
More Translations from the Chinese by Juyi Bai and Arthur Waley - Free Ebook
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More Translations from the Chinese
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Aug 10, 2005
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audio books by Jane Austenthe traffic police have also been carried out on blood Wang. Currently the blood test report has not come out.
Butt after car accident hit a roadside car driver stuck in the on-site network pictureAt 22:30 on November 1, users on the microblogging broke the news,, saying that a boy knocked Changzhou Institute of Technology,, the perpetrator is a public servant, a suspected drunk driving after the accident and tried to take a taxi to escape , was stopped by the site for students and onlookers.&#160;Yesterday, the Modern Express reporter learned from the traffic police department in Changzhou, blowing through the scene, the perpetrators of Wang&#39;s alcohol content is 24mg / 100ml. According to regulations, the traffic police have also been carried out on blood Wang. Currently the blood test report has not come out.&#160;According Changzhou City Land Resources Bureau, an official confirmed that Wang Changzhou City Land Resources monitoring detachment vice-captain,, the vehicle for the bus. After knowing the situation, Land Bureau Wang made immediately suspended punishment.&#160;Net exposure of public servants suspected of drunk driving hit man&#160;22:25 pm November 1, "Yin &#22958;&#29790;&#25289; @ 501" on Sina Weibo claimed that the Changzhou Institute of Technology, a student at the school near the south gate, was a man drove drunk driving directly into the wall. Pictures taken from the users perspective, the perpetrator is black Passat car,, license plate number, "Su D10768". "We also look at the license plate of the know,, the perpetrators think twice to take a taxi to flee the scene. People deadlocked for more than one hour, the car was surrounded not let him go!"&#160;Modern Express reporter noticed the picture,, the front windshield of the vehicle has crashed, and the roadside two cars also suffer together, the scene around over the public.&#160;People want to take a taxi and gave the driver the perpetrators fled after&#160;13:00 yesterday, the reporter came to the Modern Express Gate regular hospital workers, people around that scene in front of the gym on South Road, Plum kindergarten center on the east side.&#160;Tsang nearby restaurants, told reporters at 20:30 on the 1st or so, he was sitting in front of the store to rest, suddenly heard the "bang", quickly got a look and found not far from a car accident.&#160;"A middle-aged man, driving a Passat hit a student, also hit by a roadside two parked cars, children have been playing to the wall." Tsang said, "hit man after man found first After two turns round to see the child situation,, as people call 120. The ambulance after that, when we are in the car helped lift the injured,, he wants to take a taxi in disarray, pulled down by onlookers, after We always Duzhe car let go. "&#160;Another restaurant shop owner also said: "The man was obviously drunk driving, roads are gone shaky after hit people want to take a taxi,, people have sat in my car, and was pulled down and the students still heard. official site twice pulled out his credentials. too outrageous, of course, thinking about the butt of the first is to send the injured to the hospital. "&#160;Police report has not yet been carried out but the blood&#160;According to the traffic police department in Changzhou,, eight forty that night, police received a report of a telephone, and then rushed to the scene. "Live blowing, the alcohol content of the perpetrators Wang 24mg / 100ml. Subsequently, the police took him to the First People&#39;s Hospital of Changzhou, blood, blood tests, but the report has not come out now, take a week&#39;s time." A staff member of the traffic police department said. According to regulations, the driver&#39;s blood alcohol content greater than or equal to 20mg / 100ml, less than 80mg / 100ml are driving after drinking. But Wang is not exactly drunk driving,, the staff said the need to wait for the blood test report.&#160;According to reports, the injured worker as a boy often School of Mechatronics Engineering College 14 car classes, the injury is not serious.&#160;Land Bureau to investigate the perpetrators suspended processing&#160,;After the "@ Yin &#22958;&#29790;&#2" micro-blog is issued, causing hot friends. Modern Express reporter found that there are users a message that the perpetrators of the staff of Land and Resources Bureau of Changzhou.&#160;Yesterday afternoon, the reporter to Changzhou Land Resources Bureau to verify a person in charge,, he said Wang indeed Changzhou City Land Resources monitoring detachment vice-captain, they are driving the vehicle for the bus, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the civil servants working hours shall not be used the bus. Wang clear violation of the act.&#160,;Yesterday afternoon,, Wang was the initiative to report the situation to the Bureau. "We just know that this thing is, after a few leaders to discuss a bit, think this thing will certainly be severely dealt with, all the consequences of his own making, and certainly by him a bear."&#160;This is the name of the person in charge said, after deliberation, the bureau of Wang made three decisions. "First of all to instruct him to the hospital to visit condol secondly i then together with the public security organs and units do matter for further investigation and evidence gathering."
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即将到来的;现有的 (forth向前+come来+ing正……的→forthcoming即将到来的;现有的)
受欢迎的 (wel=well好+come来→n.&vt 欢迎 int.欢迎 adj.受欢迎的)
即将来到的 (come来+ing正……的→coming即将来到的)
(wel=well好+come来→n.&vt 欢迎 int.欢迎 adj.受欢迎的)
(wel=well好+come来→n.&vt 欢迎 int.欢迎 adj.受欢迎的)
结果, 成果 (out出+come来→出来→结果,成果)
收入, 收益, 进款, 所得 (in进入+come来→进来→收入, 收益)
来, 来临, 到达, 出现 (come来→v.来, 来临, 到达, 出现)
come about
1. 出现;发生
3. 【航海】 改变航向
come across
1. 偶然遇到或找到
came across my old college roommate in town today.
2. 付要求的钱
came across with the check.
3. 给予印象
“He comes across as a very sincere, religious individual”(- William L. Clay)
“他给人的印象是一个很虔诚的、笃实的人”(- 威廉L.克莱)
come along
1. 进展:对一个目标有进步;前进
Things are coming along fine.
2. 跟随:与另一个带头的人走
I'll come along on the hike.
3. 表现;出现
Don't take the first offer that comes along.
come around
或 come round
1. 恢复,还原
fainted but soon came around.
2. 改变某人意见或立场
You'll come around after you hear the whole story.
come a cropper
1. 彻底失败
come clean
1. 全都坦白
come down on
1. 申斥,谴责:严厉地且强有力地处罚、反对或谴责
a district attorney who came down hard on drug dealers.
come down to
1. 直率地面对或处理
When you come right down to it, you have to admit I'm correct.
2. 在意义上相当于
It comes down to this: the man is a cheat.
1. “来到;达到;出现”释义下的同义词
1. “来;变成;发生;来自”释义下的反义词
: 最普通用词,作为连系动词,指从一个状态向另一个状态的变化。
: 常指某人或某物有意无意地获得引起变化的因素,结果使变成另一状态。
: 常指逐渐地变成新状态,强调渐变的过程。
: 侧重指变得与原来截然不同,有时含贬义。
: 作为连系动词,通常与形容词连用,指进入某种状态,从而发生变化,多指不好的状态。
: 侧重变化的经过或过程,多用于不良情况。
come, arrive, reach这些动词均含“到达”之意。
: 普通用词,含义广泛。强调到达的动作或进程,不侧重是否到达目的地。也可用于比喻意义。
: 侧重到达目的地或达到某一目标。也可用作比喻。
: 既可指到达目的地,又可指到达途中的中间站。强调经过的周折或付出的努力。
Come is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words in this dictionary. For example, the expression ‘to come to terms with something’ is explained at ‘term’.与 come 有关的大量表达方式在本词典的其他词条下有释义。例如,to come to terms with something 的解释在词条 term 下。
The form come is used in the present tense and is the past participle. come 过去分词与原形相同。
来;来到 When a person or thing comes to a particular place, especially to a place where you are, they move there.&
【语法信息】:V prep/adv
【语法信息】:V -ing prep/adv
Two police officers came into the hall...
Come here, Tom...
You'll have to come with us...
来(做某事)(除了用 come to do something 表达此意,英国英语中也用 come and do something,美国英语中也用 come do something,但表示过去动作时一定要用 came and did something) When someone comes to do something, they move to the place where someone else is in order to do it, and they do it. In British English, someone can also come and do something and in American English, someone can come do something. However, you always say that someone came and did something.&
【语法信息】:V to-inf
【语法信息】:V and v
【语法信息】:V inf
Eleanor had come to visit her...
Come and meet Roger...
A lot of our friends came and saw me...
抵达;到达 When you come to a place, you reach it.&
【语法信息】:V to n
He came to a door that led into a passageway.
达到;至;及 If something comes up to a particular point or down to it, it is tall enough, deep enough, or long enough to reach that point.&
【语法信息】:V up/down prep
The water came up to my chest...
I wore a large shirt of Jamie's which came down over my hips.
破裂;破碎;脱落;脱离 If something comes apart or comes to pieces, it breaks into pieces. If something comes off or comes away, it becomes detached from something else.&
【语法信息】:V adv/prep
The pistol came to pieces, easily and quickly...
The door knobs came off in our hands.
达到,进入(某种状态或境地) You use come in expressions such as come to an end or come into operation to indicate that someone or something enters or reaches a particular state or situation.&
【语法信息】:V to n
【语法信息】:V into n
【语法信息】:V adj
The summer came to an end...
The Communists came to power in 1944...
I came into contact with very bright Harvard and Yale students...
(经历漫长的过程或时间后)开始(做某事) If someone comes to do something, they do it at the end of a long process or period of time.&
【语法信息】:V to-inf
She said it so many times that she came to believe it...
Although it was a secret wedding, the press did eventually come to hear about it.
(如何)发生,出现 You can ask how something came to happen when you want to know what caused it to happen or made it possible.&
【语法信息】:V to-inf
How did you come to meet him?
(事件)发生;(时间)到来 When a particular event or time comes, it arrives or happens.&
【语法信息】:V prep/adv
【语法信息】:there V n
The announcement came after a meeting at the Home Office...
The time has come for us to move on...
There will come a time when the crisis will occur.
Most of my patients welcome the coming of summer.
(用于日期、时间或事件之前)当…到来时 You can use come before a date, time, or event to mean when that date, time, or event arrives. For example, you can say come the spring to mean 'when the spring arrives'.&
Come the election on the 20th of May, we will have to decide...
He's going to be up there again come Sunday.
突然被…意识到;突然被…想起 If a thought, idea, or memory comes to you, you suddenly think of it or remember it.&
【语法信息】:V to n
【语法信息】:it V to n that
He was about to shut the door when an idea came to him...
Then it came to me that perhaps he did understand.
由…继承;归…所有 If money or property is going to come to you, you are going to inherit or receive it.&
【语法信息】:V to n
The fortune will come to you...
He did have pension money coming to him when the factory shut down.
(案件)提交…审理,送交…进行处理 If a case comes before a court or tribunal or comes to court, it is presented there so that the court or tribunal can examine it.&
【语法信息】:V before n
【语法信息】:V to n
The membership application came before the Council of Ministers in September...
President Cristiani expected the case to come to court within ninety days.
总共;共计 If something comes to a particular number or amount, it adds up to it.&
【语法信息】:V to amount
Lunch came to $80.
来自;始于 If someone or something comes from a particular place or thing, that place or thing is their origin, source, or starting point.&
【语法信息】:V from n
Nearly half the students come from abroad...
Chocolate comes from the cacao tree...
The term 'claret', used to describe Bordeaux wines, may come from the French word 'clairet'.
用来指称波尔多葡萄酒的词 claret 可能源于法语单词 clairet。
由…引起;是…的结果 Something that comes from something else or comes of it is the result of it.&
【语法信息】:V from n/-ing
【语法信息】:V of n/-ing
There is a feeling of power that comes from driving fast...
Some good might come of all this gloomy business...
He asked to be transferred there some years ago, but nothing came of it.
出身于;来自 If someone comes of a particular family or type of family, they are descended from them.&
【语法信息】:V of n
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式
She comes of a very good family.
(表示顺序或名次)处于,位列 If someone or something comes first, next, or last, they are first, next, or last in a series, list, or competition.&
【语法信息】:V ord
The two countries have been unable to agree which step should come next...
The alphabet might be more rational if all the vowels came first...
The horse had already won at Lincolnshire and come second at Lowesby.
有,可提供(某种颜色、形状、款式或尺寸) If a type of thing comes in a particular range of colours, forms, styles, or sizes, it can have any of those colours, forms, styles, or sizes.&
【语法信息】:V in n
Bikes come in all shapes and sizes...
The wallpaper comes in black and white only.
(用于表示对某事的反应)让人… You use come in expressions such as it came as a surprise when indicating a person's reaction to something that happens.&
【语法信息】:V as n to n
【语法信息】:V as n
Major's reply came as a complete surprise to the House of Commons...
The arrest has come as a terrible shock.
谈论;谈到 The next subject in a discussion that you come to is the one that you talk about next.&
【语法信息】:V to n
Finally in the programme, we come to the news that the American composer and conductor, Leonard Bernstein, has died...
That is another matter altogether. And we shall come to that next.
(用以鼓励或安慰)好了,得啦 People say 'Come' to encourage or comfort someone.&
'Come, eat!' the old woman urged.
达到性高潮 To come means to have an orgasm.&
再说一遍?你说什么来着? Some people say 'Come again?' when they want you to repeat what you have just said.&
极…的;非常…的 If you say that someone is, for example, as good as they come, or as stupid as they come, you are emphasizing that they are extremely good or extremely stupid.&
The new finance minister was educated at Oxford and is as traditional as they come.
(表示不赞成或不同意)哦,不,别这样 People say 'Come, come' to indicate that they disapprove of or disagree with what someone has just said or done.&
'You hope for something in Mrs Zuckerman's will?' — 'Come, come, Mr Trethowan. Of course not.'
归结为;归根结底 You can use the expression when it comes down to it or when you come down to it for emphasis, when you are giving a general statement or conclusion.&
【搭配模式】:PHR with cl
When you come down to it, however, the basic problems of life have not changed...
Few people, when it comes down to it, are so selfless.
自作自受;活该 If you say that someone has it coming to them, you mean that they deserve everything bad that is going to happen to them, because they have done something wrong or are a bad person. If you say that someone got what was coming to them, you mean that they deserved the punishment or bad experience that they have had.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
He was pleased that Brady was dead because he probably had it coming to him.
突然想起来;突然明白过来 You use the expression come to think of it to indicate that you have suddenly realized something, often something obvious.&
【搭配模式】:PHR with cl
He was his distant relative, as was everyone else on the island, come to think of it...
You know, when you come to think of it, this is very odd.
(时间或事件)未来的,接下来的 When you refer to a time or an event to come or one that is still to come, you are referring to a future time or event.&
【搭配模式】:usu n PHR
The War will remain a heated topic of debate for some time to come...
I hope in years to come he will reflect on his decision...
The worst of the storm is yet to come.
谈到;涉及 You can use the expression when it comes to or when it comes down to in order to introduce a new topic or a new aspect of a topic that you are talking about.&
【搭配模式】:PHR n/-ing
Most of us know we should cut down on fat. But knowing such things isn't much help when it comes to shopping and eating...
However, when it comes down to somebody that they know, they have a different feeling.
我明白你的意思/你可以看出她的态度 You can use expressions like I know where you're coming from or you can see where she's coming from to say that you understand
someone's attitude or point of view.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
To understand why they are doing it, it is necessary to know where they are coming from...
You see where I'm coming from?
1. 来; 来到; 到达; 抵达(某地)
Come here, please.
Uncle's birthday is coming soon.
2. 移动, 行走, 行进(某段距离)
3. 到达, 达到
Has the train come through?
After much talk they came to an agreement.
经过多次商谈, 他们达成了协议。
4. 出现于…, 位于…, 处于(某位置)
The car skidded off the road and came to rest in a field.
汽车滑出公路, 在田里停了下来。
These troubles came along all at the same time that I was at a loss.
这些麻烦突然一起发生, 使我不知所措。
5. 转入另一种状态, (用于许多词组表示达到某种状态)达到, 进入
Computer technology has come a long way since the 1970s.
自70年代以来, 电脑技术有了很大的发展。
7. (用于疑问句,表示怎么或为什么)
8. 货品、产品等可提供;有(货)
9. 达到(认识、理解或相信的程度)
10. 达到性高潮
11. 落到,降临
12. 想起,想到,在脑中出现
13. 结果,导致,终归(常与of连用)
That's what comes of disobeying the instructions.
14. 进行;进展;生活过得…(常与along连用)
He was coming along well after the operation.
15. 出生,生自
The baby came at noon.
16. 来自,是在…长大的(常与from连用)
He comes from the Netherlands.
17. 共计,总共(常与to连用)
His earnings come to £5,000 a year.
1. 成为, 变为; 变得, 终于
This great prediction is coming true.
He had come to see the problem in a new light.
The buttons came unfastened.
1. 来做;来取;来拿
2. 来(尤指相聚、往某地,或出席活动)
3. (…地)来;边…边来
4. (提及的时间)到来
5. (…地)来;边…边来
1. (鼓励某人要有理智或通情达理,或表示不太赞同)嗨,得啦,好啦
1. move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach s
"He came singing down the road"
"Come with me to the Casbah"
"come down here!"
"come out of the closet!"
"come into the room"
2. arrive by
"She arrived home at 7 o'clock"
"She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight"
3. arrive,
"The first success came three days later"
"It came as a shock"
"Dawn comes early in June"
4. reach a state, relation,
"The water came to a boil"
"We came to understand the true meaning of life"
"Their anger came to a boil"
"I came to realize the true meaning of life"
5. to be t
"Melons come from a vine"
"Understanding comes from experience"
6. enter or assume a condition, relation, use,
"He came into contact with a terrorist group"
"The shoes came untied"
"I came to see his point of view"
"her face went red with anger"
"The knot came loose"
"Your wish will come true"
"These shoes
The furniture comes unassembled"
"A scream came from the woman's mouth"
"His breath came hard"
"She hails from Kalamazoo"
"The water came up to my waist"
"The sleeves come to your knuckles"
11. exist or occur in a certa
"Next came the student from France"
12. be connected by a relationship of blood,
"She was descended from an old Italian noble family"
"he comes from humble origins"
"She came a long way"
14. come under, be cl
"fall into a category"
"This comes under a new heading"
"Nothing good will come of this"
16. add up i
"The bills amounted to $2,000"
"The bill came to $2,000"
"This idea will never amount to anything"
"nothing came of his grandiose plans"
"News came in of the massacre in Rwanda"
19. come to one'
"It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary"
"A great idea then came to her"
"How is she doing in her new job?"
"How are you making out in graduate school?"
"He's come a long way"
"she could not come because she was too upset"
"My family comes first"
2.uptime 开始向杀菌锅内通入蒸汽至锅内温度达到规定的杀菌温度的时间。
人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... store n. 商店 come v. 来;来到 buy v. 购买;买.
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人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... store n. 商店 come v. 来;来到 buy v. 购买;买.
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i might have come to a wrong conclusion ., 我或许得出了错误的结论.
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赛珍珠_互动百科 ... 《桥》( A Bridge for Passing) 《来吧(come),亲爱的》( Come,My Beloved) 《命令与清晨》( Command the Mor…
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大学英语四级常用词组 ... come to terms with 达成协议;妥协,让步 come true 实现,达到 come up 走近;(从土中)长出.
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人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... shelf 架子 come out 出来 cover 表面.
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大学英语四级常用词组 ... come forth 出来;涌现 come home 回家;打中 come into 进入;得到.
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...“在西班牙可就不一样了。球迷们会想方设法接近球员的私人生活。”, “利物浦球迷很热情,但他们一开始只会说‘加油’(come on),他们不会盲目地贬低或支持你。”, 不过,托雷斯也承认转会到英国并非一帆风顺,开错车道的习惯还需要慢慢纠正。.
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释义 [k&#652;m] vi. (came [keim]; come) 来, 到; 走近; 接近; 到来, 来临 产生, 发生; 发现; 引起 [常与to连用]来自; 归因是, 结果是 出现于, 位于 达到, 延伸; 伸展到 [常与 on, along 连用]成熟起来 需要锛埬持诛級代价锛埐拍苁迪郑 得到锛 [常与 of, from 连用]出身, 出生于 [常与 up 连用]进展; 提升 [常与 to 连用]等于, 总共, 共达。.. 有; 装; 存 生活得锛埲绾物級 锛埢跷锏蕊級被供应 [常与 n
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