
两根粗细相同、材料相同的蜡烛,长度比为29:26,燃烧50分钟后,长蜡烛与短蜡烛的比为11:9,那么较长的那根蜡烛还能燃烧多少分钟?22、66{可能都错了} 就是这样~_百度作业帮
两根粗细相同、材料相同的蜡烛,长度比为29:26,燃烧50分钟后,长蜡烛与短蜡烛的比为11:9,那么较长的那根蜡烛还能燃烧多少分钟?22、66{可能都错了} 就是这样~
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【《英超》[英超传声筒]Rnd15:妖队纽卡魔性帕杜斩蓝军 | 争议温格错用厄祖苦了枪手】
《英超》[英超传声筒]Rnd15:妖队纽卡魔性帕杜斩蓝军 | 争议温格错用厄祖苦了枪手已报错(0)次,打不开请
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《英超/Html/YingChao0382/》#以下评论皆来自redditON: 纽卡 2-1 切尔西
[C]【Manchester United】motown_philly 245 points 7 hours ago*If Chelsea are going to lose a match this year, I am betting it will be a game like this.Edit: You motherfuckers better not have jinxed itEdit 2: Aaaw yiss. PM me for betting tips.要是切尔西今年要输一场球,我赌就是这样一场球了。编辑:我勒个去别真被我乌鸦嘴了编辑2:哦也,请叫我足彩大仙。[C]【Newcastle United】United1892 49 points 7 hours agoWhat's a "game like this"?什么叫“这样一场球”?[C]【Manchester United】motown_philly 136 points 7 hours agoAway against a team outside the top 4 with Matic out就是客场对阵一支非前4球队,马蒂奇又不在[C]【Manchester City】topright 75 points 8 hours agoCome on Newcastle. You fucking want this.纽卡上啊,这不就是你们期盼已久的时刻了吗![C]【Manchester United】omegaxLoL 66 points 8 hours agoEveryone in the league except for Chelsea wants this这联赛里除了切尔西都期盼已经了吧[C]【Liverpool】Maqda7 36 points 8 hours agoWe all want this mate大伙都期盼已久了[C]【Liverpool】iam_fat_guy_ 302 points 9 hours ago2 mins into the game and the first thing i hear is "Steven Gerrard Gerrard, he slipped on his fucking arse..." FOR FUCKS SAKE!才开场2分钟我听到的第一句就是“史蒂夫杰拉杰拉,滑倒摔了个狗爬……”你麻痹啊![C]【Arsenal】MrFreeLiving 54 points 9 hours agoSometimes when I'm washing the dishes, I sing this to my self, but in an old school itallian restaurant way.我洗碗的时候也会唱这歌,自嗨一下,不过是那个传统调调。[C]【Liverpool】bccrossan 68 points 9 hours agowell to be fair their only other chant is shouting 'chelsea' over and over so you cant blame them for getting bored.好吧平心而论切尔西除了这个以外就会不停喊“切尔西”,也难怪大家都觉得他们无聊。[C]【Manchester United】bluewaff1e 63 points 9 hours agoAs hard as it is to break down Chelsea's defence, I always forget that you still have to get pass Cuortois when you do. How annoying.要撂倒切尔西防线已经难于上青天了,然后我发现后面他们还要过裤袜那关。太无解了。[C]Catholic_Spray 36 points 8 hours agoCisse thinks it's quite easy actually.西塞估计觉得轻松愉快吧。[C]【Arsenal】NPHisKing 71 points 9 hours agoMichael Owen literally ruins the football experience for me. It's a fucking joke that he can be on TV.欧文显然在不断恶心我的足球体验,他能上电视真是天大的笑话。[C]【Manchester United】NGU-Ben 22 points 8 hours agoSometimes I'm gonna have to agree with smaller club managers when they say big teams get the decisions.Where the fuck did 6 minutes come from?有时候真的不得不同意那些小球会教练说大球会受照顾,这比赛怎么就要补6分钟了?[C]【Manchester United】d0mth0ma5 712 points 7 hours agoNewcastle are an odd team...纽卡真是支妖队……[C]【Newcastle United】Benny0_o 550 points 7 hours agoTry being a supporter. Biggest rollercoaster in existence.可以试试支持纽卡,现存的最大过山车。[C]【Manchester United】arron77 375 points 7 hours agoI want to get off Mr Pardews wild ride.跪求帕都督放过我的小心脏。[C]【Liverpool】iam_fat_guy_ 771 points 7 hours agoJose Mourinho has STILL never won a Premier League at St. James' Park.Played: 5Won: 0Drawn: 2Lost: 3.鸟叔英超在圣詹姆斯还是难求一胜。5战:0胜2平3负。[C]【Newcastle United】verytallperson 151 points 7 hours agoI like to think he just does it out of affinity to Sir Bobby.我猜他只是看在老罗布森爵士的面子上吧。[C]【Chelsea】ctoan8 82 points 7 hours agoI like to think you guys keep Pardew just to fuck with us.我猜你鹊留着帕老师就是为了跟我车过不去。[C]【Manchester United】erfanP 233 points 8 hours agoCisse is like Chelsea's 2nd Chicharito.西塞简直是小豌豆二世,专杀切尔西。[C]【Chelsea】Monarki 106 points 7 hours agoMadrid pls.吾皇快来买。[C]【Newcastle United】dasjkd 39 points 7 hours agoIll take £25m plus a certain Welshman拿2500万再随便加一个威尔士人来换吧[C]【Real Madrid】Negrodamus06 17 points 6 hours agoWill you accept 1 ronaldo?He's been underpreforming.拿C罗给你们行吗?他最近表现有些低于水准[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】mrmunchkin62 484 points 8 hours agoPardew should've shook Mou's hand in the 93rd帕老湿应该在比赛结束前去握握鸟叔的小手[C]true-to-you 518 points 8 hours ago"I went to phone Jose's wife"“我去打电话给鸟嫂了”[C]【Arsenal】PeterZeGreek 580 points 8 hours agoAlan Pardiola阿兰-帕迪奥拉[C]【Manchester United】slayerz 278 points 8 hours agoSir Alan Pardewson阿兰-帕杜森爵士[C]【Chelsea】midoman111 147 points 8 hours agoCarlo Pardiotti.卡罗-帕迪洛蒂。[C]FumCacial 126 points 8 hours agoAlan Penger.阿兰-喷格。[C]【Arsenal】Weekndr 80 points 8 hours agoAlan Pan Gaal阿兰-盼加二[C]【Boca Juniors】GonzaloR87 82 points 8 hours agoJoachim Pard?w霍基姆-帕夫(译注:勒夫)[C]【Manchester United】ksajksale 27 points 7 hours agoAlligio Pardacchi阿里吉奥-帕达基(译注:此处应指萨基)[C]【Arsenal】UncleWittgenstein 44 points 8 hours agoJolan Paruijff?霍兰-帕鲁伊夫?[C]【Southampton】Andybabez20 14 points 8 hours agoBob Pardsley博比-帕斯利[C]【Newcastle United】thepresidentsturtle 75 points 7 hours agoMan city? Beat them. Liverpool? No problem. Spurs? Easy. Chelsea? Pfft. Burnley, hull, stoke, villa? We can't beat those teams. Just not good enough.曼城?搞定。利物浦?没问题。热刺?小意思。切尔西?呵呵你逗我吗。伯恩利、胡尔城、斯托克,维拉?技不如人,实在打不过。[C]【Chelsea】footballer285 30 points 6 hours agoAnd you'll lose your next match, rubbing the salt in our wounds even further然后下一场再放水输球,在我车的伤口上撒盐[C]【Newcastle United】thepresidentsturtle 10 points 6 hours agoHopefully we'll be playing the arsenal that played today但愿下场的枪手还是今天的枪手[C]【Barcelona】everlastingdick 102 points 8 hours agoBanners now read SUCK PARDEW. Blowjobs all around.标语都改成“给帕杜吹一管”了,满天都是箫啊。[C]bajjidragon 465 points 8 hours agoAlmost all of England was a Newcastle fan today今天全英格兰都是纽卡球迷[C]【Arsenal】Blue_machine 246 points 8 hours agoAlmost all the world.几乎是全世界。[C]【Chelsea】fma891 40 points 7 hours agoLooks like all of London will still be sad today.看来今夜伦敦城只有眼泪。[C]【Exeter City】chezygo 13 points 6 hours agoQPR won at least.好歹QPR全取3分。[C]【Manchester United】PurpleEyeStabber1211 69 points 8 hours agoHouse of Pards.纸帕屋。[C]【England】Jimmybob123 269 points 9 hours agoTHE STREAK IS BROKEN!不败已破![C]【Manchester United】MrSirHoppus 102 points 9 hours agoAt 2-02-0时我的反应[C]【Manchester United】msmelxx 111 points 9 hours agoThis was Arsenal's highlight of the season so far.这是阿森纳本赛季至今最高光的时刻了。[C]【Sunderland】wwxxyyzz 147 points 9 hours ago11 messiahs on the pitchAt least that Invincibles shit will stop.Chelsea should have scored in the first 20, all that possession and no end product场上11个弥赛亚坐镇至少不败神话是终止了。切尔西开场20分钟就该进球了,完全掌握了球权但是毫无建树[C]【Manchester United】arron77 67 points 9 hours agoCan guarantee there will be a post: "Will there ever be another invincibles team?"我敢保证赛后有这个话题:“现在还会有球队不败夺冠吗?”[C]【Chelsea】THE_DROG 112 points 9 hours agoMaybe the stupid invincibles talk will end now, yea?于是傻逼不败论可以暂时停一停了?[C]【Chelsea】arc4angel100 51 points 9 hours agoOnly good thing from this game. The endless talk was getting on my nerves.这是这场比赛带来的唯一好消息是。没休没止的讨论真是神烦。[C]【Newcastle United】verytallperson 49 points 9 hours agoYeah undefeated talk should be banned until at least 19 games through the season.就是,以后在19场比赛前应该禁止讨论不败的事情。[C]【Chelsea】Wandering_Pickle 34 points 8 hours agoArsenal fans extremely pleased with themselves in here. Meanwhile:GOALStoke 1-0 Arsenal - Peter Crouch (1 mins)厂蜜在这里倒是玩得很开啊。与此同时:进球啦!斯托克 1-0 阿森纳 ――彼得-克劳奇(1分钟)[C]【Manchester City】topright 19 points 8 hours agoDon't you just fucking love football.如此足球你怎能不爱!ON: 斯托克城 3-2 阿森纳
[C]【Arsenal】Seraph110 360 points 8 hours agoWe conceded before the thread was even up.麻痹热线还没开好我厂就丢了。[C]【Bristol City】buurp 56 points 8 hours agothe commentator was saying arsenal didnt concede for 3 matches in a rowhe jinxed it解说说你厂已经连续3场没丢球了,话音未落这rp败的[C]【Fulham】The_Font 164 points 8 hours agoWhen Fulham went down, I thought to myself: "I guess I'll watch Arsenal matches in the Prem because I like how they play."To be fair, it's almost like supporting Fulham.富勒姆降级的时候,我想:“要不我就看阿森纳的球吧,还挺喜欢他们的打法的。”说实话,这跟看富勒姆一样一样的。[C]【Wycombe Wanderers】weedkrum 212 points 7 hours agoYou want Wenger inYou want Wenger outin, out, in, out shake it all aboutyou buy a mesut ozil and you burn him outthats whats Arsenals all about你说温格好你说温格操一会好,一会操足球就是这么妙买了厄祖用到爆枪手就是这么[C]【Chelsea】BallPlayingRightBack 218 points 8 hours agoChelsea did a better job of making the Arsenal fans happy than Arsenal.切尔西带给他厂球迷的快乐比他厂带去的还多。[C]【Manchester United】taylay 71 points 9 hours agoWhy do the Stoke fans boo Ramsey?为毛史笃城的球迷要嘘拉姆塞?[C]【Stoke City】sam points 9 hours agoBecause they are fucking idiots因为他们是一群傻缺[C]【Arsenal】Seraph110 270 points 9 hours agoRamsey got his leg in the way of Shawcross and broke it in 6 places.Ramsey's fault.拉姆塞伸腿挡了肖克罗斯的路,反而弄断了自己的腿。都是拉姆塞的错。[C]【Manchester United】__nope 34 points 7 hours agoi guess sanchez cant do it on a cold wet windy afternoon at stoke我猜,在斯托克阴风阵阵潮湿寒冷的午后,桑切斯也无法证明自己[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】hdah24 73 points 7 hours agoThe race to not get top 4 is getting tighter every week. Who will fuck up next weekend? Liverpool? Arsenal? Spurs? United? All four? Tune in and find out!不争四大战一周比一周更为激烈。下周换谁砸锅?利物浦?阿森纳?热刺?曼联?都砸锅?请继续关注我们的节目![C]【Manchester City】Off_Topic_Oswald 439 points 7 hours agoLooks like we have our answer. Nope, Sanchez can't do it on a cold night in Stoke.看来我们已经找到答案了。不,即使强如桑切斯也无法在斯托克的寒夜证明自己。[C]【Manchester City】kidlife 196 points 7 hours agoBojan definitely can显然博扬做到了[C]【Manchester United】aloneinlove 51 points 7 hours agoNot exactly fair, Sanchez gets 1 try while Bojan gets at least 19.我说句公道话,桑切斯每试1次,博扬可以试19次。[C]【Chelsea】ScrambleSoup 46 points 6 hours agoSanchez should have signed for Stoke then.所以桑切斯应该加盟斯托克才对。ON: 曼城 1-0 埃弗顿
[C]【Arsenal】AFC1992 78 points 6 hours agoAguero阿圭罗倒下的时候[C]【Manchester City】Heester 74 points 7 hours agoGET UP AGUERO :'(大腿你快起来 :'(往期传声筒:[英超传声筒]Rnd14:利物浦后卫曾被卡福包养? | 热刺上次在蓝桥赢球阿球王还..[传声筒on金球奖及亨利]没有萨诺戈金球怎么选 | 亨利对MLS而言和小贝一样重要[英超传声筒]Rnd13:键盘侠们这周黑不了红军 | 谁把车子的大巴借给桑德兰了[欧冠传声筒]零下8度老托蒂还在发挥余热 | 拜仁为了提高难度自罚1人[英超传声筒]Rnd12:苦不苦看看红军利物浦,怕不怕看看枪手阿森纳
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