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Buy Foresight
$19.99 USD
Recent updates
Dear folks,
The Foresight Team will be taking a very short break between 10th-12th of April. We'll be operational on the 13th of April 1000 SGT.
Sorry for any inconveniences caused. Please do not hesitate to post a discussion if we're not around to address your concerns. Others players might be able to help out too.
Have fun! We'll be back soon!
Foresight Team
Thanks again to community feedback, we were able to uncover more intricate bugs more easily and apply a proper solution to it. We've also included some things that were marked as V1.07 release to be released early for your playing pleasure.
- Added GFX card info used to run Foresight. This is useful to help players do some troubleshooting on whether if they're using the right GFX card to run Foresight or not. This applies heavily to folks with dual-graphic cards on laptop.
(To see, press Alt+F when you reach the main menu)
- We noticed that Earth's clouds were of sub-standard quality even at 2x1k texture. Therefore we've replaced them with much higher quality clouds for your viewing pleasure.
- Whenever NSAU runners return to the sector where their NSAU Stronghold lies, they'll do another local search to see if there's a nearby stronghold to unload their valuable cargo. This is implemented to reduce time to ship credits to you as well as to avoid potential ambushes.
- Implemented a simple colour scheme for command point usage. We recognize that users may be confused by the apparent 0/24 usage. Is that half-empty or half-full? That means, a user may mistakenly thought that 0/24 means having NO MORE command points remaining (when it's the opposite).
Now a colour scheme will tell the user that when it approaches RED, it's time to build more fleets or kill more enemies to get promoted.
- Sometimes the NSAU Mobile Refinery may just stop there doing nothing. Pressing 'A' (default) doesn't get it to move. Users have to manually click a few times to urge the mobile refinery to harvest from a particular gas cloud. This has since been fixed. Harvesters will henceforth be more proactive in resolving their situations.
- Fixed a misleading tip where a NSAU Micro Laser Turret or NSAU Heavy Laser Turret isn't powered, a tip appears to get you to start their shield overdrive. This is not possible and has no effect since they have no energy.
- Fixed a bug where fighters left behind may end up chasing targets from another sector inadvertently in the local sector. (Blind chase effect).
- Fixed a bug where fighters seemed to be interrupted while jumping across wormholes. At the end of it, they might just hang there without moving at all.
- Fixed a multiplayer CLIENT bug where a Sirerian player will hear opposite EVA messages when triggering Blood Burst. (ie, Blood Burst On - EVA says Blood Burst off)
- Fixed a bug where a user-based launching of NSAU Mobile Refinery RUNNERS were blocked by a validation code. Upon validation, the whole code is skipped, causing the whole command to fail. Runners are always deployable regardless of harvest/refijned volume in the Mobile Refinery.
- Fixed a bug with NSAU Runners where under certain circumstances, they'll NOT move to their Strongholds and do nothing about it. Increased proactivity and will to resolve difficult situations.
- Fixed a bug where a NSAU Runner being attacked will ACTUALLY conduct a fighter attack run on its attacker. This behavior is wrong and totally unnecessary.
- Fixed a major bug for single-player morph structure order. This applies to ALL who convert themselves into structures. Ie, SS Salvager, UNC Harvester and NSAU Garrison Ship. The code didn't add 1 to the index after using and since the new structure by morphing doesnt' appear until the craft reaches the spot, it doesn't use the index - causing others like structure placement orders to use it. This causes an index conflict where only 1 vessel will respond to the player when clicked and may not even be at the same spot due to index hijacking.
- Fixed a bug in Mission 25 where Maximilian Cornelius isn't hidden from the mission.
That's all for now folks! I'm still working on a strange bug in Mission 26. We'll try our best to resolve it properly and release yet another patch soon.
Thanks again for your support!
“Translated from German: Player-friendly real-time strategy game. However, expandable and also in English only.”
88/100 –
About This Game
Redefining Strategy in RTS games.
Foresight is an epic space-based RTS game that throws you, the player, into the thick of the battle as a commander. Lead huge fleets, armed with fighters and bombers across wormholes to fight it out with your enemy. Launch bombing missions, fighter patrols, plant observation posts or fire support base with reconnaissance units. Intelligence is key.
Recruit capable commanders as y they'll not just obey your orders, they'll also talk to you, give you suggestions, raise requests and report on their progress. Fleets are semi-autonomous and therefore have their own command, which is separate from yours though they're under your command. This allows you to expand your forces beyond what you can control. They also progress alongside you, gaining experience and improving their abilities. As they get promoted in rank,
allow you to control more ships.
Foresight redefines the strategy component of RTS games by rewarding players for executing correct strategic decisions and not punishing players for a single mis-click or being less dexterous. Build order complexity is minimized to allow players to f building the right thing.
Need to arm a capital ship with fighters and bombers? No problem - simply make a request with that ship. Foresight's AI will automate the entire process - between picking the nearest shipyard with the lowest load and deployment to the designated ship.
So, what's your battle plan? Blitzkrieg? Flank attack? Even in space, such plans are possible because Foresight is built to deliver an reasonably accurate outcome. A large navy may not always win the day.
Finally, enjoy the epic battle as fighters dogfight each other, bombers performing bombing runs and ships firing all weapons in their full glory!
Foresight supports up to 8 players in single player battles or multiplayer skirmishes.
Create fleets with officers who will then talk to you and offer suggestions.
Form massive fleets quickly without a complicated build tree.
Reasonable automation eliminates the need to overly micro-manage RTS &chores&, now you can focus on the battle more.
Tide of war can be tilted by intelligence gathering and positioning of ships, as well as having a healthy supply of fighters and bombers.
The largest army may not always win.
Every player is represented by an avatar character in game, making sneak attacks and assassinations worthwhile.
Most of the 36 Strategems applicable and is highly replicable in Foresight
Commanders and Advisors will level in their statistics gradually with action in combat and will unlock more innate abilities to aid you.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 (Wolfdale) or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible with Shader 2 support
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectAudio 9 compatible sound card
Additional Notes: Video cards should always be updated with their latest drivers. A high-performance video card will make a difference.
OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8
Processor: Intel i5 (Sandy Bridge) or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible with Shader 3 support
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectAudio 9 compatible sound card
Additional Notes: Video cards should always be updated with their latest drivers. A high-performance video card will make a difference.
Open Font License
Copyright (c) 2009, Matt McInerney (),
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1 person found this review funny
45.7 hrs on record
When Foresight first launched I wouldn't have recommended it
based on my first impression.What seemed like unfinished product with clunky ui proved to have
more dept than I thought, being unrefined to modern tastes but not unfinished.Ever since then game has improved weekly, problems that are posted are getting fixed and improvements that make gameplay clearer are being added.I have reported numerous
things about this game and I have noticed they all get fixed in matter of days.Foresight team doesn't seem to be afraid to do major changes either to not just to make their game sell, but to make it really good.While I write this review the game still ways to go, but it's the kind of game that grows on you when you give it a chance, improving along the way.More about the setting : Lets get this party started.I have prepared three different secments : Interesting, meh and the & &why oh why& section.First interesting stuff: Fleet system with levelling commanders
Commanders gain passive abilities when their skills improve and they have their own AI personalities, such as defensive,competent, intelligent. - You have
fleet bars with
information in them, allowing you to use all your number keys for buildings and scouts while focusing larger groups to fleet F-keys.- Fleets ask for units and post suggestions: like & requesting five fighters or want to go sector x& , you can just double click to approve them.- Killing fleet commanders hinders your control over them. You need either main hero or alive commander to control fleet.- Ai controls fleets in combat automaticly hitting their strongest targets and based on commanders personality either flee like chickens or take it like a man.- Commanders can die and will try to escape to other ships when they are losing.Unique take to scouting.- Every
limited detection range and larger attack range... because this game has detection units.- Scouting is vital. Scouts allow you to shoot farther and recon new areas and secure sectors as beacons.- Dormant mode allows wide area fleets scans. You know what I mean when you try it. Weaponising resourses - You can use stuff like gas clouds as minefields.Factions - UNC
( United Nations Confederation ) is an anti tecnology faction that uses & safe& tecnologies as railguns and missiles, being the & standard&
faction. Asia based.-SS ( Slavic Sirerians)&the aliens& : Use chemicals and bio weapons ( yes
chemicals and bacteria in space.) Are mostly male and somewhat ....manly. Slavic based.- NSAU ( North-South American Union)
: Is high tec faction that uses beam weapons, shields and .. this one was new to me check it out : Portable power generators AND mobile resource harvest buildings. America based.Zone based space travel Fleets use wormholes to travel
splitting all maps in to sectors enabling tactical attacks from multiple sides or really nasty choke points. You should REALLY read the story about why there are wormholes close to earth: Background story and progression Background story itself
is good, but its presentation..- You live on humanity's own mess up pile, they nuked their own planet, messed up space travel in worm hole experiments and fight against each other in the progress.-
background story before you play the game, more of the stuff makes sence then. Voice acting being one of them.
MEH aspects.How the story is told. Is a huge potential meh Some of the charecter commendaries are confusing and then there is voice acting. There are tons of negative comments about it and it can &Sound& atrocious.. least till you
bothered to read faction backstories from the web page.- UCN is mostly asian based none of them have native english its just common language.-Slavic Sirerians have intented slavic accent.-NSAU , well they are english. If you want to hear english : check out NSAUVoice acting actually was on most part design choise, also I heard from Jeremy that most of the voice actors were Volenteers, this is a small budget game after all.
The Artificial intelligence You really either hate or love this.I got my ??? kicked when I commanded everything myself. I had to learn to & let go& in mass fights and let the ai do its job.
It's not clever enough to start entire sector wide campaings with blizzard level of magnificience but its good enough be left to handle mass fights IF you do not order them too much.I have seen ai do stuff like- Cautious AI commander abandonts its fleet and runs. - Clever one focus fired enemy commanders down- More ruthless one totally ignored defense positions and just blew generators to kingdom come.Then again I also saw this : & Requesting attack to sector x& .. my OWN base was on that sector. Music and sounds Mostly background style music on neutral level, not something you'd want to burn on your harddrive and listen as separate ( As example age of wonder's sound track),
don't expect that, and the music's and sounds are good.Graphical presentationApparently game was made by choise somewhat simplistic, to allow larger fleet fight. This means there is not much eye candy.Nor eastern eggs, nor cards. Stuff like that is on works. And now the &why oh why& User interface I will first state that this is on rework apparently next patch.
Currently its complex.- Makers made the keybindings based on their own localisation, this resulted some farts like: repair key being altgr + 8 for eu player .
- Creating fleets and assigning advisors is clumsy.- It's hard to remove units from fleets and to add them to other fleets.-Fleet view at times doesn't view fleets but instead your main commanders face.And small stuff like that. I want my skip button While they already added options to skip things there is no way to skip in game cutschenes yet, and seeing them half dozen times on retries can be a pain.You can't skip end and defeat score screen either. Steam ui hates this game Standalone game works fine, but run it in steam you have issues like game crashing on alt tab. Multiplayer needs work
Multiplayer is somewhat complex and well, de syncing on large games. Simple design makes game blandNot much to explore in this game, it focuses on execution and battles so the space is just full of small stars, not much debris asteroids or things like that. Polish in clarity needed
Some things are hard to pick at, fleet locations, ally locations, you have to access minimap manually instead seeing it all the time but this is on works. Tutorial sucksBut can be skipped !Summary :Foresight is a space game placed on era where humans have nuked earth and ruined space travel with wormhole experiements, telling story of Thomas Locke UNC commander who will see quite a bit duing the game.Game is simple on the eye with decent sound score and good but optional backstory accessable from webside along with three fairly different factions and playstyles, that relies on semi ai controlled fleets
that can be used to fullest in zone based combat areas.While having lot of potential, it currently suffers from few ui optimisation issues as well as background based voice acting that people don't apreciate.
The game itself doesn't have fatal bugs specially if you play it directly and not on steam As the game is now I'd give it 67/100 but it has potential to be
75-80 game and it will be, the dev's are very active, contact players and discuss their ideas openly.
Give it a chance, I did and I don't regret it.
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0.2 hrs on record
From what I heard, the developers are taking in the negative comments and fixing them in the upcoming patch.To be honest, the gameplay is OK, and yes, it looks like an indie title through and through, but there is a certain charm to indie games.Btw, the cutscene artwork is fantastic.One thing the developers did wrong though - they should have launched this as a work in progress. That would have avoided the tons of negative flak.
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40.0 hrs on record
It reminds me very much of star trek armada and star wars empire at war, which in my books is a good thing as they were and are still my top 1st and 2nd space rts games!Highly recommended
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3.5 hrs on record
Today's RTS options are rather limited and i was hoping Foresight would change this.Sadly it dose not...let's get into it.I am going to let you know from the start that the game feels rushed and unfinished. It feels more like Early Access rather then release material.It has forced vsync... which creates mouse lag... in a RTS game this is not acceptable.You can work around this... for nVidia users you can create a profile for the game in the nVidia control panel, and force vsync off. This will resolve the lag issue and unlock the frames. There is NO controls menu.. so never-mind changing keys on a PC tittle... you can not even see what the controls are... and the tutorial dose not do the best job of pointing them out.The voice acting in the game is nothing short of terrible... it would have been better with text only.The graphics... are bearable for a tittle of this price but i seen better graphics on games that cost half as much.The AI dose not prio attacking units from structures and it just mindlessly plunges ahead shooting the first red thing it comes across regardless of whatever else it has around. At least this is what i found from the first 3 missions which is all i could go through before being to frustrated to continue. This is mostly because of the awkward controls and the lack of information about the controls.Because i did not play past the third mission i can not speak to the actual strategy in this game... what it prioritizes, what are its values or what approach it takes.It's not all bad... there are some good ideas here.The squadron / fleet concept is very interesting from my perspective and so is the sector mapping, the artwork presented in the cut-scenes is top notch! But all of these pale if the gameplay hinders the player.I do not know why Strides rushed this tittle out...but i got a sneaking suspicion (the usual reason) I hope they will be allowed to continue the development of this project and that in time we will get a decent RTS out of it (at least...)For now however i can find no justifiable reason for spending 23 euro on this version...maybe if you are really REALLY passionate about RTS games...maybe then.What else can i say... another sad day for RTS fans...unfortunately we kinda got used to it by now.For a clearer view on the game you can watch my first impressions video :
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4.4 hrs on record
Taking in consideration that the Foresight was created by indie developers is quite obvious that the didn't have an big budget to use.The game has 3 factions, each one has different units design and the factions way of playing/base building is different from one to another.The narration is ok in my opinion I don't understand why the other people are complaining.The graphics look old indeed but that's for you to judge if it's a bad thing, I personally like it. Old games are one of the best in the RTS genre. :)The game doesn't necessarily bring so many new things to the RTS genre, it's however different but still alike with other Real Time Strategy games regarding the resource gathering, units battle, units production population
etc...The multiplayer sadly is not as I expected, you need to request the IP of your friend in order to play and if you don't have a friend, multiplayer is not an option for you.I recommend this game if you look forward for diversity in the RTS genre but if you are looking for a game that offers a good story that makes your tears drop (like SC2 did for me), a good competitive level gameplay and intense multiplayer, you should go search for other games.
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2.4 hrs on record
Actually a fairly decent game despite the clunky UI. Reminds me of the Star Trek Armada series. Has a fair amount of potential but does need some work. You don't have to really babysit your units in combat which is a good thing and the game itself is rather easy to pick up and play. Devs are really open to feedback as well which is always a good sign.However for the current price? I could not recommend it, but if it is on sale at a lower price then I definitely recommend giving it a go.
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3.2 hrs on record
This game looks decent. It accually reminds of the old good days of Sci-Fi RTS like some comment said.And it keep updating and improving.
I am glad to find this game and enjoy it.
Hope it will be better and better.
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32.5 hrs on record
Well about 20 hours in and still enjoying the missions so gotta recommend based off that alone.But to go into alittle more detail Foresight is a fairly good Space RTS with base building and Fleet management like you would expect of any decent RTS. The Factions are fairly different from one another which is always good and the way fleets are handled by hiring commanders to.. well command them is an intresting change from what im use too. Plus the game does seem to be getting updates and bug fixes, updates that are indeed expanding and improving the game which is of course always a good thing as well.So all in all i'd recommend Foresight to any fans of the RTS genre. Especially fans of Space RTS games.
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6.0 hrs on record
The idea and style of gameplay looks enjoyable, but past that I can't say anything...because the game will not function on my computer! My current rig is running windows7 and is able to play Advanced Warfair at its highest settings, but it can't run Foresight?!Here are the details: I install it and launch the game, after about a minute it is able to
get to the main menu. So I start a game, it takes almost a full minute for it to load all the assets for the mission, and then puts me in. While in the mission it will barely keep up with me - as if i'm running a windows 95 device. And then one of two things will happen, either the game will freeze and become unresponsive, OR I restart the program
as intended, either way the
the game will never launch again! The screen goes dark and freezes,
or the first credit watermark
and i'm force to kill the process in the task manager to close it down. The ONLY way to attempt to play it again is if i delete the game, find its folder in the steamapps folder and delete all that remains of it, am i able to download it and attempt a play through again.As I said, fun LOOKING game....doesn't run at all.EDIT 2/27/15:After conversations with the developer directly, and tweaking multiple elements of system
finally got the game to work.Check out its further review:From the start, I said it wasn't recommended, but after actually being able to play it, I have to change my vote.
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0.3 hrs on record
This game has potencial & future.I'm testing it right now and stressing all its possibilities on graphics in 'Options' Menu.Currently i am using the following special steam command lines when launching the game:-freq 35 -refresh 35 -fullscreen -w 2560 -h 1440 -32bpp -dx11 -64 -high -aspectratio 16:9 -norestrictionsMonitor resolution set in
makes the space combat simulation much better and gorgeous.
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3.0 hrs on record
Giving this a &thumbs down& was difficult for me to do, mainly because space RTS's are probably one of my favorite genres to play.
As for what I don't like about it, the voice acting is horrid and the graphics aren't really reflective of modern day technology...the UI and camera controls (you can't rotate the camera and your zooming is limited) remind me a bit of Star Trek Armada from back in the day.
Base and turret building are present, but limited...there's just not a lot of building options here.
I do like the idea of building fleets and in doing so, your population cap will actually get smaller...at least that's how my experience went.
I essentially built ships until I hit my pop cap, hired a fleet commander and a fleet advisor and assigned them to the largest ship, then put them all into a fleet...then rinse and repeat.
There are three different factions and a skirmish mode, which I do like and appreciate.
I also like the wormhole/gate/sector system as it reminds me a bit of &AI War&.If the price were lower (say $5-$10), I'd give this a recommend.
As it stands, you can buy &Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity& for $20 which has (in my opinion) better graphics/camera controls and more depth (tech trees, more resources, etc).
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0.9 hrs on record
Set in a distant future, humanity has been decimated by a massive nuclear war.
Those that caused the war have long since fled Earth for the distant galaxies. As planet Earth slowly died, the survivors eventually have to face up to the inevitable and go in search of a new habitable planet. At the same time an experiment with dark matter creates a spatial anomaly, causing multiple wormholes to open up across the galaxy. In an instant, distant worlds that were once light years away can now be reached within a matter of days or even hours. But as humanity ventures in to the unknown, dangers await and battles for survival will ensue. With those responsible for the nuclear war at large somewhere in the galaxy, will they be friend or foe, or have they become something even worse?
Do other dangers exit?Foresite is a real time strategy game. In hindsight foresite is not
&Redefining Strategy in RTS&. I was hopeful for foresite however at the start the game really did not shine the voice acting is bad and the tutorial is very slow paced and this immediately put me off the game. I stopped playing at that point however I decided to give it another try, I started a single battle and this was a much better experience to me. It plays like most rts games you have to develop your base, generate units, defend your base and attack the enemy base. The game doesn't really set itself apart from other RTS games your units each have unique attributes such as you can build large, slow, tanky ships, fast scouts, units specialized for structure damage etc. Your structures are your base, power generators, ship manufactury, turrets etc. The number of structures you can have are limited by the amount of power you have and that is limited by the number of generators you can create.
The number of ships you can control is dependent on the number of captain points you have.The soundtrack of the game is fairly catchy and some epic music is well placed in an epic fight. The game itself doesn't look ultra HD nor do I think it needs to.The game play is fun but I do not see to much more in the way of strategic options than in any RTS game, once you get past the tutorial the game is fun though.If you enjoy other RTS games then you will probably enjoy this one to, my first time playing I thought this game was not worth playing but after my return to it I believe it deserves a chance 5/10 there are a lot of things that turn me off but its fun.
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0.7 hrs on record
well as of now i can say this:+its an RTS with ok grpahics (nothing special)-Voice acting is HORRIBLESomething is causeing the mouse to lag in an annoying way (might be vsync)The actual story telling is really lacking in depthoverall its an ok game but after playing some more , i have to agree its not one of those game your going to replay or return to (if you can continue playing enough of it to even finish it)im changing my opinion to no - its just not what i was expecting a modren rts to be
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6.2 hrs on record
Mediorcre RTS.
Very bad voice acting.
Elevator Music. Looks like it was a bad game made in 2002.My Let's Play:
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7.4 hrs on record
Very poor graphicsInconvenient operating menuLooks like this game is 4-5 years old
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Title: Foresight
Release Date: 28 Nov, 2014
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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