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In your opinion, what should the purpose of education be? | A conversation
Portland, ME
United States
Founder/ Director, Treehouse Institute
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In your opinion, what should the purpose of education be?
Education is a prominent cultural institution used to perpetuate the prevailing values of a society.
Our modern education system has a sordid past largely rooted in industrialism. It's aim is to produce economically viable products--employable citizens. Nearly all our tweaks to the system in the last 100+ years are simply attempts to ensure that the products (graduates) are prepared for the work force.
I want to hear from YOU as I believe this conversation is crucial to lay a foundation to create significant and meaningful change.
Here is my answer:
I believe that education should be an empowering process that allows and guides children to develop their passions, critical thinking, compassion, and orientation towards wisdom for timely action.
In other words, self-cultivation should be the purpose of education. Understanding self-cultivation in terms of being a part of a unified field of relationships is key to the growth of a mature culture of peace. When the natural web of our relationships is used to strengthen our depth of knowledge, the feedback from the environment supports timely adjustments and refinements in our emotional and technical developments.
For this conversation, please focus on the question "in your opinion, what should the purpose of education be?"
We'll talk about the "how" in another conversation.
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Closing Statement from Adam Burk
Thank you all for joining this conversation. There are beautiful aspirations here of bringing for the best of humanity through the development of individuals, married with tensions to ensure that society is served and supported and that the basics are not overlooked.
There are currently 365 comments and 365 distinct articulations of "what the purpose of education should be." The process to develop a consensus on this is beyond the scope and purpose of this conversation. However, I do hope that it is understood that this question and its answer are the shapers of education systems and in turn cultures.
And so I invite you to ponder the question Thomas Brucia raised earlier, "Who should decide what the purpose of education is? /conversations/8190/who_should_decide_what_the_pur.html
Once we decide who should be making that decision then we can return to my original question and ultimately re-inventing education.
Thank you all again for sharing of your selves.Last I looked, Elon Musk was a clear winner of
Personally, I admire successful creators, scientists, and entrepreneurs a great deal, and Musk fits into those directions very well.
Still, the very top of my personal list would be shaped more by how much individuals had sacrificed.
Let me throw out a few options:
1. The members of the Mexican judiciary who have stood up to the drug gangs, often at the expense of their lives.
They believed in a better future for Mexico and I think eventually they will triumph.
2. Public health professionals who work under great hardship in difficult places, for years, to limit malaria or the spread of Ebola.
In addition to questionable living conditions, they often face high health risks themselves.
3. How about , who endured about fifteen years of prison to help bring greater liberty to Myanmar?
4. At a smaller scale, how about individuals who volunteer to work in the burn unit at the hospital?
That has to be fairly icky labor, yet as medical care it can be effective.
You can do variants on my 1-4, but I would start with examples such as those.
Not at the very top of my list, but I also would think about good parents who work as primary caregivers.
If we are restricted to political/public figures, I would opt for Ben Bernanke.
Overall I was surprised how few of you approached the question the way I have, rather as a group you picked too many nerdy white guys.
Now I don’t like to play “the PC card,” and if a process generates a lot of nerdy white guys, I don’t then assume that process is necessarily biased or requiring correction.
Still, the fact that my list creates so much room for women (and non-whites) suggests it reflects the universality of human experience more than what most of you came up with.
It is also notable how few of you picked entertainers or sports figures, as such individuals have figured prominently on such lists in the past (see my ).
In 1971 a lot of people would have said “John Lennon,” and in his day Ted Williams placed high in such surveys.
These days, for better or worse, the tech world and politics seem to exercise a stronger hold on our imaginations, all the more among MR readers I suspect.
Addendum: Here is .
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