the same as造句 和the same that的区别

the same...as和the same..that引导定语从句的区别
Meet me at the same place---you did yesterday.A.where which C.that 这道题应该选哪个呢?是that还是as呢?为什么?
提问时间: 20:42:13提问者:
同学你好,选D。the same as是固定搭配。 欢迎登陆新东方在线欢迎到新东方在线论坛感谢您对新东方在线的支持和信任如您的问题未能得到妥善解决或有其他问题请访问:或联系售后客服:400 676 2300
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介词 +关系代词the same as that
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3秒自动关闭窗口请问 the same as for 跟 the same as 用法上有什么不同?_百度作业帮
请问 the same as for 跟 the same as 用法上有什么不同?
今天我们学习怎么用 the same, t-h-e s-a-m-e, the same 加上名词再加上 as, 比方: the same length as "长度跟什么什么一样", the same style as "款式跟什么什么一样" 等等. 首先我们还是听一段对话,内容是说 琳达到百货商店去给姐姐珍妮买生日礼物.请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调.M: May I help you?F: Yes, I would like to buy a swimming suit for my older sister as a birthday present.M: What size does she wear?F: Medium. The same size as I do.M: Would she like this style?F: No, do you have something different from this one?M: What about that one?F: The style is fine, but the color is too dark, Do you have something brighter?M: How about this one?F: It's too expensive.Do you have something cheaper?M: Yes, we do. There is a budget department on the first floor. Why don't you check there?F: Okay. Thank you very much.现在我请英文老师再把整段对话念一遍, 请你注意听.M: May I help you?F: Yes, I would like to buy a swimming suit for my older sister as a birthday present.M: What size does she wear?F: Medium. The same size as I do.M: Would she like this style?F: No, do you have something different from this one?M: What about that one?F: The style is fine, but the color is too dark, Do you have something brighter?M: How about this one?F: It's too expensive.Do you have something cheaper?M: Yes, we do. There is a budget department on the first floor. Why don't you check there?F: Okay. Thank you very much.刚才那段对话里有些句子用了形容词比较级, 有些句子用了我们今天要学的语 法, 现在我把这些句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍.F: I would like to buy a swimming suit for my older sister.F: The same size as I do.F: Do you have something different from this one?F: Do you have something brighter?F: Do you have something cheaper?二.THE SAME ... AS首先请你听一句话: Linda isn't as tall as Jenny. 这句话换个方式也可以这样说:Linda isn't the same height as Jenny. 现在我们用这两种说法把珍妮和琳达两个 姐妹作个比较. 在下面这组练习里有几个字你可能不太熟, 比方 "女用手提包" purse 和 "女衬衫" blouse. 这些字等一会儿我们还会重复练习. 现在我们开始 作语法练习. 请你注意听.M: Linda isn't as tall as Jenny.F: Linda isn't the same height as Jenny.M: Linda isn't as old as Jenny.F: Linda isn't the same age as Jenny.M: Linda's swimming suit isn't as expensive as Jenny's.F: Linda's swimming suit isn't the same price as Jenny's.M: Linda's hair isn't as brown as Jenny's.F: Linda's hair isn't the same color as Jenny's.M: Linda's skirt isn't as long as Jenny's.F: Linda's skirt isn't the same length as Jenny's.M: Linda's purse isn't as formal as Jenny's.F: Linda's purse isn't the same style as Jenny's.M: Linda's blouse isn't as big as Jenny'sF: Linda's blouse isn't the same size as Jenny's.现在我们来作代换练习. 老师先说一句话: This dress is the same length as that one. "这件连衣裙的长度跟那件一样". 接着老师给你一个字: style,你就把句子 改成: This dress is the same style as that one.老师也可能给你另外一个东西的 名称, 比方: "外套" coat, 那么你就应该把句子改成: This coat is the same length as that one. 好, 现在我们开始作练习.请你斟酌情况看看应该代换哪个字.每作 完一句,你就跟老师念的正确答案比较一下, 看你作对了没有.M: This dress is the same length as that one.M: styleF: This dress is the same style as that one.M: purseF: This purse is the same style as that one.M: colorF: This purse is the same color as that one.M: skirtF: This skirt is the same color as that one.M: priceF: This skirt is the same price as that one.M: blouseF: This blouse is the same price as that one.M: sizeF: This blouse is the same size as that one.M: coatF: This coat is the same size as that one.M: lengthF: This coat is the same length as that one.下面我们换一个方式作练习. 练习的内容还是提到百货商店里卖的东西, 比方 "一双短袜" a pair of socks, "一双女人穿的长袜子" a pair of stockings, "一条牛 仔裤" a pair of jeans, "一双靴子" a pair of boots 等等. 练习的作法是由老师提出 一个问题, 比方: Is this pair of socks the same color as that pair? 接着老师说:dark, 学生就用这个形容词的比较级作否定的答覆, 所以答案就是: No, this pair of socks is darker than that pair. 好, 现在我们开始作练习. 请你在学生回答问题 的时候也一起回答.M: Is this pair of socks the same color as that pair?M: darkF: No, this pair of socks is darker than that pair.M: Is this pair of stockings the same length as that pair?M: shortF: No, this pair of stockings is shorter than that pair.M: Is this pair of boots the same price as that pair?M: expensiveF: No, this pair of boots is more expensive than that pair.M: Is this pair of pants the same size as that pair?M: smallF: No, this pair of pants is smaller than that pair.M: Is this pair of gloves the same style as that pair?M: formalF: No, this pair of gloves is more formal than that pair.M: Is this pair of glasses the same price as that pair?M: cheapF: No, this pair of glasses is cheaper than that pair.M: Is this pair of jeans the same length as that pair?M: longF: No, this pair of jeans is longer than that pair.the same as和the same to的区别如果想表示“我也一样”,用the same as/to造句应该是用the same as还是用the same to?两者又有什么区别?_百度作业帮
the same as和the same to的区别如果想表示“我也一样”,用the same as/to造句应该是用the same as还是用the same to?两者又有什么区别?
如果想表示“我也一样”,用the same as/to造句应该是用the same as还是用the same to?两者又有什么区别?
(1)the same as :意思是:与.一样句子结构通常是:主语+系动词+the same +as +宾语 (另外一个相似但是不同的物体)例如:His dream is the same asmine.他的梦想和我的一样.
Your opinion is the same as mine. (2)the same +名词+as +名词例如:Salt is the same colour as snow
She has the same hair as his younger sister
We have the same way as those persons
He is not the same man as he was. 他和过去不同了
This is the same instrument as westand in need of
这正是我们迫切需要的仪表. (3)the same that 句子结构通常是:主语+系动词+the same +that +定语从句 (指代原先的那个事物)例如:This is the same penthat I lost last week.这就是我上周丢失的那支钢(4)the same with 意为“……也一样”(强调前面的情况也适用于后者;指某个事情)(主语可能是某一种情形对于某一个主体跟前面已经提到过的主体是一样的).例如:One shouldspeak clearly and it is the same with writing.
My thought are also same with Mary.我的想法对玛丽也适用.
Mary went to Beijing but didn't go to the Palace Musume. It was the same with Jane.
例:John is not good at basketball, the same with Tom.(5)the same to 习惯用语"你也一样("在别人向自己祝福后,用这句话表示给别人同样的祝福)A:Happy new year!新年快乐!B: The same to you.你也一样.(也祝你新年快乐)the same as 与…同样的;无异; 与…一致,与…相同的 1Rick hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school.里克一点儿没变,他和上学时一模一样. 2. My opinion is on the whole the same as yours. 我的意见大体上同你的差不多. 3. Our job today is the same as before. 今天的活儿跟往常一样. 4. His wind-breaker is the same as yours. 他的风衣和你的一样. 5. It's the same as killing one's own father. 何啻杀父. 6. The office looked exactly the same as before, only some charts were added to the wall. 办公室里还是那个老样子,只是墙上多了一些图表. 7. The weather of this year is not the same as that of the past years. 今年的气候同往年不一样. 8. My stand on this is just the same as it was four years ago. 我对此事的立场与4年前的无异. 9. His wife's condition remained the same as ever without getting any worse. 太太病也老是这样,并不加重. 10. Aren't the Koreans the same as our own countrymen? 朝鲜人民和我们祖国的人民不是一样的吗? 11. I had to remind myself that being confident is not the same as being perfect! 我得提醒自己表现得自信和表现得完美并不是一回事! 12. "About the same as usual,'said Hurstwood, smiling genially.“和往常差不多,"赫斯渥说,亲切地笑了笑. 13. I'll book you out at the same time as myself. 我将替你办与我同时离开旅馆的手续. 14. As actress Jane is not in the same class as Susan. 作为演员,简不如苏珊. 15. Some people think that ventilation is the same thing as air conditioning. 有些人以为通风和空调是一回事. 16. His trick is cut from the same cloth as yours. 他的这套把戏与你的手段是一路货色. 17. The imperial gallon is not the same size as the US one. 英制的加仑与美制的容量不同. 18. Her clothes are not in the same street as yours. 她的衣着根本无法与你的相比. 19. The preliminary computation is the same as that for ordinary levelling. 概算与普遍水准测量相同. 20. Just the same, as compared with other men, I sympathize with you. 可是,同别人比较起来,我还是同情你的. (2) the same to
对…也一样 1They look precisely the same to me. 依我看他们的长相一模一样. 2. She has been always the same to me. 她对我始终如一. 3. No, Scarlett, when you are sixty, you'll look the same to me. 不思嘉,在我看来,你到六十岁也还是一样的. 4. The system has the ability to run more than one program at the same time. 该系统能够同时运行一个以上的程序. 5. My brother and I went to the same school. 我和我哥哥上的是同一所学校. 6. Most British visitors beat a well-worn path to the same tourist areas of the US. 大多数英国游客总沿着一条老路线参观相同的美国旅游景点. 7. A wide promenade allows many people to walk at the same time. 宽阔的人行道可容许多人同时行走. 8. Strangely enough,I said the same thing to my wife only yesterday. 说也奇怪,我就在昨天也同妻子谈到这件事. 9. Her success encouraged me to try the same thing. 她的成功激励我去做同样的尝试. 10. They go to the same campsite year in year out. 他们年年都去同一个营地野营. 11. The British and Dutch belong to the same race. 英国人和荷兰人是同一种族. 12. They are not to be mentioned in the same breath. 他们不可同日而语. 13. I want to go there and back on the same day. 我想一天就来回. 14. The government trundled out the same old cliches to justify their actions. 政府搬出一堆老掉牙的理由为自己的做法辩护. 15. They're happy to stay in the same old groove. 他们乐于墨守成规. 16. I was irritated to hear her sing the same song. 我听见她唱老调就很生气. 17. You can do it now or later--it's all the same to me. 你现在办也行,以后办也行,对我无所谓. 18. Men with moustaches all look the same to me. 在我看来,凡是留须的人模样都很像. 19. She hoped the fact she was here implied something of the same to him. 他希望她到这儿来的本身也能使她体会到同样的意思. 20. You can do it now or it's all the same to me. 你可以现在做或留待以后再做,对我来说都一样.the same as 的用法
Published works of nationals of any Contracting State and works first published in that State shall enjoy in each other Contracting State the same protection as that other State accords to works of its nationals first published in its own territory, as well as the protection specially granted by this convention.
其中the same protection as that 为什么这里加了个that,是什么成分?
 the same x as y
  和 y 一样的 x
  same way as their fellow Australians - 和其他澳洲人一样的生活方式
  the same route as Cook'S Endeavour sixty years earlier - 和六十年前Cook一样的路线
  at the same level as at home - 像在家学习一样的程度
  same senses as we do - 像我们一样的器官来感觉
1. the same as 与the same that 的差异
174. A letter by Mark Twain, written in nayear as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were published, reveals that Twain provided financial assistance to one of the first Black students at Yale Law School.
A. A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were published,
B. A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year of publication as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
C. A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published,
D. Mark Twain wrote a letter in the same year as he published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that
E. Mark Twain wrote a letter in the same year of publication as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that
In this sentence, the relative pronoun that should introduce the clause The Adventures ... published to make a relative clause modifying year. Also, the singular title of the novel demands a singular verb: for example, one would say, &The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is (not &are&) a great book.& Only C, the best choice, satisfies both requirements. Choices A and D incorrectly substitute as for that to introduce the relative clause. Choice A also mistakes the novel title for a plural (were published). B confuses meaning (written in the same year of publication as). E creates a similar confusion of meaning, and both D and E are awkward and imprecise because that is too far away from its referent (letter) to be clear.
解释中清楚而明白地指出:在此句中需要一个关系代词来引导定语从句修饰year。而A错误地用as代替that来引导这个从句.......。 由此证明, the same as 与the same that的用法是有区别的。 我认为这里由于A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published,
注意前面一个的动词是written ,而后面一个的动词是published 所以这里只能用that来引导而不是as。
那么我们是否可以认为the same as 比 the
that 更要强调动作的相同性。
大家再看看og上其它的例子:由于下面各句中,the same as 比较的针对两个东东的动词都是一致的,所以as后面有大量的省略。
D. Because new small businesses are growing and are s
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