’lei da gati bur’lobwa I nolei noleisengli’ei sur’zanor sonei sonei soner moli wilo mansai mansaigizugo sarji mala gegon aniya bigur’haijiji mala gegon do aniyaonzein’ga’nen zo’en bali ordanei wai naiga yagi so idnigagasemei bupun gumer angoso get’gaji himur dahai dar’lyo nagalibiter’goliji mala gegon aniya hin’gyowo haji mala gegon do aniyaonzein’ga’nen zo’en bali ordanei wai naiga yagi so idniga
中文YES EVERYBODY 感谢大家对我们的称赞RAP 不啊,已经夜深了,时间也在逐渐的流逝~
所有的事情都消失了,稍微休息一下,喝了一杯接着前进 团结起来不要畏缩不前,站起来向前看看吧
WHY!因为我一直站在这里 RAP 生活很孤独,赚钱很辛苦,时间如同光速一样
无论有多辛苦只要有我在就一起去干一杯吧~ 团结起来不要畏缩不前,站起来向前看看吧
总有一天好的日子会到来,WHY!因为我站在这里 内心充满希望,用尽力量冲到重点
音乐领域专家帮忙把下列英文译成中文 ,急需,谢谢_百度知道
帮忙把下列英文译成中文 ,急需,谢谢
if any,it is an acceptable topichomework assignmentwrite your own personal name story.we will share our name stories with each other in class on moyday,or both?what do you prefer to be called?what are your nicknames. your story should be hand written and at least half a page but no more than one page long?why. think about some of the following questions when writing your story.as long as you consider it your name?what is the ethnic origin of your name:who gave you your name?are these any funny stories connected to your name?you may write about your given name,your english name.do not write anything that you are not willing to share with others
帮忙把下面的中文译成英文十一孩子回来了,无意中在孩子的包里面看见的纸条,没有经过孩子的同意,偷偷的发表出来,我感觉到自己的孩子开始真正的很懂得我们做父母的苦心和爱心!孩子写的:实验的月亮昨晚似乎格外的圆 妈妈不远千里来到我的身边 十六岁的我已懂了什么叫思念 十五的月亮一半是太阳的光辉 一半是妈妈慈祥的笑脸 踏上了征程就不能回眸吗 但是为什么我的思想总是定格在挥手的那一瞬间 十六年前 妈妈噙着泪看着呱呱坠地的我 十六年后 我却又残忍的将这一幕重演 火车慢慢的开动 却拉不走妈妈给我的爱和思念 妈妈的笑容渐渐的远去 我知道妈妈就在千里之外担心 心与心是没有距离的 大家都说十五的月亮十六圆 但是没了妈妈的夜晚还会圆么 其实 我早已看见 妈妈的泪如珠子断了线 妈妈的白发忽隐忽现 今天我要亲切的叫一声妈妈 更要敬畏的叫一声母亲 妈妈儿子就在四分之三的千里之外 但是儿子的思念永远萦绕在您的周围 妈妈您抬头看见远方的天边的第一只鸿雁 就是我给您的祝福与思念
by chance i found a piece of paper in my son's bag after he came back from National Day Holidays.on it he wrote some interesting words which expressed his love for us and his understanding to parents.i published it secretly without his concent for i found parents were undertood between his words on that piece of paper.it worte like this:i have a full moon on National Day Holidays.mum came to see me by travelling a long distance.(I am very happy.) being a 16-year-old,i understood plainly what longing for a man is.that day,it was mum's smile in sunshine that made the moon full.wouldn't i go back for even a look when i got on the lifetrain?and why is the sight of waving googbye frozen in mind?sixteen years ago,mum,with all her kindness,looked at my birth,tears in her eyes.sixteen years later,i left her again,cruel.that day,the train was dragging out slowly,but can never drag mum's love.mum's smile disappearing,i know mum will be worried about her son thousands miles away.but no distance can separate me from mum.the moom in 15 of a month in chinese luner year said to be a full one.but is it a full moon without mum beside?i don't know.in fact,i have seen tears flooded down,grey hair struggling out.today,i am going to call mum with all my heart,i am going to call mum with respect of the world.mum,i stayed outside thousands miles away,but my love would surround you all the time as i was beside.look up the swan goose,mum,it is taking my regards and love to you.
Eleven children returned, the child accidentally inside the package to see the piece of paper, without the agreement of the child, secretly delivered, I began to feel that their children are real, we ...
10.1 children returned, the child accidentally inside the package to see the piece of paper, without the agreement of the child, secretly delivered, I began to feel that their children are real, we kn...
Eleven children returned, the child accidentally inside the package to see the piece of paper, without the agreement of the child, secretly delivered, I began to feel that their children are real, we ...麻烦老师尽快把下面的话译成中文,MY LOVE TO YOUGood day my honey,How was your night baby?..I am sure that u are doing as the lord wants u to do because Whenever life seems to drift you away from me,I can't help but cry.You've grown to be such a part of me that withou_百度作业帮
麻烦老师尽快把下面的话译成中文,MY LOVE TO YOUGood day my honey,How was your night baby?..I am sure that u are doing as the lord wants u to do because Whenever life seems to drift you away from me,I can't help but cry.You've grown to be such a part of me that without you life is no more than a desperate sight.They do say love comes and goes,and to that I disagree.So,here's my hand,take it and don't let go of me.Hold my hand and I'll take you there,somehow,someday,somewhere.I chose to love you in silence,for in silence I find no rejection.I chose to love you in your loneliness,for in your loneliness no one owns you,but me.In Ur love I am the hero,the king, and alive without your love,I am nothing at all,not even truly alive....The smallest word I know is 'I',the sweetest word I know is 'love',and the only thing that will remind me of that will be 'you'.Being with you is a gift while loving you is precious.The man you want is the man I want to be,but without you,I can't be that man.Without you,that man's gone forever To love you is like nothing I've ever felt before,a feeling like I'll melt every time you're around me.I can imagine how you'll make my heart smile when first I'll see you,I'll fall deep into your gorgeous eyes and your smile.It stops my ears from hearing,my lips from speaking,my mind from thinking,but not my heart from loving you.Loving God changed me.Loving you changed my life...Blessed to have known you,twice blessed to have loved you,and thrice blessed to have been loved by youYou are the key to the complex entrance of my heart.My veins for a gentle flow of my blood.The air beneath the wings of my soul.The well-grown roots of my being as a whole.You are the sweetest gift I have ever received.You've made my world a better place because you're in it.My love,my friend,I am lucky to know you....Will always love u and like to be with u forever till death do us apart...Dont forget to say hello to your mother for me okay,i am going to bed now we chat again when you are online,Wo xiang ni lao poHugs,loves and Kisses...
美好的一天,我的亲爱的,你昨晚睡得如何? .你做领主想要做到因为每当生活似乎漂离我而去,我不能哭,但我相信.你已经长大了,是我的一部分,没有你的生活是不超过一个绝望的景象.他们说,爱来得快,去,我不同意.所以,这里是我的手,把它和我不放手.握住我的手,我带你去那里,不知何故,有一天,在某处.我选择爱你的沉默,在沉默中,我觉得没有拒绝.我选择爱你,你的寂寞,你的寂寞,没有人拥有你,但我知道.在这段爱情中,我是英雄,国王,诗人,活着没有你的爱,我什么都没有,甚至没有真正的活着. . . .我所知道的最小的字是'我' ,我知道甜蜜的字是'爱' ,而唯一会提醒我,这将是'你' .和你在一起,是一个同时爱你是珍贵的礼物.你想要的人是我想成为的人,但我不能没有你,是那个男人.如果没有你,那男子已经一去不复返了,爱你是我曾经感受过像什么,感觉就像我每次你在我身边我会融化.我可以想像,你将如何使我的心时,首先我会看到你的微笑,我掉下深入到你华丽的眼睛和你的笑容.它从听证会停止自己的耳朵,我的嘴唇从思维来说,我的脑海里,但不是我的心,爱你.慈爱的神改变了我.爱你改变了我的生活. . .有福认识你,两次祝福曾经爱过你,三次祝福已被爱由优优复杂的入口,我的心的关键.我为我的血水流平缓的脉.空气的翅膀底下,我的灵魂.我是作为一个整体生长良好的根.你是最甜蜜的礼物,我曾经收到.你让我的世界因为你在一个更好的地方.我的爱,我的朋友,我很幸运能认识你. . . .将永远爱你,想永远 ,直到死亡把我们分开. . .不要忘了说我向你母亲问好好吧爱和吻. . .


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